HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1959-07-15, Page 8game, Pretty soon a few of the young lads' drifted in. My girls acted as if they wree completely disinterested, They took on that glassy;•eyed, don't-give-a-darn ex- presion , • ...N.o.evorider they don't have datesi - They scare the 'boys away. So, driving home, I delivered a lecture 'to these neighborhood beau ties, When you want something in this world," said I, "you are wise to-let, the . world know about it. And that includes boy friends, 'You dated 'as if you thought those lads had leprosy,' while an hour 'before you were telling me they were -tireamboats. Get wise. There's no law against a come-on smile, you know.". • • I think it registered. I know it did, 13ecause,the next day,, one of the girls phoned one of the boys and congratulated him on their win And the boys were having a 'party that night at one of their homes to celebrate, so the girls got invited, and they had a wonderful time, The little bit of Coffee that is often left over from breakfast can be put into the freezing tray of the refrigerator. The result is cof- fee ice 'cubes that can be used in iced: Coffee. a a a a a a pa a a I not figure it out. During the game,' they cheered' loudly, They knew the young. Players, and they pointed out their' heroes to me, •but when the -play came close to us I never heard them shout the names. I began. 'Attaboy, Dicli!" .1 yelled, when Sue's hero Was near us. He glanced .un, saw me, saw I•the girls. He flushed 'a, little,' but, dug in and played like'a, demented whirlwind• for the balance of the,' I game.: • When the genie ended, I tried to ,shepherd the girls to a point where they could applaud their. winning heroes in 'person as they came off the field. But no, sir. These self- sufficient sophisticated young gals were as shy as any , story-book country maiden (real country maidens aren't as shy .as writers would have us believe,) We had a soft drink and chip at a nearby restaurant• after the July 12th celebration in St. Marys on 'Saturday. Over 30 went by chartered bus, Dr. and Mrs. Don. Finlayson of Lueknow were recent visitors with Mrs. L. N. Whitley, Mr, and. Mrs, Wm,- Lockhart of EaStwood visited with friends here Pn, Thursday and Friday, X-rays at, the Palmerston Hos- pital have shown that-Miss Marie Hastie suffered a broken pelvis and a chip off the hip bone in the cas accident of July 4. She will be confined to hospital from four to six weeks, MISS SANDRA ETIOAtt is shown giving several of the senlgt triembera a lesnOtt on the proper stroke, left to right Mao, Rditar, Nadine Omit, Z'WelYnt $teithede, Gwen lifyntlifiati,,A-FhOto by Citation, V TWO SHOWS NIGHTLY Rain or Clear First Show at Dusk - Children under 12 hi cars. Free 111111110111111111111111111111111111•1111111l11111111111111 HARRISON * 1 ...pi*** THEME AT DUSK Two Shows Nightly Cartoons at every performance . THOM - FRI. - SAT. July 16 17 - 18 "THE BIG COUNTRY" (Technicolor) We personally endorse this as one of the Best Pictures of the Year. Stars — Gregory Peck, Charlton Heston, jean Simmons and Burl Ives — in his 'Wonderful Academy Award Winning role--Don't Miss RI SPECIAL SUNDAY MIDNITE July 20• `HELLS CROSS ROADS' Plus "DOUBLE JEOPARDY" MONDAY and TUESDAY July 26 and 21 "THE LAST BLITZ KRIEG" Pitts "TARAWA BEACH HEAD" A double barrelled aetioll War Show, • WEDNEADAY MIA THURSDAY' May. 22 arid Id "NIGHT Or THE - BLOOD BEAST" . Ontrer without jparalla "SHE GODS Olt SHARK REEF" See ttatium Rona In TOW. eeitn!.. • * Women's DRESS SHOES A special selection of entrain and high .licels hi - Rine, ,Black and BroWn. 4 SALE ,PRICES $2.99 $3.99 $4.99 MOCCASINS The popUlar elide for comfort on those Warm days. Women's t $2.49 $3.39 $4.29 $4.89 a MID - • a $2.49 • MEN 'S SPORT SHOES SANDALS • Sandals Of all types flat or tried U SALE 4410ES $2.99 43,99 1: r • j P40 Vight Tito WitiOunt Advanee•Till", We°14"444'" 441Y 1"9 COURT OF IlEY11(IN 3E11 FOR. AUGUST 1). -1.11(1,31,5, SAT, 014'15 10 "SOME LIKE . • IT HOT .Adult Entertainment MarilYn. Monroe, Tony Curtis, J'aok Leriarrimi, Pat O'Brien, George Raft, and Joe E. Brown Het Or Cold You'll Lelia This Fun Filled Film Farce, -It's 'a Riot of Fun and Laughter • from the Roaring -Twentles• Shows Nitely at 7.15 -9,01) p.m. 140N. - TOES,— WED, July 20 -• - 22 "SOME CAME RUNNING" (Adult) (Technicolor) Frank, Sinatra, Dean Martin BROWNIE'S DRIVE-IN. THEATRE CLINTON ONTARIO Featiiring the Largest Wide Screen in Huron, County THITASDAY and FRIDAY July 16 and 17 "LOVE ME TENDER" (CiriemaSeope) Elvis Presley -- Richard Egan , (One Cartoon) • SATURDAY and MONDAY July 18 and 20 "THE DEEP SIX" (Colour) Alan Ladd -- William Bendix • (One Cartoon) TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY July 21 and 22 "HOUSE Of BAMBOO"' Adult Entertainment (Colour) (CinernaScope) Robert Ryan -- Robert Stack Shirley Yamaguchi „,er” • ,r7' (One Cartoon) hORRIE Mrs, Percy Goliner of Toronto visited. Mrs. Ernest King, and Mr, Ernest King in. Wingham Hos- pital on Thursday, Mr. and Mrs. cloYtte Michel, accompanied by Mrs. Ruth Mac- Donald, visited. last Wednesday with their daughters, Miases Karen Michel and Katherine MacDonald at Ossossanee Beach. Mrs, John Galloway, Ian nad Alex of Brantford spent last week with Mr. and Mrs, Gerald 13rown, Miss Ruth Toner and friends from Jarvis are indtoring through the prairie provinces, Mrs, Chas. Koch is a patient in Palmerston Hospital, Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Edwards vielt- ed Mre, Roth Haeston and family at A,rieberleY 'Bedell' "on Sunday Mr, and Mrs, Harty Gowdy and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Qowdy and Mr and Mrs. Jas. Doig, Wroxeter spent Sunday at Ft, Elgin, Mr. and Mrs, Harvey McMichael, Wroxeter and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gowdy Attended the county coun- cil picnic Goderich an Friday, Mr. and Mrs. Elgin McInnes and Tommy,- Toronto: spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. T. L, Mc- Innes.. Pinney. Mc:rimed returned house after spending a week with his grandptrenth, Mr, and Mrs Alex. Butler,' Goderich, visited at the same home on .Surday. There will be no service in the Gorrie United Church or Sunday School the litst two Sundays in July. ., Torn Hastie., Toronto, spent the week-end' with, his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Hastie, Mr. and Mrs, Earle King. Carol and Douglas Spent the week-end at' Bruce Beach. Miss Kay Wood of Lakelet is Yielting her grandmother, Mrs. J. Wood. Four new ,mentberrs joined the L.O.L. last Monday evening and on Wednesday evening a new member. Mrs. Qordon Coulter was received into 'the L.0,13.A. Mr. and Mrs. August Keil and Mr, Geo, Keil spent Saturday ond Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Peter Patrick at St. Timma.s, • Mr. Archie Irwin .nas purchased the home of Mrs."' Jack Abram Mrs, Abram and family have mov- ed to Teeswater: Mr. Bill'Strong rented the former Edgar Brown farm. lot 4.6, con. 3 and he and. Mrd, Strong. and little daughter nave, moved there Some two weeks ago. Mr, and Mrs,' Manfred Irwin spent Sunday ancliMortdayr in To- ronto, • . Mr. Rirks Robertson,:Teeswater, spent Sunday ikith his sister Mrs. Glad Edgar and M. Edgar,. Mr. and llArs:-% Archie Miller attended the funeral of Mr. Robert Laing at. Shakespeare. on Monday afternoon. , Mrs. 'Hazel Watt of Weston and Mrs. . R, .Haritilten "„ Brussels were auests of Mi.and Mr's`,. Hector Hamilton. an Satiirday, Sympathy- Is :extended 'to Mr. Harry Rhein°, Whilse father, Mr, Luke Rhatte, died in, Fergus Hos- pital, • , Mr. and Mrs. Wesley' Underwood and Murray :spent, Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Archie • Goanell of Toronto, ' Mr, and Mrs. Allan ..13Yririman and Clark and •Mr. and Mrs, Don Irwin spent "last 'weeli at Sauble Beach, • Mr. and 'Mrs. Ben pitidge, Brus- sels, visited Mt and ,Mrs. Bower Parrish on Sunday:; Mr.' and Mrs, Harold 'Hyridman spent Sunday at Port 'Elkin. Mrs, Gerald Galbraith .and fain- tly are holidaying at Port Elgin, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Austin attend- ed the Allardcye reunion In Vic- toria Park, Galt.' on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs.. Graham Hastie, of HarristOn visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Glad. Edgar. Mr. and Mrs. E, H. Strong spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Jack Reid at Hamilton. Ltashme DRIVE.IN THEATRE LiatoweI, Ontario Two Shows Nightly Rain, or Clear [Mx Office Opens at 8.00 o'clock Pivot Show at Dusk , Children Under 12 in Cars Free Cartoon at Each Performance Tutraanm., and FRIDAY .Inly 16 and 11 "ROCKA-8YE BABY" Colour VistVlsion. ferry Lewis, Marilyn Maxwell SATURY DA ONLY July .1$ "STALAG 17" Don Taylor CO (nledDi mom, - loom, tidy 2ti 21 A. 22 "MAMIE-LIZ PIGALLE" Wind CitietnitScehe *Witt tirdot. The regular monthly Meeting of the Howiek Township- Council was held with all members present, and the reeve, Arthur Gibson, in the chair. The minutes of the last regular meeting were read and on, motion of Haskins and Allan- were - adopted as read. Haskins-Allan—That the survey- or's report on the Press Municipal Drain, TOrnberrY Township, be ac- cepted and provisionally adopted; and that the clerk be hereby in- structed to prepare the necessary by-law and conies of some. McMichael-R. -Gibson—That the court of revision on the Press Municipal Drain be held on August 5th at 1.0,30 am, • Allan-Haskins—That•Byelaw. No, 17-59 of the Township of Howle;t for the year 1959, the Press Muni- cipal Drain By-law, as read the first and second time be passed. R,• Gibson-Allan--•-'That By-law No, 10,59 of the Township of Howiek fer'the year 1959, a. bank interest rate by-law„ as read the third time be finally passed,' R. Gibson-McMichael—That we instruct the reeve to declare Mon- day, -August 3rd a municipal holi- day,' Haskins-Allan—That the road accounts as approved be paid. McMichael-R. Gibson- That the following accounts be paid. -Earl Newell, $20.00; Howiek Tele- phone System, $23.00 Town of Harriston, $110.00; Town of Wing- ham; $200.00; ListoWel Banner, $2.40; Wirigham Advance-Times, 37 00; Harriston Review, $23.03; Municipal World, $28.95; Work- men's Compensation Board, $105,00; Hen Graham, $2.11; County of Hu- rear $18.80; W. E. Whitfield, $75.00; J, H, Pollock, $120.00; Art Gibson„ $10.65; H. Howe, $23,24; Wm, Mar- drier, $23.97; R. FI. Carson & Son, $14.30; W. Heimpel, $5,43; G, L. Dobson, $41.18; Id, A. Schaefer, $38.74'; Elmer Greenley, $16.00; 0. A. Gibson & Sons Ltd., $22.75; Ivan Haskins, $5.00; Howard Harris, 3500:00; road account, $1903,32, Haskins-Allan— That we do now adjourn to meet again on August 5th or at the call of the reeve, • 'Arthur Gibson, Reeve . • j. H, Pollock, Clerk fiORRIE Mrs. Bertha Plant has been visit-, ing for the . last two weeks at Hamilton and St. Marys. Mr. Gary Aus•tin returned to London on Sunday after spending the last ten days with his par- ents, . A-. .. ;, Miss Lenore Feigel has 'returned after : spending a week with her sister, Mrs. Gerry Hornung, at 'Stratford. Mr. Fred Feigel is visiting his daughter, Mrs. Hor- nung and Mr. Hornung this week. JifIr, and Mrs. Clarence Wood of LiatOwei were Sunday Vesta of Mr. and Mrs, Blake McMillan, Mr. Jas, McGrath of Toronto also spent a'couple of days at the same home and visited his. brother, Joel, and other old friends. :The' Junior Farmers and Junior Institute had a wiener roast in the community park on Wednes- day 'evening with d good atten- dance., . Mr. and Mrs. Robt.,'Dane spent a ', day recently with their son Stanley and Mrs. Dane attheir summer home at Cataraet Jct. Mr. ,anal Mrs'. -Glenn .King and three sons of Peterboratigh spent the week-end with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank King. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hynclmen, Mrs. Mary Hyriclinan and Mrs. Annie Gilpin visited relatives in Mitekell on SundaY afternoCM, Quite -a number of L.O.L. and L.033,A, members attendoel- the :re CANVAS PLAY SHOES Children's .,, 89c Boysf $1.59 & up Men's $1,79&up Golf Bridge • There 'were six tables in play ,at the 'regular Thursday afternoon bridge at the Golf Club lest Wee/L . The winners- were Mrs, Q. W. .1-1Owson, Mrs. H, f,. Sherbon0 and . Mrs, N, 14. Fry. The hostesses Were IVft'S, W, H, French, Mrs, H. Aitchison and Mrs, 0, Gannett. • Classes at Gorrie Ninety boys.and girls are taking, advantage of the Real Cross swim- ming classes. at the dam. at Carrie under -the ilitectioa of Rnbert RO bridge of ICondon. , Classes are herd morning, and afterMion with NfIss -Sandra, COOT of Garlic es- sisting, Pordwielt, Gerrie, 1Irox- eter and district children are re- PiteSenteli. the end. of July and. ends with the tests, At right Robert ,Rusitridg,c, in stroctor; is shown on the lip. of 'the, dam instructing swimmers of - fin class, 73elow3A-Drying •. jif , after' a. peicod of instenetion are, sft to right 1 hulk Johnston, 'Judy- Kingi James Graham and,l'hinces .Mity.---Pitatos by, .Cuntelcv, „by r(14.#1044 of GENERAL FOODS KITCHICMS4 A friend pf mine said "If -Y911 can rinike jelly from one kind of fruit, then lelly made from two kinds of fruit will be twice as good!" Well, that's certainly true pf the fel- l:gel:14g: r,o4rtAesjettli,Pili cpu: Ee; rn( aeRdhtoru'latEs:'1:61:Itt st) fully ripe red cUrrarits and /1/2 curittANT ANP 7 caps (3 lbs.) super ttattla `Gefid 'friar peetW First, prepare the juice, Crush 1 ilk quart fully ripe red currants. Add IP C3' ?iv c up ttsh about Wa ter 1 alhn d qtbt ar rintsg f tuol lay b oil, r jr eeldl y hag raspberries,and sq uPeleazcee of.; t j tus cipn, Measure 41/2 cups into very large saucepan, Where doeo pectin come irorri'i. Well, pectin is the jelling stance found in (2,11irsits vark. ing amounts. Cerio is pecti?1, tracted from fruits rich' in thq natural substance, then refine', concentrated and performance; controlled, Your jam and jelly set exactly night when you use Certo and follow the tested Certo recipes. Preserving Pointer:. It's wise t0 buy new rubber rings each sea-, son. A good rubber is elastic .and not brittle, Test each ring before using. It's poor economy to save a rubber ring at the expense of quart of fruit. Jam and"jelly making can sorni-, times bring' problems . , if you , have "any, write and tell' me, I'd be, glad to help. .44.nd please ,visit With me again in my next colunvri. 0 Many Things Ey Ambrose Hills . • Te -nage Pilule, • On the street where I live .there are three very beautiful teenage girls, and I bave known' them for unite a few years, The other day I agreed to take them for a drive to see a sports event, I drove. They talked. And I was puzzled, 'These three beauties were short of dates! Not one had a steady boy friend, Yet wherever we went, saw young lads, bug-eyed,-glancing, at us, wondering: I have no doubt, how this middle-aged codger had found himself such beauties. ' What was the- matter? I could A L .**4rm***rmersvi** • WORK BOOTS' Strong and altirdy Work Boots With cork soles,-' SiliNS 6 to it Sale Price $6.89 New make the jelly. Add sugar to itlice in saucepan, Mix well. Place over high heat. Bring to a boil,'. stirring constantly, Stir in Cern:, at once, Bring to a full rolling bet/. Boil hard 1 minute, stirring con- stantly,'Remove from heat, skim' off foam with metal spoon. Pau quickly 'into • glasses, Cover once with Vs 'inch het paraffin, Maked about 11 medium glasses, ":. ' - • = i ii i i i S i i i i FOR MEN, 41): i a a a a ii . •-• BIG SAVINGS ''FOR EVERYONE ON ALL TYPES OF"SUMMER SHOES WOMEN AND CHILDREN., COME IN AND SEE OUR BARGAIN RACKS FOR RI MANY ITEMS NOT LISTED BELOW. • Sale Starts Thurs., July 16 „T41•11,1 4111111111111110111,11141110111•1101111011,1111 411,1,11111314htithlitihillilliiii•111111111411111114(11•111101114- ; Callan Sh Phon 12 lst 10 DAYS OF SALE ALL MERCHANDISE REDUCED 10% to 50% i i ie: Rest your feet in a pair of FOAM soled shoos, for work or play, These are in dace or gore style, SALE PRICE $6.39 111 Children 's Sandals U oes wingham These are DRESS or PLAY Sandals — White or Beige $1.79 $1.99 N I