HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1959-09-09, Page 8al11111111111111111111111111111111111111101111111111111111111111MINIIIMIIISHM11111111111111111111111110111G : W. R. HAMILTON • ii OPTOMETRIST i a Now a whole new golden world of SIGHT and ii I SOUND. See our HEARING-AID GLASSES, .., • ITI lightest in weight. _ i ii Phone 37 for appointment amismismiumminifflimmmummusimmemiwimmatmommmomel .110,11)$.0.001.4,*1111, ,,,,, Illt ,,, t"tr still,tl"1,"utrJtllrrilrrr,","rlrll111ltrtlalllli",JJl/11)Illttlll/Jill)/IIIIrIIJtirltt,rl y. Fall Fertilization Pa s! 3 SHUR.GAIN New Process Is your best fertilizer be Soil testing on ratifies*. Fertilizer spreader available free. ROCK BOTTOM Plias Popular analysis in stack at our watehionsa. WINGHAM FEED MILL PHONE 142 WINGHAM 11,01.111!14/iM1111!11 ,,,,,,, pillfri tttttttttttttt ttttt 111111111111MM ttttttt I tit NEW STUDY BOOK INTRODUCED AT WMS Mrs, D. S. MacNaughton had charge of the September meeting Of the Woman's Missionary Soci- ety in Wingham 'United Church when she introduced the new study book which will be used in the meetings during the fall and will- ter. This book is titled, "Afrida Disturbed", written by Emory and Myrtle Roes, Who had spent many years in Africa, gathering the need, ed material; The purpose is to consider the Main causes of unrest in Africa, and the role of the Christian Church in helping the African citi. zees, It is a. succession of stories Of the African people, as told per- aerially to the anther and is beatt- Welty illustrated, The March to- ward the goat of complete inde- peralenee for Africa has started, This desire for freedom was started by the Church and now extends through the Whole national lite. The ObestiOn is asked, "Row will the Christian Chruch Meet MA ac- dept this responsibility?" The devotions Were taken by. Mrs, MaeNaughton and Mrs. t: 11/feBureey, after which g, Lewis sang the solo, "I Aeard the yoke, ,of d':00$ ,Soy" PT' 171 fhot 'Trott •et 5opporr yea Isee0. aleeie heulery too. Ail fewer QTC,- llexttil DPW Store CASM—if Yen Jive, CASH-4f you die. PrOteetion fOr the fondly Comfort for your retirement ,Ali M one policy. Consult— FRANK C. HOPPER —Representative—a Canada Life VV1NGHAM, ONT. none 462 CROWN Theatre Harriston THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY — Sept. id, 11, 12 "THE LADY TAKES A FLYER" Starring Lana Turner and Jeff Chandler Plus "THE BANDIT OF ZHOBE" Starring Victor Mature Two action packed thrillers Features at 7.15-8.35-10:10 p.m MONDAY and TUESDAY September 14 and 15 "GREEN MANSIONS" Audrey Hepburn, Anthony Per- kihs, Lee J. Cobb in Tale of Thrilling Adventure Features at 7.15 and 9.10 p.m. WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY September 10 - 11, - 18 - 19 John Wayne and William Holden in "THE HORSE SOLDIERS" Two Greats together in an action starred picture, Features at 7.15 and 9.15 p.m. AT DUSK Two Shows Nightly' Cartoons at every performance WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY September 9 and 10 "The Diary of a High School Bride" Plus "The Ghost of Dragstrip Hollow" Birth BbaTILIION At Doctor's Hospital, Toronto ' on Sunday, August 30, 1950, to Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Bolin,- ion, Pordwich, a son, FEATURE RASPBERRY BUTTERHORNS 35c Pkg, REMINGTON'S 1.000.11* EXTR MILK.. CAN BE YOUR REWARD Canada Packers Limited for properly feeding your milk cow during her dry period. This is a period of preparation for the "happy Event". it Is time that must be fully utilised if your Dairy cows are' to do their best in the productive ninths ahead. SNUB-CAIN Dry and Freshening Ration "A" (WITH ADDED VITAMIN "A") fed at the recommended rate, will provide all the necessary nutrients to beslonce the roughage and ensure healthier cows at Calving and right through the ensulag lactation. Just a few pounds daily of SHUR4AIN Dry & Freshening Ration "A" fed during the dry period can mean 1000 lbs. *Ora Milk dining her next lactatiOn a a a great return for your feed dollar, „. __,t. . PRACTICAL FEEDS THAT INCREASE DAIRY PROFITS WINGHAM ONTARIO ii•••••••ww•—.•••••••••••• MU WALTER WOODS SPEAKS ON EDUCATION WROXETER--The theme of the Wroxeter Women's Institute meet- ing for September was Citizenship and Education, The meeting was held at the home of Mrs. T, 'Burke and was opened 'with the eingirig et the Ode and repeating the Creed. The motto, "A habit startp like a cobweb, but grows like a cable", was• given by the president, Mee, McLean, She said to make hay With the good ones, but subdue the bad. The minutes of the last meeting were adopted as read by the sec- retary, Mrs, Burke, The members Were reminded of the convention in Guelph on October 15 and 16. also of plans being made for a bug -trip to the Royal 4 Winter Fair in November. Mrs, Wylie and Mrs. Durke; who have :repently eaalten-, ed •from a trip to the British Isles and Europe, will give their' tra- velogue at the next meeting to be held in the community hall on Oc- tober e3, at 8.30, The following committee was chosen to arrange a program for the evening; Mrs. Greig, Mrs Mubroi Mrs. Adams and Mrs Davidson, Everyone will be welcome. Community singing was led by Mrs, MacNaughton The guest speaker, Mrs, Walter Woeds, spoke on the subject of our schools doing a good job. The many changes in methods of teach- ing were mentioned, showing how they have been improved, thus ar- ousjng more interest for the pupils. This adds to more enjoyment of their work. Words of advice to the teachers and parents were, "Be cheerful, be kied, be patient." Fifteen members and five visi- tors replied to the roll call, "Little things in life that lead to good citizenship". The singing of the national anthem concluded the meeting. Mrs. Gordon Greig was hostess. 46/1* 1404 The WI-110AM AdVallee-Ifirnea, Wedireeday, Sept IOW ea* rid your wheels of both"wiggle and bounce" by getting our... *BEAR: MAIM BALANCING SERVICE as advertised in the DOT TURKEY SUPPER SETT FOR OCTOBER eeeee ttt t eee. The regular meeting of the Wo- men's Missionary Society, St. An- drew's Presbyterian Church, was held on September 1st. Miss Cora Gilkinson, 1st vice-president; open- ed . the meeting with an inspira- tional poem "One Day at a Time" and Mrs. Wei. Ford led in . prayer. The very interesting topic for the day was "Women of the Old Testa- ment". Mrs. Leslie Fortune and Mrs. George Day gave short biographies of fourteen women; telling of their influence for good, or evil, on their husbands, their children and on the social and religious life of their nation. Mrs, Walter Woods read from PrOverba chapter 31, and in her meditation referred to this passage as Solo- mon's picture of the ideal 'lacunae. The acting-secretary, Mrs. Hor- ace Aiteheeon, read a message from Mrs. Dickson of Formosa, in which she asked for bedding, clothing, and money for medical supplies for the victims of recent flood disasters in that 'country. Mrs. T. A. Currie, Miss A, Mitchell and Miss la Pringle were appointed to assist the supply secretary, Mrs, W, H. Gurney in forwarding all donations to 'this fund. The offering was dedicated by Miss Isabel Fortune and the meet- ing was closed with prayer, DONATIONS NEEDED FOR DISASTER FUND Mr. end Mrs •George Wipp and two, sons of Themesterd spent certele of days teat week at the. borne of Mrs, Nate Pe-0044n. Mr, and. Mrs, Herb Welkora of. Belleville Were visitors last week at the ehome of Mrs, Herb Rogers. Mrs, William, Wilson spent laet, weeps With relatives in London.. Misses Beatrice Wade, Rolle VanYe/see and Maude Herding were Stratford visitors one day last week, Mr. Earl Ridley of Lender') spent- the week-end. with Mrs, Dora Rid-: ley. FORDWICH—The Fordwich En- ited Church W.A. was held on Thursday in the church parlors. In the absence of the president and, secretary, Mrs. George Richards and Miss Minnie McElwain acted. The theme of the meeting was "Love Your Enemies" -and opened with a hymn and the Load's pray- er in unison. Mrs. Richards read the Scripture, Roll -call was answered by 16 members and two visitors, Corres- pondence was read. It was decid- ed to have a hot turkey supper the middle of October. Mrs. Richards' will look after the advertising and a committee was nominated to see about the turkeys. Plans were. made to serve the Lions in September, the North Group to cater. It was decided to quilt a quilt •for a. meather. The meeting closed with all repeating the Mizpah benediction, Miss Elizabeth Ann Cooper, ideughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wray Cooper, has accepted a position in the Mutual Life Insurance in Wa- terloo. Mr. Donald MeDermitt, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Mc- Derrnitt, has accepted a position in • the Dominion Life, Waterloo. They both Commenced their duties on Tuesday of this week. Elizabeth Ann and Donald are graduates of the ,ListoweI High School. Mr. Robert Gibson, Mr. Oscar Bartman and Mr. Lloyd -Jacques were in Toronto one day' last week where they attended the semi-an- nual meeting of the Concentrated Milk Producers' Association, held in the Royal 'York Hotel, Mr. and Mrs. Doug Wildfang of Toronto were Week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Simmons. —Photo by Msyk. hain.United Church. Eldon Wraith of Lucknow was the groomsman,' The bride is a daughter' of Mr. and Mrs, fIugh Sirma,mon, Wing- ham and the groom's parents are Mr, and Mrs, Harvey Webster of Lucknow, Guestsfrom Kitchener and To- ronto, as well as the immediate dis- trict, were present and attended a reception which' followed in the Legion Home, Fora wedding trip to Northern Ontario Mrs. Webster, were a blue suit with black and white acces- sories and a corsage of red roses, The groom is a petty officer in the Royal Canadian Navy and his ship, the frigate II.M.C.S. Bucking- ham, which has been on the Great Lakes for the past five months, will return to Halifax later this month. P.0, Webster and Mrs. Webster will live in Halifax. Mr. William Sothern Sr.. is at present confined to Pairnerstori Hospital. Met Lloyd Jacques, Bill and John spent one day last week at the C,N.E. Mrs. Ruby Forester of Toronto spent the week-end at her home here, Mrs, Bruce Williamson of Loh- don spent the week-end With his mother, The latter returned to London With him and Will spend a, week there, Misses Beverly and Betty 'I ors- of Gerrie spent two weeks with their grendreother, Mrs, Wel- ter afersberg. Mr, and Mae Cordon Steinacker • visited relatives in Stratford one, day last Week. George. Baker enjoyed a bus trip on Friday with the Gorrie Stitttte to lYfidland and Coiling- Weed. Mr. Tau Pitiendreigh of Lenden spent several clan last Week et the httme 9r his parents, Mrs, Chetah Jantze larbitra and David of Baden spent the week-end with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, *Drain Eastman, Week-end guests at tile.home of Mr, and Mm John Craig were Mr. and Mrs, Willeote Craig and Mr. and Mrs, Alan Castle- and family of Toronto; Mr, and Mrs, Bert Summerhase and Mr. Bert Nelboim Mrs, Anson Demerling Is confined to the Palmerston Hospital at pre- sent. Mr, and Mrs. Earl Moore spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bricker in Baden, Mas- ter John Bricker returned home af- ter visiting a weele in Fordwich, Mrs. Jack Wilding of 'Toronto spent last week at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Anson Dem- erling. Mr, A. M, Bride returned hoine rtiday from Palmerston Hospital, Where he had been confined for some time. Mrs, Kenneth Jacklin of laitch ener spent one day last week here. Misses Nancy Sothern of Kitch- ener and Louise Browne of Toronto spent the week-end at their re- spective homes. Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Art Forester and Mr. and Mrs. Stan Forester were Mr, and Mrs. Alvin Clarke of Listowel and Mr, and Mrs. Ross Tomlin of Dur- ham visited Monday with the for- mer, 0 Mr. and Mrs. Morley Johnson and family, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Keil and family, Messrs. Jim Doig, David Steinacker, Fraser Pollock, Donald MeDermitt, Mr. and Mrs. William Marrinea Misses Nancy Sothern and Margaret McCann, Mr. and Mrs. Fred McCann, Miss El- izabeth Armstrong attended the Canadian National Exhibition in Toronto last week. Mr, and Mrs. Roes Doig visited oh Sunday at the home of Mrs. Bob Doig in Settforth Mr Clayton Brown left on Thursday for Hearst, Ont. His fa- ther, Mr, Willliam Brown, accom- panied him and will visit at Hearst for a few days and also spend a week with Mr, Andrew Brown at Sault Ste. Marie. Mrs. R. D. Jacques and Mr. and ,Mrs. Earl Clement of Sarnia vis- ited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Jacques. Mr. Glenn Johnson, Mary and Helen attetided the C,NE, one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Wray and faintly of Toronto spent the week- end in the community. CVVII, Plans for Harvest Tea The Catholic, Woman's League of ,Sacred Wart parish- held their September meeting alp the ,parish hall'with 15 members preeent. Mee. „Tenn Hanna, president, opened the meeting with prayer, The .minutes of the lest meeting were read by the secretary, Mrs, W, Telall3leinan and Vies, L, Rodman read the treasurer's report. Cerrespondenee was read, A letter of thanks was revolved from Father R. Beaulieu of Man., Who bad. received a bale of clothing fxoari the Wingham vision:of the C.W,L. He told of .the delight. in whtelt, these bales are received in poor. Indian missions. Plans were made for the annual harvest tea which will take place the last of September. • Father Freiter aelel teased el ad toe-bile te ly. a The meeting closed, followed by a presentation to Mrs. Ed, Palmer; who left Saturday for Pefferlaw. The lunch committee served sand- wiches and coffee, WESTERN FAIR TO OPEN NEXT WEEK An entire week of fun, enter- tainment and excitement com- mences. next Monday at Queen's Park, London, when Western Fair opens its 84th exhibition. The fair will be officially opened Monday night in front of the grandstand by Commissioner C, Rivett-Cateme of the RCMP. He will take the official salute of his scarlet-coated Mountie,s of the RCMP Exhibition Ride as they pass the grandstand on their black chargers. The Ride is an added attraction to the star-studded grandstand show, It will also be seen Tuesdayto Friday afternoons incltuh siv er features include the Wes- 'tern Fair Shrine Show-House worth over $2'5,000.• Some lucky person will win this furnished home Saturday night, Sept. 19. There are also five' small car prizes to 'be won by holders-of advance sale-ad- mission tickets. Livestock entries -have never been better, and the Agricultural Pavil- ion will be filled to capacity with prize cattle, 'horses, ,..sheep and swine', Western •Fair will again have the largest display of teem machinery of any fair in Canada. The evening horse show in, th'e Ontario arena, Tuesday to Solar- day,, promises exceptionally keen corapetitiOn, an,c1' should clraW full houses each night.. "What's new in industry" will be on parade in the Manufacturers and Confederation Buildings, The Art Building will blouse hundreds of valuable peiritinge. There' will be two cbmpetitive floWer shows, the first, Monday 'to Wednesday 'and the second Thursday to Sat- urday. There will be the usual after- noon band eoncerts, With ethnic groups taking Oyer ,the bandstand each evening for folk dancing. All in all, Western Fair this year has something for everyone, in- cluding the great Conklin adult midway and Kiddyland. BELMAR Mr. and .Mrs. Charles Adamson of Toronto spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Vanillin and other relatives in the village. Mr. Ralph McCrea was a patient in the Wingharii General Hospital a feev days last week. ' Mr. and Mrs. George Jones and family of London spent the week- end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John E. McCallum. Mr and Mrs.eArthur Henderson, Sydney and Dawn of Bruce Mines, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd ' Henderson, Dean and Debra and Mrs. JeHol- lingsworth of London recently Vis- ited with Mr. and Mrs. Richard Procter. MISS Sthella Nethery left this week for Saskatchewan to visit with relatives and friends and to attend the Golden Jubilee of the University of Saskatevale Mts. Ross Anderson recently at- tended the United Church School for leaders held at Attila College in St. Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. Les Wills and lam- 113r of Milton recently visited with the Miehie, relatives in Morris Township. Mr. and Mrs, James Anderson and family of Guelph visited with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl• An- dereon, and other relatives. Mrs, Thyra, Townsend and Mt. Jack Allen Of Milnico spent the Week-end with Mn, and Mrs. Thom- as Smith, Mr. MO Mrs, James La. Moat and fanny and Mrs.. Ralph McCrea and family, Mr, Elmer Thompeetr Of Meaford spent the Week end with. Mr, and Mrs, Neil McCrea. Mr, and Mrs, Wi11icIn Badger and Mies Edith Badger, of Perry ;Sound' Vette weekend visitors With. Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson, Clattniney are a short task 9,t, the ,subjeet of diristian stewardshin and a,;taper sn -telriperanoe Vvas read by Mrs, Jamie Henry, The, president Mem C. Intiglind, 0004 the 14oetlhe with prayer, KEN'S ALIGNMENT SERVICE Diagonal Road Phone 355 Wingh am FORDIVIGH Miss Anne Lindsay, who has spent the past two months with her grandmother, Mrs. Albert Johnson, returned to her home in Toronto, on Sunday. Miss Bonnie Inglis is leaving for Toronto this week, where' she will take a hairdressing course, Miss Annalise ,Anstorf will leave for, Kitchener, where she will also at- tend a hairdressing school. Dawn :Sinnamon Weds P.O. Webster. A ballerina gown of ChantfflY lace and nylon tulle was the choice of Dawn Evelyn Sirmarnon for her marriage on Saturday to George Richard Webster. The gown fea- tured a sabrina neckline encrusted with sequins and pearls and lily- point sleeves. The full skirt of Chantilly lace was encircled' with rows of ruffles of nylon tulle and her circular veil-fell from a head- dress• of pearls and rhinestones. She carried a white Bible crested with red roses, Miss Nancy Webster of Lucknow was matron of honor and her pink nylon net over taffeta gown was ballerina length. She carried a nosegay of white mums tinted blue. Rev, T. G, Husser performed the ceremony at three o'clock in Wing- Mr. and Mrs, Verne Denny and Thelma, presten, spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs, George Gibson, Mr. and Mrs. Allister Green and daugh- ter, Goderich, were Sundae?' visitors at the same home. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Steuernol and Kimberly, Elmira, and Mr. Bob Westlake,' Kitchener, were week end guests of Mr, and Mrs, George Westlake, Mr. and Mrs, William Maxwell and Mr. Harold Kaake were Sun- day visitors' With Mr, and Mrs.. Harry Pflance, Stratford, Friends' of Mrs. Ben Hislop will be pleased •to know she has return- ed'home following 'some time spent in Winghana Hospital. We are sorry to report Master Michael Gibson, son 'of Mr. John (Pudge) Gibson, is. a patient in Wingham Hospital. We hope his stay will be' of short duration. Mr. and Mrs. Mae Allan and Dick have returned to their home in Montreal. School has re-opened in the 'vil- lag'e witn' Mrs. Cecil Wilson, sen- ior ream and Miss Thelma Ben- nett, junior room, on the teaching staff this year. DONNYBROOK WROXETER *MA FRIDAY and SATURDAY • Septeinber 11 and 12 "THE FARMER TAKES A WIFE" Betty Grabie, Dale Robertson CEO. FORMBY in "I SEE ICE" Another avalanche of laughs With adetge, ' PATRONS PLEASE NOTE— The Harriston Drive-In will operate Thurs., and Sat, only after Sep. tether 12th— Me nitrous bolding Premium Beelte Of Tickets—can use Woo Thureday and Friday evenings din'' ing Month of September. same Woks will be honoured Idori4, clay, thrMigh Friday at the Crows Theatre Rex Office good for cud admission with the Mochas° el One Adult Admission. PLoOR Aluminum WALL SASH ah AWNINGS TILES DOORS IP i. LUMBER —. BUILDING -- CUPBOARDS Telephon• 269 winghto ..„.44,„....„..,.........,...4.....0.„.......,„...,,,..—,,,,— Folding . Aluminum ea.\ Walpole Miss Gladys Jefferson, Reg.N., of Woodstock, spent the Week-end with her sister, Mrs. James Leddy and Mr, Leddy.' Miss Josephine McAllister is a patient in Stratford General Hos- pital, having 'had an eye operation. We hope she will Soon be able to return to her home again, Mrs. Edward Robinson and baby daughter returned home Sattirdey morning from Wingham Hospital. Sunday 'visitors at the Robinson home Were Sgt.-Major and Mrs. ICI, W. Dainty, Gerald 'and •Linda, of Petawewa, Mr. and ,Mrs. Doug- las Williams, Lynne, Carol and Donna of London, Mrs. J. C. Rob- inson, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Rob- inson, Russel and Ray of Wing- bare and Mr, and Mrs. Stewart Smith and family of Kitchener, Mies Itene Jefferson has return- ed to her school at Dunnville. Miss Louise Jefferson is teaching in Clinton and Miss Betty Dever- eaux is teaching in London this year, 'Sunday Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John Noble and. family Were Mr, and Mrs, James B. Noble, of Thamesford, Mr, and Mrs, Fred Noble, Brianston, Mr. and Mrs, Donald Jefferson and Cheryl, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Shaddock, of Thamesford, MreBert Thompson left Tuesday Morning on a trip to Western CM-l-athe Mr, and Mrs Wesley jeffereon and Debra visited with her grand- parents, Mr, and Mrs, Willows Mountain at Lohdesboro. Mr, and Mrs, Stuart ChttrianeY at- tended 'the fuheral of Mee, Webster which was held M Wingham,