HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1959-09-02, Page 1the best deeOratiaris were awarded itt rthe Park foOnwiat the Intetada
up the main ,street of Winghain.
FDN FOR TOE KIDS WO plenty rit work far the mothers was
'apparent hi the grout, of youngsters Who took poi in the Frontier
Days parade on Saturday with their decorated trieyeles. Prizes for
FM,F, 7,1.70,;14.7774,6 3:4•7 Saat.:Sa"4•0 •
With which is emSigameteci the 4 0rrie Vidette ar#4 Wroxeter News
NVINOH4m, odstirAlip, WE SDAY, SErTEMBEB Sri. XOfte SGT MOO oin*
By The refias(rlan.
ntier C e rations See
Crowds in Wingham
Betty Jane Hughes. and Mao Arne,-
'strong of Teeawater, who' were
clamed as a, bride and gtoorn of
days gone by and rode in a POnY
. •
. • Despite a. rather disappointing
opening, the 1.95.9 edition of Wing-
ham Lions Irr011tier Days, turned
.out to be quite as aueeeseful as any
;or.' tb • •PreitiOtle'''belebtatititi6, -":-
‘; Rain on Tharadav and Friday.
`evenings curtailed the activities in
the town paik to considerable •ale-
.•gree, but there, was a 'very good
'crowd at the arena ou Friday night
for the show in which Joyce Hahn
and Torrany Common, of CBC
In spite of the' intense heat,
twhich caused several cancellations,
rinks attended from Goderich,
Judges for the children'S claSsoa
were Mrs..li", Wild, Mrs.- D. Rildu"
brandandResVg aL.
Bestovello;t— Icee iarvester;Lioyj
eo tweBBrnee:esrtt, s 'Horsencamome .Drawn
wa float
e wonw5) byd
condition-LGeerge Brown, Wrox-,
No. 3, haven't been 4,ble to find•
Scott, Behrtore.
Best.Old fashioned float—Gordon
Best old metal' vehicle in original
Judging w etheb
were, I4Ira,.
H, B
Bill Henclersen. Jr, was the
winner of an airplane ride, on the
gate prize draw, and Mrs, Ted
Gauley won a $50 prize on a second
draw for those who were in. the
park on Saturday afternoon. Istrs.
L. K. Epps of London held •the
lucky ticket for the draw on the
transistor radio held at the arena
Saturday night.
At time of writing the Lions are'
not able to state how this year's
profits will compare with those •of
previous Frontier Days, but they
are optimistic about the overall
results. All profits realized will be
used in the club's program of child
welfare in this community,
bands took part and two of ,them,
the RCAF band from Clinton. and
the Durham Girls' Tapmpet Bana l
put on exercises in the town park
later-in- tire aaterinaere ' ""
Attendance at the park in the
afternoon was above average and
the arena was packed at night
for the CICNX Barn Dance pro-
gram and dance, Don Nesmith
acted as the emcee for the pro,
grain in the park, which included
a horse show, Cliff Adams, On-
tario's champion step dancer and.
Slim Boucher's band,
Prise Winners
Frontier Girl—Shane Foxton.
Frontier Boy-1. Corrine Kieffer;
2, Doug Elliott.
Doll Buggy-L-a, Julie Foxton;
Candice Yoxton,
Bicyole-1. Bobby Shaunessy; 2.
Debbie Foyton,
Indian Princess-1, Margaret Ir-
win; 2, Elaine Kieffer,
Indian Price-1. Judy Reid;
2, Karen Kieffer,
Tricycle-1, Debbie Reynolds;
2, Brenda Harrison.
Cow Girl-1. Brenda Hafermehi;
2. Wenry Cronkwright,
Best Cow Boy--1, Mary Ellen
Webb; 2, Carolyn Finley.
Wagon-1. Randy Foxton; 2.
Billy Burchill.
Special award to Paul, Marilyn
and Sandra Tiffin, with their space
ship, The children were dressed
as space people.
Another special award was given'
television fame, were the .stars,
Wily Meek, Scotch .comedian and
the Paul Simmons Trio, both of
Toronto, filled out the balance of
firOgrein"and "Weall"VelreaeeiVa"
ed by the crowd, Dancing followed
to the music of Slim. Boucher and
the Golden Prairie Cowboys, •
,The parade on . Saturday atter-
neon was ,somewhat smaller than
in previous years but all the entries
were interesting and original. Five
"SPARKS `SHOW---,Billy Mock, TV comedian who regaled the Frontier Pays audience at the arena,
Friday night with antics, is shown above, second from _righ I'v t, as he as introduced to John Hanna left, by last iTAKES TROPHY Lions President, Dr. W. A. Crawford, right, as Mayo r R. E. McKinney looks on...--;Advance-Times photo. 1,11
/ A busy day was spent at the•
Wingham bowling greens on Wed-
, tneaday, the occasion of the Mae
• 7 antyre Trophy tournament,
GORRIE-- The Toronto-Domin-
ion Batik has purchased the Iot on ,
Gorrie's main street which was
formerly occupied by the Lloyd
Hockridge stare from It H. Carson,
& Son Hardware, The bank plans
to erect a modern, office on the
site. This is believed to 'be the
first building in H,,:owick Town-
ship to be erected for banking pur-
• 1 The Dominion Bank started a
branch here in 1948 and later be-
came the Toronto-Dominion Bank.
Previous to that Carrie had been
withoutears banking service for several y
man (printer), the County 'Ker a
chief, Jane Susan Duff and others.
Fine printing was a hobby -of his
and he 'had samples of printing
from many sources in his 'libraay,
including' ancient 'Scripture texts,
As a speaker he was much in def,
mand, his audiences. appreciating
• • iyaisley, Mitchell, Hanover and
• • „Wingham. Play started at 10 a,m.,
• 'Anner being served at noon by the
';hone club under the convenership
IA Miss Agnes Mitchell. •
The trophy and first prize, won
last year by Mrs. E. Elwes of
Paisley, went to a Wingham rink,
.'Mrs, H. Campbell; Mrs, W. H.
'Edwards and Miss P, Johns, In
second place, was Mrs. R. DuVa1
'4i,nd her rink of Mrs. L. Patterson
•sad Mrs, N, Finnigan, Mrs, E.
• :Edwards' rink of Paisley took
`'third; ,Mrs, G. MacKay, Mrs, R, H.
Lloyd and Mrs. H. Aitchison,
',fourth, While Mrs. A. R. Scott and
,her rink from Goderich were in
',fifth place.
r. Louis Blake Duff
A. pot luck supper completed the
There was a great commotion ,
around' Devi) Crothers Home., On
Sunday frivoling when a swarm of
bees located on his back wall, The
buzzing was so intense that it
could be heard PP at .the next, Goy-
ip tier. The problem was solved when
Otto' Jonvasma of Turaberry
' ' 'ziYed ona. the, -scene, Ira full bee.,
handling gear arid placed' a hive
into: Which the swarm eventually:
crawled—much, to the relief ef
DaVid, who is no great lover of the
little inseete,-
,, 0 0 - 0
Iftlalt() Cli.IT OFF-a- • •
',Hydro service in this section was
interrupted for about, 45 minute*
on Monday afternoon when a join
in one of the main feeder lines at
the junction of. Highways 4 and 9
'Separateda Grass about the base
of the 'pole took fire as a result
of the break.
0 - 0 - 0
, When the parade started up the
tnifin drag on •Saturday a small
black and white dog decided to get
into " the act. He came tearing
Own the street .from the north,
reached the leading band and then
preceded it back up the stied—
all the while emitting the most un-
earthly howls. At least . those
periple who profess to hate the bag-
pipes were, given an alternative.
0 - 0 - 0
'4he mayor drew his greatest ap-
pla,use, to date when he plunged
iintp the tank of icy water at the
)0Wn perk on Saturclay'rtight. He
was induced to beeisine the vic-
tim on the "duck board". His seat
ehove• the tank was •triggered by
a Well-aiined ball from the arm of
, 'Rohs' Hamilton, He had 'been pre-
* .0(10 ,Into the tank 'by such not-
abler as Don Nesmith, Ross Worm-.
worth and Gord `BUchiman, plus,
It must • be added,• are beautiful'
Blonde who was' on the high seat
at ,orla jtinettire. Ross. says he hit
with the::18tk throt'
- 'MU 'worship
coMe'''So afire' of his position that ,
he, lit a cigar to while' AWAY' :the,.
time. , Tivo puffs ,later he , was in
the drink.
0 - 0 - 0
''.'"An alert local youngater; wild has
attained the ripe age of 10 years,
waS recently listening in, while his
elders were discussing the differ-
ence between a buffalo and a bison.
adter the talk had rambled back
forth for a time the yqungster
beistight :the 'whole thing 'to a halt
When .:he informed the groWn-ups
that none, of them Were correct,'
bison," he stated, "isn't an ani-
inail at, all. It's the thing that
English people use to wash their
handi in."
0 - 0 - 0
And Speaking of getting things'
wrong, did you spot that beauti-
ful little bloomer on our front
page last week? The one that'
mentioned a poem which had been.
"comprised" by a person mentioned
in the story. We do know better.,
It was very hot last week.
Before 1900 Gerrie had a private
bank. After that the Bank of
Hamilton branch at Wingham
gave service with clerks driving
out two or three days a week arid
about 1903 or 1904 a branch was
established in Carrie with IL V.
Holmes as manager.- It later merg-
ed with the ,Bank of Commerce
and ' carried on for a number of
There passed 'away in Welland
General Hospital on Saturday,
August 29th, Dr: Louis Blake Duff,
in .his 82nd year,
He was the son of the late Robert'
N. Duff and Ann Jane Elliott, and
was' born in lalaevele, He attend-
ed ListoWel High ,School, trained as
a teacher and taught for four years
in S:S. No. 9, East Wawanosh.
Then he became interested in news-
paper work and was a reporter on
the' Wingham. Times, the Stratford
Beacon an'd the Galt Reporter.
In' l915 Dr. Duff „loaned a part-
rieaship.. with Frank Sears and
.bought the -Welland Telegraph,
he, edited,. o years and
Jfien' he or
gardied" the Niagara Finance 'Oath-
pany, which 'he' 'sold after some
day. years.
leven 4-H Clubs Take
Part in Achievement Day
previously toured the Canadian
West with the team, which sacr-
ed 21 wins and had no losses, La-
ter he was president for two years
of the Ontario Hockey 'Associa-
A special interest in history,
gained him the presidency of the
Ontario HiStorical Society on two
occasions. He was an authority
on the history of the Niagara Pen-
insula. Historical subjects provid-
ed themes for many of his address-
es, given in variants centres inCart-
atla and The United States.
In his later years he took a deep
interest in collecting', books of dis-
tinctive printing types and also .in.
tile' I,incoli Sciciety' of:Hamilton,,
said to be the only Linco/n Society
in Canada, where 'papers and ad-
dresses kept green the Memory of
the Great Emancipator.
Dr. Duff published a number of '
books, chiefly historilcal--Colonel
Fred Burnaby, Crowland, Mtidcli-
• Dr. Duff was a man of many in-
terests. In earl's, life he was an
ardent football player. In 1904, as
manager, he took the Galt team to
the St. Louie World Fair, having
•s it
paild Cameron, •sett Of Mr. and
Mrs. N. D, Carneron, Wingliam, Is
one• of . the stars in the daily
Acitittrama, the waterfront show at
the Canadian National Exhibition.
David has excelled at this sport
,sinte his early teens, and is the
holder of several water 'skiing
Other perforiners in the show
are .th'e champion Ski kite flyer,
Jerry Blodgett, of Cyprus Gardens;
Florida, and the world champion,
Carol Ann '1 /4Duthie, Jerome Vig-
neaux, Tom Burke and others,
The adt bloses with a colorful
raracle of floats and the jumping
ENTERTAINS HERE---joyee Hahn, well-known CI1C-TV singing star
pictured above with Slim Boucher, of Wingham, highlighted the enter-1 ,
tainment Friday evening at the Wingham Lions Club Frontier nays ,
training school for leaders will be
held Sept., 29 and 30 in Brussels.
The fall project is "Clothes Clos-
ets Up-to-date".
Shirley Bolger of Walton, only
entry for third year members'
special project, which was straw-
Certificates were presented to
girls completing projects satisfac-
torily. Receiving County Honour
Certificates and pins for complet-
ing six projects were Joyce Mat-
thews and Donna McNee of Dun-
gannon, Irene Nobel, of Ethel, Nan-
cy. Jacques, Lakelet, Teuni Van
Loo, Molesworth, Arlene William-
son of Walton, Anne Currie and
Ruth Taylor of Wingham,
The sterling silver 4-II Home'-
'making spooes were presented to
the members who had satisfactorily
completed the. Garden Club pro-
Mrs, Charles Mathers of Blue-
vale, who has been a leader for al-
most eight years, received a fram-
ed certificate for more than five
years as club leader.
achievement Day 'for the 4-H
Garden Club project was held at
the Wingham District High Schoo'
on Tuesday of last week. Clubs
represented were Belgrave, Bel-
more, Bluevale, Colwanash, Dun-
gannon, Ethel, Walton, Gorrie,
Lakelet, 1VIoleswerth and Wingham
Each girl had to set up her own
exhibit of five vegetables and a
bouquet of flowers following regis- t
'Two classes of vegetables, cu-
cumbers and onions, were judged by
each 4-H member, giving oral rea-
sons for choices made and a gar-
den quiz was held,' which included
bothgarelens and home beautifi-
During • the lunch hour the skits
and demonstrations were prepared.
The Wingham Club presented a
skit, "Bouquets from Our Club
Mrs, Robert MeKercher of Dub-
lin gave the comments and Miss
Bette Tillman, home economist for
Huron County, announced that the
Thieves were active in this dis-
trict over the week-end, when the
Belgrave Co-operative was entered
by way of a rear door and men=
chandiSe valued at about $1,300
was stolen, Inchided in the haul
were boots and shoes, overalls,
cigarettes and an adding machine.
The Brussels Motors building was
also victimized, where $60.00 was,
taken from the cash register. In
this case entry was made through
the window of a wash room,.
The break-ins are being investi-
gated by Provincial Constable J, J.
Lewis of the Wingham Detach-
ment. o .
not only his subject matter, but
also the touches of humor which
were natural to him. In Welland
during the years he had served in
the Canadian Red Cross, the Child-
ren's Aid, the Welland Rotary
Club, the' Welland Board of Trade
and the Y.M.C.A. •
In 1952. the University of West-
ern Ontario conferred on him the
honorary degree of Doctor of Laws,
In 1910 Dr, Duff married Geor-
gina Sommerville, of Welland, who
Predeceased him in 1953, Surviving
arc one son, Gerrond, of Welland,
two daughters, Mrs. James Volz
(Elizabeth), of Weiland, and Mrs.
Lloyd VanWyck (Patricia), of
Kitchener, seven grandchildren and
one_ great-grandchild; also four
sisters, Misses Mary and Ruby
Duff and Mrs. M. L. Aitken, of
Bluevale, and Mrs. Bess Douglas, of
Toronto. Three brothers predeceas-
ed him, Nelson, William and Clay-
ton, and one grandson, John Van-
A reception vvill'be held in honor
of Mr.. and Mrs. Arnold Mathers
Pengelly) in Belgrave •For-
esters Hall' on Friday evening,
'September 4th, Tiffin's Orchestra.
Ladies:please bring lunch. Every-
one welcome. ' F2*,
, •
• The' Ladies' Auxiliary :to Wing-
hatii General Hospital will hold
their September meeting on Friday
afternoon; September 11th, at three,
O'clock in the Connell Chamber.
Plans will be Made fot the fall
4pitninage salt so a good attendance
its expected., Please note change of
date, F2-013
Mr. and Mrs, Clarence W, Shaw,
Wingharn, are happy to announce
;the engagement of their daughter,
Gail Irene, to Mr, 'Calvert Brace
Falconer, sciti of Mr. and Mrs,,
Calvert Falconer, of tlyth. The
wedding will take plate in St,
Andrew'S Presbyterian Church,
Wingharh, oh .Saturday,, September
Nth, at two o'clock, F2*
01.7 mr.,ADY '
The Bluevale Women's Institute
will be guests on "M'Lady" pro-
grani. CICNX television, Tuesday,
September 8, at 8.30 p.m, F2b
This coming week-end is the last holiday week-end
of the 1959 summer season. In a sort of final despera-
Hon millions of motorists will take the road, trying to
squeeze as much pleasure as passible out of those few
remaining summer days. Unless there is a drastic change
throughout Canada and the United States, this last fling
will cost us hundreds of thousands of dollars in smashed
cars and Possibly upwards of a hundred lives, to say
riothing of countless people who will spend days, weeks
or perhaps even months in hospital.
This week, in Toronto, the Attorney General of
Ontario is meeting with all the senior officers of the
Provincial Polite in, an effort to And new ways to bring
'about a reduction in the dreadful traffic toll. However
successful this meeting 'might be, and despite all the
efforts of police forces and highways cleporbrent5 till
over the continent, the traffic death rate continues to
soar and at the present rate this will be our blackest
Year ever.
The only man who can solve this problem is, of
course, "The Motorist". Bearing this ntind I would
like to ask each reader 6f this newspaper to do his 'or
her part in assIstin9 the•safety programme by'-exercis-
ing the utmost Care and courtesy on the highways this
coming week-end.
Provincial Constable J. J. "Bob" Lewis
The regular meeting of the Odd-
fellows will be held Thursday,
September 3rd, In the Od.dfellows'
Dancing at the Blue. Moon, Fri-
day evening, September 4th to the
Music by Larry Mercey and His
Town and Country Boys. F2b
Mr, and Mrs. Gladwyn (Archie)
Campbell, 81'istol Terrace. Wing-
htini, will be At Home to their
friends iroin 2-4 and 7-9 on Satur-
day, September 6,, 1056, on OW CO-
Ottsion of their 25th wedding
annivetsttry. Pleatie MB, 20.2b ENGAGEMENT
Mr, and Malt, George Brooks,
Wingham, With to annotinee the'
engagement of their Meet datigh.
ter, jowl Marie, to Mr, ,Tantes
Aetna Stanley (Darling, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Stanley Darling, Blue.
le. The Marriage to take plate
4 Winglmrti United. Church oil .
attirdttY, September 6, at 2 pan.
The regnier ioeeting of the
Wingham Sportsmen's Assecia.•
lion will he he,d on Tuesday, eve-
ning, Sept, 8th at 8,30, This inect-
ing will be held in the new club
house on' the club park. We want
gond attendariee and *rise bring
a chair, 02b