HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1959-08-12, Page 1r, or Child, Injured On Scott Street Charles Hopper, three-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Clair Hopper, of Scott Street, is progressing satisfactdrily in Wingham Hospital following an accident the middle of last week, . . The child suffered a fractured leg when 'he was in collision with a car near his home, as he ran out to meet his father returning from work. He will be confined to hos- pital for a few weeks.. Male Choir Will Visit Baptist Church Members of Wingham Baptist Church cordially invite the resi- dents of Wingham and the sur- rounding district to join with them at the Sunday evening ser- vice. Rev.-Donald Sinclair, pastor, will conduct the regular worship ser- vice and special music will be provided by,, a German male choir of Central Baptist Church, Kitch- ener. The choral group is under the leadership of Jacob Peters. Most of the music will be sung in English with a couple of 'German selectiens. • Mrs. MacNaughton Speaks al Rally Mrs. D, S. MacNaughton was the guest speaker recently when the fifth annual Bruce County Wo- men's Institute rally was held at Lucknow. Mrs. Lloyd Jasper of Mildmay, the president, conducted the day's business sessions.' The subject of Mrs. MarNaugh- ton'S talk Was "Understanding Is the Pathway to Tolerance". She urged Members to carry their creed into everyday living and to be loy- al to W.I., ideals and to the offi- cers. 'She said that jealousy, from community to national level can be a' dangerous thing. Constructive criticism can be a good thing but she said everyone slimed keep his counsel until he knew all the facts, —Mr. and Mrii. Michael McPhail had rattily have returned home froM it five weeks' trip doWn the Western coast of the United States. CLOSING NOTICE 1tuth Lott's Beauty parlor will be closed until September 1st, 1•"12b !PIPE AND DAUM created the hitialeal atmosphere' in 'Wingham last Saturday 'when SIAM 3,000 delegates wintered for Derry Day, Allan Alurray loft, and Brian (KOMI) Howard both of the Young cohq ubrors rife and Drum Band of London are shown 41bove Vvarniett up hitfore parade.—Photo by Connell. REGISTERS FOR DERRY DAY—W, K Lemon, ri girt, of Markdale Preeeptory 282, one of the l jsiting , Black Knights, is Chown above as he registered for the Derry Day festivities last Saturday... Left is T. W.' Platt, of Orangeville, formerly of Wingham, who is Registrar of the Wirigharti Preceptory.---Photo, by' Connell. nveil Canadian Artillery emorial at Ottawa Site WED 46 YEARS---Mr, and Mak 3: Dieteon. Irwin Of Belgraire tolOoittett tholt 40th. wedding anniversary at their tltome oil Saturday; Inernbont of the family ;and friends gathered Or a ;social midi*. • Ir 0,?•""a•- •• • • With, Which 1s iinrislOortitted. WINGHAM, Ql 1.1110.1, WEONESOAY, AltIGU$T 12, 1959 ALONG. MAIR DRAG -The 'redeotSan •• • .••... •." .•. KIM 1400K AT TOWN 114,144,, •. . Workmen are this week eomplet- in a paint job on the outside wopciwork at the Own. ball. Finish balers, are ..cream with green trim, and the old familiar building looks -a. thousand per eent-abetter. The 11, new lawn in-front of the hall adds' another touch of beauty, u -U.0 1iF,.►V,..I'A1Tia,r~l'l~ • Lavis ..,,„ ,ConstrUetiOn of Clinton is finishing up the black topping of Leopold .Street" from Victoria to Alfred , :and one block of Alfred a trent Leopold' east to Minnie. Thip piece Or work is one mere step in the program to place permanent paving on all the- streets in town. '. • ' - - - DREDGING COMPLETE-- Work has been temporarily sus- pender} at the new Riverside Park between the McKenzie bridge and the Howson darn, A dragline was used_ to deepen the river channel, the silt ;from' the river 'bottom be- ing deposited on Shore, When this material has dried Out sufficiently a 'bulldozer will be brought in to level the area 'preparatory. to land- scaping. 0 • a 0 0 . . EVERYVVHERE YOU GO— • pproval esurfaOpi Bear Fidel Castro HYDRO IiU~LDING W file i. Curr,r.,. PROJECHELAYEI' . . for treet In case you don't believe these earwigs get around, hear this. On Monday a local housewife reeled in her clothesline to hang out the washing—and one of the little brown, bugs crawled out of the in- aide of the device used to tighten 'the line. And just imagine! Some people don't even know what these little monsters look like, 0 - 0 - 0 • JUNIOR ASTRONOMER— Don't miss 11-year-old Ray Cor- -rin's letter on Page Two, in which he tells, in detail, of a shower of meteors which is visible this week In the, evening sky, Whether or not you see the meteors, the let- ter is worth reading. 0 - 0 - 0 WINS AT SHELBURNE— Ai Cherny,' well-lcnown musician, who is seen frequently on CKNX iprogramS,IWon the novelty fiddling Contest at the big Shelburne meet last week, beating a U.S, competi- ibt; thef, first, I ime since the competition "was started six years ago. Ai was also second in thc OPen class for old-time fiddlers. ENGAGEM:ENT Mr, and Mrs. Harold C. Hendry of .Tiverton wish to announce the ,engagement of their daughter Margaret Isobel, to Mr. Peter Me- Kague of Wingham, The marriage will take place in Knox Presby- terian Church, Tiverton, on Satur- day,- August '22nd, at two o'clock, ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs,: Hugh Sinnamon announce the engagement of their daughter, Dawn Evelyn, to Mr. George 'Richard , Webster, son of 1Sti and Mrs. Harvey Webster, of LtiCknOw. The wedding will take place in Wingham, September 5th. F12* • ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Richard Jacklin of Bluevale wish to announce 'the engagement of their youngest daughter; Joyce Margaret, to Mr. Erie Robert O'Connell, Son of Mrs. Margaret Martin of Kitchener, The wedding will take place in Kit- chener early in September. F12b ENGAGEMENT -Mr. and Mrs. Herb Heimbeckei of Hanover announce the.engage- ment of their daughter, Shirley Marie, 'to 'Mr. Gary Wayne Storey. son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Storey of Wingham. , The wedding will take place Wednesday; Aug. 2..6th at 2.30 o'clock in St. Matthew's Lu- theran Church, Hanover, ENGAQEMENT , Mr. and Mrs, George Seiling, of Wingham wish to announce the en- gagement of their daughter„Thse- phine Marie Willoughby tb Nor- man Leonard Anger, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Anger, Wingham. The Mr marriage will take place in Aug- ust. • F12'' ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs, Alvin Danhousen of Southrunplon wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Betty Anne, to Mr, Douglas Ger- ald Feecton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herb Foxton of Wingham. The Marriage will, take place 'on Sat- urday, August 29th at two o'clock in the United Church, Southamp- ton, ENGAGEMENT The banns Were announced at Sacred Heart Chtirell Siindite; mor- ning of the approaching Marriage of Margaret Brophy; daughter of Mrs. Brophy and the late Joseph. Brophy, Winghainaand Jahn James Walters, of TeasWater, son of Mr. and Mrs, Albert Walters, of Wing. ham. The Wedding will take place quietly the' latter part ,of August, 12* The petition circulated during recent weeks, calling for a vote for repeal of the ,Co,ruida Tem- perance Act, will he on file at the County Registry Office in Coder-' ich for ten days from August 13, The C,T,A. requires that the pe- tition be available for public in- spection and this is pow being com- plied with. The Huron Citizens' Legal Cori-. trot 'Committee reports that ctia- Proximately 10,500 eligible voters signed the petition. This is about 3,000 More than the 25 per' cent of county' electors required to bring on a vote. Every municipality in Huron is represented. At the expiration of the ten day period, the petition will be sub- mitted to the Secretary of State of Canada. After scrutiny by the State Department, it is expected that the Chief Electoral Officer- will be authorized to name a date for the vote' to be taken. This procedure is similar to that of a, .federal by-election as are the re- mlations under which the vote is held. When the official voting date is set, a notice to this effect will be published in the Canada Gazette and the Ontario Gazette. The C.T.A. has been in force in Huron County since 1915. The ialidity of the Act was contested 'through the courts by ,the Ontario government in the 1930'sk During his period_ licensea.werg lissned, to a number of hotels both-in Huron 3.11(i Perth Counties, As a result ef a 'decision by the Privy Coun- cil in 1946 which upliqd the valid- ity of the Canada Temperance Act, icenses in the two counties were cancelled. The plebescite which is likely, to be held this fall will be the ',first expression of public opinion on this issue in Huron County since 1915. Nick 'Nushma, local ,manager of the Niagara Clyclo Massage Com- pany and Mrs, Waiter Pocock,, saleslady for :the. same company, joined a motorcade of cars that motored to -New York and flew from there to Havana, Cuba, They have :just, returned . following a week there attending a conven- tion. Many notable doctors, dentists, lawyers, registered. chiropractors and salesmen addressed the gath- ering of over 1,000 delegates, point- ing out the • benefits to be de- rived from massage equipment. It was a most enjoyable and informa- tive trip: . • The entire group' was registered in the beautiful Habana Hilton Hotel. Dr. Fidel Castro addressed the group at One of, the luncheons W, IVIoArthur, ma,tingerlibrIthe Wingham District Rural. IJYAro, has received word from the To to office that there will be a c- lay In the erection of Ilyctrees-tew building here, Not long ago'. it was announced -that the ITITC.1.14ad purchased a lot on Victoria l.;•.1.t.',,'f at the end of the former 0PR, 0- perty, on which a new office,' "r- age and warehouse building , 1,16 be erected this year, . . Hewever, pressure on the. archi- tectural department of 1-1ydre'"..las forced a delay in the plan. 'Udder the new schedule tenders Q11 -be called early in '1960 and the bilild- ing will 'be completed ,by the.. end I of August next year, at the Tropical Gaidens and In a very impressive manner. ' street a heavy deluge of rain marred the remainder of the ac- tivities. The afternoon pro grain as cancelled and many returned to their homes. 'William Telford, of Stratford, Grand Master of the Loyal ,grange Association of Ontario West; •Har- old A. Watson, London, Grand Master G.B.C. for Ontario West : Mrs. Ruth Day, Past Grand Mis- tress of British America and R, ,'J. IVIelVfurray of the Wingbarn lodge were , Maycir R. E. -McKinney and Earl' Hamilton had been assigned to issue the official welcome. All speeches were cancelled, The barn dance in the evening was a very successful event, how- ever, and Miss Joyce Nicol won the $50 draw. Judging during the afternoon parade,resulted in the Waliaceburg Fife and Drum Band winning first prize for best band; Brantford, best dressed lodge and Amberley, the largest ,representation, Routine business was the order of the day at the monthly meeting of the local council on Tuesday even- ing of last week, presided over by Mayer 11 E,17.4cKinneye Several items of correspondence were dealt with by the council, in- eluding a letter from the Depart- ment of Highways Indicating that final approval 'had been ,granted for the re-surfacing of Josephine Street, Work 'on this project will, get underway shortly. Another letter from the Ontario Historical 'Society stated that deeds for Wingham; property, made out before the year 1900 will be micro- filmed. The Berry Door Co, Ltd„ request-, ed that Shuter Street be opened from 'Charles Street north to give access to the new subdivisiop. Coundil deferred action on this re- quest. A petition was also received from the residents affected, requesting that Patrick Street from Leopold Street west be surfaced, when the latter street is black-topped. Coun- cil could not act on the matter as the street budget for the year .had previously been set, and this work was not included. Councillor Donald Nasmith re- ported..!.that surfacing of Leopold Str,eet would be started immediate- ly. He also -stated that on the ad- vice of an engineer, .it was felt that a sluice gate coald be incorporated into the Howson dam, which would overcome the necessity of re- building the old flume to ,the west of the dam. Councillor Nasmith also reported on the blockage of a sewer on 'Catherine Street, and pointed out that the trouble was apparently caused by refuse from the hos- pital getting into tit sewer pipes. Clerk William Renwick was in- ifitietedarto write to, theaWingham- Hospital Board requesting that care be taken in 'the disposal of refuse into the sewer system. It was also noted by council that the Town Hall was being painted and that it would look much better when the job was ' completed. Councillor Burgman reported that as instructed at the July meeting: a new pump had been installed at the cemetery, and was now in op- eratoiuonn Council passed a new Peddler's By-law setting the rates at $10.00 for a local resident and $75.00 for a non-resident, The Property Committee and Councillor Nasmith were named to investigate changes that should be made in the town's building code: In discussion it was pointed out that in some cases buildings had been erected on lots that were too small for the size of the structure. EY-law 1324 was 'passed provid- ing for the 1959 supplementary expenditure on roads and streets for an amount of $11,400. Swimmer's Display Talents August 24 A note of interest in the com- munity is the activity at the Turn- berry swimming pool. Two classes of swimmers under the instruc- tion of Miss Doris Pickell are mak- ing great headway. The surround- ing community is greatly indebted to Miss Pickell, as many who 'did not have the opportunity, have learned the art of self preservation 'in the water through patient in- Struction this year and last, The swimmers will be displaying their talents on Monday evening, August 24th, at the Turnberry Park, CLOSING NOTICE White Supertest Statioe will be closed August 17th to 19th Inclus- ive. CLOSING NOTICE Elna Seiving Centre will be clos- ed mornings only Thursday, Fri- day and Saturday of this week on account of Goderich Fair, F12b ----- CLOSING NOTICE The office of the Town Clerk 'of Wirighain will be closed from 006n August 14th to August 22nd J, Renwick. F12b DANCE AT BLUE MOON banes to the music of the Blue Ridge Valley Boys at the Blue Moen on Friday night, Aug, 14. Oil Saturday night a 'benefit dance for Alvin Hart, who lost his barn, Mtp• sic supplied, Put on by friends and neighbors, V112b C.I.A., PETITION IMO THIS WEEK About 45 Preceptories, Royal Black Knights, Orange Young Britons and Crystal Chapters, were represented in Wingham on Satur- day for the celebration of Derry Day. An estimated 5,000 people visited Own either as participants or spectators. The Women's , Institute served meals at the town hall; the Ladies' Auxiliary to Branch 180, Canadian Legion, catered at the Legion Home and the Blueyale Presby- terian ladies were set 'up. , in the riei' ' 'tlkkeY 41,ntekele also served on the ball park grounds, Mount Forest Pipe 'Band led the parade which formed at the ,public school and proceeded north on Frances Street to Patrick and past the hospital on Carling Terrace so that the patients could enjoy the festivities, Mr. Watson halted the parade at the cenotaph and a wreath was Placed. As 'the latter part of the large procession paraded' through main eavy , Rainstorm Mars Big Derry Day Parade 4'; k2f , held Ttagia, InCludes bat- teries in Wingham, Walkerton and Listowcl, have been invited to at- tend an historic occasion in Ottawa this SepteMber. The invitation, ex- plains ,Lieut-Col. M. R. Oliver, the commanding officer, is extended to retired members of the 'unit as well as those now serving, The occasion is in conjunction with a distinctive artillery mem- orial honoring the officers and men. of the Royal Regiment of Canadian Artillery who gave their lives in the service of Canada, to be unveiled on one .of .the Capital's most historic sites. The memorial, consisting of - a polished brown granite feature, 31 'feet long and 9 feet high, surround- ed by a paved patio, was paid for from the RCA Memorial Fund, cre- ated by voluntary subscriptions from all ranks of the regiment who served during World War IT, A 25-pounder gun, the weapon and colors of the regiment daring World War II and the Korean war, will be located on the patio of the memorial, • The three district batteries which form the 21st Field Regiment earned an enviable place on the record books of the Royal Regi- ment of Canadian Artillery, with their gallant records during the 1939-45 conflict. Organized in the middle 30's, the sub-units became a well-organized fighting force and the 90th and 100th were mobilized the day war broke out. Fate was not to allow the bat- teries to remain together through- out the conflict as a fighting force but artillerymen from Listowel, WsuralituetilnLgancterrilefsllantfou'allgbt thei r with the Royal Regiment of Canadian Artillery through the entire war. The inscriptfon on the facade of the memorial, flanked 'by the Roy- al Canadian Artillery. crest and ac sword set in -a-Latin cross reads: `A Nos Glorieux Morts", followed by "In Glorious Memory of the Officers and ,Men of the Royal Re- giment of Canadian Artillery who Gave Their Lives in The Service of Canada!' • Artillery unit commanders from, coast to coast, both militia and re- gular, will attend and take part`in the unveiling ceremonies. The site selected for the memor- ial--Ottawa's Major's Hill, Park—, lies in 'the shadow of the Parlia- ment Buildings and marks the settling place of the group of Bri- tish Engineers responsible for the construction of the historic Rideau. Canal and the formation of By- town—later changed to Ottaivi and' named Canada's capital more than a century ago. Gunners, said Lieut.-Col. Oli- ver, are invited to be present at the unveiling and dedication ceremony in Ottawa which takes place at 3.30 p.m, on Monday, Sept. 21st. In-- vitations and tickets for seating and reception may be obtained by contacting him or through the three battery commanders—Capt. Robert Ritter in Wingham, Capt. E, ,S, McCannel in 'Walkerton or Major E. C, Milliken at Listowel, Tickets are also obtainable by writing the Secretary, Artillery Memorial Committee, Post Office Box 113, Postal Station "0", Otta- wa 4, Oat,