HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1959-10-07, Page 12A - TEA BAGS (10c off) 69c 1 Waxed Turnips . . lb. Sc YAMS .. 2 lbs. 25c Pepper Squash - 2 for 19c Cranberries - lb. 25c I Bisset's . ICE CREAM 1/2 gal. 89c Bricks 25c z • • •• ATTEIsIDS CEREMONY-aisIrs, (,"a Gilpin, above, is shwa beside one of , the plaques Ln the new memorial gates at the Gerrie fair grounda, whiph were opened 14,0 SatUrday. Mrs. Gilpin waa a member of the Maack Agricultural Society tor many years, a s well as her late husband. *am Aflmeemmeto otvo wo„ Oeta 4908 ,11.1011.10011.1.0111.19.11111110111.111.1111t LYCEUM Theatre Winghana, Ontario ANvo gihows. Eaelt Night ConataLOW a WV at 115 p.m. FIT, - SAT, Ooteher 8 9 a 11/ Jerry Lewis, Marie McDonald ir E GEISHA ;BOY!' Jerry Lewia ie east as a bungling 400W-time magician, and the action centres around his inisad- .Veritures when be jolaS TIS,O. u *t. to entertain troops in Japan. a FIRS.T CLASS WATCH REPAIRS REASONABLE CHARGES George Williams Located in Mason's Store, Owing to leek of space, watches and small clocks only. --Mr. and Mrs. Nell Sparks have returned to Detroit after visiting for several weeks with their son- in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs, 4ilgus Mowbray. —Mr, and Mrs, Ken Carson, Mrs., Gwen Adams, Mrs, TriS Morrey 1,nd Miss Newell attended the Fackoury -Sehnurr wedding . in Mildmay on Saturday. —Mrs. A. H. Sainsbury of Toronto visited for a couple, of days last week with her sister, Mrs. George Ross. --Mrs. R. C. J. Pestell and baby, Anne Elizabeth, Vancouver, who have been visiting for the past five weeks with her brother, Dr. C. W Burgrnan, Mrs. Burgrnan and tam- .La.?.iie. end with-linr.4 parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Burg- man of Wingham, returned to To- ronto on Thursday where she vis- ited Mrs. M. Jones, who had a class reunion in her honor. Ruth and baby Anne flew back on Saturday to her home in West Vancouver, —Mr, Francis Mills left on Sat- urday from Affaiton airport on a business trip to Regina, Edmonton and Vancouver. He will return at the week-end, -Mr. Bert Armstrong has sold his home on the corner Of JOSeithine and Alfred Streets to the BritiSh American Oil Company. —Mr. and Mrs, Jerry Barrett and family moved the Middle of last Week to Kitchener. —Mr. and Mrs. Ross MacRae of Teeswater and Mr. Kenneth Mae- Rae of Toronto left last Tharsday on a motor trip to the weatera pro- vinces. --Mr. and Mrs. Bad Lott of Nortl Bay :meat the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Carl Lott. —Mrs, Edward Effting and gor Charles, of Chicago, have returnee home after visiting with Mrs. E. M. Smell. „..TheY, , were, a, e eanaparn home by Mes. Spell for a short' --Miss Gwen Ladder of Toront visited over the week-end with Mist Marion irrtp$01.1. ' —Mr. and Mrs. Louis. Redmar and their two daughters, Ruth Anr and Debbie, and Mr, and Mrs. Joe Redman spent the week-end at the cottage at Huntsville in the 1Vlus• itoka district, —Miss Jean Mills 'spent a few days the latter part of last week at Birmingham, Mich., and attendee several football games In Detroit She returned home on Sunday, —Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Whit( were itt London on Tuesday to vis- it with his father, Mr. George White, who is still a patient in St Joseph's Hospital. —Misses Dell Irwin, 13etty Buckle and Helen Buckle are taking a see. retarial course at the Canada Busi• ness College in Toronto, ‘ —Mr, and Mrs. James Scott Jr, of Blyth, spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs. Brace MacDonald. —Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wenger and Dr. Ed Busier, Mrs. Buder and family of Kitchener, visited on &in- day with Mr. and Mrs, Barry Wen- ger. —Miss Helen Haines of London was a week-end visitor with her parents, Mr. and' Mrs. Victor Haines, —Mr. and Mra. Bruce Edgar and baby of Beaverton spent the week- end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chris Newman. —Miss Marlene Stainton of Lon- don spent the week-end at her home here. —Mr. • and Mrs. Donald Winning- ton-Ingram of Aylmer spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. Garnett Husser and visited her faaher, Rev, Husser, in Wingham Hbspital. Rev, Husser took ill on Saturday and was admitted to hos- pital the same day. —Mr. and Mrs, John F. Emma of Montreal were week-end visitors with their daughter, Mrs. Russell Smith and Mr. Smith, Mr. and Mrs, Enuns were returning from a month's vacation in the West. —Mr. and Mrs. Walter Austin and family of Toronto visited at the week-end with the former's sister, Mrs. Harvey Aitchison and Mr. Aitchison, —Mrs. D. S. MacNaughton left at the week-end for Winnipeg, where she will spend a short time. " —Mrs. D, McKenzie of the nurs- ing staff of the Wingham General Hospital, is recuperating at her home in Luelenow following an op- eration last week. —Mrs, John Allen, David and Janet spent last week with the for- nier's mother, Mrs. George :Reis. ' LAME ATTENDANCE AT BRUSSELS FAIR Seventeen schools took part in the parade on Friday at the Brits- ;els Fair, The parade was headed ay the Seaforth District High 3chool Trumpet Band and the Brussels Legion Pipe Band, Doug= 'as Miles, Huron County Agricul- tural representative, officially Op- ened the fair. Schools winning prizes in the parade were S.S, 11 Grey; S.S, 1.2 'Grey; and 5.5, 8 Grey, S.S, 10, Grey and 5.5, 4, Mor- ris won the prizes for floats, There were 1,000 adult exhibitors and about 500 children's exhibits, The Cranbrook Garden Club took most prizes in the 4-H homemaking clubs, achievement displays. The Walton Women's Institute and St Ambrose Church were the winners in the exhibits to be sent to the Children's Aid Society in Goderieh. William Stradychuelc and Blake Bros, of Brussels and Harry Bryd- gas of Engrave walked off with practically all the prizes in the fruit section. In the 4-H Beef Club show mg, Gary Wilson took top showman- ship honors. Geraldine Dennis was second and Donna Smith third, BarbaraaTurnbull, Gary Wilson and Geraldine Dennis were the, Win- ners in the steer section. Gale Wil- son and Donna Smith won the sena ior heifer competition and Geral- dine Smith and Graeme Craig were the junior heifer winners, The fair board was pleased with the attendance and the pecord nurn' ber of exhibitors. Rev, Evan MeLagan, minister of the church, officiated at the double ring ceremony. 1VIrs. Harvey Brown, RR. 3', Walton, played bri- dal music and accompanied the soloist, Miss Iona Griffiths of Stoufaville as she sang "The Wed- ding 'Prayer" and "Today, Lord, We at Thy Altar Stand". The bride, who was given in marriage by her father, was lov'ely in a waltz-length gown of chantilly lace over white satin fashioaed With a fitted bodice, lily-point sleeves, scalloped neckline and bouffant skirt. Her shoulder- length veil of silk illusion fell from a matching head band, embroidered with pearls and brilliants. She car- ried a white Bible 'crested with a mauve orchid from which fell streamers of white satin ribbon. Christian Centre to Accommodate 50 Up to 50 university students can be accommodated in the new United Christian Centre at London when it is turned over to the Unit- ed Church in 1960. B. K McLean of London, a director of the centre, said architects are working on conversion of existing country club building's to include study rooms, worship centres, a library, common room, dining facilities and meeting rooms. A temporary chapel is proposed, with a permanent chapel to follow. The 33-acre site of London Hunt and Country Club is being pur- chased by the United Church Christian Centre for $235,000, There are several buildings on the pro- perty, including the main club house and a residence which is in- tended for use of dean for the Christian Centre. The dean, when chosen, will also teach religious knowledge subjects. Mr. McLean said first estimates were that 35 students could be accommodated in existing buildin- gs. Careful surveys ancl.minor re- modelling had increased this to 50 students. The site adjoins university pro- perty in a park-like setting bisected by Medway Creek. The United Church intends to build a residence to accommodate men and women; plans for this building are in preparation. Funds for the property and for [other United Church prejects are [being raised in capital funds cam- paigns throughout London Con- ference of the United. Church of Canada. Counties in the confer- ence are Middlesex, Huron, Kent, Essex, Lambt'on, Elgin, Oxford, Perth and Ilgoma. So far more than $2,000,000 is being raised. Marie Walker, niece of the bride- groom, was a charming flower girl in a raspberry red velvet dress fa- shioned on the same lines as the' other attendant. .Her brother, Daryl Walker, was • the ring-bearet. ENVOY 6. S. NEWMAN ELECTED PRESIDENT The Wingharn and District Coun- cil of Churches met at the Salva- tien Army Citadel on Monday', af- ternoon, with Rev'. H. L. Jennings acting as chairman in the absence ,Nofthe president, Dr, Alexander imnao. Envoy I. Stanley Newman was named President during the elec- tion of officers. Rev, T. G. Husser was appointed. vice-psesiclent, Mr. A. H, Neelon secretary-treasurer aad Rev, Goadon Geiger of Luck- now radio and TV secretary, The secretary was asked to send a mes- sage to Rev. Husser, with best wishes fora quick and complete recovery. Dr. James Semple of Egrriond- ville United Church reported that he has received word from the Prinle minister, the seeretahr eyo4 state and the minister of alt and welfare in Ottawa that nothing will be done about the vote on the repeal of the Canada Temperance Act until the cabinet has had. an opportunity to deal with the pro- posed ,amendments, The speaker at the meeting was Rev. Robert Watt, assistant pastor of People's Church in Toronto and general manager of Livingston Press,' publishers of The Evangeli- cal Christian, His address dealt with the role of the minister and his duties and responsibilities as pastor of his flock, He was thank- ed by Rev. W, D. Clark, The next meeting will be held on 1\roveitiber 9th at the home of Rev, Gordon KaiSer in Lucknow and has, been designated as Rural Life Day, Mrs. Newman was assisted by Mrs. Watt and Mrs., Win. Hender- son in serving lunch and Rev. Ew- art Clarke of •Gerrie thanked the ladies. ther,of the bridegroom. The wedding dinner was served in the church parlors by a group of the Woman's Association of the church. Assisting in serving were Helen McGee, Dungannon; Betty YO`ung, London; Loreen Roe, Seaforth; Lorna Barrie, Sdrnia; Elizabeth, Brown -and Betty Blake, Blyth. ' *The bride's mother received the guests in a teal blue' gown of silk brocade, pink accessories and a corsage of pink rosebuds. She wes assisted by the bridegroom's mo- ther, Mrs. Walker, who had chosen for the occasion a navy blue en- semble, white accessories and a Corsage of red rosebuds. For a honeymoon trip to Ottawa and Eastern Canada the bride traa veiled in a delphinium blue wool suit, white feather hat, white ac- cesseries and a corsage of ted rose- buds. On their return they will•aeside in Blyth, Guests at the wedding were from Wingham, Bluevale,- Wroxeter, Windaor, Dungannon. Sarnia, Lon- don, Stouffville, Sealoath and Blyth. Previeus to her marriage the bride was honored at several rills- eellaneotia showers and the recip- ient of many lovely gifts. 111111111111111111111111111111111111111.111111111111111111411111' KINSMEN E RIVE wEbNEstmy OCTOOER 2 isT, Also in WHITV:CI-HACH" BLUEVALE OVLGRAVE early Wednesday ' afternoon. Please tie paper securely and lekve on street. • It144•21h 1 I PAY ONLY 19c ot, ,,, , ,,,,, 114 llllll 011 llllll lllllllllll,4 2. .:.:A. ed _ F. I Phone: Our Prices Are Lower Free i $90 We Keep Down the Upkeep Delivery I SAVE 10c York Frozen Food; Peas, Mixed Vegetables Corn and Peas-Carrots • " •aaaaa • 2 for 39c Front Grocery Maple Leaf MINCEMEAT 2 pie size 41c Fancy Macintosh Red Apples and Snow Apples Bushel $1.99 g Oracle A — toll lbs. . TURKEYS (oven-ready) lb. 45c Grade B 18 to 15 lbs, TURKEYS (oven-ready) lb. 45c CHICKENS (oven-ready) 3 to 4 lb. ay. lb. 45c Hunts Fancy TOMATO JUICE 48 oz. 29c , Stokely's Fancy PUMPKIN 28 oz. 21c Nestles QUIK, for chocolate milk .. 2 lbs: $1.09 Ground Fresh Mountain Blend COFFEE lb. 77c Mother Parker's 0 VOLKSWAGEN CANADA LTD. Golden Mile, Toronto 16. Ontario Piatributors and Dealera Coosf to Coast 'KILEY MOTO. 'WIN:GRAM Telephone NIValkerNoting Wedding at Blyth • Baskets of yellow arid white chrysanthemums and potted ferns, flanked with lighted cathedral candles in. white candelabra, aormed a lovely setting. in Blyth 'United' Church Saturday afternoon at three o'clock for the marriage of Mary Helen, only daughter .of Mr, and Mrs. John N, Young, l3lyth, to erina-length dress of sapphire blue Lloyd Wellington Walker of Wing- velvet. The fitted bodice extended ham, son of Mrs. Janet Walker and in a front panel 'to the hem and the lath Thomas Walker. the skirt was pleated from the low waistline. The sleeves were shir- red to three-quarter length, and she carried a crescent bouquet of yellow ohrysanthernurns. , The bridesmaid was Mrs, Roy Yeung, sister-in-law of the bride, and Miss Sharon Jackson was jun- ior bridesmaid. Their dresses and flowers were identical to that of the Maid of honor. William Walker, London; was his brother's best man, The ushers Miss Shirley Jackson of Blyth were Rey Young, Blyth, brother of was maid of honor, wearing a bal- the bride and Joseph Walker, bro. . . WO:ERA MOM—That smiled to he the most loroottont goestiott At; the Metrical', 1046"tod41Y Scott, Who beertioe 'sepatitted fr000 his pitrettla at the Gnarie Pair hiSt satindaay. wra was taken in (Ow hy CoiIMthblO a A, Hat* of the l'irovhteird Pollee. who oVeittintity Ideated the tot boy's isctebto, LOCATED 114, McKIBBON BLOOK For The Best REFIMERATION & ELECTRICAL SERV% JACK ,ICERR Phone .608 .1 22, — ing4rn Specializing in SEALED-UNIT 'REPAIR AND COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATION REPAIR Money hard- to tin M. R. ..1frnicins, Manager 3SA West Street Telephone 1301 GODERICH .'" HOUSEHOLD FINANC I HFC does everything poS,§iblOgr T. your convenience in arranging an instalment caSh loan' ui3lo $2,500. HFC 41vP, voti t4 P., convenience of real cash you can speild for, any'7, thing. Prop irroep:hcin.t. Life insurance available on all Loans. ' There's nothing like the peace' at mind of knowing you. have god brakes. Drive up and have us check the brake lining and wheel cylinders. Our brake jobs are reasonable, inspections are free! Wingham Phone 139 Make sure you 'can Ito your car when you wenff'to HAVE DRAKE INSPECTED' ..F.011' SURE: 'STOPS ,Tip Top 7 -a Celebrating their Golden Jubilee of 50 years of service to Canadians are now happy to announce their new ONE PRICE POLICY. You'll be proud to wear a Tip Top Suit It speaks well of you each time you wear it, and the Tip Top Quality can't be matched anywhere. The new ONE PRICE POLICY offers you a larger selection from ,better fabrics, plus a fine tailored suit made to your own individual measurements! from a wonderful group of New Fall Samples. Hundreds of smart fabrics in all the popular shades and weaves are now on hand. One Plice $69.50 Only Stock Suits from Aloe all wool fabrics in Fall's newest and smartest styles. A rip Top 5 .0Feoeu re at D:IGHOFFER (Wingharn) • "VIM ***MAN Sliokr, WIIIIIIR1111111111110111.111111111111111111111RIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIII101110100011411111 • ,••••••• ,1140,44:44.10.,A. 214•1 ,