HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1959-11-04, Page 4• ARMITAGE'S Day eeeeutva RE - OF PORTABLE with all office typewriter features - UM 11111 MI ill ON. MMM MM MMM MI US ill ill WINGHAM ADVANC&TIMES Phone 890 Wingham'' ' eawavvvwevarsorsaaeoareravawvalvaareysee-saaovaw4""*".""M' Th' WingIgnOA. A4Vallee-Tirne8. 'WednieSklay, Nov. 4111,.1969 (XIMINU, tilVtINTei WINGHAM PHONE 172 THE" LEGION . AUXILIARY is binding a -euchre iu the Legion• Rome on Monday., Nov, 9th at 84. Good .,prizes and. lnneb, Ad Mission .50e. .OE4b. °-> •• UV • M 1 12;/ E R A D L41. C .----"votruti I. AND R 11111. THE WANTAPSr.'" a T 0 N A • •,•torlM S'I*AYED • M IttOlt SALE --- TANI SERVICE and used Pnrniture, We buy and sell. 3 Phone 185, rrb 3 rOHINA CABINET for ale. Phone 138R 4b araaaa-- - F00 SALE WARM MORNING coal stove for sale. Phone 71153. 4h TWO STRAY cattle on farm of Joe Walker, OWner May have Seale by praying ownership and pay- inF expense, Phone 642W4. 4h TEACUP REAMIsiCr TEACUP FORTUNE telling every , afternoon, 1 to 3 and evening 4. to 9. Call 247, CARDS OF THANKS lutviara gsawrr, FOR SALE --- HOUSE FOR SALE or rooms to , rent. Phone 552W. Call For and Deliver liolopiopoimittoiristiportaimoiminsumnoisoistimmirvinolipout, U U U U U GROUND BEEF PORK SAUSAGE • LARD we will fill your pail for.,1Qc per 113,,:t. or packaged in' seal-tight containers 2' lbs. for '25c BEEF: BY THE -QUARTER • : SPRING 'LAMB CUT AND, WRAPPED TO 3r,ourt, LIKING:• •,„ . • Lockndge s Butcher'•,Sholi •, • r : 1 . Bruce and Joyce Webb wish to express their thanks end appi4ciar tion to all- the friehds and neigh-, born of BlueVale for the gift that. Was sent them, Special thanks to', the girls who were responsible for the collecting, It was very much appreeiated. 4" ONE and A HALF storey red brielt house for sale. Good location. Eight rooms, NeV oil furnace, Hardwood floors. Toilet down- stairs. Good garden, Phone 1187M. 28-4b • CATTLE BEAST strayed to the farm pf Lloyd Walker, Owner may have same by proving property and Paying expenses, Phone /01w4 Wingham, FUR COAT for sale, size 16, Also girl's dress, size 14, Like new, Phone 245J, 4* IIELP WANTED MALE MAN WANTED to do chores, Dependable. Suitable for a pen- sioner, Good home fel' winter, Phone 10684 Kincardine, 4° .3.MILK FILTERS for sale—fgRapid 6-inch, 85c;- 614-inch, 89c. LL Alexander's Hardware, lrrb MAN'S BROWN Kellwood over coat for sale, size 38-40 ,alse black overcoat, Phone 619M, BEAVER GLOW deep pile Borg three-quarter length coat for sale, Size 14-16, $50.00. Phone 968. 4b I wish to thank all my frierids and neighbors who sent me cards and treats, while I Was, a patient in' Westminster Hospital. ,Also spec- ial thanks to all my friends who helped to drive me to Vktoria Hes.' pitala day-ter, zone Month for treatment to any throat And to-those who •gladly took their own. cars. Thanks,' to Mr. Alan Neelon, United Church minister, for the visit he paid me.—Thomas Morrison.. 40 RESTAURANT and gas pumps in the Town of Kincardine for sale. Junction 9 and 21. Possession and reasonable terms arranged. Apply Knotty Pine Inn, Kincar- dine, Ont. 4b New, modern brick ranch style home for sale with garage attached. 3 bedrooms, dining room, large living room, mo- dern kitchen, 4-piece bath, tile and oak floors, full basement, oil furnace, 4 BEDROOM HOME situated near school and hospital with cup- boards and bathroom, For sale or rent, immediate possession, Full price $6,500.00. For homes, businesses and farms, all sizes, at right prices with terms, Contact— WILLIAM S. REED, Real Estate Broker, Phone 292ali Wingham 4b .0IGURE SKATING costumes" for practical Wear en carnival, See a Irene .Saint, or phone 276R. 4b AMBULANCE SERVICE FEMALE HELP WANTED WOMAN WANTED for irening MAIAVS..arisi Washing.and wax- ing floors Fridays. Please state salary expected. Apply Box 82, Advance-Times. CURRIE'S AMBULANCE, Wing- ham, 23 years of serVice. Phone Day 51. Night 116 et 636. r :DINETTE SUITE for sale, Chrome table' and feur chairs with china a Piiene .517W. ,........4b. -DRESSED CHICKENS for sale. John Burchill, phone 762w12. 28-4-11-18* GIRL'S RED wool Coat. for sale, " with -quilted ". *lag' ' de- tachable collar. Girl's size 12-14. Like new, Phone 6031 4h ARE Y9U WINTERIZED? START TAKING Rexall Super Plenamin Vitamins today to keep healthy through the winter, Junior sizes, liquid form -available. McKIE- BONS DRUG STORE, WING- RAM. 4b lbs. $1.25 . 3 lbs. $1.25 Brother Passes WHITECHURCH-aCharles Jones of Toronto passed away on. Friday last. He was .a brother of Mrs. A. E. Buckton of this village -and a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Jones of • Manchester, England, of whose family of seven children Mrs; Buckton is nom, the only sur- vivor. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Buckton, their sera Mr. Herb Buckton, of Lucknow, and Mrs, Thomas Mor- Hien -motored to Toronto on Sun- day and went to- the funeral. Mrs. Jones passed away several years ago, and one daughter, Mrs. Chris- . toile 'Sanitilli of New York City, and one grandchild survive. The funeral was held on Monday to Mount Pleasant cemetery. WANTED TO BUY. ' APPLES for sale. Spys by the bushel or on the tree. Bring containers and pick your own, 75c bushel, J. B. Nesbit, R.R. 2, Blyth, phone 53r5. 4-11* 3 BEDROOM HOUSE, Possession early spring of 1960. Write Box 78 Advance-Times 28-4h The family of the late Mr, Wil- liam Prickett wish to express their heartfelt thanks and appreciation to their many kind friends and neighbors for their acts of kiad- ness, messages of sympathy, Gid- eon Bibles and -beautiful floral tributes received during their re- cent bereavement. Special thanks to Rev, D. Sinclair, Drs, B. N. Cor- rin and E. Pedley. Our thanks to the. S, J. Walker funeral home. 4b BROWNING Automatic Shotgun .for sale. 12 gauge, ventilated rib, interchangeable barrels, one skeet and one field. Ken Chester, phone 173, Lucknow. 28:4a WANTED TO RENT STORM WINDOWS for sale—Four 20x55; two 28x55; one 473,;ax55; one 24x64; five 30x631a:; one 30x49a1; one 24x67Xa4; two 30x68, Also varnished -cedar combina- tion door 1°Lx34x83, like new, Gaorge Guest, phone 702. 4b HOUSE in Wingham, Approxi- - mately three bedrooms. Apply to Box 79 Advance-Times. rrb 'FILTER QUEEN Sales and Ser- vice. Repairs to all makes vacuum cleaners, Phone 640.13. • ROOMERS AND BOARDERS WANTED ONE-STOREY four-roomed brick cottage on No, 4 Highway in Blyth. Hydro, water, cement floor in basement; two-piece bath with new septic tank, car garage and good garden, Pos- session 30 days. Bargain price, $3500 with terms. 100 ACRE FARM two miles from Wingham; 99 acres workable, bal- ance spring creek. Clay loam soil in very good condition. Two dug wells, bank barn 50x62 feet, Driving shed 35a20 ft; cement silo and good car garage. On this farm also a seven-room one and a half storey house covered with asphalt shingles and roll siding. Insulated throughOut. Four-piece bath, heavy wiring, built-in cupboards, oil furnace and cement floor in basement, as well as cistern. Pressure system throughout house and barn. Pric- ed to sell at $16,000.00 with good terms. For your real estate needs contact PRANK CASKANETTE Phone 305, Wingham, Agent for Wilfred 1VIcIntee, Broker,. Walkerton 4b The family of 'the late Albert Gallaher wish to thank their kind friends and neighbors tor their acts of kindness, messages of sympathy and beautiful floral tributes re- ceived during their recent bereave- ment. Special thank:, to Dr. E. Pedley, Dr. B. N. Corrin, Mrs. Money and the nursing staff. 'PRINCESS PAT range for sale, a Graham `rangette and bedroom suits?:, Phone Mrs, Wm. Kelly, 634W21. 4b ROOMERS and boarders wanted. Apply C. Frieburger, Scott St. • 21-28-4b CARS AND TRUCKS FOR SALE 1950 FORD TUDOR sedan for sale. Good condition. Customized. Built-hi radio with back seat speaker, Apply Ross Hayden, Wingham. WILL BOARD two elderly people in my home in Teeswater. Share room, Apply Box 81, Advance- Times, 4b „au. ;,'SNOW, SPY and Delicious apples your own container, $2.00 4: per bus. Free delivery. Harry a BrYkiiteite ,,phtine 618w2: 21rrh , LECTRQLUX Sales and service. R. E.' Ruttan, Goderich, phone ,'GederiCh ,,1154 or Wingham 553w, • - rrb FUTURA a. „PORTABLE' ‘wia*.sagaria.****0.4104. BIRTHS • 1 """'"'^-44 1949 DODGE PANEL truck for sale; also deep freeze with mir- ror and 'display shelf, fruit and vegetable stand, platform scale, and coffee mill. Mundy's Gro- cery, phone 168. 4b ARMSTRONG—At' the Wingham General Hospital, on ,Thursday,, Oct. 29, 1959, to Mr. and Mrs. Watson Aruistrong, R.R. 1, Tees- water, a son. MacKENZIE—At the• Wingham General Hospital, on Thursday, Oct. 29, 1059, to Mr. and Mrs. • Ross B, MacKenzie, R.R. 3, God- erich, a son. RITCHIE—At the Wingham -Gen- eral Hospital, on Friday,'Oct. 30', 1959, to ,Mr. and Mrs, Mervin Ritchie, R.R. 5, Wingham, a son, JONES--At the Wingham General Hospital, 'on Stniday; Nov. 1, '1959, to Mr. and Mrs. Archie Jones, Wing:ham, a,' daughter, LOWES—In Peterborough. Civic Hospital on' Monday, Nov. 2nd, 1959, to Mr. and Mrs. Ron Lewes (nee, Mary Tofting) 781 Water , §t., Peterborough, a daughter. . WEISHAR—At the Wingham Gen- , eral Hospital, on Monday, Nov. 2, 1959, to Mr. and -Mrs. Ralph Welsher; R.E. 2, Teeswater, daughter. MONTGOMERY—At the Wingham General Hospital, on Monday, Nov. 2, 1959, to Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Montgomery, R.R. 1, Wren- eter, a daughter. KROHN—At 'the Wingham General, Hospital, on Tuesday, Nov. 3, 1959, to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Krohn, RR. 5, Wingham, a son. TERVIT—At the Wingham Gener-i al HospititYpn TueSday: Nov. 3a 1959 ;te Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ter- via Wingham, a son, PERSONAL -I wish to thank all those who sent cards, flowers and '''treats and those who visited me -during my' stay in the hospital and since re- turning home, Special thanks to Drs', Corrin and Pedley, Mrs. Mora rey and the nursing 'staff,—Alice Dickison, WHY FEEL OLD? Ostrex Tonic Tablets help thousands of men, women past 40 feel younger, Only 69c, At all druggists, , S9-23 : 07-21 ;N4-18 asoineweig,/,00/ 140,04tuaapragmemga IIMara.140."463.0.0140° Y...:,gq,3 yy i Pta 4-0"."1 6'16 pryn ' HEARING PROBLEM? Come in for ,Free." Gonsultatfon, Zenith Rearing ;Aids, accessories. Ex- ' pert fittings. Call 53 1VIcKIB- -BONS DRUG STORE, WING- %11-FAM. 4b al • '1 4 LIVESTOCK FOR SALE BACKACHE? Rheumatic Pain? Sciatica? Ask your druggist about RU1VIACAPS today. Start getting relief. Thousands have benefitted. 4b EXECUTORS' SALE Real Est. Household Furnishings To close the estate of the late. Martha, Leaver there will be offered for sale by Public Auction SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 7 1959 at 1.30 p.m, At •the premises at the corner of William and ,john St., Wingham a, REAL PROPERTY •West •half Of Lot No. 408 on the South aide of ,John Street, Govern- ment, Survey., On this property is said to be situate a two-storey red brick hoese, with garage attached. This dwelling is heated by hot water and is said to be in a good state of repair. • TERMS: 10% on date of sale and balance in 30 lays. Subject to reserve bid. [HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS Kitchen Range, Kitchen Table and Chairs,Sideboarct, Bake Table, Radio, Washing Machine, Bed, Spring and Mattress, Dresser, Bed- room Suite (oak), 2 Wicker Rock- ers, 2 Chests Drawers, Library Table, Hall Seat, Large quantity Silverware, Dishes, Wearever Aluminum Lawn Mower, Brace and Bits: 'Drills, Wrenches, Ham- mers, Sawe and 'Sash, 2 Trunks, Toilet Sets, Table Lamps, 6 Dining Room. Chairs, 2 Hall Racks, Wall Mirror, Chesterfield' Suite, Odd Chairs, 3 Rockers, Antique Tables, Antique Lamp, ',Organ and Stool, 2 Pedestals, 2 Floqr Lamps, Record Cabinet, Quantity good Floor Cov- ering, Pillows, Curtains, Pictures, Drapes, 5 ,Ferneries, 2 Card Tables, 2 Antique Clocks, Vacuum Cleaner, Law-h Chairs, Sealers, Antique Dishes, Many 'other useful articles too numerous to mention. Terms—Cash Further particulars of real estate may -be had on day of sale or may be had on application to the under- signed. L. G. BRYCEAuctioneer. CELA KEATING, AGNES GAUNT—Executors. I* YOUNG SOW for sale, E, Finley, R.R. 2, Wingham, MOBILE HOMES and travel trail- aetra. General, Glendale Pyramid. "Highest trade-in allowance for afiarniture, etc. Agent for Dur- .1,ham Trailer Sales. Call Wing- ::train 608J3 for prices and esti- 28-4-11-18* STOCKER CATTLE—Good supply of choice far west calves arriving daily. Also feeder cattle. Sold by the pound privately Monday to Friday. See them at Bauman Bros., Kitchener Stock Yards. Phone SHerwood 3-9262, Kitch- ener,., rrb McKAY'S REST HOME has ac- commodoation for patients. Ex- cellent nursing care with regis- tered nurse in charge. 'Licensed. Pleasant surrounditigs, home- cooked meals, tray setviee.Phoue Wingham 103, 16Nv.18-, • TiklE FOR THAT PRE-HOLIDAY =PERMANENT and hair styling! ;:Pretty styles .for hair - -• long, „„short or medium. Make an ap- A)eintment now. Phone 860. 'BAND-BOX BEAUTY SALON. 4b CLEANER HEAT and more of it! Prelusive Duo-Therm Chamber aBiirner gives you more heat from every drop of oil! No moving .:parts to wear out. See them at p.ATTiLSON ELECTRIC, WING- !RAM 4b POULTRY FOR SALE NEED HELP? LOST A PET? LIKE TO sell, trade, buy, get a job? Just call 890, The Advance- Times. We will be glad to assist you with your sales message, or answer any questions. 80 COLUMBIA Rock Pullets for sale,- six months old. Laying well. Phone 642W4. 4b FOR RENT HEATED APARTMENT for rent. Mrs, J. W. McKibben, phone 107. 4b 1,000 RED SUSSEX x Red millets f'or sale. Laying, Have to be moved immediately for space. . Phone Wroxeter 2r1.. 4h FOOT SUFFERERS PLEASE NOTE as of November 1st and until further notice all adjustments and new business . must be done at J. A. Vickers, Foot Correctionists office, 481 8th Ave., Hanover. Hours are Thursday and Friday morning, 9 to 11; Friday evening 7 to 10 p.m, 21-28-4b TWO FURNISHED rooms and bathroom for rent. Situated close to schools, hospital and TV station. Suitable for two busi- ness people. Phone 127R, 4b ii - DEADSTOCK WANTED FAMOUS ELNA SEWING- MA- CHINE—your solution to gift ;problem , . her sew-lution to nice clothes! New and used machines. Portables, designer cabinet models $99.50' and up. :Trades, terms. ELNA SEWING CENTRE; WINGHAM, 4 4b DEADSTOCK removed promptly for sanitary disposal, FREE pick up on larger animals, reasonable collection charge for small ani- mals. Phone collect Wingham 378; Palmerston 123w, or Dur- ham 398, Gordon Young (Elmira) Limited. arrb SALES HELP WANTED, IF YOU ARE AMBITIOUS, you can make good with a Rawleigh business in Wingham Township. We help you get started. No ex- perience needed to start. Write Rawleigh's, Dept. K-453-2, 4005 Richelieu, Montreal. 4b MISCELLANEOUS FOR PIANO TUNING, musical in- struments, accessories' and re- pairs at reasonable rates phone Ross Mann, 735J4 Wingham. • rrb DEADSTOCK — FARMERS! We have the fastest service and the highest prices for dead, disabled cows and horses, $4.00 each and 3Y2e lb. for good mink horses. 24 hour service. Call for long distance OPERATOR and ask for ZENITH 43900, no toll charge. Lorenz Stock Removals Durham. rrb GREAT' Gab . . . BROWNIE ,.gTialtFLASH CAMERA outfit by Kodak. Complete equipped :axing flashoider, film, "batteries, Bashi:111113i for indoor - '.outdoor snapshots at their best! Just — $11.55. MSYK STUDIO, WINGHAM. 4b LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE REQUIRED Prominent company serving farm- ers and rural dwellers requires energetic man with dependableh car as Sales Representative in this area. This is a real oppor-. tun'ity for either a young man or Semi-retired farmer or business man to establish 'himself in a good paying business with. life- long security and freedom for working nights, and weekends. - Write 'today giving details of age and business experience, ac1:- dress and phone number to Personnel Director, Box 817-, London, You will be interviewed in your locality within the next two weeks so please reply at once as preference will be given first applicants,. 4-11h SEWAGE DISPOSAL, — Septic tanks, cesspools, etc., primped and' cleaned with modern equipment, All work guaranteed. Write to Louis Blake, R.R. 2, Brussels. Phone 42r6, Brussels. A26-N25* CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON ROY N. BENTLEY MACK REFRIGERATION PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT Telephone JAelcson 4-9521 Domestic — Commercial NOW OVJMILS A COMPLETE- ELECTRICAL SERVICE REPAIRS TO WASHERS - DRYERS Regular or Automatic APPLIANCES OF ANY KIIND ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS Phone 6,72R Wingham ADDING MACHINE—A brand new Smith-Corona multiple key add- ing machine is for sale at a big discount at The Advance- Times, This machine is a demon- strator, in perfect condition, Sell- ing to make room' for new stock. Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Winghatn, Phone 48 J. IL CRAWFORD,• Q.C. H. S. HETHERINGTON, Q.O. WATERLOO CA1 ILE Breeding Association "Where Better Bulls Are Used". Artificial breeding serVice; All breeds of . cattle; Member owned and controlled; cost low, efficiency high; Use of the best of bulls; Disease con- trolled, safety. For service or more information phone for long distance Clinton Zenith 9-5650 or coiled Teeswater 126 between: 7.30 and 9.30 a.m, week days; 6.00 and 8.00 p.m. Saturday evenings. Calls received on Saturday even- ing Will be serviced on Sunday, morning, For cows in heat on Sunday morning, DO NOT call until Monday morning. "Better Cattle For Better Living." rrb P.O. Box 478 GODERICH, Ontario ACHESON'S Dead Stock Service Highest cash prices paid in sur- rounding district for dead, old, sick or disabled horses and cattle. For the fastest and proper removal of all animals, day or night, use our automatic exchange (at no cost to you.) Call Long Distance and ask for ATWOOD ZENITH 34900 OR GEORGE HISLOP WROXETER 2R15 CARPETS, RUGS—See N, S. Wel- wood for a complete range of BARRYMORE and RARDING broadloom, .All wool Wilton hardtaviats and tone on tones. Rug sizes 0x wall to wall. Have an estimate this week for your mean.. N. I. Welwood; phone 86. J. W. BURIFIELD Q.C. A. H. McTAVISH BARRISTER, SOLICITOR and NOTARY PUBLIC TEESWATER - ONTARIO' Telephone 28 Teeswater Wroxeter-:-Every Wednesds.s afternoon, 2..-4 p.m., or by appointment. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Ete. Money to Loan .Office--Meyer Block, Witighate Singer • Pre- Christmas Sale YOUR CHOICE New Vacuum Cleaner or Singer Sewing Machine $59.50 Swing Needle Auto-matic' Machine $50.00 OFF Regular Price New Economy Portable Regular $11930 NOW $99.50 Used Electric Portables $39.50 and up Used Singer Treadles $5.00 and up , Zig Zag Attachments ". Regular $16.95 NOW $12.00 SMALL DoWN PAYMENT, REASONABLE MONTIIHLY PAYMENTS, PAYABLE ,TO SINGER (no finance company) WANTED TRADE-1 N at K. A. CURRIE & SONS F FURNITURE . GOOD USED snow tires wanted, 6.70x15. Phone Wroxeter 1r4 ar get in touch with George Wray, Wingham. RR. 1. NOTICE Town of Wingham. Notice is hereby given that I have complied with Section 9 of the Voter's Lists Act and that I' have posted tip at my office at Wingham on the 2nd day of November 1959, the list of all per-, sons entitled to vote in the said municipality at municipal elections and ,that such list remains there for inspection. And I hereby call upon all voters to take irnmediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions cor- rected according to law, the last day for appeal being the 16th day of November, 1959, WILLIAM RENWICK, 4b Clerk, WELLINGTON FIRE Frederick F. Homuth Phm.B., R.O. Carol E.' Homuth, R.O. Mrs. Viola H. Homuth, R.O. OPTOMETRISTS PHONE 118 Harriston, Ontario fi Insurance Company Est. 1840 An all Canadian Company which has faithfully served its Win, holders for over a century, Head Office -6- Toronto II. C. MacLean Insurance. Agency Wingham *Id t/SED WINDMILLS, gasoline en- gines and pump jacks wanted. Can be traded oar pressure ays- tema new or used! Ask us for an estimate without any Obligation, or if you are 'needing any new roofing material we give you the best' for your Money, Write or phone colIeet to Irving Keyes at Glamia, Phone Paisley Int.& 27 Alt-Nov. DEAD STOCK SERVICE Highest Cash Prices For Old, Sick and , Disabled Cows and Horses DEAD STOCK AT HIGHEST CASK VALUE Please Phone Promptly Call Collect i 133 brace Mariatt Brussels, Ont. 24 HOUR SERVICE L. YOUR CHESTERFIELD SUITE hAVIIIER, M9NTOS1I & YARD CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Bell Telephone Building WALKERTON D. A. HUNTLEY, C.A. — Resident Manager Telephones: Business 633; Residen'co 106 NOW ON A TWO-PIECE SUITE • ., WITH, AIR FOAM • • tIvo years 'to • Pay, • You. may •chonse the., payment- plan- you •'prefer. FEE- oniveRy r. liftlinallitail.11•11141011111114 • " WI • CEMENT GRAVEL Crushed, Excellent Quality delivered. FINANCING A CAR .? :Before you bilY ask about out LoW Cost Financing SerVide With CoMplete Insurance Coverage, STEW ART A. SCOTT Puns sot *Wu" WATSON - ARMSTRONG GEORGE KEN D ERSON Phow6. 665 • Wifighim Phone 45 r 12 TEESWATER • tr. riakir ;our.. r^,., Ur,