HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1959-07-15, Page 4J, W. BUSHFIELD Q.C. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Ete. Money to Loan Office—Meyer Block, vslugham Ar *Mir* r0 ill,' 10,43V:4k**w 4 4. „ ic• .4;41'14 b. ,r• Tha Wiligharn Advance-lilmee,Weatteechq, 14k' z 9,195p, to Mr., and Mrs, Xennoth Pellett, Wingharn, a daughter, Mary Lou PanloP To Live in Teeswater Wingham United Church. Was the scene of a, pretty summer wedding on Saturday afternoon ut two n'clock when Mary Lou, Dunlop, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G, L, Dunlop of -.S.Vingtrant, became the bride of Donald Kerbert ThonePson, son of Mr, and Mrs. Wm. L, Thompson of Teeswater, Rev, D, Procter performed the cereinony, Mr, Dunlop gave his daughter in mortgage, She chose a floor length gown of pure silk organza over taffeta, The long torso bodice was styled with a scoop neckline of appliqued guipere lace with irri- descent sequins .and seed pearls and short sleeves. The bouffant skirt was accented with- applioue and fell into a.chapel train. The French illusion veil was 'held by a crown •of.lace -and :treed . pearls and her flowers were white baby roses and stephanotis. Identical gowns of sheer corn- flower blue silk organza over taf- feta were worn by Miss Greer Dunlop,'maid of honor, and Misses Elaine Worrell of Teeswater and Merle Gowdy, Wingham, as brides- maids. Their bouffant skirts were ballerina length, They wore white - organza headdresSes and carried blue and white mums. Dianne Thompson, niece of the groom. was flower girl and wore white dotted Swiss over blue taf- feta, She carried a basket' of white and blue mums, Richard Thompson, nephew of the groorit was the ring bearer. Robert Thompson, .Teeswater, was his brother's groomsman and the ushers were Jack Clayton of Lon- don and Clayton Thompson of Teeswater. Bruce IVIeTavish of Teeswater Presided at the organ and ,Miss Betty Anne Archer .of Kitchener was soloist. Guests were present from Sarnia, Toronto, London, Pt, Elgin, Guelph, Kitchener, Teeswater, Paris, Al- vinston, Chatham, Pt. Credit, Col- borne, Windsor, Hanover, Blen- heim, Huntington Valley, Pa., Glamis and Hamilton, LA. reception followed in the church parlors, The bride's mother received the guests in an em- broidered dress with matching Picture hat and a corsage of white mums. She' was assisted by the groom's mother, who wore a corn- flower blue organza dress over taffeta with white accessories; Her, corsage was pink carnations. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson, who will live in Teeswater', left• on a trip to Eastern Ontario' and Que- bec. The bride wore a- champagne ensemble of sculptured linen with champagne accessories and a cor- sage of red roses. „ Mrs. Thompson is a graduate of Stratford Teachers' College. BIRTHS SANDERS--At the Wingliant Gen- eral Hospital on Friday, July 1959,,to Mr, and,Mrs. Frank SPA.: tiers, BeIgravei, a son, I.,EMONT—At Chc Wingbank Gen oral Hospital, On Friday, July 19,'. - 1959, to Mr. and Mrs. Norman' •,Lemont, Eden. Grove, daughter, o, v. \No tri,„ „& .11 ,////4:40,) ,0 LE0HINS — To Mr, and Mrs, Allan Lechinsicy of Regina, Sask., (formerly Evelyn Cook of Eel- grave), on Wednesday, July B. 1959, a daughter, a' sister for Debbie, PET,LETT—At the Wingham Gen- Prat ospital, on Thursday, July 0.` sititisconitinnimmnaisrmilintonitiniti VISIT THE REAL LIVING SANTA June 19 to. Thanksgiving ; FUN VOR ALL THE FAMiLY Children under 14 years FREE 9.30 a.m. to 6.00 P.01. SUNDAY 1.00 to 6.00 p.m, FOR SALE FOR RENT TAME RASPBERRIES for sale, TWO-ROOM apartment for rent; Phone Wroxeter 13r6, 15b l furnished, Apply Box n Ad Vance-Times, 15b • VOA SALE AMBULANCE SERVICE ;.EE's TAXI "sronccm and used rtirnitnre We buy and sell, • .Phone 185, rrb CURRIE'S AMBOLANCIll, Wing- ham, Dependable. Service Phone: Day, 61; Night, 716 or 636, BOY'S SMALL BICYCLE for sale. PILTERS for actie—"Rapid In good condition. Phone 320.5, erlo!", 6,1nch, 79e; 6%-inch, 850. Brussel s, .Stan Hopper, ' 15* Mexandeee Hardware. lrrb CLAIRR M, GRANT is now oeseOnbling bogs from TEESWATER CO-OPERATIVE SHIPPING YARDS in affiliation with LucknoW, Assembly Yards. Hogs delivered to the yards will be Innulleti free of Charge excepting the usual Hog Producers' Fee. Begs insured by O.II.P. while in yards. Hogs accepted 8 n.m. to 3 p.m. Pick-up" may be "arranged bi'COntictink CLA1R M. GRANT, Manager Phone '60-r-2 Teeswater SAVE $ $ $ NO HANDLING FEE SHIPPING 'DAY IS EVERY WEDNESDAY 8-15t; NOTICE TO Towrgoy somous WEEDS Notice is hereby given to Pro- petty owners hi -urban and sub- divided areas to tfestroy all nox- ious 'weeds as often as necessary hi each season, to prevent their going -tO -Seed;"" 'AISO;'-titar-aftele Jitly 22, 1,059, proceedings will he taken to destroy noxious weeds in accordance with the Weed Control Act, W, R. DOUGALL, Huron County Weed Inspector 8:15b HELP WANTED . - CARETAKERS WANTED East Wawanosh, Township School Area Board requests applications for caretakers at the following schools; .'duties .coMmenee 'Sep, tember 1st, 1959; U.6, -(1,7, S.9, 5,10, r..T.11, 5.13, U.16, II,17. Applications should be received by August 1st;' 1959, and addressed to A. McBurney, secretary, R.R, 1., Belgrave, 15;22b BUTTER. BEANS, cut flowers and new potatoes for sale. George Baird, phone 5487, 8-150 CEMENT GRAVEL for sale. Pit run gravel; fine drive-way gra- vel,: top gen.. Also builddzing and heekfill donee., Kirkby, phnne, Brussels 142W, 8152228h SANTA'S VILLAGE ,•(:)LIT....FLOWERS.,„ancleblank. „cur, rants for sale, George Baird, Phone 5487. 15:221? racebridge, „Ont.. 4immisolisitoll1snlitoinnii1111111111111t J17-J1y29b RENOVATOR. Autoreagic Shampoo Now you can renew the appear- ance of rugs, upholstery,. Leaves Ile ring, odor or color change. Taice half the work out of your pining cleaning. Available at Walker Home Furnishing,s; rrb YELLOW Duncan Fyfe kitchen table and chairs for sale, Phone 325, 15b LOST ' r ONE HP, repulsion-induction mo- tor for sale, $75.00. Apply Mack Refrigeration and Electric, tele- phone 672R. 15b BOY'S RED jacket, lined. Lost at Turnberry Park on June 25th at pawl picnic, Please call Wrox- 'eter 15r2, 15b SALES HELP WANTED, SEVERAL used milking machines for sale, Uet us install one' of these or a new Woods in your home on a trial basis. Distance is no barrier, Irving Keyes, Giamis. Phone Paisley 114r4, 20Alt-Nov. rnnsoNAt, SALESMEN SERVICE on all mak- es sewing machines, vacuum cleaners, floor polishers. Rea- sonable prices. Guaranteed work-. ananship. Brussels Home Fur- nishings, phone 1.94, Brussels, 19Se30b inwannuminpuntiscuntonimilininnioniiintunlis a a a COCKSHUT"' 70 tractor for sale, in good condition, Will exchange for livestock, Phone 2Vrolesworth 9r8, Edgar MacDonald. S-15* NOTICE 1, Mrs, Telma Jenkins, would like to. make it ltnovCrn to the public and those concerned that there is not any record of a divorce of mine in the U.B.A. or Canada. courts and that no ,one is carrying any papers to this effect, If I do'get one it will be myself will receive it and will be in our local papers, Ale present no notion whatsoever, — Lima Jenkins. 15b TENDERS WANTED S TENDERS . Tenders will be received by the undersigned until July 25th for the installation of flush toilets, a sep: tic tank and disposal bed for .the Whitechureh (U.S.S. No. 10, Kin lose) School. The lowest or any tender pot necessarily. accepted The work -is 'to be. completed by August 22nd, For further inforrna tion contact the secretary.—Millan Moore, Sec., U.S.S. No. 10, Kinloss. 15:22b MAHOGANY DOORS for sale, 1%" interior, all sizes $3.99 (seconds), Beaver Lumber, phone 66, Wing- ham. 8:15b EAT FOR SALE—Good beef by he quarter, Killed on premises uesday morning, Inspected by pt. of Health. Yearling heifers, quality. Lowest prices. Ray- d Aekert, Ripley, phone 24r28, Lucknow, 101r13. rrb FEMALE HELP WANTED n qour famitti will enjoy CARPETS, RUGS—See N. J, Wel- wood for a complete range of BARRYIMORE and HARDING broadloom. .All wool Wilton hardtwists and tone on tones. Rug sizes or wall to wall, Have an estimate this week for your room, N, J,•Welwood, phone 86. rrb GIRL WANTED to learn egg candling and tabling, Apply Maitland Creamery, 20rrit GROUND BEEF 3 lbs. $1.25 "Ei 3 lbs. $1.25 1 ii PORK SAUSAGE ii- LARD—we will fill your pail for 10c per lb. i I or packaged in seal-tight containers 2 lbs. for 25c 1 BEEF BY THE. QUARTER .... SPRING LAMB i i CUT AND WRAPPED TO YOUR LIKING! - i fl _ i .......,.,......„......,.....,,, I : Lockridge's Butcher Shop 174 LOANS—First or Second Mortgage loans, commercial loans, Exist- ing 'mortgages and Agreements bought, $1501 to $20,000.00, You receive $1501.00 monthly pay- ments $35.00; $2,000.00, $50.00; $2,500.00, $65.00, Northern In- vestment Co., 937 2nd Ave, East, Owen Sound, Phone Ken Allen 4524, 24-,1-8-15b WANTED TO RENT OR BUY ET or Montmorency cherries ready, Bring . containers pick, your own, if you wish, we can supply 20 lb. pail 9f same, freshly pitted or froz- . If you care to order same dvance call Govenlock's Farm, half mile north of e'-'on No. 21 Highway. 8:15* A HOUSE to buy or rent as soon 'as possible, Preferably a small house in Hospital Area, Buyer with cash, Apply Box 51 Advance- Times. lee TENDERS TOWNSHIP OF TURNBERRY Tenders will be received by the undersigned till 12 o'clock noon, July 24th, for the construction Of the cleanout job of the Cruikshank municipal drain. Plans and speci- heath:Me maybe seen at the clerk's office. Certified cheque of $200.00 to accompany each• tender. Lowest or any, tender not necessarily ac- cepted. JOHN V. FISCHER, Clerk 15:22b SALE OF USED WANTED TO RENT STORE DISPLAY FIXTURES FOOT SUFFERERS If you have sore feet, ankles, sciatica pains in legs, hips{ or lower back trouble why not have your feet checked by a qualified, exper- ienced Foot Correetionist. See 4: A. VICKERS ' at Queens Hotel, Wingham, each Monday afternoon Other times — 481 8th Ave., Hanover, Phone 500 5 OR 6 ROOM apartment or house with bathroom in Wingham or within a. ten mile radius. Apply Box 50 Advance-Times. 15* 1111110111111111111811111110 11,11111111111111 OOK SEE — B E D UTF ITS (COMPLETE) 4,-6' PLATE GLASS SHOWCASES complete with mirrored sliding doors. 1-16" PLATE GLASS SHELF 1-12" SHELF—priced for quick sale. 1-6' SERVING COUNTER completely draweted, plate glass top; front has sliding doors with plate mirror back, priced right. 2-4.' WOODEN ISLAND HIS: PLAYS-4 shelves • 1—MAGAZINE STAND 12' long, beautifully fir;ished, only used one year. 1—SMALL STAND with plate glass shelf. EXECUTIVE AND family must rent 3 or 4 bedroom home in Wingham by September 1st, Apply box 43 Advance-Times. lOrrb .insionsoiniuminnustinitunninaifficiumumniissisminsminosina MISCELLANEOUS . NOTICE TO BACKHOEING, excavating and trenching. Small jobs a special- ty, but none too large. Harold Congram, phone 1079, 8Au26* WANTED ate r Consumers ALL SIZES 4, 3',3" Steel FULL PANEL Bed Walnut Riser SLAT STEEL Spring ed Mattress; Rolled uality Coveting, 0 Coils CARD OF THANKS I wish to express my sincere thanks to my neighbors, relatives and friends for the many acts of kindness, expressions of sympathy and floral tributes extended to me in the passing of my husband in Westminster Hospital, London. A special thank you for fourteen Bibles donated in his memory; to the Masons,' the Legion comrades, associate employees, pallbearers, flower bearers . and consoling •ser- vices by Rev. Conner and Rev, G. Cox. Thanks also for services ren- dered by Mr. Gordon Tanner and Mr Neil McDonald, These kind- nesses will never be forgotten,— Mrs. Olive Boss. 15b SOME WHITEWASHING done in stables. Phone 5r4, Wroxeter: 150 IS YOUR TELEVISION properly insured for all risk coverage?. For information phone 293, Stew- Art A. Scott, Wingham. 2rrb The hours for watering lawns and gardens are from 6 a.m. to 9 atm; and from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. This will be strictly enforced. An ANNUAL charge of $4.44 gross, less prompt pay- ment discount of 10 per cent, is made for the use of a hose or outside tap for the above noted purpoies. Anyone found watering lawns or gardens, who has n paid for this service will be billed accordingly. WANTED IN MEMORIAM MORRISON—In loving memory of our dear mother, Mrs. J. D. Mor- rison, who passed away July 11, 1954. May you rest inpeace dear mother, Until we meet again, —Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by the family. *15b SEWAGE DISPOSAL — Septic tanks, cesspools, etc., piimped and cleaned with modern equip- ment. All work guaranteed,: Write Louis Blake, R.R. 2,'Brus- sels. Phone 42r6, Brussels. A15-.73,29* LISTINGS ON FARMS, HOUSES AND BUSINESSES IN WINGHAM AND DISTRICT Apply FRANK CASKANETTE Wingham, Phone 305 Agent for: Wilfred McIntee Realtor, Walkerton 15-22b FOR See these and many other. small stands, suitable for in Vie. store display any day 9,50 At — WATERLOO CAL ILE Breeding Association "Where Betfer Bulls Are Used", Artificial breeding service; All breeds of cattle; Member owned and controlled; cost loW, efficiency high; Use of the best of, bulls; Disease con- trolled, safety. For service or niore information phone for long distance Clinton Zenith 9-5650 or coiled Teeswater 126 between; 7.30 and 9.30 a.m, week days; 6.00 and 8,00 p.m, Saturday evenings. Calls received on Saturdayseven-, mg will be serviced on Sunday , morning, For cows in heat on Sunday' morning, DO NOT call until Monday morning, "Better Cattle For Better Living." rrb. d Time Only DELIVERY McK1BBONS IN MEMORIAM CASEMORE—In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Ern- est Casemore, who passed away July 22,1957. Nothing can ever take away The 'love a heart holds dear. Fond memories linger every- day, Remembrance keeps hint near, Ever remembered by wife and datighters, Shirley, Beverley, and Joanne. lab RIE & SONS DRUG STORE orossisimiininnuaimitlift i IN MEMORIAM EDGAR—In loving memory of Fred A. Edgar, who departed this life July 20th, 1951. 'Years roll on but memory stays as dear and fresh as that sad, day. There is no union here of earts that hath not here an end, Friend after friend departs. Who bath not lost a friend? Not one, Jesus had those dear to Him whom He lost and mourned. He loved Lazarus but Lazarus died, Jesus wept at the sepulchre of His departed brother. I bless the Lord that when my life is like a troubled sea - WINGHAM 4/10,4, —-..P1.,01.••••••11,44/404/11,;•401.4 • Wingham Public Utilities Commission REAL ESTATE C. E. SHERA, Superintendent f FOUR BEDROOM' house rot' sale, 3-piece bath ,UPstairs, 2-plece ,clown: 'Modern kitchen and util- ity room, Well kept grounds. Box 52 Advdnet-Times. 15b It• DEADSTOCR WANTED. TWICE! The CT.& is good law, Twice its validity has been challenged in the higher courts, At one time the Province of Ontario appealed to the Privy Council claiming that liquor control was a 'provincial matter. The Privy Council ruled that the C.T,A. was good law and had been properly passed. The second appeal in 1935 was delayed by the war and reached the P. Council in 1946, Again the Act was ruled good, and in addition the question was declared settled for once and for all, Huron County under the C.T.A. has 'no legal liquor outlets 'what- ever, Not a single beer parlour, liquor store, brewer's warehouse, cocktail bar can be found here, Many bottle clubs have been open- ed .from time to tithe,. brit few have been able to operate legally for long, Our CtoWn Attorney takes effective action whenever he finds sufficient cause. The court records prove that the C.T.A, has teeth. —Advertisement 15b DEADSTOCK removed promptly for sanitary disposal. FREE pick up on larger animals, reasonable collection charge for small ani- mal's; .Phone collect Wingham 378; Palmerston 123w, or Lair- hard 398, Gordon Young (Elmira) Limited, .. 6rrb CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Barristers, Solicitors, Ete. Wingham, BUSINESS ancl PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY LARCE,• two-storey brick house for- sale. Fou'r apartments, oil furnace, situated close to public and high schools and hospital. Pull price $10,500 with good terms, Contact William 5. Reed, real estate - broker, Wingham. Phone 292M, 8:15* AT YOUR SERVICE Phone 48 J. H. CRAWFORD, Q.C. R. S. HETHERINGTON, Q.C. I have, remote from its rough strife, harbors that shelter me, Calm me my Lord, and keep me calm while these hot breezes blow, ' Be like the illght-clew's cooling balm upon earth's fevered brow. I would not alter a plan of Thine, did I the power posses, I rest my will in the will Divine, and there I find my rest, To every man' upon this. earth death cometh soon or late, Our loved ones cannot come to us, but we hope to meet thein in Ged's appointed time. Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord, the Scripture saith for our comfort, • Whate'er Lord ordaina is right; here will I take my stand, Though sorrow, need or death make e'er for she a desert land. There is no death; what seems so is transition. This life or medal breath is but a suburb to the life Elysian, Whose Portal 'we call death, —Alice M. B. Edgar • ALTERATIONS • DECORATING • PAINTING • REPAIRS' • , 110101111•11.111••••• REAL ESTATE . BEAUTIFUL new modern brick ranch-style home for sale with garage attached, Large living room, dining-rooM, Modern kit- chen, 4-piece bath, three bed- reams, oil furnace and full base- Ment. RED BRICK HOUSE, well situat- ed near Main street, with fotir bedroOma •and new Oil furnace. An Ideal honhe 'for a large family or anyone wishing to Make a dn- plex. Full price $8400,00. P'or information on these or any other real estate please contact WILLIAM S, REED Real Estate Broker Phone 202M, Winghant 15b ACHESON'S Dead Stock Service A MCTAVISH WANT McLEAN Higfhest cash prices paid ht.sitr- rounding district for dead, old, sick or. disabled . horses and cattle. For the fastest and propel{ retrieval of all wairnalS, day or might, use Mir automatic okehonge (at no cost to you.) Call Long Distance and ask for ATWOOD ZENITH 34900 o ,OEORGE IIISLOP WROXETER'2R15 nAnnisTER, SOLICITOR and NOTARY PUBLIC TEESWATERONTARIO Telephone 23 ~Teeswater Wroxeter—Every Vilednesith.,/ afternoon, t-4 p.m., ,or by appointment. Wingham Phone 991w 27rrb 1111111101 iiiii 1 hill 111111110 mums 0 lll i l 111111111iitilteill l llll 1 CEMENT BLOCKS BE THE M OF A PRESSURE aTO-DOOR" LESMAN H CONFIDENCE ST FOR LESS STIMATES WELLINGTON FIRE Frederick F. Hoinuth Phro.B., R.O. Carol E. Hornuth, R.O. Mrs. Viola H. Homuth, R.O. OPTOMETRISTS PIIONE 118 Harristcm, Ontario trIMIXIMCI) Company Est. 1840 An all Canadian Company which has faithfully served its polleY holders for over a century. Head Office — Toronto IL C. MacLean Ingots/um Arenoy Wingham FINANCING A CAR? Before you bey ask about out Low Cost Financing SerVide with complete Insurance Coverage. STgWART A. SCOTT` Phone 298 ° Winshain are the answer if you need a Wilding that is fireproof, per- manent, economical and requires little upkeep. Ail eizes manufactured in Walk- erton on new modern equipment. ASK ABOUT '11(AIR NEEDS DEAD STOCK • gERV10E tlighesf Cash Prices For Old, Sick and Disabled Cows and' Horses DEAD stodK AT MolittSt CASH VAL*At Immo Fitene Promptly Cali Collect a 133 Bruce Marian Brussels, Ont., 24 HOUR SERVICE OAKS FOk SALE 1954 DODGE sedan for sale, in ex-, eellent eonclitiern. Phone 588. 1515 1 • trvEstoot FOR SALE 22 CIALTN/tS of pigs For sale, Phone Wroxeter 9r1, 150 '11144iimass.rarii MACK REFRIGERATION CEMENT fiRAVEL Mc1NTOSH & WARD 'HARTERED A CCOUNTANTS Bell Telephone Building WALT VIRTON b. A, HUNTLEY; C.A. Resident Manion* Telephones; Business 633; Residence 108 M DOORS 9 installed ANTON'S ardware WALKERTON SLIPPED emoted, Excomot Quality Available at pit or delivered. Domestic — Commercial Now. 014ERS A oomyttiltv ELECTRICAL SERVICE REPAIRS TO • WASHERS bilYERS Reeds", Cr Antoinette APPLIANCES OF ANY MIND zumenuat INSTALIATIONOI Phone 612R Wingham • ••,,, • a• • •"I •11, AI NINE CHUNKS pig{' for sale. Phone /09,124 Raymond Elliott. 15* WATSON ARMSTRONG Lt 'PAK PIGS for Sala, .Eleven Weeks' old.. Earl Toner, aortic-, phone Pordwich 5701, 150 o 00CA:ti YORRSIHRE pigs for Sale, ten Weeks old, Avow Mr, don RiggIns, third line Mort% Pigott '32r60. W11886184 • 15* . Phone 45 r 12 TEESWATER 1111 WINGHAM AREA OONTACT PERRIS HOLM* •rlrb Phone 571 , Ily29 111