HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1959-09-16, Page 21*0 TIN" Tha whighAu. A4411 W. 10401 ontJ041 Iwo tooto kn14, I01 I tilkiRilotow I ORA go to W4 14m k I .... Ali; Alto I Rl I OR Rol ottwtl is Rob tolit 4 Im to ..... E"Oy G wip"Aw Z P MOMENT,— LEASE Sa,le� IS LAWNG, TEIL ONE Wl".4twir, $41vat'90 Army Cprps COUR, Z "ANYP thalim, 4001 MOO! VOW was Ali 11be. Tills W43 the ressqrv, 9410eaeli u.* HIS, ANN11),for'Us. AN A There is a ligb H . s of px Ith to s 0. I n old fable that country of a, gree t, or crowd, his way I AJogs. 10:19 undrle4 4sperated housoq Iong,44 Wig are ntled W ar livives Nvere keeping the lines busy beset by the many frqAtrg, tions 5 are more thoughtful and ;cou- into a solid Stream of traffic. We hear 01to wtt—h , their complaints, snd their which come to us we have not' .1.0 days a frequently that' leartied th to of that Q let "It e4nwhile, the onl� of i�eir neiglibors than"are .1 - P. rhaps the inereasing nuniber of 0),tore things person who vapid 'have told the Place Whcry e I e, may come and those who liw in. big citlesand never are wrought by C inpghy just whe h we, 9 . to t�je -trouble speak .the word of Peace wbic� cars oil city streets has taught the prayer than this SOO— foal - pricts'' 4mn take time to say good momiig and what t4e, -cmedy might So sorely e d. ;The riolse and lessort, that courtesy pays, not just world dream be, could not makebis voice heard. ppeed with whIch,the WQrld is mov- S to, the fellmwho ii'veils, next door. of", yet 1 ain. for a few drivers, bat forallof them, This is exactly wbat is true �f ing aro)4nd uso would t0id to rob I Ef fect* e- September %th to -26tb Tra . o. 4 ld thatm st just how City people wr '00 ift inqo.ii,,ofour praying. 'We keepthe us of thr- riphest blessings which ade, r0tJ-fk4ct4l#e Id send Bu 10 or U Of tile , 41 is universally applied. Be of us fail .,to com, our Heavenly Fiktlier AvQu Y ge Canadian m -their home surromi'dings we doult Avoin the real,, rAyer 111nes o busy Nvith out 9 that lftift may, if You are driving in Ang and our selfish . t1tiqVi.- to up if we��Voiilil seek Him in the BALL, POINT PEN ....... ...... plain pe itation of -this 3w4 .1 - confiden prictlend to kPoNv, b4t '00)� of )�dtl Ing, tilat the One. who kr,,. 411 quietness apc -ce Which, Green) 0,09, value tht. 6tY you will. discOer many great truth.- Many of us misp the, H, 1. sliall b ur #oBEA0ori INORAHMIF1 &QrYo P1114 Or , ovr meeds, and the remedies for JS Word tells us e o 2.19 Nvho drive your cars hlto� Toronto full concept of tber real power 9f ce streng stwill instances of driver courtesv them cannot, make His Vol th. ALARM CLOCK .......... . 3 praver simply because we still re, , - ra., 0 lb, bag IR.09, 98e can Aouch for the fact that Most lips The Psahnj# use dle word Z The Jeanette brand bathing, treat - such as the fellow wbo will pau e gard prayer as Aone way channel 1 BATH SALT$� ........ city drivers are more -courteous thrqugh which, we May tell the Ii when he told Us that -in orm, for _X thippassagetrom Rings whicl, 'I a line of traffic to let you, out of Lord of our needs, Accurate and Shmrt looking and thoughtful than their colij)t.r. .4 is quoted above, you will find that our souls to, be restored, We Shopld� Reg ;it $0.05 lie down in, 44$ . green pastures, and be BA 4 StOp Street, or the considerate a.c One day a trucker discovered ,tile marginal reference for "still THROOM :Cousin$. small voice" reads *14 sound of led by still waters, It is when. we SCALE tion of -the nianwhowill hold up water flooding through A -culvert learn -the wondrous secret of the Ask to.see this. Us eXception BY new and CoAvenieltv- -ordbiaxi;y., �.y ij t .......... —HRIEF `CXSE' 7' OU ac - in o a pa Ing space. e thin soxind -that we may expea to, QNt­PriLZ­tZit ', 14iy le b1b $uch Was not always tht, CA -St. Being curious as to its gouree, 11 speak to -us t vord investigated, and finind that ole. hear the Voice of God Nipw still hose A of guld- 2 "Orient" brand 2A. 9z.. bag Until a few years ago. the typical Though it may not sound particu- ell be loin . ess, ance and enc utagement Wbic 7 Choice St fragrances — 'of the chief water mains of , the ness!` alone may W o h wq, C 't gr 49 re citv driver was noted for the Wl��,ht la�r�v loyal, such instances are rare town's water suoply had burst,' orindifference, but in that qualify� all need it we a , o . dw In Grace Z BUBBLE BATH ................ jiIg word "gentle" w e have the key and In tile UpQwledge of our Lord thus dra-tving off the water which we Bath -tub and coinlilexiOn luxury 40h on the str -1,*ve and and 'Saviour, could blast his oar away at th ,eets of our oxvn town. -4 od*spower in tbe Jesus Christ. COLD - CREAM'SOAP or 25c should have been serving bundrLs ta� G Z f abroad should each, haVe IL 4 of� homes in that district He hur�! Peace which may be shed pVqlal place s t 0, p 11 5 coni Notonly tan you sit at a ried to a tele ere we may listen for that st! bs, All different, in polyethylene bag 06 value 10 plione, to notify the� in ourbearts, as lie promised, Not NVII ill Voice and then go out in 49C tip for minutes at A tinie, wait- 'Utilities Company at once. To his unil. -COMBS ..................... I we begin to. experience this smi an we glad obedience to do what tha surprise and dismay,. he could not Heavenly Love and Peace ( It $3489 value 1; �ng for a. break in the traffic, bu Voice c Washahi�, quilted, full top zi L the get his call tHrough, Every line hope to be in that place where He Qmmands, PP di&hterA mliich are creat- DIAPER BAG ......... .......... of the cpLrs I lb. Rei, 590 Hard finigh olEasi-Gloss INEQUALITY SZO R ALL, -nd took in the ex- tin' Ifig. the hold-up will d-a,,NTdle along .............. -tolow ...... to! ... ...... oil$ ... too ... A.. ...... to. Toronto a FLOOR WAX ................. 45c, 2 for 89c :2 hibition. %�ItW the ap arent desire to inak p e Last Saturdav an alrcti6ti'saleof The eyes of -the men at the To- le. Z Suga = FloBy.guaranteed - "American" for casual wr1trng­-; firearms --was held at the Htspelei r a d ronto sto4 yourstam,as long as possib aipice yards are � going' to FOUNTAIN PEN .................... 49c 1, bulge with astonishment �one of J_ district office of th6 Departiliebt of 'By 'Bill Snilley Another aspect of city driving is these days when CharlieStewart 16 "Sparkling Beauties" for SH occasions Lands and Itorest, which -was nb shfield Township markets his R How about a spot of book r& lutionary approach to the modem of A G EETING C.�RDS ....... 49c fellow NAft) thAt you. very rarely see the crazy eek, for a than ? -novel In that It tells a story. -year-old steer that has been. I doubt a boon to. the Viewing this w . . ge its three - �Ntanted to pick tip a barpiti r1fit-or aJitleg . of teen-age car operators Anyone who doesn't 'read books, language is apparently simple, but Attrictinj so :much attention in =2 CaPsWes 2= HALIBUT LIVER OIL ..... 89c, $1.89,, $3.49 1 and there fire plenty of thebi, What it SAYS is sensitive, wise and thlapart of the country, This ani- :shotguli. Ho'w'ever the - vtAt -fact -which are so common here, Traffic $ might as well turn to the chissi-, strong. One of Caiiada�s best, trial, if his reputed weight is cor- -1 Covet of Blanket Cloth Regular $4.95 th't ome of the gans were there for P tWI th - 18 in the larger centres ordinarilv, fled ads, because this won't inter. MacLennan has a control anama-. rect, 13 somewhere neAr ce e fat steer his PEATING PAD ....................... �3,99 le is a ren:Linder that theV -all est him, turity few writers of fict! S.a Were move -at a well regulated pace, but on :on weight of the average p the* scales this continent can boast, Thisboolc age. � He is sild to to English -made "Minster" 98c; value seized for various infraetiong of the I -proof that Canada now at about,2,800 p dn-ds 1 9 HOT WATER BOTTLE ................. 79C that 18 not'tht case in ANVingliam, inordinate and uneontronabic alone 'is ample ganie law -s of the provinice, iockey play� 0-0 -0 ireadhit is Ono of the sqvWrA1.n*- produces more than I *here almost any evening of the Especially good for children Reg. 79c. $M9, $23.29 -jor flams in ray character. 3�rint ers, maple syrup and rye.ivhiskey. TWEPNMY-MIE YEARS AGO - Laws are, theo'r-etically at least week vou can witness really first- on, paper is to me what fermented zZ IDAMALT .............. 63c, 98c, $1,.69 Some time. �bet*Reen &30 and 32 passed for the benefit of the majoriti, or distilled liquid in, a container is There you are: four books as dif- clam Stunt driving --to the imminent Saturday night the hombof Albert 4 swings in a removable cage find other Itenism-. to an alcoholic, ferent as could be. And if rve in- po--ton, Blue of the people, and we tend to have vale Road, was en- I LADIES' BILLFOLD .................... 98C risk of all sane people who -want to tertupted you just when lite Mick- tered and $iZ in bills, $60 In silver = Very little Sympathy for the lb�xv- T11termos. Hit - won't rust - sterilizable in boiling water� w Like the alky, 1 prefer the'good eY Spillane hero was about to $156 Z breakeriwhen lie pays'the penalty of.. lite, the public thorouglifare. and coppers and a cheque for stuff, if I can get lt� but itthereS kick the lady in the groin, I hope was -stolen. Mr. and Mrs.-Fox.ton LUNCH PAK 11.79 -none around, I'll -take whatever is yotell pardon the Intrusion. were In town when the robbery his crime. However, under most We hive asserted before and still lable. Sometimes, when Tve J.D.A. Brand. - Heavy - odourless and tasteless, - laws of our land the penalties - are aval b5ok place. ng binge, ....... I ......... 43c 87c b.ellieve—th-at some form of -driver re . eled through a re"I Mr. R. 1 -L -Lloyd took nine boys Zz MINERAL OIL - P I - I and. ing left in the of his $unday School class to the LD.A. White � 70!s keg. 180, uniform. The various acts which there's nothi carry penalties state that a fine of iraining is badlY fieeded in ourconi- house, and the bo6kaelWks are clos- gtilping feverishly PAPER NAPKINS ............ 16c, 2 for 31 c Canadian National Exhibition last ed, I -wind up who bad the t less than so rilunity. �Young city, drivers are & Reminiscing Priday. The' boys -and-so dollars and from such fare as thetadlts',Aome trip were zewarIled for exec011ent Package oi 6 � LVA. 11,ith eraser tip 1109.290 not 'niore thali so-and-so dollarns-.�-i8 frequently the graduates of instrac- Journal, a Superman edmitot nne attendance at their class. PENCILS ................. �25c 1 to be leViedbr thecourts, or'faWng tion. tourses'�, and even 'if they are of thekids? Think and Dobooks. vwxy YEAAS AGO Ervin 3L Ernest, who has for All Velour V�hlch -44 jail. ierm. not exc, eL-ding,so. . I *. * * , . . soine tim I e now bpekated a broker- Iftegularly 3 for 296 s,�44aught tht hft2ards of, driving in gh Sch ol open- POWDER PUFFS .......... r-.. 3 for 23c I've even be*n reduced, A�­the The Wingliam. Hig age office, on Josephine Street be- man.,v 'a' -Sk, may be tnforced.' congested t ffi quickly teach'the end of 'sueb at lost, week-endi to ed on Tuesday with the largest has Plastic --folded into *plastie pouches Each Only 1: ra c I low the Bklinswl�k Hotel, It moved his �office to the store re- reading in FJ*Ac and Xaglish tho- attendance of L any opening day. C Niot so with the gawle laWs. vital lesso.ns.of ca:te and courtesy. RAIN HATS .............................. 9 literature o1i thebreakfaiC egmeja Ope hundred 'and fifty-four stu- cently v4cat�d by R_S. McGee in deAts �were registered. Fast dissolving `%Th h1arY the McDonald Block. v venan offender is caught he Regular, 55c, and 79c, 117herevie F4K, rAinfrW-courses � . ; 7, � dv "i t An Italian -who is charged with On Wed - day, last Imse all his fishingor -hunting �equ7ip­' Thomas n1les week Mr- SACCHARIN TABLETS 19c, 59c i have -been set'up�notably in high -1 liewe no idea how,nianyVooks -shootingartollier Italian at AtNvood, Mr. C' Z 1�ie n*t,'as, wellas his car if ithap�`ehs Fell§ P�` Wjlkinson' Cellulose — assorted in a packnge— I read in a year. Tbcre�s no 'way Was atrefted by Chief Allen near and his grandson caught nine beatt- �0 be parked near, the scene df the schdols—the' attident rate ainoDg of keeping track; of them. 1.delib-� BeIgrave� an Saturday. L Vff-dl cteek tfout about It nilles� SRONGES ............. 5 for 29c 4 crinie- A man convicted Of beating uates has -been cut to less ely readfour or five at a t1rue. br. and Mrs. Xennedy have ±e? froth wiftham. I One of the datch good quality grad than erat S Bag of 10 bars — assbrted shapes keeping them.1n different plaresi turned from their trip West. On wae' 14% Inches in length and = C his wife iviay get away with a filie I - Z= TOILET SOAP � ................ ....... � 49 half of thenatiolial. average. Surely in -the. hoilse, ih order to confuse 'their way tlie doctor visited large weighed 21,11 lbs. - of $50 or less (depending on how my wife, who abhor le 'on, hospitals in Chicago, A -Araukee While playing on the Bruce the figures alone are signicallt, :my "di ti LD.A. Brand in, Pbik�, Yellow or White C niqch she needed the trimming),: but I read, crunched over the back of and Minneapolis..�In Vv-innipeg he i3each golf,, coUrse reiently, Its. TOILET TISSUE .................. 2 for 25 the toilet, whi le. I'm rubb I ng the the-fiellow who is caught' bringing attended the Dominion Medical J_ W. MeRibbon -was successful iii Stylish two-tone case, iL5 oz. lather into my face for asbave- Association meeting. On his re- making a hole in one. Regularly.;8 !" VACUUM BOTTLE ......... bwne seven pirkertl-htsteid of si-t ak 'Who mad; 79c turn be visited Mayo Hospital in Miss,Bernice BI 0, may lose a.r__5 Tod,-, a $30'reel, sev- Frequently, when I have finish- Rochester for ten days. such a :splendid shoWing In the 100 -foot LDA. Brand Regular sle eraldollars' worth of lures,* net,-, ana ed writing this bolunut, about ? , D . a -UpPe k9minAtio so was WAX PAPER ........ 28c, 2 for 554 . page abiounting to at least . t School , t, I n other -related parapber�alia, - along ILM, J711 sneak IAN) the .11ving- half a million dollars was caused awarded a scholatAhip of 4100 20 sheo-u pad and 100 Envelopes rooni� pull a lkand new paper- t;d the -,ves*t wing of- the Prollincial tuition for of two years in SOLID PROGRESS WRITING PAPER & ENVELOPES ....'soc Nvith V,500 worth 'of car a:nd/or rV I*ck from undtr 'the piano, ano pUtAment, building in 'Toronto on Western Univerft V, We itbefore goinj( to bed. II& Wednesday of last week. The 0 A.0 io guz Z boat and mqtor. .2 Thisissue.of The Advance�-Tirnes prodl%k%a:6YIi1PathY -thd first Couple Llazetvidemtly stafted, In the roof� VkARS AGO If he happens -to be usinga, $5.00 lc�rriles. what we intend to be the be- of times I tottered do", red -eyed khd fanned.by astrong northwest At a speclai meetingof the oo=4 and careworn, to go to workin. the breeze, raj�ldly spread into the ol last week Eclwaxd H. WhAW. I reel, he _N0)uld, automafi'�Ay save ginning 6f a 'series of pictorial re Z morning. But �she caught we stAt we's't wing'. was apptdnted night watcbman� 4 " himself $30.00',on it -lie pe'n'alt"V-Better ljbfts dn'the -physicAl progress of the NCES one 4 anr. Over -70 inctabtrs of the Ontario We regret to report that Mr. PRESCRIP7_104V DRUC-GlTr q carri-ing a han-ftr) tGW1I Of For some rea UgMature left 'Toronto o stili if lie was . Anyway, Ive, lied. 'rdY WaY !day on a trip Sparling ited lad -the milsfeAufte'to D118,44>4>y PUDIVIfr rA811_-r?EVZ:01V 7 - pole and a, bent pin—although the son or other -41 sv� through ,Northern be caught in the tibles a ere are too inany t his D through a few 7interesting books Ont&flo. A- 1-L Musgrove, 'X -PX., frac A ght crushing plant, suffering A'L - J" .rd rde_ntionLl,?ftonM()ndayt6joln,.thLPLLirt)�.at If a seventh, pickerel Aroiald be just as citiz`ens of this communitv w -ho are lately and thbu tuted, skull �knd laceration& imbued with the fe.eliho, diat this is them- Dont expect a scholarly te4 Toronto. dead. n iltany f6lic in this district had a I!,timilluflil ...... onto .... mmmi ... i ..... I .... ....... t ... I ... a:dead." town. Such an,attitude is view, with plot outline, traeing of 0 1. 0 � �0 to.# It symbolism, literaxy antecedents FORTr TEAUS AGO feeling �soxfte Ing was wrong AVe, hold n6 brief for'the maft the greatest Single contributor to the and all that jazz. I leave it for shortly Aftet, nitAnight Mbnday4 ........ i"ll'a ..... I ..... lot ... ...... "AI... ,Mio insists on breaking the gm-ne Mr. and Mrs. Cowell wish to in- but did not tealize that there were making of reality from runior. the :p! e-�moldng pr6fessors, and Or I. , 15 p jorin the 1;oublic of Wirighain and tarthquitke shocks Witt! Morning. THE SALVATION ARMY laws. He deserves to be punished ii the earnest English students. -next spo I rtsman 0 . f fish -We waalt to remilld our readers vicinity that they intend tq Wd They wtte hot be&VY en,049b in he robs the A kindergarten class for boys and Wit districtAb do.shy daniage, but g at one -of -th#, tirls vp to the age of 10 Yeats at it Is teported that the datfiage t Abaln Corp orvanie, All we -contend here is that that NVingliaftl is inaking steady rve, been. nippin IM Ill 9; the penalty- for a gihren offence and xhore important,, solid progress. books betwetAi. paragraphs of their home ion. Catharlhe Street, � aniount#a to $756,6W ih 106kM#all. ----------- .effort It's writloenbrllarrx Gold, Mr Zamorit is moving his fam- Mr. GeojrgeWUlJaxhs ha.§ sold his should. be t�� e same in all cases, var�-- This -is not a "boom" town in any. qn, of whom I have neVerbeardi ily t4 a ,hoUge Ion Minnie Street jeWeJJet-y,,stnNtiXtU�es and t4te to RALLY DAY -SERVICES ingonly according to the extreinit- the -v�,,ord, for which we and Is called Only In Arnerim sense of frohi Brussels. Mr. J_=aftt Is 'Air, Dav6 Crtoiupbon , of Toronto, GoWn is a Jew -%�hb lives In 'the in the I SUNDAY SERVICES of the,;ffence. not according to zsh6uld all feel a certain gratitude. trigaged in Bennett's mill. who vill I heb± futuir6, ke- 'to deep South -and puts out it me,%*- Mr. and Mrs. IV. IL Davidson open the store. 1100 aali. I iness Afeeting the equipment the of -fender happens The town built On booin tcononiv paper in which -there 14 nothing fttkelo Mr. lo'hii �W­ left, *tke the - guests of the 0. to be carrvin- with him. may -as readily experience depressed but editorials. His bookis jVInd thg1he and Purnp.`Oo, Ltd-. SuftdaY Wight tot Northern 011taho, 2.30 paii.;—Stinday School ection of short pieces, pithY, conditions. 'The sort of progress we trip to the Thousand Islands -With a. 'pikrty headed by the, Hon. ZOO P. -m Arewd -.itt. ��oh ' 'L Re .9 y, learned And vex$� . the, result of a� haid-flought: T, -,ritbdy, rairdster of Agri- 4�Salvation Meetin -Some of tbese laws are so far- 'know is based on indiistries and humtLn. Wgh�yvetonunended as a Aell1ing vantest culture. T-utiday, fetched that they are doing incal.- business toMitiotis -which, should bedsire, conip"loN it you eanAt Mr. James NV. 'Beattie, who has DUHfig An taledtficst *tbrin'Mon- ­Pitkyer -and Praise Servieb tulable Ilan= to our ver- Pertain for many years to conie. do tRetter "t abook.- for 'the past few y0oi li��ed 'at the' do rhornint A)I t Ift9thl t� y important he mo-titt a Priday, 7.30 jmn6 — Yoqth Group to-drist industry. Ameritans, -,�Nihc grunswick Utitel, 'left last Week. the CALUL Attl6ft Weft Put bift 6f t10 4 lquilding permits issued in fl-& Ilve just finished tollla, the book for Brussels, Avb#ro he will be in .0oftft1tilon. iThis is the sl?t6nd All Teen-Agert Welcotagi me from area, wfiere there is Z I which has had such an Inflamaia- charge 6f tb# Ametifth Hotel. time thIl Yftftht 1"Ine d"'t hh" Th6ftoll 4 *06fts for YOU at the "�Arm341 broader outlook- -about game.preser- towftAnce the first of JanuanTha:Ve lary effect oki -,w6A!ld-be censors, R#tVo Aftd Mrs, UblAter Mr. lot' hhbpetied, Vilhilithe d6liig the same vation, lea!vne, our province in utttr beell Valued at close -to 'a half m., illion searedy-cat publishers and t1mid Millet liba Wife, 13eli;;;W mbioi*d thing h 1,011c 18UL loot Illhi I Rol otowo ill 8. k too otootloso'hi... disgust. Even Our bag 111rifts art Oollarp. 14ousink permits. ilone 'hpad librarians. Xdo yybutaiftbot� r1ow my topy. It is a brilliant, prettv frwqrating to the f ellow from AnIoUilt �to nearly $'200,,(M And it bawdy book, lisainting and Vilar- r9inia, -who Starts his :6W wow e to estimate thit the Cb Wes i * V, i d be, saf wds. Sorrie of it is at funny us rcb actual finished vall olnes anything- I've read, sorhe as tragic. mile trek back home w1th only Six ie of the h 1, valu U 'The niorong won't understand it, '11 -be substantialIV er. covered Avi high ClIkkWat, fish of an,.�r one Variety to show to Arid the teenagers Won't have the (ANGLICAN) his Nidie and kiil'si,. l.6 addition to the h6lileg there are patience to sort it.0ut, so .1 ftwt� Induastria:l 'building ects iinder -know whose morAls it tbreatont. �REV.. W. W. 10D9k. Pattor Rev. C, V. Johnson, 1,1h. R-ector -%vay it pant�roc. Another Ulm ZhIVOK0, by B6614 'rUe'S.-4"00 �.nl,__'Youth&llowthip �(4dhg Z ,Soti, iat th-L- teiry Door Co., and Ile Wingham Advance4itnts ,,.rnak� lt, -won, a Nobel orir#, Urt. 00MOn Davidson - Organist 't for the addition. which lRa"it UvuldWt let h1fit (.A- Thurs. —8,00 p.tn;­�Prayer Mwing, - Publishod at Wlrighk* 66taflo affiem Theperim lack and I 4on't billunt thoifi. It's Wed4) SePt. 16�11oard of Management, -7.30 1 Werigtt Sr6therA PubtlAe" tot t -he t, igh 'Ischool utas issued a:t W.V* Wenj;t, Mtor WOW, Nvb,16 �eover-8 the bullditvt J*% U abilid 19S6. A filine4 Suhday SetV6 IUh Sund *fter Trinity, A"awt 3mrL4'd 6r,*ftWWd% only simt the fin.19ted. wing, th 11 Wi O[Ret$6 '*6rk 0 :.V4* t*11 *ftmJIe'b wkorhed at settoild tmi* MAIL 10.00 allyL.—SutdAy ftaol Clasgegfor' the interrhinah16 AWW" sdrawn, Z Dtot eqJfJP!nJtnt.,will run 0ose to 10�51(m. Z A-111.�1401y Co-nimunion Jt1dC"n*s, sil-ft muftes ;all iges, Z I Z r e�i.Wiscing VA� � IP� UTIRL Z '11.00 aml-�Morning Prkver v ave per - W6 h 11.00 axtu—Wrhing WbrAl 2.30 p.ni,­-Salldav Jo. a A. $Joe e.1ttitt! 'you -�ti a Ve Abd thetd As Wakh �ftst Agnaig d6ii Allttlt Mort 1pii-dt alld �COT&dtn.ItC tht NIght, by Ulottt*aj hovetst service, AW"Wt%ft pAtft ft oopuft" it olne commun Ituth mxaA ntft� liat it A I*Vti. A A . . 111r` " 9 4