HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1959-09-23, Page 12FEATURE SEE IT TODAY! WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Phone 890 Wingham Hot Summer -Cold Winter II Will you be prepared for the drop in temperature? Be Sure' of YOUR Comfort This •Winter! Call. H. N. Gowdy &Son FOR COAL AND FUEL OIL • WINGHAM 606 after 5 or GORRJE 35 r 9 Collect Reducld Prices Still In Effect on COal Ordirs 9-16-23-30 PHONE 290 ;41i1444 y icr,ra Ana.,01404*.Dala ,104. t p,O.A4,14,44.. TOn'll get attractive divi- dends, income tax credits, and a share in the growth • of Canada. Free yourself from investment worries through Investors Mutual Canada's largest mutual . fund. Thothas A. Jardin Phone 147, Wingham, Ont. Emerson Ivel Phone 334W,IIarriston Investors arn t an a 0 ANGEL CAKE 16=oz. I Cracked Wheat LYCEUM Theatre Wingham, Ontario two 'Mows Each Night Commenem 1ng at 7,15 P,1111,, 1 OF CANADA LTD. ' Nnad ,Offian I/Amines; Offices In Principal Mies I'Aylmer PORK and BEANS .. 20-oz. 2 for 41c Checker Choice TOMATOES .. 20-oz. 2 for 39c Stokely's Fancy CREAM CORN, 20-oz. 2 for 39c Libby's 20 oz. Veismiffeamor•wwwwir I SPAGHETTI in Tomato Sauce . , Z far 41c Stokely's Fancy PUMPKIN .. 15-oz, 2 for 27c Maple Leaf PURE LARD , .. lb. 17c Snowflake SHORTENING „ lb, 25c Praise TOILET SOAP - 10c off - 2 bath size 37c Maple Leaf SI weet Pickled COTTAGE *ROLL , lb. 49C Maple Leaf Skinless SAUSAGE . „ „ „ lb. 450 Waked TURNIPS .. , , , , , .. 2lbc OC COOKING ONIONS 10 lb. pally bag 39c AlonimisonesonneeenamemaL REASONABLE CHARGES. George Williams Located in Mason's Store. Owing to leek of space, watches and small clocks only. Alan D. Bennett WINGIIAM UNITED CHURCH Through a single invest- ment in Investors Mutual, you can become part- owner of more than 100 Widely diversified "blue- chip" securities. Red Front Grocery Phone: Our Prices Are Lower 590 We Keep Down the Upkeep Teacher of Theory, Piano, and Organ. Telephone 879 Wthibaln Advance-Millnel TWelVe Wedl„ Sept, 38) 1959 WATCH REPAIRS PROFIT FROM CANADA'S PROSPERITY BREAD 18c 39 c Donald Duck ORANGE JUICE 48-oz. — 49c Free Delivery . —Mr. and Mrs. David J. Boyd of SUNDAY SERVICE South Porcupine spent a few days 4 last week with Mr. and Mrs, Hugh Gilmour. BUUEVALE—A large attendance at •morning and evening marked —Mr. and Mrs. Dan Kay and the anniversary services of Blue- daughters, Marsha and Deborah, of Toronto, were guests with. Mr: and Mrs, Alton Adams and family at the week-end. —Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Merkley were in Hamilton last week at- tending the funeral of her father, Mr: Sam Wright. vale United Church on Sunday. Rev. Lloyd Brown, B.A., B.D., of Brussels United Church, was the guest speaker. He gave forceful sermons, in the morning from the text, "In the morning ye shall 'see the glory of the Lord", admonish- ing to faithfulness in service to God; in thF evening using the text, "And they, all with one accord be- gan to make excuse", showing the :evident insincerity in those who fail to respond to our , Lord's invitation. Mr. Brown was assisted by the minister of the church, Mr: Alan H. Neelon, at the evening service, • 'The choir sang several anthems under the direction of the organ- ist, Miss Mary Lou Wright, Mr. Ross Smith singing, a solo part. Mrs. Kenneth MacTavish, of Lon- don, soprana soloist, sang at both serviaes, her numbers being "Great Is Thy Faithfulness'), "How Can home from Ottawa on Saturday I Help but Love Him" and "0 where she had been visiting her What Love". Miss Dolly Vincent parents. Her mother, who had Nn_ ofGalt played organ numbers and dergone surgery, returned with •her assisted with accompaniments. and is convalescing here for a few weeks. • —Mrs. W. B. Davidson of St. Catharines, is spending a few days with her mother, Mrs. B, McGee, at her home here. —Mr, and Mrs. Bert Mathers and D'Arcy and Mrs. Geo. Robin- son and Miss Mune Robinson 'at- tended the air show at Centralia on Saturday. —Mr. and Mrs. Percy Harris spent the week-end in London with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Don Delmage. —Mrs. Don Cameran returned —Mr, and Mrs. R. S. Hethering- ton and family and 'Miss Judy Callan accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Bell and Ann of Exeter who were official guests at the air show at Centralia on Saturday, —Mr. and Mrs. J, C. Thompson' of London. spent Friday' with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Reid, —Mr. Jim Henderson, of Allan:, dale, and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Ed- gar and Debbie of Beaverton spent the week-end with their parents, Mr. 'and Mrs: Chris Newman. —Stewart McGill left this week to attend the University of West- ern Ontario. —'Mr. and Mrs. Norman Elliott and family were visitors at the week-end with Mrs. .Elliott's sis- ter, Mrs. H, G. Holman of London and attended the Western Fair. Melville Church's -• lQSth Anniversary Of Presbyterianism Anniversaries are sufficiently common these days with 411 sort ot, events being celebrated, On Sun- day, • 2', Melville Church in Brussels will •celebrate the 105th. anniversary ,of the coming of Preabyterianism to this community. This is unusual, since not many churches have attained to. this point of history. From the begin- ning there were two Presbyterian congregations in Brussels,. until they were united and. became one in 1895, this church carrying on ,he name 'by which Melville Church is known today.. In 1854 the congregation wor, shipped in private homes, but' in It'1856 the members agreed to erect a place of worship in Ainleyville, now 'Bru:14e1S, This was the first church ;in the village, and with an .enthnsiaatic.,pangregation the. went on from strength to strength,' The present building was erected'in, 1914 and was redecorated in July of this year. • The special preacher will be the Rev. Professor C, Ritchie Bell, pro- fessor of homiletics and pastoral theology, Presbyterian College, in Montreal. Dr, Bell is one of the foremost ministers of the Pres- byterian Church in Canada and in - 1049, when elected moderator of the General Assembly, was the youngest man ever to hold that of- fice. ' LONDON SOLOIST AT S Mrs. Gordon Hall on Sunday were: Mr. and Mrs. Hugh. Sinnamon and Hugh, Jr., and Mr.' and Mrs. Jack Hall, all of Winiham, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Beecroft, Ronald and Kirk, of Whitechurch, and Miss Elizabeth Brown, of Blyth. Mr. Jim Yeoman and son Jim visited at the week-end at the home of Mr. Dugald Strachan. Mrs. Isabel Yeomans returned to De- troit with the mafter a 'visit of several months. in Competition at Toronto Exhibition AGAINST RABIES Thirteen young farmers. from Huron County took part in the an- • CONTINUE FIGHT The group was asked to take old nylon stockings to the next meet- ing, to be sent to Korea. The meeting closed with the singing of "0 Love that Wilt Not Let Me Go", followed by the Miz- pah benediction, • ' it's HERE! the new FUTURA PORTABLE PP;Kmat, ',motor r9PciEs 44§$10410 Cal11[VOHUBX,E itZTLIKVMENV. Consult— C. HOPPER --Representative-, Canada Life WINHAM, ONT. Phone nual judging competitions for 4-H and Junior Farmer members at the Canadian National Exhibition in Toronto on September 9. These young men made an excellent showing. In' the junior section of the' swine judging, Mac Stewalt, of R., R. 5, Seaforth, was the winner with , a score of 174 out of 200, Gary Jewitt, R. 1, Clinton, placed } fourth in the same class. In the enior section Ron Smith, of 'Brus- sels was fifth, Lorne Hern, R. Woodham, was 'tied third out of 59 contest- ants in the junior section for judging dairy cattle. Prior to the start of judging, con- testants wrote a farm safety quiz in which Bob Broadfoot, of Bruce- field, came second. There were 294 contestants. After the judging they were all entertained at dinner and the even- ing grandstand performance. According to a report from the Thiron County Health Unit the fight against rabies must continue for ,the disease is, still being re- ported in Huron. Wildlife author- ities confirm an' increase in the fox population. of the province, thus a resurgence of rabies this fall -and winter is very likely, I Continued co-operation of all municipalities and individuals is needed, Citizens are requested to l'report all suspected cases of animal ' rabies to their local veterinarian or 'the Health 'of Animals office at Seafortly • — If a human should suffer injury by a possibly,rabid animal, prompt- ly' wash the wound or place of exposiire with soap. and water. Consult your physician. .Notify the' .Health Con- fine the nnimal• under veterinary supervision for at least '14 days. Avoid shooting or destroying the 'animal if at all possible. - • Old Nylons. Needed. For Work The Young Woman's Auxiliary of the Wingham United, Church met at the home of Mrs. A. Walker. Mrs; 'G.a.Robinson was in charge, of the devotional period and opened the Meeting with the theme "Fel- low Workers with God". "For, the Beauty of the Earth" , was sung. Mrs. C. Ritchie read the Scripture, followed by prayer by Mrs. E. McBurney.. An article on Christian citizenship was read by Mrs. W. Caslick. Mrs. D. S. MacNaughton introduced the new study book' called ,"Africa. Disturb- ed". "In Christ There Is No East 'or West" was sung, followed ,by prayer by Mrs, G. Robinson. Mrs. D. McTaggart presided for the business portion of the meeting Mrs. R, Zurbrigg gave a.report on a temperance meeting held at Clin- ton, Mrs, E.. Irwin offered to phone for nursery for the month of October. The Baby Band tea has been postponed until Sept. 26. ' ounmemweifimmm4mminummmimmmuummommAilimmummummmimmsmoimmmenimilmmumiliml Fall is, here in all her radiant beauty in s:11 itil;7111!' with\I\\1-11111i,d1;t:: new ' iiiii. g -_...... 4 ii 1511-*It . e ll, 'i 11 41' ere ra, i.;:.41.: '.'* ., ii i - *.i.W14PM11:,,,, Wl• , + 4 .1 •,: 4 ., ,,,I,. N colours --. new styles. , , FALL COATS ----- • i • i i ,__-- Our new and wonderful selection of Fall coats are fashionably styled to keep you ..,7 comfortable and warm. There's a choice of tailored or dressy coats in all the i RI leading fabrics. The cloths are luxurio us, many lavishly trimmed with !um Our = I selection consists of fine cashmeres, seal skin, Velgoras and tweed effects. Special LI a attention has been given. collars, pockets, and button trim in Fall's loveliest new -9 i , . shades. 'Why not choose yours to-day? II ' Priced from $39.50 to $59.50 i , i 1 i HATS — ' , , i i A gala collection of elegant new hats are here m styles you can't 'resist. "En- i chanting describes them best of all. Velours and Velvets with exciting detail I offer styles that will , draw admiring glances every time. i I . Priced from $45 9 to $8.95 in bands froth $1.98 ..1 ... DIG IIOFFERS (Wingham) LTD. I • • 0) • i lilis,,FrIeSat. Sept 24.-26-26 , Double Bill Fred MeafurraY, ,Lin McCarthy in "FACE OF A. FUGITIVE" A western manhunt, AND Jo Morrow, Jack Jones in "JUKE BOX RHYTHM" Romance, Comedy and. Music, ' uonalloinini iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiii • --Miss Alice McNair •of Br'arnp- ton visited over the Week-end With' Miss Marion Simpson, Miss Mc- Nair taught in the high school here several years ago and 'renewed ac- quaintances while in town, C, A. Roberts is Spending a week in Toronto with her .Pon• Mr. and Mrs, Richard Roberts. —Mr. and Mrs, Francis Mills, Miss Jean Mille and their guest, Mrs, George McDowell, were in London on Saturday. Her son, Mr. George McDowell, visited here on Sunday and his mother returned home with him to Farmington, Mich. --Mr. Jack Alexander, who has been on the CKNK. staff for some Unie,-'litiS —debOtikl'•'n -position CKCO-TV in Kitchener and took over his new duties on Monday of last week, Mrs. Alexander is con- tinuing to teach at Winghein School. --Mr. Neil. Stainton of Toronto was a week-end visitor with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Percy Stain- ton. —Mr. Don McLean of Barrie spent the week-end at his home here. —Mr. and Mrs, W. T. Bildfell and family of Richmond Hill were guests over the week-end with her mother, Mrs. Walter Davis, —Mr. and Mrs.. Lou Carrigan and Marylouise of Brownsburg, Que., visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Jack M. Willitts. —Mr, and Mrs. Jack Laing and family of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Cerson and family of Teeswater, attended a birthday party for Miss Karen Swanson on Sunday at the home of their par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Swan- son. —Mr. and Mrs. Jim Helesic of Goderich were visitors over the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Town. —Mi. and Mrs. Stafford Bate- son spent a couple of days last week with ther son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Hawkins, London, and attended the Western Fair. _ —Mr. and Mrs. Ted Manners and son Frank of Owen' Sound spent the week-end with Miss Marion Simpson. Mr, Manners had just recently returned from a tour of Russia and other European coun- tries. —Mr. and Mrs. Bruce MacDon- ald, Carey' and Stephen spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Topp and Jerry of Brantford. —Mr. Ross Vogan, Ronald and Kenneth, . Jim Nesmith, Darryl Gibson, Glen Madill, Donald Brooks and Barrie Conron took in the air show at Centralia on Saturday. —Mr. and Mrs. Allan McGill and Stewart , returned home last week from a three weeks' vacation vis- iting friends in North Dakota and California. —Mrs .Gibson Armstrong, Gail and David, of London, visited on Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herson Irwin, and with other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ir- . SAVE. 49e Fancy Cohoe, SALMON FILLET Regular 98c lb. SPECIAL 49c lb. SAVE 7c JELLO and JELLO PUDDINGS Regular 3 for 29e SPECIAL 11 for $1 win and Murray of East Wawanosh visited at the same home, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Merkley are in Toronto today attending the Op- ening of the new model cars, for 1960. —Mr. and Mrs, Percy Staintell and Mr. and Mrs. Murray Stainton were in London last week and at- tended Western Fair. —Mr, and Mrs*, Al Hafermehi and Mr, and Mrs, Don Hildebrand returned home last week from a holiday, They motored to Muske- gan, travelled from there to Mil- waukee by ferry and later motored to Chicago. At Chicago they" saw the stage 'show "Music Man", Anne -Geddes. spent 'a rew days last week visiting in Buf- falo, N.Y. —Mr, and Mrs, Elmer Ireland returned Saturday from a trip to Western Canada and the United ,States, where they visited with friends in Montana, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. Their journey, took them through the Badlands and Black Hills of South Dakota. They returned home via Northern On- tario. —Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Fuller and family were in London on Friday' and attended Western Fair. On , their return home Saturday they took in the air show at Centralia. —.Mrs. Ethel Sloan and Mr, and Mrs. Ross Thompson of Brantford visited friends in Wingham on Sun- day. —Mrs. Rudy Heins and baby left on Thursday to spend a six month vacation with her parents in Hol- land. Mr, Heins drove them to Melton, where they left by plane, and he went on to San Francisco for a couple of weeks' holiday. BLUEVALE Mr, and Mrs. J. C. Bell, of St. Marys, spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. Jos, Curtis. Mrs.. Harry Horning and Miss. Mary Clarke, of Toronto, visited Mrs. Arthur Shaw last week. Mr, and Mrs. Russel Bone, of Brussels, were Sunday visitors with Mrs. W. J. Johnston. Mr. and Mrs. , Kenneth Mac- Tavish, of London, spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Alan H. Neelon. Rev. T. E. Kennedy, of Knox Presbyterian Church, assisted last Sunday evening at the anniversary service in Belmore United Church. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Farrier and daughter, of Whitechurch, and Miss Dolly Vincent, of Galt, were guests on Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Johnston, Visitors, at the home of Mr. and Dr. Bell is an outstanding speak- er and ,is in great demand, travel- ling as he does throughout the country in the interests of the church. Special music will be ren- dered by the choir and everybody may be assured of a hearty wel- come. The services will be at 11 in the morning and 7.30 in the evening. Scouts Seek Aid Of Radio Hams • Scouts across Canada, are, seek- ing the co-operation of amateur radio 'station operators to enable them to participate in the Second Jamboree-on-the-Air from October 23 •to 25. Sponsored by the Boy Scouts In- ternational Bureau in Ottawa, the Jamboree-on-the-Air is a meeting of Scouts via the amateur radio air waves. QSL cards will 'be sent to all Scouts contacting the Intefna- tional Bureau's specially-licensed amateur short wave station in Ot- tawa, with, the call letters "V E 3 J A M", during the Jam- boree. hORRIE Mr. and MP, George Snider and little daughter of Eirnira •spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, R, Bennett, Visitors with Mrs, Frances Strong' an •SundaY were Miss Marjorie Stewart, Mrs, Gordon and Mrs. Patnaan, all of Harriston and. Mrs, Winnifred Downey, Harriston, ilarvest Thanksgiving services will be held •Sunday next, Sept. 27, in Si, Stephen's Church at 11.30 a.m, The rector, Rey. E, C, AU- well, will preach, Mrs, E. H. Strong returned home from Llistowp1 Hospital on Sunday after undergoing surgery, The Rev. F. A, Pickering of Mt. Forest and Conn Presbyterian Churches was the preacher in the Presbyterian Church on Sunday morning. The Rev. W. J, MeClure, conducted anniversary services in Mt. Forest Presbyterian Church. Guests on Sunday of Mr, and Mrs. John Stafford were Mr, and " Ri Chard '• Boten "of"'Win daer,' Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stafford of Toronto spent Saturday at the same home, Old friends will be sbrry to learn that Mr, Walter Stafford of Toronto suffered a heart attack while visiting friends in Dungannon and is a patient in the Goclerich Hospital, Mr, and Mrs. John Coultis' of Courtright and Miss Pearl Ash-' worth of Toronto were week-end guests at the rectory with Rev. Bo C, and Mrs. Attwell, Sunday guests were Mr. David Ashworth, Mr, and Mrs. Roscoe Hodgins and Eliza- beth of Luean; Mr. and Mrs. F. C, Attwell and Paul, and Mr: and Mrs. J, Narejko add Edward of: Brantford. The Friendly Fours of the Gorrie United Church will meet at the' home of Mrs, Clifford Cooke on Thursday of this week at 8.15 p.m. WED ON' SATURDAY—Florence Irene Dawson, 'daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Dawson, Wingham ,anil Glen Douglas Meehan,. son of Mrs. L. Machan and the late Mr. MaOhan of Brussels were married on Saturay at the United Church manse.—Photo by Harvey McDowell. • Fbr The Best REFRIGERATION &. ELECTRICAL SERVICE .--- CALL JACK KERR . Phone 608 J 22 Wingham Specializing in SEALED-UNIT REPAIR AND COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATIoN, REPAIR LOCATED IN McKIBBON BLOCK WINGHAM OO1Ii ON Ittittii That seeing tobe the big oneat1on hi the 00.4 of the triplets shown above as • ' i'`The Friendly S tore". tlidy toliked, the BelgraVe sacoot ritif with theft mother, Mrs. 4a.inies •taitient of IMO; Wednes- ,Theit.inanfit.;614 '010140 '04, loft to titbit, Dort oXdo, booby mitt owitht. brOther, bolt- knit, .;311111101111111.11141011,1,131111111111111111111(111111111111111 ,1110111110111011101i10111110111011110111111101111111A11101111011111.1111111111111iiii