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The Wingham Advance-Times, 1959-07-29, Page 10
111/04.0.144411 #4,4VaneOMMISI Wed,, Only 20, Oat ir CEUM Theatre wingh., Ontario bran Shows Each Night Con-intone- uag at 7,15 o,tie TOURS. - SAT, July 30-31 Aug, 1 Audis Murphy, Claude Dauphin in The Quiet American' • An English journalist stationed in Saigon covers the war in Indo- China, NO BACKACHE! Ws' wearing an °I."" OTC Bade ,StippOrt Me1(1111BONS litexall Drug Store h. ALAN WILLIAMS Optometrist ••••••••••••••••*••••W‘A. Petrick Si, Wingham .• Phone 770 N"011. I CA: Pattisow Radio & Electri; W1NGHAM will be CLOSED from August 3 to August 8 inclusive • .. Our phone number has been changed from 171J TO 171 f1111$$ (loll llllll time llllllll llllllll it llll 1 lll 11111111111.11111.1 l llll I lll lll llllll t lllllll tt.l.t.11111.11;11 l l !pi llllll z• • i• • SUFFER FROM ARTHRITIC PAIN ?. Rho NIAGARA THERMO-CYCLOPADA. (heat-and-massage pad) Swipe impel,* pain* of flMeellteattlyadlagnosildt Chronic ARTHRITIS...RHEUMATISM.) *Teat and massage have long been among the most widely accepted find recommended aids in relieving minor pains of arthritis, bursitis, rheumatism, fibrositis, lumbago, and related ailments. The Niagara Thermo-Cyclopad offers both heat and massage in a flat, comfort. able pad to sit on, lie on, lean against .. use all over the body. The. combination of heat and deep, DEEP penetrating Niagara Cyclo. I'via‘kgage action helps soothe pain of muscle and joint ... help; ease Stillness... aids in keeping joints and muscles loose and supple. But ;even more, regular use of Niagara Cyclo-Massage will help' 'you rest and relax ... increase circulation ... ease tension and fatigue help you to a wonderfully refreshed, relaxed term el well-being ,•,',.NIAGARA's "wonderful world of well-being!" • IE INCOMPARABLE THERMO-CYCLOPADe, HEAT-MASSAGE SET A handy, portable set ... includes the yherrtio•Cycicipad Heat-Massage Set to tit on, lie on, or lean against ... the Versatile Hand Unit for localized mas• sage all over the body ...,and an at.. tractiYe instrument case., Cddted I; • Coed odithetioi,,g L iving pry in NIAGARA'S NIAGARA CYctO-MASSAGE action is uniq.ue . . nderful world combines vertical, horizontal and circula.---:-fl motions to create a pleasant, soothing gentle of well-being" action which penetrates deep, DEEP down to help you feel better in many ways. SEND TODAY FOR COMPLIETZ •••••••••..,..P14 .A,1140Bitithi* `4..11r 40. MIWA Send complete details en Miami 001•• Massage Name Addrest ©1957 Niagara Therapy Mfg. Carp. eras OF WINGHAM Located in the McKibbon Block — former Lee's Restaurant Buiding PHONE 290 • IF IT'S CAN YOU NEED, THEN DON'T DELAY— . CALL T.C.C. ON THE PHONE,„TODAY Loans $150, to $2,500, or more. Take up to 30 months to repay on a wise selection of loan plans, ast, courteous service. 141,THE1QOARE, PHONE 797 OODENION, ONT. lot s, 1. ;LA, f 14. I • 44., • • , FEATURE RAINBOW CAKE 3'9c Ham & Wiener ROLLS 8 for 23c Phone: Our Prices Are Lower • Free 590 We Keep Down the Upkeep Delivery i —Mr, and Mrs, A. Williamson grain ,rnerchants, .Gederiek He is A and MiSe Agnes. Williamson spent graduate Of Gederleh Business a week at Lake 1.ipbestiekong. in College, iViiisltolta. —Mr, and Mrs„ Angus Mowbray, Doug and, Carl, are holidaying at Sauble Beath, 4 ^-gr, and Mrs. Harold .Cantelon, and two children ,of Tweed, Ont., visited last week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy cantelon, hain,and with Mrs. Cantelon's par, oats, Mr„ and Mrs. Harry Mc- Guire,. Delgrave, and Mrs, E. j, Litt, of London, visited with Mr, and Mrs. Barry Wenger at the week-end. Visitors at the same borne on Fri- day and Saturday were Mr. and Mrs. W. Beckett and family, of Sarnia. --Mrs, Jean Crump has returned home after spending two weeks Toronto, Mrs. l'efutrie accompanied her home and Is spending a week here, V 7 •• -•• • ^, 'a w• NI V `I, ore Oit E, 'X' TS • —Mrs. Nellie Angus spent a few days last week in Detroit visiting her son, Mr, William Angus and Mrs. Angus, —Reeve J. Roy Adair is spending a few days in Winnipeg this week, -Mr, and Mrs Dave Murray, 'spry and Susan of Winnipeg are spending their holidays with his Mother, Mrs, S. A, Murray, and other relatives, —Mr, and Mrs. Don, Hewthoine of Toronto . spent last 'week with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, N, P. Carmichael. Mr. Hawthorne re- turned to Toronto at the week-end but his wife remained here for an- other week. .3a1.6,;; .Burdick;` of London, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Harold Kerr. -.Miss Sheila Tomlinson, of areetsville, is visiting for a few weeks with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W, R. Hamilton. —Mrs. Peter McIntosh, of Kin- cardine, visited her sister, Mrs. Robert Golley, last week-end. --.Mrs, James Porter and her daughter, Mrs. B. Boe and grand- son, Allen Krasich, of Detroit, are visiting friends in Wingham. —Mr. Jas. H. Drehmann has secured employment at the office of James Richardson & Sons Ltd., —Miss Judy Anne Vickers, of Hanover, spent a week with her Cousins, Mr. and Mrs, Vaughan Douglas and •family. —Mt. and Mrs. Ron Murray and children, of Toronto, spent the week-end with hip mother, Mrs. W. C. Murray; and Doug. —Mr. and Mrs. Roy Trigger, of London, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Fuller over the week-end. —Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Cameron are spending this week on a motor trip to Northern Ontario, —Dr. Bill Bergman, Mrs. Burg- man, Ricky, Jane and. Tommie, of Kirkland Lake„are spending a holi- day with his parents, Mr„'and Mrs. W. Burgman, —Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Bond, of London, spent the week-end. with Mr, John Shickler. ,,; -Mr. and `Mrs„ L., o. Jones, of Toronto, visited over, the week-end with Mr: ahrMrs.,Almi. Corrigan. —Misses Judith and Anne Mc- Kibbon left on Saturday for two weeks at Camp Queen El4abeth on Beausoleil Island. —Mrs. Jack Hobden' 'and infant son, .Stuart,' "of Stratford, are spending this week at the home of Mrs. Francis Ste, Marie, Miss Thelma Ste. Marie, who had spent ,two weeks' holiday with the Hob- dens in Stratford, returned home with them at the week-end. —Mr. and 'Mrs. Billie Miller, of Oldcastle, viisted ',for a few days last week. with Mr.': and Mrs. Robert Golley. • -Mrs, Minahan and daegh- ter, patharine,:and Mr., and Mrs.•Al Whittingtakand ;daughters; Linda and Becky; St. Thomas,. were Sunday .ghests.,..with the former's nephew,. .Mr.- W. E. Fielding, ,and Mrs; Fielding: Beverley,. Bell „returned home tepetrolia at the Week-end after Vitaing with relatives here and Maat6,r' Paul Bell will visit this week at the.home of his grand- parents, Mr. And Mrs. Frank Edgar. --Mr. and Mrs.:H. Hawthorne, of London, are spending a few days with their sbn-iWlaw and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Stainton. —Mrs, Alton Adams and daugh- ter; Julie, spent last week at a cottage at Thornbury with Mr. Adam's aunt, Mrs. Haines, —Mr, and Mrs. Walter Pickford and family and her mother,' Mrs. Candy were in Niagara Falls on Saturday to visit with Miss Bar- bara Pickford, who is working there during, the summer months. —Johnny White, .0tichael and Paul Fleury are spending 12 days at Our Lady of London Camp at Fanshawe, • —Mr. and Mrs. Ken Baker and family, of Strathroy, were visitor. at the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Adair, —Mrs. 'Julia Scandrett and Miss Corinne Scandrett, of London, are visitors with Mrs, James Taylor, Patrick Street. —John Campbell, John Donald- son and Charles Congram are at- tending the Presbyterian camp at Kintail this week, --Mr. and Mrs. Murchie Beaton, of Toronto, are holidaying with Mrs. Peter McLeod, of Minnie St., and all are spending the week- end at Kincardine Beach. —Mr, and MrS. Wm. Lockridge, Linda and Geoffrey spent the week- en d, with Mr, and Mrs. Ma,urice Stainton at Pine River. ' —Mr. and Mrs, John Winochuck,' of 'London, are holidaying for' a few days at he home of her par- ents, Mr, and Mrs. Harry Angus. —Mr. and Mrs, Harold Pocock spent a couple of days on a motor; trip in Northern Ontario, in the Sudbury and Manitoulin areas. —Miss Earnscliffe Musgrove, of Buffalo, N.Y., •and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Smith, of Guelph, were week-end visitors with Mrs, W, J. Greer and Mrs. Riede. —Mrs. Wm. Hopkins and daugh- ter, Eunice, of Englehart, are spending a few days with the form- er's sister, Mrs. Harold Brooks, and Mr. Brooks. —Mr. Joe"' Gibbons and Misses Mary and Kathleen Gibbons, of London, and Mrs. Joe O'Hagen, of Jamestown, N.Y., Spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. James Gibbons, —John Strong, Mike Harrison, Frank Riehl and Don Lee returned to Camp Ipperwash on Monday following a long week-end leave, which they spent at their homes here, —Rev. and Mrs. A, E, C. Pent- land, of Dekatur, p.m visiting with her mother, Mrs, ChriStio, and sister, Mrs, W, B, lVfcCool, and McCool. - —Miss, Barbara Cameron is visit- ing relatives in Montreal and Master Douglas Cameron left Oh 'Sunday to spend a month's vacation at 'Belling Acres Ranch, Varney, —Mrs, Eugene Kovach and son, Steven, of Toronto, are visitors this week With her sister-in-'law, Mrs, Ronald ,Seddon, and fanny, —Mr. and Mrs,- Bohn Cruickshank and fainfiy are on a two Weeks' camping trip to Fort *William and other nOrthern points, —Mr, And Mrs. Maurice Stainton Ore Holidaying at the Stairiten cot- tage at Pine River. —Philip Adams returned home on Friday after -spending a month at Camp Queen Elizabeth on Beausoleil Island. —Mr, and Mrs. Vince Hastings and family, of Carlisle, were week- end visitors with the former's bro- ther, W02 Stan Hastings and Mrs. Hastings. —Mr. and Mrs, Wilford Caslick and family spent Sunday with his parehts, Mr. and Mrs; Earl Casliek, Whitechurch. • —Miss Meta McLaughlin, of Tor- onto, and -Mr. Muir McLaughlin, of Sarnia, were week-end. visitors with their brother, IVIr, and Mrs.• Keith McLaughlin.. _ -'Mrs.• Maud Scott and Ella, .of Nepawa, .Man., spent a few days last week with Mrs. S. A, Murray; —Mr. and Mrs, Gibson' Rintoul and family spent' last' week and, the' 'early Part Of this- week 'oh a:motor, trip .to Long Island; N.Y. ' • Friends,— of Mrs. Agar be sorry to learn -that sheqs a patient in Wingham Hospital. She fell on Saturday at the home other daugh- ter, ,Mrs. G. L: Dunlop, and frac- tured a hip. • —Mr. and Mrs; Chas, Aitken, of Kincardine, and Mr. and Mrs. Har- vey -Niergarth, of Wirighani,• Spent a feyv days at High Falls, Muskoka, at the week-end,, —Mr .and Mrs, Marvin ,Smallman of London were .week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Carmich- ael. —Mrs. ,Elaine McDowell, R.R. 7, Luckn,oW, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Doug- las, Behuore, Mr. and Mrs. Bill King, Brussels :attended a testi- monial dinner at the Royal •York Hotel, Toronto,, July 23rd, given in o honor of • Dr, G. Roy Fenwick, who IS retiring as• Director of Music for 'the Province of Ontario. • . Belmore Club To.0-epqre Skit BELMORE—On Friday evening the Eelinore Sweethearts of the Soil held their last Meeting of the 4-111 Garden Club, The meeting opened with the 441 pledge. The minutes of the -last meeting were read by Donna Renwick, the tee- tetarY.. The roll call, to bring tWO yege- tables Of one kind was answered by 13 members. The leaders went Over pages in the members' pam- phlets which must be tilled in, , 'topics were quality of vegetables for exhibiting and home surround- ings, They also discussed skit for achievement .day, The girls judged some beets. A collection was taken to pay for the Institute Mom, The club decided td have a meeting on 'Au- gust i, f6 plan" a skit for :Achieve, .trient_Day. The record hooks atitist. be hi by August 0,, Accident Victim Buried Saturday WHIITECHUROH • — Mrs. John Purdon -received word on Wednes- day that her sister, Mrs. Gordon Moore, of Acton,. had been killed in the train accident on the C.N.R, near Bronte that morning. She was travelling to London, • Mrs. Moore was formerly Lilian Annetta Bolt 'and was'well known in 'the' district, having lived for some time at Whitechurch. She was in her 66th .year. Besides her husband she leaves a -son,' Alvin of Acton, and three daughters, Mrs, John Fields, Oak- ville,- Mrs, Claire Collins and Mrs. Robert Peardon, both of George- town, .and seven grandchildren. Also surviving are five sisters, Mrs.. Jean Fox•and -Mrs. Mary Mit- chell of London, Mrs. Olive 'Bruce, Wallaceburg; Mrs„ Harold Cook' of Blith'and Mrs, John Purdon. She was a member of the Pres- byterian Church. The funeral was Saturday morning at 'Acton and the bOdy was taken to Lucknow for in- terment in Greenhill cemetery on Saturday afternoon. Relatives gathered -at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Purdon before re- turning to Acton, The many friends of the deceased extend sympathy to the 'bereaved families.. HARD OF HEARING? Which Of These FREE Informative Booklets About Hearing Loss Do You Want? Check your choice below, El Nadi:illy, You Can Hear Again Acousticon Golden Circle ,Of Sound Hearing Aids p Nerve Deafness—Can It Be Helped?, 111 First Aid For Sick Bearing Aids , You may hear better than you think and, whether or not you now use a hearing aid, One of these valuable and inform- ative booklets may give you the inforination • you need to enjoy the kind' of lull hearing you want, Any of those booklets May be obtained FREE without any charge or obligation simply for the asking, JUst indicate the booklets • you wish by checking, above and returning this adver- tising to us in the mail with your name and address., Or ' phallic or Clime in person- ally to obtain YOUr eaPies• We will certainly be-happy to be of service to you Mull to answer any questions you may lhave. ACOUSTICON Your Golden Circle Of Sound WM. IRWIN 226 14, Front 'St., DI 4-8708 SARNIA, ONT. COME TO riKg , t OLD BOYS' REUNION TEESWATER July 31 and August 1, 2, Horse Races. Parades, Fireworks, Band Tattoo ' Daredevil Driving, 'Outstanding' Acts. MIDWAY RIDES DANCING NIGHTLY GALT KILTIE BRASS BAND PLAYING EVERY DAY. SOMETHING DOING ALL THE TIME • Maxwell House ' INSTANT COFFEE 4 New 10 oz. Jiir .. '' ti $1.49 .. 1 Maple Leaf (Oiled) . ',1: HAM, ••: c 11: 1% '!b. $1.39'. l': Redpath Granulatid 1 . SUGAR '1 ' 19 lbs: 79c ▪ 8 oz. 39c E Pure BLACK PEPPER .4 oz. 23c - PICKLING SALT, 3 lb. pkg. . 2 fot,39c e LIQUID CERTO 4 Kellogg's CORN FLAKES 3ic CERTO CRYSTALS, 2 1/2 oz. ...2.f/3i' 34i I Crown FRUIT JARS - Pints $1.79, 444014i Schneider's PURE LARD ll lb. 17c Schneider's BREAKFAST BACON . , 1/2, lb. 39c k Schneider's COOKED HAM lb. 99:c ' SChneider's COUNTRY SAUSAGE . , lb. 49c F PRICES EFFIE:0MM TILL . CLOSING TIME, AUGUST Sth tit Your Headquarters for Famous Mary Maxim Woohi ill- It's Vacation Time — but so many people like te.eitet j I-, the cottage and get caught up with some knitting. i Ei. It's fun, knitting with MARY MAXIM week and WS 1 U -amazing ' how quickly it knits up.. You'll find it •se i interesting you'll want a different pattern for every , • member of the family.' i Whether you knit with Northland or Cloudspun yam% m Li find them to be wonderful and washable. The coleirs ii are rich and vibrant, and there are dozens` of smart • pattern' for childreni teen-agers and adulte. g • 4 Remember.-- There's no substitute for MARY MAXIM WOOL .. I ' g .... , — CLOUDSPUN, suggested for children's svriatirs I il 69C — 2 oz. skein , i NORTHLAND, for teen agers and aduits I , $1.00 — 4 oz. skein ' ' - t i i EDIGHOFFERSl i (Wingham) Limited ' "THE FRIENDLY STORE" , I i IMMEM MMIIMMMOMEMOMMUMEMMMUMM WOMMOROMOMMAIMO .. . . HERE FOR FRONTIER DAYS—Joyce Hahn, petite star of CRC television fame, whose voice has made her popular with Canadian audiences, will be the , star entertainer when the Lions Club presents the 1959 edition of Frontier Days on Aug. 27, 28 and '29. Several other well-known entertainers are also slated to appear with Miss Hahn to open the annual Wild West function. Rose Sweet Mixed PICKLES Wagstaff's CORN RELISH .... Club House Stuffed OLIVES 33c .. . 16 OZ. 29c :1 4