HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1959-07-29, Page 771,
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SheWOO Mann
$ o er os ess
Gopriug-iyirs, Doll Doig (Donna
Toner), Palmerston, formerly of
gorrie, was honOUreci at a 'miscel-
laneous shower at the home of
Mre, Sheldon Mann previous to
her marriage on Saturday,
a Mrs. M. Connell and Mrs, B.
Brears presented a basket, of gifts.
A ;bride's book was composed by
her, 19 girl friends attending and
contests were enJoyed, A dainty
lunch was served by the hostess,
Mre, Connell and Mrs, Brears,
Shower Held for
- Miss Marion Toner
GORRIE—MrS Alvin, - Grainger,
was hostess on Wednesday evening
cat a miscellaneous shower fot Miss
Marion. Toner, whose marriage to
• Mr. Wilmer Gardner Ross of Pres-
ton took place on Friday, Assisting
Mrs, Grainger were Mrs. Tom
O'Krafka and Mrs. Beverley
Over 30 friends were present and
Many lovely gifts were presented
to• the bride by the bride's little
niece, 'Marilyn Bell, During the
evening, a bride's booh was made
and dainty refreshments served,
United S.S. Picnic
At Wightm an's Grove
' DONNYBROOK — The United
Chnreh Sunday School held its an-
nual picnic. on Wednesday in Earl
Wightinan's grove with a good
'crowd: in . attendance.
ThereoVere races for the child-
ren.; The winners were: Ages 2-4,
Glen Naylor; 4-6, Roger Noble; 6-8,
Lindsa Snowden; 8-10, Diane Cham-
ney and,'Eldo Hildebrand, tied, A
three-legged trace was won by Jean
Naylor and Dorothy Noble,
• After 'a game of ball all 'enjoyed
a botintiful picnic lunch.
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Mr. and Mrs, Frank King ehent
the: week-end with their son. Mr,
Glenn King and Mrs. King at
:Recent visitors with Mrs, R.
Bennett were Mrs. Jas, Porter,
Mrs, Bernard floc and son Allan,
all of 'Detroit.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cruikehanks
of Chesley visited 'Mrs. P'rancea
Strong on Sunday afternoon. Mrs.
Strong returned Saturday after
spending several days at the home,
of her daughter Mrs. Carl Pen-
nington and Mr. Pennington, Tees-
Linda and Deborah Stewart of
Harriston spent a few days last
week with their grandparents, Mr,
and Mrs. Gordon Underwood,
—Mrs afid. Kl'18aRePT.- pa,nied Mr, and Mrs. Frank Earls
and Mrs, Jean MacDonald of Lon-
don and spent Suitday in Hamilton.
Me and Mrs, Jack Blythe and
family, Mimieo,' and Mr. and Mrs.
Ken Hastie spent the week-end at
Sauble Beach,
Recent visitors with Mrs, Bertha
Plant were Mr, and Mrs, 'vent
Fisk and son Ken pf Muskegon,
Mich, Mrs. Fisk was the former.
Annie Schmidt and lived on High-
way 86. Mrs. Plant visited at
Alianford for a few days and
attended the , Plant reunion at
Waterloo on Saturday:
Visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Wil-
mer Nuhn on Sunday were Mr, and
Mr& Oliver Nuhn and 'family, Pal-
merston and Mrs. Harvey Breaudi-
gam, Clifford.
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Gosnell, To-
ronto, spent the week-end with Mr.
and Mrs. Wesley Underwood and
also visited Mr, and Mrs. Wilbert
Galloway. '
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Bateman and
granddaughter of Niagara spent
Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Burns
Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Fulller-
ton, Walkerton visited Sunday at •
the same home.
Mr. and Mrs. Gregor Roy and
Robt. of Sudbury visited Mr. and
Mrs. Cloyne Michel 'last week.
Misses Karen Michel and Cathera
.0013.ftr4-0o Friday evening,
July :24th, 'Wilmer Gardner Roes,'
and Marion Alba, -Toner were united.
in marriage by the Rev, J, W,
Hird..at hia hams, in Gorrie, The
bride is the second deaghter of
Mr, and Mre, Irving Toner con...4,
Hearicir and the groom is the son
of Mr, and Mrs. Murray Ross of
Elluevale„ •
The bride wore a weitz-length
gown of French lace and net .over
taffeta with acallopee sleeves and
scalloped sabrinaaneeklines crown
of sequins and pearls held her
elbow-length veil. She carried a
white Bible .crested with pink
The bridesmaid was Miss. Dor-
othy Toner, sister of • ahe bride,
,who chose a blue embroidered
nylon.- ,over"' -taffetas- waltz•sleagths
dress, with blue taffeta. cummer-
bund and a large bow at the
hack, She wore a 'blue feather
headdress and matching gloves
and carried a nosegay of pink and
white mtime.
The organist was Miss Ruth
Toner, Gorries sister of 'the bride,
• The reception was held at' the
home of the bride's parents, A
buffet luncheon was served by the
bride's sister, Mrs, Max Bell and
the • groom's sister-in-law, Mrs
Jack Ross, Mrs. C. _Gilpin, grand-
mother of the bride poured tea,
The groomsman was Jack Ross,
of Preston, brother of the groom
For a wedding, trip to the United
States the bride chope a beige
dress and matching ' 'coat with
green accessories, Her corsage
was of pink. roses,
The bride has been a teacher on
the staff of the Elmira Public
ins MacDonald of Ossossanee spent
Wednesday at.the same home.
Mrs. Gerald. Galbraith and fam-
ily, and Miss Dorothy Wade of
Weston spent the week-end at Port
Mr. and Mrs, Alex. Petrie visited
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Elliott, of
Listowel, on Sunday.
George Edgar Was
Born in Howick
A. former resident. of gowicit
Township, 'George Edgar, passed
away ici Montreal On July 13th. He
was born On the 11th concession of
thavviels, near Orange Hill, where
'he attended public school, He la-
ter went to Harriston High School
and studied for the teaching pro-
feesiell at Ottawa Normal' School,
Following graduation he taught
at Montreal and, took up manual
training, which he also taught
Mr, Edgar was' not of a robust
nature and at times suffered great-
ly from inflamatory rheumatism,
Be finally was afflicted 'with Par-
kinson's diseathe 'arid following a
third stroke was partially naralized,
Thelnnerei. was on ''July 15
was twice married and is • survived
by a son, one daughter, five grand-
children, a sister and six brothers.
One sister predeceased him.
Jim Ndgar of Guelph, is spending
this week With Mr. and. Mee, 'Glad
Eiger, •
Mrs. Mary Hezziewood yieited in
Blyth fora few days and attended
a family reunion an Goderich,
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hyndman,
Jini and Gerald' and Mre. ' Fred
HYndman.-are holidaYing at Grand
Wanda Sparling, .nine-year-old
daughter of Mr, and /Are, Clarence
Sparling is in Listowel Memoriel
Hospital with a broken ankle. Slie
fell while on, holiday at Port Elgin
and was taken first to Southamp-
ton Hospital, then to,Listowel.
Miss Evelyn Ann Stephens. Gwen
Hyndman, Misses Elliott, Belmore,
and Misses Chamney of Belgrave
are holidaying this Week at Port
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Stephens and
Gregory, Miss Shirley Timm, Kitch-
ener and Mr. Douglas Day, Lis-
Ctopwaestl. are -.motoring to the East
Mr. and 1411.s. Ivan Felkar were
guests at the Doig-Toner wedding
in ,stImersten on Saturday.,
Gordon Mann, Frank, Bab, Wally
and Garfield , Gibson. visited Mr.
Harold Gibson in Victoria Hos-
pital, Londona on Sunday.
• mr. and Mrs. E, H; Strong spent
Sunday with friends in Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Young of Re-
gina, Sask., were guests, of Mr. and
Mrs. Earl Underwood on Sunday.
_Mr. and Mrs. August Keil visited
for a few days in Listowel with
Mrs. Wm,, Ferguson. The ladies
are sisters,'
The Rev. Bren de Vries of Ex-
eter will be the special, preacher in
the Anglican•Church on August 2nd
and August 9th at 11.30 a.m.
Congratulations and best wishes
go to the newlyweds Mr. and Mrs.
Wilmer Ross (Marion Toner).
Mrs Geo: Keil, Carol •and Patsy
are spending, a week at Kincardine
Friends .will, be glad to know
that Mrs. Percy Ashton, who was
ill in the Listowel Memorial Hoe-
vital. was able to return home last
Wednesday after, spending a few
days in Clifford with her sister.
Mrs. Jas. Newton, and Mr: Newton.
.At the ',junior. Farmers' annual
wiener roast in the Gorrie Com-
munity Park, Peter Harrison play-
ed several seleptions on the bag-
pipes with Earl Haskins assisting.
A very enjoyable evening was
Mrs, Lorne Laird of Toronto
spent the week-end with Mrs.
Tessie Zimmerman.
Mre. tratrY Fstegan, Barbara,
Bonnie and Kendra of Wingham
visited with Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Gowdy on Thursday.
.Mrs. Melvin Hammond,
and, and Mrs. Vidtoria Kemp;
Harriston spent Sunday with Mr.
ltrel Mrs'. Jas. Edwards. Master
Brock Hueston, Wingharn is visit-
ing at the same home,
Miss Carol Imison and Mr. Jas..
Walker of Weston spent the week-
end with Mr. and Nrs, Lorne
Miss Heather Hueston, Wingham.
is visiting at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Hastie,
Mrs. Harry Ferguson, Mr. and
Mrs. Robt, Ferguson and family.
Mr, and Mrs, Jack Ferguson and
family attended the Meadd reunion
at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Har-
old Corbett, Lucan on Sunday,
ATTWELL—In the Wingham Gen-
eral Hospital on Friday, July 24,
to ReV. E, C. and Mrs. Attwell, e
daughter, Mary Margaret,
NAY—In the Kitchener-Waterloo
Hospital on. Thursday, July 23rd
to Mr, and Mrs,'Bob Nay, Water-
loo, a son,
Yuill Reunion
Al Procter Home
BELGRAVE—The Yuill reunion
was held on Sunday afternoon at
the home of Mr, and Mrs, Richard
'Procter. Despite the fact that it
had been quite a number of years
since the last reunion was held,
there was a Very 'good attendance,
A social time Wee spent and the
children enjoyed games. The new
officers for the reunion next year
will be Preta Alex RohAtsenl see,,
Mrs. Helen Mel3tirney. Lunch of
sandwiches, tarts and cake Was
Served. .
Company Honors
Michael McPhaih,
Michael McPhail has qualified
for membership in the Mutual Life
Assuranec Company of Canada
Conservation Club for 1959,
This is one of the highest lion-
ors a member of the company's
field force can earn,, It requires
consistent production over a period
of years, a volume of new insur-
ance, so carefully planned that a
vary high percentage of it remains
in force.
BELGRAVE—Quite a number of
members of the Belgrave Women's
Institute and their friends enjoyed
a bus trip to Niagara Falls and
'district :On Thursday, July 23. '
II The tour included a visit to the
site where the first Institute meet-
ing was held at Stoney Creek and
on to the Provincial Paper mills at
Thoaold, A picnic lunch was enjoy-
ed at' the park there. The group
visited Brock's Monument and also
toured the Sir Adam Beck hydro
plant No. 2, where they were shown
a film. The' rest of the day was
spent at the Falls, and dinner was
enjoyed at a restaurant,
Mr; and Mrs: Ray Petrie of Her-
kither, N.Y., and Mrs, Dan Petrie,
of Rome, N.Y,, visited with relativ-
es in the district and also attended
the Yuill reunion at Richard Pro-
ter'e, home,
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Rezenssoff,
Gall and Heidi of St. Catharines,
sperit the week-end with Mrs. Lau-
ra Johnston and George and also
attended the Yuill reunion held at
the home of Mr, and Mrs. Richard
Mrs, Ed Ansley of Thessalon is
spending a few days with her par-
ents,. Mr: and Mrs. Ira Campbell
and other relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hastings and
family of Hespeler visited on Sun-
days with Mr. and Mrs. Lewis
and. Mrs. Goklie Wheeler and
family; of London spent the week-
end With his parents, Mr. and Mrs,
Herb Wheeler.
Mr, and Mrs, Les Shaw and Sha-
ton of London spent the week-end
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs,
John Anderson,
Mr. Roy McGee of Kitchener
spent a few days With his brother,
Mr, Gordon McGee.
Mr, Gordon Stonehouse of Phoe-
nix, Arizona, made a surprise vis-
it to see .his mother, Mrs. Robert
Stonehouse, on Sunday and will
remain for a few clays to visit her
and other relatives in the district.
Mrs, Laura Johnston and George
accompanied Mr, and Mrs, Mike
Rezenesoff and family on a motor
trip to visit their aunt, Miss Mar-
garet Yarn at Carleton Place' and
Trent there to Herkimer, N.Y., to
visit Mr. and Mrs, Ray Petrie,'
Miss 'Gail Kelly of Cooksville
spent hot week with her grandPars
elite, Mr, mid Mrs. Willliam Kelly.
Mrs, Joe Morgan and family of
Mleta Craig visited on Saturday
With her patente, Mr, and Mrs.
About '10 members of the Sunday
School of the Knox Presbyterian
Church and friends gathered at
the T'urriberry Park for the annual
picnic, Ail enjoyable time was
Spent in swimming, games and rac-
es,' ,A bounteous lunch was 'served,
• • 4 GORRIE
• •
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Michael McPhail, Wingham, Ontario, Phone 418
1., BOOM: Local residents were somewhat jarred Sarno ay When On
workmen. blasted several stumps along- the shore of the riv. r above
the Howson Dam The picture shows one of the stumps IT it was
blown up by a slick of dynamite. The blasting was done to an effort
to assist in cleaning up the shoreline' as part of the park. project At
the river.
NEW ADDITION—Work is progressing on the. new eight-room addition to the Wingham District High
School. Dy last week-end all the steel work had b eon erected. The above photo 'gives some idea of the
amount of steel required for the $225,000 project
AllOP 'TAKES FORM—The hew shop reties whieh i s being oonstrUeted at the Wingham District
School Will be separate from the 'teat Of the new addition to the building. The above picture shows thq
Steel work for the aleW room which is being added t o the existing shop at the 'school,