HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1959-10-07, Page 9• • . ' '" .........A,:••••••••••••••r••••••" . . . w"' • "'" .. • .4040$00dRiiiPikika1/4 A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE THERE'S NOTHING LIKE A NEW CAR ... MAKE YOURS A ROCKET ENGINE OLDS. 1960 SUPER 88 HOLIDAY SPORTSEDAN 4 1960 OLDSMOBILE NINETY-EIGHT HOLIDAY SPORTSEDAN .... ................. 1960 OLDSMOBILE DYNAMIC 88 HOLIDAY SOEHMOLH!E NOW! ROCKET "GO" ON REGULAR GAS! Now...mere miles per dollar! Every dollar-saving' Dynamic '88 has, as standard equipment, the new Regular Rocket engine —for Rocket "Go" on lower- cost regular gas. enti,annni.*rsqls•xnenceinexesene*x.siesli.viln•im.ses,...: /The 1960 Oldsmobiles are here—as new as new can be! Every beautiful line and every outstanding new feature is included fQr your satisfaction and to bring you the finest the medium-price class has to offer! . Oldsmobile's new and radiant styling is designed to, satisfy your sense of good taste. New Quadri-Balanced Ride is certain to be the most comfortable and satisfy- ing ride you've ever tried. It brings new smoothness, stability, safety and silence, to every 1960 Olds! There's a new balance of power ... with two Rocket engines .for .:60! Three established series to choose from! Seventeen new models ... including two new 3-seat Fiestas! Come in and see the Mighty Satisfying 1960 Oldsmo.. biles quality built, quality sold and tjuality serviced for your lasting satisfaction. Investors grivroailhaatits /./ 0 1, CANADA. timeireg Need Offke. Winnipeg Offices in Fended dim Age...+00"1.1""mmousX Thomas Ak. Jardin Phone 147, Wingham, Oat. Emerson .Ivel Phone 334W, liarriston 6' • Between Hanover and Durham a 1 a U U U n U U U U U U U U - Suede Windbreakers, sizes 34 to 50, reg. $19.95 SALE $12.99 U U U of Out of the Way -7. Less to Pay. The Store with a Thousand- and-One Bargains. Allan Park Bargain Store 1 1 n 111 • • it • Do your Ohristnios Shopping Early-,.-TTse Mir Lay-AWapPlatt, `rn i . •••••••MWWWW OUR KIDDIES DEPT. features sizes from Heaven to Seven. Pram Suits, Snow Suits, Car Coats, Duffle Coats, 3 pee. Dress Coat Sets, Dresses, Skirts, Blouses, Sweaters, Jeans, etc. SPECIALS--Duffle Coats, good, for play, reg. $5.49, Sale $2.99 Boy's long sleeve plaid Shirts, sizes 3 85 4 only, reg. $1.19 Sale 22c OUR GIRLS' DEPT.—sizes 7 to 14x, Dress Coats, Car Coats, Dreses, Sweaters, Blouses, Skirts, Ski Pants, Slax, Slims, etc. SPECIAL—Girls' Orlon Pullovers and Cardigans, reg. $1.98 and $2.98 — while they last 66c and 99c BOYS' DEPT.—sizes S to 18, Two pants Suits, all wool Sport Jackets, Shirts, Sweaters, Dress Trousers, Polished Cotton Slax, Jeans, Vi'indbreakers, Duffle and Suburban Coats, etc, SPECIAL—Boys' Flannel Shirts, sizes 6 to 16 yts., reg. $1.59 Sale 99c each; Boys' Lined Jeans $2.99 and up; Boys' unlined Jeans, sizes 8 - 10 and 12, reg. $1.69 Sale, 77c pair. MEN'S DEPT.—All wool Sport Jackets, sizes 34 to 46; Dress Trousers, sizes 28 to 44, Wash 'n Wear Dress Trousers, sizes 30 to 42, Pciliahed Cotton Slax, Pyjamas, Shirts, Conn) Sweaters, Cardigans, Pullovers, Turtle Necks, 'Jeans, Overalls, Coveralls, Work Shirts, Work Pants, Mitts GloVes, Suburban and Car Coats, etc, SPECIAL—Men's Cardigans, S-M-L, reg. $4.1)5 SALE $2.99 Broadcloth Pyjamas, reg, $4.95 SALE $2.98 Wash 'N Wear Flannelette Pyjamas, reg, $4.95 SALE $3.33 2 pairs $6,25 Suburban CeittS, reg. $19.95 to $29.95 SALE $13.88 and $1.8.88 LADIES' DEPT.—We offer a large selection of Ladies' Moderate Unit better Dresses, sizes 7 to 20 and 1634 to 261,1 4, Slax, Slinis and Skirts, sizes 10 to 11; Winter Coats, Car Caitts, Blouses, Ban Lon, Orkin or Wool Pullovers Mid Cardigan* Lingerie, Hosiery, etc. Alt at otir Bargain Prices; , A large seleetiOn. Of Gift Items--41hina, Latints, BlanketS, etc, We reserte the right to limit quantities on any itein, OPEN' 111 N.M. TO 10 Par. MAIL (*DEM rILtmiti Plenty of Parking Spate OLDSMOBILE F°^ 196 0 Styled to Pleas4.--Powered to Please—and what a Pleasure to Drivel INGHAM MOTORS Wingham Phone, .139' oase.s .1, R.R. G, Wingham MRS, LLOYD TAYLOR Exeter JOHNS Wonditans" GORDON RICHARDSON ' Brucefield LORNE RODGES. KR. 1, Goderich RUSSELL. KNIGHT R.R, 2, Brussels President Vice-President ROY STRONG FORDYCE CLARK and SURGICAL SERVICES JTH PEOPLE'S OWN PTAS' TO PIKWIDE MEDICAL AND SURGICAL CARE AT COST" Oatronize your County Organization which provides Major Medicil and Surgical Benefits as well as a $1,000.00 Life Insurance' Policy. Dur irnembers may pay their Ontario Hospital Services Premium through us at Six or Twelie month periods, For, further information contact your nearest directer.' I Thai end Sell Them In The .Advancelhne.e. DIRECTORS: was,. O. G,, ANDERSON BERTRAM KLOPP Zurich HURON CO-OPERATIVE MEDICAL GORDON KIRKLAND • Lucknow RUSSEL T BOLTON ibubliq .." FORDYCE CLARK R.R. 5, Goderich ROY STRONG Gerrie BERT IRWIN Clinton - Secretary-Treasurer , BERT IRWIN 1114 WInstient Oro* BELGRAVV.,---The regular Meet', lag.or the Canadian .Girls ingrain, lag was held In the church On Fri, day evening And Was opened with the girls repeating the Purpese, followed by the minutes by Betty Rinn, and the treasurer's report by Plerenee Rinn. The roll call for . the next meeting .will be answered by a •discipleship hymn, and Wendy Fear .and Linda Johnston will be in charge of the 'worship service. Ruth Miehle and Betty Rhin ,Were in .charge the worship per-, 'vice and Betty read the story of a , boy in the .mission field. 'This was followed by the hynin, "In Christ There Is No East or West". Ruth read the Scripture, lesson, followed by another hymn and Ruth gave the benediction, Mrs. Ted Fear, leader, started the Bible 'study- for this year, which about the disciples, The group enjoyed playing games and also a sing-song and the singing of 'Taps' •CiOSed the 'Meeting-. ' On Saturday afternoon the girls held a very successful cookie and candy sale, which netted over $12,00, • The group extends thanks to C. R„. Coultes for the use of his• store for this sale and reminds everyone that they are still col- lecting for the Tely Milk Ship Shower and Dan0 Held on Friday BELGRAVE,r---A large crowd 0 neighbors and friends gathered in the Foresters' liall on Friday evening for a .lanes And shower, honoring Mr, .and Mrs. Keith An. Berson, ;formerly Jena Irwin, who Were reeently married. Dancing was enjoyed to the mu- sic of. Tiffin's orchestra and. dar- ing intermission, the young couple was called to the platform and George Michie read an address. Don Campbell presented them with ft. gift of money.. Keith expresSed thanks to all on ,behalf of Jean •and himself. A lunch Was. ,served', ENTERTAIN •RESTS• AT '1913. •MEETING. BELGRAVE—The members of the Woman's Missionary Society of Knox United Church held their autumn thankoffering meeting on Wednesday evening, in the church auditorium- and had 'as gl-lewt,' Wingham Afternoon Auxiliary, Brick Church. 'and Westfield, groups and the Beigrave Evening Auxiliary, Mrs. Walter Scott was in charge of the meeting and opened it with a hymn and prayer. The worship service was in charge of Mrs. Her- son Irwin, Mrs, R. H, Coultes, Mrs, C, A, Krug and Mrs. Mark Arm- strong, Mrs. Alec Robertson and Mrs. Gordon McBurney from the Brick group sang a duet accompanied by Mrs. Norman Coultes, Mrs. J. C. Britton of Seaforth was the guest speaker and the theme of her address was "Giving thanks for the important things in life." Mrs. Clarence Hanna gave a splendid report on her stay at the Alma College, sehOol for leaders held recently. Mrs. Leslie Bolt announced for the Woman's Association that the annual bazaar would be held the end of November and that there would be a congregational pot-luck supper on October 30. The group retired th the base- ment where lunch was served. During this time a vocal duet by . Martie Koopman and. Norma Smith, accompanied by Mrs. Gordon Smith of the Westfield group, was much enjoyed by p11 present. Belgrave Installs Officers BELGRAVE— The annual meet- ing of the Belgrave L.O.L. No. 462 was held in the Orange Hall on Thursday evening. Ralph Erring- ton of Dungannon conducted the election and installed each mem- ber to his chair as follows: I.P.M., Bro, Arnold Bruce; W.M., Bro, W. Taylor; D.M., Bro. Henry Pattison; chaplain, Bro. George . Grigg; treas., Elmer Bruce; mar- shall, Mason Robinson; first lec- turer, Arnold Bruce; second lec- turer, Alex Nethery; tyler, D. Bruce; committee, Walter Scott, Athol Bruce, C. W. Hanna, Albert Bieman,t Ernest Snowden; auditors, C. W. Hanna and Henry Pattisun. It was decided at this meeting to hold the annual Christmas dance and draw. Lunch was served. Special Service At Triinify Church BELGRAVE— Harvest Thanks- giving services were held ,in"Trin- ity Anglican Chtirch on Sunday af- ternoon. The rector, Rev. R. F. Meally, was' in charge of the ser- vice and the 'guest soloist was Walter Pickford of Wingham. The choir, under the direction of Mrs. Lawrence Vannan, gave special anthems. The church was nicely decorated with fall flowers, vege- tables and fruit, APPOINT DELEGATES FOR ANNUAL MEET The East Wawanosh Federation of Agriculture directors met in the Belgrave arena board room on Tuesday of last week with a good attendance. President Elmer Ire- land called the meeting. to order, The minutes of the last directors' meeting were read by the secretary and adopted on the motion of Ol- iver Anderson and Wilfred San- derson. There was considerable discus- sion concerning appointment of delegates to the Ontario Federa- tion of Agriculture annual meeting in Toronto, It was decided that at least one carload attend the meeting for one day. Jack Tay- lor, Robert Henry, Simon Halla- han, Wilfred Sanderson, Elmer Ireland and 'Donald Dow were named as delegates. A motion was made to have a banquet in the Blyth Memorial Hall the end of October, Charles McNaughton, M.P.P. will be guest speaker and the enter- tainment committee will be Simon Hallahan, Robert Henry, Orval McGowan and William Gow, The tickets for the banquet will be available from any of the town. ship directors, WHITECHURCH Mr. and Mrs, John Wilson, Ivan and Erie of London, visited on Sunday With Mr. and Mrs. Robert Scott of B, Wawanosh, Mr. and Mrs, George Walker spent last week-end with .Brant- ford and HeSpeler relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Smyth and Bill visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Sam. Smyth of Mitchell. Albert Smyth of Kitchener, Spent the week-end ht his home here. Miss Lillian am'th has been visit. MARRIED AT ST. ANDREW'S--,Gail Irene Shaw, daughter, of M and Mrs. C. W. Shaw of Wingham' and Calvert Bruce Falconer, son of Mr, and. Mrs, C. Falconer of Myth were married in St. Andrew's Pre hyterian Church on September 26.—Photo by Harvey McDowell. STILL COLLECTING FOR MILK SHIP Mr, •and Mrs, Lloyd Anderson Of London spent the weelt-and with his parents, Mr.:and Mro, ,Iohn Orson. Mr. and Mrs, 'Trevor Moores And family .. of Toronto. galled on the village over . the weeit-erid. Mr, and lYfro, RUSSO), Walker of' Gotierich spent -the weekend With, her . mother, Mrs, Robert Stone-, house and with Mr, and Mrs, Lewis. Stonehonse And ether .relatives, - Mr, add Mrs, ;Keith, Anderson of ;Toronto. and Mr ,and Mrs, Vd, Hart, lin and fair-oily of London spent the weekend -with their parents, Mr. and Mrs, Earl Anderson,. - • Mrs, Louis Hayes and her datig11,-; ter, Miss Jean Hayes, of Elyria, Ohio, have enjoyed a motor trip through northern Ontario and Quebec and are now visiting with, the former's sister and brother- inlaw-, mr. and Mrs, Joe Diibar,, and with other relatives in the dis- trict, Mr, and Mrs, Ray Bunking . of .P.1y,t4 ,v,t§itgcl -94,.:SatardaY,..P119711n..g. WithMr, and.ji**4 Lamont and family, • . • Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd 'Taylor and family of ..Sarnia spent the week- end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Orval Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. James Lamont and family visited on Sunday , with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Robinson and Keith at Lticknow, Mr, James Lamont visited on Sunday evening with. Mrs. Bert Bunking, who is a patient in the Clinton Hospital. The wardens of Trinity Anglican Church are planning , an auction, sale of. miscellaneous articles the, end of this week, • Mr, and Mrs. iDaVicl* Armstrong and Mr, Martin Grasby recently visited with Mr. and Mrs, Cecil, Armstrong and family at Thorn- dale, Mr, and Mrs. Alan. MacKay and family of 'Wingharn visited laSt Wednesday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry McGuire. Rev. C. A, Krug was' in charge of the World-Wide communion ser- vice held at Knox United Church on 'Sunday. 'Baptism service was also held, when Janice Coultds, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Bill Coul- tes and Wayne Thomas, son of . Mr, and Mrs. Norman Cook 'were 'baptized. Rev, W. J, Taylor of Dorchester will be in charge of the anniversary services in Knox United Church on Sunday, The subject for the mor- ning service at 11 will be "To Be or not to 'Be—Grateful", and at the evening service at 7.30 it will be "Guardsman of Christ", The choir will present special music. Mr. and Mrs. David Armstrong have returned home after spending , the last couple of weeks with •Mr. and Mrs. Gibson Armstrong and family at Thorndale. Mr. and Mrs, Jack Armstrong of Hamilton and Mr, and. Mrs. Cecil Armstrong and • •amily .of , Thorn- dale ie tea-. SlintlitY-"With• and MrkRobert -Grasby and fam- ily, - ing with Toronto friends for the past week. Mr, and Mrs. Gordon McBurney and sons visited on Sunday with Mrs. Yausie and McBurney rela- tives in London. ' Mr. and Mrs. John McGee visited on Sunday at the home of her niece, Mrs. Gordon Dickison of Teeswater. Doreen Smyth spent the week- end with Donna Ritchie of Luck- now. DELORAVE LDA Dealers in , your:town: Wingham Sawmill Co., Ltd. wmaLtivi, °swam swv TAX DOLLARS You can deduct from your tow able income payments made on any of these Registered Retire, went. Savings Plans dist:Abut*. by Investors Syndicate: Retirement Savings C•0011. oates--Fixed-interest, guartar teed plans tailored to your individual needs. Supplementary insurance available if desired. Equity Retirement Flan— Investors Mutual of Canada Ltd.. a balanced investment for stabil- ity end income, or (2) Investors Growth Fund of Canada an investment in equity securi- ties for capital growth. Comblmod Irayment Plans—. A selection of plans whiCh com- bine shares of either mutual fund with Investors Retirement Corti- ficatea.. O. ALAN C)Pt9infPLOSt For the FINEST BUILDING SUPPLIES at a FAIR PRICE look for this sign of quality Patrick $t,„ Phole 77* #