HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1959-09-23, Page 11This Week's Specials Maple Leaf Hams , „. „ ,, . . 11/4 1b. tins $1.35 Aylmer Cut Beans . , 15 oz, tins 2 for 29c Cottage Toilet Tissues _ , , „ , 10 for .79c Fancy No. 1 Macintosh Apples .. basket 59c California Juicy Oranges , 3 doz, for 95c 1 Canada No. 1 Potatoes ... , 10 lb, bag 29c at your • NEW UNITED BUYERS' FOODSTORE FOODLAND MARKET ! Phone 207 Wingham • Free Deliveri tie . W•A. MAKES PLANS FOR FOWL SUPPER GORRIE—The opening fall meet- ing of St, Stephen's Woman's Aux- iliary was held at the home of Mrs, Gordon Underwood on Thursday afternoon with 0, good attendance, The work of the, afternoon was quilting, The president, Mrs, Edward New- ton, led • in- devotions ••and ,cond•tict- Qd the business, Mrs. Earl Under- wood acted as secretary, Roll call was answered by ' naming a' mis- Sionary.' "The Way in Africa” is' the new study hook, MrS, Normaa Wade dealt with ' the lirst chapter," "The Invasion of Africa". ‘Such bar- riers as the Sahara Desert, which was overcome- with the advent of airplanes; deadly .' diseases; the slave trade and opening up, of the interior are being overcome.' Da- vid Livingstone and his eontem- poraries,by their labors, Were used of God to prepare the way in Af- rica, Although' the white man has done .much for Africa, yet the Ma- terial wealth of the continent 'has been exploited by companies own- ed and directed in Europe. A film will be shown in the LOL hall. on. Thursday evening, Oct, 15 at 8,15, entitled, "Talking Drums" and should be of interest in 'the study of Africa. Plans were made for the ibooth at thefall fair, Mrs. Gordon Un- derwood read the lesson and Rev, E, C. AttWell closed with prayer. The hostess served refreshments. GORE Attending the London Fair last week were Mr. and Mrs. -Charlea O'Krafka, and Mrs, Tom Q'Kraflca, Mr, and Mrs, Cameron Edgar, Mr, and Mrs. Cliff Cook, Mr, Jack Musgrove, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ferguson and family, Mrs. Harry Ferguson, Mra. Effie• xe- Craeltin, Violet and Viola, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Grainger, Michael and Murray, Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Grain- ger and Ruthi• Miss .Jean:Sparlingi, Mr, arid Mrs. Allan Igyndinan, Mr. and Mrs: Harold KO, Mrs. Chas, Lawrence, , Mr. Ernest, ling 'returned to his home on Monday iiftar:I'spending several Months in the' Wingharn Hospi tal, Peggy Cara0n, younger daughter of Mr, and Mrs, N'o:rman •Carson, • had her tonsils, removed at Pal- znerSton Ho'spital ,On Tuesday of last week. r. George Keil • S on 'a business trip to Winnipeg and the West. Mr, dnd Mrs. Gordon Jamieson of Goderich spent Sunday with Mr, and. Mrs. T. L. McInnes. Mr. and Mrs. Edison Riley of Windsor spent the weekend at the home Of Mr. and Mrs. Justin Will. 'and Mrs. Chas. -Koch spent Siinday. with Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Ament at Auburn. Mr.' and ,Mrs. James Edwards spent 'Sunday with Mrs. Victoria Kleinp at Harriston. Mrs, Klernp is moving -to Waterloo. Miss. Carol Keil was HI last week and under the doctor's 'care. ,Mr. and 'Mis, Claus 0.,Krafica spent Snnday, with Mr. and Mrs. `William Gavin * of Galt. • Mr.. and Mrs. "JameS • Edwards Were guests at, the. Kreller-Morris wedding on Saturday in the Lis- towel Presbyterian" Church. Mr.* and Mrs. .Roy Gowdy, :Mr. and Mrs: "Harry GowdY and Miss G'wenrile IlYndinan , attended : the. Belmoie anniversary'. 'services on Sunday. Rey, J. W.,Hird was the guest, speaker. ' Mr, 'and Ilyfrs.:.• Tom McClement and Mr. and Mrs, GladEdgar spent a feW days 'the first 'of -the week at Pointe an Barn., . . ' Mr. .and MrS. George: Brown, John and JCan Were ^ at -,the 'Henry Ford MiiSeurn in.".Dearborn; Mich., on' Sunday atteridin'g :tha.•Antique Automobile Festival:. • ,Mr:., George' Townsend has:. sold his farm On:the :fourth concession to Mr. George' 'Burg* of Blue- vale, ' Who ,gets Possession next colummocoullommomomildimialumm.momialimmur2 • W. R. HAMILTON OPTOMETRIST • Now a whole new golden World of SIGHT and SOUND. See our HEARING-AID GLASSES, ..:.g,lightest in wei •ght. , . • • , • _ Horne Missionary is Sunday Speaker • GORRIE-r,2Mrs. I, Pike of •Ilder- ton, 'a former Home Missionary in Newfoundland, will be guest,speak- er at the .Gorrie United . Church on Sunday, Sept, 27 at 10 a.m. and also in Wroxeter at 11.15 a.m. • Sunday. School rally day will be held in both churches at the re- gular hour: ick • agriculture and the Province of. •Ontario as, ,a whole, and"to thoSe wlio ;have carried 'on, from year to' year in tligir fobtsteps in promoting improved fivesteck, fiel&crops, clubs, school fair work, etc. It Challenges us to -go forward to greater achievements r than in • the past a COMBINATION WINDOWS • Draft-free, 111. ie Weather-tight n Perfect fit for any window: 77107;7 .1":1",?•-ter is • Tble AdVildnla-Ithildag BOYS' DRESS AND SCH0a SHOES Give freely to Canvasser . • 1INI THE ANNUAL CAMPAIGN FOR THE .LUN YOUR FAMILY SHOE STORE - for strong, sturdy Wear $4.45 to' $6.95 mon WINGHAm Your support is needed,. ''IIIIII•Willl•Mln••••••••••••••••gg•gggloi•••••l••••ONIWMIIIIIINIIIW F. A. Lashley Will, .Open • 110wick Centennial Fair • s Your Car giving you the , W.A. COMMENCES Ten Confirmed. At St. Stephen's REOULAR MEETINGS GORRIE,---The Suffragan Bishop month. Mr. Townsend plans to go to live with his. family at Stratford, Mrs, jack . Beattie and. her. sty, ter, Mrs. ..CaraOn, of 'PINTA°, Call," ed on MrS, James EclWards, and Ernest King on $aturday .af0 ternoon. Mrs. Oertie 13„osehorougn, ,of OW- here last week. Mrs, Morley 1011, Mr. and Mrs, Carl Dinsmore and fatuity Mr, And Mrs. Clarence Stokes and tlizgtheth wIre guests of Mr, and Um ,Ger- ald Oalbralth recently at their cot- tage at Port Ugln, • Mr, returned *dm en • :Sound, visited with relatives on 'Thursday from ',Voronto, ,,, lllllll l ll .4inomori u . 111! lllll Omt, ..... 0111MMMOIMMINIMIMPHOWOWMfflOMMWEMMifilffilAlMinOMPOOMM14111404 7:1-1 a U U Phone '355 .Wingharn ENS ALIGNMENT SERVICE • Diagonal Road TREATMENT dile to wheels that rid your which, of both"wiggle and bounce" by getting our ... ^BEA: DY-NAMIC BALANCING SERVICE as advertised in the BY R. W. 1%,T. Wade (Continued from last week) rIlowick Agricultural Society will held its Centennial Pair Oetober 2-3, 1959, F. A, Lashley,, director, A0101114014 Societies Braneh, On- Elf ier' Mi}tpartleolit **plant:AN will oPen• the fair' and an inter- esting featithr will 'be the opening of the new C'en‘nrildi gates: As ;previously stated„' this fair has al- teth ated between, Irerdwieh and Gorrie The.querition of :having It inreone frequeritly 'arisen, hut no agreement: was reached, Iii 1892 they. - had the :same ficaltY. At a.ineeting' Of January 11th, i862, a, motion Was moved and seconded that,. a meeting be ad- vertlied three Weeks • previous, to take into, consideration the propri- ety of appointing a stationary place to hold' the •Society show, when all members were, requested to .attend. In amendment it was moved.a.nd seconded that the show be • held as, heretofore. Amend- ment carried, of Huron, the Right Reverend W, A, Townsend, was present for con- firmation service M St, Stephen's Anglican Church on Sunday after,' noon, The rector, Rev, E, C, Attwejl, presented the following ten persons for confirmation: Gary Sotherri, Grant Day, Terry Clark, Dawn Lue Clark; .Iris •Armstrongi• - Jean. Browne, Leone Harris, Rona Van VolSor, Mrs. Jack Bennett, Mrs. John Stafford, Speaking from Acts 1:8, "Ye shall be witnesses unto me," the bishop stressed the need of a her, lieving church, a . worshipping. church and a witnessing church, There was a large congregation present. Following the 'service the bish- op administered the rite of bap- • tism to Mary Margaret, infant daughter of Rev, and 11/frs. E. C. Attwell.and to LeslieSohn infant son of Mr. and Mrs, John itafford. I A reception was held in the community hall afterward. • Redords show that 'the fair has Usually been held on a Saturday' early in ,October; With the excep- tion of 1887 and 1898, when it was held on l'Vforiday- and . Tuesday, Sept. 26-27. No reason.given„ in the 1870's the. drill 'shed at ,Gdrrie was akd for inside exhibits ,and fields near the *village rented for outside -exhibits, r Gorrie in 71897 Purchased. grounds to be used for the AgriCultaral.Society. Fordvvich 'in 1872, applied to the Crown for lots 416, south side of Albert Si: and later bought lots • GORRIE—The Woman's Associa- tion of the, Gorrie United Churph met in the church parlors Thurs- day. evening. Mrs. E. Whitfield opened with a poem; "Does Your Light •Shine?" Mrs, Elmer Farrish read the •Scripture. Mrs. Robert Elschrier gave a Ta- per on "Faith, Influence ana Guid- ance", She said "Just as a twig is bent,, so the tree is inclined. A child naturally follows in the foot- steps of someone he• admires„ May our faith accept ,the challenge. Trust God in the big and small• af- fairs and pray and wait for guid- ance," ,- Mrs. C, lE'yke, president, conduct- ecl.the business. 'It was decided to, have a fowl supper ,in November and plans were discussed. The meeting closed. with the singing of the theme, hymn.' Lunch wasserv- ed •by the committee in charge. • .••••••••••••••••WW,,,,,,No.....1"...o1^...."U itipoctuR TELLS THE - WHOLE STORY _ Know what you're getting when you're spending good money for it. • You can't be sure when you look at a picture of if, 'but you can accurately judge !---1 QUALITY •when you see the real thing. la So if' you're interested in buying ALUMINUM DOORS or WINDOWS No need to."send away" or' "order from out of town". U BUY LOCALLY SEE EXACTLY. WHAT YOU'RE I GETTING before you spend yOur moneyo All styles and 'types in stock and on dispiai at* n STAINTOWS—"A Name You Know. You Can Trust". •E. 15 and 19, north side of Adelaide St., from J, Il, Johnston, This, constitutes the present grounds. ' The Soeiety built bniiilitigs at, both places for inside exhibits. La- • ter on, the grounds were sold to: the vlil ages ,and. they--in 'turn- built, the, present arena; with the society to have the use thereof for fair purposes. The Society continued to grow, as we find that in isor, they added assoelate directors, and by 19.02 the annual report gave a membership of 101 and the same year a flag was purchased to be, used on -fair •day. We wonder What happened to' it, as it would be nice to have one flying for the Centennial Pair, Agricultural Societies all across Canada have always made contri- butions to the agricultural life of the districts in which they operate- They have encouraged the grow- ing of better crops and better live- stock. In 1905 Howick -Society' held Its first Spring Show. That was car- ried on for five years and in 1909 they sponsored the first field crop competition, five acres of white oats, Down through the years the 'So- ciety has discontinued encouraging, certain strains of • livestock arid grains, and we find that in 1892 they struck from the list Russian Wheat and added Campbells White Chaff. The same year they took from the. prize list Suffolk Swine.' On the inside exhibits we find, such changes as 50 lb. tub of but-. ter reduced to 20 lb. arid' 1) lb. None of these were practical to a good fa'rmer. Changes each year are still going on in the prize list. In the 1940's the Society started sponsoring Boys' Grain Clubs,,, Swine Clubs, Calf , Clubs and., in 1943 the School Fair joined the par- ent •society, Turnberry Township riot having -a fair, joined the-How- ick Society. in 1953, which has .add- ed strength, .especially in' the ',pub- lic school exhibits, 4-H Club work and field 'crop competitions and, other. enterprises.: Thanks, to •the energy, enterprise and wisdom of those pioneer dir- ectors and' officers who established the annual fair and contributed much to the development of How- - • • , Phone 37 for appointment umamainsmarnimmaimommommaimmummiummommwommome Mr; and Norinan Wade at- tended the reception for Mr. and b. Jiickson, R.R.' 4, '.Ilar- rigton, on the occasion of their got: den "wedding' anniversary ,en Sat- :urdaY. ON. FUEL U U TE a a I U U a U N U U U U a a U a I ORDER NOW SAVE COSTS • • The look of leaders ALUMINUM ; DELUXE ALUMINUM COMBINATION DOORS • Life-time guarantee. • Perfect fit. • Flawless installation. • Quality — 1."-thiCk welded corner frames. AsAis-ow $49.00 of trouble-free • Permanent, A life time service. CONVENIENT sell-storing summer screen and winter storm—easily cleaned from INSIDE. - S Free Estimates. COMPLETE = INCLUDING • INSTALLATION ORDER NOW! N • a "RED KNIGHT" flying a red T33 jet Ind 'on a terrific show of solo aerobatics at the Centralia. air show last. Saturday. Tire plane is shown above as it made a low pass across the field at high speed. ti SILO MATERIAL TREATED FIBER KRAFT PAPER 48" wide hi Rolls of 1.806 Lin. Ft. 1)(Y0 R $ it 5.75 SNOW FENCE 48 inches wide, available in 50-ft, and ion-ft, Reds. HUNDRED FEET $19.00 TOP PERFORMANCE—The formation of T33 jet aircraft shown 'above amazed the huge crowd at tbe Centralia, Air Force Day, last Saturday, with a demonstration of high-speed forinaition flying, Also highlighting the event were the "Golden' Hawks" flying Sabre jets in 'a dazzling display of aerobatics, • W U U W a • 'a as A I ORDER-'NOW! MADE.TO.MEASURE SUITS By Warren K. Cook — Shifter-Hillman Towne-Hall Price4 $65.00 to $125,0 Over 869 Patterns to choose from, Ilnemnparrible Selection and Tailoring. SOLD EXCIAISINTIN AT 'N NI 11 11 11 01 1 • 1 1 1 1 11 11 1 1 11 1 1 1 11 11 0 1 1 1 •1 10 1 1• I M I N I M factured in Canada. It has an extremely long range sod eon !day in thb air for about t4 Itours. Mantled by a eta* et it hi janallack.d with the latest electronic stilb-fitinting gear. N I AummummOmimmmammmicimMommmimammaimmmOmmmilaimimmicl AT CENTRALIA-4:We of the outstanding eXhildte at the Centralia Mr Puree Day last Saturday wait the Arhus aircraft shown above. The bit al<ipi designed for sub-hunting, It the largest, aircraft taint*+