HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1959-07-22, Page 7a few of the ProbleMS that are and frArn the bOttoM 'right, ,iihows1
faced. by the tenants inside their the condition of the palnt .cm one .
Ilea indicated the enttanee will lie
where the, roof started to leak some or worse ',than a good Many Of PIA'
montils ago, damaging the ceiling :homes fn the develoinnent The'
and peeling the paint; Furniture veterails suggeSted• at, the:Meeting
In the room was damaged, and- that poor" maintenance has reduced
The ,adjoining picture Is of a base- the value of the buildiags,
merit that has been , lealsing for Another sore; :p6int in the dis-,
years. The tenant in this case eussleas between the tenenta and,
The housing corporation has' re- corporation Waa the type of re-
fused to do anything about the tailing wall which is in existence
condition according to the people between several or the homes;,. The
living in the house, picture at lower left as typical of
The picture at top.right and tile the way in which .these walla were
one-la-the lower: leff,ahoW. the'con- pyilt .,.arid,,their,.. P,Mili4i.C11..,,,T;h9
"dition of the platforms and steps residents in the homes adjacent to.
at two homes on Carling Terrace, these retaining walls .claim the
The . top picture is the front ea- boulders are not Safe as they* are
trance to one home, and is can be continually falling over and could
COrIllecti9n !with the prices, Set
on the homeS by Central Mortgage,
many of the veterans at the, Meet-
ing claimed thatthe lets on the
east side of Carling Terrace were
not as valuable others because of
a drainage 'ditch which runs hi-
bind the properties, The picture;
second from tap, right, shows that
the people living in these homes
have a good point. It was taken
about midway down the Street fac-
ing south and shearethe overgrown
condition of the area, which is int-
possible• to mew due to the' rockF
and roughness of the ditch, T1
picturti at bottom is of a storm
sewer "grating inc of
the Carling Terrace Ironies, whieh
was also mentioned •as the type
of thing that reduces the value of
the homes,
honies. ..The left pictUre is' at the „
of tile houses, which is PO 1?ottor living mom *ceiling in one home,
the root still has not been fixed.
has attempted to Make Some repair the reprpsentatiSei of the housing himself bat without much luck,
seen, ono step is Missing and •the easily injure-a child; As. Well, they
On Tuesday of last' Week resir
dents of the fIllicreat ;subdivision
in WtnghaIll Met with repreaen-
tatives of . the Central Mortgage
ahtl Dousing Corporation to diffeltS0
the possibility of purchasing the
While no great progress was
Made at the Meeting, the veterans
who live* in the housing project
were Otte voinable in expressing
their displeasure with the way in
Which the !unties had been main-
tanned by the corporation, They
were particularly displeased with
the length, of time it took the
authorities in charge of the homes
to look after pressing repair needs,
liWith these statements' th mind
Mle-AdVancekOnCO' 'Phatoga'aPher•
decided to look the situation over
and 'bring back a picture report
on cunditions existing in 'the de-
velopment. It was found that In
many cases the veterans did have
X00111 for eomplaiat,
the picture of the develop-
ment itself, immediately.belew, the
fact that little or' no landscaping
has ever been done in the n years•
1400 the projeet was started, is
quite obvious.
The pictures Centre left point up
er mower-.I have to mowY 'ra,lawn
With an old-type push mower!!
remainder of the platform Is badly 'asked the corporation representa-:
rotted" and scarcely :safe, The low- ,fives how any one could ' be ex-
en photo is the back entrance to petted to use a power lawn Mower
another home, 'where the steps he- along such a•'reek pile. One of
male so bad they had to be re- the Central Mortgage men suggest-
moved and, et aside several ed, "Yoe are' lucky to have a pow-
While the Nillcrest hordes are
on a four-year cycle for painting,
Many of the residents, in the sub-
division claim that the cycle is far'
too long, and by the appearance
of many of the homes, this opinion
would appear to have a good deal
of foandationl. The picture, sec-
months ago. The people living in
this hone said that the corporation
'Prices Exhcorbitant'
Mentinue4 from rage Ono
the fl urea placed en the Wing-
inun homes were the lowest of any
municipality with which they bad
When setting the POPS for he,
Flillerest dwellings, the appraiser'
was said to have taken Into con-
,sideration the values of other pro-
perty In the community. The ten-
ants took exception to this point
;by attempting to snow that many
homes of much greater value in
Wingham have been sold in recent
years at figures only slightly more
'than the suggested prices of the
When it came to the condition of
the buildings the loeal group Was
quite emphatic in Its opinion that
Maintenance of the subdivision 'by
Central Mortgage andllousinghad
been very poor,
Tire Corporation representatives,
however, stated that a question-
naire regarding necessary repairs
'would be going out 'Co :die tenants'
shortly, and that before any home
Would be sold, the- corporation
would guarantee it to be structur-
ally sound, They stated that if a
house was, not in good condition it
would be ,repaired, even if it was
not sold,
One of the tenants asked if "we
can expect action on repairs,” and
received the answer "definitely".
It was pointed out to the corpora-
tion men by the veterans that
nearly every home in the ,subdiv-
ision required new outside steps
and platforms and that many base-
' mentS leaked badly. Painting, they
said, had been left too long, as
well as 'a host of other mainten;
anee problems which had, not been
looked after.
Coming' back to the price being
asked by' the corporation, Mayor
R. „ID, lifeKinney stated, "I. don't
think that you (the corporation)
will sell one house at these prices!"
ta101tn.,e, tenant, Jack Lewis, 'added
that the prices being asked for the
homes were "absolutely exhorbi-
Some drew to the attention of
the corporation officials the fact
that the lots varied considerably
in their worth, and that as an ex-
ample, the homes on the east side
of Carling Terrace had an open
drainage ditch running through
the rear of the lots which reduced
the -depth of the properties by
nearly 20 ,feet.
Before the meeting adjourned
the: corporation representtaives
Were. requested, to yisit ,the location
but• they„pleaded,l.ftck, of, time and
refused, to. Idir 4;) ... , ,
,Before- adjourning • the Central
Mortgage ' officials promised;to 're-
view the plan for placing the born-
e'S on sale, and promised that the
cplestionnaire regarding repair re-
quirements 'would be sent out in
:the near future.