HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1959-09-23, Page 7JPTTFWJ 1 ;u ; 'W1 Alw,
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Mrp.,P.Jp TolphAm so
tamIlly vist 4gy 140t 'Nook
with rglotiveg JA'WJ,4#.Q4_,
WAPXX00A'X1-0Vr="BVA 9.01, 190 Wo
&PA wap hostess, for the w9m
Institi; Mrs, W. A. .04boon PtW.
,tg. 14 yordWjoh. Ad
-7 7— , ro, Wil,
in pharie. 9401,014 op e A V
fru oat -on, Alast week
Howick Ladies to A)inie Vera Xentieffy "" "C"', vice, was,i t4,e 1.4 b000loA with Mr, ggrolol,
Mrs, C•
, o
EN�ND FORDWMH ell bLa.c t
Mr, an.4 Afro, Harvey 1� Wed Mons, "Blest.Do:tbo Tie, h
ride And Ded'icatp Sundard s Walter goopke Mr. Stab Forester w4
Binds" was. n
AT. PRin Victoria
IDE OM sung, little 0911 Of Toronto veto woi.oh- ]PORDW1011',�The bodies' Auxill- ',FQ.APW1QH And
ond 'Visitors w1bil Mx, And Mrs, VAndo)Abm, forn The motto, "Good health 00,11 several 44YA last week, Where
lary of Howlck.Ugloft Me :bronze good oonpe.aretwo of life's great,' be served P t' Q �r.Y,
Herold D019, t in the baskets of yellow aA
-d Mrs. St and b
An so Legion- rooms for, th w o LOPAn
,e September s opt blessings. was. p
.ley Bride ent;qrtalned th er giadjoll decorated 4R, Andr given by Mrs. Mrs. a. -J,-Colville K4010
, , _e 0 p ' ,Californiarld
Q MrY. Ruby Forester Q o,ron
on T. # moeting ffarojol DQIg. 'Health Is A personal
faanily Saturday q ra
,even Mrs, Jack Wilson, prpot.- Presbyter an Church, M, lepworth, allfQrnia, visited 6r.l.isevo , I d
Ing Iri spent the wook,ag4 at her b9pi is Also A, A 'e otMr. and
I - w e hoW
129nom of their brother, c4i .dent,. W*,q In chair, Minatoo. were _AflonAl Is
a on 04tq afternoon ternoon at three problem but It pt week At, t1i
Carman hero,' pea by Mpg, Wm. A Saturday
oblem. You can be
.d clock, when Rev, J, MoC�Are of-, Pr happy even, Mrs, Bert WI ton, Up, jo,%lieq are
Pride, who was married on SAtur- Meoor4 04.ry, SQthern And ou. aren't healthy, Lear
. I .A t
.d4y dedication of o bp, cousins,
Sept, 12th to Mrs, M Jf 111 Plans e
.no for ;t# 4 a ficlated for -the wedding, of Annie If y
r9p.rot Stewart acoomp.AnW Vorl Stewart tgn 1. d: 'cheerful pleas
. olard on October 1.8th III the Vera Kennedy and Walter Ant- 0094 QOM� Xr,� and MrA, Ope Ifeffer -And
Hibbert of Fort Credit, The 0 's
Ore, of Lio
towel to Con
-trails., Ott SaturdFordwiph United Ch Tlio -brift is., the daagh� pion sense, If id
was. held at St. Xtieholag qrph by Rev, Xoepke. evelopod. In youth, ja qd :visited with
ly of. q � orloh
day, where they attelided the air will carry you tbpoqi;b middle A#
=qan Church, Port Credit, show, A, V. Gardner, were 69nipjeteol. ter of Mr. And Mrs. Roy Ken, p e Mrs, pearl. Patterson recently,
n (17
Invitations, will, be sent to two Fordwich, and the groom is and Into old age. #app.Ineps is
-A unique festl;rp Pi the evening Xr, and X0.0. A, Schaefer spent bra ' he 'j,9 a earned. 41; 4ocsn't can . te I I A pills. Mrs, Cecil 4no And Judy spent
no s ttend, the service, A. 4 son :of Mr, And Mrs, George a few days last week
lit the hoill0
was that all the sons of Mr. and the week -end w 'w The, r of W And. M
with Mr. And Mrs, new, tea kettle 'was purchased. Koepke, RR, 2, Draytpn, oil call, P, trick to refres
MliA, ff, X., Priolp wore present Stewart Schaeffer and also attend= Prizes f 'the ram, or beautify a pq
Pr. or t1h rummage Age sale And Mrs, R,Peach presided a roam, brought many The A
and all the grandlicildren, It be- t the Or � tes of Holy Boptisin were
ed the Western Fair, 're' Kan and the poloist was Clayton helpful suggestions,' Minutes and , AV morning In the
.hom ,Made h4ke'sare a" tea wC performed Sunday 16g one of the few mcasionor when Mr. and Mrs, Glad Edgar and on display and tickets will b For4wIch Uniteq Ch
e e sold thank -you notes were read.
411"the family K4rges, of 0owanst9wn. h
t have been gathered. Xr, and Mrs. Tom McClement left by members, The fall project is 11A.Caltino are by the
Alinc, The .evening Given in marriage Rev. A, F, Gardner, Thnrp, ba'p-
qgeber at one g 0, Sunday' lage by her father,
aad,chat,wldh to spend a, few days Boxes are, to -be sent to veterans the bride chose a -gown of' 'white New Lampsh�des", The leaders tized were Janlee Lynn, 4ai4ghter
-gh, -V
With"aVtp�L I , .,A...
C1 10401bil The� of, Mr
pjinq, ace
rdlan, panic and guitar
Pointe au 1.3aril, myoter by Mrs. Her long sheath sleeves were se- Mrs, 'Clarence Cars L ?o)n of Mr, And.
numbers, after which the family y prize was dop.ated well, Resoltitlon� Kenneth Cirlyle
Pie�scnted the newlyweds with pQv� Mr. and gm lames. Vittle and. Rena Newton and Was won by quin. -trimmed And she w for the area were read and voted Mrs. Lyle Simmons; 'Brian Lorne,
ore a se-
Mr� and Mrs. Don BrIdge spent -Mrs. William Npwt9r%. The meet- 4n. Delegate 16 the Area con- son Of Mr. and Mrs. Loin Siefert;
era.1 gifts, quin ,headdress, which held -a fin-
Fr1dayJn Lon -don. vention. in Guelph will be Mrs, Harvey Kevin, son of Mi, and Mrs,
Ing adjourned and a social halt ger.,tip veil, The skirt was 110P -r- Harold Doig, Alternate, Mrs. Robt, Ben Gibson.
Guests were present from VI- Mrs, Emma W111jamson is spend- hour Spent over the tea cup% I
agara Falls, Toronto, Port Credit;length. Her cascade bouquet was Gibson. Le
dng a few, .days; this week In Lon- _7 ta morns, aders, for the, 4.11 girls ' Sunday. guests at the home of
Kitchener, Elora, Georgetown, Har- don I. '. I made up of white shag club, are Mrs, Ken Graham And Mrs.
Guelph also visited at the same pink Sweetheart- roses and ivy, Pearl Patterson' were, Mr.,
rIptpA, Listowel 404 dranbrook. iir, *rs, JIM Robinson, It was also and Mrs, W. � 13, Patterson and
T, Sothern returned home one day,, last- week., The maid of honor was -her sis-
hoMe Sunday fronithe Palmerston decided the WX adopt another Mark of Thamesford,Mr. and Mrs,
)Kosp)tal, where he bad been" con- Mr. And Mrs. Berry spent ter, Miss Betty Kennedy And the veteran from Westminster abspit4l Harold Pa rsons, Belmont, Mr. and
Friends Hold.Party fined for the past two weeks Mr. Sunday with friends -In Mount bridesmaids were 'Mrs, Marion to be remembered with gifts.rles Andrews a � Miss
Mrs. Cha and
William Darcey returned home -Forest. Behms, plot r of the bride, and Mrs.'R, Miller of Palmerston was Ethel Barnes o A
f Ingersoll, to M
�-IeIen Xqepke, sister of the the e
For Newlyweds Friday from L.Istowel, hospital , Mr, anti Mrs, its Schaefer, Mr. Miss guest speaker and spoke on Doug Cleland and. 3 children of
,aft6r being confined there for a and Mrs, Everitt Allan, Mr, and groom. The wore Identical- Fla, Interior decorating. She stressed J_olsto*cJ and Miss Donna 4 pip o
They Petrie f
j�6RDWXd15—The hall, here was few weeks, Mrs, Carl Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. mango -crystal charm street -length colour combinationc, Mira. Stanley Stratford,
filled to capacity on Friday even- Mrs. Toxn MoClement and Aitcheson dresses with velvet 'and car
�; , Betty Mel Allen, Mr, and Mrs lvet bqw� - Bride presepted her with a gift. Mr, and Mrs, Win. Campbell and
mXL when a presentation and dance we,, Kitchener visitors on Satur, epors, Bill Wallace and ried bouquets of bronze and yellow
Wallace, M A committee was chosen to Arrange Mr. and Mrs. Alan Waring of
was 'held for Mr. and 'Mrs, Ken day. Ron Mcoome4t, Mr, and Mrs, gladioli. the W.I. exhibit for the fall fair,, Toronto 9r, and Mrs, Frank Slater
JOLcklin, nee Betty Sanderson, quite a number from here Ross Doig, Mr. And Mrs. Earl Miss Elaine Kennedy, also a pis- the theme o
f the centennial being,, and Miss Helen Slater of Strath- friefida Jn the cot
ji,j�,wlYweds by Attended Conflymation service on Moore, Mr, and Mrs. Royden ter of the bride, was junior brides- "Grandmother Expects a Visitor", toy and d Mr. Gua Judinsky of Lon-
plunity and from Jamestown. Sunday in St. E;tephenls, Anglican Devitt,. Mr. and Mrs. Don King, maid. She was gowned in whine don visited on. Sand
s oLy, at the home
Mrs. Ron'McMichael read the! Church, Qorrje, Those confirm d. Xr- and Mrs, Jack Douglas,, Mr. brocaded nylon and carried a bob -
e ea. of Mr. and Mrs, CrosbyAotiiern.
k1dress and theyoung coo le Were 'from Trinity were Misses Iris' And Mrs.. George Holland, Mr. quet of white and pink mums. Congratulations to Mr. and , Mrs.
Presented with a vacuum cleaner Armstrong, �Teannp, Browne, Rona, Bill Brearig, Mr. and Mrs, Douglas SCOUTS AND CUBS
.ani'l.'floo, . r polisher aX Holt, Mr. . and Mrs.. Harvey Me- - Wayne koepke was his brother's John ArMptrp"g-who are cqlebrat-
Id a purse of VanVelsor and Gary Sothim. orodman, The guests were ash- Ing 50 years- of -married
gro life 'pn
Mc -
money, Sunday visitors with . Mr. And X)ermftt and'Larry, Yr. and Mrs. ered by Russel I Behrns, Gowns' 23rd, they are
Betty and Ken thanked ever§6e Mrs. Lindsay Galbraith were Mr. Goo, Ashton, Mr.. and Mrs, Carl ns: WIN AT DURHAM Wednesday, Sept. 23
town, and Ray Koepke of Drayton, holding open house to their friends,
and dancing was enjoyed to music and Mrs. A rt Mitchell Qi Crediton Ettinger, Shirley Anne "And Linda,
brother of the room. 13BLGRAVE—The 'BeIgra, Ve Boy afternoon and evening.
bg,'V elkerls, orchestra, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Galbraith oi Miss Louise Mqtthews Were among
the I people from. here who last A reception was new in the Scouts and Wolf Cubs joined the Mrs. Edward Matthews And
week attended. the Western Fair church parlors at five o'clock and other troops In the Saugeva Dis Bairy 'spent' the week -end at t66
held In London, was at -tended by guests from kit- trict field day held recently In Dur- home of Mr,'and Mrs..Mac Corbett
London, List ham. The Bel rave Cubs 'placed in London.
Mr.,and Mrs, William Venion of chener, Sarnia, oWeI,
third in the Grand Howl conapeti- Miss Beatrice Wade, is Rona
Islington visited on 4 -Saturday at Gowanstown and Drayton. The
I Mrs. Bert bride's mother received Wearing a tion foi; onb point; second -In'ball VanVelsor and Mrs, Cecil W41son,
the home of Mr. find
brocaded nyli throwing for three points; second Mrs. Gordon •Stenaeker and Mrs.
Winston.. powder blue oil .dress
in the 300 'yard relay )race- for three Alex Donaldson attended teachers'
Little,Sharon Millar. Is spending with beige accessories and a torr
sa e of pink carnatior points and first in progressive're- convention In London on Friday,
this week with her grandparents, g is. She �as
4lity, winning five points, Mr, and Mrs. Jack Riddell, Mary -
Mr. and Mrs. Drew Aitcheson in assisted: ted by the groom's mother,
E7 or who wore a burnt alm:)nd nylon -In the -races Gary MeSween came lee and Lori of Harriston spent the
The many Sol dress with beige and brown acces. first in the 8 -year-old class with week -end At the home of Mr. and
Strome will be sort's' and a pink carnation cor- three points, and Ronnie Pardon Mrs, Stanley Bride,
confined to,$t. Joseph's Hospital sage, was Vrst in the -9-yeAr-oid class Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Bride and
in London, having suffered a. fall' ' Mr, and 0 n Breholaof Niagara Fails spent the
Mrs. Koep'�e, wh' will for five poi ts. I
fracturing a bone in reside on the -groom's farm near Belgrave Scouts placed thir d
at her home d In week. -end at the� home.of Mr. an
'R, vertebrae, -t 6n a. wedding trip to tent pitching for one point. In the .4, Win. Hawk,4be. In Listowel.
#er Drayton, lef
A- -
Mr, Henry Mundt spent the. Northern Ontario. For' travelling races they placed second and third
w . -en
eek a ii London 'and St. the bride wore -a grey and: white In, the 12-year-clitss for four points
41 �Vli `1W Thomas,
taffeta dress with, red. accossorlet and second in the .13- -old class,
tio ;,.hree ,V)Ihts,.,,,,Douglaq,,q.ohngton
a,corsage of red'
,13 -year-old
o; gri
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey 14PDer and x � z"BF VE
-visited relativos'-Ah.' TdtontoPmi- � , . �, .� 'Th_.'14 4d--- L_ .,
Saturday, . stledtowin ]4 -year-old. class
Mr. And Mrs. Rustel Welker, of
Mrs* ?4artha Baker spent all for five Points. In :the final event Gooletle I h -spent thii week -end with
Barrie Loelth won .the half mile
last week visiting. with Mr. and Mrs; Robert 8tofidhouse Mt. and
SWINE CLUB RESULTS. race handily for five, more points.'
Mrs. Elmer Giles 1,9f Arkona. The boys and their leaders thor- Mrs. Lewis Stonehouse and other
Congratulations are in order to oughly enjoyed this day. relatives,
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Koepke, w.6 AT DELfillfi FAIR Mr. and Mrs. John MannIng and
were married Stit6id4y, Sept. 19th Brian of Blyth visited orrSunday
and to Zurich was e Joyce Procter Is with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph McCrea,
ect Krohn, won the race
WE MADE 1'T—Voung, Larry Nethery and T Mr, �nd. Mrs. C�rman Ian McAllister of 2u I h th
. Bride, who wQie married on Satur: Judge at the Belgrave� School Fair Douglas and Maureen.
foir hoiA,six years.1610, atthe WI rave School Fair and won, a
1%r a frbe'hotolog for, their. efforts, 9 day, Sept. lath.' last week for the 4-H Swine Club. Mrs, Pearl Walsh of Blyth spent
•The standings Vere As, follows: Elected President a few days with her sister and
For the project itself—Murray BIDLGRAVF—The first meeting brother4ri-16w, Mr. and, Mrs, Wil -
0V Coultes, first; Walter Bacon, see- of the fall season of the Canadian liam Kelly and other friends in th6
ond;,, James •-Sproul, third; Ken Girls in Training -was held In rthe 'village.
McGowan, Brian Sproul, Ivan Howes church on Friday evening, openin . g Mr. and Mrs, Budd Orr and fam-
att, Douglas Howatt, Dorothy How- with the election of officers as ily attended the centennial ,pro-
att.ram held -recently at Chesley.
follows: Pies., Joyce Procter; sec., 9
Mrs Laura Johnstonnd George
For showm How- 'Bettk inn; treas,, Florende "inn, - - on
visited with her sister and brother -
watt Murray Coultes, pianist, Linda Johnston. . 0
I in-law, Mr. and Mrs, Jim Warwick
Walter Bacon, James Siproul, Doug Eight members answered the roll and family at Blyth.
las Howatt,' Ken McGowan' and call of this first meeting and they Mr. and Mrs. Goidle Wheeler and
Brian Sproul, decided to collect for Tely Milk family of London visited with his
Ship. They also made plans to' make parents, Mr, and Mrs. Herb Wheel -
0, i01,11Q I - quilt. I
Brussels Choir The group ,plans to -initiate the er.
new members at thene2tt meeting,
At Afiniversary on Friday. Meetings will. be held Book o the Dead
BELGRAVE—Rev. Leslie Elder every Friday night until Christ -
Mas, Our knowledge of the ancient
of -Seaforth was gu6t speaker at
The leader, Mrs, Ted Fear, was world is helped by the manuscripts
the' anniversary services at Knox
In charge of the worship service, and books Which have survived
r baa Presbyterian Church here on Sun-
opening with ahymn, The group
day afternoon. i4e, chose as his and nt all ancient records the
"Purpose" followed
repeated •-the
theme, �'The Significance or ';Be by a second li�'mn. The study for
Egyptian Sbok of the Dead is per -
eta Church".
this year Is to be "The Disciples haps
the most Interesting. It Is full
The choir from Melville Presby- of the Bible", of fascinating and beautiful illus -
wk, . ", � �1.111 I'll, 1-11-.4 terlan Church Brussels was pre- The girls planned aparty for the %
fid, 1
10ON'T C -E, T 1410 CLOSE ITeo lielgravo Rohool. FaIr W. :A goad
entry of pets shown above -toQk. . first
prue The,
Animal is. owne;l by Cameron Andorsm who gves to "hool at No, 11
East wawangs'li.
.... . .....
.3 tJIM,! 1
WINNERS in the race for girls twelve years •aqd -under at, thee. Belgrave
School r, air, lost -week were Sherrill Craig and Doreen Smith who were
first and second respectively. The sports events at the fair had a good.
turn -out of entrles,'
I&FAILAIM All 006GUAVO—itheoannuol seltool fall at jafteamdr bAce again started Off,With a.• parade- DAIRV <)LVM and Sandra 110try, pictured tJ)6*Vd,%v1th their t1distoin calves, were two.
W1661 obihitioll fit 140 p,pl, last W(Idnomlay� Two of the gkotkP4 are sten nbov(s to; tho-, prepared to of it Muliber of eitttlOig It, Ow 0(dr. club �ectlofi of, t1i e. 1109rave SOM01 Vitir., Oe girls belong to the
06 Alytil, Li6tow 00 A -It olubi
ARST PI 120 for inarltot c60-kete-is at the'odgtlmt ftlt JV611t, 4;tj
brg4ftt X1611619011, Of SA, 6, MOtAX, f,6)t the 1;1ka pidt0ked J%b6Ve,
sent and salt an anthem and, a
number. Donald Dunbar
newcomers, and after a session of
games the meeting closed with
trations an a, mine of informAdon
on -the religious thought and prac-
LOOK AT THIS MOM11—tittI6 Jilda Anderson, IS -;month-old daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Anderson, BeIgrave, adinlreg the ducks at the
was organist.
tices of tht time,
Bel rave Fair last week. seemed to 64 having a groat time as
t6z,'X,1� N� Vmn
woro hundreds of other children at the evontl'.
I&FAILAIM All 006GUAVO—itheoannuol seltool fall at jafteamdr bAce again started Off,With a.• parade- DAIRV <)LVM and Sandra 110try, pictured tJ)6*Vd,%v1th their t1distoin calves, were two.
W1661 obihitioll fit 140 p,pl, last W(Idnomlay� Two of the gkotkP4 are sten nbov(s to; tho-, prepared to of it Muliber of eitttlOig It, Ow 0(dr. club �ectlofi of, t1i e. 1109rave SOM01 Vitir., Oe girls belong to the
06 Alytil, Li6tow 00 A -It olubi
ARST PI 120 for inarltot c60-kete-is at the'odgtlmt ftlt JV611t, 4;tj
brg4ftt X1611619011, Of SA, 6, MOtAX, f,6)t the 1;1ka pidt0ked J%b6Ve,