HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1959-10-07, Page 8Finalize Plans for Rummage .Sale The Ladles' :Auxiliary to Wing.' hem General Hospital Met in the •VPIPIcit chamber on Friday -after, noon with, the president Mrs. N. Cameron, presiding. Pinal, plans were made :for the rummae sale: 'Whieh wilt be held in the' hem Artnoltriee an Saturday after noon, 'Qotober 17 at two. Wein*, • The sewing done during. the /TiOntli of September was reported at 24? articles, including sheets, pillow cases,. adult gowns and nursery supplies. In addition.. several pairs, of curtains were made and hung, and large quanti- ties of reeadieg 0one. A.titlaarit,Y was given for the purchase of ma- terial for geWaS and draw sheetieg,' It 'was decided to send delegates to the regional meeting of Hos- pital Aids which will be held in, ciodertelt on October 7, CIVL HARVEST TEA WILL ATTENDED The annual Harvest tea and bake' sale, sponsored by the Catholic Women's League at the Legion Home last Wednelgday afterneon, proved to be one of the most sue.; eepsful the League has ever had,. There was a good selection of home baking cv,bich was cleared out shortly after the sale onened, Mrs, Hanna, president, and Mrs. Eimer Merkley, vice-president, re, ceived and welcomed the large number Of people who attended, Miss Annie McKinnon and Mrs, Ed Fitzpatrick poured tea at the tea table, decorated with yellow can- delabra and flowers. The room was decorated with mums and snapdragons in fall colors, - - Tickets bad. been sold on a draw and the winners were Mrs. Willie Vanderwoude, $50.00; Karen, in- fault daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Ron Ritchie, $25.00; and Joe King, son of Mrs. Percy King, $10.00, Members of the C.W.L. wish to thank all 'those who helped to 'make this event so successful. Several Showers for • Miss Marie! Husser A number of functions have been held, in honor of Miss Mariel Huss set during the -past few weeks,pri- or to her marriage at Aylmer on Friday of this week. The first was a shower on Sep-' fember 11th in Aylmer when 'her two sisters, Mrs. William Shep- pard and Mrs. Donald Winnington- Ingram entertained a. number of her school chum's at the former's home. A pleasant evening of fun and games was enjoyed, followed by aunch. ',During, the. epurse .ef the evening the bride-elect was presented with a number of mia- cellaneous gifts. On September 18th, Mrs, E. S. Copeland and Mrs. George GueSt were hostesses at the former'S home, when a. group of Miss Hui- sees Wingham friends presented her with a beautiful nylon rug and several other gifts. Mrs. Andy ,Lunn, Mrs. Jack Rea- vie and Mrs, DeWitt Miller held a shower at Mrs. Lunn's' home on September 25th, when about 40 women enjoyed a social evening. Mrs, Reavie made a brief address and Mrs. Lunn and, Mrs, Miller presented Miss Husser with Stain- less steel kitchenware on behalf of the gathering. Another miscellaneous shower was held in Aylmer on September 28th . when Mrs. Bruce Dreyer, mother of the groom-elect, enter- tained about 35 friends in MariePs 'honor. The following day, the branch office of the London Life, in London, where Miss Husser is a receptionist, held a gathering and ,presented her with a copper tone and rose canister set. On Thurs- day of this week she is again be- ing presented at the office with a wedding gift. TRAINING SCHOOL HELD AT AUBURN AUBURN-The training school for the fall project, "Clothes Clos- ets Up to Date", was held here last week for the est Huron District, Women's Institutes, Miss Bette Tillman, home economist for Hu- ron County, was in charge, assisted' by -Mrs. Shirley aVIcAllister of Zur- ich. This 4-H project is sponsored by the Department of Agriculture and is available to girls 12 years to 26. The project requires eight Meet- ings, and the Achievement Day will be held in January, The girls will have tut opportunity to renovate their present clothes storage and make some accessories for their closets, including garment covers, laundry bag, a covered hanger, shoe packs, hat standard and hat beet, . If the girls wish they may make shoe pockets, shoe racks or sectional boxes for accessories. The Womeri's institutes sponsor these projects, The leaders and assistants were: ColWanoth, 8, Ritchie, Mrs. Alex Hackett; Dungannon, Mrs, Graham MeNee, Mrs. Hugh Whinney1 St. Helens, Mrs. .fames Curren, Visa Trma Forrester; Londeshoro, Mrs. Milton Little, Mrs, Percy Carter; Clinton, Mrs. Norman Tyndall, Mrs, Charles Elliott, Blyth, Mrs, Luella, 14icaov,?, Mrs, Wellington Good; Auburn, Mrs, Keith Meehan, Mrs. Ed. D9.4 vice. A turkey banquet 'was givers to the leaders arid their assistants by the Departinent of Agriculture tri which the Iadle, Of the Aubtire WOmen's /Agitate entered Rebokuti dRe 7;',0, Hold Dinner ..tkt. the regular' meeting 44 Ma,. Jostle .Rebekah Ledge, No, 362 I,C>,Q4F., on. MoutlaY, the new ..dis- trick deputy. :president of Hin- carding Piatr10 So1011, Sister .Anne. Henry, with her .Staff, installed the officers for the ensuing year, Noble Grand, Sister Vierence Mc- Intyre; Vice Qranel, Sister Baby Paint; Ree, Sea., Sister Ethel Oar- 401 .Fin. See., Slater 'Wong Mc,' Kenz e; Tress., Slater Anne Henry, Sister Martha Patterson, past ,president the .gebeirall Assembly of Ontario. waspresent and assist, ed. in the installation tiereniony. The Lodge is celebrating "its . tenth birthday with a. dinner on .0etobera. 23rd, Scholarships Won big WDHS Students Ivan Walsh, son of Mr, and Mrs, canierinv has been awarded the Canada Packers Bursary, valued at $1.04, donated each year by Canada Packers to a deserviag student of Grade KIK. at Wingham District. High School. Ivan •has .enrolled the University.-of 'Western ,Ontario,.• Ronald Parker, son of Mr. and Mrs. .Everett 'Parker of ' CulrosS, who is registered In the Four-Year Course .at the Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph, has been awarded am Atkinson Charitable Foundatiop Bursary, valued at $400. He has also received an agricultural'schol- arship . of $100 from the County of Bruce. 'Celeste Scilnurr, Wed at Mildtpay 241,,pmmt..- Celeste Margaret Scbnurr, daughter of Mr, aml Mrs.. Xeugene Schpurr, Mildrnay, ex- changed marriage vows with Paul 4?avid i'racitoury M peremony at' Sacred Heart Roman Catholic chqrchi Mildinay on Saturday. Mr, and Mrs, San-Mel Fackmiry, Kitchener are parents of the groom, The Rev, Frank Pentinger of St. ,Terorne's High School, Kitchener, officiated at the double- ring eereraciay, The bride chose a cathedral Young People Tour Stratford Theatre Eleven members of St. Paul's Anglican Young People's Associa- tion were in Stratford on Saturday to-attand,,,the. final „„ae.§.919/4.,,,Pf three-day A.Y,P.A. conference' fOr • the Huron Diocese, The guest speaker on Saturday morning was Rev, Bodely, The election of officers was held and • business transacted, Noon-day - prayers were held in St, Paul's Church, followed by lunch, Dlicussion group took up the early part of the afternoon and then the young people wont on a tour of the Shakespearean Theatre. A banquet was held at 630 and the evening was devoted to dancing. Better than-- evert r CASHABLE ANYTIIVIE AT FULL, FACE VALUE PLUS' . EARNED INTEREST: Canada Savings Bonds are both a. most Convenient method of saving and a safe investment with many unusual advantages. If the need should arise, they can be cashed at any time, at full face value Plus earned interest. They're like dollars with coupons attached. • HIGHER RETURN THAN EVER BEFORE: Interest fird' year 4%, second year 414%, third year 432%, next sex years p% plus bonus of 3% at final maturity. Average,, `linterest yield if held to maturity is 4.98% per year AVAILABLE IN 6 DENOMINATIONS: COOpoir Bonds are"' • available hi denominations of $54), $100, $500, 61,000 and WOO. to fully regletered form, two, $1000 ar41,6,00_45) NEW LIMIT420,000 PER PERSON OR ESTATE- 01211 - A DECEASED PERSON: The.limit to holdings of this Onew issue that may be registered in the name of any', ,one individual, or in the name of an estate of a deceased person, .is $20,000. Each member of'. a family mo buy up to thBtEamFotounRt., CASH AND ON EASY INSTAL. AmVEANI TL As on the Monthly Savings Plan, you make a down payment of 5% and pay off the balance in convenient inatalments. On the Payroll Savings Plan, you purehasa I ORDER YOURS THROUGH THE PAYROLL SAVINGS your bonds by regular deductions from your pay. 41.410 PLAN WHERE YOU WORK, OR THROUGH YOUR BANK, INVESTMENT DEA4Re *TOOK 1110141*i____ it*UIET t9R LOAN .4.;o111111,411,,,,' Wabasso, , COTTON SHEETS 81 x 100 Jorge size, good, qual- ity Sheets for ONLY $5.98 ,Pair GIRLS' WINTER COATS The best costs less at MICHAWS ' Sizes 7 -; 12 ; 419,95 Misses' 10 - 14x $2'1.95 BLANKETS 70 x 90 riannelette Blindtete $pecia1 $5.69 Pair Men's Underwear The cold weather is coining, tlienvOfl PM8r.ed., „ „ BUY NOW, Petunan'a 71 COMBINATIONS &t $3.98 Suit CARMICHAEL'S ARE 111EgDQUAILITIR$ FO1 NURSES! WHITE NYLONS, UNIFORMS „bY WIIITE. SISTER alld '1 NURSES' CAPES. CARMICHAEL'S Your Family Clothing Store invites you to give Own a •try Before You Buy: U•1•91111.,.!?••• • bride is a 1901 isvin4e $t. Mary's freepttl, '/Otetioner, and has been 'nursing at Whilgilarn General Hospital for the mg tWe 11116 loVittltilutna AittlatlitterTiitteta We4lieafle Q. 7,0.1069 dommiii•••••••••••••rnk vil.11110.1111111.0110 ,,........,,,,„..4. ,e::,,,,,,.„.„ , R 6 Aai „ . re,' TO ' H. „,. Mit .•.' i , • '';!% '' a s...,-- ,...a... PAOC,UtT OF 1.1401 - PAY 0 N'LY ,, REMIN6TON'S I 44. Air • E ioc ,, , a , ,04 a' •,,, '13 , e ' .,. t:-1.. a„ 00 ,17. '' 1 9 c - . -m.Seriptare, ”. " t , ..first, _Rokvig. ton. IPOnillIY ershirt sing aninga; treas., vreiL.eLes. the it "0 Tuesday Church girla greaps Miss Tuesday The worship, eluded Bible period new gym,. girls again After Plans activities were am; Rose and Trudy Mrs. meeting Auxiliary had Mrs. sports' Mrs, ta.n.t. sports Mrs. ner It carry month, fered wreath The beta , '• 1(' Elvis WINfilliill CANVASS -song W ricaffin tatrift0"113a U,SLI,C.E.F. Hallowe'en, Group Group Jamieson; Shackleton; Group Legion H olds on October of October, was president Fallowing meoing Were ,A. senior of better decided were elected, sec, SheYY, Diane , E. Legion Keith They of the was on to wreath enjoyed wing.4044 Under Igarny and meeting an Mrs, tigsentndwar this dividing vies-Pres, Mary Allen Of Of l week with, 47 Mrs, rneetinga, MM. of this Perlint appeal and. After •Tiffin to year on made and the I: Pres„ Patricia II: Pres., see,, III: Pres„ ,mLairnda and diettled the Mriffat, group opened The .deVotional ' inIsltiesa vice-ores. PhilliPs, Deyell; COLT ,. FOR the Ala Q. week, beare the canvas,a on the into for vT:inp Faye Q.4.ix Present. ander conducting following Marianne Stewart; Kathy fall 141 ton Of W. to Sandra 1 e yn ttrysedariill Into leaderahip With Welcomed -poried.' *afternoon groups Mary Barbara Yeo. T the Mrs, girls the Tiffin a the period know reading behalf the gaticik; evening as the the agreed Day the, . treasurers,' UNICEF 4,00 Agana Shackle- Wiaghtun officers Patriebt Hodgins; appointed meeting the . 'United pall year's South- treas., Ladies' Legion annual by mein -1. • These three Jack began lead lively this 'the.' some Curn- Lou Hall; 1 esteoct- with assis- win- next end and Day. Hits tts on of - 011 to' in- the of the the of of the at to of- a the - - . - i',..at • E..„ Theat i r La e- no Harriston , and - 9 - and of Pirate Sundry Orleans. the 10 THURSDAY, FRIDAY SATURDAY,-October 6 "THE BUCCANEER" ("rechnicolor) gtarring; "Kul Brynner ,'• Claire Bloom The High Adventures Jean LaFitte Who Roamed Seas - Thle Bayous and Establishments of New 11121111111111111111111l1S11111111111111111111111161111111111 last an attendance John officer officers' Percy the HARRIS' ***111111*** 11111111111 Auxiliary F al l Meetingti S. Gauley chaired Wednesday Home when the to the Canadian of 43, Strong was for the branch McLaughlin will attend, dinner and 14 in Walkerton, Hogg was membership draw. unanimously with euchre parties first to 1)0 held Several volunteers help with Poppy decided to purchase for. Remembrance will be placed Mrs. Gauley. the meeting a social time. . t ... • • '' ' mor0 MONDAY and TUESDAY October 12 and 18 "WATUSI" (Technicolor) q The Thrilling Sequel to King SolonicaVs Mines Plus. `DEEP ADVENTURE' N (Technicolor) IvEDNESDAYand THURSDAY October 14 and 15 "SEA OF SAND" Plus "BLITZKRIEG" TIV't) Thrillers From World War II by J. A. Rank DRIVE-IN Colour Robert "GORILLA William Bendix, .................. Liashmar Listowel, Ontario ,..........a............ THEATRE ,. 9 Paget, Mitchell AT LARGE" THURSDAY "THE - and FRIDAY October 8 and Double Feature WHITE FEATHER" CinemaScope Wagner, Debra. Jeff Hunter Cameron Cartoons now,nowwwwww..........ne*ww, ADULT •-• "-- AT DUSK Two Shows Nightly at every performance FRIDAY and SATURDAY October 9 and 10 Presley's Two Biggest "LOVI - NG YOU" and "KING CREOLE" ,ENTERTAINMENT SATURDAY ONLY OCT, Double Feature "HOW TO BE VERY POPULAR" Colour , CinemaScope Sheree North, Betty GrabIe "MASSACRE Colour Dane Clarke 10 , .PLEASE 1111111f1111011111111111111119111111111111101111111111111111111111 SPECIAL SUNDAY MIDNITE ' October 11 "CURSE OF THE FACELESS MAN" Plus "IT—TERROR FROM BEYOND SPACE" ADULT ENTERTAINMENT NOTE-In case of in- clement weather this program will be meted In to the Crown Theatre Two Shows Nightly Rain, or Clear Box Office Opens at 8.00 o'clock ;First Show at'Duslt • Children Under 12 in Care Free Cartoon at Each Performance illillialliiligitillinlini BROWNIE'S Featuring DRIVE 4N CLINTON, ONTARIO the Largest Wide Screen Theatre in Huron County SPECIAL NOTICE . — TO OUR PATRONS THANK YOU for your patronage_ and attendance at our 'nightly features, rtrdisim NOTE; There will lie no show's Oct. 6 to Oct. 8 00101ENCING with the weekend of October 9th. we Will play on WEEKENDS ONLY. . Vo Your Weekend Entertainment, We Pr elient: FRIDAY and sAltiltinAir (ItIrt?nta 9 and 10 ..... DOUBLE BILL — "THE YOUNG LAND" (couitio rot won. - vvivant ra1i "HEY BOY, HEY Gi.IFtL" tioulti *rims - lately Smith (ONE OAIMON) TW 3iOWS stormy .... saw 0/1101,ickil *6* 'Offke 740 Orti POO. MUM, at .6' 06)4. CINUNItliN WO** u IN barra tillitt .white shads 'mums, white car- nations and. imy. Gowned in ballerina-length fiesta pink .silk organza the .attendants Were Miss Floral Ann Sclinurr, Stratford, as. maid et, honor for her' sister, Mrs, Donald Miller.. .Waterloo ,sister of the groom, and Miss • Judith Weiler, Hamilton, Tom George s of Bridgeport was ring-bearer, • David IVfallatat,. Kitchener, was groomsman and guests were ash, ered•by Paul Miller, Guelph, and. Donald Sc.lnutrr, lYfiklinay, brother Of the bride. For travelling, the bride donned IF-you are using the mortgage plan of buying your home, YOU should know about our special MORTGAGE INSURANCE Consult-, FRANK C. HOPPER —Representative— Canada Life WINGHAM, ONT.1 Phone 462 lellgth gown of ale/icon lace In a ken Imported all-wool three-plece One-piece design. •The molded suit; in moss green, with uark bodie was styled with . t Sleeves and a st(brinp, naeanna en- hanged and black featbeted ha , hanged with opalescent sequins, black and white accessories, 'The The bouffant shirt of nylon tali°, With =Meg and four panels of lace as an overskirt, Was worn over hoops, crinolines and slipper Her allit illusion veil in tiered design was held by a clouble crown of onaleSeeat sequins and Pearls and she carried a spray of couple will reside in Kitchener. Yea/'s.•' an"'ai•oaa,ra•aPaa-aiiamotwel,..,iimeawipaarmawaraaiair•o aiwaaiaraa, * h armic ae •SHOPPI/s10 GUIDE Fon THIS • wooli " NYLONS Lovely Walking Sheer 60 Gauge,First quality wiproxigsx NYLONS .- CAlt,MICHAEL'S SPECIAL PRICE Buy 3 Pairs for $3,00, we give you 1 Pair FREE Sup is ply limited, so get,Yetirs while they l a st. 8,