HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1959-09-02, Page 4COIMNG EVENTS A SERIES. of prenatal 'classes will begin Thursday, Sept, 30th At IX, pin, -at the branch office of the Health Unit, downstairs in the Wingham Hospital, Those. interested are invited to attend on the above date or write the Health •Unit, Goderich, oEga.gh CENTRAL MORTGAGE & HOUS- ING CORPORATION Sealed tenders, plainly marked, as to content and addressed to the, undersigned will be received up to 12 o'clock noon, ,September 16th, 1959, for the eavestroughing of 48 units in our Wingham Project, Specifications and forms of trend, er required can be obtained at the address shown below, Eadli tender must be accorapan- itd by a security deposit of 10% of the amount of the tender. Snob Security deposit shall indemnify the Corporatlen agablitt loss in the event of withdrawal of the suceess- ful tenderer subsequent to accept- ante 01 the bid by the, Corporation. A. eartmed- thsaue Or hegetiable Dominion of Canada Bonds Vfrili be accepted as security deposit.- All cheques must be Made payable to the order of Central MPrtkelfe and Housing 0OrPOration. The lowest or any tender net necesfiarliP asieePt-. ed. R. J. Latrine, o. 110* 04, 71 *worribl *Ott *Mk Higulltori, Ontario. . • ,2b LIVESTOCK FOR SALE WESTERN FEEDER calves and steers for sale. James Struthers, 13einior'e. Phone Teeswater 180r2. JERSEY HERD, registered, ac- credited, vaccinated; 30 head, 14 cows, 4 fresh-by Sept. 7th. All bred to or by Oxford Al, Or- ' "Ville Wacite, 'FbIlartOn, Ont, 2* 20 PIGS for sale, eight weeks old, Chester Casemore, phone 632w3. 2b 29 PIGS for sale, twelve weeks old. Joe Dunbar, )3elgrave, Phone 618W3, Wingham. POULTRY FOR SALE 100 LEGHORNS for sale, five months old, Carl McClenaghan. Phone 402J1. 2b 150 LEGHORN ;RED .pullets, months old. Ralph Keifer, Blue- vale. Phone Brussels 39r7, 2* PULLETS for sale, 50 to 100 Hemp x Wyandotte. Price ;reasonable. Fred Lewis, R.R. 1, Wingham. 2* 300 RED SUSSEX pullets for sale, 4l4 months old, also 20 pigs six ,weeks old. Wilfred Walker, phone Wingham 721J4, 2b SALES HELP WANTED, SALESMEN SERVICE on all mak- es sewing 'machines, vacuum cleaners, floor polishers. Rea- sonable prices. Guaranteed work- manship. Brussels Home Fur- nishings, phone 194, Brussels. 19Se30b PART TIME salesman for selling Franchised Leghorns and Dual Purpose Chicks for an Ontario hatchery. Attractive folders and price lists. Reasonable prices. Excellent commission. Write Box 56, Wingham Advance-Times, 19 :26 :2b RURAL WATKINS dealer wanted at once in the Townships of Turnberry, Howick, Morris and Grey. Better than average earn- ings. For personal interview write E. C. Harvey, 544 Albert St., Stratford. 2 :9 :16b WORK FOR, YOURSELF Our products are, well known in town- ships of ' Turnberry, Wawanoeh East, Wavvaposh Went and Ash- field. We need a new dealer to start at once. Apply Rawleigh, Dept. 1-453-GA1, 4005 Richelieu, Montreal. 2b HELP WANTED-MALE JOB OPENING .t or ':youth 19-20 years, to help on truck, Chauf- feur's licence preferred. Phone 425W. 26-2b YOUNG or MIDDLEAGED man for handywork. Steady or part- time employment in Wingham. Apply 'Box 62, Advance-Times. 211 FRONT-END ALIGNMENT MAN for JBearline equipment. General •.Motors dealership. Full benefits to go with job. Apply in writing to Richardson Motors, Fergus. 2b WANTED LIGHT SEWING wanted. Make over for children or new. Mrs. Gordon Francis, between Royal T and McKay'm Nursing Home. 26-2* TENDERS WANTED. DEADSTOCK WANTED • HASSOCKS — to Clear $2.49 & $4.50 LAZ-A-BOY CHAIR and STOOL REDUCED to $69.50 Automatic RECLINER CHAIR (Used) $39.50 3-pc. CHESTERFIELD SUITE - excellent spring, construction (used) $49.50 LIVING ROOM TABLE Walnut (used) $6.95 END TABLE Solid Walnut, 3 shelves ONLY $7.75 COFFEE TABLE Solid. Walnut Top with Glass Serving Tray $16.75 SPACE SAVERS Nogahide Covering Wine, Green, Beige $58.95 AIR FOAM PILLOWS Each$5.75 FLOOR LAMPS Fibre Glass Shades $12.50 MAGAZINE END- TABLES Walnut Finish $11.75 MATTRESSES Smooth Top - $34,75 DEADSTOCK removed promptly for sanitary disposal, FREE pick up 4 onllarger animals, reasonable collection charge for small ani- mals. Phone' collect Wingham 378; Palmerston 123w, or Dur- ham 398, Gordon Young (Elmira) Limited, 6rrb ACHESON'S Dead Stock Service Highest cash prices paid in sur- rounding district for dead, old; sick or disabled horses and little. For the fastest and proper removal of all animals, day or night, use our automatic exchange (at no cost to you.) Call Long Distance and ask for ATWOOD ZENITH 34900 OR GEORGE HISL011 • WROXETER 2f0.5 DEAD STOCK SERVICE Highest Cash Prices For Old, Sick and Disabled Cows and Horses DEAD STOCK AT HIGHEST CASH VALUE Please Phone Promptly Call Collect -,133 Bruce Marlatt Brussels, Ont. 24 HOUR SERVICE CEMENT GRAVEL &Milled, !Excellent 'Quality deliVered. WATSON ARMSTRONG & SONS ••••••11.00.--...om Phone 45 r 12 TEESWATER NOTICE oTO. Water Consumers The +ours Tor watering _lawns. - gardens are froni '6 a.m. to 9 a.m, and Yroin'6 p.m. to 9 p.m. ,This will be strictly enforced. An ANNUAL charge of $4.44 gross, lesseprompt pay. ment discount of 10 per cent, is made,for the use of a hose or outside tap for the above noted purpose& Anyone found watering lawns or gardens, who has net paid for this service will be billed accordingly. Wingham Public Utilities Commission C. E. SHERA, Superintendent', BUSINESS and PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY ' CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Barristers, Solicitors, Eto. Wingham, • Phone 48 J. IL CRAWFORD, Q.C. II S. • HETHERINGTON, Q.O. A. H. MCTAVISH BARRISTER, SOLICITOR and NOTARY PUBLIC. TEES WATER. - ONTARIO Telephone 28 Teeswater Wroxeter-Evary Wednest‘s afternoon, 2-4 p.m., or. by appointment. J. W. BUSHFIELD Q.C. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Kte. Money to Loan Office-Meyer Block, •Wingham Frederick F. Homuth Phm.B., R.O. Carol 'E. Hornuth, R.O. Mrs. Viola f I. Honiuth, R.O. OPTOMETRISTS PHONE 118 Harriston, Ontario WELLINGTON FIRE Insurance Company Est. 1840 An all Canadian Company which has faithfully served policy holders for over a century. Bead Office -Toronto B. 0, MacLean Insurance Agency Wingham „ . *GAMIER, McINTOSH & WARD CHART•ERED ACCOUNTANTS Bell., Telephone Building WALKERTON • D. A. HUNTLEY, C.A. --- Resident Manager telephones t BusIneOs 03; Reeidenee 106 • ;•.• 470,16.7.1jr,r1 • ;. 'e s v "ORtP./:•ei lir;e","° F14.111tal'ea. We buy and sell. house for sale, Good location. "444E IS TAXI SERVICE and used" OK storey red brick OK) .and A HALF FOR SALE. REAL /ESTATE phone 185. rrb Eight rooms, New oil furnace. 1 WIWI-MN TABLE for quick sale, Hardwood floors. Toilet down- . rhOne 325. 2b stairs, Good garden. Phone 1.187a)R. 2:9* Shower Held For Newlyweds CORRIE--4 large = number of friends gathered in the 0orrie community bail on Friday evening to honor Mr. and Mrs. Howard Toner: of Palmerston,' Mrs, Toner is the former Jeanette Walker of I,,istowel and Howard is a former Hewicit boys Ivan'. Felker • and his orchestra' Provided 'music for dancing. Har- old Neil read an address .and Allan Hyndrnan presented the couple with a vacuum cleaner on .behalf 'of the gathering, 100. ACRES for sale; 85 workable, balance stream and bush; brick hoaie, 8. rooms, bath; garage,. barn. Would -consider house in. tow.p..as part payment. Stan Kay, phone Wingham 529W3, SEVEN-ROOM HOUSE in Wrox, eter for sale. New forced air oil heating; about two acres with malt barn, The river runs past back of lot. Wonderful location for retired couple. Phone Eric -2.,2380-or write 759 Rockway Drive. 262b 100 ACRE grass farm on High- way 86 midway between Wing- ham and Listowel, On the farm is located a large "L" shaped barn, drilled well and also ever running stream at back of farm. This farm is priced to sell in order to settle an estate. GRANT 'MacLENN'AN Real Estate & Insurance Main Street West . LISTOWEL, Ontario, Office phone 92, Residence 412 gb ESTATE OF GORDON H. ELLIOTT FARM FOR SALE: To close the estate of the late Gordon H. Elliott, a 50 acre farm, being the East half of the West half of Lot' 32, Concession 14, East Wa- wanosh, is being offered for sale. This farm is well located on Highway 86 ,about a mile from Whitechurch and four miles from Wingham, On the property is a fine stucco cottage and frame barn, For full particulars apply to CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Wingham, Ontario. 2-9b REAL ESTATE FOR SALE PROPERTY for sale in Bluevale, well situated 11/2 storey insul brick house, hydro, water on pressure, garage attached,. four extra lots with property, Full price $4,500,- 100-ACRE FARM, 31h miles from Wingham, 3 bedroom house with new bath, large barn, hydro, water on pressure in all build- ings; 4 acres of maple bush. 'Full price $7,000.00 with terms. SEVERAL HOMES ' for sale in Wingharn and Lucknow. Contact: WILLIAM S. REED, Real Estate Broker, Phone 29231 Wingham 2b FOUND BOXER DOG - Write Box 000, Wingiusin. Owner may have same by describing' dog and pay, ing for advertisement, 24: BUSINESS OPPOBTUNITIEK AN OPPORTUNITY. To. join the fastest4rowing sales, industry in the country. Will be offered to several sin4 care men and women. Earnings are Innnediate and among .the highest in the sales PredesSion. Pe,- sition offers all year round security, Product is unusual, patented, back4 ed by national advertising, radio and television, sales experience iw preferred, but not neoessark .as we: will train, Age no barrier. Car nee pessary, ' Phone 290 Wingham or write', :Box 49. Wingham Advance-' Times. rrb IrEarALt HELL, WANTED WOMAN" wanted for light house- keeping. Phone 373 after five or Write Box 52. ee, GIRL WANTED to learn egg candling arid' tabling, Apply Maitland Crealnery, POrrb HOUSEKEEPER Wanted' for elder' ly ,cotiple, to live in. Apply to, H, •Mogridge, Auburn, Ont, or phone 38W,' Auburn. 26.2* RETAIL STORE in Wingham has opening for an experienced sales-, lady- This position offers an at- tractive salary and pleasant working conditions "to the right person. All information will be kept strictly confidential, Reply, stating age, qualifications and references to Box 64 Advance- - Tinaes,. '' •213' HELP WANTED WOMEN AND . MEN for hire, Permanent eniploYment. Pleasant: working conditions. Apply ffigh- land Shoes, Seeforth, Ont: 26-2b 'WANTED TO ImATT04 BUY HOUSE with 'three 'bedrooms, con-- veniences, in vicinity of Wing- - barn. Apply •steting price or' rent to ,Eiox 66.Advance-Times.%*, 2b, MIMI/LANCE SERVICE CURRIE'S AMBULANCE, 'Wing, ham. Dependable Service. Phone:, Day, '51;"Night, 716 or 636, MIKELLANEOITS FOR PIANO TUNING, musical in- stpuments, accessories and re- pairs at reasonable rates phone Ross Maim, 7.5J4, Wingham. rrb Is YOUR TELEVISION Forenerly insured for all risk coverage? For information phone 293, Stew- art A. Scott, Wingharn, 2rrb SEWAGE DISPOSAL - Septic tanks, cesspools, etc., pumped and cleaned with modern equipment. '` All work guaranteed. Write to Louis Blake, RR. 2, Brussels, ,Phone 421-6,Brussels. A26-N25* WATERLOO' CATTLE Breeding , Association "Where Better Bulls Are Used". Artificial breeding service; All breeds of cattle; Member' owned and controlled; cost low, efficiency high; Use of the best of bulls; Disease con- trolled, safety. For service or more information phone for long distance Clinton Zenith 9-5650 or collect Teeswater 126 between: 7.30 and 9.30 a.m. week days; 6.00 and 8.00 p.m. Saturday evenings. Calls received on Saturday even- in g will be serviced on Sunday morning. For cows in heat on • Sunday morning, DO NOT call until Monday morning. "Better I Cattle For Better Living." rrb . FINANCING A CAR': Before you ouy ask about out Lois Coat Financing Service with complete Insurance Coverage. STEWART A, SCOTT' - Phone In Wincharo .NIMMINIMMIW% 1 1 .'16....1111/11.1. A. , We will akaroNtoo100/0 on ell nooliey %vested for a . 011Nionion of '3 yolr4. Ael SlocsOlfy Writes BOX 58 . ADYMC114041111 (ARDS OF THANKS I wish to thank. TO relations, friends and neighbours, for their visits, cards and treats while Was A patient if, the .Winglitun. Hospital, Special thanks to Pr, Crawford. And nurses, - Donny. Thompson,. Bluevale. wish to express my appreciation to all those who remembered -me in so many ways While a :patient In. the Wingham Hospital. -0144041 thanks. to pr; W. A..CraWford and: nurses and hospital staff, Sincerely, NOrtnan Crenkwright 2* We wish to thank our friends, and espeCiallY the neighbors and Mr. and Mrs. John . McKay and ' staff at the hur8ifig ho, e for, theis t kindness to t kite 'David 4eWitt arid to his familY during th'eir hie' rea,vement.--'- Mrs. David ,Jeivitt, Mrs, Ethel Stewart and'Mrs. Clem' 2b' I wish to sincerely, thank Mrs, Morrey, Dr, B. N. Cerrin,'Dr. Er- nest Pedley and the nursing staff, ee well as neighbors and friends for flowers, fruit, eards and visits while I was a patient in Winghani General Hospital.7-Mrs. Peter Mc- Call. I wish to sincerely tbanh all those who visited me, Sent eards, letters, flowers and gifts while was a patient inWingtarri goo°00 Hospital., I also thank Dr, Cop- rift end Pr. Pedley and the nursing staff for their kinditess--Arin Kercher. 2'' We wish to express our sincere. thanks and appreciation to 'our many relatives, friends and neigke* bops for acts of kindness, cards, of sympathy and beautiful floral trib- utes received in the loss of our father. Special thanks are ex- 'tended to Rev, Mr. Jaggs acrd -the staff of the Ream funeral home and all who helped any way,- The sons and daughters of Joseph Jacklin. 2b IN 'MEMORIAM In fond memory of a dear son and brother, Clifford Kelly, who passed away September 2, 1956. Somewhere back of the sunset, Where loveliness never dies, He lives in' a land 'of• glory, Mid blue and gold of the skies. We who 'have known and loved him, w,hose passing brought sad tears `Will cherish his memory ever,. Down through the passing years. ----SedlY missed by the family. 2* IN MEMORIAM THOlVIPSON-In loving memory of a dear wife and mother, Mrs. Aet•Thompsen, who passed away one year ago teddy, Sept. 2nd. From our happy, home and circle , God has taken one we.hove; Borne away. frorii, sin.aed sorrow To a better home above. • L-Lovingly remembered arid sad- ly, missed by husband. Art? daughter Jean and son Graham • 2b IN NOTICE ESTATET(I CRE DITORS 07 MARGARET HAWTHORNE: ' • ALL PERSONS having iielainis mentioned, the, estate, Of. ,tile„„ aboye mentioned, late of the Township of Turnberry, County of Huron, Widow, who died; .oh the 3rd day of August, 1959, tire required to file proof of same with the-uedersigned on •or before the 12th day of Sep- tember, 1959. After that date the executor will' proceed to distribute .the estate having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have had "tice DATED at Wingham this 24th day of August, 1959, CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Wingbarn, Ontario ' Solicitors for the Executor. 26-2-9b' NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE .ESTATE OF GORDON ELLIOTTH. ALL PERSONS having claims agains ,the estate of the above mentioned,' late of the Township of East Wawanosh, in the County of Ilhron, Farmer, who died on the eleventh d,ay of June, 1959, are required to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before the 10th day • of September, 1959, After that date the executrix will proceed to distribute the estate having regard 'only to the claims of which She shall then have had notice, IIMD at Winghamtllis thirty- 'first day Of August, A.D. 1959. CKAWFORI) RETIIIIRINOToN Winghani, Ontario Solicitors for the Eit0ciLtrix 2,0-16b MACK REFRIGERATION DomestiO — Commercial Now OFFPRO A 001WIPIMTE IELZaraNDAL WSW% REPAIRS TO 'WASHERS • DRYERS neon if or Automotio APPLIAN1040 OF ANY MIND iniftrilAWAC 014,1494,4190Na Phone 1172R Wingham Please Note CHANGE. OF OFFICE HOURS moth further Notice FICKEItso FOOT cog- RECTIONIST will bit of QUEENS MOM WINO- HAM, MONDAY EVEN- INGS 7,30 to 10 poi. Instead 0 Monday offer, ' meow DIED STOREY-The. death 'occurred re- cenPy Pf Thomas Storey, 69, R.R, 2, Welten. Deceased had farmed all his life in *Kalov Town- ship, He is survived 'by .his .wife, the former Tellesile Hudie; two daughters, Mrs. 'Henry Johnston, 11IoKillop and Junior, of Seaforthi Ane-'1iOptiiiii; ,'Sto'reS,; of Wingham; .,two sisters, Mrs. F. ' Russell, -: Brussels; Mrs, •Jannie Thornton, London. Funeral ser- yle's was 'held on Monday ireSea- forth with..interment ,ln Maitland hank Ceneetery; Seaforth. . * 4* STACEY.-Mrs. Margaret Stacey ...die.d recently at TillSenberg. at the age of 76. She had previous- ly resided in Strathroy ,and Mc- Gillivray Township and was pre- deceased by her husband, .the• We Albert Stacey. She is, surL. -vived by. two sons, Le onard of 'Leaden alWRPASe of strAtbiw.; and five daughters,' Mrs, Willie-in Hopkios,, Charlton; Mrs, .'Harold Brooks, Wingham; Mrs. Alfred Hill, Tiiisonburg; Mrs. John Grundstrom And Mrs. William ., Coodliand, London. The funeral service was held on Friday •in' Strathroy with late rinent in the ,Strathroy Cemetery.- David jewitt Dies At Nursing Home David JeWitt, a resident of Albert :Street, died on Tuesday, Aug. 25, ,at the, McKay Nursing Home, fol- lowing a Short illness.,. He was $8. , Mr.• Jewitt was horn in Morris Township and attended Brown- town school. He was a farmer until he retired in 1939. His first wife, Mary Andersen, of Bluevale, died about 22 year's ago. He married Margaret .Tay- lop in4942,, whe,,suryixea.There are two dau ghters,. Mrs: thel 'Stewart of Wingham and Mrs. Clem (Cora) Yeo of Southampton. Also surviving is a brother, Watson Jewitt, of Saskatchewan, the last member of a family of ten, Mrs. Dan Tiffin of Whitechurch is a granddaughter and he was prede- ceased by a granddau ghter, Marie Yee, of Southampton. There are four great-grandchildren. ' Mr. Jewitt was a member of the Wingham United .Church and Rev. T. G. Husser officiated on Friday when funeral service was held from the R.• A. .Currie• & Sons funeral home. 'Interment was in /3luevale Cemetery, ' Pallbearers •were Scotty Ross, Sam RobertSen, Desboro; Tom Steeri,'"ClinUiet Robert McKinnon and William Phair. The flower bearers were Lyle Ralston, Victor Errington; Carl Griffith and Dan Tiffin,' • Friends and• relatives attended the funeral from Chesley, Toronto, Brussels, Lucknow, Dungannon, London, Detroit, Saskatchewan and Clinton. • AUCTION SALE ESTATE 'OF MARGARET HAWTHORNE Executor's Sale. of Real Estate, Household Furnishings and Effects ' To close the Estate of the late Margaret Hawthorne there will be offered for sale by public auction Thursday, September 3rd, at 2 o'clock at the premises in the Town Plot in Wingham!, in the Township of Turnberry. Household Furniture - Kitchen stove, 'Quebec heater, kitchen table and chairs; antique rockers, small tables, day bed, antique tables, 3 bedroom suites, antique cupboard, antique, dishes and glassware, drop leaf table, bonnet chest, china cabinet, settee, chests and trunks, many articles too numerous to mention. , Real Property-There will be of- fered for sale, ;at the same place, subject to a reserve bid, the fellow- ing Real Estate: Lots 206, 207, 208 on the East side of Adelaide St., and Lots 213; 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219 and 220 on the 'West side of Alice Street, all in the Town" Plot of 'WinghttM, in the Township of Turnherry, On the property le Said to be located a 1rF1 storey 6 room frame house and a 8)1)&11 frame Stable. TERIVIS OF SALE-Personal,Es,- tate-Cash; Real Estate-10% on date of sale and balance in kO days thereafter, Full particulars and conditions of sale may be had on application to the undersigned, DATED at VVirightini, this 24th day of August, A.D, 1959; CRAWFORD & ntTliEltlisTGTON .Solicitors for the Executer, • L.-0, BRYCE, Aitetioncer, • 26,2bb •Miss-Clelland Was • Invalid 35 Years XlsS Elizabeth Cieliand„ 91, died. on Tuesday, August 25, In Wing- ham Ho'spital, where she bad ,been hospitalized for several years, Miss clelland had been an invalid for about 00 Years and Was, very pa- tient throughout her illness.. Her parents .wer,e, the.late',Fran- cis.Q1elland and Janet Strang of Xioloss Township. She was edu- cated at Salem School and was housekeeper when she grew up, Aptir brothers and three sisters predeceased her, and, she is §1-4r vived by only one sister, Mrs. Mar- gigot Irralick of Wingham. Nephews and nieces who survive are Wilbert A Franck, Hayfield; Frank MacNbnzie, Point Clark; Robert MacKenzie, Wingham; Mrs, J, Yemen, Wingham; Mrs, M, Bro- die, Teronto and Mrs, Helen Chris- tie of Brantford. ' Miss Clelland was a member of the Presbyterian Church, Funeral service, was from the S. J. Walker funeral home on Thursday ,afternoon with Rev,• T.- a 'Risser officiating. Her favorite MU-lc FILTERS' fir sale--44Rapid Flo", 6-inch, 85c; 614.-inch, 89e, Alexander's Hardware, lrrb TWO -spring-filled mattresses and one ribbon spring for sale, Like new, $20, Phone 425W, 29-2b FOR -CHOICE COOKING, and eat- ing apples, and crabapples, phone William Brydges, 618W2, in the evenings. rrb HIGH CHAIR for sale. Makes down to a. table and chair. 86.59; . - elao ,a ..gre,en•. fitted r winte .coat, size 12, $5,00. Phone 592, 2b TWIN BABY BUGGY for sale. In perfect condition. Reasonable. Mrs, Jerome Wilhelm, phone 978W, Walkerton, 24-2* 15 AORr;;S second growth alfalfa for sale, also quantity of baled straw.. James Elliott, plume 709W12, 2b PUREBRED CHIHUAHUA PUP- PIES for sale. Toy size. Apply to Mrs. Carl Jacklin, Brussels, phone 21R9, TRIUMPH MOTORCYCLE for sale. 650 CC twin, dual exhausts. only 14,000 original miles. Phone 483W, FILTER QUEEN Sales and Ser- vice. Repairs to all makes vacuum cleaners, Phone 640J3, rrb. SEVERAL used milking machines for sale. Uet us install one of, these or a new Woods in your borne on a trial basis. Distance = is no •barriers Irving Keyes, Glamis, Phone-Paisley 114r4. DEMONSTRATION UNITS of new Republic Steel kitchen sink and cabinets for sale. Top and bot- tom units to fit 8% ft. To clear at cost price. Full directions for 'installing yourself. The Warren House, phone 475. • 26-2b CARPETS, RUGS-See N, J. Wel- wood for a complete range of BARRYMORE and HARDING broadloom. All wool Wilton hardtwists and tone on tones. Rug sizes or wall to wall. Have an estimate this week for your room. N. J, Welwood, phone 86. FURNITURE SAVINGS • *KNEEHOLE DESK Walnut - $32.50 $00410.10$. ‘.1Vetht$4.4Y) 19$ U Golf Bridge There were five tables. jn P/AY at the Bridge game held last Thursday afternoon at the golf courgie. , Winners were Mrs E. Wilkinson, Mrs, W, 'J. Adams and, Mrs. G, McKay, of Hamilton. Heat-esti)* were Mrs, D. Rae, Mrs, P. Fuller and Mrs. H, Aitchison, ' U • U U U GROUND BEEF . 3 lbs. $1' i I PORK SAUSAGE 3 lbs. $1,25 LARD—we will, fill your pail for 10c .per or packaged in seal-tight containers 2 lbs. for 25c LI ffi BEEF BY THE QUARTER • SPRING LAMB • CUT AND WRAPPED TO YOUR LIKING: • hymn was sung and Mr. Husser read her favorite text'. NOptifwg of the deceased W_PC7e ,Pallbearers. and• interment, Tiffin's cemetery, , . • • , - . „ Lockridge's . Butche.r Shari