HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1959-10-14, Page 11BOWLING LOCALS NOW LEAD
In the Wingham park last Wed-
nesday evening the Winghana Sun-
oyos edged out Southampton by a
score of 2-1. 'this gives the SLIn•OCQS
a lead of 2-1 in a 4-7 series for ,the
WOAA. Int. "A" championship. The
next two games in the series Will
„he . played-at ...Sonth IktOn,
Both teams collected six hits.
Getting the hits for .the Sunocqs
were Bain 2, Gai.drier, Murray, Tot-
*kiss and Paxton with one each,
Bill Hotchkiss pitched the full
,game for the .Suriocos after haying
a 'little, sore arm trodhle, Bill
struck: Out 8 .batteri,, wqlke4 1,
° • RI-IL'
SotithaMpton 1.900 001'000°--•i 6 0
Wingham ..,„ ...... .000 00x-2 6 2
Southampton—Woods ,ss; Bruce
3b; Mass of; Batas c; Wilsdn' ci';
Nickel 2b; Becker rf; WalmSley ib;
Gateman p,
Wiugham Woods ib; Lott' cf;
Cerson 2h; Bain ss; Gardner 3b;
Murray ef; Fry °H; Holchlsiss P;
Foxton c:
ve gtxtorgcln wmtepiwreb, oye
a talk on public, relations add lios,
Gertrude citeltg of Whitecherch
gave a. Paper On the same sub-
Urao Harry Mulvey oondheted 4
contest on I Thingg My Grand-.
mother missed"). and , J.
Harper's paper on "`Grandmother's
PaYS" hrought 1),P,Olg Many 11/111PY
The meeting closed with ' a
dainty 'I ' -telf, "and • ..Gita.44'
mother's cookies.
13Y• Doug Skinn,
The Wingham • Mustangs.. played
host to the Clinton nedrnen on
Thursday and Came out on top with
the score of 25-0,
Clinton began a spirited 'attack
but their/ ifird was put out when
Petei• 'darrniChael 'scored' a fouCh
down 'in. the first' quarter. In the
second' quarter Wingham rolled
right 'clown " the field, for another
touchdown by. Wayne Brown, •
in the second half Dave'Kennedy
went• across , the line ,again'after
spectacular inn • of fifty, Yards '
Clinton ,battled. their way' to the
Wingharn fifteenyard line hut got
no further, Finally Dave Kennedy
was put In posititm„to score again
and Barry Piekford converted, The
Wingham total .seore,..25,
•The Winghara:boys have rolled
to three wing this year,..ea.ch time
with an,' imnressive scoreand now
lead the league, Nesk Thursday,
Oct: 15, •thep• play the return garne
in Clinton. and hope ,to keep up,
the record,' , • :
BELMORE—The Belmore Wo-
men's Institute held its regular
meeting on. Thursday evening, with
a good attendance and several
visitors. Mrs. Thos. Abraham was
convener of the "Grandmothers'
Several items of correspondence
were read and discussed, and it
was decided- to send $5.00 to the
Tely Milk Ship fund. Delegates
were chosen for the convention in
Owen Sound on November 2nd and
Mrs Walter Renwick add Mrs.
Oscar Keiffer are leaders for the
girls' homemaking project, "Clothes.
Closets Up-to-Date."
The roll call "A popular song
'when you were in your teens", was.
well responded to. Mrs. T. Abra-
ham gave a splendid motto, "In
youth? we learn, in age we under-
The district vice-president, Mrs.
to •3 Yearg"
Guaranteed Inirestment Certificates
To Wy.,esttm-juSt send in your cheque—V.00 or glorel j
'British Mortgage does the rest..
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YOUR FAMILY WOE STORE Hou*e404HOUSe Canvass 0'114 ark the Streets,
Sale Starts OCT, 15th Ends, OCT, 24th PHONE lz WINGHAM
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• Ve W alp° le I Folding FLOOR Aluminum
Thole at Service •
wripxwprrx The United
Plinroli held special Tllanhsgiving
'Wingham •
Aluminum WALL SASH
services on Sunday. morning when
Rev, g Clark chose'Thankagivinr
as his theme; ,choir; under the
direetien ,Of Misrs 4rme Peuglas,
sang "now Thank We All Oar
The church was beautifully dec-
orated with flowers, fruits and
vegetables for the occasion.
Sunday 'afternoon a group of men
from the Wroxeter church appear-
ed on the program "Sing Time" on
011111941111151,14.151•15.1•50. 415•11514150.1111511,51101.0.15•41..5••• 0 4.011115.04111111101116,0111115115511•1 1015011511p0111111;151.5•015555.915.
of each member
' of your family
in professionally made
It is 'not too early to think about Christmas, and what ulcer
gift is there than a portrait of yourself to a loved one, to be
kept foreVor
Bring in your own negatives for Photographic Christmas, Cards. , WINGHAM
Phone 890 *inglilaro
tubio tbe ONO
Si4dge 'Club
Six tables were in' play 'at the
regular meetinewith.the following
-North and South--Mrs. B. Porter,
Harley Crawford,•.1st; Mrs.' D. Na-
smith' and MIs', NacKaY,-21id;
Mr. and Mrs a.' 3rd, , ..•
East mid West-.741W., H. ,,Fretieh
and Gordon. MacKay, 18C; 'Mrs. D.•
Lloyd and lVfi's, L. S. -VanStone,
2nd; Mrs. W H,. French and 'Omar
Bayfield Speaker
At Anniversary.
DONNYBROOK—Successful an-
niversary services Were.- held on
Sunday at Donnybrook United'
Church with Rev. R. Sweeney
of Auburn. in charge of',the morn-
ing. service-and with' music by a
children's choir....
Rev. John 'Patrick of -Boyfield
was zueSt, speaker for the evening
service. The ladies' .choir sang
two numbers with ,' Miss Louise
Jefferson" presiding' at.. the. organ
for both services, ,...1;p411115.9050.0105.0011•HIM551f10111111.555111.0.11551111.1100%1M4PM.M55.51555.041510015MVO I4MOMM141.015•0511111.41115155
Douglas and Winnifred Munro
drove Mr, and Mrs. Allan Munro
to London, where 'they left by '
plane ,to visit relatives, in Cleve-
land for 'the week-end,
-Sh4414, dinner gtlests -TarveY,
grgYT41.ael,'A „WPM 3\fr,. „cad :gm
13lizzgr4 (nee Tria Legg4t) and son
of Toronto, Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd
:Lament, Teeswater, lYfr, and Mrs.
McMichael and MAricrie
Anne4MiSs Joyce Ford, Miss• Mar-
guerite„ Ford and Mr, Wm, Murphy
of Sailiffirille.
, Mrkt Alma Spence, Toronto, spent
the ;Week-end- with Mrs. Jessie
Higgins; Bluevale.
Mrs., .4.„ Wearing was a holiday
visitor' at her heine here and with
Mr, 7-3Yle Hart, arid iPilttl, Listow-
el, were 'Sunday visitoors with Mr.
and Mrs, Wm, . hart.
Mr, ,and Mrs, George Lunt and
famib, •BramPton, Mr. and Mrs.
liougqiunt and brother, Gary, of
Parry, Sonnfl, ''.were holiday week-
end guests'of Mr. and Mrs. A Hunt
Mr, and Mrs. Wallace Small and
family near 14istowel, visited Mrs.
Jennie Nicholson.
Mr, •, and Mrs. Mac IVIeDonald,
Cand'is and Scott, of Detroit, were
holiday visitors wi'41. Mrs. William
Montgpmery. Sunday visitors at
the same home were Mr. and Mrs.
IlfighTowland, Markdale.
Mrs. -Ivan Benson and
KerryriMitchell, spent Sunday with
Mr. Wu Mrs, Richard. In g ram,
Mr: and Mrs.' Ross Coates spent
the hOliday Week-end with Mr. and
Mrs, ,Iiloyd MaPletoft, Millbrook.
Ras:sloth:tau spent the week-end
with Mr. and Mit',.George Bechtel,
New',Dundee, and 'Mr. and Mrs.
Grahgra Barrow, Kitchener.
Mr;.' and Mrs; Russell Walker
were27saturdaY visitors with Mr,
and Mrs, Wilfred Weppler, Ches-
Miss Elva Hupfer spent. Sunday
with :Nfr, and Mrs. Lloyd Hupfer.
Mr., rand Mrs. Henry Thornton,
Orilli* were week-end guests of
Mr. add Mrs, Stewart Musgrove.
Mr.";and Mrs. William Wright at-
tended• the funeral pf the late Mrs.
Roy Gacicke, Fordwich, on 'Sunday.
Mr. ?and Mrs. „ Glenn McMichael
and daughter were Sunday supper
guests' pfMr. and Mrs..Bob Edgar,
Mr, and Mrs. Walter Eaton and
family; Miss Joan Alexander of
Seafoath, Mr. 'John Hupfer • and
Miss ,Hazel Sparling;STient Thanks-
giving', with Mrs. A. Snarling.
Miss Bonnie Edgar, Waterloo,
spent the Week-end with her par-
Mr., ,and Mrs.. Lloyd. Hupfer
spent Thanksgiving at the home of
Mr. Vernon•Hupfer,
BRADLEY—To Mr. and Mrs.
Gearge Bradley, Toronto, on Oc-
tob4 1st, 1959,• a daughter, a sis-
ter f or Marianne. •
HART--•••To Mr, and Mrs. Lyle Hart,
Listowel, on 'October 11th, 1959,
a daughter, a siSter for Patti.
Comorrelai Leagoe •
The Commergial BoWling League
got away to a good start on. Tues-,
day of last weer with president
Ken Gerson handing out the rules
and regulations for the new season,.
There aye only four of last year's.
bowlers absent, and that was be-
cause of business duties. The cap-.
tains are Maurice Stainton, Mervyn
Templeman, Don Cameron, Percy
Stainton, Jack Colvin and Bert,
Morrow. As Jackie Gleason would
say, "They are a good group".
Hilda Stainton and Ken Cerson
pulled out all the stops and scored
triples of 588 and 638 respectively,
5% 5.
'Lathes' League
The Ladies' Wednesday night
bowling league started the 1959-60
season on Wednesday of last week
with a change of team names, cap-
tains and a new execcutive.
Many thanks to the formerly
elected president, Grace ' Hodgkin-
son, who organized teams this
season. Grace IS leaving Wing-
ham to ,reside in Lucknow.
Nona Elliott has been elected the
new 'president. , The secretary is
Betty Feagan and treasurer, Cathy
Team names and captains are:
Roses, Doris Remington; Petunias,
Velma Balser; Asters, Marie La-
vergne; Lillies, Arlene Sinnamon;
Gardenias, Ann Henry; Tulips,
Sharon Brown. •
High team for the night was Gar-
denias with 4 points, winning all
three games from the Tulips. As-
ters were second with 3 points;
Mlles, 1 point, and Roses and Pe-
Annias were, tied ,with2 points each;
High single and triple went to
Helen ,Gardner with 227-539.
Mr.. and *5. IV(kGee,
Retire to Wingham
— Around' 60
neighbors and their families, and-
relatives of Mr. and Mrs. John Mc-
Gee met on Friday evening• fit the
home of 'Mr. and Mrs,' George Mc,
Gee as a farewell party before Mr,
and Mrs, McGee: leave this 'week
for their home in Wingham,
During 'the 'evening euchre, ero,-
kinole and other games were Play-
ed, ancF,after lunch Thomas O'Mal-
ley acted as chairman for a per-
iod of reminiscing. Many .of the
pioneer 'farmers in this district
are almost forgotten.i Mr, McGee
said his father came 'years ago,
With his bride, from Lanark, ,,,and
bought the 300 acres 'of bush land,
One farm was for his brother,
James, and one was sold to his sis-
ter's husband, Be told of the many
hardships and deprivations encoun-
tered, even to carrying the water
from. Silver Creek; of the building
of their log houses, and later, the
white brick homes and the church-
es in the .community„ •
Later they were presented with
a • step-up table and table lamp.
Mr. McGee thanked his friends for
their unfailing- kindness and co-
operation and wished the same tor
his successor, He invited everyone
to visit with them in their home on •
Minnie Street - in Wingham, All-
sang "For The'y Are Jolly Good
Fellows", AnnOullpipg
NEW 1960:
Mrs. Colton Birkinshaw, Toronto,
visited at the home of Mr. Albert
Mrs, Fred Hunt, Gederieh, who
was guest speaker at the meeting
of the Evening Auxiliary group,:
Carrie,' on Wednesday, and her
mother, Mrs, William Taylor, were
visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Clement,
Messrs.. Peter and Danny Isabelle
and Mr. Jos. Cooper, Toronto, spent,
the weekend at their home here.
Mr, and Mrs H. I. Durst and.
Bill were guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Alvin Hudson, Kincardine,' during'
the week-end.
Mrs, Alba Acteson, London, has
spent the past week• with her fa-
ther, Mr. Albert Gallaher. "
Mr, and Mrs. Scott Hunter and
family, Windsor, were holiday'
guests of their parentS, Mr. and,
Mrs. Roy Hunter and Mrs. Ruth
Mr. and Mrs. Jack McTavish and
family, London, spent the week-end'
• Mr, Thos, Walkey, Winnipeg,
is visiting his aunt and uncle, Mr,
and Mrs, William Maxwell.
Mr, Lyle Reidt, Willowdale, was
home for the week-end.
Mr. and Mrs. ,Jack Wilson and
son, ,rort RoWan, were week-end
(guests of the former's mother, Mrs.
E, Hoffman,
Mr. and Mrs, Laurie VanVelsor,
Hamilton, spent the week-end in
the village.
We are sorry to report Mr. Perce
Copeland is again a patient in the
Wingham Hospital.
Mr, and Mrs. John Acteson, To-
ronto, and Mr. and Mrs, Don Acte-
son, Brantford, were holiday- guests
with Mr .and Mrs, Albert Gallaher,
Mr. and Mrs. WM, McDonald,
Fordwieli, Were visitors one day
last week with Miss Margaret Jar-
dine and Mrs. D. Rae.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence White, of
Toronto, spent the holiday 'Week-
end in the village,
Mr, and Mrs, Lyle Brothers and
Wexford, spent Saturday
with Mrs. V. Brothers,
Mr, and Mrs, Billie Hart, Oshawa,
Were Sunday guests of Mr. and
Mfrs, William Hart. •
Mr, and Mrs. Morris Huisser, of
ListoWel, Were visitors during the
holiday week-end With Mr. and
Mrs. Verne Clark,
Mr. and 1VIrs, trual Lloyd, PO-
'titte, Mich, were holiday giteSta of .
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Higgins,
Mrs,-Riehard ,Griffith and Mr. Al-
lan Oriffith spent Sunday at
liam; Noratron4 Grand
bcragItts; MSS Anne
ALIGNMENT SERVICE Oriellrlllrli ,'°'~v'c. ••
Diagonal Road/,,
Phone 355 Winghim
There's a Ford Truck for every job. Left, 5,000-1b. GVW Pickup, rights lough tandem hauler with 75,000-lb. GCW.
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There are new engine changes which mean the 1960
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Telephone 231 A. D. MacWilliam Winghasno Ont.