HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1959-09-02, Page 5CHELSEA
35c •
Listowel, Ontario
Theatre . Holliston
SATURDAY — Sept. 3, 4 and 5
The All Laugh Double Bill
Army Show
FeatureS at 7,15-9.00-10,26 p.m.
WEDNESDAY -.L. Sept, 7, 8,11
Starring Ingrid Bergman
A motion picture with real
heart appeal_
Features at 7.00 and 9:30
Special Adult Price 75c
SATURDAY — Sept. 10, 11, 12 •
nStarring Lana Turner and a
Jeff Chandler
` Plus
Starring Victor Mature
Two action packed thrillers
Features at 7.15-8.35-10.10 p.m.
kill111.11•111111.11•111.1i all
11 A in
Two Shows Nightly
Cartoons at every performance
' ' September 2 and 3
September 4 and 5
Is A Honey of a Picture
Both in Technicolor
September 4th
2 Holiday Thrillers — (Adult)
September 7 and 8
14e0fetribet 9 and
"ThelDiary of a High
School Bride"
The :Ghost of •
Citagsttip Hollow"
IA14', 40
Mnneest•or abligation'well cit0c1C your furnace 'e• and let you know its: condition,
you plan to ntoOrniz,c your heating let us help You .01,00.Se lbe'Tight ;size to. Snit Your needs. install Cleat), safe,:dependenle ANTHES beat-
leg with low down payments 'and tOms 'to suit
Par budget, Harry
. ,........
Plumbing .— Heating Sheet Metal Work • •,
Veryone thinks of heating equipment at the
same time every Fall..114,,tansrti lave yours cheek.
led petty. "'u t' sass Mont:Y-4nd worry!
liflosttute Aittosecoonoolo,,, W
LE:armers_ Oill ilia
The. `Work an'Shopping
CUMIN .7% 000TS
Our Large Quantity Buying Permit**
Sell Cheaper,
A Canada Life special ,eontract
providing Life Insurance and
renaien Option all in one policy
available' from age 0 to age 55.
Canada Life
Phone . 482 .• ;
• Miss Ann Millar is sPeading this
week, at. the borne, of her grand-
Par011ts; Mr, and Mrs. Drew Aitc111-
8,mniriFforida; • , •
4i community still
ShieleynEurigamiderweni • aa
eettlnay ':lifra•Mterray • Donaldsam ;an
laptiOrinnefOrnYes Min • Bruce alarM-
ktrInesee'egestiereof ninnena They
Weyeaananconfined'to Inatowel Hes-
•'.,' :'.•
. :Williamson visited
1•4'Sseveran'daye'last Week in 'Tor-
ni,itotanci "::attended the HOutley-
.s.."7:MrS!Infi:d? nfre,. 'George Bolander.
an'clJOhrinfif,.. London spent jthe
Week;OidnaVItlit -Mtn: Dora':Aidley.
Min:, and Mrs: Maurice 'Dixon' re-,
tntnednto:TOronte over the week-
''end ,aftee•sPending two"weeks heee
attttielreine, ofSAIr, and Mrs: Wil=
Iiam ,DaVies ' •
-Xr.:.:nad.:Mrs, Everitt Allen and
Mrs,'..Fred"Hambly .spent one day
last week in Kitchener. '
anon and Mrs. Gee. Ashton and,;
lyIn'aKenI,AShton spent one day last.
week. : NOW Rev. and Mrs.'. Everitt
Asliton anlheir .surnmer, cottage at
, • , •
YJ,,,MiSsySharon Olireeht .of Mimico
,Lis spending this week, with Mrs:
InntlySFoStei. and Jean': - •
caMr. °arid: Masa Ross: Ding" and :Mr.
aliOIMrs,-J.oe.:GalliVan :visited one
days'lait :-Week• with Mr, and Mrs.
•Dpnald Dcligain Galt.
'n1VIrS:';'•W'illia.ns Keener and Bruce .
rettirnealbofne•laat Week to Tulare,
'.,after visiting , at the
.liaiienrof:',MK and 'Mrs, Bert 'Win-
steanlEffeeeSaperinfive months and
:Mrskil4elleinene", month at the
sWit#Inn • hena,
ysl4tr anti Mrs.
to:tens:04nel ,Grimsby visited on
Goedon.13ulley :ann
'S,Odiyavnitin Mra enclf, Mrs. %Harold
i'andaMiss Earn' Inborn` spent
Smikairsts4 nthenhisaak 'of aind
AlikniVdn'Aermy iii Erin, 'Misses:
Earkinft)enny. ends Mary Loti„:re-
tikieC''therne with = them after`
spending ltWO'weeks ,bere.a Master,
.3Altr:i*.fileker returned to :Forth
Sa MinnFirask' 'Gibson left;last' Week
for the aWeStarn • Proyinces, wh.nre
h'ensi011:•Werk , Awing, the harvest
w.,Miii:Is'obel Culp-of Drayton spent
teeeneeks!at thabome of Mr: and
Min:Aerial. Martin:,
!4"'aisranarsdaltfrs, Peter Chiomey and
,Tki4•ofsParnenlborne emit several,
.ClaYS';10t;vveelCat the home of Ur.
annanitrsAlei Keitha `•' ' • . •
and: Mrs, Jack King and
feinilYs. visited several days last
week in :Toronto.
'•-tIVIr.Alyin•DennY of Guelph visit-
ed ::frienclas ina the consrnunity one
daylast,vieek.,• •
',Weelnerad yisitors at the home' of
Mrs :George Raker were, 'Mr. 'aild
Mis,i:Ea,r1'• Baker . and family 'of
qgitIkk.'7g-,r; :and Mrs. Elmer ,Giles
ind;':G,afY'Of Arisona: On Saturday
. they ;Iall 'attended the Giles-Hosa-a, field/ wedding in the Lutheran
Church at Walkerton. - •
a-Mra BobBeb ^Baker of fsondon is - ,
spending a' week. with his grand-
Mother, ;Mrs. Martha Baker.
:and Mrs. Carl Stewart and
Deughts 'of Listowel spent a couple
of days last week with Mr. and
Mrs, Bill Sotheria
Mrs. Wellington Hargrave and
Douglas are spending a few days
this week in Toronto,
Mr. and infra Art Forester visit-
ed Sunday with Mr.' and Mrs, Tom-
liri in Durhani,
Mr, and Mrs, Emerson liar-
Nfr,'.aud Mrs. Jantett. V, W. Gaunt
spent a feet days with his parents,
Mr, and Um Edgar G. Gaunt and
left for Kingston, where t11111 will
continue his St114/0$ at qiieen'0
Mrs, X,Jaura, Johnston and George
spent the week-end with Mrs.
George Johnston at Wingham,
Mr, and Mrs. Russell Walker and
Mr. and Mrs,'Harry MeGulre have
returned to their 110110 after
spending, the past tar e Weeks at
Lake Simcoe.
Mr, and Mrs, Jelnea H. CoOlteS,
Marie and Audrey spent Vow' days
on ,the Manitoulin Island anti Points
Mrs, Stan Halliday of London ,
spent a feW days with Mr. and
Mrs. Robert •Higgins and other re-
and Mra, Herb Wheeler,' ,
Mrs, Annie Rae of ,WroiNter is
epending a .few days with 'her
daughter and' son-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs, Edgar Wightnian and family,
Mr. and , Mrs, Harold Vincent
and family spent a few days last
week on a trip tp Manitoulin
Northi Bay and other points in
Northern Ontario.
Jack Cook and Bill Nethery left
this week to work in the tobacco
fields in the Tillsonburg and Delhi
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Beyers, of
Royal Oak, Mich,, called on friends
in the-village on Sunday.
Leave on Trip
To Western Canada
BELGRAVE—On Tuesday even-
ing of last week a going-away par-
ty was held at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Gordon Pengelly for
Douglas Kilpatrick, Alan Mc/3,ur-
ney, • David Hanna and Donald
Pengelly, who left on Wednesday
morning for a trip to. Western
Canada, including a visit to Cal-
gary and the coast,
About 20 friends enjoyed an eve-
ning of dancing. Lunch was served
and the boys were presented with
grave and Mr, and .Mrs. .Stan
Forester visited Sunday with Mr:
and• Mrs. Gordon Yeo at Wroxetera
The service of Holy Baptism was
held in Trinity Anglican Church
on Sunday morning when Sharpn
Cora 'Mae, infant 'daughter -of Mr..
and George•n'Hollanda was*
baptized, by the rector of the
church, RevnE. C. Attweil,
Messrs Fraser Pollock ancrDavid
'Inglis spent a couple of , days last
week at 'Bruce Beach,
Miss Marie Browne spent Friday
in Toronto.
Mrs. Elsie Strong' and Mrs.. Pearl
Patterson and. Leslie Campbell re-
turned home last week after a
three weeks' visit to Vancouver,
Mr. Bob Rumple of Hamilton
visited hi the community over the
week-end, '
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Mister were
in Kitchener one day last week
where they visited with the latter's
mother, who at present is confined
to the hospital there:
Miss Mary' Corbett and Mrs.
Ruby Forester of Toronto spent
the week-end at the latter's home
Mr. and 'Mrs. Eldon 'Graham and
family of Toronto spent the week-
end at their home here. .•
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Campbell,
Allan and Kerry visited Friday
with Mr. and Mrs. 'George Moss.
Master Bobby Campbell returned
home with them ,,after spending a
week there.
Miss Marylee Riddell of illatris-
ton visited last week with .her
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Stan
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Cooper, Mies
Beatrice Wade and Mr. Harold
Hamilton returned 'home Satur-
day after visiting for two weeks
with, relatives in Manitoba.
Mr, and Mrs. Glenn Martin and
G. R. Kim
who marks his 26th anniversary
as the representative of the Pru-
dential Insurance Company in
Wingham on. September 3. HO is
Married to the former Evelyn
AlleKaY, and, they 'have two sons,
1)avid- mut aDiele 'ma - '
The 25th annual school for lea-
ders, sponsored •by the W.M.S. of
the United Church, London Con-
ference Branch, was held at Al-
ma College, St. Thomas. •
The first school for leaders for
adult groups was held from Sun-
day, August 23 to 'Wednesday of
last 'week. The second school, for
leaders 'of younger groups, con-
tinued from August 26 to 29.
Attending from this area were
Mrs, Wrn, Cruikshank, delegate
from the Presbyterial, Mrs. Ross
Vogan representing the local aux-
iliary, Mrs. ,Ger•ald Galbraith and
Mrs. George Brown •of Gerrie and
Mrs. Clarence Hanna of Beigrave
and Mrs. Charles Smith of West-
Miss Frances Walbridge,:I „inns-
si ona *stein' rinil f ions
Africa, led the school. in the study
of missionary work and 'the prob-
lems in Africaa'
Studies were also conducted 'in
Christian stewardship and finaitee,
religious drama and effective
Christian 'leadership. The person-
al contacts with missionaries,
scholarship students and wdinen
with long standing in the W.M.S.
is an experience which is particu-
larly valuable to the a leaders and
members who attend the school,
The highlight of the event was
the silver anniversary banquet held
on Wednesday evening, when over
300 delegates from both schools,
Mr. and. Mrs.. Cecil ; Wilson left
Saturday -for a motor trip to
Buffalo, New York and the St.
Lawrence Seaway,
Sunday visitors with Mrs. Emma
Williamson were Mr. and Mrs.
John A. Morrison and' Miss EVelyn
MOrrisbn of Parkhill and Mr.
Bruce Williamson of London.
Mr. sand Mrs. Cecil Cavell of
Winnipeg and Mrs. Mary Kincaid
of Listowel visited on Saturday
with Mr, and Mrs, Ross Doig,
Mr. and Mrs. Mac McIntosh,
Bonnie and Bruce of Bressela
spent Sunday With Mr, and Mrs.
H. M. Bride,
' Births
SIMMONS—To Mr. and Mrs, Lyle
Simmons, a son, on Monday,
Aug, 31st, in Listowel Hospital.
ItUTTAN—To Mr. and Mrs. Anson
Rattan, a daughter, Sunday,
Aug, 30, in Listowel Hospital. ,
GORRIE-Achlevereent I)ay for
Garden Club girls was held in
• Wingham on Tuesday of last week.'
Margaret Ann Wilson gave Om-
ments on an exhibit of vegetables
from the home garden. Each prie•
displayed i collection of vegetables
and a bouquet of flowers,
The following girls from the
Gorrie Club completed the course;
Owen, Hyndmart, Evelyn Ann .Ste-
phens, Diane and Doris Carswell,
'Joanne 'Strong, Carol Keil, Mar-
garet Ann Wilson, Nlize,beth Stok-
es, Margie Nestle, and YYM:104.
$Parling., Mrs. Glenn Johnston
end Mrs, Clarence Sparling were
Any girls' interested in the alit
Mnn eouree, "Clothes Closets Up-
to-date", please get in touch with
the Women's Institute, The Lee-
dom' 'Training School will be held
• in Brusaels Sept, 29th and 30th.
Joseph Jacklin.
in 83rd Year
,There passed away at the Wing-
ham General Hospital, on Tlaurs-
dEtY, Aug, 27, Joseph Jacklin, son
of 1the late Mr, and, Mrs, =Pia
'Jacklin, after a long illness. He
was in his 83rd year.
141$ wife, the former Annie
Muriel Rose, predeceased him in
February of 1942,
The funeral service was conduct-
ed from the Rann funeral home
at 2 p.m, on Saturday by Rev. Mr.
Jaggs ,of St. jobn's Anglican
Church, Brussels, with interment
in Ethel cemetery.
Pallbearers were Joseph E. Jack-.
lin, Archie sTacklim Ralph Keffer,
Lynn Reid, Elmer Hall and Lloyd
Hall., The flowerbeareis were
Bruce Reid,, Mervyn Hall, Caroline
Jacklin„ Gloria.,Jacklin, Cheryle
Jaeklin, and Brenda Keffer.
—lioniW.`tlierripson- ii• now con-
valescieg at his•home after under-
going treatment for injuries re-
ceived -when he fellifrom a car,
Mr's,' Alex 1VIeCrachin had the
misfortune to have her 'hand cut
in a power mower, ' Some surgery
was required,
Miss Ruby Duff ; Mrs. Ross Doug-
las and ,Mrs. M: L. Aitken attend-
ed the 'funeral service for their
brother, Dr, Louis Blake Duff, at
Welland on ,Monday.
The Wingham fire brigade re-
sponded to a call to Sluevale on
Wednesday night, only to find it a
false alarfn. Probably the bril-
liant lightning accounted for the
Mr. and Mr's. Sperling Johnston
and Mrs. Edward Johnston visited
Mr. Harvey Sparling of*Gorrie on
his return from the Listowel Hos-
Mr. Pearson, of Brussels, ran a
bus to Wingham every Friday dur-
ing the school vacation, making it
convenient for Brussels and Blue-
vale people to visit friends in the
hospital and elsewhere.
Mr. and,Mrs. George Gregory of
Barrie spent the past week at Mrs.
Nora Moffatt's home,
Keep to Right
When Car Passes
Always help the driver behind
you to pass, if he wants to, asks
the Ontario Safety League. Keep
well to the right, and slow down if
necessary, But don't make a prac-
tice of waving him to come past.
If you do and an accident follows,
you may be held legally liable.
Federation Neu
By J, Carl FietningWaY
The Government has released the
details of Its deficiency payment
Plan tor eggs, Deficiency • pay-
Morita will be 111400 on the firet
'1,000 dozen eggs produced by any
one producer, this applies only to
the A large and A extra large
grades. The deficiency payment
will be the difference between the
actual market price to the pro-
ducer and the 'producer price based
on 44c •delivered in Montreal,.
This 4.4c price at Montreal appar-
ently returns to the producer .330.
in tills area, To get some idea of
the amount of deficiency payment
that would 'have been necessary
from the first of January this, year
let us look at the prices that 'were,
queted locally by egg grading sta-
From January 1st, to Mar. nine
it would have required deficiency
payment of about 3•14c per dozen.
to bring returns up to the 33c, It
would also have required about
the same paymbnt from about the
middle of April to the end of dune,.
' Detlelency payments its not op
Crate so . simply,' They will be
based on the• average price for the
Year. On this basis no deficiency
payment would have been neces-
sary since from the first of the
year till the middle of August the
quoted price has been above the
floor just as much as it has been
The 4,000 dozen quota will cover
the production of something .less
than 300 hens. This means that
'the farmer with 300 hens will re-
ceive practically the same support'
as be is getting now. The large
producer with 10,000 or more hens
will he entirely 'dependent on the
market price.
I asked several egg grading sta-
tion operators what they expected
to be able to pay Oct. 1 when the
government stops buying eggs.
About' 20c was. the answer re-
ceived: If this is •true the large
producer' Is going to have, a bad
time. I doubt that•he can stay in
business very long 'at this price
and if he sells, his hens •will pro-
bably only,, bring 25c, if fowl prices
drop as they are expected to.
The other person' Interested is
the consumer. He apparently can
expect to buy ,.eggs .very cheaply
for a time but I wonder will he
look forivard to paying a very high
price sometime in the future,
Perhaps the high-price will be
controlled by imports from the
U.S., Ireland or Hungary as has
happened in' the past. don't
think' the consumer will be too
happy with the quality of the im-
After d'arkan ancnnonn. other "oe-
cantons when • driving conditions
are poor, "Slow Down!". is a short
suggestion that may. mean a long
life, says the. Ontario Safety
William Euchanank 2,,
Biyth„ was taken to the Wingham.
General Hospital on Friday eve,'
Wag after his car . had come to
grief on Highway SS near the Junc-
At Men pm, the car left the
anne.a ;onto, ,ith.,.top., and
came to rest a complete • wreck,
The driver 'was found to have suf-
fered • a fractured shoulder blade
and severe • facial lacerations,
..Coastable • ,T. J. Lewis of tbe
Wingbara• Detachment Provincial
police, investigated 'the '0,celdent.
Door for Doggy
If Fide always seems to be pn
the wrong side of the door, better
give him a door of his own! The
Americana have come up with an
ingenious porthole arrangements
which can be mounted in the
bottom of a screen doer. The port-
hole has eight triangular poly-
thene plastic vanes arranged like
a camera shutter. To go through
the porthole, a pet pushes through
the soft centre of the it s, which
offers little resistance to nose and
head, As he moves through, the
polythene triangles close snugly be-
hind him.
Wood for the Taking
Basements and attics are gold
mines for the ,irnaginative. Old
furniture sometimes contains wood
of an unusually good quality, even
though hidden under several layers
of paint. A liquid paint remover
and a new coat of paint or varnish
will work wonders with• a forgotten
chair, a chest of drawers or a table.
Old doors and table tops may
yield usable straight lengths ,of
wood that can be used to build
garden furniture, shelves or book-
C. 0a
Just stand aside and watch your-
self go by;
Think of yourself as "he" instead,
of "I".—Stribkland
Two Shows. Nightly Vein, er Clear
Box Office Opens at 8.00 o'clock
first Show at Dusk
Children Under 12 in Cars Free'
Cartoon at Each performance
September 3 and 4"'"
— Double Feature
Adrienne porri, Duncan McCrae
Kay Kendall, John Oregson
Fred MacMurray, Len MeCarthey
Colour CinemaScope
'Y'ul Brynner, Charlton Heston
Claire Bloom
September 8 and 6
Adult Entertainment 's
William Holden, Sophia toren
s Your Car
giving you 'the
Mr,' Roy McGee of Kitehener
Spent the week-end with his bre-
ther, Mr. Gordon McGee,
Goldie Wheeler of London
visited on,Saturday With his par-
erns, Mr. and Mrs, Herb Wheeler,
Mr. and Min, Cecil Wheeler of
•Pentinliento liospitalized.,0 aniee• Plyth, •visited', on,Sunday, with •Mra
The purpose of the school is that
officers at every level of the
W.M.S. may becoine better••Infcirm-
ecl.ned more skillful in the fulfill-
ment of tasks of their offices and
also that auxiliary members and
all others interested May gain ,het-
ter understanding and deeper ''•de-
votion to the work of the society.
The theme of the school this
year was "Christ in Me": The dean
was Mrs. Alvah Hollands of Ayl-
mer. , Bible study was conducted
by Rev, Catherine McKeen of To-
ronto,Dominion Beard secretary
for younger groups:• • . BLUEVALE
Tlienleeeased is survived‘by three
sons and four daughters, Andrew
of 'London, 'Cliffoid and Sheldon
of ;Grey Township, (Lillie) Mrs,
Alex Hall, Enna Tovenship, (Edith)
Mrs.- Shiels, Detroit, (Laura) Mrs.
nn• M; Reid,- Toionto and (Marie)
Mrs.- Fred • Porter, • Turnberry
Township., Ile is also survived by
one brother Andrew and one sister,
Mrs. ,Pearl, Keffer, bOth ,of Brus-
sels, ,
EXHIBITS HERE—Marjorie Kieffer, of Belmore, wag another of the
4.-11 Garden Club exhibitors at the achievement day held at the Wing-
ham District High School last week. The auditorium of the sdheol
Was lined with siinilan exhibits of gardening effortg by the girls.—Ad-
vance-Times, photo.
11 IIIInt li *If 1.1 ‘I i $‘
Got I* Irs.00',
•SeePens Ciellis:
Pecking toDAN.1
IticsuntoNft rtexaworogstere
• • *
rid your wheets
of hotline/is* and bounie
by getting ...
SERVICE as advertised in the tt
441 -GARDEN CLUB inernbefs displayed the prod duet Of their trforts at on Aeldevement Day held mit
the Wingloun 01glt School on. Tuesday 'Of last week. One a the better exhibits was that' of Shirley
JObbitoby above; Of Eittevale.t,,A,itimitee4imea- Omit°. -
Diagonal Road
Phone 355 Wingluon
!if4A:RDEN OMR WINK. Pg'1.Meeting In Wilighlem fan Tuesday et last week, the *Wren County 4-0 Garden
Club held niornhtg nun alterndan sessions, Preset4.4( with certificatea aid phut were, front; roW left
to right Nancy aitteqinels, Lakelet; "'Tenni Meleaworth; Walton; back roW,
440 SitilteWit, Dungannon; Dotuuk: MeNot, but** ntionit Ruth 144140, and Anne Cubist Winthisatt.Eltakt •
by tiontelon.