HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1959-10-28, Page 12SPEAKER SAYS CIA IS BETTER LAW "There are a good number of communities in this Province that would prefer the Canada Temper- ance Act to the Liquor Control Avt . and Liquor License Act," Huron C.T.A. Committee -was told in Clin- ton by Royal. F. Moulton, Toronto. general secretary of the Ontario Temperance Federation. He added that a number of people in Bruce are exploring the possibilities of having the Canada Teixiperanec Act in that county. Frank R.,. Howson, Wingham, the chairman of the committee, pre- sided over the well-attended meet- ing in the Ontario Street United Church hall on Friday. After hear- ing Mr. Moulton, sub-committee, proceeded with organization plans. It was announced that Goderich W.C.T.U, is contributing $150 to- wards the campaign to retain tin C.T.A, belleYe, th.e.„ et. . „ Moulton. "I have studied tin whole situation across the Pro- vince, so far as operation of ihr two Acts is concerned, and you have the better proposition. Les juvenile delinquency, fewer alco .holies, fewer children in care o: the Children's Aid Society. "There has been too much talk- ing down of the C.T.A., both in Huron and Perth. The liquor people come into these counties to discredit the Act, Their strategy has been subtle, and many good people have been turned upside down in their thinking. "In those areas where we, had victories recently, we had won- derful organization, In Burlington: on Wednesday we had a victory, in Dundas another, in Flesherton another. We have had more victor- ies this past year • than in a long time, For the' sake of our young people, we have no alternative but to' fight to the utmost of our abil- ity. With organization and en- thusiasm, I am sure you can win in Huron." / -/ 1 0 :: 1°7' 0190 (10/ CVCLO-MASSAGE. _PHONE 290 WESTON'S FEATURE, SAVE 4 PAY ONLY 31c' Cinnamon Butterhorns days last week with the former's daughter, Mrs. Leonard Banner- -man, north of Teeswater, —Mrs, Chester Higgins, who has been a patient in Wingham Hospi- tal, has been taken to Victoria Hos- pital, London. Her many friends wish Mrs. Higgins a speedy recov- ery. —Mrs. Winnifred•Edgar of 'Brus- sels, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, C, Newman. —Mrs. Gifford Crich and Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Crich were Sunday vis- itors at the Williamson home. —Friends will be -pleased, to know 'that Tittle Kathy Groh, of Oshawa, has finished her monthly. visits ter Sick Children's Hospital in Toronto. Her operations', were suc- cessful and she is able to walk quite normally. —Mr. and Mrs. Douglas KenncdY, Teeswater, were Sunday visitors with the latter's .mother, Mrs. Flach, Catharine St. —Mr. and Mrs. Alex Leaver were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Stewart McBurney and attended anniversary services in the United Church. Golf Ladies Hold. Final Tournament Last Friday the ladies of the Wingham Golf GM finished the season With a local tournament for loW gross score, The winner was Mrs. A. R. Du- Val, whose name will go on a re- cently clonated plaque, which will be hung in the club house. This plaque will 'provide a visible record, in succeeding years of the win- ners of each, annual competition for low gross score. Auxiliary Euchre A Legion Auxiliary euchre was. held Monday night in the Legion Home with 12 tables in play, The prize for the high lady Went to Mrs. M. Patterson and the high prize' for men 'was won by 'C. R, Coultes, High lady playing as man was Mrs, 'George Walker, The door prize was won by Mrs, MacDonald. Lunch was seryed. CO-OP ANTI- FREEZE MacKenzie Was YOuthful Explorer The name of Sir Alexander. Mackenzie is so famous in the an- nals of Canada that perhaps it is not generally realized that • he reached his great achievements as an explorer 'before he was thirty. The Book of Knowledge says that he discovered theogreat Macitei*ie River and travelled down it to the Antic When he was only 25. Four years later he became the first man to reach the Pacific from Can. Ada by way of the Peace and other rivers. He published an account of his' travels, was knighted, and tired wealthy to Scotland, Christmas Trees. Offered for Sale The Lake Yluron District 18 of- fering to Sell, in wholesale lots only, quantities of Christina's trees, ,There are seventeen different lots, totalling 4,500 trees, grown In the Municipal forests owned by the counties of Wentworth, Grey and Bruce, and the Conservation Autli, °titles of the Grand Valley, Sau- geen rind Big Creek, Trecs.Will hot be told individually, but by lots of 50 to '800 to dealers who Will resell them, The money from such sales ac- crues to the benefit of the owners, as a credit against' the charges intuited In Management, MIIIIIIIA1111111111111111111HI111111111•1111111111111111111,1111,11111A11111111111111110114! ii _ A - i • ▪ Seal 44fict Sam .. , • Christmas Gifts with that personal touch 1. .•. PRINTS • You'll find a wonderful selection of COLOURFUL prints for those dainty Gifts for Christmas. Floral, novelty r- ja si designs, and Christmas motifs so right for Aprons. • Doll's Clothes and the many other pretty little item that are so quickly and easily made. • y • , .4•41,4444‘1•4 444 1, 4 .k• 41' 1. .77;34n.'141. 1..*„ le '0 I, 'sr 4,06,•,) • '? • M WI/001M Advance-Tinies Ir.014 Wed., Oct. 00 1909 RIPPROMMINammasimossimai LYCEUM Theatre Wingham, Ontario shows Each Night Connuene, lug at 7.15 p.nl. PenpioiwnoShop In Wingham.Road THURS. •-• FM, SAT, October - 80 - 81 Richard Wicimark Tina Louise LOCATED IN' McKIBIION i3LOCK, Take Niagara's 20-MINUTE TEST • %INGHAM in `THE TRAP' 'An interesting melodrama full of suspense. 111111111111111111111111 h. ALAN WILLIAMS Optometrist 4••••••••••••?•••••••••••••••••/••••4 Patrick St., Wingham Phone 770 Stewart A. Scott. Wishes to notify all policy holders that as of this date iris' new lyff ice is .sifnafed -three Joan wast Josephine St. on John (next to Dr. Howson's office). OFFICE HOURS-9 a.m. to 6 p.m. PHONE 293W. For other than office hours phone residence, 293J. H A Red Front Grocery , low in protein. UNICEF is helping the government or Japan conduct a milk distribution, program. Your pennies to UNICEF Shell-out on Saturday afternoon will help. Members of the C.G.LT, will cull at your doot to collect. OUR BUSINESS INSURANCE • DEPT. has been organized to give helpful specialized service for the! protection of PART- NERSHIPS, KEY MEN, SOLE OWNERSHIPS—Be ASSURED Consult-- FRANK C. HOPPER —Representative— Canada Life WINGHAM, ONT. Phone 462 • Phone: 590 free Delivery Our Prices Are Lower' We Keep Down the Upkeep FIVE-YEAR-OLD Masiharo watches his mother pour cups of nutritious milk. Masiharo's brother and sister and their mother all gain from daily free rations distributed to families in the village of Asaka, Japan, whose diet is Maple Leaf irinfird HAM 11/2-lb. $1.19 PERSONALS Teachers Attend ,Mitchell Conference The 'teachers of, Wingham Dis- trict High School attended the On- tario Secondary School Federation, District 10, educational conference at the Mitchell high school on Thursday.. Workshops were held In the in- dividual subjects, Miss K. Mc- Gregor of the Wingham staff was chairman of the French group. Luncheon was served at the Un- ited Church, after which 'J. WI Singleton, dirdetor of education for Burlington and past president of the Ontario Secondary Schools Fed- eration addressed' the gathering. Mr, Singleton said that the Federa- tion. should make sure the taxpay- ing public understands the reasons for educational costs and that tho 'Organization- -was -not primarily formed .to fight for higher salaries. He said that the education depart- ment is working out a better train,- ing program, more intensive and longer, All improvements ,brought about administrative difficulties.' About 300 teachers attended the conference, representing schools in the counties of Huron, Perth, Wa- terloo and Wellington. Miracle Whip SALAD DRESSING 16-oz. 37c Parkay MARGARINE (Color 'Quick) 2 lbs. 59c •••••••••••••••INANW.1,0,,,,ONOW,...M.I., Maxwell House INSTANT COFFEE I 10-Oz. $1.69 —Mr, and Mrs. J. H. Crawford spent a few days last week in Gin- cinatti, Ohio. ''and Mrs. J, M, D. Hay of Kitchener visited with her parents, Dr. and Mrs. F. A. Parker one day last week. —Mr. and Mrs, Howard Pollock of Detroit were week-end visitors at the home of their niece, Mrs. Don Cameron, Mr. Cameron and —Mr. and Mrs. George Harron of Kitchener were recent guests of Mr, and Mrs, G. 0. Casemore, Carling Terrace. —Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Edgar and Debbie of Beaverton and Jim New- man of Barrie spent Sunday at their home here. Figure Skating Wingham's popular Figure Skating Club will shortly begin the seventh, successful season.. Professional instruction will be avail- able with the competent assistance of club members. Plan to enroll this year. Classes for all ages. Enjoy watching your child progress with grace' and skill in this great winter sport. REGISTRATION DATE, OCTOBER 31 For information phone or write Secretary, Mrs. Burrell B-ox ,249 — Phone 586w Wingham Figure Skating Club Cut MIXED PEEL 8 oz. 21c Cut MIXED FRUIT- 8 oz. 23c Glacod PINEAPPLE 8 oz. 85c .9Inced PINEAPPLE 4 oz. 19c Cut CITRON PEEL 8 oz: 24c Cut LEMON` PEEL 8'os. 19c Cut ORANGE PEEL 8 oz. 19c Red Glace(' ,CHERRIES 8 oz; 350 FRUIT CAKE NEEDS Gteen LZilikeed CHERRIES 8 oz. 370 Red-Green Giaced CHERRIES 8 or.. 36c Blanched ALMONDS 4 'oz 29c WALNUT HALVES 4 Oz 25c Seeded RAISINA'15 -oz.',.,:33c Seedless RAISINS Ih. 27c •••••••••••••••••••••$•••••••.•..W••••,•461, Devon lean sliced ri'ndless BACON •lb. 59c Schneider's Country POrk SAUSAGE lb, 4340 Bisset's ICE CREAM . • • .. •pint brick 25c SNOW • APPLES FOR HALLOWE'EN Bushel — $1.79 6-quart •basket —,39c -L-Mr, and Mrs, Carl Bennett of London spent the week-end with Mr% and Mrs.- Freddie. Templeman and also visited with Mr. and Mrs. Allen Walker and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bennett, -r-Mrs. William Hawken and children of .Clarkson were week- end guests with her mother, Mrs. George Kerr.' Hundreds of happy users will tell you... YOU CAN'T TOP :GREETING CARDS 1%. / with the personal touch! U Choose Club Name For 4=H 1ProjeCt YOU'LL FIND A GOOD SELECTION OF REMNANTS -i- IN PRINTS, FLANNELETTES, CREPES, ETC: with just the right yardage you need and * at substantial savings. 1 6- TRIM is an important factor in your sewing require. mewls. Here too, you will find a wonderfad selection of Laces, Edgings and Buttons together with a full 1 display of notions of all types to assist you: EDIGHOFFERS 1 (Wingham) Limited U • Won't evaporate • Non-foaming • Non-corrosive • COntailiSrust-inhibitors BELORAVE CO.OP As friendly as a holiday visit--your greeting can fea- ture a snap of your family, yourself, or your house, Make this Christmas Card the one your friends Will keep; Choose the Photo-Greeting you like best . from the new designs that fit your favorite negative-. horizontal, square, or vertical. Order your cards and extra prints now before the last-minute rush! U , • U U U U U U U Mr. and Mrs. Ron Sommers and children -of London spent the week- end with her sister, Mr, 'and Mrs. Allen Walker, —Mr. and Mrs, A. M. "Scotty" Forbes moved from London to their new home in the "Berry Patch" on Saturday. —Mr, and Mrs. Harry Hawthorne of London were week-end guests at the home of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs, Murray Stainton, —Mr, and Mrs. Courtney Bur- meister of DashWoocl, spent Sunday with mts. Irlmtl. Jenkins ani also enjoyed a visit to,-the TV, station. - Sam Bondi had his ton- sils removed at the Wingham Hos- pital on Monday. —Mr. and Mrs. James Waclell of Listowel and 'Mr. and Mrs. Ken Dowd of Milvetton 'spent Sunday With the former's daughter, Mrs. R. 0. Wenger and Mr. Wenger, and Mrs, Harry Henderson and daughters of Owen SOund were week-end guests with her brother-in-law and slater, Mr, and Mrs, Carl Lott, - Mr, and Mrs. Alton Adams and family spent the week-end at „Ettr.h. Mend 11111, where they visited with Mr, atid Mrs. Dan Itay and faintly, Mrs, Williarh 1<ettb, Mrs, 'retry' 1\lethery andt, children spent a feWi ::•:••:,:••.,;;;C; • • • • :•:•:•:•:. U U U •:•••:•:•:,•:•;• • iMcKIBBONS!HARMACY PHONE P3.011649IE4)WINGHAM • 4101 .VitiENOLV STORE" n REV. ERNIE KEEFE a former N.H,L. hockey player of THE NEW YORK RANGERS, will speak in The Wingham Baptist Church on FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30th 8 p.m. Mr. Keefe is now a BAPTIST MissiOnary in the Province,of Quebec, with THE FELLOWSHIP OF EVANGELICAL BAPTIST CHURCHES in CANADA. HIS SUBJECT will be "THE PROSPECTS 'OF 'REVIVAL IN QUEBEC." This service is being sponsored by THE EVENING WOMEN'S MISSION CIRCLE as their Annual Tha,nkoffering meeting. 101.0111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111113111111111111111111111111111111111111% --Mr. and Mrs. John Finnigan and Mrs. William Alton spent Sun- day in London. —Mrs. D. S. MacNaughton and Mr. John 1VlacNaughton attended the funeral services for the late Mrs. Waltei, Borst of Haysville at Kitchener on Monday, —Mr. and Mrs. Relison Falconer, Brian and Paul of Sarnia spent,thc week-end with Mr. and Mrs. John Stacey and attended the IVfaeMil- lan - Tiffin wedding in Lucknew. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Mintz, Linda and Barbara -of Newmarket spent the week-end at the same home. -Mrs, Harry Boyd and grandson, Billie Reeves of Windsor, spent a few days over the week-end with her brother, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Tiffin and family. Sunday visitors at the Tiffin home were Mrs. A, J. Tiffin and Mr. and Mrs. Wal- lace Wilson and Wanda of Dun- gannon. All attended anniversary Services at the 'United Church. ---Mr. -and Mrs. Cyril Murray of Hamilton visited with his mother, Mrs. S. A. 'Murray, one day last 'week. Room for More In Night Classes There is still room In the even- ing classes at Alm night school for those interested in sewing or art- metal work. If it is found that enough people would be interested in ceramics, a class will be formed, This would be the first time for ceramics to be included in the courses here. Anyone who would still like to register is asked to be at the high school early on Wednesday even- ing for registration, and to par- ticipate in the classes from 8 to 10 p.m. Brig. and Mrs. Martin At 73rd Anniversary Brigadier and Mrs. A. W. Mal, tin of Toronto, are the scheduled 'guest speakers at the 73rd anni- versary services to be held at the local Citadel, Saturday . and Sunr day. 'It will he remernbered that' these guests also conducted the services a year ago. At that time many friends of other days were happy to renew acquaintances with the visitors. Brigadier Martin was the corn- °mending officer here 'at Wingharn in 1918. Mrs. Martin was well known here as the former Florence Jarvis. Her sister was killed by a runaway team many years ago, on the Diagonal Road. Brigadier and Mrs. Martin retired last year from active duty, and have spent the time in spiritual campaigns in Canada and the east- ern United -States. They have re- cently returned -from a tour of temporary duty as chaplains at the Ontario Reformatory at Burwash. it is hoped that this visit to Wingham will again afford old friends an opportunity to meet both the Brigadier and Mrs. Mar- tin and the members of the local Corps extend to all an invitation to join with there, during the week- end services. The Salvation Army Wellington Street Citadel Band, from Hamilton, will be here to provide special music for all ser- vices, including an 'after-church program on Sunday night, BELGRAVE, ONT, PHONES: WINGPLAM 1091 BRUSSELS' 388W19 4111.1111111111111111,11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111,1,1111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1IIIIIIIIIIIIII* WORDWICH -The 4-H girls held their second meeting at the public School on Saturday afternoon: De- votions were led 'by Jean Browne followed by the Minutes. Fourteen girls answered the "roll 6aII.• During the business meeting thcY decided in name the club "The. Fordwich Closettes", Riney }lamb- ly demonstrated how to make hat. stands. Mrs. Shines Robinson showed the girls how to cover hat beaes and the meeting closed with' the 4-11 Pledge, witimotwtomictissusiliiinsoionntionimiummuminfillii[mlimiloaloolainuo