HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1959-09-09, Page 6I — to U) 1.17 to Lau .44 U) 3••• 0 •4•1 04 g co tti 11) •144 t,t 0 0 <2 U 0 tes t•-• 0.) 753 14 fa a-4 a, d't 90 Cn C4 g 4c4 U us a) I-- at., I ts4"ci ti) 0 04 ° 2 •ci :41 co t-t 0 c4 *et ' 0 4.) (14 ns 44 :4 *(t ua 0 ;•,4 a.1 1 44 < 0 to 2 14K *4e4 0 () ea tfr 5.1 ti I 0-1 1.14 1.4 cn 04 g 404 to .v . 1 0 , • 4 A • 413 •ti • , • r r THIS IS :THE TIME TO BUir:, IT'S 'FALLS -IP OUR PRICES ARE . THE LOWEST1 I , . WE OFFER THE EASIEST TERMS AVAILABIA! .0 I (NO CREDIT RESTRICTIONS) * F WE CAN'T MAKE A DEAL '58 PONTIAC Steato Chief-2-Door, 6 cylinder, custom radio-41,995 '58 PONTIAC Lautentiiin Hardtop-4-door, automatic, radio, 16,000 '58 PONTIAC Parieseiiiiie Hardtop-2-door,-automatic, power brakes, radio, ••• • '58 CHEVROLET Deltu4:-2-floor, sharp car! '58 CHEVROLET STATION WAGON-2 tone, custom radio, whitewalls.' '58 VAUXHALL STATION WAGON-I-door, two tone. '58 CHEVROLET Biscayne Sedan-4-door; radio, 2 tone, ete. 1957 CHROME TABLE • 36" X 48" X 60" SIX CHAIRS $89.50 Not exactly as illustrated ikty Now and Save at Walker Home Furnishings %Ingham Phone •106 S J. WALKER AdValleejThicea Wed., Sept 9, MO .at Knox 1314iTiC4PAVD--Mrs. garner. Nick. olson presided for the 'September meeting of the Wornen's Mission- ary $oulety of I<nnoat Presbyterian Olnireh held in the ohproh: on Tact, ay evening of last week, The :meeting evened with a hymn. hlra, Joe Dunbar read the'Scrip- ture lesson from genesis, chapter • 11, 'verses I, to 9, This was followed With the G".ati Tidings prayer. by • l',Irsr,s, ii4, O. Mrs, 6, Anderson gave, the • secretary's. report and Mts, Dunbar °Ave the financial statement, The roll cal was anaWared by naming a book of the. Old Testament and the offering was received, • . him Dunbar had charge ,of the business, Plans were made for at- tending and tatting part in the • annual rally of Iiuroneresbyterial, belag held in Goelerich on Septern-. ,e. ns.,ware. also. made.for-the •-acitobna Thanitofferilng. Twenty', one visits were reported to sick. • k. ants $111.1.-tus, .•.. Mrs. Joe Dunbar had 'the topic . . for .the meeting, "Women - of the Old ;testament". These were Sari, Book of Genesis. A hymn si.kn • f Raehel and Leah, all from the part In the brinnl:new gxinbition n,c,mor,lnnv. WESTERN FAIR AWTKAOrION-0 ere are. two of the 24 lit4ig.M.P, riders who vvilLtilE, Ride to be featured the .Woetern. Fair All. Star. Gratidatuntii, per; wife of Abram; Lot's wife and and the niceting closed with repeat., . ormauce .each evening SePteMber 14 to 19, at 'London. The fame us Mounties on their coal black oh ge%a lug the Lord's prayer in unison, will also perform Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday afternoons in front of •thaGrandstand,. • •.t. tet leleeeeeeef ALAN WILLIAMS eptometriSt Patrick Si!, Willghaill Phone 770 tashi mar DRIVE-IN THEATRE _ . L'Istow4..COntario ••••••••,!•••••••••!•••••••,,, Tv00 Shows Nightly Bain, or Clear Bog Office Open% at 8.00 o'clock FIrst SinaraillaBask Children tinter la in Cars Fre0 Cartoon at Each Performance THURSDAY and FRIDAY September 10 and 11 "THE MATCHMAKER" Anthony Perkins, Shirley MacLaine, and Shirley Booth SATURDAY and MONDAY September 12 and 14 7ARZAN'S GREATEST ADVENTURE" Gorden. Scott, Sara Shane, and Anthony Quale ;TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY 'September 15 and 16 "HOT SPELL" Adult Entertainment Shirley .Booth, Anthony Quinn, and Shirley Maclaine 111111.111111111110111ininli • BUSy EINDERGARTEN-Oorning to school or Vac first time at the .loeal Minim school are 00 vaildreu enrolled hi ,the kindergarten class. A few of 'the youngsters are shown above at they started. off the nay's activities at their sandbox. The group- is bro ken into two classes, one attending in the morning and the other in the afternoon, Reminiscences of Huron 75 CAR SALE — 75 CAR SALE — 75 • CAR SALE — 75 CAR SALE --- 75 CAR SALE Pearsontors Ltd, Pearson Motors Ltd. -- Pear-son Motors Ltd. ---:.Peirson Motors Ltd. — Pearson Motors the men and women who Carved out homes for themselves • in the dense forest and the stern moun- tain valleys-their story can only be imagined, for an Immense amount of the early history hils vanished beyond recall. In these ramblings of mine I have tried, in a feeble way, to . show, with -what • hardship, heroism' 'and determina- tion the foundation of our .country was built, and with the hope that they may find a place in the hearts and inamea of many people. Per- haps someone else may' tell a more complete story of the tens •of thous- ands of folk who, many years ago, struck out into the wilderness and converted that wilderness into the Canada which We enjoy today. An interesting time in farM life was soft soap making. The hard- wood ashes were collected during the winter, then when the warm weather came these ashes were packed in wooden barrels which had holes bored in the bottoms; they were then set up on a sloping platform, and from time to time a oneketful of water was poured over the ashes which would tedch .hrough and form a lye that was caught in h trough and _Placed in large iron kettles, Patk rinds and tallow were addid to :the lye and all was boiled for several days until it formed into a thick ,slimy substance, then taken olfand pack- ed in crocks for domeatie use such as 'washing clothes, etc. No modern- day washing product can yet beat the old soft soap. If we wished to take a bath on Saturday nigh., which we occasionally did, we would take the washtub to the woodshed, strip, and rub our bodies with the soft soap,• then splash" in the tub. Quite a primitive way to take a bath, but I tell you, when one was scrubbed with that soft soap one was scrubbed! Or course, the girls of the. family, were given a little more privilege; they were allowed to go up the stair.va3, and, make their toilet le the bed- room. Whether they used the soft soap or not I never really found out, but I suspect they did, for I never saw any castile, toilet powder or deodorant around the place. The soft soap had many uses around the farm, such as for greas- ing wooden rollers on farm ma- chinery; and if a horse had a strained muscle or tendon it Was rubbed well with the soft soap. Many a veterinary's or doctor's bill Was saved by these old home remedies. Oh, for the good old days of memories sweet and tender that' linger in our hearts! Happy is the Man who, looking back, cad say, "This is my heritage", I read, with much pleasure, Ilarry Boyle's story in the Goderich Signal-Star about old-fashioned rockers, It brought back Memories to Me of my .graddmother who used to sit id the old Wooden rock- ing Chair and hum to Us this touch- ing little Scottish poem The bairinea cuddle don at nicht Wi' intickic fatieht and din, Oh, try and sleep, Ye wakeful rogues, Yet falther'S ecnnin" int They' never heed a word I speak. I try to gib a fteen, But aye,. I hap them up and try; "Oh, bairdies, cuddle deed!" The hairnies cuddle doom, at nicht mirth that's .dear tae Me. But soon the ,big dark an' care Will quaiten don their glee; But taint what Will tae ilka, tale, May lta who sits &teeth Aye Whisper though their holds be held, "Oh, bairnieSs ditdclid dOWn".., By R, Henry Leishman Every community in Canada is rich in memories of the joys and sorrows of the pioneers, from which we can gather tales of tragedy and hardship, and many stories of chiv- alry and romance. Formal history plays an important part in form-? ing a national spirit, Canada has• an inexhaustible fund of such, but the history of the early settlers, • YOUR hila NOME - 1959 ,1 9 53 •I '53 CHEVROLET 150 Setlan..-7good condition Only $495 '53 AUSTIN Sedan-radio, new motor. '52 BUICK Spdan-Dynaflow, radio, 44,000 original miles. '53 PONTIAC Pathfinder Sedan '53' CHEVROLET Sedan-4-door, motor like new, 2 tope. Sounds good! Logical, tool You see the normal job of the kidneys is to remove excess wastes and acids Dodds -so often the cause of backache-from the system. Dodd's Kidney Pills stimulate the kidneys in this function and so may bring you a that welcome relief from backache they have many others. Try just 3-a-day. You can depend on Dodd's-in the blue box with the red band. 64 1952 '59 BUICK ELECTRA. 225, HARDTOP, 4-Door -.6-way seat, electric, windoWs, power vents," 'full power equipment, seleetrenie radio, SAVE $2,000 7 DEBIONSTRATORS - 5 PONTIACS - 2 BUICKS - SAVE $1,000 - on each vehicle, '59 VAU2CHALL thesearcest car on the market today, but we have them-YOUR MODEL CHOICE-YOUR COLOR CHOICE - ONLY $1,696 • 1 9 5 8 '52.PONTIAC) DELUXE SEDAN-radio, sun visor, etc. Only $295 '52 PONTIAC Deluxe Sedan • '52 DODGE Sedan-Grey '52 PONTIAC Deluxe-2-Door '52 „CHEVROLET Coach-Blue in colour MODERNIZE ,Z.g. NOW. • •• 1951' PAY LATER Only 095 ARO •7•• . '51 CHEVROLET 2-DOOR '51 PLYMOUTH 2-Doer--sharp: , - '51 DODGE Seditb-,4•Grcea in colour. '51 ,FONTI,A0 2-Door-anew motor, • • • • '51 PONTIAC Deluxe Sedan-Metallic Grey, 'SAM visor, e* '51 CHEVROLET Sedan-Blue, good shape.. ' • '51 CHEVROLET 2-Door-Blue, '56 motor.. '51 PONTIAC Deluxe Sedan; '51 DODGE 2-Door-radio, -etc, • '51 BUICK' Sedan-Gick, ' • „ . '51 BUICK 'Roadrnaster Sedan-radio, new „ '51 METEOR Customline Sedan, . . . AUTHORIZED '57 FORD Customline Sedan 300-radio, 8 cylinder, 27,000 mile'', bin; '57 FORD Customline Sedan 300-radio, automatic drive, wheel '57 FORD STATION WAGON Sedan-4-door, V8 automatic, radio. F '57 FORD CUSTOMLINE-2-door, radio, automatic, 8 cylinder-$1,05 . '57 CIThiVROEET Sedan-a tone, sharp car. i '57 METEOR Rideau 509 Convertible-power.steering, Whitewalls, automatic. Why take chances on the safety of your family- and waste money at the same time-with a worn- out furnace. Let us help you select the right size and model ANTHES furnace to suit your home heating needs. And we'll arrange PAYMENTS TO SUIT YOUR BUDGET Call us today and arrange to install low-cost, carefree automatic heating comfort before next heating season. PERCY W. CLARKE. Plumbing - Heating - Sheet Metal Work PHONE 255 WINGHAM 1 9 5 6 DEALER Aegaill110111111.11MI '116 FORD Customline Sedan-radio, whitewalls, Wheel discs; ete.-$995 '50 PONTIAC Star Chief Hardtop.--;hydromatic, radio, full leather upholstery. ., '56' BUICK Special Hardtop-4-door, whitewalls, etc. '56 DODGE Deluxe Sedan-4-doer, sharp car. '56 DODGE Deluxe Smithy-radio, whitewalls, wheel discs, etc. '56 PLYMOUTH Belvedere Sedan-V8, push button, powerflite, radio. '56 CILEVROLET 2-door-yery good shape.. '56 CHEVROLET I-doer-a:black and White. '56 CHEVROLET 150-a2-door, white in, colour. '56 PONTIAC Pathfinder-L-2-door, 'radio, etc. '56 PONTIAC Pathfinder Sedan-Only 26,000 miles. I • '50 AUSTIN SEDAN.-Green, radio, etc. Only $O 2-Door-blue. '50 PONTIAC '50. MERCURY :Sedan-radio, 2 tone 'Green. . '50 PONTIAC Deluxe Sedan---=Green, radio, etc Walker Home Furnishings is offering OUTSTANDING VALUES IN MODERN CHRO E K1TCHE, SUITES • . ............... ... . '0 DODGE STATION WAGON-brand new motor, n'49 .PLYMOUTH 2-DOOR-ratlio, spot tight. '49 CHRYSLER SEDAN-radio, automatic transmission; '42 PLYMOUTH SEDAN. ° a.m.* TRUCKS - - TRUCKS - - TRUCKS 5-NEW GMC PICKUPS in Stock •-serviced and completely equipped-$1,995 and any trade-in (if it's a truck & runs) '57 FORD A TON PICK-UP, '56 DODWi 1/.1 TON PANEL, '56 DODGE 2A TON VAN-New motor, excellent shape. ',153 GMC A ION PICKUP,' . '52 Colle, i TON PICKUP, '52 DODGE..2 TON-flat rack, good tires, '51 MERCURY, A TON ntuur. '51 MERCURY N` PLOTO tur, 'S0DODGE 3 TON DUMP-5-speed transmission, '53 PONTIAC SEDAN DELIVERY, '50 INTERNATIONAL 1 TON STAKE-7x9 racks, dual Air wheels, excellent tires, '55 DODGE SEDAN-ratlio ' new motor, etc. -„,....„.„.„.....,.• ..... ...... ,..„, ..... 095 '55 PONTIAC Convertible VEa-power brakes, windows, seats, radio, only 33,000 miles. '55 PONTIAC Laurentian 'hardtop-2-door, whiteWallS, wheel distal, etc. '55 CHEVROLET Bea Aire Sedan---V8 automatic power, power steering; radio, • '55 CHEVROLET S'T'ATION WAGON-1-doot, 2 tone, V8 atitomatic, '55 CHEVROLET 150 Sedan-32,000 original miles. '55 CHEVROLET 150 SealanL-37,000 original miles. '55 CHEVROLET Schalk-2 tone, 178 automatic, power Steering. '55 ait iveitOti:ire:i3bTlue,?i-door—custorn radio, finished la beautiful nti 1954 '51 CHEVROLET DELUXE SEDAN-with 'radio Only $695 '51 METEOR Rideau Hardtop-.--power steering, automatic, rialio, '54 BUICK Special Sedan--Dynaflow, very clean., • '54 PLYMOUTH Deluxe Sedan-,,exeellent shape. '54 PONTIAC '2-Door-sharp ear; Green. CIIEVII.O.Ler.e 13e1 Mr Sedan-powerglide, etc, '54 PONTIAC 2-Door Chili Cotipe-autoniatic drive, custom radio, toil leather interior. nloommemmeame' YOU .CANNOLBUY CHEAPER BECAUSE WE ARE • THE LARGEST VOLUME DEALER 'IN HURON COUNTY t- tki ; tin X (1 Al • G.M.C. TRUCKS BEIVORD VANS. EXETE S PONTIAC BUICK. v40(10.0;,,, ZURICH • P °ACP/ °M1 d - *pri sAttut)itsi mid40)Ai uosalcoa pri it.tolow ttoct.04 'p!f noslood TIVS 11V3 St SL WA'S )21V0 OA 31Y ITYD aivs Avo St., ---'-.5..- (P.