HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1959-10-14, Page 7ifertr-' Z.tr113411.COZintrii -L. wiNowtig, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, ommog, 14, 100e FILM ON TITLING key' W. j. Taylor W.I. WILL CATER At United Church EW-RAVE—Rev, W, J, Taylor TO TWO BANQUETS "S Reo,1"..„E..„.0onnedy At Ethel Service. BLUEVALF,1—knes, Presbyterian Church was beautifully decorated with baskets of chrysanthemums fruits and 'vegetables for the Thanksgiving service conducted by. Mr, Glenn Thompson, of Cranbroolt. 'Rev, T. E, Kennedy took anniver- sary services in Ethel Presbyter, len Church, where he was ordain. ed almost 41 years ago, SHOWN AT MEETING Of Dorchester, was in charge of. anniversary services at Knox, Unit- ed church on Sunday, At the 'morning- service the .SUbject of the sermon was, "To Be or Not to Be--- Grateful", with the Scripture les- son taken from Luke, The choir sang tWosaitherr10, At the evening service the sub, ject was, "Guardsman for Christ" and the Scripture lesson was from, Kings,. An all . male choir took part in the evening, service, The orgrinist a.n1 choir leader was R,oy Mundy, HUNDRED YEAR COIN DISPLAYED AT W.I. BELOW '(JOVI1tA1UE4N-ARIVI&.-011 Forbes, centre, at a special night in his honour, last Friday, were four other veterans who had been overseas with Scotty in the first war as comrades 'the-161st 'Regiment; Huron DA4Pirsiiant: 1111kor are' ' left to right, Harry Town, Wingham; George Inglis, Delmore; Charles Coultes, Belgi•ave and George Day, Wingham.—Advance-Times photo. EPLOKAVE,,,flilhe tail Thank- uttering Meeting of tnc WOMen's Missionary Seciety of '1094.Tre. byterian ,Church was. held. .in;, the church on Friday evening', The society had As their guests the congregation and the .P0ctill)* opened with Psalm 139 with Joe Dunbar, the ,president, in t e chair, She .extended greetings the guests. ,The Scripture reading, was read by Mrs. Edgar Wightman, Mrs. O. G. Anderson led in prayer ,and gave the. meditation. A duct by MISSess'Anne•andeMargarets.Wight- man on pitino 'and organ. was 'very much enjoyed., The offering was received and dedicatory prayer by Mrs, Dunbar. A duet,. "Sweet Hour of, Prayer" was, sung by Rev. Mr, and Mrs, Green. Mrs. Victor Youngblut gave the "Glad Tidings prayer. A film was shown on "Tithing" in which a family made sacrifices in order to give to the church and help missions. This was followed by' a piano .8019 by Margaret Nicholson., — Mrs, Edgar Wightman, on behalf of the Society, thanked all w 'took part and helped to make rile Meeting so enjoyable. Psalm 195 was sung and Mr. Green closed the meeting with prayer. Luneh was served and a social hour en- joyed. 0 GORRIE ,Arira,ngerilept5 for catering for the Junior Farmers' family night, and .for the, Milk Producers' banquet were made at the October meeting-. of the Gorrie; W.I. on Tuesday night at the home of Mr4, Willard Peel, .An invitation, to attend the Moles- worth. W,T, Calico Ball, November 6th 10 the Gorrie Community Hall was received, The Huron County Rally 'will -he held in Brussels on Monday, Nov. 2nd at 10 a,m. Several members plan to attend the 'Guelph Convention on, Thursday, The president Mrs, Glenn Johns, ton," read 4 • poem "Little Things"t by Margaret Elson and also an article on "Preserving Our Free- dom." saying ' "We must be on guard as perhaps we have lost some of our freed,* unknowingly," Answers to. the roll call -"How to educate oneself" advised - reading and making an effort to do new things, Mrs, John Baylor 'brought thoughts on thnmotto. "Take time 'to read for it la. the foundation of wisdoM". Books are an intellectri, al •heritage, and a treasured pos, session. Edrication, is a golden opportunity. She 'closed with the poem "The Will te,13e", • Members are- asked to donate a tea towel for the community hall in October. 7y'fro..W.'.C., King and Mrs, Russell .A.dams held lunky numbers -in the Dutch Auction: Dainty refreshments were served by the hostess 'assisted by Mrs. Robt, Elschner, HiS.tory of W.A. Mr. Fred Swincilehearst of Los Angeles visited last week with Mr, and Mrs, Neil McCrea and other friends in the village and commun- ity. Missionary in. India Convention Speaker • • A program of eacep.tionai. inter, est is being planned for the annual convention of the .North Section of Huron Presbyterial ‘WilSii,S, which Will be held in Gorrle, United Church on• Thursday, October 22nd, The afternoon session begins at 1,30 pare, the evening session at 7.00, This evening meeting, with sup, per spited at 5,30, is a new depar, ture, and it is. hoped that many women previously unable to attend daytime sessions, Will be present this year. The -fortunate choice for speaker is a missionary ileac from t. the overseas mission. field in the person of Miss Christina Bexter of Indore, India, ,She will tell of her work as an educational mission- ary, training native teachers, and: illustrate 'her talk with pictures, The special• study of she year on Africa, will he stressed, with a film strip, "Angola AWakens" and with display boards. The afternoon session will be highlighted by :an address from Mrs. A, E, Hollands of Aylmer on "The Future of Women's' Work in the Church". The discussion period following will be a lively one, as this is a subject of deep concern to women. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Walker of Goderich spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs, Robert Stone- house and Mr, and Mrs. Lewis Stonehouse and other relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Goldie Wheeler arid family of London spent the week- end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.' Herb Wheeler. • Mr. and Mrs. Mike Rezensoff and • family of St. Catharines spent the EVENING AUXILIARY wend a ck i risndd MLnannyd 011ff rai3iJim h AT ANDERSON HOME visited on Sunday with Mrs. Laura Johnston and George. • Mrs. Alice Johnston and Miss Provincial Command; Frank Dougherty; Tara, chair- man of the District C membership committee; Mr: Forbes; Fred O'Brecht, Dutharn, 3rd vica-piresident, Dominion Command; Reg. McDonald, Exeter, zone secretary; back row, John Pattison, immediate past president Branch 180, Winghana and past secretary' of Zone Cl; John Bateson, Wingham, past zone commander, District C; and.Harvey Pfaff, Exeter, commander Zone CL—AdVarice-Times photo. . LEGION DIGNITARIES--Attending the special "Scotty Forbes Night" sponsored by Zone Cl, in honour of "Scotty" Forbes, former Service Bureau Officer, Ontario Command of the Canadian Legion were a number of executive members' of the various branches, and representatives of the higher eChelone of the organization. Shown above are, front row, left to right: William Sear, Commander, Zone C4, Port Elgin; Chester Merriam, Tara, chairman of the BLUsEVALE—The Women's In- stitute met In the, community hall On Thursday • afternoon with the president, Mrs. Sperling Johnston, in the chair. Mrs, W, J. Peacock read the minutes and gave an en- couraging• treasilrer's report. The Poll call "Bring an old cells or an old piece of jewellery", brought some interesting exhibits, Mrs. W, J. Peacock had the oldest coin.1859. It was decided to hold Family Night on Friday, November 6th. Ten dollars was voted. to CARE to help pay shipping charges on milk powder given by the Dominion gov- ernment for refugees abroad. Mrs, Alex Corrigan, convener for the program on historical research, spoke on Canadian Indians. She named the tribes and their local- ity, suggesting ,that they may have been very early migrants from Asia. In America 56 different In- dian languages are spoken, 12 in Canada alone. Our Indian popula- tion is 155,000 and is increasing. There are 2,200, reserves, Indian children are educated in 28,000 In- dian schools, some residential, while many attend public schools with white children, In politics and religious activities Indians are weak. Their lives have changed greatly, from mastery they have changed to dependency. The Federal government has con- 'trol of Indian affairs •but elected Indian councils have certain rights, Property on reserves is exempt from taxation. Health measures have lessened the scourge of tubers- culosis and other diseases. Mrs. Bert Garniss read'-two po- ems by the Indian poetess, Pauline Johnston, "The Song My Paddle Sings" and "As Red Men Die", The hostess, Mrs. Eldred Nichol and •assistants Mrs. Frank Stam- per, Mrs. Raymond Elliott and Miss Dorothy Greenaway served refresh- ments. Thanksgiving with Mr, and Mrs, Morley Bell. Mr. Chas, Hooey, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs.'Robt. Dane. Mrs. Maurice Wallace and fam- ily of Dundas, and Mr. and Mrs, Bruce Wallace of Hamilton spent a few days with Mrs. Jean Massey. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Buchanan and John, InverhurOn, spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Griffith. Mr. and Mrs. Willim Smith spent the -week-end with Ronald and Mrs. Brooks of •Ottawa, Mrs. Jean Massey, Elizabeth and Glen, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Campbell Magoffin, Woodstock. Told at Meeting GORRIE—Mrs, Fred Hunt of Goderich, 'president of 'Huron Deanery Woman's Auxiliary, was guest speaker at the 'October meet- ing of the 'Evening Guild of St. Stephen's Anglican Church in the L.O.L. hall, Wednesday afternoon. She told of the founding of the W.A. in 1885, of its growth and development, of the Little Helpers, the Junior• Auxiliary and the Girl's Auxiliary.' She• explained the dif- ferent pledges and the annual Thankoffering is used for. . The preaident,,Mrs. Harry King, presided, Mehihers of the Wo- 'men's Auxi li a r y were, guests' Dainty refreshments were served. .BLUEVALE GORRIE BELGRAVE—Mrs, Ross Ander- son welcomed the members of the Evening Auxiliary of the Wo- man's Missionary Society of Knox United Church to her• home for the regular meeting on Tuesday evening, when there were 18 mem- bers present. The president, Mrs. Gordon Bos- man, 'opened the meeting with a *reading on Thanskgiving; follow- ed, by a hymn and the Lord's pray- er in unison. The minutes were read by Mrs. Clarence Hanna and the treasurer's report' by Mrs, Robert Grasby. There • were 20 hospital and three home visits to the sick and shut-in recorded. The following members were appointed to attend the Sectional meeting in 1Gorrie, Mrs. Lewis Cook, Mrs. Clifford'. ,-Logan, Mrs. Kenneth Bartaitir and Mrs. Ross Anderson. A.tbank you letter was read •from mfaSionsiry to whom the group had sent a signed card 'at Christmas and WhO is at present on ftirlough. It was agreed to extend invitations to the Blyth and Brussels groups to be guests of the Belgrave group at their November meeting. Each group is asked to bring a number.for the program. Mrs. Clarence Hanna. gave a •spipndid report of her stay at Alma College at' the school for leaders, held at St. Thomas recent- ly. Mrs. Ross Anderson, Mrs, Clifford Logan and Mrs. Kenneth Barbour were named the nomin- ating committee to prepare a slate officers fin the year, this re- port to be ready for the December meeting, MrS. Clifford Logan and her group were in charge' of the wor- ship service opening with a hymn, after which Mrs. Logan read the lesson and Mrs. Clarence Hanna responded with passages of Scrip-. turn RECEIVES GIFT—Mrs. 'Forbes, left, was presented with •a bouquet at the Legion social honouring her husband last Friday evening, Presenting the flowers Mrs. Logan and Mrs. Hanna read from the study book, "Africa Disturbed". The meeting closed by Mrs. Logan, Mrs. Harold Vin- cent and Mrs. Cameron Walsh reading a verse from a hymn. Recreation was ,a spelling match with Mrs. Lewis Cook and Mrs. Robert Grasby as captains. A "lunch was served. is Mrs. Charles Coultes of Belgrave. Mrs. Forbes also received a necklace later in the evening which was presented by Mrs. 'George Days—A-T BENUE yellow brocade taffeta and or- ganza, Margaret Goram, of Toronto was soloist, singing The Lord's Prayer and The Wedding Hymn. Gordon 'nil, Toronto was groomsman. For the reception at "The Rex- way" the bride's mother wore marine blue faille with black accessories. The groom's mother Was in mink crepe and matching accessories. For the wedding trip to points east the bride donned a teal blue wool dress with lighter blue coat and matching accessories, The couple will reside in Bramp- ton. Guests were from Port Dover, Stratford, Waboshine, Gorrie, Lon- don, Listowel, Coldwater and New York. Mr. and Mrs. Walker To Live in Brampton GORRIE—St, Phillip's Anglican Church, Weston, was the setting for the marriage on Saturday, October 3rd at 4 p.m, of Carol Diane Ineson, Torinto, and James Alexander Walker, Toronto. The Rev, A. K Matson, Weston, officiated. The bride is the daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs, F, W. Ineson, Toronto and the groom is the only son of Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Walker, Gorrie, The bride was given in niarriage by -her father. The bride wore a gown of crys- tal mist with full train and veil Of Calais lace held in place with a crown of seed pearls. Her flow- erS were white orchids, lily of the valley, stephanotis and roses, Sylvia Burke,. New York, USA., was Maid of honor, Bridesmaids were Edythe Walker, Darlene Ineson and Sheila Best, Toronto, The maid of honor .and Miss Best wore coral peas de sei, MiSs Walker and Miss itieson chose leaf green peau d,o SOL Ali carried cream roses and button mums, Lynne Carberry/ of Tallamore, Out., was 'flower girl in pale Iris Johnston of London spent the week-end, and Mr. and Mrs. Clay- ton Procter of Goderich visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Procter. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Vince,nt and, family of London spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Vincent. and other relatives in the village, Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Cook spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. James Buchanan and family at Amherstburg. Mrs. Floyd Campbell and her son Lorne Campbell left on Satur- day on a motor trip to Thessalon where they will visit with Mr, Floyd Campbell, who is employed there and with Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Ansley- and family, Mrs, Kenneth .Wheeler, Mrs.• Bud Orr, Mrs. Harold Vincent, Mrs. Gordon Mcliurney and Mrs. Clare VanCeinraR''' attending the Cub Leaders trailing sehool being held at Clinton, each Week 'for three Weeks. Mr, Lorne Campbell, John Nixon, Harold Vincent and Ken-. neth Wheeler are attending a aim-. liar school for Boy Scouts. Mr, and Mrs. Russel Kelly, Guys and Gail of Cooksville and Mr. 'and Mrs. Joe Morgan, Judy and Bon- nie Jean of .Ailsa Craig, spent. Thanksgiving Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Kelly. Mrs, Alan Lichinsky 'and family of Regina, Sask., is spending a few weeks' holiday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Cook and other relatives. Ma Lechinsky will join her on Sunday. Thanksgiving Day visitors with Mr. and Mrs, 'Neil McCrea were Mr., and Mrs. William Forder, Miss Joyce Forder of Blackstock, Mr, Clinton Brown, Port Perry and Mr. and Mrs, Mel, Bradburn., Mrs. Lloyd Taylor and John of Sarnia spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. Orval Taylor. Lloyd joined them to spend the week- end. Mrs. Ivan Wightman is convener of the historical research 'meeting of the Belgrave Women's Insti- tute to be held' on Monday even- ing in the community' centre: The roll call will be 'answered by telling, "When your house was built and who were the first ocenpants". There will be a panel 'discussion and local history .of the farms by Mrs. Melvin Taylor, Mrs. Walter Scott, Mrs. Stanley ,Black, Mrs. Ivan Wightman and Mrs. Melville' Bradburn, The group has an- nounced, if enough members show interest at this meeting, leaders will be sent to the leadership school in Winghatn, October 27 and 28, for the short course, "New lamps for old". Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Holmes and Mr. Clarence Doerr of Milver- ton visited Tuesday with their cousin, Mrs. Charles Jefferson and Mr. Jefferson, Mr. and Mrs. George Reeves of Toronto were holiday guests of Mr, and Mrs. James Leddy, Mr, and Mrs. Willows Mountain of Lonclesboro were Sunday visitors with their grandaughter, ,Mrs, Wesley Jefferson, Mr. ,Jefferson and Debra, Miss Lucy Thompson of trout() was home over the holiday, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Jefferson and Cheryl of Clinton, and Miss hifilne Jefferson of London 'visited With 'their parents Mr, and Mrs. •Charles Jefferson, Mr, and Mrs, Wm. Webster of St, Helens and Mr. and Mrs, Robert Chanmey of Auburn were Sunday visitors 'at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Stuart Chamney and tamily. Vesper Service Set Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Thompson and family were Mr, and Mrs. Chester Finnis gan and David and Mrs. Raymond Finnigan Of Crewe, Mrs. Cecil Chamney of Wingham, Mr. and Mrs. G. A, McLaughlin and Joanne of Detroit. Mr. and Mrs, O. A. McLaughlin of Detroit spent the week-end visiting with '.b.:18.8t Wawanosh friends, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Hiseler and son of Guelph spent Sunday with Mr. anti Mrs. Tom Armstrong and family, Shards y visitors with. Mr. and Mrs, Hilliard Jefferson and fain- ily were Mr, and Mrs. Jack Wilt stead of Bluevale, Mr, and Mrs. George Seffersoh of Clinton, Mr, and Mrs. Doug, Saunder, joint, Lawrence, Nancy and Jane of Port Stanley, and Miss Irene After. son of Dunnville, Mr. •and Mrs, Ted Robinson, Jim, Bill and Judy visited with the tatter's parents, Mi., and Mrs. Gersham Johnston of Winghatn. Miss 'Lucy Thompson of Brorto and her cousin. Mt. Harry Spencer of Brooklin were Sunday visitors With Mrs, John Thompson and Howard, Mr, and Mrs. Eert 'Fitz. gerald Of Ititicardine were Monday visitors at the oartie Hold Anniversary At United Church GORRIP, -- The Gerrie United Church is holding anniversary services next Sunday, October 18th at 11 a.m. and 7,30 p.m., Standard J, E. -Clarke will be the speaker, There will be no Sunday School owing to the anniversary service, Birth GRAHAM—In the Palmerston Hos- pital on Monday, Sept, 28th to Mr, and Mrs. Alex, drahanl, a Thelnaa Part. Mr. Fred SWirridlehurst of Cali- fotnia visited With Mr: and Mrs. Wm. N, ,Robertson recently. Visitors with Rev. T. E. and Mrs. Kennedy during the Thanks- givingweek-end were Mr. and Mrs. James E. Kennedy, Gail and Lou- ise and Mrs. Morley Plunkett, of Toronto, Mrs. W. J. Hunter, Osh- awa, Mr,' and Mrs. James Brem- ner' and Mrs. Robert Bremner of Union, Mrs. John Ballantyne, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. .D. Campbell, Anne, Mary and Joy, of Molesworth. A speeial Thanksgiving service was held in the United Church on Sunday Mr. Alan H, Neelon deliv- ering' aeserm"on, commending a life of praise and •thanksgiving. The choir sang two .numbers. Baskets of.flowees.and leavea and fruits of autumn, sy,mbolized the harvest season, ' • Mrs. Arthur Shaw visited Mr. and Mrs.' Cooper Nethery at Bel- grave for a few days last week, Jack Elliott came from Corn- wall for a Thanksgiving visit at his Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Peacock and family motored to Ottawa for the Thanksgiving week-end, visiting P.;s,. Inspector George Peacock, Mrsa Peacock and family. Me. arid Mrs. Stanley Darling's Thanksgiving family gathering in- cluded. Donald Darling, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Darling and family, all of TOronto; Mr, and Mrs. Jim Dar- ling of Wingham; Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Campbell and family of Mor- riss Mr. aind Mrs. George Darling and family ,of Wingham. Mrs. Mabel -Harris and Barry of Lambeth spent the week-end with Mrs. Edward rohnston, who return- ed with them l'o Lambeth to spend the winter. Mr. and Mrs. John McInnes have Moved from Wingham to the home Ken they bought from Mr. George Bur- ger. Mr, and Mrs. Burger have taken posseSsion of tire farm they recently bought near Gorrie. Mrs, Margaret Ogram of Toronto Was a ,recent visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Greenaway. Mr, 'Bernard Lillow of London, spent the week-end with his mo- ther., Mrs. Nellie Lillow, Mr. and Mrs, 'Floyd Moffatt and family of Southampton were with Mr. and Mrs. Burns Moffatt for Thanksgiving, Paula and Stephen Barry, of Sar- nia, are spending a few days with their grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. George T, Thomsen', Their parents, Mr. and Mrs, Alfred Barry, are moving shortly with their family to St, John, N.B. Mr, and Mrs. Clare Hoffman and son of Exeter, and Mr, and Mrs, Bruce Webb, Of Barrie, spent Sun- day with their ;parents, Mr, and Mrs, C B, Hoffman, Per Thanksgiving Mr. and Mrs. k, MacTavish and children of London vlsitdd Mr. and Mrs. It H. McKinnon, Last week Dr, Robertson, Mrs. Robertson, of litigwood and Mrs, Alex Armstrong of Brussels Visited -at the seine home. Mr. aria Mrs. Lloyd flockridge and Timmy, Toronto, were week- end guests of Mr. and Mrs.. M. D. Irvin. Service in St. Stephen's Church will be held .at 1.30 Tern. commenc- ing Sunday, Oct, 18th. Slides \ on the:, study 'hot* 'entitled, "Talking Drums" will be shown. iii 'the L.OL. hall, Gorrie, . on Thursday evening,, Oct. 15th at „8.15 p.m. These are being shown throughout the Huron Diocese. W.XS. mem- bers of the United and; Piesbyter- ian Churches are invited to attend, 'Miss Betty Wylie, Toronto, spent the Thanksgiving holidays with Mrs. John Wylie. • • Mrs. Gladys Lee, Lyleton,, Man., is visiting Mr. and. Mrs. Walter Charles. Mr. and Alta. Roy olitirles„ Listowel, and Mr, Thos. Cuthbert, Ripley• visited at •the homes ,of Messrs. Herbert and. Walter Charles. on Sunday. ,Mrs, J. T. Huckwith of. Wallace- burg, returned home Monday after• spending several clays •with her sister, Mrs.µ Alex. Graham • and Mr., Graham. Mr. Jelin Cathers visited Mrl. and Mrs. A. Lincoln, Belrnore one. Sunday.' Mr, and Mrs. Thos, Stokes and Doris, Belmore, and Miss Mary Thornton of Kitchener spent Sun- day with Mrs. Thornton. 'Mr. Andrew Davidson is a patient in Palmerston Hospital, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Grainger attended' Norwood Fair, visited friends at Havelock and spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Free- man Inglis of Peterborough. Misses Margaret Hastie and Sandra Edgar spent the week-end in Toronto. Mr, and Mrs. Sandy Hastie, To- ronto, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hastie. Sympathy is extended to Mr. Charles Black in the loss of his sister, Mrs. Roy Gedcke, Fordwich, Miss Sandra liastie, London University, Miss Heather Hestia Donald and Tom Hastie of To- ronto were Thanksgiving holiday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Hastie. Mr, and Mrs, Wm, Nay and Ricky spent Sunday and Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cudmore, Brussels. Miss Karen Michel, Stratford„ spent the week-end with her pa- rents, Mr. and Mrs. Cloyne Michel. Miss Sandra Hastie, University of Western Ontario, was a holi- day visitor at the home bf Mr, and Mrs, Ken Hustle. •Tom Hastie was also heme from Toronto, Misses Dorothy and Margaret McTavish, Weston, Were guests of Mr. and Mrs, Harvey Adams' over the week-end: Mr, and Mrs, Erie King spent Sunday •afternoon at the same home, Mr, and Mrs, John Campbell, Susan and ittleky, Seven Islands, Quebec, spent from Wednesday to Saturday of last week' with litr. and Mts. Harty king and othier Gorrie friends, Mr. and Mrs, Sandy Sastie, To- ronto, spent the Week-end and hog- day with Mr, and Mrs, Harry Ha,- tit. lr Mr. 1h. H, Therepson spent Sans day With Mr. and Mrs, Allan Me- Gila of Wingharn. Mr. Georgebane" left last Tues- day for Edmonton, Alberta. , ,Mrs. Elsie Riney, • Wingham, arid Mrs. Clarence Hutchison, St. Thomas, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest King, .one day last week. Mr. ,and Mrs; Bill. Hart, Oshawa, spent the week-end and holiday with Mr. and Mrs.• Edward New- ton and with Me., and MrS. Hart, Wroxeter, • • Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Miles, Mr. Ron • Miles, -Mr.•s and ,' Mrs,. Bill Smythe and Allan alistai Toronto Were visitors with Mr: and. Mrs. NorMan Wade on , ;Sunday and Monday. ' .• , Jack King, Stephen andWendy Gott of Toronto;were "'holiday visitors with the former's 'parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Xing. Jack has entered his first year at Tor- onto University and is taking a Forestry Engineering course. Mrs. Gordon Underwood spent a few days in Sarriston last week. Mrs. Robt, Ferguson visited'Mrs. Pearl Patterson in Fordivieh for a feW days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Collins and Miss Irene Holmes . of Toronto were Thanksgiving guests 'of Mr, H. V. Holmes. Mr, and Mrs. James Graham of Toronto were holiday 'visitors with relatives. , Mr. and Mrs. Earl Underwood visited Mr. and Mrs. Jack Under- wood of Palmerston on . Saturday, who are moving to Guelph this. week. The Woman's AsSociation of the Gorrie United Church, will meet at the home of Mrs. Elmer Parrish on Thursday, October 15th at 2.30. Group 2 will have charge of the program. An invitation has been received froin St. Stephen's Church to meet with them in the L,O.L. Hall on Thursday at 8.15 p.m. when ;pictures ,on Africa will be shown. Mr. and Mrs, Harold Edgar and Jimmy of Guelph spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Edgar. Mr. and Mrs, sector Hamilton and family and Mrs. C. Hamilton visited Mr, and Mfrs. Archie Scott of Exeter on Sunday, .Mrs, Olive Will and Wilma, Mrs. Edson Riley,'Mr, and M. Jos. Gillanders, all of Leamington, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs, Justin Will, Mr, and Mrs, Emil Griese of Michigan, spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Koch on Sunday, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. C. koch, they called at the homes of Messrs. Henry, 'William and Clar- ence Koch Wallace Township. Mr. and 'Mts. Fred bowdall,, To- ronto, were week-end guests Of Mr, and Mrs, Prod Tlyndman, Mr, and Mrs, Harold Bell and family, Mn and Mrs, Jaelt Boat and family, 411 of Preston, spent For December 20 'FfniLGRAVE---The regular meet- ' ing of the La Lo Li group of the Canadian Girls' in Training Was beld on Friday evening in the w' Church and was opened with the purpose, The group repeated Scripture in 'Miami. Routine re= ports were read by the secretary and treasurer. It was deeided to hold the `neXt. meeting 'on Thursday evening, and the roll call Will be answered With the second' verse of the Children's Song. Rtith Coultes and Marjorie Homier will be in charge Of this Meeting. Plans Were made for the 'vesper service .0 be held On Deceinbor 20, The worship sets/lee was opened With the hymn, "My Faith- Looks up to Thee",after which, Linde, Rlnn read te Seripture lesson,. The story about Philip and the Men in the alexia, was read by Wendy Fear, The Seta/lee closed With, the hymn, "What- a, Friend We ilaire in Jesus", Wendy gave the benediction, The group 'Started its study On •the disciples. Work was started , on a quilt at this Meeting. A sing song and fealties', and the singing of T6,04, elesed the hiceting, rt