HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1959-09-02, Page 6Buy Now and Save at
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SIX CHAIRS NoW eittetiy as illustrated
The'Whig,Chi (INVIcO jrinle*, WOOtt414Y, 144Pt, 1$10
en,, new president of Western Fair
4.es,ociation Who prodiets the
ift90,14.F. Exhibition Ride of 24 men
44,4 horses win be the greatest
tingle attraction in Western Fair.
Votary, Fair dates this Year are
September 14 to 19, London.
WAS, Plans to .Hold
Sectional Meeting.
B10t4MORJ!,1-The WM$ of Bel-
More United Church met on Wed,
neadaY last at the home of Mrs..
Johann, The theme was "The Joy
of Living". A hymn was swig fol-
lowed by payer. Psalm 104 and
John 15 were read,
Miss Lavonne Ballagli. then sang
a solo, "How Can I Help But Sing",
Mrs, Norman Newans gave a paper,
"The Need for Reform", Mrs, 'I'.
Abraham gave a reatling on tern
perance, "Headline Wedding",
Mrs. John Harper gave two short
readings. "Choosing the Better
Part", and "Don't Wait" -stressing
the fact if we owe any courtesy to
anyone, old or young, don't put it
off, do it right away, tomorrow
may not be ours. Roll call was a
parable in the
Mrs. H. Mulvey, vice-president,
then took the business part of the
meeting, and plans were made for
holding the sectional meeting in
Belmore in September, The. meet-
ing was closed with prayer,
• %
Phone 207 Wingham Free Delivery
• issued hi amounts from $100 upwards
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Canadian Insurance Companies and
trust funds.
35 Dunlop St.,
0 n A 14 mia gas 11 10111,/016 W ina VO ita malt aa 11110 I, Hi /fa - -
A pretty summer wedding was
sOimenized at Sacred Heart Church,
Wingham, on Thursday morning by
Rev.-Father O, Freker, uniting in
marriage Margaret Helen Brophy,
Wingham, daughter of Mrs, Brophy
and llre late Joseph Brophy arid
John James Walters, Teeswater,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Walters
of Wingham, Rev', R, Durand, of
Dublin, was present in the sanctu-
ary, Miss Christine RunStedtler was
soloist•and the children's choir sang
during the mass.. '
Escorted to the altar 'by her
brother, Gerald Brophy, the bride
was lovely ie a ballerina-length
dress of white silk peau de sole
with inserts of chantilly lace. The
sabrina neckline was beaded with
sequins, A short shoulder length
veil and 'taffeta elbow mitts com-
pleted her ensemble, She carried a
cascade of Better Times roses. •
,As maid, of honour for her sister,
Today international relations
were cemented in a new way when
an Italian boy' was given his first
bicycle by, a St, Genevieve, Quebec,
The shiny black bike was some:.
thing that ,12-year-old Maurizio
Chiatelli "had,, wanted,; for a long
time , and • something that he
'thought he'd 'never, own, You see,
Maurizio and his mother live in, a
very, 'poor section of Italy where
foOd and shelter is about as far as
the, family budget will stretch,
But Mr. and Mrs. David Blaiklock
and their five children made Maur-
izio's dream come true , and he's
been spotting ."Vive le Canada"
ever since.
The Blaiklocks have been Maur-
izio's-foster, Parents for almost a
year. They, financially "adopted"
him. through Foster Parents' Plan,
Inc., in .Montreal. Plan operates in
eight ,countries throughout the
world and help poor and debilitated
children whenever they are needed,
Maurizio's dad Was killed in a
logging accident several years ago.
There was no' pension to help the
widow and child and they had to
'earn a living working in the fields.
Poet. .food and cold paid their ,toll
on the poor. woman and she wris
unable to continue working. Maur-
izio 'resorted to begging in order
let's decorate
vAirt k.k.
The pale pink . nursery isn't'
decorated to please baby-it is
planned ' to please the young'
mother. Because babies can respond
only to vibrant colour, with red
their instinctive choice, tests in-
dicate clear red has always been
number one on the colour hit
parade from tots to teens.
Red and white is an ideal colour
scheme for the baby and it has
the double advantage of being a
colour combination he won't quick-
ly outgrow.
Walls might be a flat finish
washable white.' (There is a new
paint on the market now which
can be written on with chalk and
then erased).
Because children's eyes are sensir
tive to light, lined :draperies that
will pull across the window are
recommended. However, the drapr
eries can be short-just to the
sill-and in a coarse, bright fabric
such as a gay red and white -strip-
ed sailcloth.
In selecting patterned , fabrics,
stripes are excellent for youngsters
and so are huge coin dots or bal-
loon patterns. Design with detail
tends to confuse them; keep the
decorating 'bright and bold,
A long, lo7T bench for the little
tot to sit on is easily made front a
length of plywood with screw-on
legs. It might have a long, flat
cushion upholstered in tough, red
denim. A play table can be made
from an. old door or a piece of
3/4." plywood. The legs - of . both
bench and play table can be
changed for longer legs so that
they can grow with the child.
If your child is inheriting 'a pot-
pourri, of old furniture, you might
give all the pieces uniformity by
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Husbands are a strange lot, Now
most of 4S. are erebahly much
better cooks than were .our
thera--aad rnother.S.in-lawl We
have packaged products, canned
And frozen foods, and handy
appliances to thank for this,
But every now and then, the
master of the house gets a ,nostal-
gic craving for one of "Mother's"
traditional dishes-like Puree Mon-
gole. And little wonder. For this
is a flavorsome green pea soup,
thickened with clelicious celery,
onion, carrot and green penper and
garnished with crisp crumbled
Luckily the modern housewife
can produce this culinary master,
piece in a fraction of the time it
took mother, For the green pea
soup itself, over which Mother
slaved for hours, can now be ob-
tained from a convenient package,
As to the preparation of the vege-
tables and bacon-well that's a
labor of love, Cooking time?
About 1.5 minutes.
A tantalizing soup is Puree Mon-
gale. Follow it with sandwiches,
or an appetizing salad, for hot-
weather suppers guaranteed to
please husbands.
Puree Mongols with Vegetables
3 slices bacon
2 tablespoons bacon fat
lit cup chopped onion
lel cup °hopped celery
% cup finely-chopped carrot
1 tablespoon chopped green
3 cups cold water
1 package green pea soup
1 ,can (7% oz.) tomato sauce
1/4 cup milk
Cook bacon: remove from pan.
In 2 tablespoons of the bacon fat,
saute onion, delery ; carrot, and
green ipepper until tender, Stir in
cold water and green pea' soup.
Heat to boiling, cover and simmer
three minutes. Add tomato sauce
and milk, reheat, Serve garnished
with crumbled bacon, Makes 4 to
6 servings.
Don't Save
Old ,Drugs
Many drugs become highly con-
centrated and therefore more po-
tent with age, In some cases they
may 'become poisonous. It is, there-
fore, a good idea to do a periodic
cleanup of the medicine cabinet
and get rid of all old prescriptions
medicines which are not currently
in use.
Pour the liquids away; burn or
crush and flush away all pills or
tablets so that children may not
find and eat them. Even some of
the mildest of adult medicines may
poison small children,
Linen Shower for
Margaret Brophy
Mary Louise Flach was hostess
on Monday of last week when
about twenty friends gathered at
her home in honor of Miss Mar-
garet Brophy whose wedding to
John Walters took place last Thurs-
Those who attended were girls
who are now working at CKNX,
or who had formerly worked with
Margaret. The bride-elect was
presented with many lovely linen
Lunch was served by the hostess
and an enjoyable social evening
was spent.
Mocha "Float
2Vel teaspeona .instant coffee
4 teaspoons •sugar
2 cups) ,chilled milk
2 tablespoons chocolate. syrup
Vanilla .or chocolate tee. cream'
Combine instant coffee With •
sugar, milk .and chocolate .syrup in:
Shaker, glass jar or electric blend-
er, Shake well or blend, Pour
Into tall glasses; top with ice.
cream. Makes 2 servings, •
Brazilian Coffee
1,4 cup instant coffee
2 cups boiling water '
1 square unsweetened chocolate
14, cup sugar
Dash of salt
2 cups milk
.;, Whipped.. cream,,.,_
DissOlve coffee 'in boiling water
in top of a double boiler, Add
chocolate and place over low heat,
stirring until chocolate '
Blend well. Then add • sugar and,
salt and boil 4 minutes, stirring
constantly. Plebe: over 'boiling
water, Add milk gradually, stir-
ring constantly until mixture is
hot. Beat until light and frothy.
Serve 'in demitasse ctips and top
with whipped cream. Makes about
12 servings,
painting them a hard wearing
To paint stripes on the drawers
of the fitrniture, first apply a coat
of your main colour. When 'thor-
oughly dry, use masking tape in
long strips and, then paint on the
contrasting colour. When .the
second coat is dry, peel off your
tape and you have perfect stripes!
You might want to invest in a
linoleum tile floor or cover the
existing floor with a long-wearing,
craft fibre rug,
If you are 'decorating for a
little girl, you might prefer to
substitute softer, more feminine
fabrics such as dotted Swiss or
drip-dry organza at the window
and striped cottons for cushion uP-
But whether it's a boy or girl,
lucky the youngster who has 'his
own room. And luckier, still, if
his parents have decorated it es-
pecially for himi
YUILL-At the Wingham General
Hospital, on Wednesday, August
26, 1959, to Mr. and Mrs, Clar-
ence Yuill, R.R. 5, Brussels, a
SLAVVIK-At the Winglilim Gen-
eral , Hospital, on Wednesday,
August 26, 1959, to Mr. and Mrs.
Wendelin Slawik, R.R. 1, Tees-
water, a daughter.
BAILEY-At the Wingham Gener-
al Hospital, on Thursday, Aug-
ust 27, 1959, to Mr. and Mrs. Ron-
ald Bailey, Wingrm, a son.
McCUTCHEON-At the Wingham
General Hospital, on Thursday,
August 27, 1959, to Mr. and Mrs.
Clarence MCCutcheon, R.R. 4,
Brussels, a daughter.
ROSS-At the Wingham General
Hospital, on Friday, August, 28,
1959, to Mr, and Mrs. Norman
Ross, R.R. 1, Wingham, a son.
Take Firm Grip
.On Steering Wheel
High speed, hot sun, under-
inflated tires ,all increase the
likelihood of a blow-Out, A tight
grip On the wheel is‘ the first
esaential When this flash peril
strikes, etnphasizes. the Ontario
Safety League:
-Photo by Connell.
Miss Patricia Brophy was gowned
in a cocktail length dress Of daf-
fodil yellow silk orystalette, styled
with back interest of dipping 'yea
neckline. She carried a cascade of
bronze baby mums,
Gdorge Xing, Teeswater,'attend-
ed the groom, and Wilfred Walters
and Desmond Brophy ushered the
guests. '
A wedding 'breakfast was served
at the Legion Home where, the
bride's mother received wearing a
teal blue silk dress, dusty rose
accessories and carnation corsage.
She was assisted*, by the groom's
mother, who chose dusty rose.
french lace over silk With matching
hat and gloves and carnation cor-
sage, f . •
• On return from their wedding
trip Mr. and. Mrs, Walters :will, re-
side on the groom's farm at, Tees-
water., ,
Children's Lives
Are Precious
The Ontario Safety League re-
minds all drivers, that YOUNG
lives are particularly precious; and
that 'a "School"sign means some-
thing very important after Labor
Day, • "Watch Out tror Children')
is the message put out on posters
by the Ontario Department of
Transphrt,„„as 'Part , of 'its Child
Traffid Safety 'Campaign' in ',Sep7
tember. It is an excellent piece of
advice, for drivers, all the 'year
to feed the two of them, This was
(before the Blaildocks heard of
Maurizio, Now, their $15 a month
donation provides food and Medi-
cine and warm clothingi r for
Maurizio and his mom. It enables
him also to go to school .With the
rest of, the children his age. Right
now, Maurizio is in,the .first grade
at Vocational School and his foster
parents want him to graduate be-
cause• he is such a good student.
There are thousands of children
like Maurizio throughout the world,.
They need kindly foster parents
throughout Canada and the U.S. if
they are to live to adulthood.,You
can become a Foster Parent by
writing today to FOSTER PAR-
ENTS' PLAN INC., 4'.O. BOX 65,
STATION B, Montreal, P.Q. A
child somewhere needs you. Don't
let him down.
• ..7.,,..7.37.VS.,PFT/ •
Some say it was the Marquis ,of
Louvois, Louise XIV's Minister of.
War who first thought of combin-
ing Chocolate and coffee to create
a, subtle new flavor, In any event,
Cafe .LOuvoia, half coffee and half
chocolate served with g dash Of
whipped cream is named after him.
Others say it was the invention Of
a RUsUjRn chef who first served
this combination to one of the
Czars for breakfast and called it
Russian coffee, But it really does-
n't matter who discovered it. What
is important is that an unknown
gourmet gave us. a delicious new
flavour. ,
Mocha Icing
31/2 cups sifted icing sugar
1,1, cup breakfast cocoa
% teaspoon salt
1,4:: cup shortening (part butter)
6 tablespoons cold coffee (about).
-14- teaspeen • viteilla- • •
Sift together sugar, cocoa and
salt. Cream shortening. Add part
of sugar mixture gradually, blend-
ing after each addition until light
and fluffy. Add the remaining
sugar, alternately with coffee,
until of spreading consistency,
beating after each addition until
smooth. Add vanilla; blend, Makes
enough frosting to cover tops and
sides of two 9-inch layers, three 8-
inch layers or two 8 - or 9-inch
THORNTON-- At the Wingham
general Hospital, on Saturday,
August 29, 1959, to Mr. and Mrs.
William Thornton, R,R, 2, Gorrie,
, a son. , I
I RISEBROUGH-At the Wingham
General Hospital, on Sunday,
F49 1 August 30, 1959, to Mr. and Mrs.
Kenneth Risebrough, Holyrood,
a daughter.
CONLEY-At the Wingham Gen-
eral Hospital, on Sunday, Aug-
ust 30, 1959, to Mr. and Mrs. Eu-
gene Carney, R,R, 5, LucknoW, a
ROBINSCiN- At the Wingham
General 'Hospital, on 'Sunday,
Augstu 30, 1959, to Mr. and Mrs,
Edward, Robinson, R.R. 2, ' Au-
„burn, a daughter; '
LLOYD-=At the Wingham General
Hospital, on Monday, August 31,
191,9, to Mr. and Mrs, Melvin
Lloyd, Wingham, a daughter,
Drivers who steer with a limp
wrist draped over the top Of the
wheel, while' the left hand holds
on to the roof, are badly placed to' WF,i) Anglican Church was the seene of the prevent tbe swerve and roll-over
Wedding on August 28, of Mary Elizabeth Sanderson, Fordwich And that is too often the tragic result
Kenneth Arthur- elACIdin of 11106Vale.u--11toto by HerVey McDowell. I of blow-out at speed,"
Wed at Sacred Heart'
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