The Wingham Advance-Times, 1959-11-04, Page 100,Wee•?:
McK10110.N: 1$1,OCK
Take Niagep•'s
• 20:1411NUTE, TEST ,
Bubb' Hood I,
White or Chaerilate
Family Size 2 for 63
•• jack Willits,' reeve of Turnberry
and Bill Mundell, road engineer,
were 'guests of the Wingham
Sportsmen's Club at the meeting
on Monday evening. Abner Neth-
cry, president, was in charge and
•it was 'gratifying to have such a
good turnout.
' "Slini" Boucher' was appointed to
succeed Bob Lewis, who recently
moved to North Bay, as the N,R.A,
chief: instructor ' for •the Junior
Conservation Club. Ron Bell was
appointed chairman of the ticket
Committee for a monthly draw Of
$50.' Other members of the com-
mittee are Raymond Merkley and
Frank Caskanette, Preparations
are being made for the annual
banquet, The date Will be an-
nounted later.
A report. of the Thanksgiving
shoot discloed that even with ad-
verse weather conditions the club
had `cleared over $200. It was
decided .to hold tk. small shoot on
Saturday of this Week at 1 part,
at the grounds, when Only 12
gauge shotguns will he used. The
Prizes Will include turkeys, geese,
ehlekeris and shotgun shells, with
over a case of shells being offered.
The committee far t he shoot is
headed bY "Plim" Boucher, with
Building Permit
(Continued from Page One)
age was an entirely different mat-
ter than a service station and in
reference to his previous employ• -
ment with a petroleum company
said, "Let it be understood that I•
halve *absolutely • no interest in the
petroleum industry at 'the present
time." He thee, .stated that there
was' no doubt in, his mind that the
fire hazard presented by a bulk
storage plant would be an increase
over the existing situation,
„ . The oil company's representa.
tives said that the Armstrong
home would not he purchased if
the permit was not granted, and
that a 'new service station will not
be built if the bulk Storage,aas to
be located outside of town.
The oil firm spokesmen theta
went on to argue their points,
which were based . on the fact, that
they had investigated and found
that property owners aa the ylcin7
ity were not opposed to the bulk
storage plant; that thCy did not
feel the fire hazard was in any
way increased; , that , the plant,
would not increase any existing
traffic hazard; that the town would
not lose taxes by. the removal of
the Armstrong home, as the new
structures would make up for this
loss; that the area was not a re-
sidential zone , but. was already
classified as, Commercial; that the
fire hazard of the present ,bulk
plant on CNR, property was greater
than the new plant and that the
future basiness to be handled from
the new plant would be less than
the current operation since the
plant was. being ..designed 'to ser-
vice basically the Wingham , dis-
trict and the old plant, services
several other commUraties which
new have their own storage. •
Mayor McKinney seminar:1 up the
stand which council had taken pte-
viouSly by saying "We simply claret
want a bulk plant at this location,
but we would be glad td see it'neW
service station." He used as his
arguments Mereased fire hazard,
deptetititian of property values
close to the plant, itere.,a8ed tralu
fie hazard and poor lioneekeeping
Which is usual' at bulk plants, as
well as suggesting that the Ware.
house, Widely Would ho of steel-clad
eanstrtieLion. Walild he unsightly,
.re."10ree.eirt,e-eN. Bud Burgess and Jae O4rx assist-,
.J;1 0 the committee. Any of
these .nrien .may be contacted for
.infermation regarding the shoot,
Anyone Is 'wolf:pole to participate,.
,• Plane are being completed for a
free dance to be held for mem-
ui 17 04/-TiMi'41
%Ito NOVA 414A
0Oerahtt el0,4
PPeted tp *..,treet*PVt.011 eta
the clab house 'w/l) .belieated IP!
future .functions,
Novilloattgoo for OW' elCOOTI
affieerp Will be made at. the Ike
meeting, to be held the first No
berii and friends en 'Tuesday,. day An PenenIker, PV
'CUM Theatre
fira Shows Each Night Clnardene.,
ing at 745 P.M,
THI1R0•11a.-SAT. NOV. 5-6-7
ithilible Bill
Louis Prima, Feely Smith
Robert Knapp, Jana Davi.
George Williams
Located. in Mason's Store.
Olving to leek of space, watches
'Rd enroll clocks only.
Stewart A. Scott Wishes to notify all policy holders that as of,• tkI
ciPte his, new 9ffice. is afticilted three. doors wgsi• of ,
Josephine St. on John (next to Dr. Howson's, (Micah
OFFICE HOURS-9 a,m. to 6 p.m, PHONE 293W.
For other than office hours phone rasidenca,
, A
lir Bruce'lldgar. aQ.M:
Merme his neW'
Bank of Conalnerce at VilkniVW
today, He has been with the hank
Beaverton. Mrs, Edgar
by will move to. Unionville ,on No-
—Mrs, Norman, Cameron has' re-
tweed to her home bete after
spending two weeks with relatives
in Montreal,
—afr, and Mrs, Whitney Grode
and Pebble unwed intp one of the
trailers at the Blnevale park 'on
Monday, They have :spent the past
several months at their cottage at
••*---Mr. and Mrs. Garry Leeson, of
Toronto .spent a fdw days with her
parents, Mr, and Mrs. Robert Gal-
-Mrs. lYlabel Nicholson and Mrs
Minnie Hingston returned home on
X9404.y:. from. A„ ., weeks!, stay.
with the family of their niece, Mrs.
Charles Bonney of Prineeton, (ant,
During that time Mr. and Mrs,
'Bonney enjoyed a trip to` the Bri-
tish Isles, where he was one • of
the representatives of Canada at
the world plowing meta, at A.r-
moy, Ireland:, Mr. Bonney planed
second in, the competition.
--Miss NTIna, Begley of Pert Do-
ver •returned home after: spending
three weeks with Mrs. Martha
Warwick, .
—Ven. C. J, Queen, and Capon
A. H, Davis were guests for tea
with 'Rev. and Mrs.• C, F. Johnson
at St. paul's rectory on Sunday,
—Mn and Mrs.' Hugh Sinnamon,
'Minnie pt., Mr: and :Mrs.' 'Olen
Sinnamon, Mr, and' Mrs, Robert
Sinnamon and ,son Richard, Mrs,
Stewart 'Forsyth and :children; Mr:
and Mrs. Philip McMillan and. Isa-
bel of Lucknow and Mr, and Mrs
B. W. Beeeraft and 'Ronald and
Kirk were at Kitchener on Sunday
and visited with •Mr. and, Mrs,•
Archie Hertel, Kirk Beecroft had
the misfortune to fall frOm a bi-
cycle during the afternoon and was
taken to , K.-W. Hospital for treat-,
-ment for concussion,
1.1,0t111,,,1 ....... ... I ...
If'Nerntail Keating and Ma
4etr,''PatOer, ;µ'h.17 haVe been work.-
"in Windsor, have returned
bole, •
'Nearly 40 figura skaters register-
ea at' the council chamber on Seta
,UtdaY and Vero have eantaete4
Mrs: Wild since that time,
Mc, rand Mrs, Fete Bennett and
family of Ingersoll were week-end
;visitors with her father, Mr, James
and Mrs. Barry Wenger
'Old tan-illy. were In Toronto for a
couple' of days at the week-end.
—Mr, and Mrs, Jim Helosic of
Coderich spent the week-end with
her parents, Mr, and Mrs, Marry
—Mr, and Mrs, Don Dalmage of
Pander, and Miss Mavis Holmes of
New Zealand, spent the Week-end
with Mr, and Mrs. Percy Harris,
—Mr. Bud Lott of North Bay
was in Wingham on business last
Friday and visited with his pat-
antsa,Mr: 'Mrs; Carl 'Vett:
—Mr. and. Mrs, A, C, Garniss and
Gayle, of London visited' With her
mother, Mrs, George Kerr, at the
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Mills and,
Miss, Joan Mills were in. lairriiing-
ham' for a couple of days at the
—The Catholic Women's League
of Sacred Heart Church entertain-
ed :neighboring councils of the
C,W,L, at a social evening on Tues-
day of iaatt week.
-r-Mr.,and Mrs. John Haines and
fainily and., Miss. Helen. Haines of
L,ondoa, were week-end visitors
with teir parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Victor liaines,
—Mr. Cliff Itackett 'has, purchas-
ed /the property of Mr. and Mrs.
A,•Walkey in ',ewer Wingham,
---Friends will 4ie sorry to learn
that George Fowler was taken to
Wingham Hospital on Monday,
Where he is suffering from a heart
condition. „
• —Miss Edna Kolby of Port Dover
Spent the week-end with Mrs.' Martha Warwick.
—My. Robert Colley and Clarence
Colley is/hilted last• week at Wind-
sor and Old castle.
—1-Mr. and Mrs, George Rintoul.
of Detroit, MiCh„ visited on Satur-
day , with, his, sister, ,Mrs, Ann
McNevin, Minnie St,
-Week-end visitors with. Mr. and
Mrs., Ea:11111AM Parish were, Mr.
and Mrs. James Harrison, Nancy
and Paid,' of Preston, Mrs, Nelson
Guy of ListoweL •
aaD,elegates from the ,Wingham
Branch Women's Institute attend-
ing -the Comity Rally at Brussels
on Monday were Mrs. E, • parish,
Mts. Gordon Hastie, ,Mrs. Norman
McLane-inn, Mies. Peytan, Miss
hIargaret Johns, Miss Janet Mur-
ray,. Mrs. •Bunistead, Mr's. D. S.
—Jim -Newman, who has been
.With the ,Toronto-Dominion Bank
.at Bartle, has been transferred to
,Kerwood and took over his new
'duties on. Monday.
„4. --Mr; Wilford Caslick was a
patient in Wingham Hospital for
fear' days at the' week-end, but
was ;able to return home on Mon-
"and" Mrs; Adam. Shidclice
',and children of Camp Borden spent
the week-end with her parents,
/Mr.' and Mrs, Chris Nethery and
•Other, friends,
Phone: Our Prices Are Lower,
590 . We Keep Down the Upkelp
For the FINEST
look for this
sign of quality . StokelY'e
15 oz. — 2 for 31c
or 7 'for $1.00
Maxwell "use
6 oz. — 99c . rf
IDA Dealers in your town:
Wingham Sawmill Co., Ltd.
Red Front • rocery
. 39c
of happy
users will
tell you... Investors
min an it raii m 11
and Vika Winnipeg Offices is Principe' Cities
1/leg 014a. 2Varyl
Afte Fac n
FEATURING "UTEX" Nationally Famous,
style leaders.
Through a single invest-
ment in Investors Mutual,
,7611 can become part-
l aner of more than 100
:iidely diversified "blue-
: chip" securities.
You'll get attractive divi-
.Alencbs, income tax credits,
and a share in the growth
of Canada. Free yourself
from investment worries
through Investors Mutual —
Csnada's largest mutual
Thomas A. Jardin
Phone 147, Wingham, ant..
EmerSon Ivel :
Phone 331W, Ilarriston
Agossooll.""'"'" mow
LEGAL NONSENSE—The kids ,had a break at
.Hallowe'en. when Jack afeHibbon sponsored a contest,
for the best picture drawn in soap on the windows
of his drug store. Shown above are three of the.
artists hard at work. `The loWer photo shoW4'Soine
of the crowd of kids which were on hand 'lot, the,
event, last Thursday after school.—Advaiiee-Tinies
Aylmer KETCHUP 11 'oz. -,6 for $.1.00
Salada TEA BAGS (Yell:0W Label) 901s .•: . 74.C-1
Beehive or Crown Brand • • ' '
CORN SYRUP • • • • 5 lbs, 71c l
YELLOW SUGAR ... ' ...... 5 lbs. 45'c
Redpath ICING SUGAR 2 lbs., 23c
Rose Sweet MIXED PICKLE$..-,... 16 oz.,: 34c
Purity ALL-PURPOSE FLOUR.: . 7 lba. Ou
Blue Bonnett MARGARINE (Quik Bag)* 33C 1
Maple Leaf Tenderflake LARD Ili 1,7C .E
Maple Leaf — 5 to 6,lb. average - , . „
Sliced BREAKFAST BACON . 1/06,:37t
Coleman's No, 1 WIENERS .!lb.43C
He coneluded by saying, "Lobk 'at
it this way—the new plant would
snot be much' different from what
is going on at present—so why ob-
ject?" •
• Councillor Callan said that if the
appearance of ,the Plant was not
objectionable he would be for it.
• In conclusion the 'council agreed
Oh motion of Nesmith and Gor-
hint that 'the matter be turned
Over to Councillors Joe Kerr and
G. Buchanan to act als- a crimmit.
tee to interview 'the property own-'
ets in the vicinity of the proposed
new plant, who will be further 'ac-
quainted with -the pres • and -cons
of the matter, The committee , is
to report back to council on"the
attitude Of, those property owners
,• Street Work • - • '
• • CbuneillOr Nasmith ..repOrted
the .Progrese of street repair,
said that the committee -wee pleas-
ed with the job on the main street,
and that the cost appeated to 'be,
close to the original estimate Of.
$24,000 to $25,000,
Chairman of the finance, com-.
inittee,Zarren Callan read the tio-
/counts' which were all approved,
Councillor Gorbutt, reporting fot
the fire committee, recommended
that a ,.new' hyrirant be placed in
the Bristol Tertace area, in order
to serve Lloyd's plant in case of
.neces'Sity, Council approved,
Rates to 'be charged for new
connections to sewers 'were` con-
sidered and it was decided that'
a charge of $25.00 would • be made
where a paved street• has to •be
broken: -and $10.00 on unpaved,
The mayor pointed to the feet
that new street lights are being
put in place on. Josephine St. and
that 'everyone seemed well pleased'
with the change.:
Mayor McKinney read a letter
he 'had ,received from ' the C.N,R,
in regard to the number• of times
that the Railiner had been late in,
the last, seVeral months. The re-
port indicated' that since the new
service was 'started on. June 21st,
it had been late 57 times. On five
of these occasion the 'delay was
occasioned by mechanical 'difficult
' *
,r.-- You'll•be proud to wear a' subierban coat styled by MO.. The
• luxurious all wool fabric is superbly tailored feir warmth in•-_td o_
• appearance, Popular shades of Charcoal or = Light Giey. in IA
sizes ;3.6,.9to.44. . : , ... . ' ' 115 • 'Sena Kodak •
(Witighatti) Liinited
. ' •
Smart looking Car Coats la a corded Outer labile With Wiens 0-
quilted lining, thandsOrnely conttucted with just enough Style !!,
for that trim. look, Popular tones are Belfre and P,,haiteal.
Price $19.95 ` • ./ „
4 Included in this group is •a terrific ttre sinittesP
,styles you could wish for, Light weight "Arctic" Weather ,coats
of heavy nylon, expettly insulated to trap the body timisperritirreii •
Windbreaker styles with quilted lInitig, and Stiallet Leigtit n
Jackets of exceptional and distinguished
Priced from $1L95. to $.22.95
BOYS' 601thenor wiNniintAitiot JACICE4s,
WEVrinign cokts, atIst ttlit
Priced from' $9.95' to $17.95 .
11101 your favorite snapshot , .
6.; list iike a visit at •
Christmas time , ,
Olcfine your.faverite Wet er
black-and-white print framed „„
lin our new Folder, eaSettati(ad Sa
Plaids tan_ display bent Wow*: borne frot 'der sektottiai of
amide the lasarriiilUte COM
gns and ptietad greeting :,as„
creer extra. prints ritivi
"'SCOW 141011111ACI ., ..............
iiPHONI. 0 wiNorIAM
Sgti;'''..'*;4,.., • ,
• Won't evaporate
• Non-foaming
* Non-corrosive
• Containsrust-inhibitors
ruomts: viimovorm 1001
BRUSSELS 3118wi.0
Czt•Ocia Lite
Phone 403
The public school pupils were'
out in large numbers last Thurs-
day after four in answer •to an in.
VItatiori issued by Jack McKibben,'
draggista to soap his windows.
The soaping' was not the or.'
dina,ry kind of Hallowe'en scribble,
McKibben• had his -windows
btdeked intb seventy-two squares
and the youngsters displayed the
best talents In art. The finished
product Included witches, flortip-
kins, eats, hobgoblins, dewboys,
add even a good Portaatt of Elvis
Mr's, Den Hildeliaarid had a hard
Untie Judging the winners but, fin
ally selected' Gayle 'Stake's as fivat„
Robert Seattle second and Engetio
Shine third. 1 J.
The Mayor also' thought. that" the
town -would loSe faxes iiAlie'Airrl
strong, house were removed: :*
After . the. oil-. company's. repre-
sentatives had left, council. gave
lengthy consideration to the,Prob-
lem. Deputy ,Reeve Joe Kerrstat-
ed that he was definitely oppased
to the idea of a bulk storage plant
at this location, but Was, not..'op-
posed to the new service station.
Councillor Buchanan, also head
of the council's industrial corn-
• mittee, said that he had been „very
much opposed ,to the idea, of a
balk petroleum plant because he
thought the people living in the
area would be against the idea.
However, he went on to say that
he found he, was championing "a
ghost". He had made it a point
to talk to many of the property
owners affected .and found none
who raised any objection and even
compared it to 'some of the exist-
ing -properties in that corner of
the town "which are falling down".
For this reason he stated that
he had changed his mind, and
thought .that the plant would be
all right from. the industrial 'as-
pect, He also disagreed with the
argument that the plant would ere-
atO a: traffic hazard, and that the
taxes would probably work • out
with no great loss, •
The Mayor ,interjected that the
plant would create 'objectionable
noise as truck deliVery from the,
refineries would be; made ill night.
Councillor Pocock disagreed, say-
ing, "There is absolutely no argil..
merit on this noise busieesa at all." ;Many Youngsters.
Not Residential Zone
Councillor Nesmith suggested • lh 'Soaping Contest •
that council was working at cross
purposes, He said,. "We are talk-
ing in terms of a residential zone,
and the area is essentially corn-
mercial," He Went on to say that
the idea of a' bulk plant creating
a traffic hazard is "pure peppy-
'code, for other business plaees in
the immediate vicinity are far
worse from this aspect. If the per-
mit it turned down, be said, oe
the besia that property values
Would be depreciated, then that Is
a diffetent Matter, but. apparently
the owners do not think so. He
also suggested that the Idea at the
'fire hafted frain the plant is ,
"red herring", and that other Coin-
morcial .properties in the area are
!net the beat for a residential 'area.