The Wingham Advance-Times, 1959-11-04, Page 2,LVJ.VQOL1Ly OJ, ese p
venturers , Would not walk t I Ir hunting knife has apparently been
J% Nov.'* low
in mid -summer. Yet, they Will my Comilass V"O'Ished On a, Culls'
Toronto,'branch, as manager. Me,
Not Jong -ago tbe,statenient was
sely es are throwhig away sOnle
Blaoic W000 �of Tillsoliburg,
made by apl, blent 11,4001141, leader
dolla . they
s eve k
gnty Inillion ry wee
world tra voller, that the cold,
4 re j.dle; the, stee 11, cOmpailles
It Is- quito a oQuinioll Sight tbesp
lVar between the N�'estern world, and
-ee 11 re I III, 1 11
losing some thi 11 d G il iO -
days to see gardens and lawni �be-
the, Cwniijun -ist bloc is not likely to
o -oduc-fiol"I lind
d llgrs a week in I),
NK cleaned and the leaves bVing
resolve itself into.ashootilig CoTiflic-t.
sales,,,azd the hnses inotber i"(10 -15-
burned, There is a tclWoh Qf saa-
-Rather, lie fam.saw the as-
-tries a dverselv affeclesl 1111-13 into
ness About it all for W0 0314 901.40
pects of, the struggle takiilg the forpi
the, billiolls,
so]) thoughts,
of an economic conflict ill which
The steel workers will "lot Ve-
o e All 49 facle 40, A 104f"� ggy's
ry possibility that i .
. Nyas eve ,be
place the losses; neitji�r will the ein.,
Isaiah, and alnotig other thinos,
Western nations might be reduced
ploying. Companies', These stagger
thl.4 remin.4 me of the AlieVity. of
to poverty and suffering.
� shortages will. eventually
Ing dolla.
Nikita Is'.1irushchev c e r t a i n I y
, . chiefly by the ' average, evelw-
be illet
unfolds in the care$$ of the Spring
boasted, of ex&ctly the sas . inten-
e )w who always,
day citizen=th fell(
8p4hlne 011 the 4y it '-shrly,C)s lip
uri I ' isit to the United
tiou d Ing iis v
a hear the stories about, the
p ys, To I
and falls is a short span vOter all,
Sta The Western spokesman
- t I.- i ice. we are led to believe that tbo
Our human powers are soon Spent
who made'i.the stalement said that
ly steel conipanies ivill
big, gree(.�
too, and the earthly CoUllse Is rt0l,
which -was 10 -tent, "Not deat b,4t
-44,e � 4f)vv11__
single contributing factor ill our
noder and pay the pool-, starving.
possible downfall.
-,,vorkinlen bigil,er , wages,
brevity (5f lifedicies ;,lot seek; to i;l�
Those are pretty rough wora's to
Perhaps, the steel cornpanies are
duce sadness In us but '.a more
apply to the * nnious=the orlgan�iz�-
big-' and reedy—but they wont do
strenuous gelzing Q every I
f jeothil;
atians . hielj� only a fe%v ye,ars ago,
the, pa 'pig. the
yl if the union -wins
A - e&II f roni, the ingliam, Bap
pulled tlie 'w''or4ingman, 'o-ut of - the
public will simply pay naore for pro -
the family of Meg, James rudiar,
%gopold ,Street �qalled. xLt.'her tome
toils oj- econonlic fevidalist,11. None-
d t, eel is used.. In 1he
_lie s in wbich st
all took a supprig e Put to,
th.eless, the union rilovement's6ws
meantinle, of course, the Gernialls
her old bomelpti conces-:
all indications of folloNving- - the �s�,�ie
have forgotten about strik�s, in an
Stan of'Culross.
benighted course which.iias'slolvl'red
all-outeffort to capture the c'hoicest
M#yOrJ6,lin 1W,.Hiinna, who has,
the course of progress sinct.rbe.b.�.-
bites oq'i,of the world markets, -with
been veonfined. to, his bed for the
ginning.of-time, Nowthat-t1je"*..,
fhe-re§ult tllht the American aild
past, five -weeks left -on Tuesd�y
f 11
du ung Jn their,,direc 6fi
luni hUANN)
Canadian car industry hai witnessed.
for G�alld R a�pi�s *ch., Where be
will undergo -treatment,
they Want to keep it "sWinging.,. �e-
-a , terrific -increase in the voluine. of
gardless of the outcome. so far -as
imported autonlobiles,
pr. R.'C. altended a�
-,...the general. econoin y . is concerned.
. .
goes oil in the
While all thi.q 11�
eel iftio'n Of the rnedipal class of
tq 1: -
-The steel workers in -the United
States the Russian woi. -kinen are on
IN? at Quo enfs Universlty� Xing-�
tates, .,who. have been on strike for
the job, working for peanuts, no
many weeks bave paraly7ed iTot
doubt, but -nevertheless getting So -
-dn�ly 'their -own industry,'but hun-
viet products into buyers 'hands afl
ftlent' and am a little gone. My
lightluIr jac6t was. the only bed,
dr�d� of related businesses all o�rer
over the world.. They are steadily
our pup would sleep oil when we,
thq -�;otltinent. The' workers them�-
building lip their national account
got Ilia and iVs* been ehOwed on.
1, 4
Me,' Cameron Geddes kyill singat
a,,jrd securing new custonlers.
and spewed art. I wor6 my ltunt-
the Ninghant United Church fowl
N o, the,, answer is certainly not
ing pants trout. fishin last sprbig,!
supper.6n Qct.',29th,. * He- *411 be
to do away with unions, They have
felt hN,.and, they slirgtik to pedab
assisted by "Mrs. W. V an.Wyck and.
done, and will cgiltinue to do a won.
pushers. time I Raw my
, ful,work for laboring people in
hunting cap, the k0stiere picking,
Word ber.� last'
particular and the nation,.�is.A Whole.'
Wild strawberries into It. My;
ast i lith the Depart�-neni'�of
L, no
But it is high time that tbernillions
Then there .ire the boys who
Transport., which is vitally, concern-
of -unorganized. taxp ayers Who st;f-
'want to pin y atbehig mefi.. These
ed :.about -file mounting death rate
f�'r -from -union excesses, demanded
are the types. with White-collar , For Sale—Apple buttei. Thirty
onourhighways,held a Roid Safety
forceful legislation to s�ttle Jabor-
jobs, good incomes, and. Iran wil. P;tlhd p4il, $8.00. Pruce Agrioul-
led wivek For 51 week8- Of the' tute Works, TcesWator.
Workshop in Toronto,%yhere,exp&r�
management disputes in repponsible
year,. these 6irds a.ra welt 'dressed,, . 'phe Winghant Patl F -air has-been
ienced persons in every fl I eld' bf
c,ourtsof justice. We would all like
well mannered, und -well rinlinaged. doolared'a failure because of WCA
transport met to: seek a,'soJ.utipiRo,,,to,,
to -feet the international disputes
So they go deer hunting, and weather.,
the fearful problem. 'Fi-orn. evefy
--have been relegated to the confer -
0110 gl;rlous week, they stonip a�
seetion of the conference cam -e the
ene-e table and the realrn of reason.
Don't Stay at homn on krid"
i-aund J"L higboots, never Wa4h, or 8,Y�
demand for driver tralnin& in'the
Strik� action isi after all, warfate
Shave., talk I r I ougJIL and dirty, 'belch Come out to the polls and vote 101T
high schools,of,the province.
in tFeeconomic field. It is the re -
at will, and get drunk. theAlfee by4aws, two for bydn�,
the hoine 'of her daughter, Mrs,
*�,r t r'th* - discussion.
sort to force a he all
* * * and one for the Aero �'!ishlon Tire.
It is,,not surprising that, such uni-
'There is no earthly reasonivhy ell-,
Still another regiment of hunt, Mr, "and - Mrs, lffov� Merton of
versal detrand was voiced. Statis-
tjre nations should. suffer froill the
erg i's made up of rhen to whohi Hamilton spent I couple of days
tics. show. without any room ' for
disputes which are confined to one
,deer bunting has -a s6b appeal. at the home of the -fdrmer's par-
Police Magistrate Meg.
doubt th;it-ptoper
They lare like the people who don't Plitet And
Iiigh scbools reAutes"the'incidence.
knew a football. from a bootbath,, I. A., Morton, 'Me, Morto� is an-
of accidenfs, to -less thah, 50'per
-but break their. necks to'get a,ild- other of the Witighdin Who
of the, ii��x�ilaVeraze,for qn,trained
Cup game, L 'has elimbed to tht top Of the.
ketto the Grey because
drivers in roape
he same age g
It's g, prestige deal. This type of laddbr of,success. Ht IS assistitht
III 'h `461'boards have�been re-
hunter W�tirse eXpengive hunting, general manager of the J�ank of
luctant -tip, enter.* -be f .driver
t ield of
cloth"i has aft.&perigive gun, ahl Hamilton atthe agic ' of SY,
training. One of tbe.'reasoils is that
of Whighan
As the town,, -i ex -
. Vesars: Fred' and
goes to a well-otganlOtd- camp, 'ROY Manuel,
Detroit, SPOlit a few -days wi�,b
a staff�,rnem.bey njust.,talkg the in-
pgnds, as it does each year, building
Where Lhe does a lot. of drinkInik
t4�0 ppothe;;, Mrs,,Manuel, Scott
struction. �c A -vehicle would
land ipoker-playing �ftd jigs the
havelk,-Ito -,be 'purchased, and so ort.
lots for residential purposes become
guide ghootthe deer. Street,
All of thes&W-0111d" be valid, objec-
even harder to find. Most of e
br� and Meg, Stewart returned,
tions `f the,�Pvrp ' ose of the course
'more attractive spaces within, the
Ifi6lt the after -spenallig a in
,�ro j# the Vast '11Agetttbly Jngt()kQ ' Ontb iti Wagh�,
PhIlgilelphis, lind'Vew York,
nl'ere y'to teach teen-agers'to
were" fi
b -be town have al -
area of t
of ordinary, hardy J*relinlat datil,
far Mr. and Mrs, Sam Loditridge of
b en human.
dance, or to skAte ut -%vh
ready been. taken for this'porpose.
w1ho Ke ileet Aunting julA the
fitil of it, they pile In .0, car and 1(roftfon !.Ate vibititig witit feieftdg,
live�s are the goal the objections have
New construction i now, reaching
head worth, hitting fh6 lithtf Al In toWil., tffid�,rgtand they
I When they to deer td&6' Up f0,S140fioc In Wih
a very hollow ring,
out ill -to the open areas to the north
c wal , 1,p6t
cothitry, they ffille, aut,atid waftdor
Mrs.. Jobq'X&y, of Minga, Man,,
Some .400, people die every year
and east of town, since the areas to
simlomly and ehieles-Ay, shooting 'A vwflng *!ill bet Mrs
At horiqeg, cattle and etch othee
On the tv�ds,�of 'this province as the
the south and west are 1-argely -cut
nud getting lost,' "Tite Second diLy 3§ e6n, and br6tWid; Solfift an�
result of accidents with cars operat-
fbey Idoit till noon, 'then IiOid -ta)r 14mck Wray,
ed by teen-agers. Driver trairiing
off by the river.
the h6dre-4 Pull- Thi� thit'd dd-Vt - I 6 " 0 - 0
..,cuts the average half. Are two
Thereare niany exe�1101.t build-
06,v do'n't even, !Not up till oblin, 1V*NTV_P1"% "AM
hund �ed human lives not sufficient
ing lots available ill t6 north -east
thatIA90 to *et Ift rate 4hibe by
daik, &:64 Able WoflV at tU6 hon� We h1tvo iiii, Allspitty $11
r�zson to set up- .courses in all
section, but prospective home own -
0tv (Twhe6" windoW a NortheM Spy aftle that
Mr,''and iti�, Vv6sloy loffttson. atid
erg are running into difficulty be
The lives ofseveral young people
cause of regulatiotis laid down. by
the- Departi-rient 'of, Planning and
five pbk �ceftt of hil tho§b sures It Indhog Wily. A
right fi-din out� 6�vn cointntinity have
Development, which demands that
Who 96 iaedr Iltifiting ut-6twitailt-1 W�
been lost in these tragic accidents,
new-honies, be serviced 'by sewers
and many others' havo- been iiiju'red,
rather than septic tanks, As a re-
sotne so badly that lifetitne handir
-e i's a growin -k
stilt thel g trailer pai
claps have resutted. Surely i�-
have the tinle. and mo ney to outfit,
out at Bi uevale, where several fani-
train, in.qure and transport high
Ilies from Wln.gham. are1iving, and
$till other fain'llies 'have purchased
school football and basketball teams,
We have the resources t6 provide
homes in the stirrot�,ndiltig villages,
driver trairiltig. 8ports axe impor-
where regulations are �ilot so
t t I
xnt, but �ourjg people s� lives are"
to meet,
tertainty mtl6h rnore so.,
for sewers
-e laid down with the begt �ofin -
Wei I
7he Wingbarn AdvanceoTimeg
telitions, No one wants to 'see a
gluill area dovelop onpur
but oil the othel, hall septic tanks,
wenter. 13rothdrs. Ptibligh6A
norty weni�;. oditbi
properly InstaIled' hardly rreate
Xtmbot Audit Aureiiu:41 bitob)1016h,
-those.sort of, conditfon.�Atost people
AuthatjoAd'siN Sebotid'Clim
of middle age and over grew tip in
Nkt of&6 Dept,
itubsdiiottah *ate
Ii sewer
eo�lpl-�tely without -s'
and in many caseq in borneg w1tholit
the OMIWS of indoorplumb-,
**Jik* A00 66 �*Wf&Wft
jur—atld we did sur vive,
,LVJ.VQOL1Ly OJ, ese p
venturers , Would not walk t I Ir hunting knife has apparently been
week that Me �Georle SrAl
agerof the Bankof Vommerce, Is
NE M^,i
in mid -summer. Yet, they Will my Comilass V"O'Ished On a, Culls'
Toronto,'branch, as manager. Me,
drag themselves and a dirty, griest
Blaoic W000 �of Tillsoliburg,
musket through swantil and slash
141119ellin Ity and every ;:PrPQJO40 4
404 110*, 49 life 14410t. the.
It Is- quito a oQuinioll Sight tbesp
plep 4,ou -an beq0ty e
days to see gardens and lawni �be-
. t f,"
Again, 'We -all -40 We as A lea
treasure gained I ' n ' life I * s, shinin
NK cleaned and the leaves bVing
�but �how 4oes the leaf fk0el The
burned, There is a tclWoh Qf saa-
le.0 .I. It is - 44 It a..
q.trtle Christian..
0 It .14 with. th ,
ness About it all for W0 0314 901.40
Arey- ghnger NO unted 'thom w4f.u.,
in life Ills it a lieen Q 'to
cart h4, pen
so]) thoughts,
ties brotize
exqtdsJjQ b of r,usspt aild
t - f. Qo.41s love and
gne, :9.
be suligh
o e All 49 facle 40, A 104f"� ggy's
4$d gold, maUlng the woodlands 11
graoe 4 A. upift 0 me oil
lid When � qt_ 0, _4
Isaiah, and alnotig other thinos,
blqzc of colqury
be, tod, will conic to, big greatest
thl.4 remin.4 me of the AlieVity. of
'The Wing Je4f Is the �produot of
KIQP.y 4g be PD
life. From, thoday the tendor,leaf
a prRoe$s and ��Oaks tq me of the, �Presen4.o
ln'�the 'mmiftOWS Above.
' *.
unfolds in the care$$ of the Spring
beauty of d ind the hope of
wl _g leaf liag fod.ed. A
A ien tb
8p4hlne 011 the 4y it '-shrly,C)s lip
lInTapit.4jity, .4utumn did not put
fjptto�,ed; to the X.r- that 14'not
and falls is a short span vOter all,
:t.11.0, beauty ill ,the leaf, It disclosed
the end of its ugcgqInes$. It Will,
Our human powers are soon Spent
It, the touch of dogth revealed ttipt
sinh into , the earth. and mix
too, and the earthly CoUllse Is rt0l,
which -was 10 -tent, "Not deat b,4t
richer loamto,swell W A, full er ex-
'On the other b�,4nd Nye could
_B ithe beauty
eXee"34'�Of lifo" cause
q� 4r'a harvest h r4c.
tent next, Q
that the Bible In ingilftlng .011 U) e
of the 411tiinin leaves, they having
"ThIsyegrIS dead jVMV0S,,nCXt year'
brevity (5f lifedicies ;,lot seek; to i;l�
t, t that sinde.
obtAinedl -front., hef,4c
jtosesll, Th� -beatitF.of -the be;1voilly
duce sadness In us but '.a more
they Were buds., �they took Jn tbe' ',oarden
Is eft-riclied by the
strenuous gelzing Q every I
f jeothil;
.5tinshine as th lay ;open to P)D,
leayes of our, lives,
A - e&II f roni, the ingliam, Bap
b obard
In hopqp of -lip 7,0th birthday i
Z Sugar' and S
the family of Meg, James rudiar,
%gopold ,Street �qalled. xLt.'her tome
all took a supprig e Put to,
they can't spend ;Otte more d y
Tbe funi�ral of the late
her old bomelpti conces-:
Ther . e1i a deal of fluttering and
erg. - Tbej look' forward to the
Stan of'Culross.
puttering and muttering, of burry-
hunt With, Ikeenest anticipation.
M#yOrJ6,lin 1W,.Hiinna, who has,
ing -and worrying; and scurrying,
They IoVe the Jill sh and the cold
been veonfined. to, his bed for the
around our town, these, day There
and the battl.�.:of Wits. 19he3. r work
past, five -weeks left -on Tuesd�y
is tenalo in the air, and secrecy.
!bard at it, � 'Moy, cc).,. e 41omd with
for G�alld R a�pi�s *ch., Where be
will undergo -treatment,
DomestieNuarrels are fr�equent and
vOnison, And they talk about A
bitter. 'Women We op easil y, and
all winter.
pr. R.'C. altended a�
normally soft-spoken men ci
eel iftio'n Of the rnedipal class of
with gq,9to and, little �provoq
Youlthave -to. �psrdoutheso rtin-
IN? at Quo enfs Universlty� Xing-�
doin - thoulotts. rve 4een
Cause of 411 the Strain, at. course,
. .)list,
tflie olding my deer hiniting etjuipw
-,On �Sday,*ve�tjftg'M. �a
Wedn nd
Mrs., Joseph Curtis' Were treated
. is that deer Season is 'Upon Us
About dawn, on Monday
ftlent' and am a little gone. My
lightluIr jac6t was. the only bed,
toa surprise Ill Oe'form" of a few]
morning, same two-thirds :of' the.
our pup would sleep oil when we,
supper, It' wao *,the occasion of
their 4,0,th an . niversary.
male population Will be off on the
got Ilia and iVs* been ehOwed on.
1, 4
Me,' Cameron Geddes kyill singat
great anintal trudge. Among them,,
and spewed art. I wor6 my ltunt-
the Ninghant United Church fowl
they Ill cover more territo*�
ing pants trout. fishin last sprbig,!
supper.6n Qct.',29th,. * He- *411 be
tha,it did Wapoleon?s army on the
felt hN,.and, they slirgtik to pedab
assisted by "Mrs. W. V an.Wyck and.
retreat from Moscow.
pushers. time I Raw my
the ValliKorniah,sipters.
hunting cap, the k0stiere picking,
Word ber.� last'
Wild strawberries into It. My;
- -
,LVJ.VQOL1Ly OJ, ese p
venturers , Would not walk t I Ir hunting knife has apparently been
week that Me �Georle SrAl
agerof the Bankof Vommerce, Is
used for. tilinitning litioletim, -and
block,i to work on a pleapant day . .
'being traftsfekred J'o the 'ParkdAlp,
in mid -summer. Yet, they Will my Comilass V"O'Ished On a, Culls'
Toronto,'branch, as manager. Me,
drag themselves and a dirty, griest
Blaoic W000 �of Tillsoliburg,
musket through swantil and slash
Will succeed Mr. in, the
and burn, through mud 4�14.snow In View Of all this, along Vith
'Wingham branch.
and rain, for eight hours a dgy the, fact .1 �baven% the g�uts to..
0-t "o—Jo
during the annpal, attack of �C�Ata�rd suggest -it to the Old Girl, it,looks -
- V,
known in these part as, deer as. though I'll have to skip The
111191MEN YEARS A60
bunting. Hunt,fbis year. thank goodness'.
For Ihe:,fir4t time Jif 'over two
years the store wl*ndo* lights were
The truth. is, of 'that, it
all aglow ,6�re on Sqturday,night,
It was a fine siglit a:ild: certainly
is not the Ilunt flw.�y enjoy. Deer
bunting, as a sport,, ii, mitily
an:impro4ftlbnt,t6 the main Street,
over -rated. It 1 much like.sold- S&
Recent dnlistme't Fain this dia-
lering :, loug Oeriod% of complete
11 . I
iqt are Bud!C.ittickobahk Of town,
no�v stationed at Camp Borden;:
monotony an d ht&nse Ais comfort,
interspersed by explosions: of vio- FIWT YVARS A4qO
A TeMpleman ' Of � town; L� 1<,
lence and titter confusion.
h6 Telephone Cqmparly'of
T ;"Bell
'Pitch of 'Wroxeter; H, V. Roberts
of Ford wiph.
'has lately coniblet 16
Canada ed a Ong
W4' exteucl ieongrJoitul4tions and
There are r�aSons Why ill"t s 'distance ]!rie between ock ow:
. )�7 X n
�jo S. S.
ad wislies; t6� Mi� "and
p6t _6 elll6d, flabb�.Muscle�, 4OWW', - '
1, 7'� and I)ungannon.
C d;inpiiell, the itatiori,
Winded �haracters , undorgo . the
Thomas S. 13randon of the third'
Who were nu�rif�d- 40. years
dreariness and -the exhaustion.. ;of line of . Morris �hsg - sold his farm;
Thursday of lastweek,,
the hunt. Seldom among Ahern* are
the yearning for a Veniso to. Jobn Nethery. - This is one of.
ti roast'
Miss k.;Lrjoile.Heid *bf 'the Ca -
nadian Bank -of Come ree Staff is
nor yet the deep ded1re to.,Indulge the better farms on the,line,
being. transferred to, Torohto in the
in the thrills the--dhase.4 Ata meeting of the congregation'
near. future.
of St. Andrew's Presb�yterian
Church it was d6cidea, to install a
A - e&II f roni, the ingliam, Bap
Some of thent- go because 66y
new beating System. The.contract
tist Church congregation has been
lace the truth. They'kfiaw.' iiuw hais 'been awarded to W. J. Boyce.
extended to -.-Aev, John Norman of
they can't spend ;Otte more d y
Tbe funi�ral of the late
Wbrtoli. He will commence his
with. their wives without takiZ
tn 0 Orge �Vade was1ield on ]Zidaray
�n axe to them, Smug In, fie e . .
Vas torate here next.Sund
A former East wa-wanosh maii,
aft einoon, w ith burial -In the Wing-
knowled that it is the One lio�i- -L
Richard Deacqn, bag been -narn a
.90 barn cemetery.
day on. which t1heold ledywill Wit
The horse Taces
president of the C.C.F. 'association
insist on tagging tilangi they lea*e miatinee, whi6b
for the deep woods alad. safety have been p9stponed several times.
Mrs, '13�ekt of, Zetland re-
Withexpressions I of love and solib-, on LEjecount of, will be,
I ceived word on, Friday that her
itude , , the hyprocriteq. held in ihe Driving Park oft Friday
n, r W.' Carl Hart, had been
So Gn
afternoon. Proceeds -inaid of the,
wounded, while seivitig with an
Willigham, Hospital,
Another segment is also nearing.
4nti-aircraft battery in France.
the breaking point, It is rnade up Deep regret was expressed on
His wife is the former-Vina Durnin.
of th 'ft�en who are running away Ttiesday morning - When It was
of town.
ina Dadsofi,
from 'Me Job or Tho j3,usifteis. leariled that Miss Held
Nearly berserk from theat(ptitions. B.A,, teacher & English- and Mo.
am IRL �I,
boss'or customers tl�,6�'I!Ad d q,.at'-tIteW1ngh iglh,$chq
of qrn
as el away. :9 ell
he ha�e*
r 'cowards, thail ek, suffering from
they don't,give a diddle about"tlte� ill only one W6
X. r, and Mrs. Hilliard Jeffersoit,
hunting,. they just want to get typhoid fever,
Sharon and 141nda. visited Sunday
someplace where . there areno telb- Miss Edna Finley left last weej�
at OoerWWith Mr. anti Mrs. Dor-,
phones, w , here -nobody can get' at for Xew Yorki -where she has se-
them. cured.a position.
Mr.. A�d;Vrs. Willows Mountaink
0 w 0 - 0 41
Mr. and Mrs. 81gin �Tosfing and
Then there .ire the boys who
l3e�ty of Londeshdro were gundhy
IsitOrg: with Mr. and Mrs.. WesleY
'want to pin y atbehig mefi.. These
are the types. with White-collar , For Sale—Apple buttei. Thirty
refferson and Debra,
Mrs. J. C.. Robinson of Wing1hami,
jobs, good incomes, and. Iran wil. P;tlhd p4il, $8.00. Pruce Agrioul-
led wivek For 51 week8- Of the' tute Works, TcesWator.
Mr. ;and Mrs, Gershont Johnson,
year,. these 6irds a.ra welt 'dressed,, . 'phe Winghant Patl F -air has-been
Mrs, Ross MeMidbAel and Brian of
East Wawanbih, visited Sunday at
well mannered, und -well rinlinaged. doolared'a failure because of WCA
the hoine of Mr. and Mrs. Edward
So they go deer hunting, and weather.,
0110 gl;rlous week, they stonip a�
Robinson and family.
Don't Stay at homn on krid"
i-aund J"L higboots, never Wa4h, or 8,Y�
MjMCedll Chamney-of Wifigham
Shave., talk I r I ougJIL and dirty, 'belch Come out to the polls and vote 101T
has been E4)endift9.a,JeW days at
at will, and get drunk. theAlfee by4aws, two for bydn�,
the hoine 'of her daughter, Mrs,
* * * and one for the Aero �'!ishlon Tire.
Sam Thompson, Mr, Thompson and
Still another regiment of hunt, Mr, "and - Mrs, lffov� Merton of
erg i's made up of rhen to whohi Hamilton spent I couple of days
. Mr. and Mrs, 13ill Chessel, Donm
,deer bunting has -a s6b appeal. at the home of the -fdrmer's par-
Police Magistrate Meg.
ald Paul and 1"A i of -Mitchell,
They lare like the people who don't Plitet And
vl;ited' Wlt� ithe l6tt&g 'Unelt, Mr.
knew a football. from a bootbath,, I. A., Morton, 'Me, Morto� is an-
.Charles.Jeffetsoft,atid 'Mrg...Teffer-
-but break their. necks to'get a,ild- other of the Witighdin Who
son." -.Mr, and Mrs,. Donald Jeffer-
Cup game, L 'has elimbed to tht top Of the.
ketto the Grey because
Son and Cheryl, of Clinton WeJre al -L
It's g, prestige deal. This type of laddbr of,success. Ht IS assistitht
so, Visitors at the same�,home..
hunter W�tirse eXpengive hunting, general manager of the J�ank of
wtg, sheridairf of �,Osha*& i5petit
cloth"i has aft.&perigive gun, ahl Hamilton atthe agic ' of SY,
the Week -end With her sister, Mrs.
. Vesars: Fred' and
goes to a well-otganlOtd- camp, 'ROY Manuel,
Detroit, SPOlit a few -days wi�,b
J'Ohn Thompson Wid. F.oward.
Where Lhe does a lot. of drinkInik
t4�0 ppothe;;, Mrs,,Manuel, Scott
Up, and Mm. Sam.Thompson, at -
land ipoker-playing �ftd jigs the
tended the Ke)Unioh of thO 6.8th Bat�
guide ghootthe deer. Street,
irery"Aft Port Elgin on Saturday,
br� and Meg, Stewart returned,
Which Wag beld In the form of a
Ifi6lt the after -spenallig a in
,�ro j# the Vast '11Agetttbly Jngt()kQ ' Ontb iti Wagh�,
PhIlgilelphis, lind'Vew York,
banquet alid dandej Atwhich a godd
of ordinary, hardy J*relinlat datil,
far Mr. and Mrs, Sam Loditridge of
w1ho Ke ileet Aunting julA the
fitil of it, they pile In .0, car and 1(roftfon !.Ate vibititig witit feieftdg,
r, hewed.
'1U1;- '70bri ithditips6h And How
head worth, hitting fh6 lithtf Al In toWil., tffid�,rgtand they
I When they to deer td&6' Up f0,S140fioc In Wih
atd visited, WIth Ur, %nd Mm. Per-
c wal , 1,p6t
cothitry, they ffille, aut,atid waftdor
Mrs.. Jobq'X&y, of Minga, Man,,
eygaeker,& ld6dofldh on Sunday.,
boftft�rbeock oburch haS changed,
simlomly and ehieles-Ay, shooting 'A vwflng *!ill bet Mrs
At horiqeg, cattle and etch othee
itg tifte of 4M& 'from 9.45 a -m.:
nud getting lost,' "Tite Second diLy 3§ e6n, and br6tWid; Solfift an�
U 1 m, $uftday, School la .44
11.46 lifw.
fbey Idoit till noon, 'then IiOid -ta)r 14mck Wray,
the h6dre-4 Pull- Thi� thit'd dd-Vt - I 6 " 0 - 0
U4,ptionts, *etd. dWidtidtad at -the
06,v do'n't even, !Not up till oblin, 1V*NTV_P1"% "AM
suhday 'Sdftido: luill'th Amid,
ditugh ter bf'Mr, atid'Mrg, Edward
thatIA90 to *et Ift rate 4hibe by
daik, &:64 Able WoflV at tU6 hon� We h1tvo iiii, Allspitty $11
IWI)1006 � b0bvd, Anne daughter of
0tv (Twhe6" windoW a NortheM Spy aftle that
Mr,''and iti�, Vv6sloy loffttson. atid
five pbk �ceftt of hil tho§b sures It Indhog Wily. A
Who 96 iaedr Iltifiting ut-6twitailt-1 W�
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
eciJ rnw,
Effcoive November, *b�, to -.10th
.40gular P-00.
SAVE UP 41,zo,
RichAr4 Hud
1M.A. — I ffiltilek), 0geAll"I't RON, 000 404 $2.44
STOMACH POWDER - 4 16 6z. 79c, $1.89'
KO.LYNO$ Tooth Paste, reg. 6.3c tub�,:Z, f r 89c
.).A. ]$_rand, Vitamin A and D 80111`00�10's Reg. gs
.QD. LIVER OIL C�Psules ............. 77c.
ilo" 08c Economy 24's 79-
KOTEX, reop - r
)ro can now have your firnace zonverte4410 Oil,
for the low price of $280.00. This - includot wiring
controls and tank — ready to turn oit�l
-Mack* Refrigerat" & Dectric
Frances St.0 Winghom Pk6ie 672 R
oney �hard ta
HFC does everything p, sible for
your convenience in,*ran'ging
an instalment cash -loan -Up to
$2,500. H FC gives yoS the
convenience of real 6.ash
.7. you c an spe.p&
thing. Drop in or phone.
We, insurante available on all Loans
4M.R.. Jonk;n;, Monagw
35A West Straft Telephone -1501
Centre St.
REV.. W. W.'LODER, Pastor
Tued.-8,00 p.m..—Youth Fellowship Meeting
Thurs.:-8,00 p.m.—Prayer Meeting
Sunday S e.. V
r ice
10�00 a'.m.----!Sunday School-Chiss6s foi;
-00 a ill sh
—Morn' or ip
11, ing
7.30 Pn.�L, van gelistic
tullbata Corpo
10.1.5 aan,—Dir6ctol' y Clas�,.
11,60 a,m.-Dr t, � W. Pbdley
2.30 pan.—Sulidav
, School —'Mr. A] an Nleelo'll.
Tuietdayo -8.00 p.m.—Prayer-and Praise S4rvice
Frida�j 1.30 p.m. Youth Group
All Teen-Axer's Welcome
Theres a welcome for YOU at th6 I'Afteo
00W* t* 3pau 11 0 rb�
Rev. C IF, Johnsbit, L.Th. - Rector
Mrs. &rdoft Davidson -�. Organist
Thur&, Nov. 5th—Senior 'W.A. .it the rectorys
3.00 P,11A
24th Sunday- after Trinity -
9. 4,5 a. ni.—Sunday School
ILOO a.111.—Mornblgy Prayer -and
Little Helperg" Service,
Quiet T1',venJjlg Prayel-
.......... .........