HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1959-10-28, Page 6Toll Thom and Sell Them • In The Milne, ..r...#1!••Als.M11A.1.91.1. ,—BUT IT IS ONLY WEEKS' UNTIL PNIRISTO We hove the best stock of toys'''. to*4 Make your choice now and use our Clirlit0e) LAY-AWAY PLAN A REWARD OF 'MAO is offered for information 'leading to the apprehension of any person. who damages property, molests motor vehicles or other- wise creates a public nuiwnce. There is no objection to good-natured Hallowe'en pranks but in a few instances actual damage and dangerous public,nuisance have been Created. Enjoy Hallowe'en to the full but not at someone else's expense. WARNING! 'The Winetinin. IlAilveoce-Time.,:Weflee4% . 3,940 A SMALL DOWN PAYMENT WILL HOLD ANY' uNTIt, CHRISTMAS Choose, now while our, stock is.complipte GORDON DEYELL, Chief of Police. Parents Please Note ,,,,, !! ,, ,, ! ,, ! ,, 1.!!!14 ,,, qi , mowitimip ,,,,,,,llllll $1 lllll l l Ok ll ! l lllll ! l ll ! l i‘,!!!!.1fitIWA!!. Ode_ Company Limited Kincardine Ontario NORTH HURON CHAMPS—The Wingham Mustangs took the Hanna- Nimino trophy for the third straight year when 'they again won't* North Huron Secondary Schools Association ehampionship. The group included Goderieb, Clinton, Seaforth and Wingbitn. The team. 1$ noW engaged in a home and home ,series with Stratford, The hois are, left to • right, back row: Raymond Walker; CaMeron Robinson, Laverne Dowling, 'lien. Bminark, John Newell, GarrY WHIN jiin Wocksi Neil Turnbull; third row, Bob Campbell, coach, Don MeDowOil,, Hallowe'en falls on a Saturday evening this year, and as a result there is an unusual safety hazard for small children, who may be about •our streets. Parents are urged to warn their children about the danger of heavy traffic. In addition, many complaints have been received by the Police Department about youngsters riding double on bicycles. This is not only a most dangerous practice but is an offense under The Highway Traffic Act. Positive police action will be taken to stop this practice. Still other complaints have been received relative to careless and dangerous driving of cars by High School students. Charges will be laid following this warning. Jahn Moan' ,Barry Pickfoird, Brlice Irwin, lion Jones. Murray Scott, Alex Strong;, Paul Strong, manager; second row, Dave Sanderson, George Jones, Doug Lockridge, Bill Crawford, Allan McDonald, Al- bert Woods; front row, BilltDelanore ' Dave Kennedy, Pete 'Carmichael, Wayne ,Brown, captain (holding Hanna-Nitynno Trophy), Frank Relhl, John Mei'kley and Barry Fuller, John Hotchkiss, not In the Photo, won the award 'Or the' outstanding linesman of the group. ,..Advance-Tinies photo, This is your last chance to ptucha Mill Ends and Yard-Good: for Coatings, Skirtings, Silitings,1 plain cloths, tweeds, and plaid's at prices below Manufacturer's cost. Don't 4rniss ,out on this -wonderful opportun' to piirchase Imperial Cloth febirice. GORDON DEYELL, Chief of Police. • this material, IJltre,thin plastic film, an excellent protector of clothing because it is air-tight, can be deadly for this same reason if used as a makeshift covering in baby's crib or playpen:. Fifteen moothers have found this to their sorrow. They could have bought special, safe mattress covers made of heavy-gauge plastic, at a very low cost. No amount of penny-saving could replace their loss, says the Ontario Safety League, . SALES OFFICE OPEN: Week Days — 9.00 - 12.00 LOO - 5.00 . Saturdays — 9.00 -12.00 will do just as well? And so, a tiny baby rolls over 4Drie night, kicks aside a sheet, presses his face against the clinging fabric, and dies. It"s a horrible story;isn't it? So are the stories of children who are seriously burned through their 'parents' careless, storage of match- es, or whoo are poisoned by drink- ing turpentine left in a soft drink bottle, These stories all have something in common, They need never have happened, The answer for matches, turpen- tine, and thin plastic is the same. KEEP THEM AWAY FROM CHILDREN. Here are the simple facts about All social life, stability, progress, depend upon each man's confidence in his neighbor, a reliance upon him to do his duty.—A, Lawrence Lowell. 0,1111110 ll lllllll II llllllllllll 01111,11, lllll 1,1 llllll and Friends • • In contradition to the rumors that have reached us that we have sold our place, i of business we wish to advise it is our • intention to be in business for some time yet; although we may in the future have a new building. 1 MERKLEY MOTORS 1 • Per C. N. MERKLEY 5111•11111•11111111111111111illitmliMiliCamilllitilislinixi•lillii,11111111111•111111iTI p • U •-• • a U a U U fit • • • a U U a • • UNIFORM CLUAL.ITY • MAXIMUM HEAT- Chevy's done the next'hest thing to paving every road in Canada! First they threw out the front axle and put in torsion- spring independent suspension. Then they built coil rear springs into most light-duty models, variable-rate .leaf springs into heavieS. That made it a ride you have to feel to believe. A ride that lets you move faster ,to• get more work done in a day. Brawnier bulldozer blind! They're tougher than any Chevy trucks ever made.' Frames are stronger, cabs 67% more rigid. Front wheels and tires are precision-balanced. And that new suspension cushions jars and road shock that used to spell slow death for sheet metal. More comfortable cabs! Easier to hop in and out of too. Many models are a whole 7 inches lower outside. Yet there's more head room inside, plus more width for shoulders and hips. Big m the power department! With the industry's most advanced gas-saving 6's. With high-torque Workmaster V8 'performance in heavyweights. With new 6-cylinder or VS power avail- able in new L.C.F. models. SSO HEATING FUELS More models than ever! • * * * The following poem was com- posed many years ago by the Rev. ' Austin L. Budge: MARNOCII New 4-wheel-drive models, tandems and high-styled Suburban Carryalls. It's the handsomest, hardiest Chevy fleet ever to report for duty. See your dealer for the whole story, and be sure to take a ride! Anything leis is an old-fashioned truck! O Marnoch! rustic Marnoch! cut out of Maple hills The pioneers who founded thee were men of iron wills, But never axe or faggot e'er clear- ed the forest hare, For eedars, elms and hemlocks flourish in glory rare, O Marnoch, pretty Marnoch, kissed by the sunny beams, Just at .thy feet the Maitland, a. noble river, gleams; , The four crossroads dip downwards to valleys rich and green, Ox upward, where the wheat fields, • are a fairy 'queen, O Martmeh, hearty Marnoch, where .everywhere was life, The earth seemed young and hopeful,.and so were man and wife; A (world had here its centre, a world without its pride, The Weaver next the cobbler, and then the store beside. ANOTHER GOOD REASON FOR DEALING WITH "The man you like to call" • Marnoch, silent Marnoch, like thee the past now sleeps, The, hills around seernolonely, the flowing Maitladd weeps; Not No! a day is (dawning, the World is ever new, Yetithlias its own fair Vision 'as cars now hurry through, for FAST, EFFICIENT :HELPFUL SERVICE gham Motors Phone 1 w Wngham, ALWAYS LOOK TO IMPERIAL FOR THE BEST w• PHONE 730 Bal4ed Whole Onions Baked whole 'onions in their skids are deliciously different, Wipe Medium unpeeled, onions with it damp cloth, Bake in a pre- heated moderate even (33) degrees 3 .) from 7 to 1% hours or until A' TIFFIN tender. Remove from oven. and retrieve skins, Season with salt) WINGHAM ground black pepper and any &f- aired ,herb. See your local authorized Chevrolet dealer 0.1 A:6.'" "" ' THRIFT- COULD: 'COT A LIFE FOR THE SAKE OF A FEW PENNIES, A BABY LOST ITIrp LIFE,. • , thus begins . the tragic tale told fifteen times over so far in Canada this year, Here's how it ,goes: The 'dry-cleaning is de- livered' to the 'Muse. It is pro- tected' by dust 'proof thin plaStic. The' mother, taking the `clotheS otit of their plastic Covering, decides this Material is too nseful to throw away.' Why not use it to protect baby'S mattiess'?. WhY bother' to buy a special heavy- gauge mattress cover When this Meanderings By B. HENRY LEISHMAN Recently we had the privilege .of taking a drive of some 300 miles by motor car through the counties of Grey, Bruce and Huron, and to one who had beet shut in for sev- eral months, we 'were thrilled•with the marvelous beauty of the coun- tryside. Ontario is grand at any time, but at this time of year it is extremely beautiful with the green and gold foliage everywhere, and the lovely farms with their magni- ficent buildings, the large dairy herds and the fat lazy cattle loafing in the shade, contentedly chewing their cud, and the orchards With the trees literally bending down with, the loads of fruit. Prosperity everywhere, We saw two different farms in particular, each with about fifty heavy beef steers in their front fields. This, to an old-time farmer, was a fas- cinating Sight, 1VIethinks if there are a 1,5eople on the North Am- erican continent who have reason to be grateful, and who, lhould be an optimistic people, it is the agri- culturists of the province of On- tario. Many distinguished men will tell us that there is no line of busi- ness, however prosperous, that can surpass the farming industry. A farmer must at all times work in co-operation with nature,, thus he is drawn closer to a Supreme Being. The'kiss of the sun for pardon, The song of the bird for mirth, You are closer to God in a garden Than anywhere else on earth. Now that we are drawing closer to the Christmas season our hearts should go out in gratitude to a kind Providence that we have been per- mitted to add another milestone to our lives and to behold the beauty and the luxury of our land, , .• WITH REVOLUTIONARY TORSION-SPRING SUSPENSION THAT GIVES ASTONISHING NEW SHOCKPROOF ACTION!!!!! REVOLUTIONARY INDEPENDENT-TROT: .USliENSIOf.,1 • Esso Furnace Oil —for Automatic Burners • Esso Stove Oil —for Gravity Fed Heaters 1' z. 11. GENERAL MOTORS VALUE STRONGER "FRAMES — ,SIGGER 413RAKES ROOMIER COMFORT 60i WIDER POWER 014010E GREATER MODEL SELECTION f." tnt:r4