HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1959-10-14, Page 10" " ` • 3 v.'!" • ,,, 7.7 • • A ••••••::•3 ' WINS AT SHOOT-Ernie King., left; in charge - of the rifle shoot at the Wingham Sportsmen's Associ- ation shooting match on Thanksgiving Day, admires a winning target shot by, Len Coyne Of, Windsor. , Mr. coyne, is a polieeMan in the border city and was visiting relatives over the holiday.,--A-T photo.' Improvements and. Repairs May be Financed under NHA Financing home improvements is refrigeration 'and garbage disposal no longer as difficult as it used to equipment. be. More and more home owners are digcovering that. Federal Gov- 5. Painting, , paper hanging and ethinent assistance is available general decoration including;',', an • • • 1)41.51 A MINtng r ANS, )'WANT TO MP IN AT 'VANCE'S ()RUG STORE, to GET THIS PRE$cRIPTIOM '41 FILLED- 00" You.' I'm A1,MOST, I'LL COME WITH, 00 OF COSMETICS DON'T WASTE GRAI MARKET YOUR GRAIN THROUGH MEAT MILK MAKE MORE EGGS MONEY THE ECONOMICAL WAY .1 he SIIUR-GAIN Way • To -get the very best out of YOUR grains during .the winter months ahead they need balancing. with SHUR.-GAIN CONCENTRATES. GRAINS SUPPLY MUCH NEEDED ENERGY '- BUT THEY ARE LOW. IN PROTEINS; MINERALS AND VITAMINS: '''HUR-GAIN CONCENTRATES MAKE THE DIFFERENCE - - SAVE FEEDING TIME - SAVE -FEEDING DOLLARS BALANCE -YOUR GRAIN WITH: SifV11..QA11 Contentrates Combined QUAillifaridECONOMY NA. 11.1 .0111.1.11f • BALANCED FEEDING HEADQUARTERS • Your SHUR-GAIN Feed Service Mill anada Packers Limited *INGHAM . ONTARIO AER0* UREA belongs in your Ploughdown, Plans this Fall ii • rots stalks and straw • enriches soil for:: heavy yields, next year , • prilled form for free flow ORDER NOW .::' 2401 YOUR CAR WILL LOOK NEW AGAIN Anything from a scratch to a gash, from a .dent' to a crumple, we fix fast. Removing every trace of wear and tear, we give your car.a smooth. glossy "like new" finish. • WINGHAM BODY SHOP Sid Adams PHONE 746 - WINGHAM If you have a ear problem, we have the answer. • .;',...;•••;a 3 • SAFE 0 . • • SURE • . • CLEAN • Etio Furn .ace Oil -for Automatic Burners • EsSo Stove Oil -for Gravity Fed Heaters ANOTHER GOG) •REASON FOR DEALING WITH "The man you like' to call." for FAIT, EFFICIENT o' HELPFUL SERVICE -ALWAYS LOOK TO IMPERIAL FOR THE IEST W. A. T F N ,PHONE 130 • WIN41A1101 a Team from 0,A,C. Does VOli in U.S.A, Pale MI/14,, of Hillsdale, Ont., a AllhioYeat fitndent at the Ontario AgricUltural. Coliege, was second hfillIaSt in 'the international inter* ViAlekiate dairy cattle judging POMPOM:ion at the National Dairy 'efIttle congress at Waterloo, Iowa; The 'tea% frool the 0,AC, stood Seventh in the competition 'MAO; included. representatives of 3.3 ag- ricultural. colleges from I-01 parts of the •United States., Members of'..the team were George Procter, Brussels; Dale Mil-. ler, HillSdale; Bert Mitchell, Lis- towel and Ross Graham, Palmers- ton,. They were coached by Dr. J. C. Rennie of the O.A.C. Animal Hus- bandry department. NOMINATION DATE SET FOR MORRIS The Morris Township Council met in the Township hall on Oc- Ober 5th with all members pre- sent. The minutes of the last meeting and the special meeting of Sept. 21 were read and adopted on motion of Gordon Wilkinson and Stewart Procter, Shortreed -Dunean--.- That Addi- son Fraser be paid $350.00 of his salary. Duncan - Procter- That we pay the following library grants,: Bel- grave, $20.00; Walton, $10.00; Blue- vale, $15.00. ' Procter - Wilkinson - That the road accounts as presented by the road superintendent he paid, Duncan -Shortreed- That the general accounts as presented be paid. • Procter-Wilkinson- That By-law No, 10,1059, setting the nomination for November 27 and the election if necessary, for December g, 1959, and appointing deputy returning officers and polls, clerks be passed as read the first, Second had third times. The meeting adjourned on motion of Stewart Procter and Ross DWI- can to meet again on November 2 at 1 p.m. Aceounta Brussels, Fair, grant, $200.00; Blyth Fair, grant, $100,00; Belgrave Fair, grant, $35.00; A Cassidy, Mustard drain, $22,00; 10, Mustard, drain, $11.00; Tha,mer Musing Home, $82,70; Blyth Standard, advertis- ing, $1.88; John Brown, Mills Drain, $4.00; Bailie Parrott, Mills drain, $4.00; John Van den Amin, Howes drain, $8,00; Baker Corlval- eaddrit Borne, $178.60 ., relief acct., $16.00; Corse Michie, 11/lathers and Mason drain, $6.00; Wingham post* Master; unemployment insurance, $6,00; Addison Fraser, part salary, $850.00; Belgrave Library, $20,00; under = the National Housing Act., The Act authorizes Central Mort- gage and Housing Corporation, the Federal housing agency, to give a limited guarantee to banks in re- turn for an insurance fee paid by' the borrower on loans made for home additions, repairs and alter- ations. NBA home improvement loans- up to $4,000 for a one-family dwel., ling-are available from any char- tered bank. One of the featureS of the loan is the case with which it may he obtained. The whole transaction can be arranged at the bank, In addition the loan provides a Convenient repayment period of up to 10 years, depending on the amount of the loan, and an interest rate of six per cent per annum, ' An NHA honie improvement loan may 'he obtained to pay fort ' 1. Interior and exterior repairs or alterations including the ad- dition of orie or more rooms, storeys or family housing units, 2. The erection or alteration of a garage or outbuilding. 3. The purchase, Installation, re- pair or improvement Of heating, electrical, fire control, plumbing and sewage disposal systems and all types of water supply systems for the home, 4. The purchase, installation or repair of htlilt.kin cooking, domestic 81uovale Library, $115.00; 'Walton Library, $1.0.00, Bailie Parrott, neesie Geo. C. Martin, Clerk DECLARE HOLIDAY ON NOVEMBER 11 The regular 'October meeting of the Howick Township Gouncil ,was held In the elor'k's office with all. Ar7tnhltbire"GibVX,Ct g anti th}laeir,"Tevh% minutes of the last regular meet- ing, the drainage court 'of revision. and special meeting-Were read and, n motion of 'McMichael and R. Gibson were adopted as read„,,. Haskins - Allan That we do :florielir With thd ''resolution' of the City of Sarnia re the pollution of fresh water lakes, and that notice be sent Partrnents of gov- ernment - Allan -aiaskins- That we accept the return of the assessment roll and, that the court of revision be held'on October 27th at 8.00 p.m. McMichael - R. Gibson- That we accept-- -the. 'applieattae ,- for • -Tile; Drainage Loan No, 6, ' Allan --Haskins- That we de- declare Remembrance Day, Novem- ber ..11th, A. Municipal holiday in the Township of Howielt. Haskins - Allan- That we give the Fordwich rink a grant of $200 to re-pair the roof. Haskins - Allan- That we accept the tenders for - snowplowing of Lorne I, Siefert, Fred Montgomery, Lloyd Jacklin and Torn McEwe- subject- to the approval of the De- partment of Highways. R.. Gibson - McMichael- That we instruct the clerk to prepare a by- laW for a township dump on road allowance of concession 16 and 17 opposite lot 19. 'HaAtins"zAllah 4--- That we give the McIntosh Cemetery Board a grant of $100.. McMichael - R. Gibson- That the road accounts as approved :be paid. Allan -Haskins- That the fol- lowing accounts be paid; Craivford, & Hetheringto'n, ser- vices, 1 $12.10; H. Harris, balance of salary, $500.00; Arthur Gibson, re- lief 'administrator, $24.60; G. L. Dobson, relief acct., $7150; A. Mtifiroi relief acct., $32.52; Wm. Marriner, relief acct,, $21.06; H. Howe, relief acct., $21.22; B, A. Schaefer, relief acct., $39.03; T. J. Schaefer,, relief acct., $100.43; Mrs. Williams, relief acct., $25.00; Ivan Haskins, hospital board meetings, $15.00; Baker Nursing Home, acct., $36.00; Howick Telephone System, service and tolls, $11.80; W. E. Whitfield, office supplies, $21.55; Hays 4f2r Prest, services, $4.50; Mc- Intosh Cemetery Board, grant, $100.00; road 'accounts, $7,955.90. McMichael - R..Gibson-4- That we do now adjourn to meet again on November 5th or at the call of the , A. Gibson, Reeve J. Harold Pollock,-Clerk Largest, Tree' Where is the largest tree in the world? The Book of Knowledge says `that it is 'a sequoia called General 'Sherman and it grows in Sequoia National Park, California It measures 115 feet around and 273 feet high. GUM FROM TREE Chewing gum is made from the latex, or milky juice, of the sapo- dilla tree: The raw gum is boiled, then moulded into 25-pound blocks. The blocks are melted and purified„ then sugar and flayouring are add- ed. Court of Revision On November The East Wawanosii council met October 8th with Reeve Hanna presiding, the minutes of the Meeting held September 1st. were read and .adopted. on motion by Bueluirain4Iallahan, MeGOwan•-Buteluman --- That the road and general accounts as pre- sented be passed and paid, By-law No, 11 was read the first and ,second time. Hallaban Bu- chanan--That By-law No. 11 be read the third time and passed, Road Accounts Stuart McBerney, salary and bills paid, $186,73; Chas. Hodgins, charg- ing battery, $1,00; Doherty Bros., welding manifold, $1.00; Work-. men's compensation board, assess- ment, $43.19.; Belgrave Co-op, salt, $12.50; W, S, Gibson, insurance, $84,21; Barry Williams, fuel oil, anti-freeze, $90,30; W, Q. Becker. EqUiprnont'',-Cio„,;•-, ,grader.. $131.25; Dominion Road Machinery, grader repair, 06,87, General Accounts The Workmen's Compensation Board, assessment, $6.33; Walter Scott, cord wood to relief acct., $4.00; Eldon Cook, trucking wood relief, $3,00; Snell Grocery, relief, $24.56; McKay's Rest Home, main- tenance of patient, $88.25. Buchanan;Halralian- That coun- cil adjourn to meet Novernber 3rd at one o'clock and for 'Court of re- vision on the 1.959 assessment roll at three o'clock at the Belgrave community centre. C, W. Hanna, Reeve R, H, Thorripspn; Clerk, TRIES FOR A TURKEY-Fled Deacon, was ono of Day.' Mr. Deacon' didn't win the round, but he came . several hundred nimrods who attended the Sports- close with a good target.-Advancti-Times photo. Men's Association shooting match on Thanksgiving overall floor covering or carpet made to fit a particular room but excluding curtains, drapes , and rugs. 6. The purchase, installation or repair of storm, doors, storm win- dows, screens and awnings. 7. The erection, repair or im- provement of fences, 8. The construction or repair of private driveWays, sidewalks or curbs and landscaping of a perma- nent character, 0. The demolition of buildings. 10, The moving of a building to a new location on the same lot, The maximum loan is $4,000 for a one-family dwelling, In the case of a duplex, semi-detached or mul- tiple-family dwellings, the loan may be as high as $4,000 for the first unit plus $1,500 for each ad., ditional unit up to a, maximum of $3,500' for a four-unit dwelling. For purposes 'Of the loan, a home is defined as a house or multiple- family dwelling consisting of not more than four units, which is in whole or in part the ordinary resi- dence of the Owner; A loan may also be obtained for a building con- taining business premises and not more than four family }lensing units, proVided one of the Units is the residence of the OWnet and the lean is being used primarily fat the benefit of the housing unit, A house being used as a hotel, a summer residence or for seasonal occupancy dada not qualify for it loan, •ZVI Wrbottom AilviciaeO1`lme6, WOffolesillay) 00, 1.4, 1969