HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1959-07-15, Page 7FOROIVICO PENAL. WORM IS
Zile Ming a 'btrots= itu
WiiNVOILA* Oirritliiii;lt iV44141ligiiii*, 406* iii,4-- PORDWICH---°A Christian Con.•
cern for Leadership" was the theme
of the WKS 'meeting o the Ford—
wich TJnited Church ...when .the Ail.
.aneiate Members. were the. guests
Mrs. Stanley Bride, president, op-
ened the meeting 'withthoughts 9.11.•
the theme .and prayerT The minut-
es were read by the secretary,
Mrs, .Pariter Eurig and 40 Mena-
hers and gitests. answered the roil
call, "a LChrictian leader", Mrs
Ken Oraharn and Mrs. Crosby Salt-.
eran . were anpointed to arrange
for the autumn thankoffering .ser
vice, Miss Margaret Wilson is the
for the month,
Mrs. W. H, liainstocit gave the
prayer for our missionaries.
Mrs. Cecil Wilson,. assisted by
Mrs. A, Wallace, Mrs, E. A. Schae-
Doig, and Mrs, Mel Taylor led tlic
worship service 'on the theme, '"Tile
Church's Responsibility in Penal
Reforms". 'Mrs. Ken Graham, Mrs
George Richards and Miss Minnie
McElwain sang in a trio,
Mrs, Ken Graham welcomed thr
guests and introduced the gues'
speaker, linvoy Stanley Newman
of the Wingham Salvation Army
He spoke of his work in the On-
tario Training School at Galt
which is for boys. He gave as rea-
sons for children going astray, ig-
irieosilienetce , ,lack of love and lack. of p
There is a, definite lack of inter-
est by our churches and .church
organizations in the inmates of ow
jails. They forget Christ's words
when He said "I was in prison and
Ye visited me not", It. is part of
our duty and privilege to bring
Christ's 4oVe to them, so that they,
may have the chance to accept it
as theirs.
There is great opportunity for
the church in the rehabilitation of
these folk after they have paid
their debt to society, All these
things must be accepted with pray-
Mrs, Cecil Wilson thanked the
speaker. A social time Was enjoy-
ed and the village' group served
of Mr..aati M s.. A11.1*i1
t mato were wseR,And v
Mr and *.-a. John !Oral'
Wililaftt Craig,
Mrs. feinge. WIPP apodils,iso.
of Thatnesville. 104,at
days. last week with Mail, Pa
rid Master Peter
Pending two we
borne Of and Mrs. Mills
Mr. and Mrss. Sverift Ashton a
family of Athena spent last weo
at the home of IVir.,and Mrs..0egts
Mr .and Mrs. jack Gllasan of TO7r
.onto were week-end visitors wit%
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Holt,
Mr. and Mrs. Anson ftutta,rx and.
family spent a few daYS last weak
with Mr, and Mrs. Boh Rattan in
l'inndav visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Boyden Devitt were Mr. and
nitra Arthur Harris and family- :Of
Miss. Ann itones
weer: with relatives,. in Toronto.
11fr. :and Mrs. John Tinian midi
l'arailY were In ?ort COlborrie . a'
couple' of days last week and on.
Saturday attended the wedding of.
a relative.
Mr. and Mrs, Peter ChiorneY and
holey of Port ,Colborne visited a
Pew days last week with Mr. and
Mrs. Alex Keith. Mss, Chimney
and liith4 daughter remained for a
longer visit. Mrs. James Keith of
St, Catharines is also spending soy-,
eral weeks at the same home.
Mr. and Mrs, Doug Wildfang• of
roman spent the week end with
Mr,.and Mrs. Roy Iiinanons and on
Sunday left for a couple of weeks'
holiday at Inveihuron.
h7idgar WW1. to hear that
be was able to return home on
Thin:May from fA3towel. where 11,'
nts been confined for anvprai weeks
suffering from a heart attach. •
Mins T,nul8 R xi rrwrne, of Toronto,
ento, Mr. and Mrs.. Peter Browne,
Mr, David Steiriacker Is spending
1111 ,4 'nook in Hamilton and parts of
the U.S.
Mr, and Mrs. Fars 'Hallman and
family of Listowel visited Sundae
with Mr, and Mrs. Wellington
grave. Master Douglass :Hargrave
returned borne with them for a
few days.
Mr, and Mrs. John Wise of To-
ronto visited Sunday with Ur, and
Mrs. Art Forester,
Week-end and Sunday 'visitors
with Mr. and Mrs. Anson Dem-
criing were Mr. and Mrs, Jack
Wilding, Toronto, Mr, and Mrs
Uorcion .Goldrich, London, Mr, and.
Mrs. 'Pldward Dorrierliag, Neunkadt
Mr. Clayton Brown of Hearst Is
visiting with his father, Mr, Win
Brown and Mr. and Mrs. Jack .
Miss Clara Bates of Iiall9t'er
spent the week-end at the home of
Kr, and. Mrs, W, A, Gibson on Sat,
arday. She acconipanled them tr
London where they visited with
iVir. Harold Gibson at Victoria Hoc
Mr; and
Catharines spent the weelt-enc
with Mr, and Mrs. Roils Doig,
Mr, and Mrs. Iiildon graham an'
family ,returned to Toronto Sun.
ray after spending two .weeks a'
their home here,
Miss Winnifred Campbell of Poi'
Jredit visited several days at he;
:some here; She and her motile,
will spend the summer months a
their cottage at .Minden.
Rev. A, IP, and Mrs. Gardriez
left by motor last week Or a thre
weeks' visit with relatives in Nev.
iTtiestminster, B.C., and Vancouver
Mr. and Mrs.- Royden Devil;
Tent, one day last week in Hitch
Children enjoy Vacation .Bible School
Mr. and Mrs, Hari Baker and
family of London are spending a
week at the home of Mrs, Martin
Vacation:Bible School started or
Monday, July 6th at the f3rethrer
in Christ Church, Fordwich, an(
will•continue until July 17th,
Mr, and Mrs. George Simpsoi
aid Lois, Mr and Mrs, John Wil.
ion of gstevan, Sask., visited las"
week at, the home of Mr. and 1V.frr
Wally Gibson,
Master Douglas Harley, George.
Two Accidents in
Family in One Week
FORDWICH—Harold Gibson, 20-
year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. W.
A, Gibson of F:ordwich is in Vic-
toria, Hospital, London, with in-
juries he received when he fel;
on a hay fork,
He was working on the farm of
Earl Moore on the sixth concession
at the time and fell off a load of
hay onto the fork, He was first
taken to Listowel Memorial Hos-
pital but was transferred to Lon-
don, where surgery was performed
early Wednesday, At time of writ-
ing his condition, was satisfactory.
Since Harold's accident his 14-
year-old brother, Garfield, fractur-
ed his right wrist. He was taken
to Listowel Memorial Hospital,
where Dr. J. D. Forde set the bone.
Some 150 local children have been attending a two-week Bible
School at the Presbyterian Church, and apparently the youngsters are
enjoying their studies and the arts and crafts taught.at the school.
In the top left primary' group members' Daphne Walker, Lynda Seddon,
Bobby Slidell, Ann Hendersen, Linda Aitcheson and Bobby Shaunessy
work on drawings. Immediately below Barbara Boyd, Glen Dundas,
Rathryne Ducharme and Frances Ducharme, of the seine group, paused
to have their picture taken,
Ann Jouwsma, Joan Remington and Georgina Brooks demon-
strate some of their sewing in the junior group at the Bible School in
the picture second (join the bottom, left, Ruth Currie, Sandra Currie,
Rosemary Forsyth, Donald MeMnrchy and Susan Cooper, in the fore-
ground lower left picture, Were snapped as they colored drawings.
Also working with their crayons in' the, bottom centre are Sandra
Lee, Rathy PaLtison, Barbara Skin and Bobby Larose, left right are
David Balser, John Broom, Douglas Soiling and Ricky 'Gilmour.
Top right Tornay Miller, Paul Tiffin, Rae Corrin and John Rae
work bn woed crafts Second from top, right, Linda Chultes, Sharon
Reavie, Jean Sinnamon and Ann Meyer of the junior group work on
sewing, In the second from the bottom picture, right, Joyce Barrett,
Brenda allousher,* Donna. Edgar and Linda casemore were caught by
the camera dining the lunch, period. In the bottom right photo Ruth
Bennett; °lilt() Lapp, Kiln Millar, Tina MsYlt and Jo-Ann Cameron
get reatlY to do some coloring with their crayons.
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