HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1959-09-23, Page 9P Win I124! at B Sc o F" e rave ol Rhin, Beirave• of lilekenswiller, grgecli. trfagittilTodultt:1417isr': air T) Pellard M L 1;$' cm a Air s' THURSDAY and FRIDAY September 24 and 25 "Jerry Lewis At War 'With The Army" Plus . • "TOO MANY CROOKS" 4 An All Comedy Show . . Alk SA;ritIRDAY, SEPT 26 ONLY ' "THUNDERHEAD SON,,OF FLICKA" Plus Norman Wisdom in "THE MAN OF THE . MONUMENT" 01111111,11111•11111111111111111111131111111111111111111111 BROWNIE'S DRIVE-IN THEATRE CLINTON, ONTARIO ' Featuring the Largest Widc Screen in Huron County THURSDAY and FRIDAY September 24 and 25 "UNTAMED" (Colour) (CinemaScope) Adult Entertairpnent Suson Hayward -- Tyronne Power (ONE CARTOON) SATURDAY acid MONDAY September 26 and 28 Double Feature -- "GORILLA AT LARGE" William Bendix and Cameron Mitchell "MOHAWK" (Colour) "`Scit)tty Brady -- lieta Cam (ONE CART00) TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY September 29 and 39 "THE RAINS OF RANCHIPUR" (Colour) (Cine.rtniSeope) Lana Turner -- Riehard Burton (ONE CARTOON) r TWO SHOWS NIGHT LY Rain or 'Clear • Bet Office Open at 7.30 p.tn, Firat Show at Dusk Chifdren tinder 12 in cars Free 4110111.11111110010100110110101111111111111111010 11111111.1111111.1111111111111111111111111.1111101111111•11111 AT DUSK Two Shows Nightly Cartoons at every performance other sports, . Vincent BeigraVe; 1-harry Nethery, Waterinelon: Donald Vincent, of Beigraye, Belgrave; Emma, Shortreed, 11. Show Apples; Sandra Smith, 3 Morris; Man Sprung, 0 E,W; Ross Morris; Ronald Cool; Belgrave; Wilson, 16 E.W.; Rae Mathers, 8 PRUglee Cook, Belgrave; Beanie Morris; Ian ficott, 13 EW, Cook, 13 KW; Donna Cook, Bel- * * * grave; Prenda Giousher, 7 Morris; I ROOT$ AND vtolmAmiNs McIntosh Reds: Donna Cook, jollier orades—plorne Farm races, tug of war and various Neil Vincent, Belgrave,'Donald:Joyee 61.4 ites, p Beigrave; Nancy VanCan1Ph '51\1"" Mangels: Keith VariCamp, ris; Loin Rinn i Belgravel Neil vimen t, Bograaa; Jam walker, Morris; TOMMY Black, 13. E.W.; ' 010 Wiassinkm Advanoo-IllkosioW f$4LORAVVro-The fall•semon has once again rolled artland . with communities, large and' small. planning. their fall fairii-Beigrave,. as usual, was the scone of much. activity on. Tuesday and Wedges- day for the 39th .armizal, spheol fair. The pupils front schools from. East Wawanosh and Morris- town- ships. took ..pert this fair that has earned the name of being the larg- mat School fair in. Ontario. The exhibits of the school children from these, 19 ;wimple featured .products of far and their gardens and also livestock. A particular item of interest is the display of articles e ach school, has Towle during the year, The following are the list of schools and their teachers; .s.S. .1 Morris, Mrs. J. Griffiths; S,S. 3 Morris, Miss Ruth Fryfogle; S,S. 4 Morris,. Mrs. W. Miller; S.S, Morris, , Mrs. R. Wilson; $S, 6 Morris; Miss Ruth Procter; S.S.' 7 Morris, Miss Sheila Black; &S, 8 Morris„, JO,. Morris, Miss Jean Vogt; SS, 11 Morris, Mrs, Harvey ;Robertson; S.S. 12, Mrs, Edna Hackwell; S.S. 9 East Wawanosh, Lloyd Arm- strong; S.S. 10 . East Wawanosh, Mrs, Marie' Toll; S.S. 13, Mrs. Mary • Wightman; U.S,-S, 7 East Wawanosh, Mrs, Louise Bosman; 6, East Wawanosh, Mrs. Margaret Robertson; U.S.S. 11 East Wawanosh and 'Bullet, Mrs. Myrtle Morro; U.S.S, 16, East and West Wawanosh, Mrs. Beth Lan- sing; U.S,S.-17 (Belgrave) East .WS- Wan,osh and Morris, Mrs. Mary Woods, senior room and Mrs. Mary Holland, junior room, Officials of the Beglrave School fair board are: Past President, Mr. George Michie; president,•Norman Coultes; secretary-treasurer, Stan- ley Hopper. A • bright sunny day favoured Belgrave for their annual school fair on Wednesday for the large display of -fruits, vegetables, flow- ers,- baking, sewing, pets, writing, poultry and livestock. Judges for these classes were: Flowers-, Mr, and Mrs, Clifford Epps, Clinton; Home Economics, Miss Dorothy Camber, -Wingham; Writing, J. H. Kinkear; Fruit, Art Bolton; Grain, Don Grieves, sssis- tent ag. representative; Eggs and Poultry; Charles 'Thomas and Bill Wheeler,. Brussels; Ponies, George Tervit, Wingham; Swine, J. Mc- Allister; Pigs and Calves, Don Grieve and Doug Miles. Exhibits were of a high quality this year and there was an especially nice shoWing of flowers. Officials esti- mated that there were about 4700 entries In the fair which compares with last year, but it was felt that the entries were of a much .higher quality. An item of interest was the North Huron 4-H swine club, * * * School Parade The streets were lined with in- terested parents, friends and other spectators to watch the colourful parade of school children, led, by several members of the Belgrave Pipe:Band, starting at the For- ester's Hall and continuing down the main street to the mill and back up to the arena grounds where the fair was. officially open- ed by Don Grieves, assistant agricultural representative. Short speeches were also given by John" Hanna, M.P.P., Elston, Cardiff, M.P.; Norman Coultes, Douglas Miles and 3. H. Kinkead. Each school marching was fludir • - ed: 25% on appearance and 75% on marching, prizes were won by, 12 Morris, .6 Morris and 6 E.W. Judges for this were Mrs. Charles Hodgins, and Mrs. Bill McCool of Wingham. A prize was also given for the youngest baby at the fair, this went to the 8-day-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Robinson. The children enjoyed an afternoon of sport activities, which included, G. ALAN WILLIAMS I Optometrist Patrick St., Wingham Phone 770 ummumminumm Liashmar DRIVE-IN THEATRE Listowel, Ontario Two' Shows Nightly Rain, or Clear Box Office Opens at 8.00 o'clock First Show at Dusk Children Under 12 in Cars Free Cartoons at Each Performance THURSDAY and FRIDAY September 24 and 25 "GIDGETn Colour CinemaScope Sandra Dec and Cliff Roberts SATURDAY and MONDAY September 26 and 28 Double Feature "BANDIT OF ZHOBE' Colour CinemaScope Victor Mature 'HEY BO HEY GIRL! Louis Prima and Keely Sthith , TtItSDAY and Mii(IDNESOAY September 59 and 30 "BELL, 1300K, .AND CANDLE" TIME TO IWINTZERIZE THE FAMILY CAR It seems the majority of Cana- dian motorists think of getting their cars ready for wintre the first cold morning the motor won't start. Despite ,the fact that throughout Canada the average frost date is usually earlier than October 15, most of us ignore the warnings of experts that the car 'should be pre- pared for winter before not after the temperature drops. • Actually, September, preferably as early as possible, is a very. lo- gical time to have the automobile winterized. Behind us are the sum- mer months when we do our heav- iest driving — with resultant wear and" tear on the car, If we delay changeover until November, say, 'many of the troubles resulting from excessive summer driving will get worse and lead to mechanical' fail- ures and costly repair bills. If your dealer does a thorough winterizing job in early September, he will check all those parts where trouble can start. The cooling sys- tem is an example. An efficient `cooling system is essential to the operation of the car yet it is one of the most neglected, Winterization is an opportunity, to have at least an annual check made on it and preventive maintenance performed. This will include drain-out, thor- ough flushing of the cooling system and checking for such trouble spots as a cracked hose, worn fan belt before refilling with all-winter ethylene glycol base antifreeze. Dealers report that to the major- ity of their customers winterizing means merely putting in antifreeze, but the modern car is such a com- plex mechanism that preparing it to meet the rigors of our Canadian winters requires far more. In ad- dition to cooling system mainten- ance, thorough winterization in- cludes complete lubrication and general tune-up (points, plugs, con- denser and carburetor) and a check of the battery, brakes, tires, lights, turning signals, heater, defroster and windshield wipers. If you take, your car in during September for winterizing you eliminate the "cold rush" that• usuallly swamps your dealer the day of the first frost, Your dealer also will have time to discuss with eou all the things that' should be done for yOur .car's protection— md schedule his work so that his staff has the opportunity to do each of them thoroughly, He ap- -ireciates the chalice it gives him to give your car his very best ser- vice. Five Times Faster In the Po Valley of.Northern It- farnaera ate growing a crop of Ittlpwood in 12 years That's' five times faster than it can now be done in most of Canada. 'The Italians are using a heat fast growing, high quality hybrid Lom- bardy poplar, very inuele like the. itterow, elliptical variety We use fel' arnarnental sky-line planting In ':_lanada, These'tree's Will grow 50 Wit in, 12 years, can be harvested .hen--and the land replanted. Seine Canadian pulp companies 1,nd provincial forestry depart, merits are now experimenting with these fast-gtewing hybrida, If sue, ceaeful, this eould mean a revolu- tion in the pulp and paiier indus- try and equally inipOrtant a new cash and Industrial orop /or the Canatliah tamer, ,The Plhanciai Post. 9 E.W,; Kathy Prighain, E.W.; Apples any other 5 voraeties; Mary Ellen Taylor, 13 E•Vir,; Bonnie Taylor, 13 E,W,; Joyce. Procter, 5 Morris; Jean Brigham, 13 E.W,; ?Kathy Brigham, 1,3 E,W„ Elaine Robinson, 7 E.W. Pears; BOOrliO Cools, 13 E. W.; Donald Pattison, 9 E.W.; Leslie Caldwell, 10 E.W.; Mary Walters, 11 Morris; Barbara Pattison. 9 E,W,; Kathy Brigham, 13 E,W,; Crabapples; Richard Anderson, Belgrave; Lloyd Michie, 5 Morris; Gordon Rinn, Belgrave; Ross 8 Morris; Bonnie Cook, 13 E.W„ Basket of assorted fruit: Mal- colm Anderson, Belgrave; Cameron Anderson, Belgrave; George John- ston, Belgrave; •Loie Riau, Bel- grave; Gordonseilior GradesRnn, Belgrave; Ian .Scott, 13 E,W. ROOTS AND VEGETABLES • * * Mangels: Murray Vincent, Bel- grave; Joyce Procter, 5 Morris; Alan Bosman, Belgrave; Jim Tay- lor, 9 E.W.• Turnips: Anne CaldiVell, 10 E,W„ Louis Paul Sta.delrnaii, 1 Morris; David Beecroft 7 E,W. Beets: Douglas Ilowatt, 6 E.W,; Gordon McMurray, 7 Morris; Wendy Fear, Belgrave; Ralph' Campbell, 6 E.W.; Hugh MeBurney, 9 ZW-; Marjorie Smith, 13 E,W. Cabbage: David Wheeler, 6 Mor-- ris; Wayne Elston, 7 Morris; Mar- tie Koopmans, 6 E.W.; Barry Logan, Belgrave; Jim Cook, 13 E.W.; Keith Pletch,- Belgrave, Carrots: Marie Coultes, Belgrave; Lila Black, 13 E.W..; Brenda Nes- bitt, 12 Morris; Norma Smith, 6 'E.W.; Doreen Smythe, 9 E.W.; Marilyn Taylor, 13 E.W. , Cucumbers: Betty Rinn, Bel- grave; Tommy Warwick, 8 Morris; Bob Mathers, 8 Morris; Patsy Craig, 8 Morris: Linda Coultes, 13 E.W.; Gary Walden, 6 E.W. Onions: John Hoonnxrd, 12 Mor- r's; Barry Pletch, 3 Morris; Elaine enders, Belgrave; Grace Mathers, 8 Morris; Murray Procter, 5 Mor- ris; Hugh Campbell, 6 E.W. Parsnips: Margaret Nicholson. 5 Morris! • Barry Scott, 9 E.W.; Marilyn' Campbell, 5 Morris; Har- vey Mann, 7 Morns. Squash: Larry Elston, 7 Morris; Ruth Richmond, 1 Morris; Ruth Michie, 5 Morris; Calciaene Noble, 10 E,W.; James Campbell, 6 E.W.; Keith Bone, 6 Morris. Muskmelon: John Schoeman, 1 Morris; Murray Elston, 7 Morris; Gloria Jean Lutz, 6 E.W.; Marjorie Hopper, 7 Morris; Shirley Machan, 11 ,E,W.; Larry- Fear, Belgra,ve, Watermelon: Gary gobinsbni 7 E.W:; Gordon Smith, 4 Morris; George Schoeman 1 Morris;• Mary Machan; 11 E.W.; Bruce Fear, Belgrave; Kenneth` Shortreed, 11 Morris. Mangels: Jim Taylor, 2 ENV.; Murray Procter, 5 Morris; Anne Caldwell, 10 EV.; Ross Wight- man, Belgrave; Joyce Procter„ 5 Morris; Bruce Fear, Belgrave. „ Potatoes, late variety: Ralph Logan, Belgrave; Murray, Vincent, Belgrave; Louis Paul Stadelman, 1 Morris; Gloria Jean Lutz, 6 E.W.; Ross Goll, 8 Morris; Barry Logan, Belgrave. Potatoes, early • variety: Gloria Jean Ltuz, 6 BM, Larry Elston, 7 Morris; Janette Johnston, Bel- grave; Linda Johnston, Belgrave; Valdaene Noble, • 10 E.W.; Ruth Bone, 6 Morris. Turnips, any variety: John Sta- delman, 1 Morris; liFteray Procter, 5 Morris; Gloria Jean Lutz, 6 E.W.; Margaret Nicholson, 5. Morris; John McInnes, 7 E,W.; Bill Taylor, 7 E.W. Largest, pumpkin: Margaret Nicholson, 5 Morris; Anne Caldwell, 10 E.W.; Murray Procter. 5 Morris; John Mnlnnes, 7 E.W.; Jane Eck- inswiller, 7 ENV.; Alex Blair, 12 E.W. White beans: Janette Johnston, BelgraVe; Linda Johnston, Bel- grave; Linlda Coultes, 12 E.W.; Linda Rinn, Belgrave; Tommy Warwick, 8 •Morris. Coloured beans: Gloria Jean Lutz, 6 E.W.; Joe Sanders, Bel- grave; Linda Coultes, 13 E.W.; Ruth Bone, 6 Morris; Janette Johnston, Belgrave; Elgin Pease, 1 Morris, * * * VEGETABLE COLLECTION Grades, 1. 2, 3, 4,—Home Farm George Johnston, Belgrave; Gor- don Rinn, Belgrave; Donald Patti- son, 9 E.W.; Valerie Bailey, 10 E. W.; Douglas Pollard, 11 Morris; Sandra Procter, 5 Morrie. ROOTS AND VEGETABLES Junior Grades, Fair Seed Mangels: Harvey Black, 13 E. W. Tommy thick, 18 E.W; Ted Lutz, 6. E.and WW.; Billy Snowden, 7' E,W. Laurentian Turnips: Leslie Cald- well, 10 EV„; Alex Finleon, 7 E.W. Beets, Detroit Red: Diane Case- more, 7 Morris; Richard Belgrave; Douglas Smith, 6 E,W,; Grant Coultee, t'.W.; Bryan Black, 13 E.W.; Brenda Bewley, 11 Morris. Spanish Onions: Donald Pattison, E.W.; ,The Sanders, Beigrave, ParsniPs; Mary Ellen Walsh, Bel- grave; Margaret Pattison, FM.; Brian Hopper, 7 Morris. Muskmelon; Marjorie Youngblut, 11 E,W.; Brian Walden, 6 E W.; hoth Mathers, 8 Morris; Klaske koonmari, 6 Dianne Elston, 7 Morris, Cabbage: Benny Donnas, 6 Met- cis; Rhonda Fear, I3':%Igrave; Got- don Ririe, Belgrave; Ro- bertson, 0 316 W,; Sohn Watson, 4 Morrie. . Carrots: Rickey Orr, Belgrave; Ronald MeThirriey, 116W.; Doris Conitea, 9 EN.; Larry Lockhart, U.S, 16 E.W,; Ray Scheifele, Beh• Keith Black, 13 ENV,; Leslie Cal - well, 10 E,W.; Frank Procter, 5 Norris; Gary Mat:Sween, BeigraVe. Potatoes, early: Leonard Roblia., son, 7 E.W.; Ted Lutz, 6 E.W.; Brenda Bone, 6 Morris; Brian Pol- lard, 11 Morris; Ralph Scott, 13 E,W,; Dianne Elston, 7 Morris, Potatoes, late; Donald Vincent, Belgrave; Neil Vincent, Belgrave; Richard Anderson Belgrave; Doug- Turnips: Nancy VanCamp, 5 Morris Campbell, Morris; Peter de Yong; 5 'Morris; John Cibb, Belgrave, Largest ,Pumpkin; Margaret Pat- tison, 9 E,W.; .Shirley Pattison, 9 E,W.; Leslie Caldwell, 10 E.W.; Keith VanOamp, 5- Morris; Faye Eckinswiller, 7 E,W.; Larry Wel-, .tors, 11 Morris, White -Beans: Richard Anderson, Beigrave; Joyce Procter, 5 Morris; Gordon Rinn, Belgrave; Lois Rinn, Belgrave. Colored Beans: Ted Lutz, 6 W.; Jane Campbell, 7 Morris; Ian Scott 13 E.W.; Sandra Watson, 11 Mot-- ris;. Ralph Scott, 13 E.W.; . Sharon Warwick, 8 Morris. , * * BEGINNERS IN SEPTEMBER. Pie Pumpkin: Keith Black, 13 E.W.; Larry Robinson, 7 E,W.; Billy deYong, 5 Morris; Murray Scott, 9 E, W.; Keith Elston, 7 Morris; Gary Barbour, Belgrave, Citron: Glen Walker,' 9 E.W.; Joan Campbell, 7 Morris; Linda Walden 6 E.W.; Gary Barbour, Beigrave. Best mature sunflower: Keith Black, 13 E.W.; Julaine Anderson, Belgrave; Rodney White, Belgrave; John 'Brigham, 13 E,W. Tomatoes: Joyce Taylor, 9 E,W; Neil -Lockhart, 16 E,W.; John Koopmans, 6, E,W,; Neil Bieman, 7 E.W.; Shirley Patterson, 9 E.W.; Keith Elston, 7 Morris. Onions: Rodney White, Belgrave; Janice McDowell, 13 E.W.; Bren- da Cook 13 E.W.; Joyce-Taylor, 9 E.W.; Glenn Walker, 9 E.W.; Pat- sy Casemorc, 7 Morris. ' Carrots: Gary Barbour, Belgrave; Larry Robinson, 7'E.W.; Neil Lock- hart, 16 E.W.; Beth Scott, Belgrave; Ronnie Snowden, 7 E.W.; Murray Scott, 9 E.W. Largest potato: Shirley Pattison, 9 E.W.; Beth Scott, Belgrave, Billy Snell, 6 E.W.; Keith Elston, 7 Mor- ris;, Murray Scott, 9 E.W.; Larry Robinson, 7 E.W. Collection of vegetables, fair seed gradds 5-8: Joyce Procter, 5 Mor- ris; David McDowell, 13 E,W.; Ross Goll, 8 Morris; Elgin Pease, Mor- ris; Margaret Nicholson, 5 Morris; Linda Nesbitt,' 12 Morris. * FRUIT— SENIOR GRADES Grown in Fair Area. Northern 'Spies, Murray Procter, 5 Morris;. Gordon Smith, 4 Morris; Jannette Johnston, Belgrave; Mar- gery Black, 13 E,W.; Gloria Jean Lutz, 6 E.W.; Anne Caldwell, 10 E.W. Snow Apples: Janette. Johnston, Belgrave; Gordon -Smith, 4 Morris; Jim Cook, 13 E.W.; Ruth Michie, 5 Morris; Linda Johnston, Belgrave Wendy Fear, Belgrave. McIntosh Reds: Murray Procter, .5 :Morris; Harold Campbell, 6 E. W.; Hugh Campbell, 6 E.W.; Clay- ton Robinson, 7 E.W.; Elaine Snell, 6' E.W.; Linda Coultes, 6 E.W. Apples, any other 5 varieties: Ro- bert Taylor, 13 E.W.; liff, Taylor, 13 E.W.; Margery Black, 13 E.W.; Linda Coultes, 13 E.W.; Clayton, Robinson, 7 E,W. Pears: Jim. Cook, 13 E.W.; Do- reen Pattison, 9 E..; Anne 'Cald- well, 10 E.W.; David McDowell, 13 E.W.; Mary Snell, 6 E.W.; Jean Lytt, 6 E.W. Crab Apples: Jim Cook, 13 E.W.; Ralph Logan, Belgrave; Linda Johnston, Belgrave; Janette John- ston, Belgrave; Barry Logan, Bel- grave; Anne Caldwell, 10. E.W,. Basket of assorted fruit: Linda Black, 13 E.W. * * FLOWERS—SENIOR GRADES Fair Seed Asters: Linda Johnston, of Bel- grave; George Schoeman, 1 Mor- ris. Cosmos: Ann Caldwell, 10 E.W.; John Orr, Belgrave; Marilyn Tay- lor, 13 E.W.; Ken McGowan, 10 E. W.; Max Plctch, Belgrave; Jim Cook, 13 E.W, French marigolds: Gloria Jean Lutz, 6 lia&W.W.; Marty Koopinan. 6 E.&W.W.; Donald Machan, 11 EN, and Hallett; Robert Taylor, 13 ENV.; Alan Bosnian, Belgrave; .Nora Smith, 6 D.W. Larkspur: Ruth Michie, 5 Morris Snapdragon: Clayton Robinson, E.W.; Neil Edgar, 7 Morris; Gary Walden, 6 E.W.; Gary Robinson, 7 E.W. Petunia: David Wheeler, 6 Mor- ris; Larry Elston, 7 Morris; Jim Taylor 9 E:W.; Bob Lockhart, 16 E,W.; John Schoeman, 1 'Morris; Linda. Rinn, Belgrave, Phlox:Joyce Procter, 5 Morris; Margaret Nicholson, 5 Morris; Marie Noble, 5 Morris; Mary de Yong, 5 Morris; James Campbell, 6 W.; Murray Elsion, 7 Morris. Zinnia: Ralph Campbell, E.W.; Douglas Hewett, 6 E,W.,; praerrie Craig, 11 Morris Mary Machan, 11 la.W, and Mullet; Larry Bailey, 10 B.W,; Margaret Finleon, 7 E.W. Stocks; Wayne tlalori, 7 Morris; Barry Logan, Belgrave; Grace Ma- thers, 8 Morris, . Cornflower: Ross Wightman, Bel- grave; Shirley Machan. 11 E.W. & Huila; Ross Coll, 8 Morris; Jean MoVitta 10 WV; Katherine Fear, Belgrave; Lynda Coultes, 9 E,W, , HOME GARDEN' Gladiblit Murray 'Vincent, Bel- .gra,Ve; c,4•lorla •Jean• .140, •(1. F• and Rosa ROM" Bob, Lockhart, 10. B.W. • • Dahlia; Nargety Smith, 13 B.;W.„; Ruth •Co tes, 1 Tommy War, 'weak, S Norris.; Anne CaldwelL, E .W; Douglas How.att, BM.; Gordon McMurray, 7 Morris. Pining Table .Bouquet: Murray Vincent, 'Beigrave; Gordon McMur- ray, I Morris; Larry Elston, 7 Nor- ris.; Nell Edgar,• 7 Morris; Barry . Pletch,. MOMS; Jim Taylor, 9 x&vvv,. leiViag Rom Arrangement: 'Keith piptch, Beigrave; Gordon .McMur., ray, 7 Morris; David Wheeler, 6 Morris; Larry Elston, 7 Morris;. John Orr Belgrave; Doreen So; 9 E,W Decoration for September Birth, day Table; Joyce Procter, 6 Nor- ris; Marie Noble, 5 Morris; Nell Edgar 7 Morris; Wayne Elston 7 Morris; ,Gordon McMurray- 7 Igor- rip; Lila Black,' 13 .E,W, * * Golden. FOWL STUFFIN 9'• REA4INoT0Nfs I.G.A. Iditylant_near WINGHAM NEW FALL DRESSES — of wool and rayon, stripes and plaids, sizes 7 to 12 $6.98 and $7.98 GIRLS' HATS — in felt, velvet, nylon and feathers Priced from $2.00 to $3.25 `Little Nugget' adjustable COAT SETS -- for girls' and boys' — sizes 3 to 10 years • $17.00 to $27.00 Kul-E-Tuk PARKA JACKETS ... $9.98 Girls' attractive White wool. EAR WARMER'S with bead trimming 7-18c INFANTS' NYLON PRAM SUITS in Blue Pink, Mint, Yellow and Turquoise. BEREAN GOSPEL CHAPEL • WINGHAM -You Are Cordially InVited To. Attend Lectures On The Tabernacle in the Wilderness S 'to be conducted by H. ,W. 0. ATKINS (of ENGLAND) SCALE MODEL WILL BE ON VIEW. MEETINGS FROM TUESDAY TO FRIDAY, 8 p.m.; SUNDAY, 7.30 p.m. Continuing to October 11th inclusive,. EVERYBODY WELCOME Sea 'I can't recall needing a telephone repair in 52 years !" SAYs an. NML SMITH, D.D.S., or CHATHAM, ONT. •-N • Dr, Smith, a gmlnate in denial surgery of the thriveesity 4 Tbromino was Commanding ()Per 411m Malta* Regiment in. Wor/d Mee/ ra nd hes represented Canada is shooting competitions dt 13isley, "Since 1906, I've had different phones as they developed better and better ones — and not once dot remember calling a repairman!" Many other long=time Users have to think hard to remember when they last had to have their telephone fixed, When you stop to consider the pleasure and cOiivenience you 'enjoy with .never air extra repair 4eNpoise, you may well agree that the value you get for your telephone dollar is truly unique. on SELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA 0 • .101%T.PAY 1,111/01JOI. SATURDAY *14 e h, 33 34- , 30 , gq Big Cast The Big Acts are "In •Technicolor Under The Dig Top "THE BIG CIRCUS" Step eight up Children of All Ages to the Biggest Show of them ,all, the Biggest Circus with all the excitement—color and fun of The Big Top. Features at 7.15' and 9,15 p.m, Special Adult Admission 750 Children at all performances 2r September 2.8 and. 29 '"HOME BEFORE DARK!' • Adult Entertainment Jean Simmons, Don O'Herlhy in One of the Season Greatest -.Emotional Experiences, ,Features at 7.00 and 9.15 pan. WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY September 39,84 October 1 "RALLY AROUND THE FLAG BOYS" (Adult Entertainment) Starring Paid Newman, Joan Collins and Joanne Woodward The Funniest of Books becomes the Funniest Film Ever Features at 7.15 and 9.10 p.m. Santos Stewart and :Xlin Novak GRAIN • Open -clastie4renn MOW Verna • Mechlin and. Late Oats; Alex Blair, •Bogs Mora. rig; Valdaene Noble, ,19 E,W.; Gramm. Craig, 11 Morris; •,Sherrel Craig, 11 Morris; .4arry Nethery, Belgrave, Early Coate; ROOS Wightnian, BeigraVe; Alex mai; 13 E.. W, Parley any variety: Valdaene Noble, 10 E,W.; Barry Scott. 9 E.W.;moray Scott, 9 E.W.. Oats (in sheaf) any variety:. Jeyce Procter, 5 Morris; .Ross Goll, $ Walla; jinn Taylor, 9 E,W. Winter Wheat; Valdaene Noble, • 10 E.W.; 'John Stacielrrian, 1 Morris; Gloria Jean Lutz, 6 E.W.; Ted Lutz,• 6 E,W,; Open Class Hybrid Corn, Home, Farm: Ross Yuill; 3 Morris; Bryan Maeda.- 13, ...E0W,e,a. bell, 6 E.W,; Billy Fear, Bel- grave; Donna Grasby, 5 Morris; Harvey Black, 13 E.W. Open Class, Sweet Corn, Home. Farm: Robert Taylor, 13 ENVa Ross Wightman, Beigrave; Billy Fear, Belgrave; Kathleen Fear, Belgrave; Joyce Procter, 5 Morris; Margaret Nicholson, 5 Morris, Open Class -Hybrid ' Corn, Home' Farm: Valdaene Noble, 10 E.W.; .-Lynda Coultes, 9 E.W.; Joyce Coultes,- 9 E,W.; Alex Blair, 13 E,W.; Frank Procter, 5 Morris; Clayton.Robins * Robinson* 7 E.W. - * FRUIT GROWN IN FAIR AREA Junior. Grades Northern Spy Apples: Donna Cook, Belgrave;Judy McDowell, 13 E.W.; Sandra Smith, 3 Morris; 7 ENV.' 1.414 Yong, Morris; * * * HOME GARDEN Gladioli: Grant Coultes, 9 E.W.; Ted Lutz, 6 E. & W.W.; Margaret Craig. 8 Morris; Larry Lockhart, 16.E. 84 W.W. Dahlias: Ray Scheifele, Belgrave; Helen Searle, 11 Morris; Larry Walters, 11 Morris; Joyce Walker, 9 E.W.; Mary Bewley, 11 Morris; Leslie Caldwell, 10 E.W. Dining Table Bouquet: Mona Purdon, Belgrave; Donald Walker, Belgrave Ray Scheifele, Belgrave; Brenda Bone, 6 Morris; Donald Pattisok 9 LW.; Brian Fear, 10 E.W. Living Room arrangement: Ray Scheifele, Belgrave; Larry Walters, 11 Morris; Donald Pattison, 9 E.W.; Dale Pletch, 3 Morris; Ruth Ann Pletch, Belgrave; 'Mary Ellen Walsh, Belgrave. Decoration . Hallowe'en table: George Johnston, Belgrave; Rickey Orr, Belgrave; Donald Vincent, Belgra,ve; Ruth Ann Pletch, Bel- grave; Gordon Rinn, Belgrave; Jim Brigham, 13 E.W, ,, *. POULTRY—HOME FARM Junior Grades Pair of pullets, light breed: Vern Walsh, Belgrave; Leonard Robinson, 7 E.W.; Billy Fear, Bel- Grave; Mary Ellen Waleli, Bel- grave. Pullets, light breed, under 5 mos.: Leonard Robinson, 7 E.W,; Verne Walsh, Belgrave; Joyce Walker, 9 E.W.; Diane Elston, 7 Morris. Market cockerels: Bobby Black, 6 Morris; Joyce Walker, 9 E.W.; Ralph Scott, 13 E.W. Pullets, heavy breed: Dale Fetch, 3 Morris; Keith Elston, 7 Morris; Harvey Black, 13 E.W.; Bryon Black, 13 E.W.; Norma Jean Mair, 6 Morris; Keith Va,nCamp, 5 Mor- ris. Pullets: heavy breed, under 5 mos.; Joyce Walker, 9 ENV.; Doug- las Walker, Belgrave; Dale Pletch, 3 Morris; Donald Walker, Bel- grave; Thomas Black, 13 LW.; Grant Currie, 9 E.W. Young ducks: Joyce Walker, 9 E,W,; 'Grant Currie, 9 E.W.; Lloyd Michie, 5 Morris; Dale Pletch, 3 Morris. Senior Grades Pullets, light breed: Katherine Fear, Belgrave Janice Walsh, Bel- grave; David Walsh, Belgrave; Garry Robinson, 7 LW. Pullets, light breed under 5 mos.; Janice Walsh, Belgrave; Larry Elston, 7 Morris; Elgin Pease, 1 Morris; Garry Robinson, 7 EN, Pallets, heavy breed; Barry Pletelf 3 Morris; Lila Black, 13 E,VV,; Marjorie Smith, 13 E,W.; Wayne Elston, 7 Morris; Murray Elston, 7 Morris,' Pullets, heavy breed under 5 mos.: Marjorie Black, 13 LW.; Barry Pletch, 3 Morris; Matgaret Nicholson, 6 Morris; Linda Sohn, sten, Belgrave; Janette Johnston, Belgrave, Market ceeketele; Margaret Nicholson, 5 Morris; Wayne Elsteil, Morris, Young ducks: Ruth Michie, 5 Morris; Gary Walden, 6 E.W.; Cordon McMurray, I Morris; Ross Coll. 8 Morrie, Muscovy 'ducks': Ronnie Taylor, 13 LW.; Mary Ellen Taylor, 13' Karen Pengellie Bt"lg'rave; Nancy VanCrimp, 6 Morris; George Johnston, Belgrave. Muscovy ducks; senior grade; hy. * i.;ARAWS. Pro.Writ. Joyce Walker; '9 WC; Nancy ITAneansp; A. Morris; Frank: Procter, .5 M orris; Sandra Proc- ter, 0 Morris; Douglas Srnith, 6 - Lin. de Yong, 5 Norris, White; Marjorie Phelan, 1 Mop" , ria; Dale Pieta, 3 Morris.; john McCallum, 5 Morris; Bill Phelan,. 3. Morris; Sandra Procter, 5 Nor,' • Senior ,Grades Jinn Phelan,. 1 3/forrls, Brown: Joyce Procter, 0 Morrie; Norma Smith, Tommy Warwick, 2 Morris; Linda John- stop, Beigrave; Marjorie Black, 13 11/,'W.,; David Walsh, Beigrave,, White; 'Valdeane Noble; 10 E,W.:; Tommy. Warwick, 8 Norris; Ross TOM a Morris; Douglas :Bjemart, ias 6 E,W.; Leonard Robin- ."141'"ItSmg-lr.UNIO-It.- •14•40- S" '• Fair Seed (Blease turn to page .ten) son 7 Donald Pattison, 9, E.1'. - African Marigold; Terry Rich, Mond, 12 Morris; John Purvey, 8 :1!!!• l l , l , l .. , . lll llll !in111140110W-1141Plintgl.M.igo, l f; l !ppo lll l l l F! llllll .Merris;,. Carolyn. Sprung, 6 E,W, • Asters:Donald Pattison, E,W„ Ted Lutz,. 6. E. & W.W.; Linda Travis, 11. Morris; Ken Mathers, 4 Morris. Cosmos: Leslie Caldwell, 10 E,W.; Carol Govier, 10 E,W,; Brenda Bone, 9 Morrisa Tomrny' Black, 13 E.W.; Oliver Griffiths, 12 Morris; Glord.on Rinn, , Beigrave. African Marigold: Brenda Nes-. hitt, 12 Morris; *Janet Shortreed, 11 Morris; Emma 'Shortreed, 11 Morris; Ivan Wheeler, Belgrave; Dale Pletch, 3 Morris; Bill Garniss, 7 Morris, French Marigold: Ruth Ann Pletch, Belgrave; Richard Ander- son,. Belgrave; Jimmy Beecroft, E.W;, Mary Grasby; 5 Morris; Ralph Scott, 13 E.W.; Brian Wal- den, 6 ENV. Larkspur: Malcolm Anderson, Belgrave; Larry Walters, 11 Mor- ris; Sherwill Craig, 11 Morris; Mary ' Bewley, -.11 Morris; Lois. Eckenswiller, .7 .E,W; Snapdragon: Dianne Elston, 7 Morris; Brian Fear, 10 E.W.; Brian Pollard, 11 Morris. Petunias: Sandra Smith, 3 Mor- ris; Doris Coultes, 9 E,W.; Lois Rinn,Belgrave; Elaine Robinson, 7 E.,; Barbara Pattison, 9 E.W. Phlox: Brenda Bewley, 11 Mor- ris; Brian Jamieson, 9 ENV.; Joe Sanders, Beigrave; Rhonda Fear, Belgrave. Zinnia.: Ronald McBurney, 9 E.W.; Billie Snowden, 7 E.W.;. Mary Ellen Taylor, 13 .E.W.; Don- ald Bosman, Beigrave; Helen Searle, 11 Morris; Douglas Pollard, 11 Morris. Cornflower: Harvey- Black, 13 E.W.; Ronilie. Taylor, 13 E-.W.; Ray Scheifele, Beigrave; Neil Vin- cent, Beigrave, Stocks: Norma Jean Mair, 6 Morris; Donald Vincent, Belgrave. Marilyn TOW, .Procter, 5 *nag; Rob Taylor, la E,W, 4, Janette Johnston, Beigrave; 140t1Johnston,13olgotvo,