HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1959-08-12, Page 3Lillow's TV Centre Your Philco Dealer , in Bluevale PHONE 424-J3 WINGHAM All our work is fully guaranteed: For your sake this job must be right ' 'Either your brakes are in top shape . . . or you're living dangerously. No two ways about it. See us fdr precision brake checks and care. Your fife can de- pend do it. 11e Po GOP BLENDEDi 370 ORANGE 2, IA.450 SUNICIST NICE t LEMON vigLculd'zE vaunt' f`IIRST .t.1114ASS WATCH REPAIRS RioAsosivistiN climtpEs :o.orge Williams .1•Ocated In Meson's Store. 01:v01F to lack of silace, WatcheS and small clocks only. 0 Wheh driving In t4 0Orrett,14.00. you. hove the mental ease, pro, teptioni of "Inlouging". In a kieTiSei, YOU are on your .own property,, ff .you leave that lane you are enter," log sonrtione.eis,91"s domain, :and this: requires prior notification and per, mission. Make SUM/ warns the Ontario Safety 'ague, that. you .never trespass. Mrs: C. Douglas Is W.M.S. Hostess BELMORE—The Women's Mis- sionary meeting of'Belmcire United Church was held on Wednesday afternoon,' July 29, at "the •home of Mrs. Carl Douglas. Mrs, Harry Mulvey was leader and followed the theme, "Discovering • Neighbor- hood:" ' A hymn was' sung,- followed by prayer. The, Bible readings , were taken from Colossians, Peter, Phil- ippians, Gallatians and Revelations and were read responsively. Mrs. Leonard Metcalfe read the minutes of the last meeting, after which Mrs.. Douglas and Wayne played a piano, duet which, was much enjoyed by all. Mrs., Norman Newans t gave 'a reading, !`The Lord's Day", and MrS. Farrell gave one on temper- ance. Mrs. Douglas then told *the story given in "T,hrough •Gates of Splendor", .of five young men who had gone aS missionaries to South America. • The roll 'call was a verse con- taining the work "joy", after which all joined in repeating the Lord's prayer, The ladies were asked to remain for a social half hour with the ,new minister's wife, Mrs, 'How- ard Pace, and Mrs. Douglas served a dainty lunch. SUNDAY SCHOOL TO BE PAINTED BELMORE — The W.M.S, of Knox Presbyterian Church held its July-August meeting in the schoolroom of the church with. Mrs. G. Appleby, president, in the chair. The meeting opened with a .call to worship and a hymn. Miss Edith Stokes read the Scripture and Mrs. James Dickson led in piayer, ,The roll call was answered by a Bible verse about 'the church, Mrs. A, Mundell gave the Bible study on "Worhen of the Bible", using as her subject Moses' mother. Mrs. Harvey Ballagh had charge of the topic, "Our Church and the People:. .She added, interest, il- lustrating her talk 'by showing photos of the ,workers. • It was decided to use some.-of the expense:fund money to do some painting in the Sunday School room. A hymn was sung and Mrs. Appleby closed with the benedic- tion. Organist Honored By Bluevale Choir BLUEVALE—On Friday evening July 31st members and former members of Bluevale 'United Church choir staged a surprise party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Johnston. Objective of the event was to honor Mrs. Johnston, who has resigned after several years as organist of the church. The minister, Mr, Alan H. Nee- Ion, voiced appreciation of a task well ,and cheerfully done and ex- pressed the hope that at some fu- ture tim e Mrs, Johnston would see her way clear to resume her du- ties as organist, Mr, Lloyd Wheel- er, on behalf of the members, pre- sented a table lamp. Refreshments were served and a social time enjoyed, BLUEVALE WORK 6REAT HEALER Of MENTAL ILLS 14,01WALF..—The August, meet- ing of the. Women's Missionary So- clety of Knox PreabYterlan Church, Bluevale,, was held Wednesday eve, fling. August 4th, at the home of Mrs. Harvey Robertson with 10 la., dies present. The president, lvfns. Bernard Thomas, opened the meeting with the call to worship and prayer. The Psalm, "Set Thou Thy Trust upon the Lord", was sung, followed by the minutes read by. the secretary and the treasurer's report, The meeting was in charge of the Home Helpers' secretaries, Mrs, Harvey Robertson and MrS'. Gordon ivfun, dell, Mrs, Eldon Klrton read the Scripture and gave comments on the passage] Mrs, Bill Robertson favored the group with. the solo "My Cathed- ral". Mrs, Gordon Mundell intro- duced Mrs, Andrew Simpson of Molesworth to the ladles as their* guest speaker, She spoke on the work of the W,M.S, as it pertains to •the Home Helpers in the church, stating that work is the greatest healer.. of- mental .ills and 'there is- m) joy like the joy of worthwhile accomplishment, She referred to Padre Young's article on "Life", when he wrote that it is not how long we have lived, but how much we have put into living that counts, because life can never really be measured by years. Approppate poems to illustrate the talk were read, Mrs, Gordon Mundell thanked the speaker and presented her with a gift, The hymn' "Christ For the World We Sing" and prayer 'by Mrs, E. Kennedy brought the meeting to a close, A contest on the books of the Bible and a social hour was enjoy- ed by the members,. The September meeting will be held at the home ofigrs, Roy Turvey. have returned from a trip by train to the Pacific coast. They visited relatives and saw the Calgary Stampede. Recent guests of Rev. T. .E. Ken- nedy and Mrs. Kennedy were Mr. and Mrs. Tom Kennedy, of To- ronto, Miss A. Stanley of Kincar- See Colored Pictures Orkuropean Trip ,INA./)!TiAl'4Fr--Th9 Second and Third line group of the 'Woman's ASSOCiatien lit the • United Ortlre/b sponsored a pleasing entertain- ment in the community hall on the evening of July .29th, Mayor R, .4 McKinney of Wing-. ham showed interesting pictures in color of places he had visited on his :Kuropean..tour, with descrin-, tions of persons And scenery. Mr.. !,..1a.rnet farrier and, son of White-. church 'entertained with saxophone selections with. Mrs, Farrier at the piano, 'Mr: Alan H. Neelon introduced the speaker, 'There was a good at-, tendance, dine, Mrs, Robert reiliner and Mrs, John Ballantyne of Brussola and Mrs. Mary Coles of Rodney. Miss Flora Stewart and Mrs. Agnes Brown returned to Toronto . after a month's vacation here, Mrs, visit94 .re, kiVes„: ACSeetOn on Civic Holiday ..week- end, Rev. T. E, Kennedy and Mrs, Kennedy were in Ripley and Ash- field on July 26th, where Mr, Ken- nedy was guest speaker in the PreS, byterian Church, Misses Linda and Julie Street, of ,Listowel, and . Miss Mary Van- Wyck of Kitchener, spent a week at the home of Miss Mary Duff, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Elliott spent a holiday at Point Clark, Mr, and Mrs, Charles Coultes vis- ited their daughter, Mrs. George German at Clinton for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. George Peacock, Gal land DouglasPf Ottawa, are visiting Mr. and Mrs, W, J, Pea- cock • and other relatives. Rev. Wm. Blackmore, Mrs, Black- more, Bobby and Karen are visit- ing Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Elliott. * Mr, and Mrs. Bruce Webb of Barrie were Civic Holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs, C, B. Hoffman Yit Mgr. 144 'OM "A good start, son...keep it going:! "I tell Ned the same thing applies fo saving. We all made 'a good start' )Dy saving regularly at THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE" MORE THAN BOO BRANCHES ACROSS CANADA SEADY TO SERVE YOU • Wingham Branch — W. '0. Struthers * Manager la-371d SOFT ! STRONG ! - POPS UP' TOO! WHITE OR COLOURED TISSUES. .KLEENEX SPECIAL ECONOMY $ 1 MOO OF 400 PKGS. WED IN GORRIE—Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Gardner Ross, who were .married at Conk. on July 24th, The bride Is $the•former Marion. Alba Toner, ;daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. I. Toner, R.R. 2, Wroxeter, and the groom is •the son of Mr. and , Mrs. D. M.'Ross, Bluevale.—.Photo by Harvey McDowell. .We use only factory ap- proved parts, They last longer,'cost less in the end, When it comes •to TV in- stallations or service, come to us . . and you get top work. Our experts will do the job right • . the first time. Reasonable rates. • >. know' =how that gives you the finest picture Expert mechanics, fop flight , parts, supplies. . . all at rep- sonable rates. Wingham Motors Phone 139 Wingham DOMINION VALUES EFFECTIPE IN WINGHAM trtTin CLOSING TIM 1, SATURDAY, AUGUST 16 CLUB HOUSE FRESH ROASTED PEANUTS GRCE QUALITY lboo. VOInthifro:Mv There is a fabulous display of delicious tces to choose from at DOMINION. ,0 ices in cans, itiices in cartons . „Nregetable juices, fruit juices, blende '7! juices ... all We famous brands you, know and trust ... all at money-saving- DOMINION prices! • Switch to DOMINION tills week andt' ;Acta up on healthful, refreshing juices. •op belle!! of more Man 200 comPaiinsi companies wriand Fit* Autoniobile and Cesnali* Insiteance. The first aid kit and insurance both have impoitant roles to play in the event of accidents. " , Each year, the companies writing accident and sickness insurance in Canada pay out more than )iindy nsilldoll dollars (not including auto- mobile accident cost's) to policy- holders—a mighty bulwark against Unusual financial strain. INSURANCE FEDERATION Mr, and Mrs. Harry Watson and Mrs, Milton Watson of Blooming- dale, visited Mrs. W. J, Johnston on Saturday. MI% and Mrs, Richard Johnston of Listowel 'were' guests of Mrs. Alex MeCrackin and Lorne at the week-end. Members of the congregation of the United Church enjoyed a pic- nic in Gorrie park on July 28th when games were played and a so- cial time enjoyed. There were 120 in attendance. Mr. Alan H. Neelon was organizer and master of cere- monies. The, regular meeting of the Blue- vale Women's Institute will be held in the community hall on 'Thurs- day evening of this week. Mrs. Wrn. Robertson Will give the mot- to, The club girls will Illustrate their project "The Cereal Shelf" and will provide music. Dr. George Thomson and Mrs, Thomson have returned to Sack- Ville, N.B., after a vacation with 'Mr, and MI's, George t Thomson, Mr, Alan Ga.rniss,' C.P.R, con- ductor, Of London, and formerly of Billevale, who WaS seriously Injured in a train accident in June, Was able to visit relatives in, Bluevale and Wingham during the Civic Holiday week...end, Mrs, J, C. Higgins, Mrs, Oliver Moffatt and. Mr. Burns Moffatt IN SHELL'/ SPECIAL 3-LB. 3 3c CELLO BAG OFF PACK PINT TIN FROZEN FOODS SAVE be — Really Delicious, SPECIAL Aylmer Fancy RASPBERRIES, 15 o7 3 for 80e SnOwflalm Potatoes —• FRENCH FRIES, 9 .......... .......... for 33c 'Kiddies Love It' — Welch's GRAPE JUICE, 0 or,. tin 2 for 39e For Cool Slimmer Drinks jumbo Size ISO's SUNKIST LEMONS dozen 19C No, 1 Ontario GREEN PEPPERS Jumbo Size 6 for 29c Ontario No. 1 Ile& Haven — 6 quart baskets kiREES'TONi PEACHES ARRIVING FRESH bAITAr CERTO LIQUIDj BOTTLE CERTO CRYSTALS 2 PKGS. METAL JAR RINGS f DOZEN RUBBER JAR RINGS I DOZEN* GLASS JAR TOPS DOZEN JELLY TUMBLERS' DOZEN MINIO DOMINION STORES LIMITEP, It is far better, though, to prevent accidents and mishaps, 'rather than to deal with the treatment of their ser- ious—and often tragic—after-effects; , That is why insurance companies are constantly seeking ways to stem Canada's mounting accident toll. 8afety pays.. dividends . . saves lives, helps to lower your insurance costs. Bc Careful. EXTRA SPECIAL ! FIRST GRADE DOMINO BUTTER PINK—YELLOW—AQUA BATHROOM TISSUE J WESTMINSTER JOHNSON'S GLO COAT To HARD GLOSS WAX SPECIAL' 1-LB. PRINT • IT'S PICKLING TIME I A. WHITE OR CIDER !Preserving Requirements 31I0 310 350 iii 230 850 650 CANAD A (PLUS VIN iSc O EGAR N REFUNDABLE JUG) ALLON 58 JUG CROWN or CORONA SEALERS SIZE 9111114 $1 (10 It1124 $9 24 — SMALL DOZEN Si aw DOZEN IlsWy DOZEN moHNO,Nly • ,