The Wingham Advance-Times, 1959-08-12, Page 544"newINONNII0 v • Wash two loads 'of clothes in 'an auto- matic :Washer 4:Watch TV for' 4 Y2 hours s Keep food fresh in an electric refrigera- tor for 17 hours You get more oueof life when you get the most out of electricity. *Anse Oa Av.rAN eist to iineinic Is OWN* lo.tiO•Vet,..at4.44,1.vit HYDRO "It yours GOT ITt that Trim or Supped/Ise Maj. Elastic hosiery tw;'•- Ml. Noire OTC iiicKnmoNe Itexall.Druit Store "r'10 • CONDITIONS' OF -SALE A cheque will be forWardecl to you within 10 days: If the l'etnimer,, whorl received by you does not meet with your .approval,-the.clothrinp: Will be returned express collect plus Any charges m5urrec4 - CLINTON — ONTARIO Featuring The La;gesf:Wide4creen In Ouron,County Two Shows Nightly, Rain or Clear ' Box Office Open at 8 p.M. — First Show at Dusk Children Under-12 in Cars FREE „ Thursday and Friday August 13 14 "A NIGHT TO REMEMBER" KENNEMI MORE (ONE CARTOON) Saturday Only - August •;1.5 "FACE OF A FUGITIVE," - (coLoulo • • ..-,„ FRED MaelVILTRRAY ELAINE MeCARTREY',' ('ONE CARTOON) Monday and Tuesday' • August1:7,48 "ROCKETS GALORE" , (COLOUR) JEANNIE. CARSON — DONALD- SINDEN ONE; CARTOON) . Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturclai August 19 - 20 - 21 -22 "AROUND THE WORLD IN 80 DAYS" • (COLOUR) (CINEMASCOPE) David Niven and All-Star Cast Admission: $1.00 each; Children under 12 Free ONE SHOW NIGHTLY Commencing at Dusk Stooge Comedy 211111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111}11111111111111111111111111111•1111P11111111111111111110= , • • • See them now at . Alexander's Hardware . • THE NEW DELUXE r a Western Furnaces, • ▪ For Air=Conditioned Comfort • • a • OPEN SIDE NO. 14)5 WESTERN - FURNACE 'U U U U i FOR a I a MADE BY = Western i W Foundry Company Limited, STOVES and PUINAMS 4 4 * OM* 1001 .501011111111 11.1 t I *III Itifill1111.1111 10011 ATTRACTIVE INSTALLED PRICES 17. HOWARD FULLER ! DEALER FOR Western Furnaces QUALITY HOME-TOWN PRODUCTS IN WINGHAM. SEE 1"1147 It6fOrlicle Gorie T. Little Werd has„. been received 'here that George T. Little, a retired CPR. engineer, died suddenlyo in w'rojs? Ointa rnonithAuFgaullsst. 7. His home Mr. Little was born an Turnherry TownshiP,!. on 'the 12th concession, the sore,of Mr, and Mrs. John Little, The, farm is now owned by Oscar Holmes. He Is 'servived by his wife, the former -Georgina Hood, and a brother, 'Robert Little of Toronto. Two' sisters, Alice (Mrs, Cunning- worth) and Hazel predeceased him, The funeral was held at Smith's Falls on Monday, with internment an Hillcrest cemetery. • you can cook .- a serving of bacon and _eggs IPINTTER ilLECTRICALLY , . F • n Farmers Outfitting Stott WINGHAM The Workman's Shopping Centre 'CLOTIONO - HOOTS " SUNDRIES Our Large Quantity Buying Permits us to Sell Cheaper, ' Aluminum WALL SASH AWNINGS TILES DOORS LUMBER -- BUILDING — CUPBOARDS Telephone 260 Wingham • 14a144i'advantage of the ciff-seasonin-the'heating 'btisiness to plat your-furnace in conditionlor "neat Winter. Call us for . ' • . . FREE :INSPECTION., Atno cost to you, welbcheck yiour, hirnacefor safety, economy and trouble..If it's o.k. we'll tell you. so. Minor repairs can be made now at much lower rates. Or, if a-new furnace is needed.we.can help you select the ANTHES furnace best suited to yonr need*, Remember' LOW DOWN PAYMENT — EASY :TERA1.1 PERCY. W. *CLARKE Plumbing — Heating 'Sheet Metal Work PRONE...255 • WINGHAM deco/ice Th4 is only ONE example of the economy you enjoy when you use electricity. In, terms of electric energy, a cent will buy a, lot—a lot of comfort,, convenience, time- saving efficiency, and a lot of entertain- ment, too. Here are three of the many bargains you can enjoy with just one cent's worth of electricity :* or jtobort. Oalbraitli Fotfilded RtJ Fro.nt Funeral* service •wsuo hod 0 Thursday last for Holten 11. 04- Pith, fratli his late ..residence On Simile Street: ftev,"Wallace Mc, Olean Wes the officiating, eieril- Man, and NerMan Heal, Tennant W41004011, Dan Henderiksa, Arrk+ old lialildaY, Frank II0Y14404 and Jim Gurney were Pailhee4rere. Floral tributes Were carried by William Galbraith of Kitchener, Jack Galbraith of Torofito, and Mitchell and Walter Elliott, Inter- ment Was In WiniObant cemetery, Mr, Galbraith, 'Who died at his home pn ,Tuesday, August` 4th, had been ill since the Winter,, He was born in Wroxeter, a on of Allan Galbraith and Isobel jila,-. hood. He received his education in. Wingham, He was employed as a: youmg man with Dowler's Dept. Store „M, Gnelpk:•whera.lie, rrked,.. in the silk and linen: deartMent. Mr, Galbraith later24.„reiiided..i' in Dresden and aperatedeeAnien'a.Wear stare' and then e(itide..to Witignam,. where she started: the:Red', Front Grecery. He retired twelve, yearn He is survived by his,,wife;,.. the former -Laura whem,,he married in Winghain :in '1033, .and ,one sister; Mrs. • Margaret• ,,13ugg, I..ondore. ; ANNUAL FROLIC USUAL SUCCESS WRONLTER—A good attend- ance was present both Thursday and Friday evenings• of last week when the Howick Lions Club staged its annual frolic in the Wroxeter community park. The program on Thursday eve- ning was presented by Ernie Bruce, a one-man ,band, who was accompanied at the piano by John Waake of Teeswater. On Friday evening the entertainment was provided by Margaret Benton, girl comedian, who had as her accom- panist Miss Ann Davidson. The usual games, the Lions' booth and the dance with music both nights by Willoughby's orchestra, also the ferris wheel and other midway concessions, were all well intron- ized. The following were the winners of the draw Prizes,' numbering 20 in all, 10 of which were drawn each night: Bicycle, Keith Moffat, Bluevale; electric razor, Doug Stephenson, Brussels; radio, Percy Lawless, London; pop-up toaster, Lorne Lambkin, Fordwich; wrist watch, Gordon pyke, Palmerston; barbe- cue cook-out, Mrs. Harvey Reidt, Wroxeter; Llama rug, Mrs. Thos. McGinnis, Gorrie; TV lamp, Lyle Geiger, Gorrie; table lamp, C. L. Brown, Fordwich; Swedish clock, Jim McCiement, Elmwood; sports- man's battery lamp, John Bailey. Elmwood; step-on can, Shirley Reidt, Wroxeter; satin-bound blan- ket, Faye Smith; Wroxeter; 10- piece snack set, Anson 'Galbraith, Wroxeter; card table, • Carman Thompson, Teeswater; lawn chair, E. Rupel, Rurtzville; picnic jug, Tracy McLaughlin, Wroxeter; brass plaque, Faye Edgar, St, Thomas; picnic basket, Annie McMichael, Wroxeter; plastic clothes basket, Jack Brown, Fordwich. The Howick Lions Club, with president Lion Don McLaughlin, wish to express their appreciation to the people of the surrounding community who yearly support so well their efforts in this, their an- nual frolic, the proceeds of which go toward child welfare work. DONNYBROOK Mrs. Wesley Jefferson and Debra visited with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Josling, Londesboro, one day recently. Miss Vera McDonald, St. Helens, is spending her holidays with Mr, and Mrs. Stuart Chamney and family. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Jefferson and Cheryl of Clinton visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Noble and family, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Carman Horley of Sarnia, Mr, Lyle Harley, Freemont, Sask„ and Mrs. 3', C. Robinson of Wingham visited Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Edward Robinson and also at Wingham Hospital, where their aunt, Mrs. Elizabeth Naylor is a patient. Mr, and Mrs, Sam Thompson, John, Susan and Murray, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Robinson, their son Bill and Bill Dainty of Petawawa attended/ the Johnson reunion, which was held Sunday at the home of Mr. and' Mrs, cordon McBurney; 16th line, East Wawa- nosh. • Mr, and Mrs, Wesley Jefferson and Debra attended the Lawson reunion at GO gsidh liark, Sunday. Debra Won first prize rex' being the youngest baby there. Mrs, d, C, gob)rison, is having the next meeting of the W.M.S. and' WA, at her Thorne, A nliseellanotnie bazaar is to be held in _aicl of the W.M.S. Misses Diarie and Donna Chem. where they have 'been visiting this past week with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, Robt. Chamney. Mr. and Mrs. James Leddy visit- ed with Misses Gladys and Xrene Jefferson at Port Elgin, Sunday. Mr, and Mrs, Hilliard Jefferson and Mr. and Mrs. George Reeves were also visitors there, Mr. George Jefferson, Clinton, with Mr. and Mrs. Hilliard Jefferson one day recently. Mr, and Mrs. Donald Jefferson and Cheryl were Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Charles Jeffer- son and Elaine, Elaine having re- turned from Cranaarty where she has been visiting her cousins this past week, Mrs, Wm, Hardy and Jean attended a miscellaneous shower on Monday evening for the form- er's sister Elma, and Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Hardy and Jean were guests at the wedding Which was held Saturday in Nile United Church. Mr. and Mrs. 'Walter Lettner of Toronto are visiting with Mr. and Mrs., Gus Devereaux and family this week. Master' Roger Noble returned from Clinton where, he has been visiting this 'past week with his sister, Mrs. Donald Jefferson, Mrs. Ernest Doerr of Niagara Falls was a Sunday visitor with'her brother, Mr. Stuart,Chamney, Mrs. Chamney and family, Mr, and' Mrs. Wesley Jeffernon and Debra spent Saturday at the home of her parents, Mr, .and Mrs. Elgin Josling, Londesboro. Mrs. J. C. Robinson, Wingham, spent a day with Mr, and Mrs. Edward Robinson. Mr. and Mrs. George Reeves have returned to Toronto after spending a two week's holiday' at Port Elgin. Dr. and Mrs. Lynn Davies and son John of Ottawa were recent visitors with Miss Josephine and Mr. David MeAlltister, Quite a number from here at- tended the Union Church service which was held at Westfield this Sunday. Mrs. John Thompson and How- ard were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Barker, Code- rich; Mr. and Mrs. Mark 'Armstrong of Belgrave visited with. Miss Lucy Thompson, AO has returned to her home here. Miss Gladys Jefferson .has re- turned to Woodstock after spend- ing her holidays 'at Port Elgin, Mr. Robert Rutledge of tGoderich spent the week-end with Mrs. John Thompson and Howard. Ltashmar DRIVE-IN THEATRE Listowel, Ontario , Two Shows Nightly Rain, or Clear Box Office Opens at 8.00 o'clock First Show at Dusk Children Under 12 in Cars Free Cartoon at Each Performance 'THURSDAY and FRIDAY August 13 and 14 "ROBBERY UNDER ARMS” Colour Peter Finch, Maureen Swanson SATURDAY and MONDAY ' August 15 tend 17 • Dinible Feature "THE BLOB" Colour 'Steven McQueen., Aneta Corsea,ut "WHEN HELL BROKE LOOSE" Charles 13ronson, 'Violet 'Rensing TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY August 18 and 19 "THE BLACK ORCHID" Sophia Laren, Anthony Quinn NURSING ASSISTANTS GRAIDUATE—Some 19 nursing assistant 4-faoaate4 after CTILArtieat iGefierfil "laSe WitinekiraY"as tefilood ati a :;pedal ceremony, the graduates, are, left tp, right, frontow P Barham Ann Meliillop, Es ther Canilachie; Ruth 1)ykernarr, Centralia; Grertruale Kerr, Sarnia; Karen ,rubb, Wheatley; see and row, Margaret Evans, lierrvOned; Sheila Mac- Arthur, Kincardine; Elsie White, Kincardine; Jaequ cline Dunn, London; Ruth Spears, Tobernanry; Sane Dykernan, scentralia; back row, Joan Marriott, St. Marys; Norma Kappler, St.,Marys; Florence illiaG)iaY, Goderigh; Kathleen McCaffrey, Point Edward; Elizabeth Bailey, Exeter; Joan Shortreed, Walton; Sheila Lucknow; Gloria Underwood, Sarnia.—Photo by Connell. I CEle. W0113010 Folding FLOOR Aluminum 0 jus • • te- , • , • r . I RI., , t...• ney have returned from Auburn. iimuuniggliimunfig 'rho Whoglow 144van440;*104, W44000010f, MI* t4*, CASH ,$] FOR USED CLOTHIN Why not empty your clothes *Seta 40 Yap(' "UstiVAthint. #04 it into cash? We will pay cash for fAEN.4 0, 4N, MEW*, y, '414'414 ' and. `ElAhlgR-' usedclathing, Anyclateetp, log and Wearable COndition, . TOM mforAr ).,101V,Clt 'YOU 40:),VIY/ WX144, (TON 1104 QUALITY AND 0.0401rXIQN O YQ1/4. We require the 101kilefitilll trousers, suite, dress", .AIKIrtik, Jeckets, slacks, windbreakers, tweeters, bathronet, shires,givt, tenets, ;ewe ;now sUita, shoes. etc, etc. We. pay prehalialh PelfAl for Men's .suits and trousers, ;090 long type adult overcoats), DIRECTIONS FOR ,SENO1NG 1. eat ail your Clothes in carton, cartons or parcel and tie socarely., 2. For. remittance Purposes, put your name and address on a Slip ,of ,paper and, insert In 'parcel, and If possible, pin sizes to .ogrmenil, 3, Write our name end address on, the outside ,of Parcel. Please lohriarnapi:eolcisattieofm,s7s: ship enOe ea We gannet accept Plothing,40 days after 400 of -. .WORLD TRADING COMPANY S0 LOMBARD STREET; TORONTO, ONT, 4. When your parcels are ready, phone the cantOlan (National ,or canacliao Pacific Express company, who will pick op he Aparcile, yoio home, Pr You c9Pitt take the parcels to the express company personally, Ship all parcels. ,collect„ We will pay 'the shipping charges when, the ,parcels reach nra. We do not accept phone calls. Please write If you Wish to 'contOot us to the .attention Fred, 4ohrssona SHIPMENT LARGE OR PhIA1.4. AND GET AN. IPEA ,OF THE PRICES WO. PAY,: •