HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1959-09-16, Page 7•• • , -4. ti .abbantrZimro ON,EAitIO I,6, 1.959 Excellent Support For Howick Fair GORRIE,•-Agrieulture le, one of the earliest and one of ,the est industries and it seems likely to keep that distinction, We like to think of the ,Ftowick Attr10141' ttiral Fair as the show window ef, the community, Excellent support is being given by the lady directors as officers. who help to put on better displays. Women's Institntes in the town- ship have continued to find a place in the program. This being Howick Agelcuitural Fair's centennial it is hoped that not enlY. the 10.i9A.bilt PAK, 014e17-: One will help to make it 'a success. It is expected that there will be a number of floats and that zene will go all out to make the parade a success, Mothers' Receive Roses at Service , At the morning service in Wing- ham United Church the following children were christened by the minister, Rev. T, G. Husser: and, Mra, Earl Davidson, Priaa and glee of Montreal spent several ,days with biS Parente,. Mr. and Mrs,.,Andrew Davidson, Mrs. Oaniphell, Listowel, called at the same honle Saturday evening, Mr, John Cathers, Mr. and Mrs, Robt, Stephens attended the ,races in. Goderieb on, TI abow Day Miss .Shirley Timm of KItChenbr spent the Week-ertd with Mr, and Mrs, ROA, Stephens, Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Koch visit- ed Mr. and Mrs. Ken Morrin of Beni-011er on Sunday, Mrs. Chas. riPlay and Mrs. Boy Gowdy, spent last week-end with Mrs. Mary Pratt of London, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Halliday, Winghaln, -Visited Mr, and Mrs. Roy ,Gowdy on SundaY. There will be no Sunday School or church services in Gorrie U111.00 011160. V.4..gelidaY,, POPS, to Wiiix'6tet anniversary services, Mr John MeGriskIn of Thornton has .purchased the farm of Mr. Sam Timm, on the Wallace-HoW- ick Boundary, Miss Shirley Timm, Kitchener, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Stephens. Mr. and. Mrs. Burns Stewart, Mr. Ed. Stewart, Miss Etta Burns, Mr. and Mrs, Chas, 'Finlay and Miss Annie Murray attended the MolesWorth Presbyterian Anniver- sary service on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Dilworth, Janet Ellen, daughter of M Margaret and Robert of. Kitchener, and Mrs. Vernon Reid: Janice Marjorie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Guest; Christie Ann, daugh- ter 'of Mr, and Mrs. D. J. Lewis; Madilyn Ann, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, W. M. Sewers; Danny Allan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Walsh; Norman Larry, sots of Mr, and Mrs. Spence Scott; Daniel John, son of Mr, and Mrs. W, E, Irwin. The parents were led to the bap- tismal fbnt by the clerk of the Session, T, S. Beattie, and the flower girl Was Teresa McGuire, who 'presented each mother with a pink rose4 spent Monday 'with Mr, and Mrs. Harold Hyndnian, Mrs. E. H. Strong underwent siirgery last Tuesday morning in the Listowel Memorial Hospital. Her condition-is satisfactory, The. Rev, E. C. Attwell is attend- ing Huron College Alun-ini in Lon- don this week. Mrs, Attwell and the children will visit with rela- tives in Lucan. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Taylor of London spent -the week-end with relatives here. , • Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Brown and Mary Alice of Beamsville attended the Fordwich 'United Church anni- versary service on Sunday morn- ing and visited with Mr. and Mrs, Geo, Ashton, Fordwich and with Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Whitfield. Of 1860 and 1862 which gives us Some idea of the management and exhibits: Theee you may see on display at, the ,fair. At'this time there were few far piers (362) who bad any livestock or produce to exhibit. Statistics of 1861 give total livestock as: Horses 198, cattle 2,122, sheep 680, pigs 1300, A few items from the prize listi of 1860: Bast span of working "R,-"W:-"Adarnh,''':it, $2,50; deOrge Dane, 2nd, $150; Wm, Hueston, 3rd $1.00, Best yoke of oxen, Samuel Han ding, 1st, $1,50; W, G, Walker, 2nd, $1.00; Fairly Milne, 3rd, 75c, ' Cattle best bull, Wm. Hueston, 1st, $1,50; W, Walker, 2nd, $1.00, Milk cow, M, Scott, 1st, $1,00; Cheeves, 2nd, 75c; Fairly Milne, 3rd 50c, Ladies.' Woric7--Best 4 lbs. butter, Charles McLaughlin, 1st, 75e; Fair, ly Milne, 2nd, 50c, Best patch Counterpane, Mrs. Noic'e, 1st, 750; Wm. McLaughlin, 2nd, 50c. Best homeniade flannel, John Milne, 1st, 75c; James McDermid,, 2nd, 50e. • _ . Full cloth, No competition 1st; James. MoDermid; 2nd, 50c. Best woollen socks, George. Dane, 1st, 30'c; George Dane, 2nd, 20c, Judges were William Armstrong, Thomas Sherdin and Archibald Harrison be judges of liv'estock and William Murray, John Scarf 'and C. W. Pickforcl for produce and poultry. The Department of Agriculture report for 185,9 gives Howick Ag- ricultural Society as c' baying_ 90 members. Receipts- Silbscriptions, $00,00; share of gov,ernment grant, $19.30; county.grant, $51.00; total receipts, Expenditures-Paid in'premiums, $113.00; expenses, $2,50; total ex- penditures,, $115.50; balance in the treasurer's hands, $44.80. • • (To be Continued) °wick. Agric. 'Soc...Centellnial -LAW OF, '_CIRCULATION: • By LewisMilligan 'At -,Gorrie •On .Qctober and .3. et the universe; thereecould be no OircUlatien te the supreme ,113,W universe witheat it, Froth-the. atom to the Milky WAY and the remotest Spiral nebula, It is circulation that COUPS and .sustains everything, There is no such thing as dead Matter, Even a dunghill is seeth-. ing with life and,, indeed, it is life .1n process of recirculation. So, called "dead matter" Is the most powerful of all .fertilizers, The Mimeo body is an organism • that Is' entirely dependent for its healthy functioning upon the Welt, latien Of tife " if" that" `ls interfered with at any point, dis- ease sets in and if It spreads to the' central pumping station the - circu-, talon. stops and J-114 body, as an organism, dies, .• No, 4-7 this is not a lecture on physics or physical ailments, .and the foregoing .,, is not a quotation from text books on those subjects. I made it up• entirely out of my own little head from my own ob- servations of the material universe and the, human organism. It all. arose out of a.. matter-of-fact con- sideration of the current problem, of political and "dernestic,economy. Ever since Confederation the people of Canada . ,have passed through varying 'degrees of pros- perity. and depression,' . The most acute bf these-... in... the last fifty years were due: chiefly to the vicis stiudes of two world wars, Before those wars. there was a general de- cline in circulation of World trade and commerce,., ',War created an artificial hoops by he release of the nations' -reserve funds into. circulation'" and there was no un- employment. When those: funds were exhatistedgoVernments had ,to borrow and increase the national debt 'to keep • up the circulation. The close of the War reduced the circulation to the minimum and the whole system was depressed. The'..secret of 'Maintaining a con- dition of prosperity is therefore to keep up the -circulation 'of money throughout the whole social system. This can be done artificially by in- flation,'. but that, like war, leads in Toronto. Mr. .and Mrs. Bill Nay and Rickie spent Sunday with relatives in Waterloo. By Ii, W, N, 'Wade The prize list of the Howlek AK. riepltural Society has gone out for its 160th exhibition to he held In Gorrle on October 2-3, 1959, It is interesting to compare the prize list of 1860 with that of 1959, Tattered sheets of paper were found showing minutes and the prize lists of 1860 and 1802. This is dated Howick, April 25, 1800 and reads) Pursuant to nbtice,,,a rneeting,ef, :Agricul tural Soei- ety, (note the word "branch" as It , 'was known for some years) was held at Fordwich for to transact, business, The president In the chair, The Minutes of last meet- ing read and confirmed. Present, Messrs. R, Mel.,aughlin, W, Strong, George Dane, I, Hassarci, George. Greer, A, Johnston, W. Hueston, T. Wiggins, H. 'Newton P, Barr, Sothern, J, Rogers, A. Craw- ford. Vc. Moved by Mr. Milne, seconded by Mr. Hueston, that any persoon paying 'one dollar before the first of June next to be a member this year -and after that' period $2 to constitute, a member and no sub- scription taken the show day. W. G. Walker, President George Dane, Sect4etary, They were more strict in these days than now as a motion . reads; Moved by Mr. XeLaughlie, second- ed by Mr. NewtOn that/the $1,50 recLkved by,Mr. Strong' (treasurer) , from A. Johnston the show day be returned, being., contrary to the rules of the Society' and . that the rules of the society he strictly at- tended to. If it were possible to have mo- tion pictures of various centres in the township, firSt 'as they were 100 years ago and then as they are today, what a contrast would be seen and hew interesting it would be to compare pictures of men, omen and exhibits of the first °wick Fair or the first 25 years. Not having these, we shotild ap- preciate the Minutes' and prize list • r • to deflation and ultimate depres- sion. Inflation is the result of a, spiral race between costs and prices, and while it increases the volume and velocity of •currency circulation, it reluces its purehas- j Miss Myrtle Short spent Monday ing value. That encourages the im- port of cheaper foreign goods., and disables home induStries in compe• - tition for world markets. Money has been termed the "life- blood" of trade and commerce, and anything that interferes with its normal circulation impairs the health of the nation, Such inter- ferences may come from restriction of credit, from labor slowdowns and strikes, or from, excessive .taxation. ?". NEW DRY KILN-C. Lloyd and Son Limited, local doer manufacturers are in the process of constructing A new lumber dry kiln, at their factory in the north-west ward, The new structure, valued at, over $10,090.00 will house highly technical equipment for the drying of lumber as it arrives, at the- plant. The kiln, when completed Will.more than double the drying- capacity at the factory and obviate any pro- duction sloW-downs caused by either green, or semi- dry lumber as it arrives at the plant. The new build- ing is part of. a half-million dollar construction be om that is currently taking. place in Wingham, The two pictures above were taken at the Lloyd plant I ast Week, as workmen hurried the building to coin- pletion.-Advance-Times photo, Real 1/1.919Z must )?9,hteltgd.b,Y-tte collateral -Off "'valuable -industrial production and services. A strike, such as the steel strike in the'. U.S., not only lowers that value, it' cuts off' the circulation of the life- blood of trade, and the strikers' very subsistence. Any strike is a hunger strike, 'and there is no law against a man, quitting his job and starving him- self and family if he is not satis- fied with his pay or working con- ditions. But there should be a law to, prevent any group of men de- liberately organizing a` mass hun- ger strike which would close down factories, suspend large and small business operations and stop the circulation of the life-blood of trade and commerce, There is a law against attempted suicide, and it aheuld• .be extended 'to attempted economic mass suicide, I.4CUSUAL HOME The new home of Francis Mills, vice-president of the Berry Moor\ Co, Lid., was com- pleted earlier this year, and is one of the loveliest homes to be built in Wingham in Some time. The stone in the huading ,is a mixture of soft pink tones and came frein. Ohio. The interior.athtointments in .the residence are extremely modern. , "4110''''' ...,144.64064104*0*.140014*'..Q4,1L1 . Mrs. Chas. Lawrence returned Sunday after spending a week with her 'daughters in Toronto. A sale waS • held Wednesday of the farm, stock, implements and household furniture of the late Mr. and Mrs. Norman: Charles on the Ifewick-Wallate '''beiundary. :The iarni was purchased by Mr. John Plotson of Breslau. • Mr. and Mrs. W. C. ,King return- ed Sunday from their trip by rail to the West 'Coast. They . were accompanied by Mrs, Jean Mac- Donald of London. They visited in Victoria, Vancouver, Calgary and Winnipeg. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Ashton spent Sunday 'with Mr. and. Mrs. Vic Shera at Moorefield. Mrs. Harry Ferguson and mem- bers of the Ferguson family attended the 25th wedding anni- versary celebration of Mr. and Mrs.. Everett Sperling at their summer home at Port Albert, Gerald Galbraith, Ted Davey and George Adams are serving on the jUry in Goderich this week. NEW CLUB 110138E-Tho Wingharn Sportsmen's As sedation has recently completed a new club :house on their grounds, in Lower Wingham, The Association is sponsoring a turkey shoot and other activities on, Thanksgiving Day.-Advance-Times photo. Mrs. Norman Edgar of Wembley, Alberta, spent the past week with Mr. -and Mrs. Gordon 'Edgar and ,,and Mrs. Andrew Davidson. She has spent the past month with her sister in Harriston. • The Suffagran Bishop, 'Right Rev, W. A. Townshend will conduct Service of Confirmation in' St, Stephen's Church at 3 p.m. on Sunday, September 20th. The Woman's Auxiliary of St. Stephen's Church will meet at the home of Mrs. Gordon Underwood on Thtirsclay, September 17th alt 2 p.m. Roll call, "Name a Mission ary". A quilt will be quilted. Sincere sympathy goes to Mrs, August Keil ' whose sister Mrs. Ferguson of Listowel passed away on Sunday morning. Mr, and Mrs. Harold Wallace, Granton and Mr, and Mrs, Herman Axtman of Walton were recent Visitors with Mr& Harry Ferguson, Mr. and Mrs, Heith Smith (nee Mary Young) of Toronto, visited Mrs. Bella Greaves for a few days Last week. Mrs, Greaves accom- panied them on their return to Toronto for a short visit. Mr, and Mrs. Geo, Nelson and family of Toronto' were recent visitors with ,Mra, Nelson's grand- parents, Mr., and Mrs, Robt, Dane. The Wnrnan':8 Association of, the Gorrie United. Church will /lied ft,,N '01i1”011 *qtlont.§ 011 Thurrinti, September 11 at 8.1.5 ton, Program committee, Group 1, Mr, and 11,fts. 'Harold Ifyndrnan, Iiianny anti 'Gerald and Mr, and Mrs, gortnan Caxton were visitors week. teethke Toronto Exhibition last MISS Mary Thornton of Kiteherier spent Sunday with.' her 'Mother Ora, tattle thOritton, RECENTLY COIPLETED---Anotiliet new bon* whi th bag just been Occupied by tints proud ownerso that owmsl by Mr. and Mrs, ROSS 'Gordon, thv, The benne is on Boland Street between n t e it Street; and Carling Itorate, When 'CoinPleted writ improve the Production capacity of the Otago deer factory,. As well, the firm IS also dOil6ttUdifig Hew office spate en the West side Of the bitilillitg. The tkve additions Wilt he valued at ever $38,00( When COnaeletedo-AdVance-Times photo. , • 1(38,009 PACTOBY AbRItIONA tri4jor construction ptoJect at ,the. present time is an additiOit to the north not of We Berry 'beet Co, plant, The atheVe plaint shows the terms In 016410 tot the teiticht fetoirlatiori of title 40 by 130-font stroctorc which A • •