HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1959-08-12, Page 7•
awe let4 ' • $‘7,,,,t Tar.' aaalysaira alaageli
be am Rbtijitirt-'1=Timr1
Olsrrium, witoMsDAY, ,u(US' ,' lz, 1959
„e„, -gel
FRONTIER-DAYS ENTERTAINMENT will be the best and Billy Meek above, who will be on hand, is
rated as tops. He is a versatile Scot and has gained enthused audiences on three continents with his ef-
fervescent personality. Visitors to the Wingham Lion's Wild West affair will thrill to his show-stopping
technique on the banjo and lids refreshing approach to comedy: His warm personality will be one 'of the
hightlighte of the event slated for the end of this month,
BELGRAVE—The regular meet
ings of the Woman's Missionary
-Society -eact- the---Woman's aAseciela
ation of Knox United Church
were held an Wednesday after-
noon, in -the church. Mrs. Walter
Scott opened the W.M.S. meeting
with a hymn and prayer, Minutes
were read -by Mrs. George Michie
and the' treasurer's report by Mrs.
George Martin, Mrs. Fred Cook
read the gift fund report, Mrs.
Lyle Hopper reported that the
bale that had been sent, hadt -been
received and gratefully acknow-
Plans were made to hold a thank
offering meeting with other Socie-
ties to be invited as guests. Sep-
tember 30 was set as a tentative
date. The group also -decided to
hold an evening service, showing a
film if possible and if not will
have a guest speaker.
The study for September will be
on' Africa. '
Mrs. James Michie was in charge
of the worship service opening
with the call to worship and a
hymn, Scripture readings were
given by Mrs. -George Michie and
Mrs, Carl Procter, Litany and
and prayer followed,
The study on Stewardship of
Hospitality was read by Mrs. Carl
Procter and Stewardship :of the
Needle by Mrs. George Michie. A'
hymn and prayer closed 'this meet-
Tthe theme of the WA, meeting
was Leadership Is Costly. Mrs.
Leslie Bolt read an article -by June
Woodburn that she had read at
the Junior Farmers' Rally at Gen-
eva Park, "Go Ye Therefore". The
Scripture lesson from Matthew
28:18-20 -contained these same
thoughts. A hymn was sung and
Mrs, Bolt led in prayer. Fifteen
members answered the roll call.
Mrs. Jack Taylor read the min-
utes and Mrs. J. M. ,Coultes read
the financial statement, showing a
balance on hand :of $1,142.50, A
card of thanks *as read from• Mrs,
Gordon Higgins,
),fr,'"AtIMA Mrri, Clarence Atmore.
Irka Mrs, Pax*, of Sarnia,
yisited lalt• Thursday with Mi, and
Area. Chain Nether/.
Toanniy and Keith Black are
lS*04Ing a Week at Camp 'Barden
iSt the home of Mr, and Mrs. Adam
, I!' McGill Will be in charge
6,f (the grendanntheaga meeting of
the BelifaeVe Women's Institute
on Tuesday afternoon, August '18
in the Community Centre, Mrs. L.
Sarinareur will give the address,
There will, be a display of old and
;70 articles, alemnsl knitting
OAKS, china or silver,
Mr, and Mrs. Nelson Higgles'ac-
innenanied Mr, and Mrs, Carman
Parrier and family on a motor trip
to.the Muskoka district last weep.
Mr .and Mrs. Gibson Armstrong,
• t)avia' and Gall of London visited
last week with her parents Mr
'ana Mts, Hereon Irwin arid other
, 'Mr. and Mrs, 'Clyde Robinson,
Clyde Jr. and Louise of Toronto
epena the week-end with Mr, and
a'fra: Ralph' McCrea and family. •
a'i afr. and, Mrs. Nelsen Howe and
4.mily of Cromarty and Mrs„ W.
*hefty of Staffa visited on Sat-
!antsy with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. W11-
'41* Kelly last week were. Mr, and
Mrs. George Wakeman of Toronto,
Nati: John Kelly of Wingham and
Rev. and, Mrs. Stewart Miner and
aaraily of Sarnia,
LX,ris, Lloyd Taylor, Judy and
John of Sarnia spent the past week
With Mr, and Mrs. Orval Taylor
maid-other relatives in the district.
q4,fr..and Mrs. Cecil Armstrong,
Rate and Kenneth of Thorndale,
TO. Hilda Roberts of ListoWel and
Mr.' and Mrs, Jack Armstrong of
Hamilton spent the week-end with
Mie and Mrs. David Armstrong.
la's.fr. Herb Wheeler -is a patient in
Wingharn General Hospital.
'Mrs Wilfred/ Pickell and family
Doe: Hamilton is spending some time
With her mother; Mrs. Herb Wheel-
ell; and visiting her father in the
•aVineharri Hospital. Ira •and Mrs. Wilfred Walker of
inieriali spent the week-end with
rOatives here.
Mrs. Laura Johnston and George
ha are returned after spending the
past two weeks with relatives in
Carleton Place and Herkimer, New
-.Mr. and Mrs. James Lamont and
Dale attended a picnic near Bay-
field air the management and em-
ployees of, Lorne Brown Meters,
:Clititona last Wednesday afternoon.
and Aft'0,41in Wait.W.Igh - and
famifr of Blyth -visited on Sunday
With Mrs. Lamm 'Johnston and
Gear*, ' . •
aMre, Thomas Smith, Mrs, Ralph
McCrea; Douglas and 'Maureen and
Dile: Lamont visited one day last
week With' Mrs. Burns Moffatt at
Bilievale. ?
kJ.. and Mts. G. W.- Crosby= and.
&May of Galt visited recently with
Ma-and Mrs. Ted Fear and family.
Mr., James Lamont had the mis-
lune to ,inaure his left hand .at
, Friday„ requiring five
etitelaes' to clo'sc the woarid. .
:aafie -and Mrs. Ralph McCrea,
Douglas and Maureen visited on
Siinciay, with. Me. and Mrs. (toss
Robinson and :Keith at Lucknow.
held eits annual picnic at
Point Clark on Sunday,.
;=Visitors recently with Mr. and
atars. David Armstrong were. Mrs.
Hilda Roberts, Listowel, Mr. and
ilia; Gibson Armstrong, Gail and
David of.London, Mr. and Mrs. Ce-
eil Armstaong, Beta and Kenneth
of. • Theandale, Mr. and Mrs. Ira
of Fordwieh, Mrs. Tessle
Zinimerman of Gorrie, Mrs. Unice
!atria, Calonsay, Sask., Mr. and
Mak. Harold Roberts of Listowel
and Mr. and Mrs. Jaek Armstrong
Of Hamilton.
Visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Trousseau Tea
BELGRAVE-Mrs, eGordon Pen-
gelly entertained neighbours and
friends at a -trousseau tea at her
home on Saturday afternoon and
evening in -honor of her daughter,
Miss Ila Pengelly, who is being
married on -Satundayea. -The' -house
was-decorated with pink and white
bells and streamers and baskets of
summer .flowers.
Redeiving at the door were, Mrs,
Pengelly and Mrs. Melville Mathers,
mother of the bridegroom, and
Da: Mrs. Jim Gaunt showed the
gifts; kitchenware, Mrs. Alvin Pen-
gelly and. Miss Beryl McFarlane;
linens and china, Mrs. L. Geclkin
and Miss Lillian Pengelly; trous-
seau, Miss Ruth Procter.
Lunch was served by Misses
Eleanor Walsh and Claire Chim-
ney. Other . assistants were Mrs.
Walter Woods, Mrs, Gordon Bos-
nian and Miss Marilyn Pengelly.
and Procter and Joyce last week
were -Mr and Mrs. Charles Steen-
eck of Flint, Mich., and Mrs. Gert-
rude Onyons, Detroit, Mrs. Alice
Johnston and Miss Iris Johnston
of London.
Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Smithson
and Paul of Toronto visited with
her sister and brother-in-law, Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Procter and fam-
ily last week.
Misses Valerie and. Brenda Ne-
thery of Don Mills are spending
this week with their grandparents,
Mr. and Mrs. Herson Irwin and
othet relatives.
Guild Meets at
Procter Horne
BELGRAVE—Mrs. Robert Proc-
ter welcomed the members Of the
Guild of Trinity' Anglican church
trieneesaine re thee ragnlpae meats,
ing on Thursday :afternoon. The
president, Mrs. . Clark Johnston
opened the meeting with a hymn
and prayer and the Lord's prayer
in unison. Linda Johnston read-
the Scripture lesson from Luke 18.
Mrs, Lawrence Vannan read the
minutes in the absence of Mrs,
Richard Procter,
It was decided to told a mis-
cellaneous sale at the next meeting.
Mrs, Robert Higgins stated that
the Christmas• card samples were
in now. Miss Stella Nethery and
Mrs. David Armstrong are to clean
the church for August. The next
meeting will be held at the home
of Mrs. David Armstrong,
Mrs. Mel Bradburn was in charge
of the program which included a
duet by Linda and Jeanette
Johnston; piano solo by Diane
VanCamp, Highland Fling by
Nancy VanCamp, • Mrs. Bradburn
read an article on the Confirmation
service in the far north, at a, vil-
lage -.called Christian. A short
quiz was held. The meeting closed
with the .benediction. Grace was
sung and lunch served by the
hostess assisted -by Mrs. David
Armstrong and Mrs. Clare Van-
Camp, 1011:TWINI
T.41,4134V.V4--41.ie August Meets
or too avemen's. eseteelonaey
Society was. held in Knox Prealhae.
tartan Church, The president!
Mrs, Joe aninbae, presided and
.tile meeting. Wan, prayer.
A hymn was swig, The Scripture
reading was given by Mrs, ,goes
Anderson, Mrs, 'cliffnrel
led in prayer. The minutes of the
previous meeting were read apcl
the treasurer's report heard.
aOrreaPondence dealt with me-
terial for the bale which is -to ,ae
sent to Kowa; early in October,
Plans for the Tharareffering meet,.
ing in October were made, Visits.
were reported and the roll call
was answered with a verso •on.
"Harvest", offering was re- •
The topic was taken by Mrs.
Bruce on peebleine in crowded-
areas in cities, These are taken
-care of by Tyndall House in Mont-
real, the .Evangel Hall on Queen •
St., in. Toronto, where Sunday
evening services ere held with loud :
speakers set up outside in the
ataeeta..,.,Callarereaare,. „tee
camps during holidays and Citi—
zens' Clubs conduct English classes.
Hospital visits are made in the
large centres across Canada,
At Markson, a Home for Girls
and the 'Children's' ,Aid Society
help with the adoption of children
and work with the Community
Chest has a strengthening influa
ence. In New Brunswick there is
a home for old and young women.
A poem was read by Mrs. Garner
Nicholson entitled, "Don't Forget
to Pray". A hymn was sung and
the president closed ,the meeting
with prayer.
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Hastie, and-
'Mr. and Mrs. W. C. King spent
four days recently at Duclose Pt„
McCrae Beach, guests- of Mr. and
Mrs. Milton Smith.
Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Archie
Miller for the week-end -and holi-
day were Mr. and Mrs. Ken' Arscott
and family and Mrs. Geo. Arscott
of Toronto. The latter remaining
for a few days longer. Mrs. Cecil
Gordon and Billie of Weston', spent
from Tuesday to Friday at the
same home and Mrs.' Arscott re-
turned home with them.
' Mr. and Mrs, Sandy Hastie, Tor-
onto were at Harry Hastie's for the
Mr, Wallace Edgar left Monday
to return to his home in Wembley,
Albert, after spending several
weeks here.
and 'Mrs:. Sack 'Blythe -and
family, -Mimico, spent -the week-end
and holiday with Mr. and Mrs.
Ken Hastie, also Tom Hastie and
He-ather Hastie.
Guests of Mr. and Mrs, W. C.
King on Wednesday last were Mr.
-and Mrs. Clarence Hutchison of
St. Phonies, Mrs. Wilford Mellis of
Kippen and Mrs. Elsie Haney of
Guests of Mr. -and Mrs. Ken
Hastie this week-end were Mr. and
Mrs. Bert Foster and son Douglas
of aVlimico and Mr. Terry McDon-
ald Toronto. Douglas Foster re-
mained for a week's visit.
Miss Faye Edgar of St. Thomas
visited friends here last week.
A cow belonging to Mr. Tom
McInnes gave birth to twin calves.
Both are doing well.
Linda Johnston is ,attending the
United Church Summer School at
Minnehaha Camp at Goderich.
Recent visitors with Mr, and Mrs.
H. King' and. Miss Lawson were
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Murdock of
Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Robt,
Murdoch of Holtyre, Northern On-
Mrs. Eunice Harris and grand-
son Ross Harris of Colonsay, Sask.,
visited' the former's sister, Mrs.
Tessie Zimmerman recently.
Mr. and Mrs, Melville Beecroft,
John and Wayne of Otterville visit-
ed Mr. and Mrs, Hector Hamilton
on Wednesday.
Mr. .-and Mrs. Bill Brawn and
family of Clifford, have moved to
the Harry King residence on High-
way 87, 'formerly occupied by Mr,
and Mrs. W. R. Collings.
Mr, John Brydon -and Miss
Margaret Brydon of Galt were
guests of Mrs.- Bella Greaves on
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Gal-
braith, Newton and Betty of Har-
riston, visited Mrs, Ruth Corbett
on Wednesday afternoon.'
Attending the Sothern reunion
in Listowel on Civic Holiday were
Miss Betty Zimmerman, Clinton
and Mrs. Tessie Zimmerman and
Mr, and Mrs. Norman Wade,
Sincere, sympathy goes to Mrs.
Leonard Sanderson, whose father,
Mr,' Lawrence Stirling of Bervie
died on Monday of last week.
Mrs, Helen Stephens was on holi-
day at Port Elgin, the early part of
last Week, Later Mrs, Alvin Grain-
ger and family and Miss. Ruth
Grainger Were also at Pt, Elgin,
Mrs, Geo, Cameron and three
OME---MM Mary Sanderson .'
attended a miscellaneous shower -
on Tuesday .evening In Wingharn,:
given for her daughter, Miss petty
Sanderson, Witeea 'marriage talmt
place August
Miss .Ttiith Tanen also •entertriall-•
.ed at .her home for Miss 'Sander-
son when ,.a number of girl friends,
gathered and gifts were presented'
'by, little Marilyn Bell, A bride's,
book was made and refreshments
GORRTg—The following were
successful in the tests made on-
Friday for the elaases taking the
Water Safety and Swimming cours-
es. The examiner, sent by the
Red. Cross, was Doug Heekey, Clin-
ton, Instructor was Bob Bus-
bridge, London and assistant San-
dra Edgar, Gorrie.
Learn' to swim: Brenda Town-
isend,..Charles 011ekikalraarei
Wood, Arnold Allan, Brian Martin,
Gerry Smith, Teddy Graham,
Larke Carson, JoYce Hamilton,
Bonnie. Brown, Donna Ferguson,
Anne Dane, byline Wright, Dianna
Mariana, Jean Newton, - Margaret
Rose Wright, Lance Gibson, Chris-
tine Cato, Marion Harding, Connie
Clark, Brian McClure, Paul Thomp-
son, Karen Martin, Janice Elschner,
Jack' Watson, Patti Brown, Barb-
ara. Ferguson, John Horvath, Brent
Dane, Kaye Wright, Jean -"Adams,
Dale McLean, David Horvath.
Beginners, Carol King, Doug
King, John Harris, Carman Hamil-
ton, Garry Watson.
Junior Red, Cross: Sharon Pol-
lock, Sandra Allan, Karen Cars-
well, Hlen Johnston, Henk Winkel,
Lynda Johnston, Brian Allan, Bill
Carswell, Donald Watson, Annie
Winkel, Elaine Sanderson, James
Senior Red Cross: Nadine Cook,
Carol Robinson, -Sandra Edgar,
Bill Keil.
The class was continued for In-
termediates for last week and tests
again made on Saturday when the
folloWing were successful: Marg-
aret Ann Wilson, Doris Carswell,
Dianne Carswell, Jelin Carswell
-and Alex. HamiltoaL
The following also passed their
senior Red -Cross tests:, Peter Keil,
Don Whitfield.
MrS. R.; Atkinson
Dies •in Buffalo '
GORRIE—Mrs. Richard Atkin-
son (Bessie• G. Lovell) died July
24th in Buffalo, suddenly of a
heart attack. Burial was in Buf-
falo, N.Y.
Surviving are three sons, Pat
and William of Buffalo, N.Y., and
Thomas of Lakefield, Ont.
She was a resident of con, 2,
Turnberry, in her girlhood.
Board Prepares
For Centennial
G-ORRIE—A meeting of the How-
ick Agricultural Society was held
to make further arrangements for
the Centennial Fair, Oct 2-3 in
Gorrie park, The different commit-
tees reported progress.
A decision was made to have
signs erected on the highways for
advertising purposes,
A now .oil furnaeo Is 'being In-
stalled at .the Gorrie aelneel. gar-.
Oa King has the. .contrast,
' Mr. and Mrs. Dill. Nay ..spent
few ..days of last week In Waterloo,'
Mr. and. Mrs. Archie Halliday of
'Toronto -visited Miss Etianea
last week. •
Mr, Janine Douglas spent Thurs.-
day In a3eallleVille with Mr. and
Mrs. Gordon grown.
Mr. and Mrs,, J. C. .Eclgaa enjoy-'.
ed several days holiday in Northo'
R4 em 'O ntario and visited friends in
Mrs. S. M. Johnston 'of Listowel'
visited wait" leer son, Mr. Lionel'
Johnston and Mrs, -Johnston last•
M 'rs. harry Ferguson returned!
Friday after visiting relatives in
Anse. Craig and London,
Mr. and Mrs, :Konen Wade and
Paul of Montreal are visiting the
foreriera parents; Mr, and Mrs.
NoMLIThrs1.1;r1RoWnaBderOoks- and family re-
aliened to 'their home Oegoode .
after visiting Mr. and Mrs. Am,
arose David and other relativee.
Mi'. Harvey [Sperling was taken
to last, 'week,
'after suffering a heart attack.
Misses Evelyn and Elaine Found
of Oshawa visited Mr. and Mrs.
Robt. Dane one day last week, Mr.'
Geo. Johnston of Toronto, -and his
mother, .Mrs. J. G. Johnston of
Miidmay were also visitors at the
same home.
Howievls District L.O.L, and
L.0113.A, Memorial and Decoration
Service will be held In the .Gorrie
cemetery on Sunday,. Aug. Min
The Rev, j. Ewart Clark of. the
Gorrie United Clinton. will he the'
Visitors with. Infra John Wylie.
and Miss Betty Wylie are Mr. and
Mrs, Adam Sohlatter of Seattle,
Wash.; Mr. and Mrs. Jas,
Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Carter Mc-
Kee, Galt; Itev, Geo, Wylie, Wal-
laceeburg, Visitors at the same
'Mrs, J. 10, Ikftt-4114i
has been visiting with Iittis,
Gillespie duving thir Vitt -wig,
Misses Turner PI Toronto 1
teen visiting this week at the ht
of MM. Allen Tumor,.
Mr. .41e4 Inglis Wee very ill With
a virus infeotion, during the weeks
Miss sgrhgro.,:Coultee aiieitea beet
week with Miele Lillian. Smyth in
Mr, ,And Mrs. Carl VirOer and
children visited on Sunday at the
home of bis niece, Mra, Coiri',X4rig
of Miesley,
Johnston: Reunion
OPRBIE--The Johnston fanellY
picnic, held in the Currie Cosae
Triunity Park on Sunday wee 'ate
tended by fifty or more members,
'Officers for the following year are
arasident, Cecil Johnston, Wood-
stock; viceepres„ Leonard Johni-
ton, Kincardine; seeatrease Oliver
Johnston, Listowel; asst, 'Sane
lelonen Johnetole; Geralee SOttir
comm„ Mrs, Chester Emmertqn,
Ripley and Mrs; 'Verna Bentley,
Next year's family picnic will be
held in Woodstock Park.
home last week were Mr. and Mrs.
Brent Eveleigh, Guelph.
Mr. -and Airs. Russell neaten and
family attended the reunion church
service in Teesvvater on Sunday
and visited Mr, and Mrs. WM.
TELEHITS— In Listowel Memor-
ial Hospital on Saturday, August
8th, to Mr. and. Mrs. Graham
Telehus, a daughter.
Thursday, Aug. 13
7:00 to 7:30 P.M.
Chrysler Corp. of Canada Presents
A full 14 hour of Musical Variety featUrliitt,7
e, Lawrence Welk with the•Chanweene Music Makers
e The Lennon Sisters
e Myron Flores and his accordian
a Fainout Canadian tenor Maurice flearson
Family Celebrates
Silver Wedding
GORRIE—Mr, and Mrs. Harvey
Wright were entertained at a sur-
prise party on Friday night, Aug.
7th, at the home of their eldest
daughter, Mrs. Walter Demerling,
on the occasion of 'their 25th wed-
ding anniversary.
The table was. decorated with
silver and white streamers .and
centred With a two-storey wedding
cake, After dinner the couple
were -presented with a, large plate
glass mirror,
'phone present for the dinner children of Stoney Creek are holi-
were thefamily and patents, Mr, (laying with. Mrs. Oameron's pa-
and Mrs. Frank Wright.is
rents, Mr, and Mrs, Murray Edgar,
DERRY DAY PARADE—AVM 3;000 aalegatea
both tine Visitors nnirlecal residents wet% able,
lateen Band shown below,., UlifOttneately the
Photo -by Couitait
PLACES WREATH—Black Knights from Sarnia to North Bay gather--
ed in Wingham last Saturday for the annual Derry Day nelebratiotie •
which included -tine laying of a Wreath at the cenotaph -by R.W. Sir
Harold A. Watson, Grand Master G.B.C., .OntariO West, He is
in the above photo, right, assisted by a memberaof the clergy.—Photo
by Connell.
on hand. for the Derry Day celebrations here on Saturday,
to wa teb the, monger parade headed by the Fife and'
aetivi were out short by heavy rain. later in the day...k+
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