HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1959-07-22, Page 8Recovering from
Haying Accident
oioara.m—rAwkto. Newton. was,•
run over by the wagon. While hay,
ing last Tuesday The wheel •pii.aiS,
over his Chest and arm, breaking
four ribs and, he also ..etiffered
bruises and a lung puncture,
He was patient in the Wing-
ham District Hospital until, Mon-
day, when he was permitted. to re-
turn home.
BLUEVALE—A special meeting
of the W.M.S.: was held in the
'United Church school room 'on
July 14th when the members en-
tertained the Baby Band and the
Mission Band.
Mrs. Alex McCrackin, president
of the•W',M.S., conducted devotions
and Mary Craig, president of the .
Mission Band, had charge of the
Mission Band program. The open-
ing prayer Was given by Bobby'
Corrigan, Douglas Garniss read
the Scripture. The roll call was
"Name a favorite book or song."
Bruce Corrigan presented the of-
faring and Patsy Craig gave the:
Offertory prayer,
Mrs, M. Craig, Mission Band
leader In giving the financial,
statement, showed a fine balance.
Rae Mothers 'recited, end Patsy And
Margaret Craig played a piano
duet Mrs, A, It Neelon, Mission
Band leader, gave a summary of
the lessons in the study book
far studied, assisted by Sohn
Turvey, Ruth McLennan, Rae Ma-,
tilers, Lloyd 'Peacock and Gerald'
Brewer. A vocal Musieal number
was given by the trio, Ruth and
Rae Mathers and Margaret Craig;
Mrs, ,Tarries Johnston told the
story, "The- Birthday Party".
The promotion service waS con-
ducted. by Mrs. Bert Garnisa, Baby
Band leader, when members Of the
,baby Hand were received into tine
IVflasiOn Band, those promoted
were: Trudy Montgomery, One.
ford Hetherington,' Donald 'Edgar;
nen IVICLennan Bruce
Brian flail, Elizabeth Jacklin, and
DOttgles Stamper, Marilyn NichOl-
Soh gave a child's prayer, Mt*
Harvey Edgar a mother's prayer
and Diane Elston the closing
The thildren had games on the
lawn and a picnic itin'eh, there
WAS I; large attendLnce,
Mystery )36xes
Supply Funds
DONNYBROOK—The July meet-
ing of the W.M.S. and W,A, was
held Tuesday afternoon at the
home of Mrs, Jan, Leddy with Mrs,
Wm, Hardy in charge, The opening
hymn was 87e, Mrs, Hardy led in
Prayer, Mrs. Harold Woods read
the Scripture leSson.
Mrs Hardy real a herald
tided '"in Sister bhUrciii4w,
neswcn was tieen ,d le.odad to the and
of the previous meeting. Mr, Woods
had charge of the study book and
a hymn was sung in closing.'
The W.A. meeting was in charge
of Mrs. Morley Johnston and open-
ed with a hymn. Mrs. Johnston:
read the ScriPture, Mrs, Leddy
read, a poem entitled ,`Srniles.'"F'61-
lowing another hymn, Mrs. John-
ston closed the meeting with pray-
er, The "mystery boxes" 'were
opened which provided thp WA.
with a nice sum of money.
Charles Jefferson and ;Murray
Thompson, Mr. 'and Mrs,4 ..Weeley
Jefferson and Debra, Mr. and
Hilliard Jefferaon, Louise, 'Bob,
Mary, Sharon and Linda, all of
Although , rained heavily. all
had a good time.
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The Beaver Lumber Co. Ltd., woromn•
VVingham Sawn111 Co. Ltd., woromat
H. N.Gowdy & gon,
Alex Manning & Son,
Mr. and Mrs, Ivan Felker are on
holiday this week.
Miss, Kay Pothers, termite, spent
the past week at the home of her
father; Mr. John Cathers,
Mr-, And Mrs, R,:Stephens and
family spent the week-end at
Boiler Peach,
Hoht- Bremner, Mrs, Jas.
Bremner, Mrs, Lester Lake and
Mrs. Fred Cox, all of Ethel, Mrs.
P1.110 Armstrong and Mrs,. Ethel:
Heuther of Brussels visited Mrs.,
Russel Dilworth at the 'home of
Mr, and Mrs, Harold Hyndnian,
Mr, and Mrs, Gerald Gray of
Sudbury dt bh ue ryv supaegnet
d avyi a an sma tru: a
and '
Mrs, Norman Pelops of Palmer-
Around 100 are now taking the
swimming course, Several of the
mothers are also taking advantage
of the chance of improving their
swimming abilities. tf
•• Mr, and,Mrs:Vallrer •Ilastie and
Miss Heather HOU? of Toronta
were visitors here at the week-end;
Mr, and, MIA Archie ,IrWin -anq
faariily '•are ,moving to the home,
which they :recently-, purchased •
from-Mrs. johntAbram.
Miss Gwen Hyndman spent the
Week-end with Miss Nancy Elliott
of Edmore.
Mrs.. rtulsell Dilworth and Mr,
and Mrs, !Harold Hindman; were in
Kitchener on; Sunday. Mrs. DR.!
worth will, remain, there for. a time
at the home. Of her' son, Glenn Dil-
worth, - • 4
Mrs Jack Musgrove was taken
to Wingharn Hospita1 on Saturday.
Mg', Harry Zimmerman was taken
to the Palmerston Hospital list
Wednesday 1but, was able to return
herne Thursday, He was surfer-
,ing severe pain in the region of his .
heart. K-rays showed that ,it* was
caused from ,the muscles in his
heart, '
The • Gorrie Women's • Institute
will meet on Wednesday evening,
July 29th 'at 8.30 p.M. at the home
9f Mrs: Glad :-,Edgar;
Kato will 'speak on "Japanese
Festivals". Roll call, . "Something
money Cannot . buy". . -
Miss Jean Stewart of Calgary 'is
visiting her parents and other
relatives, She "niggle the ',trip ,by
plane arriving at.Makon On Friday, ,
,Mrs. Ruth' Corbett spent -several
days last week visiting at:the home
nephew Mr., Webster
Knowles,; TOronto. ,
Mr. and. Mrs. Tack Ei'r,ers. of To-
ronto, "visited with Mr. and Mrs.
Manfred Irwin and other 'relatives
for seireral'days.. , • ljack King, and his friend Dick
TYsen of Toronto spent the week-
end "at. the home of Mr, and . Mrs.
Fegitilt King.'
'..Mrs. Inez Waugh of Mitchell
Visited with Mrs. -A,GlIpin and•Mr.
arid Mrs. ' Fred ,Ilyndrnan from
Thursday to, Satnrday last', week,
Miss Kate, HaBleWo9d of Wing-
beim Was • a guest .of Mr, and Mrs,
Ntirinan. Wade for a few days.'";
Mr,' and: Mrs: Reuben Roberts
and :Mr. and MrS: James 11,fcCaw of ,
Dgirhitm were "visitors on Sunday
with Mi. and "Mrs, 'John Dinsmore,
Harold King:and' Wesley, Galla-
ay enjoyed .a', fishing trip' last
week and were as for. north , as
°IllidivYrs.rtteIdra Griffith, Wingham, and
Mrs. Loughead, Detroit, Were week-
end visitors with Miss Minna Ir-
Mr. and Mrs. •Sam Thompson and
Mrs. Cecil Chamrley of Wingharn
viisted with Mr, land Mrs. John
Ross and family at Glencoe
over the week-end, and called on
Mr, and Mrs. Mel Keating on, Sun-
day in Exeter. *
Mrs. J, C. Robinson, spent the
week-end with Mr.' and Mrs. Ed-
ward Robinson. Sgt. Maj. :and
Mrs. H, W. Dainty, Gerald and
Linda returned to Camp Petawawa
a holiday at. the For a perfect. Furlough, you got after spending' , Robinson home.- Jim Robinson to have RomanceBu Ines;. went with them to spend his holi-
days at ,Camp Petawavya. " . ,
Mr, and Mrs, Willows Mountain,
Mrs, Josling, Betty, Lloyd and Neil
of Londesboro visited 'with Mrs,
Wes Jefferson one day last week,
Mr. and Ro'ss' MdMichigeL
Linda, Larry and Brian visited, at
Edward Robinson's on Sunday.
Mr, and Mrs. Stuart Chamney,
Diane, Donna, Barbara and' Joyoe.
visited' on Sunday with. Mr. .and
Mrs. Wm, Webater,
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Robinson
and son Bill, also Bill DaintY , of
Camp Petawawa, who is visiting at
the Robinson home,, Mrs.l. C. Rob-
inson, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Mills,
Joan, Jim and Susan Thompson all
attended the Robinson reunion
which was at InperWash, SatUrday.
Miss Elaine Jefferson of London
is spending the holidays at the,
home of her parents Mr: and Mrs.
Charles Jefferson. •
Miss Betty Devereaux returned
home from London where she has , • been visiting this past week.
Timothy Seed
Farmers are urged to harvest timothy care-
Straight combining is not recommended unless
the crop is thoroughly cured. Newly harvested time,
thy seed has a high moisture content and unless
properly dried before processing will heat and be-
Celine musty,
Swathing of the crop prior to combining Or
threshing pre-shocked timothy will result in the seed
being sufficiently sound and dry for proper process
'Ones MacNaughton,
Seeds Ltd.
Creditors. Exeter, Phone 664 London
New .Pontiact,..
and Vauxhall Cars
Service Station
Wingham, Ontario •
Your Pontiac, Buick and GMC Dealer
for this area
Also a wide selection at all times of
Jefferson Families.
Hold Large Reunion
DONNYPROOK-A reunion of
the Jefferson families was held
Saturday at the alom.e. of Hilliard
Jefferson with 14 in attendance.
They were: Mr.. and Mrs. George
Jefferson, Clinton; Mr. and Mrs.
Dana.' Sander, John, Lawrence,
Nancy and Jane, Port Stanley:.
Miss Gladys Jefferson, Re0,11„
Woodstock; Miss Irene Jefferson,
Dunnville; Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
Jefferson, Owen Sound; Mr, and
Mrs. George Jefferson and Cam-
eron, Owen :Sound; Mr, and Mrs,
Rendall Dick, Elizabeth and Ian,
Toronto; Mr, and Mrs. John ,Tefferr
son, Norman and Ina, 4 Pollarton. -
Mr. and MrS, Gordon Laing,
Lorraine and David. .Cromarty:
Mr% and Mrs. Robert Laing, Mari-
lyn and Margaret, Cromarty; Mr.
and Mrs, Bill ChiSsell, Norman,
Donald, Paul and Marion, Mitchell;
Mr, and Mrs, jack Jefferson, Sault
Ste Marie; Mr, and Mrs. Donald
Rtelit; -Strgfiirti;°Miailea'• Ifrargaret'
and Laura - Jefferson, London;
Mr. and Mrs, Sam Jefferson, DOn-
ald• 'and John, Newmarket; F,
C, David Jefferson, Centralia„
Mr: and Mrs, George Reeves, To-
ronto; •Miss Elaine Jefferson, Lon-
don; Mr.' and Mrs, James Leddy
1:',19nnybrook; Mr, .and Mrs. Wil-
fred Dow, Mimic(); Mr, and Mrs.
.Stanley Holba, and Jeff., Toronto;
Mr. and Mrs. Donald. Jefferson
...tind Cheryl, Clinton; Mr. and Mrs.
OTC Trusses & Belts
are mode for every condition.
Recall Drug Store
Mrs. Harry Ferguson spe'nt ,daSt
'week iii London)"
Mr. Denglag Foster Of Mimien
spent last week at the home of
Mr. and ,Mrs, Ken Hattie. Tom
Hastie -of Toronto was also home
fin- the vtreek-.end.
Mn and Mrs. Allan' Underwood
and Debbie of Wingham spent
Siinday evening with Mr. and Mrs.
B9b Edgar.
''Mr's. Bill Hart of Oshawa is
spending a couple of weeks with
her parents, Mr, and Mrs, Edward-
Newton. Mr. Bill Hart 'spent the
week-end at the same home,
Miss Margie 'Hastie is spending
this week at 'Bauble Beach,
Mr:, and Mrs, Ernest King Jr„
and their grandson, • Edward, of
Windsor, visited the former's
mother, Mrs. 'Ernest King and
other relatives, also with Mr,
Ernest King Sr., in Wingham Hos,
Mr, and Mrs, Bob Thistle Spent
Monday in Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Harper and
family. of Carlingfotd Were Sunday
guests of ,Mr. and Mrs. Robt.
Mr, and Mrs, Harry GOWdy visit-
ed over the week-end With Mr.
and Mrs, AtiSon IVfcCluskle at
Lake Shnctie,
Mr, and Mts. T. L. McInnes anent
Sunday at the home of Mr, and
Mrs, Nelson BOyd, Mt, Foreat,
Miss Brenda Underwood of Pal-
merston visited her grandparents,
Mr, and Mrs, Earl Underwood,
last Week,
Mr. and Mrs. 'Edgar Dane and
tinnily and Mr, Win, Dane visited
mr, and Mrs, l'hoS, Edgar, Of St,
'moron. ,s on Siinde.y.
Mr, Murray French of Ohatharn
Visited over the Week-end With Mr.
and Mrs, thos, Edgar of St
Thomas, on. Sunday.
Mr. Murray French 'of dhathath
*hilted over the 'week-end with Mr,
and Mrs. Gordon Moir,
Mr„ and Mrs, John Murphy, St
Marys, visited Mt, and Mr4.
Grighani on Sunday,
Str, and Mtg. 'Edwards,..
London, spent the weilt,tid With
Mr, and Mr*, lie. lawitihs. •
$itttnii cook tsent, fitk
400 .1fNe Winghasti Advani4,-Timea, WeslaestlaY,.0.fuly PP'
Pupil 1WhoShop in 'Win hale Read ThaAdvance,Timat
week-end with Miss Yana Horton,
of liebnoro,
Miss 'Margaret Speir, London,
spent ,a fevy days with Mr, and
Mrs, Vin.. Nay,
Sunday guests at the home of
Mr, and Mrs, Chas, Koch were
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ott and
Haney, Liatowel; Mr. and,. Mrs,
Wm. Diebel, Guelph; Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Diebel, B.C. ),
Mr, and Mrs, Hugh McMillan,
Guelph, Spent' a few days at the
home of Mr. and Mrs, T. L,
July 23 - 24 - 25
Tony, Curtis, Janet Leigh
July 27 - 28 - 29
Kenneth More, Jill Dixon
The true and tragic story of the
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