HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1959-07-22, Page 9KEN'S ALIGNMENT SERVICE Diagonal Road Phone 355 Wingham Look B•fors YOU L•sp Inas op ProVoe 9 T opplioacos whop you flood a Truss er #uppore MelelDBONS nexall Drug Store • 'a" :&" _Ey -.7=1 s. vs.• D I.MI.e.••••••••••• THURSDAY and- FRIDAY July 23. and 24 "THE COURT JESTER" Colour VistaVision Danny Kaye, Glynnis Johns SATURDAY and MONDAY July 2Land .27 "SHANE" Colour Alan Ladd, Van Heflin, Jean Arthur, Jack Pittance • TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY July 28 and 29 "THE TRAP" Colour Richard Widmark Lee S. Cobb, Tina Louise mommummmununnmni ONE GAME DM IN PLAY-OFF SERIES Pelgrave and WilitcolltaCli have cash had a home game in a best of three.play-off series in WOA-A, Midget softball. Bclgrave won at - home With a kore of 4-2, Tide was a real good game with BeigraYe in cohamencl All.. the „way,,,,,Although. there -Wore only a few strikeeents recorded the fielding plays were quite good and it, was a good exhibition of ball, WhItechureh won at 'home with a score of 8-2 so it is anybody's game on next Tuesday evening in Whitechurch, There was good empiring with Bill Tiffin behind the plate and C. R. Cputles on the bases, WHITECHURCH Miss Evelyn Stephens, of Gorrie, spent , the week-end with Miss SandraCh am n ey. lVfiss Claire. Chamney returned honie on 'Sunday after 'spending last Week at the home of her aunt, Mrs, G. A. MeLanghlin, of De- troit, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Elliott and children visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Perrott, -of ooderich.- Mr. Ross McMichael, of Sarnia, spent the week-end with lerrs, Mc- CERTIFIED BINDER TWINE RASPBERRY . BUTTERHORNS 35c CHOCOLATE GUEST CAKE 35c REMINGTON'S LG.A. ••••••••••••......,4,4‘."••••••4.W.o.no",44Nos....4,e , Crompton's Are Selling Out EVERYTHING MUST BE SOLD FINAL TWO WEEKS July 20th to August '1st ALL PRICES REDUCED TO HALF a4lid •LESS THERE IS NO RESERVE , MAKE US AN OPFER ", BUY YOUR CHRISTMAS PREsENTS NOW AND SAVE -CROMPTON1 'JEWELLERY WINGHAM m" :I 4 4; : , ' '4.'-• - • See the complete details of the Re Cooncilla program h* this issue 0 The Achvance-Times SEE TOE STORE-WIDE MAIM AT OUR JULY SALE your" F4mpor, .SHOE STORE PHONE 12 WINGHAM ,weelt-.end at the home of their par- ,ents, Mr, and Mrs, Ben McClen- agesem and • orr Sunday Mr, and Mrs, Wm. Parker 'and family, of Exeter, and Mr. 'and Mrs, Jai, Mc-- Intyre and children, of Rldgetown, visited there. 'Lade Allan•IVIcIntyre steyed ,to. eene.nd the „week here. Mr. and Mrs, Howard Bennison and three sons, of Sudbury, visited on. Saturday with their neighbour, Mrs. Jas. Keen, at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs,. Johnston Conn, Mr. J. Thompson and Miss El- mira Thompeon, OZ Woodstock, visited on Saturday with Me, and Mrs. Earl Caslick, Mr. and Mrs, Thos, Champion, of New York City, Mr. and Mrs. Earl' Sproul, of Exeter, and Mr. and Mrs, Ed, Smalle of Wingham, visited on 1111.1111111111111111.111111111111111 Ure, Russell Gaunt .and Janet, Mrs Wm. •Scott and Marlon, Mrs, Ed, 114c9iiillin, Use and Mrs. Albert Coultes and Diane and Miss Grace Thompson - attended the troneseati. Thursday with Mr. F. Meg, Pater- sop. Mr. and. Mrs, Johnston Conn and Mr,„jemlesen Ieettaplece motored to Allendale on Sunday, Mrs, Jas. Keen and children accompanied them and went by train, from Allendale to their home in Sudbury, • tea held at the home of Mr, and t, leightning again struck at Wel- Mrs;'Wallaee Ribey, of Port Elgin, lace Conn's barn on Saturday after- on Thursday, in honour pf the noon, and a cow that was drinking coming marriage of their daughter, at a water bowl: ie the open shed, Miss Lois Ribev. was knocked down, but seemingly and 'Mae 14arey'MUse and 'Veeeieed bn',"PerfritineAt *00' 'The faMily„of Platteville, spent the pigs also squealed veken the 'bolt struck. • Mr,, and,' Ivies.. Henry• Carter, of, Clinton, , 'visited on 'Sunday With Mr, and' Mrs. Thos'.Magoffin; Mr. Lansley Magoffin and, .hie family left her -.t4eirehorne in London" on Se'rldaX after/spending the past two Weeks Witithis -parents.here, Mr. and Mrs :'Kenneth Dickson and, childrep 'of 'Belmore, visited on, -Sunday with 'her ,,'parents, Mr, and Mrs, -Arthur ivronre, Roy James, Of Woodstacke has been hblidaying with: his. grand4oaeents;chiring the past week. ' • , 'Mr. arid.' Mrs. BrUce Bagg and children, -"T.Jiiionyille, and his wither, Mrs, Fred Bagg, of Willow dale, • spent ;•Sunday „With Mr, and Mrs, E, H. OroekOrth and. Mrs. 13agg' stayed' to/Spend this week here.'. Paul Grleskerth,called home aw l' Sunday, Evening from Vaneou ver 33.C.vbeffere thebus proceeded south „ to California. • • ...Mre.-John Craig spent a few daYs Itest!week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. • Robert Hall, Wingham, Mrs, 'Craig was laid up With a dose of flu.overe the Week-end': Mr. and,: Cameron children, - of eAShfield • visited on Sundayeat the-home...of her bro- ther:, Mr,' Wm. ?Rintbul. Donna Rintoui :•,spent:leet, :Week - at :the home of hen uncle • "M'r. Gordon Two Shows Nit(htly Rain, or Clear' Box Office Opens at 8.00 o'clock First Show at Dusk Children Under 12 In Cars Free Cartoon at Each Performance WHITECHURCH hmar• NEWS'FROM AFC: igger loans for today's greater needs Borrow up to '$2500 and take tip to 36 months to repay Compare HFC's sondes with that of other lending Institutions SURPRISINGLY LOW INTEREST RATES. HFC's charges on loans over $1500 are equivalent to less than 8% per year discount on 30 and 36 month repayment plans. LOWER MONTHLY PAYMENTS, HFC's new long-term loans mean smaller payments that fit your budget better. BANKABLE, SECURITY not requind. INCOME INTERRUPTED? If" you can't make a payment prompt.; ly when due, you get helpfulness and understanding in rearranging your payment schedule. BACKED BY 81 YEARS' EXPERIENCE. Unlike most lending insti. talons, 1-1FC's only business is making instalment cash loans, That's why 1-1FC is best equipped to serve, your immediate wants and needs. AMOUNT 05 LOAN MONTHLY 38 MONTHS 30 MONTHS PAYMENT 20 MONTHS PLANS 12 MONTHS, $ 100 $...* $, ..4. 9 6,11 $ 9.45 500 ,..+ ...4. 30.01 46.72 1000 .. 16+ 41.45 66.10 91,55 1600 .. , 4; 66,62 93.19 146.68 2000 72.30 83,27 116.49 111135 2200 79.53 91.60 128.14 201.69 2500 90.38 104.09 146.61 229,19 Above payments include printipel end Interest, And 'ere based On -normal repayinint v hut Oa hot Include cost Of • . •, • , QUALITY PRODUCTS SPECIALLY PRICED • Plastic Line Insulators. Pkg. of 100 - $2.95 AlUminum Electric Fence Wire, 80 rod roll- - $7.95 Pig Wormer Krumbles Cwt. $1.00 off 'Flower and Garden Dust 8 oz. pkg. 79c Coyne leaves on Friday, with a Masonic group who -go from' De- troit" by plane for :England',, Mr. France, on August 16th, and lay a wreath for their fallen comrades. Mrs. Coyne and the children will spend a week at the girls' camp -at Morpeth, where Mrs. Coyne will be a counsellor. Grant Currie, Michael and Brian Forsythe, and Allan Carter, of Blyth were among the 32 boys from this district who spent the :eyeek- end with the Cubs at Camp Ma.rtYn, inverhuron Park, This week-end Mr. and Mrs. George Carter and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Carter went for the boys on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Bell, of Hes- peter, spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and' Mrs, Jas. E, 'Currie: Miss Sheila• Coulter, of London, spent the past two Weeks at the home of her aunt, Mrs. Noble Greenaway, and returned home to London on Tuesday with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Coulter, Miss Alice Thompson and Miss Vicki Swan, of Tillsonburg," who. were visiting with the fornier's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, Jos. Thompson, of Goderich, spent a few days last week With Robinson families on the 9th yof East Wawa- noah and returned holne to Tillson- burg on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Siebert and daughter, Ann, of Montreal, who spent a week with Siebert relatives at Windsor, and last week with het parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thompson, Wingham, visited oh -Sunday with Mr,,anci Mrs. Sidney Thompson, Mr, and Mrs. Edwin Smyth and his brother, Mr, Albert, Smyth, Who Spent the past ten Weeks with his relatives here, accompanied them, and left trent Molten Airport for his• hemp et Hell's County, Ireland, Mt and Mrs, Sam Srnyth, of Mitch- all, Mr and Mrs. John Sinyth and• Me. and Mrs, Wm. Smyth, of St. Catharines, were all on hand at Malton to See him off, Mr. Fred LeaVer and friends, of Toronto; are Spending this Week with Mt has, Leavet Mr, and Mr,s, George CoulteS and the Leaver families Mr. and Mrs, touttea, of it'elgrave, fast WaWanosh Coultes fotli►iics, Mr. and MO, Alex Leayer and their Putisil(01.4. the LtUnhetli retool{ flaw at Goderich on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Davis and Diane, of Toronto, spent the week- end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Taylor. Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Ritchie and children visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Donald McAdam, of Belmore. Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Simmons, of London, spent Saturday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Mars. tin, and Nancy, who• had spent the week here, returned home. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Coulter and children and Mr. and Mrs. Angus Falconer and Alan, spent Sunday at Grand Bend. Mr. -and Mrs. Jae. Irwin, Douglas and Jimmie, of Hamilton, are spending this week with Relgrave relatives. and with Mr, and 'Mrs Wm. T. Irwin, Miss Lila Emerson and Mr, and Mrs, Victor Emerson visited on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Haggitt, of Blyth, and attended at the Tasker funeral home from Where the .funeral of Mr. klagitt's brother, the late Al- fred Haggitt, was held on Monday, Mr, Elmer Alton and Miss Elmira Alton, of Ashfield, and Mr, and Mrs, -Orville Tiffin, visited on Sun- day with Mr, and Mrs. Dan Tiffin. Mr, and Mrs, Clayton Scholtz and children spent last Week with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Ezra Scholtz, and this week they are at a Cottage at Point Clark. Mr, and Mrs, Scholtz visited with them there on Sunday. Young boys from local paints paid a surprise visit to the local peek on Sunday, turning over the 'park equipment and throwing the baseball equipment all over the place, ',using lime for then; writing, Two *eeks ago when Mr, Palconer was away from home, bOys broke up his lawn Swing. Mr, Victor Emerson has been Ill with flu over the week-end, Mr, and Mrs. Cordon Eintoul and family visited on Sunday 'with Mr, and Mrs. David' McDonald, at 13irth CHAMP-411 Grace HoSpittil, toe, trait, on Monday, July 12, to Mr. and Mrs, Wm, Champ (nee Pa, triela Patersoli) a sen, Itlehard William, a secOhd greatgrand- ohilcl 14'r Mt- P. Met, X'ater,sOn. II 'I Village Proud of - Girls' Ball Team WROXETER — Congratulations are due to the TrieCounty girls' ball team, which has been unde- feated in the four games they have played in this series. These games have been played as follows: Fordwicki in Wroxeter, Wroxeter in Belmore, Teeswater in Wroxeter, Wxoxeter in Fordwich. We wish the girls continued suc- cess in their two remaining games, at Teeswater on July 29 and Bel- more at Wroxeter on August 5th. These games will be followed by the play-off series. WROXETER Mr. Robert Muir, Fort William, visited last Tuesday with: Mr. and. Mrs. Gavin Muir. Mr. and Mrs, George Hunt aed family, Brampton, spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. A. Hunt and Mrs. Hunt will accompany them to Wasaga Beach for a vaca- tion. Mr, and Mrs. James Dig attend- ed the service in Fordwich United Church on Sunday when Rev. Hors- bourg of Waterloo was guest speaker and spent the afternoon with their son, Malcolm ,and Mrs. nolg, Waterloo. Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Galbraith, Karen and Ka- therine of Wingham visited at the same home. Mr. and Mrs.- William Dowling, Holstein, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Elliott. Miss Dor- othy McLellan, KennilWorth, is spending a vveek at the same home. Misses Nancy Newton and San- dra Edgar spent the week-end at Port Elgin. Misses Catherine Edgar, Joyce Heimpel and Gail Statia spent last week at Camp Gigita near Goder- 'ch. Mr, and Mrs. W. Gibson, Dundee, spent last week with the latter's mother, Mrs, J, F. McLean, The sympathy of the community is extended to Mr. and Mrs, John Snell and family in the loss of their son and brother, Larry, who lost his life in the tragic ear-truck collision near Bluevale on Satur- day night, We also wish for con- tinuing improvement in the con- dition of- Ian 'Howes who was in- jured in the same accident. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Greig and family spent Monday evening with Rev, John and Mrs, Greig at their cottage at Point Clark , Mr, and Mfs. Harvey Bradshave spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Vie Shen, Moorefield. Miss'Elaine Statia, London, was a Week-end visitor at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Brothers, Dar- lene and Nancy, Wexford, Spent the week-end here and Mrs. Bro- thers and daughter will remain for a longer visit. Mrs, V. Brothers returhed to her home with them and had made a good -recovery following her operation, We wish her continued good health, Mr, and Mrs. Prank Earlea, of -London, are vacationing with Mrs, Doig and other relatives. Mrs, B. Newton event the week- end With Mr. and Mrs, Lyle Hart who are Vacationing at South- ampton. Mrs. D, Statia attended the Pink- ney-Solomon wedding in Cooks- town on Saturday', Mr. John Hupfer, Mrs. &lenzo $parling said Miss Hazel •*parting 47A,40--it YOU 11-vo•- CANif—lt you dia.4 rrOteDtiOn for the fag** Comfort for your .;!etfl. till lit 000 P0004$ C0illis‘11(t—r' FRANK C. HOPPEli ,-Representative. Canada Life AVINGIAAK. phone 44/ ' BROWNI DRIVE-IN THEATR CLIN'TON, ONTARIO Featuring the Largest Wide Screen in Huron County THURSDAY and FRIDAY July 23 and 24 "BETWEEN HEAVEN AND HELL"' (Adult Entertainment-) Colour CinemaScope Robert Wagner — Terry Moore (One. Cartoon) SATURDAY and MONDAY July-, 25 and 27 "THE TALL MEN" Colour CinemaScope Clark Gable -- Jane Russel (One Cartoon) TUESDAY, and WEDNESDAY July 28 and 29 "BAND OF ANGELS", •• (Adult Entertainment) Colour Clark Gable -- Yvonne LieCarloi• (One Cartoon) TWO SHOWS NIGHTLY Rain or Clear TOURNEY WINNERS—Matt Boyd, Wingham Golf Course Club Captain is pictured above centre just after he had presented prizes to winners of the invitation tournament at the local course last Wednesday, evening, Left is Ray Stoddart of London, low gross winner who came in with a 73 and. Ken Webber, right, of Kitchener who had the low net of 56:—Photo by Strong. spent the week-end' with *Mr. and Mrs, James. Robertson and Mrs. Angus Carmichael, Goderich, Mr. 'and Mrs. Ross Coates spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Heath, Listowel. Mr, Vernon and 1Vfisees Evelyn and Elva Hupfer were Sunday guests of Mr. Harold Cowden, of Forest. . ST. HELENS IVIr, and Mrs. G. S. McIntyre, Who are moving this week from Brace- bridge to Richmond Hill, were week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. W. 1, Miller, Donald' MeIn- tYre returned home with them after spending a holiday here. Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Sebben, of Stratford, were recent visitors with -Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Millin. We are sorry to report that Mr. Joe Stuart is again a patient in the Wingham •General Hospital. Mr, and Mrs. Frank McQuillin and Terry Wilson were in Mitchell on Sunday for a reunion of the nurses in Mrs. McQuillin's gradu- ating class. Mr. and Mrs. John Cameron accompanied them and visited with Mr. and Mrs. James Douglas. Dr. W. C. MacGregor, of Chicago, and Mr. Alex. MacGregor, of Granum, Alberta, are visitors with their sister, Mrs, George Stuart, DRIVE-IN THEATRE Listowel, Ontario How much • do you peed? Phone or drop in at any HFC dike today, Al. R4 Josh's*, Mane 5A Wirt iffeel Tilepheite 1101 0001111CH Caldwell ;--`.of Blyth ' • • ,Mr. and` Mrs Douglas ,Snell , and children„ of LopideSboyo, spent San- dayeveltivhereparents; Mr, and Mrs. Ewalt MePheneon. Mr. and ..MrsfHOwerd -Martin and Shirley ande6arr spent Sunday With Mr. and/Mrs. -Wm. *Arlin, • of Kitchener, ' • Calvin-Brick . Church congrega- tune .postponed.';theire picnic ,on §aturday• acpornt.;of the: rain, and ^will 'tibia it :this Wednesday'; at Earl Wightniares: :.! /Mr, and Mrs.-John Echenswiller, Of Carlartihe, .spent :the week-end at'the home ,of. Mr. and Mrs, Frank Echenewiller,, while the latter .visit- ed 'with . Mr, . and Mrs. Scotty Matheson, of Dresden,' 'Mrs.-Levi Blernat spent Monday in Walkerton with her sister, Mrs. -Self, and her family: All made a trip to Kitchener. Mr. Arthur •13alla.gh, of Tees- water, visited on. Sunday with, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Gaunt, High quality fibers ore combined With the 'finest manufacturing and testing totilithi, in the production of Coop. Binder twine, Buy It with assurance of Complete sotishictioe 4 and Worthwhile savings. See Your Co-60 First . and Save BENRAVE CO-OP 13ELGRAVE, ONT. tittOrgSt WING1HIAM 1091 111016814,041011Wi0 Michael here, and all visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Robinson,.of St. Augustine, on Sunday., Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Underwood and Teddy, of Toronto, are visiting this week with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. 1WcIlrath. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Robinson and sons, and Billie Robinson, motored to Tobermory on' Satur- day. Mr. Harris Purdon,, who has been working at Espanola, accorn- Panied them home for the week- end. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Purdon and daughters accompanied Harris back to Tobermory on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. 'Mason Robinson and children, and. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rieman and children are holidaying at the Hanna cottage at Elliott's Grove, South, oflGoderith. Eager Bieman and Caxneren Robin sonare carrying on at their homes. Mr. and Mrs, Leonard Coyne and children, of Windsor, are visiting seasonal music. for a few days this week with The W.A. realized over $180 for the evening, and many also took in Mr. and Mrs. Roy Robinson, and with other Robinseh and Taylor the ball game in the park. families in East Walvanosh. Mr. flies Mr, and Mrs. Albert Coultes and their family, Mr. and Mrs. John Gaunt and their family, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ross and children Coyne' was chosen by the Essex- and Mr. ond Mrs. Jas. Gaunt and Kent Regiment to attend the Mem- family gathered at the Leaver ram- oriel Day celebration at Dieppe, Hy 'reunion held at Harbour Park WHITECHURCH—The- W.A. of the United Church here, held a very successful cold meat supper and concert on Wednesday evening last, Mr, Neelon was chairman for the program, held in the ineiorial hall. Miss Joan Tiffin played piano solos,- Mr. Garnet Farrier and Wayne played saxaphone numbers, and the ladies of Bluevale present- ed their play, "Consolation", por- traying a lot of the questionable sympathy contributed towards pa- tients in hospitals. Mr. rNeelon ,gave.a. short, skit and,,Ivlise Winnie fred Farrier showed slides of pic- turee she had taken at all seasons, around home, accompanied by Church Supper Program Follows and Mr. Stuart. Dr George Mac- First Show at Dusk Gregor, of Chicago, was also week- , Children under 12 in care Fri-. . end visitor with Mr. and Mrs. . Stuart.,- ' HAD AN ACCIDENT?? INSURANCE PRICE UP?? STATE FARM MUTUAL, THE WORLD'S LARGEST AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE COMPANY DOES NOT RAISE YOUR RATE WHEN YOU'VE HAD AN. ACCIDENT. No Service Charge No Increase How much can we salve you on your Car Insurance call today REUBEN T. APPLEBY Phone 703-w-3 Wingharn • onoramoreammogiemoamoinmivmmimmommoierineketlanko