HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1959-08-12, Page 10'W14n90.p..nolni l,..MN..111t1111111,t11p1 N111,1aiimeowimi IIII111111IIIN111141IIINIINlp11n111111111111IpIpp11g1Nip
Red Front rocery
Phone; Our Prices Are Lower Free
500 We Keep Down the Upkeep Delivery
15 oz.. — 2 for 59c
RAID Insect Bomb
11 oz. — $1.39
Picnic Sweet
16 oz. — 2 for 39c
YELLOW SUGAR .. — ....... 5 lbs. 43c
VanCamp's PORK & BEANS 20 oz. 2 for 39c
Greed Giant NIBLETS 14 oz. 2 for 37c
Blue & Gold FANCY PEAS 15 oz. '2 for 37c
• Calgon WATER SOFTENER 16 oz. 45c
TIDE Detergent (16c OFF Giant) 69c
Coleman's WIENERS lb. 45c
Coleman's BOLOGNA (sliced) lb. 35c
Mac-Cheese Loaf, Chicken Loaf,
Dutch Loaf, Olive Loaf lb. 49c
Bisset's ICE CREAM . • Yz gallon 89c
• ...... ..... iiiiiiiiii ,,,,,,,, 1111111111111111111 ,,,,,,,,,, 11111 ,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,, c111111 ,,,,,,,,,,,
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(beataand-massage pad)
PRIlenes pain* at
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Rat =Id Mitisage have long been among the most widely accepted
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But even more,regular use of Niagara Cyclo-Massage will help
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111 handy, portable set. . Includes the rthermo•Cycloped HeaaMassage Set to
Sit on, lie on, or lead against the
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INIAGAitA CYCI.O.MASSAGS action is unique.
ID help you feel better in many ways,
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Send complete <Iota* on Sinstorn cyan. Massogo
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Located in the McKibbon Block --- former Lee's
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miSPOOpps!...sism sommiss 4.440 wawa eves
—Misa Doreen PattIsm spent
last week with her grandparents,
Mr. tirid Mrs, Robert Higgins, in.
wear an OTC s•upport
Eta= HOSialkla
licit U3BONS.
Ile/gall Dreg Stare
11174 14)2117,114 rfitlatitwili4:i
T-410, Ilastern TOW41.01p4
Miss Porothy Drown .0 Vorqn=
to Spending a week with :her.
uncle and, aunt-, Mr and Mrs. A, M.
—Mr. and Mrs. marry Wenger
and family spent a few days on a
motor trip' to Northern Ontario
during their vacation,.
—Mr, and Mrs, Herbert Faller and
family spent last week at zi cottage
at PIM River',,
—Miss Jayne Ann Baker has re,.
turned to her home at Strathroy
after spending several weeks with
'her grandparents, Mr, and Mrs,
'Roy Adair,
—Mrs. Loretta Ste. Marie has
returned home .after a linenth'e,
visit to the Western Proviri,cea,
----Mrs. William Howe and 4,1..10,,
ter Sylvia of Burk Falls visited
with their cousin, Miss Margaret
Pinned, who returned with aim
for her holidays, They all attended
the Stratford .Shakespearean
"As You Like It" on their way
—Lt. and Mrs, 'L, R. Eldridge
and son, Mark, of Camp Borden,
who spent the first three weeks of
Jul)! in Wingham with Mrs. El-
dridge's mother, Mrs. Blatehford, •
returned home the latter part of.
the month taking Mrs. Blatchford
with them for a week's holiday.
—Mr. and Mrs, Stewart Payne
and .P.91.9ina AttaltitreY .viaited„ on.
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Hugh
Sineamoe, Minnie St.
—Mr, and Mrs, Mel Keating,
Charles and David of Eaeter were
visitors with Wingham friends on
Misses Barbara and Marlene
Stainton have returned home main
a week's motor trip to New Hamp-
—Mr. and Mrs, Wrn, Fitzpatrick
and family of London, Mr, and
Mrs, John Halalhan and family of
Blyth, visited on Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Ed Fitzpatrick, Mr. and
Mrs. Doug Ditchie, Jeffrey and
Paul of Kingston and Mrs. W. D.
'Houston. and four children of Lon-
don spent their holidays with
their parents. Mr. Everett Biglow
of Toronto also spent a day there.
—Ruth Ann Hamilton and Sandra
Stewart are spending this week at
the United 'Church stammer camp,
—Mr, and Mrs. Doug. Armstrong
of Edmonton, Alta„ and Mrs. Mary
Armstrong of Brantford, spent the
holiday week-end with Mrs, W. C.
Murray 'and Doug.
—Mr, Neil Eadie has been in-
formed that he has obtained first
class honors in the grade 10 piano
examination of the Royal Con-
conservatory of Toronto. He also
secured honor standing in grade 3.
history, Both examinations were
held in Blyth, where Neil' has
been instructed by Mrs. J. G. Mc-
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. (Bud)
Wild of Sarnia visited at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Don Montgomery
over the holiday week-end. Other
friends who dropped in were Mr.
and Mrs. Al Simmons of Oakville,
Mr. and Mrs. Don Schatte of Sim-
cob, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Harcourt.
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Seddon, Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Henderson. Mr. and Mrs,
Ron Foxton, all of Wingham,
—Mr, and Mrs. Ross Miller and
family of Carlingford visited . Sun-
day with Mrs. D. Rae, His mother,
Mrs. Miller of Stratford is spend-
ing the week with her sister, Mrs.
—Earl Ste. Marie of Kitchener,
son of Mrs. L. Ste. Marie of.
ham was 'the lucky winner of a
1959 Easel 'at the annual draw of
the Sebringville Athletic Associ-
ation on Civic holiday, • --Mr. and Mrs, Douglas C. Kerr
and family of Toronto spent the
week-end with his parents Mr. and
Mrs. 3, J. Kerr, Minnie St.
—Mrs, David Chamney of Exeter
visited friends and former neigh-
bours in Wingham last week.
—Mrs. McCreight and Mrs. Dave
Gathers attended the 25th wedding
anniversary of their son Mr. and
Mrs. Lloyd Lathers in Hanover,
August 2nd,
—Barney McIntyre has accepted
a position as 'teacher in the Nee-
pawa High School near Brandon
for the coming year.
—Mrs. D. M. Simpson of 13a1-
moral, Man., is visiting with her
sister, Mrs. R. J. McLennan.
-.Dr. Robert W. Kent. of the
staff of the State Sanatorium, Oak-
dale, Iowa, U.S.A,, and his wife,
nee Joyce McQuarrie, Reg.N., visit-
ed with his grandmother, Mrs.
S. .1. Cantelon, and uncle, Leon C.
Cantelon, of Leopold St., and other
Wingham relatives, an Tuesday
and Wednesday, August 4th and
---PriendS of Mrs, Abner Cosens
will be pleased to know that she
was able to return home from the
Wingham Hospital 'on Sunday.
FOFODWICH-aThe August meet-
ing of the Porchvieh United Church
W.A.. was held in the church par-
lors, In the absence of the presi-
dent, the vice president, Mrs. Wil-
liam Wilson and secretary, Mrs.
William Campbell, were in charge.
The meeting opened, with, the
hymn,"For the Beauty of the
Scripture, 1st Corinthians, chap,
1 was read by Mrs. H, Deig 'and
comments by Mrs. Wilson. Prayer
was offered after which the hymn
Charge to Keep I Have" was
sung folldwecl by closing thoughts
in the form of a prayer,
Twenty members answered, the
roll call, It was decided to have
a bazaalar, the tentative date the
last Saturday in November. Thc
plaiiS for a coming wedding were
discussed, the ladies enjoyed quilt-
ing. A delielous lunch was served
by the committee in charge,
What could' taste better. on, hot
buttered toast *than .peach. jam?
Here's ray very, suecesaful recipe.
4 cups prepared fruit '
(about 2 quarts ripe peaches)*
14 cup lemon juice (2 lemons)
71/2 cups (31/.4, lbs.) sugar
.1 bottle Certo fruit pectin
How to prepare train. Peel and pit
about 2 quarts fully ripe peaches.
Grind or chop very fine! Measure
4 cups into a very large saucepan.
Add to cup lemon juice.
How to mike the jam. 'Add sugar
to fruit in saucepan and mix well.
Place over high heat, bring to full
rolling boil. Boil hard 1 minute,
stirring constantly: Remove from
heat; stir in •Certo at once. Skim
off foam with metal spoon. Stir
and skim for 5 'minutes to cool
slightly; to prevent floating fruit.
Ladle into glasses, Cover at epee
with ta inch hot paraffin. Makes
about 11 medium glasses. '
Pectin: What is it? Here's the
answer! Pectin is the jelling sub-
stance found in all fruits in vary-
ing amounts. Certo is pectin ex-
tracted from fruits rich in this na-
tural substance, then refined, con-
centrated and performance-con-
trolled. Using Certd and follow-
ing the tested Certo recipes, meant
your jam and jelly will always set
Preserving Pointer; Certain
fruits, such 'as peaches, pears,
apricots and apples darken'easily
while you're preparing them for
preserving. Td help keep their col-
or, place the fruit in a bath of 1/2
tablespoon salt and 1/2 tablespoon
of Vinegar td 4 cups a water,
Then 'rinse there in clear 'water
before you pack them in jars.
That wag they'll look every hit as
good as they taste!
More aecipes—ntet;e ill/etch
for thent7 if yoiene had a prob.
lam with yeur lent of jellti mdk4
ing, drop me a line. I'd be glad, to
iielp."Bve for non/.
Which Of These FREE
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Any of these booklets may INS
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above and returning this adver-
tising to us in the mail with
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oft phone or come ht person-
alty to obtain. your collies. We
will certainly .bo•bilpfoy tn be of
service- to 'YOu Milt to answer
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tour Golden Circle Of •8otind
225 N. Front St.,
DI 4-870E $ARNIA, ONT.
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rfttOtleal iitStrpetlOH. i*4 ell Clonimerolel flow,*
.Qualified '.t'eacher'smoors, P oo akokno -$131v. TY RPwritki: •
1.1ixaminations set, marked, And Diplomas Issued- 1)3..'
For, several years every seat leas been filled, . •! .
Resister mow-- Tttftlen • •••••1 •
Telephone Goderich 428 or 1172 toilloot
"Iir9:110 • ,
eed up to '250 it • - ,f Oj, .-
Clearance Prices in
Summer Sportsweai
Outstanding bargains are being offered at Edi1hoffers:
during their SUMMER CLEARANCE on sportsvonar.A; 1
T Stillity$,!:.
Ali reduced one-third'..,:!" i
_ 1 Group of DRESSES, values to $1/.95—To clear, fithll •
ii ii- 1 Group of DRESSES, values to $9.95-...To Clecir, #:.44 i •
1 Group of DRESSES, values to SS:Pi—To cleari:$2.4
A group of MENS SUMMER JACKETS, values fii„ $4,0 I
, , To ••Cleeir at $5.00 , ''.' ;-..,.11.: II
, . ,:'.
All reduced aste.third ':::‘'.
Arsoomsyq•usTW'...-."4,41,..1.11.1111' ss• s•s,ss sosssmss,
/Irate Treasure with a small boy.
. 1110111.0111.1.11.01111•11111111111•
11111111.,$, a PRI, SAT.
aliagust la a
► interesting story of a boy, 4
' dog and a horse..
—Mig4 .1VR y Clibbona of the Tea .
kilk.harm, 'Ontario rolite-DeMillien Bat* staff ,spent
.last weeks With relatives in Pe.
'0100111r„.. '10,40 Night •Conalneata.
UM Theatre
itt 1,1.6 p.m.
—Mrs. M. Sutton spent a week
at Pert NlOiri with her daughter,
Mrs. Wally Taylor and Mr. Taylor.
M, Geddes of Toronto
and Mr, W. C. Geddes{ of Chatham
have been holidaying with their
plater, Miss Anne Geddcaa, Mr. and
Mrs. ape Littl'e of Seaferlli MOP,
vialted at the same home ever the
—Mr. and Mrs. Len Crawford
and, Mr,, and Mrs. Mervyn Temple-
men took a meter trip to Northern
Ontario last week.
—Mr. and Mrs, R, 0, Weeger mo-
tored to, Northern Ontario last
week and spent a few days at the
week-end with Mia and Mrs, Har-
ry McLean and ,faitillY at F'elieleil
—iyra, and Mrs. A. M, Peebles vis-
ited friends in Sarnia on Sunday.
* —Mr. and Mrs. William Sturdy
of Owen Sound were visitors with
his mother, Mrs. Frank Sturdy,
and other relatives, Mrs. Sturdy
and Mrs. Gwen Adams returned
with them to Owen Sound for a
short holiday.
a-Mr, ..andMra. a A, E.' Haase,
Gregory and Jimmy of Toronto
were week-end visitors with Mr,
and Mrs. Roy Adair. ,
—Mr, and Mrs. H. M. juatason of
Kitchener spent the holiday week-
end with Mr, and Mrs, R. 0 Gan-
4 —Mr. and Mrs, Howard Johnston
of Detroit, who visited at the home
of Mr. and Mrs, Harry Town, re-
turned home yesterday,
—Mr, and Mrs. Harry McArthur
and family have returned from a
vacation in' Cape Cod; the New,
England States and the MaritiMes.
—Dr. J. R. and Mrs. St. John
and family of Uxbridge visited
over the week-end with her mo-
ther, Mrs. D, Rae and at the Gur-
ney cottage at • iKneardine beach.
—Mrs. Cathari.ne Axford of De-
troit, is visiting with her nie,ce,
Mrs. Joseph Schneider and • Mr.
—Mr. and Mrs. Gerard McIn-
tyre and children of London spent
the week-end with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. C, McIntyre,
—Mr, and Mrs. Robert Sinna"mon
and babS, Richard spent the week-
end with her parents, Mr, and Mrs,
Oscar Rock of Mimiltton. Brian
Rock, who spent last week here,
returned home, Mr, and 'Mrs,
Sinnamon visited on Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs., Clifford 'Aikens, of
—Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Leggett,
Allan and Murray are spending
their holidays at Bowsman, Man.,
with Mrs. Leggatt's parents, Mr,
and Mrs. Fothergill.
—Mrs, Gorge Forler of Kitch-
ener visited, last week with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mof-
fatt, Mr. Forler is attending sum-mer school in Toronto,
Mr, and Mrs Don Rosenhagen,
Vane, and Vicki have returned af-
Surprise Couple
On 25th Anniversary
IrORDWIQH—A.surprise Pi1rty
was held by 'Members of the fam-
ily, neighbors and friends Of Mr.
anti Mrs, Tom Meglelnent at their
home last week on the occasion of
their 25tH wedding annlVeraitry.
Carde were played during the, eye-
Ping's entertain-Meats .
Mrs. •0141 lildgar read the follow:
'rag address;
Dear Mary and Tom:
For 25 years yott have loved,
argued, been sorry and happy,
But through it all you have been
One of the best mothers end a real
good peppy,
Then look at your family,
Every one of them swell,
We hope they will do
For themselves just as Well.
So tonight we 'have come
As friends, neighbors and family
To give you good wishes
And real congratulatloes.
'To make these wishes seem ,more.
We ask you to accept these gifts *
That we have gladly brought.
We hope you'll make good use of
That's the point, you See,
So let's all gather round now
And have some tea.
They were presented with a pair
of step-up tables, a table lamp and
clothes hamper, An anniversary
cake, complete. with decorations,
was made for the event. A delic-
ious lunch was served to bring the
evening to a close.
Mission Band
Annual Picnic . •
PORDWICH—The Silver Star
Mission Band held its annual pic-
nic on Wednesday on the United
Church lawn, With it good atten-
dance. 'Members of the Baby Band;
WaVf.S. and W.A. of the church
were special geusts,
The executive and Mrs, E. Har-
ding conducted the worship service.
Several musical numbers were en-
Mrs. Robt Gibson was in charge
of the sports and games of the
afternoon,' A picnic lunch was
served with ice cream as a treat
of 'the Mission Band,
Mr. and Mrs. Irwin .
Wed 40 Years
A very pleasant evening was
spent at the home of Mr. and• Mrs.
Herson Irwin in Belgrave on Satur-
day when family and triends
gathered to celebrate their 40th
wedding anniversary. Prior to the
evening's entertainment; the 4-H•
club, of which Mrs. Irwin is leader,
served a delicious luncheon to
members of the family.
Mr, and Mrs. Irwin were married
at her home in West Wawanosh by.
Rev. Millson of Auburn. They
farmed in E. Wawanosh for 38
years and moved to Belgrave two
years ago. Mrs. Irwin was feigner-
ly Ella Thompson.
Members of the family who
attended were their six children,
husbands and wives and eight
grandchildren: Mr. • and Mrs, Alex
Nethery and three children of Don
Mills; Mr, and Mrs. Jim Irwin and,
Dougie of Burlington; Mr. and
Mrs. 'Gibson Armstrong and two
children, London; Mr. 'and Mrs.
Scott Reid and Judy, Wingham;
Mr. and Mrs, Bill Irwin and baby
of B. Wawanosh. and Mr. and Mrs.
Hugh Laviolette of Scarborough.
Brothers who attended the cele-
bration were Mr. and Mrs, Frank
Thompson and Mr. and Mrs. Nor-
man Thompson, all of Winghain:
Mr. R. H. Thompson of E. Wawa-
nosh and Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Irwin
of Goderich, Mrs: Irwin's sister-
in-law, Mrs. Joseph Thompson of
Listowel was also present.
, The evening was spent playing •
cards and slides of family pictures
were shown, Four grandchildren,
Judy Reid, Gail Arinstrong 4t and
Valerie and Brenda Nethery per-
formed a mock wedding.
Miss Judy tatting of London,
England visited Sher cousin Mrs.
and Mr. Percy Harris of Wingham
last week,
Miss Utting has just completed
a cross-country tour of the U.S.A.,
travelling from California• tp Ni-
agara pada •Ontario, where* she ,
was met by Mr. and Mrs. Den
Delmage of London, Ont.
Entente to 'Wingham Miss Utting
visited a pen-friend in l'iorida,
whom she has been corresponding
with for fifteen years,
During the past twelve Months'
Miss Utting !has been an exchange
teacher in California, U.S.A.
On Monday 'arid Tuesday even-
ings of last week she Tait a.900
feet of movie film taken during
her travel's, which included a, trip
to the Grand Canyon and Disney-
land, camping in the Arltena
desert and in the mountains of
wibroitax corvo logurwa
Teacher of Theory,
Piano, and Organ.
Telephone 879
We are serry to repert Mrs, Ben
Mr. Dave Robinson, Mr,
Bill Gibson and Mr, Mao Allan are
patients in the Winghitin General
Hospital, We wish for 011 a speedy
Mr, aed Mrs. Ward Galbraith,
Richmond, 'Virginia, spent a week
recently with the former's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. George Galbraith,
Mrs, Jean Brown, Toronto, 'is
wending some time with Miss
Nellie Ball.
Mr. and' Mrs, aaarry Adams and
Mrs. R. Newton were Sunday
guests of Mr. and Mrs, Harry.
Adams Sr., ip Goderich.
Miss Debbie and Master David •
0-1b'sOn; Wingham, spent a few days
with their grandparents, Me, and
Mrs, Gordon Gibson recently.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Coates spent
the holiday week-end with Mr. ana
Mrs, Lloyd Mapletoft, Millbrook,
and Master Eopnie Mapletoft re-
turned home with them after a
couple of weeks' visit here.
Mrs. Bill Howell and daughter,
Sylvia; of Smith. Falls spent a day
with Mr, and Mrs. Geo, Gibson,
We are pleased to report that
Miss Gentle 'Bush and Mr, 'Ian
Howes have 'been able to return to
their !lorries from Wingham Ilos
Mr, and Mrs.. Ernie Dobbs, Tor-
onto, were week-end guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Gilbert Howes.
Mr, .and Mrs. Wm, Newton and
daughters, Byron, have returned
home following a week's vacation
with Mrs. R. Newton,
Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd McMichael,
Toronto. attended the Ries-Mc-
Michael wedding on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. •Bruce Montgomery,
Witigham, Mr. and Mrs. Bernell
Smith and Blair of Listowel, spent
Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Ted
Mrse, Alonzo Spa,rling returned
home 'on 'Thursday after spending
the past couple of weeks with 'her
daughter, Mrs. Walter Eaton and
Mr, Eaton, ,Segorth.
denly of drowning at 'the age of
19 months on Thursday, August
6th, 1959, Craig Donald Alley, be-
loved son of Mr. and Mrs, Arthur
Alley (Edith McDonald, Wrox-
eter) of Mciorelands, Dunbarton,
Opt. Dear brother of Cheryl,
DebPrah, Raymond and Gordon,
Funeral and interment on Satur-
day. August 8th at St. George's
Anglican Church, Pickering.
Some splendid shots of the Rose
Bowl parade last January were
seen, also general views of San
Francisco . and •some wonderful
•sceges of the Californian coast line.
In• all, Miss 'Utting has travelled
through twenty-six states.
On Monday afternoon of last
week she was a guest of Miss
Margaret Brophy on "M'lady" over
After leaving Wingham, she
travels to London, Out,, with Mr.
and Mrs. Percy Harris to visit
with Mr. and. Mrs. Den Delmage
for a few 'days, before continuing
to Belleville, to visit other cousins.
She sails for home from Mont-
real, Quebec .on the "Entpress of
Britain" on August 18th.
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