The Wingham Advance-Times, 1959-10-07, Page 7WI
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' •-�,,.r• A A, ��+:•!D�F:+11?n, AA4A t1t7TQ�ER �'t
.. , 1969, ,.
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rtes On'eH'u'ndted`,, .i/F
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GO1iii,1;E•--•A giant i? i A1C
school ,children Af 1xlOh held Aa' r
Turnberry Townships i4';#4 a spat
from each school higal.�htsd the ' A'
HowleIr Tow#ssh;!n Fair
z on Saturday,, a `.i'he
« Bond lieaaed 'the prstQ ,ai4p with
falx officials and honorary dil•scr " r xE '
k " tors riding in tw4'antigide'' pliers afvn- f
ed by George Brown. �.k4e p'd-tlme.
a costumes • worn. by the directors
wP.rc+ In keening with 1#penten- M'
m.. �i-�}�`r>,e t 5, Fk< �, s�j� " {•"`. 3�>�,,. nial� spir•i.t.
a ' e
tr� t• t
F A. Lashley, director of A1gri-
cultural and Horticultur �•oefet es
A ti:_s
.:LUCe,C OfOCla ly 1,)
Cne� .�f•�..1e. rf
t# ,
the. speakers were Illspector PRIZ WINNER --No n 1
E rr an 1 0 0
W s.n iordty#cit is shown above' with
Kinkead,John Hanna, M,F',l'„ Mar- his pr4e to which '
.. F r p
vin Howe, M.P. and John .Strop 9
;• g, l► i, s. er ch won. firs .lase at the )Elowick Fair last Sat#irday,. ,
President. Howlek Agricultural So-
Norman le a n►ernber of the. Hewlck 4-11 Beef 041f Club,
ciety,K en Edgar was master of
G xemonies..
k " Dedication -of the new centen- RR n •Actobdr J: at 8,16 p.m, when pier d
gates at the entrance 'to the GO „ E ,, tures on Africa will �e Shown.
w 'ub a park followed with 'Trey E• C. Att- Mrs 'Gerald Galbraith, president,,
well Rey, J, S, McClure and 'Rev Mrs• Eileen BrookeF, Mt, Forest conducted the busi#iess. The sec-
., .• � «.�� x>n `�,, � �, .. ' _ ^< ` � ` , spent the 'week -end With Mr, aii,d tional meetingwii :be held in .G r- '
' � ". �. � �t :; . 3,<, ; , . ;, � � y `; , , R�•�� ,..>. Ewart Clarke Participating, I!r, Mr� E I o
A. Lashley and D, H, Miles agricul- s. d, Bolander, irie in October and plans were dis-
j tural representative,
.e ,,:. t` r 'w''�"•.,, :1 , .. F z\ : '.. � , -y: ', � �.:` ' U;:::, 3 :x 'a ,� re resentativel were speak; .Mr, and Mrs, Jas. Edwards visit- cussed. MrsGalbraith closed with
ern.Mrs. Courtney Gilpin d Mrs, Les. Davidson, the benediction, Lu<neh wasserved
Mrs. George Baker unveil t e Listowel on Sunday: Mrs, W. Trimble
ed by rs.'R, Rutto ,
'plaques and .August .Keil out the Mr, :and Mrs, Chas. WRrwieliaMrs. E: Whitfield,
, .
nd. .
ribbon. Attendance • at the fair Brussels visited with Mr. and Mrs.
•y� ., i � r�<rfl �. � broke all records, gate receipts, be-Alak Vetrie on Sunday.
Ing over $1:000. Guests at the wedding.of Ja
a °< Miss Helen Adams R.R, 2 was Alex Walker, son of Mr, s•
and Mrs..
rt �
•k° {• £ # Y : <` „ 1,
crowned Miss 'Howick the 'beAu- Lorne Walker and Carol Diane
.,;;<, �.. •. w, ,„ x• , �� <>_��,� , ,-, � .... �;, ,�" >>a ty was queen, Another attraction. exonr. an
, daughter of Md Mrs. •. � ,z �i�, i=,§�4 r„. , p
.:;�% ..,t'.,. , •..;,�. g pa. .R` u ; a 1 �. #f» .!
i . .;..:..::.: �+ `,... •, . . <':,— "eda, .;,., A ^'!Y. mak, :..5 ,.;.” e.,
the sere n of, c f tea o f- Frederick Ineson of. Weston in S
z< l g a, u o or t l W:
Kl {
foe and a piece of the centennial Philip's Anglican Church 'Weston
n _ , F E
Hake by the lady directors, on Saturday were, Mr, and Mrs:
The Institute project, "Grand- Lorne Walker, Miss Edythe Walk -
TYPICAL and LrXiIIii7T-7lhc Howick Tnir' staged at Goil'r,e iast`.aturday had'A good ars la of ]all exhibits mother Expects a Visitor also
ami the .alae shown above is typical of the many exhibits laced b the schools. P y Ann, Brent and Eric; Mrs, Cath -
'brought out antique furnishings.
p y t' Fordwich was placed first; Howick Brine Taylor, Mr. Wm, Taylor, Miss y �. • ,
Margaret Dane' Mr, and Mrs.
Junior Institute second; Gorrie + "?
• a
third and. Lakelet fourth. Melvin Taylor; Mr. and Mrs. Leslie
Harkness and gMr, :and Mrs, Robt.
t '
l;� M
It was also Achievement Day ,for Harkness, M
e s, CIiitosh; � Mrs.. Wm,
,Y the 441 Clubs and department Wm. Wilson, Miss Doris Leonard,
judges and officials laim it to be Fo.rdw Mr. - R:
ich . an -Mrs. Alex Ta
, d' y'
of the largest and best they Io and Mr, and Mrs.
Mr .Duff BeII of
have attended.. London.
.Winners of the school floats were Mr: and Mrs Ed. Bolton'London
No, 7 'Gorrie Tom. Or afka w
lir ere week -end guests of Mr. and
and Mrs, Ruth MacDonald, tea@h- Mrs. Cameron Edgar, after attend-
ttend ern; S.S. No 13, Lanes, Mrs, Edna' ing the Fair on Saturday.
�'- R'hubach; S.S. N4. 11, -Howick, Mrs, Ida Griffith,. r Wingham,
Mrs. M, Steinacker; SS.No, 2, spent the week -end with Miss
Lakelet; Mrs. EarlmaStewart. Emma !Erwin.
George Brown won first and sec- Mr. and Mrs. Everett Sparling,
q and in old time float with .the Jun- London were week -end visitors of
for Farmers third. Leonard; Met- Mrs, Harry Ferguson,
s d calfe of Mildmay won the, prize for Miss Dell Irwin,. who *is attend- R
" clown, Ing the . Canada Business College,
Toronto, spent the week -end with
her rents r r
a M and Mrs. Archie
r Ir 1n
Y � ^
>� n -,for $anq�ce� .� .�:.
Mr. Mervyn Stephensand
t For x6ve ber IX Stephens, ich visited.
Jean 'S Gorier ,
,Mrs. A. L. Stephens on Saturday.
Edmond McPherson waa initiated The Gorrie Fair had so ,many in-
t '
i into the 'Wingham branch of the attendance that two little boys,nfi3 '3
E '
Canadian Legion at the regular were: lost. ,� �''"�.,�'�n' �a � �• � « ��'
meeting last week in 'tile LegioneY, Belgrave,Home. Miss Sandra Chamnc sx la,
a '
2 r
visited over the week -end with
It was: decided to bold the Miss Evelyn Ann Stephens, z .
annual' Remembrance Dgy banquet ,
at St, Paul's' :4nglicgn Church x
• again
this,year, on November 11,
ANOTFXI.R OIcF3lCit member of the, flokt wk A •ricii,i ural•Societ Mrs George Baker, : o n' and' plates Were made for the Dere- W �z
Y g is ah..,w above' who W.M.S. PLANS FOR
r moray at the cenotaph
was On hauKl for the 100th anniversary of the fair held at (.orrie'last Saturday. $he' poses beside tike
new gates built in recognition of the.centur of service by the societ . I The T.egion members will sell
g g S• 3 mss treesyear. 1
- Christ tr a this
� - Y
„ ,.b 'zw .,Y• ,r. .r v.+ ... ,k" kF^/A'. ;:£ MCS.a &4,
h s "Truth and Freedom„
was •tI•ie theme used b Mrs W, W. 1•'�
s �.<
Strong at the October. meeting of r
#: »;
th6 W.M.S. of Gorrie United
, . t, . " , � ., � .>. ,: • .. � .:_::a _
e:. ., na•�`F" ,,'a;:.,,;Y,„.,,':.;,.�y. l +�F- :>-.F.'... ..,, .,. ,. > . yhr;.,A, n ,, �,;.',. '.u: . .,. ,_�,.�,`.. "5 .�• .. t -;.y. , . $,. Eg;.,..�, t., .,, le<,a:. .,, ^ • ... :,,.", ;> _,,.. .a1�..:. �: k.: ... _ z ,, :. „ .,<,i. .
Church. Mrs,
L N. Whitley open-
ed With quiet and Mrs T. L.
avc �.•_
McInne read the Scripture, Mrs.
ter•,« � ,s � y:�: , ,ya. tea
a ,
Strong le in prayer.
Mrs.. E. Whitfield read the talk k.
"Africa Disturbed", prepared -by
Mrs„ L, Watson and telling of H Ni- geria, Kenya and
la. She
Mid life is quiet
and -serene with village
faintly ties:
r r.
Their customs language a and pre-
judices are slowly :
but surely over
” l
�. , • . � aaR ° ' come by the fine examples set b
.he lives of the missionaries and
Mrs. C. Pyke gave the missionary
story, reporting '`ori Miss Edith i
.. aw . '�ancS''6.'xa \..,, �i''''d&s'a�fi'4#c:' S,x'F. a`<.:.....,'mv{.cs:&.Ger'acII:au''w,w>' w:'ats',�''.. >�. • a'=�raYi. r,
Clarke of Africa, formerly of Tees- OUTSTANDING PARADE --Tho parade at the Centennial Fair at Gorrie 'last, 5atitrday was-'liigXilgl>"ted
water• Mrs. W. Tremble read a
NEW GATES—lVew iiiemori it 'dates, iparkiiig 100 years of continuous of'tho 'tJi(itod. Church and Rev. E. O• AttiWell of the Anglieasi Church,by s; parade that would be the envy of a community 10 times the size of that villa ge• 8o'hool from both
servie$ of the Rowicl( Agricultural 'Society, were officially opened The gaztes were,' opened - b August Kiel oldest living member o the paper on "Christian Citizenship"
Y g , g r f Howick and Turnberry contributed floats that �voie remaxkable for their design and the hard �vorlr that,
lust Saturday a1; Goxrc., The•gates pictured above were dedicated by fair board, An Invitation was received from
Rev. W. 4. S. McClure of the Presbyterian Church; Rev. Jr. E. Clarke St, Stephen's to all the ladles to was required to build thein. Two are shown above, along with $ionic of the school children that watched
with them in L . hal n the p Winne s the f! entered y owick,
meet i t m tie O L 1 i� a parado To r wa oat b .S. 2
ATjNI% ,StAIIir-Tlidl�
o�vTcic l�iiir; �viiicli tnti'rked its •' auov�e, lit tYic 'titiw t;it.tew A►rt; ivl[r, and. 111ti°tr..hl�grlist Kot Mr, :itn4t lVirs.'
lcentellulal : t t S#tur 1., , is edr a r t o new iitb0li bad 'iii Xorm&W Alit .d6f ;g• II Gr! I.+�CAtY iiEArJT7i HeWiek To�vnalnh proved ilial it down t talzo it
l Vs t l#y tvit'lt tl rt c t m f g .. , .. o , 1►�`r , G. pin, 117<rs• !Gteerge I3#koi'y Norinait .Hard ,
�. y f back beat to a cotntiiutdt When it coin ' t fewinni h it
YtitnlCrlAticr, .YV, iitiritbter ult;, Direct %oll+C �iiio Tiavc tell been int+mbrir� bt inl+, tia�Ybr:y SiiiirilrlKs ,1`ehn �Itci►iiji, ti.Y 'y es • a o oat ytli4
he, '. - ".e - .: _ .. , . ,..... ^ , .. roof ...
it�ib iAlowlt.$k �,grft:�Y'ltu�clil �ocli;fy at oii� tlrite ox ,aitotlier, Shown � l3 WirS 0 be scan; at the bbauty ecntetit stage'cl at ilio Howick
�1. l.,Y.�«a�IWk11�IR.«f, 4.. .L-. - .....�. .,,, . a.,.. ,.-..a .. ,. -. ..", .... • .. .......,. .., ., ewrn.�r,Y...�. Y.6, u,w w ,,., L:,. .: w. L : ,.,..4 ,v , .. u,c•..JY. t..a+
,... .. �. r....._..w...-.-r..r. � r ....:......... „ s... •. �. u:,.n.�Lw:v3:..�J4:w.u.�aa[� ail'IG �::w8m.:..a..,.w ]4.9s
�:,. .:.sun". .. qy.. ... .•... ., s. ,. .n...-. ,. .,........ .. .,. .,:..
Phir last Saturday 4fte)6106n. l ditko fiftoeh keds;• each i-dorwntiiit
it sbliool soctioxt, atitorcti the ciiiYiliet116i1, ll"ii5rt of ilia' roup' i9 rs1:6AVA'A
hbove, with tho "winner, J11(clou Ailamiirfolurfft ttwu the igi~t;= �i j�Rl►tif;