HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1959-10-14, Page 190TH. BIRTHDAY—Williain.' Phm-t-
Phrey -of St. Helens marked his 90th
birthday this past week-end. Mr.
Humphrey is In fair \health, and is
living with his wife and daughter,
just east of the village. The couple
have, been Married for some 67
years.—Advance-Times photo.
Ken Downie Is
Moved to Penetang
Kenneth Downie, lineman with
the -Ontario Rural Hydro, has been
transferred to Penetang and start-
ed there this week,
Ken originally came from Lon-
don. He ,moved to this district
with his parents several years ago
and almost 13 years ago joined the
Rural, Hydro staff here,
Mr. and Mrs. Downie will be
missed by' their many friends in
this eommunity. They will move
to Perietang with their four child-
ren as soon as living accommoda-
tion is available.
• ....."..1,TW;4774,4111011".
i nn Cantelon, a long-time sub-
scriber to this paper, was interest-
ed in the 'picture of Winghs.rn's
main street in a recent issue, which
hadbeen unearthed by Elmer Wily
kinsOn." .M•r. Cantelon sayS there
are several features to help date
th'e'-picture, •
• sTiwroaciway is unpa,ved`and has
no curb$,,so it must have been• tak-
en:before 1913, when the street was
paVed. It was taken after 1692-93',
When" the Anglican Church was
built; 'and before 1907, when the
post' office was 'erected. In all
,probabilitY the date was around
1900,- give or take a few years, is
the 'conclusion drawn •by Mr. Can;
teldn: •
He auggests that it would be till
tereiting to publish a picture each
eeAc,h:from days gone by, which
w onlci bring back`inemories to the
older. generation 'arid -be of edu-
cational Value to' the younger read,
ers. - This; is an excellent sugges-
-HIM and The AdVande-Times would
be ples,sed to receive contributions
from time to time. It must bo
kept in. mind, however, that not
alt ,old''piteures will reproduce well
for• newspaper purposes) but we will
be:.glad to look over your supply
and choose those suitable for pub-
liaation. •
DDGM Ken Saxton
Pays Official Visit'
District* Deputy Grand ,'Mastei.
Rt. Wor, Bro, Ken Saxton Made his
first ; °Metal visit to tile „Blair
*Lodge, A:F. & A.M., in Palmer's-
ton on Friday evening, He was ac-
companied •by District 'Secretary
Gordon. Leggatt, 'Ross Vogan, mas-
ter/of the local lodge and district
chairman of Masonic Education,
and Herbert Fuller,
On Monday evening Mr. Saxton,
Mr, •Leggatt and Mr, Vegan made
a visit to the Brussels
Mr. and Mrs. Sturdy
MoveS to Orangeville
,Bill Sturdy, formerly of Wing-
ham .who, has been with the Bell
Telephone Co., in Owen Sound for
about eight years, has been trans-
ferred by that company to Orange-
ville., Bill will, take over his new
duties on Monday.
Mr, and .IVIrs, Sturdy have bought
a •house in Orangeville and will
move their household effects the
first of November, They have two
children, Jimmie and Susie.
R, lVfelCinney, mayor of the
town of Wingharn, has'announced
pis „re;tiyeni--„it from active work
with the ,Supertest Petroleom Cor-
poration; a firm with which he, has
beep, assciciated for the paSt 35
Tears, Fbr the past ten year's he
ha's ,heek:distributor of the corn-
paay'a products in the 1,1,fingham
arid Sehforth districts.
-Although his regular Work for
StiperteSt has' been completed he
Will, be'. retained in an advisory
capacity, by the corporation,
Mr, *cliinriey began Work as a
young ,Man- with the Canadian
National ,Railways, serving as a re-
lief adnt and Operator.,. After his
employment by the Supertest
Corporation he served in various
capaoities, Following his removal
to Winp.-,ham he was called- back
by the'firrn' to act as vice-president
and' director of the subsidiary Re-
liance Petroleum Corporation in
Mr, ..licKinney!s work has been
taken 'river by Ted Elliott, a former
Wingham 'boy, and son of Mr. and
Mrs. Alex, Elliott, who has 'been
with the Supertest firm in Exeter
and latterly in Sarnia. Mr. Elliott
will ?neve his wife and family
back to Wingham shortly.
tired 'recentiy 'Ails Service :Bureau Officer, ., Ontario . -
Command, Canadian, Legiop, Wa6„,tbie , giaest .. of ..•
(honour last 'Friday,:even,trig! Whe ...7soine, 125 LegiOn ,. I' i
inerirliers, frOnr -'2;iinti.,,.:01?-preten eti;'^lo*.:::*.ith 0.9,,,„ ,
Oh....arie409#41!4lieve, : 41r. 11ni are; John Bate-
coultes;, Helpaye,' who' Was With .Coinrade':lkdrbes
in „ the.,., old 161st" 'Regiment' in WOrlil War 1.- The
chair Wa''''pkeSelited 'on' beliall'of 'the Zone 'by *A-
other ,fertract.cemrade,:Archie 'Peebles 'of Wingtiatin.
:-;Aidance-Times' Photo.
HONOURED BY ;YETSL"Seotte Forbes,...who'', re .on, •Llepiity.'„Perh rnander; DiStriet ,C; .and- „ •
0006 CR(AVD..-Despite poor weather on, Monday , the Winghani ,in hopes, of taking home some of the turkeys- ant ,ohickeris tittered
8portinnen's Association had good turnout fer their annual skoOting 'Prizes. the had weather forced eintbellatlien some of Cho nventS' •
Match, Shewn abOve is, pert of the crowd Of marksmen Who come planned for the day,--AdVance-Times photo.,
With which is anislolinistet ht.4orrie Vidette and Wrnxeter Neiva
,By The Pedestrian
u. On Tuesday morning the work
of leveling up, the main street was
started, preParaterY to, a. complete
!. new black top, The low spots are,
,being Y1.191an asphalt m ix
before the paving machine is'
'Onto the job. •
• 0 0 -0 ,
A group'• of, xlie-hard • fishermen
Went north over the week-end and
contrary to'expectatIonS found the
Weather, passable and the fishing
goad That will be about the last
.round for the' Sport as far as 1959
IS' concerned: ...But, • the winter
!niOnths are beSt of all, for the fish-
,ettiapii, who can dream the snowy
iiicenes 'away with visions of the
MonSteri they will hook next see-
.0 - 0 = o
If You're in doubt about the ap-
proach Hof cold Weather just note
'that the. Interniediate hockey club
Will pYgard4e for 1059-60 at a meet-
,izig in the council chamber on Fri-
'day night: Better come ou'. and
offer •alittle encouragement to this,
' fine bunch of sports; Whe 'are: do-
r ing :their very 'best to maintain*,
Wingliana's reputation as a good
hockey• "town.*
0 - 0 - 0
,,- Saturday is Boy Scout Apple,Day,
the, only time in the year when you`
can ,give` the ;Scouts and Cubs a
boost, It's' a pretty good idea. to
*do : your share at keeping this
moveinent •attire,' If these lads turn
into a creditable• hunch of men in
0, -,few 'yegis 'time lour own old age
will be mueli 'Remember,,
they are.the ones w.ho will be run-
'balk *the .show in the not-too-dis-
taiit'fatiii: • " • •
it: • , 0 - 6 - 0
nittY be junk to You.is Men-
thincliSe to '`the' , the
Hospital' Auxiliary,, Sort out the
items you no.ionger• want around
the place and get them down to the
'an 'Fricitik' for the fall
`remniage sale.
` 0 - 0 - 0
Bill Henderson, Wingham barber,
il has received a card from Mel Ma-
ttie.ra:'-of: Morris, who is at present
in•Ihe West buying cattle, Dated
`'Moose JaW on October 9 the
eard,States that everything is snow,-
ed under with four-foot drifts pil-
'up on most of the roads.
...The W.A. of the Brussels United
Church 'are holding a 'turkey sup-
Per on Tuesday, October 20. Sup-
-per served from 5.30 to. 8,00 p.m.,
Standard Time, Admission $1.25
and 65c.- F14b
In the Belmore Community Hall
'on Friday, Oct. 23,* a. double ,show-
er for Mr, and Mrs. W. King (nee
Maxine'MeNee) and Mr, and Mrs.
`Frank Johnston (nee Dorothy Mc-
Nee). Music by Tiffin's orchestra.
Ladies bring lunch, Evei:yone wel-
conte, F144'
, The Gerrie L.O.B.A. are serving
a hot supper, Sattirday, Oct, ;17th,
from -5 to 7 p.m. A bake sale and
bazaar will also be held at 5 p.m.
The Masonic Ladies' Night has
been, postponed from October 23id
to October 30th at the Wingham
Armouries, F14b
The' Fall Rufmnage Sale spon-
sored by the Ladies' Auxiliary to
the Wingharn General Hospital is
being „held in the Armouries on
Saturday,Octdher 17 at two o'clock.
ThiS Is the time of year When wo-
Men are delving had their OM.
boards and cleaning out the attic
Mid the lba*Soment, So, do ndt for
get to Peek abbot for the rummage
sale and get rid of these tuinects.•
Sary articles,' 'Gather up 'ftitiliture,
elpbhing, dithet, noYelties, anything
you eannot Use, Oct,, 17, Anyone
wishing' a &Madan , for;
please phone 11.itt„t,
118, pr 'Miss Marguerite "johns, 208,
f*afie haVe Ye* at the
Atinetliies on Friday, '1.$18 sale, is
on standard !pie, Flab
The Jun'or Conservation Club.'
had an attendance of: 20 at
Sportsmen's AssoCiatiori club house
on TnesdaY 'night: when eXainina-:
b• •• safety, were held' •on hunter ta
h'andfifti 'bunting '',and
fishing regulations in Ontario ,
Twenty-one' boys - heiVveen the
ages!of '12 and -le .tried the exams,
Tholapers Will' be. Sent to Ed. Mea-'
down, supervisor • of Wildlife Divi-
sion at. Hespeler to be • marked.
Final judging Will be done by the
head of the department, chief of,
35 districts, 'In , December Mr,
Meadows and other 'officials will
come to Winghain to, present the
successfal candidates. with their
certificates and trophies.
General classes in gun safety
were held at the Tuesday night
meeting and a short busifess ses-
sion Was included. It was decided
that the boys , would sponsor a
bottle drive on Saturday,, October
24, The members_ of the Club will
present either a 'crest or a card of,
identification to 'prove, they belong
to the, Junior ConServation Club
and that they are collecting bottles
for that purpose. They intend to
use the proceeds to carry on their
program arid to assist with im-
proVernents. to” the club house, All
bottles will be gratefully :received,
The ,next, general meeting is'
scheduled for Monday, October 26.
Announcernent has been Made of
the appointment of Dr, Calmat X,
Hetherington, 43,, at chief veterin-
arian (Meat inspection section)
health and animals division of the'
Canadian Department of Agricul-
ture, Dr, Hetherington's, appoint;
Merit .'beearfie effective yesterday,
He has been *associate chief veter-
inarian of the Sable seetion since
1902, , or, Hetherington Waa born on a
farm near TeeSikater, lid Was the
yenhgest of 'a family of eight, and'
'moved With his parents td the /31tie-
vale Road iii 101; ne attended'
13)nevale .public school and later the
Wffighani &hoot. ,Hegrad-
tiatql; froth the' Ontario Vethriria,ry
College in, 1040.
1)r fletherington practised - for
5 •
Jack,Bate$9n•vv,,as master of ,card-
rnonits,,on •+Fritlay .evening', when,
Eranch '130-Canadian Legion .an
tertained. Zone 'Cl.; members ,aod
their wiv,es at the.Royal ,T. The, oc;
:casion was inhoribr.of
,At .the • Oetobeii' meeting.• of. ,the
Wing.tiam,.Dist;rict 'high . School -on
.Thursday ,evening of- last. week;.the
'board 'gave ,final••appreval • for the
purchase .of • severat iterris of equip-
ment -for *the snew addition. to the
building. Included-in-the purchases.
were . sewing, JoaChines;, stoves, , re-
frigerators,aild washing maehine
for the. home •economics. room as
well , as both, dining ,room• • and
kitchen furnitUre, Approval- was
also . given for ,• several pieces • of
equipment, for the shop. •
* Before! the ' Meeting.. got 'Under
way the boar'cl. entertained the' staf f
of the wheel at' a dinner in the
cafeteria .'in' order that bdth .kroups
would becotrie" better'', acqUairited
'and to' introdned' neW staff mien*-
bets to the ' ' ' ' ' , • , . • Minutes of . both ,the September
10th:rneeting and a speCial meeting
were apProVecl the , beard. ,The
Winghani Branch, of the Cand,clifin
Legien was glyen permission to use
thb anditoriuM ;for ,a, Cbristmas
pingo. ,
• Principal .E, Madill . reported
that • there ,were 606 students „at-
tending.. hdinstitiltion. He, also re-
minded 'the board, that the school
commencement- would 'be. held on
*November 6th, , when the guest
speaker would be-Milton F,, Gregg,
warden, of Medway•Hall, Crilveraity
of Western Ontario. In bls report
Mr. Madill "also. pointed out that
Irreal students hatl'Wen over $2,000
in scholarships' Mat year, - •
• „
a year at Weston Arid then joined
the health• of. animals 'divisidn. at
Teronte. Since thoosing• this. par-
ticular eared"r he `has' worked '111.
'Toronto, Hamilton, Prince Albert,
Kitchener,• Edmonton 'and witia.
After •being
aPpditied' tsse
vefer narDr, 1 thering-
'ton, tnerit flour years' travelling
'aerost danedii, in eolinectlen with
his Woilt. ,inarrfed and has
four Children, •
George BlUoYald
Is a. brother, and,Nrs.tal'ileY
lalior, a nurse or Ate,,,itaff• of the
TIONpital, is a . sister,
. „.
•ty".- Forbes,' arid Mrs.. F.'erbeS. ' •
,'= Mr. 'Forbes Has 'retired- 5,5 West-
ern Ontarib,Welfare'Offieei-of the
'Canadian' Legion, -Ha Will act' es
'a-•• 'consultant 'far -ProVincial •Coin;
'monk in' future, to be' called in on
special' cad-ea. ' '
.Cards were enjoyed' .',by' the 1:25
Who' attended; atring the.ed,Hrpart
'of 'the ,eVening.' 'Charles Cbillte,s;
Past' president -Of 'the Witritain.
Branch, expressed' aPtirediatto'n 'fOr
Scotty's oontribiition the `Canai1.•
loll Legion over, a king, perioif*and - • . yresentednimwitli a ehair. Archie
Pdebles made the present:a:bon *Of
al electric radio and GeorgC7D-a,y
followed up with 'a set, of door
chimes ter their new home in the
"Berry Patch", Wingham.
Mrs, Forbes, too, was called for,.
,ward and' ,Mrsi Charles. Coultas
presented her with a dozen roses.
She alai received jewellery, 'the
presentation being made by Mrs.
George Day. ,
Dancing and lunoh,eenellided the
evening. ' . •
The turkey shoot at the Wing-
ham Sportsmen's, Club grounds on
Thanksgiving Day turned out to be
thb best yet, in spite of the wet
weather, 63etween 200 , and 300 cars
were parked at the pyoperty and
Marksmen were drawn. froip a 40. to
50 mile • radius, with people attend-
ing from as far away as 'Owen
Sound and aVfeaford. , „
,The :opening cereMoriiet haci to lie'
cancelled because df the rain and
most of .the exhibits. were rained'
out. But competition was keen for
the 100 oven-ready birds, and the
naiseellaneeus Prizes in the novelty
classes. A few of the 'turkeys, and
chickens were left , over, and, the
,club plans to hold. another smaller
shoet in. the near future„
In the evening an .unofficial
opening of the new club.house and
ladies' night.Was held when about
80• -people. enjoyed ,dancing,, The,
PreSident of the. Clinton Fish and
Genie Club made 'the draw for the
pump 'shot gun,- which- was wen by
Borden Jenkins, , • • Tile shoot WaS Snell an' oVer
wliebning suec,041. that .1rintedlate
plans are being Made to start On.
two iieW shot gun '1'riilges. The
members are al'S,O irinking'prepar-
ations finish that Interior Of the
cliibi boute. 'All. *Mire* (lila. the
Ale(iPle whb.partiapatecl.,in the ac-
tivities on Monday -are .sincerely
thanked by the. execiltive, .
'Hockey Club Will
Organize Monday
One• of the most important
gatherings of the sportsman's
year Will he held next Monday
night in the council Chamber
when the organization meeting
of the Wingham Intermediate
hockey • club is slated for eight
'Last season the Intermediate
club provided some, excellent
Jockey for the local fans, and
prospects for the 1959-60 'season
would appear to be even bright-
er, .Several • new players are
available "for this season • and •
with early and efficient organ-
ization the club should get off
to a flying start, - -
One of the most urgent needs:
is for responsible men to serve
on' the executive of the Orb.'
Some of the old hands are fore,
ed to drop, out this year, and
they 'are, most anxious to get
enthusiastic replalementi in,
executive positions. Most 6E%*
you are aware .of the supreme's'
importance of Securing "a live-
wire organjiationt to back the
active players, and all who are
interested in the welfare of the
club are urged to be an hand so
that the Wingham team will be
in a position to make a good
This Is a phig-LfOr one'-of the •
finest, organizations lroWingbartr-,--
the Boy-ScoatS and Wolf Cubs, .
On Saturday of this' week the'
boys will stage their annual Apple
Day, an event which is /IOW known
far and wide as the occasion, the
one occasion, on which the Scouts
and Cubs seek your assistance,
For the. most part they are self-
sufficient group, and so they,
confine their public appeals to
this one- time of year.
On Saturday morning the boys
will call at all the homes in town
with their , baskets of,. "aril-mon
apples. Another 'crew Will 'be
around the main street'-all' day' to
sell their wares to the folks ,who
have been .missed in the homes,
and the out-of4owners who are.
shopping 'in -Wingham. • • -
Scouting, like many other ;fine
projects, is often taken for granted.
It is, however, one of the most
vital bulwarks 'against the delin-
quency and juvenile -discontent
Which have spread like contagious
diseases in many other places.
Backing the Scouts and Cubs in
their appeal are their leaders,
Scoutmaster Alton Adams and
Cubmaster Bill Rintoul, as well as
the members of the Group Com-
mittee in Wingfia,m: In this latter
group Warren Callan is chairman;
DeWitt Miller, • vice-chairman;
Frank Madill, secretary; Andy
Lunn, treasurer; and -the com-
mittee members are Ross Vogan,
Herb Fidler, Michael McPhail and
Frank Hopper.
When the boys ask you for your
contribution, make it a generous
one. -411
,:ggridaY, ,NeYeMber,Ptk4.0.4..keen.
set ,as .the date <if a vote In -,the
counties Itarea and Perth on
the retention' or, abolition of ,, the
Canada Tempefance , Aet,'
Throughout the summer petitions
Were circulated in the ..two coun.4,
ties, asking- for the referendum on
the act, and as a result the ',cabin-
et has announced the date through
Hon, Henri, Cetirtemanclie, 'secre-
tary of, atate. *The priated ;an-
nouncement. appeared in, the Can-
ada Gazette on Friday. .
The vote Will be , Carried' Out •un-,
der the ragplatiOns of the ',Canada
Elections Act In much the same
manner 'at a 'fedeal ljy,gelection.
Robert Marshall of *St: Marys has ,
been nanied returning Officer, for.
Perth and James •..fe, liuntdr will
act as returning Officer for Huron.
Enumerators, will start to list the
eligible voters Ostoher, 26th„
Persons 21 • and'. over, resident in
Canada for .at least one year and
resident in the 'County ,in which
they seek to vote since Octoher 7th
may cast ballots,
The ballot will carry ; the 'two
options: 7For the .revocation" ,and
"Against,the revocation''. A .major-
ity of anything, Over '50 Per cent
will decide^ the issife.
If the Canada Temperance Act
is repealed the status :of `the rural
and arban municipalities Witihinthe
two counties will not' be uniform.
Those municipalities virhiCh 'voted
"dry" in the fast 1.8dal:optiOn`re;.
ferendurn hefore the Canada Tem-
perance Adt wentinto force in 1914
will require' another, locale vote
before liquor Stores or brewers re-
tails can be" opened, - If, however,
the last vote under the local .on-
tion plan was "wet", it, is under-
stood that such stores could be op-
ened simply by rem:rest from the .
,rmarilcipallty 'Concerned, rit, be-,
Iieved that. Winghitai this lat-
ter category. ,'. „
,t Apparently a local vote Would,
ge kerfulred ht, any "
regardless Of, its 'last option
decision, before' heierage. ,rooms
could be established,
Goderich Man SWorn
To Sapreme.Coutt
Frank Donnelly 0'.0.; Goder-
ich, and One of • tife,cotintrY'S•lent-
standinglawyers, Was Sworii',in on
Tuesday "asjudge of •the.Supreme
Court of Ontario and ti.'inern.lier,of
the High-.Court, Of Justice •
'Mr, Donnelly was born.'at',Pinker, Pinker-
ton a, Son` of the' ate Sena(4.41ti:4's
J. Donnelly, • He, atteritied-iiblie
school there and attended, St. Mi-
chael's College in TorentO for his
high school education. He then
took an arts course •at St. Michael's
and graduated with 'a Bachelor of .
Arts degree in 1921, A three-year
course at Osgoode Hall completed
his education, and he then praetis-
ed law in Toronto,
Mr, Donnelly went to Goderich in
1930. He has 'become well knOwn
and respected throughout the
county and has contributed much
to the town, of Goderich through
his work in the various clubs and
in community projects, ,
Mr. and Mrs, Donnelly have two
sons, Richard,, a lawyer in North
Bay, and James,' associated with
his father in the Goderich practice. ,
A daughter, Mrs. John Campion,
resides at. Welland,
, A meeting of the Wingham Busi-
nessmen's Association will be held
Tuesday, October 20, at 7,30 p.m,
in the'council chamber to plan the
fall • and Christmas promotion.
Please be present, F14b
The ladies of 'St. Andrew's Pres-
byterian Church are holding their
Christmas Tea, bake and miscel-
laneous• sale on Saturday, Decem-
ber 5th from 3 to 5 p.m. F14b