HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1959-07-15, Page 3grjoimpothimpillomitiomilitimiliimilit11111111.111111111.011111110Bin R. HAMILTON I OPTOMETRIST fry Now a whole new golden world of SIGHT and • I SOUND. See our HEARING-AID GLASSES, I lightest in weight. New Pontiacs, -Buicks and Vauxhall- Cars NOW ON DISPLAY AT Down e! Setvice Station Wingham, Ontario REPRESENTATIVE .FOR • COLVIN'S GARAGE Teeswater Your Pontiac, Buick and GMC Dealer for this area Also a wide selection at all times of GOOD USED CARS 6 ii V : Phone 37 for appointment i , *uwommmolimmwmalmenommimmimmemmihmulumwmmommai5 ,Turn About Fashion COMIND.AND-GOING fashion for the little miss is a two-way dress which can be worn just as stylishly hock to front. Of flocked terylene batis(e hi shades of blue 'and. white, it .is shown here with assn over collar and buttons io the front .and flat bow at tint back. Tomorrow she'll wear it the Ober way aroundl This new fabric is a boon to busy mothers since if can be machine washed and tumble dried ready for wear without the touch of an iron, y, ,Tuly MO his family in sunshine Ilia father can afford to relax. He's made sure his wife and children will always have the comfort and security they now enjoy. He has based thii security on more than his own ability and ambition. He has built it on the sure and certain protection of life insurance. , You too can afford to relax, by getting this same protection for your family. The Mutual Life of Canada, the company with the outstanding dividend record, can give you — at low net cost — complete protection for your family's future and financial security for your own retirement. So that whatever happens, there will always be sunshine for thosesou love. Talk it over with your Mutual Life of Canada man soon. '00 — ninety years of leadership in mutual life insurance —1953 Koresentativet Michael McPhail, Winghanl Ontario, Phone 4IS 4 / rA f 4 AU 4 v.' In many big fires which have destroyed large buildings, hundreds of people, including children, have reached safety without panic or injury because they had been train- ed in' regular fire drill to .0.7a.euate the building in an orderly mann*, The small home should be' just as well organized against fire, If every member becomes used to the routine drill, each having responsi- bility for some duty such as collect- ing the family pets, picking up essential papers, or being assigned to ldok after some small child there will be less chance of lives. being lost. HOME FIRE DRILL Our thanks to THREE GENERATIONS of Canadian Homemakers! THE STORY OF LETIUCE In ancient days the traveller journeying from the'Mediterraniart eastward through the levant was not dependent upon the sun to guide his footsteps, lie could di- rect his COWS° unerriagly, by the "oompaas-plant", which grew on. every band, Not that he knew wild lettuce by that name, of course, but he was aware of the habit of its upheld leaves to point their edges due north and due south. A tall- stalked weed, reaching to five or six feet, the leaves that climbed alternately up the stem could not fail to be seen. sometime in the very remote past a thirsty traveller may have chewed one of the juicy leaves, so refreshing, so thirst-quenching, name, "water Plant", that, j t lred,„i La. ,First TegOrded Sean .afteward the leaves were gathered and cooked for greens, a new and wholesome .16ed; and when they were broken from the stalk a milky, juice exuded, so the tall weed became the "milk plant". And that, in a way, It is. today, for the formal name of wild let- tuce is Laettica Scarlola. Both Lactuca and "lettuce" are from the Latin Mc, "milk", This wild let- tuce is often called prickly lettuce "by cause underneath the leafe the middle sinewe or ribbe is set full of sharpe prickles." From gathering the wild leaves for food it was but a step to the cultivation of lettuce which 'se- cured probably 'about 3000 years ago. Aristoxenus, of the fifth century B.C., not only was growing let- tuce hi his garden but taking such pride in the plantS that he water- ed theM daily with honey and wine. ' There is a story of the first Ro- man emperor, Augustus Caesar, who fell ill and steadily grew worse despite all the physicians could do, so a famous astrologer was called in. The night was clear, the sky full of stars; the astrologer studied the emperor's horoscope and then went in to the garden to lhecic.,vvil:h the planets then in ascendant. As hci lay on his back among ;the lettuce, an inspiration came to him—not from the sltieti but from the leaves he was crushing, The emperor should forego all medi- cine., all food and, drink; and eat quantities of lettuce, On this diet Augustus recovered so rapidly that in gratitude 'tis reported he creel- :d a. statue and built an altar to .his noble plant; • A generation later; Tactitus was content. to enjoy its delectable M- yer, "That excellent .Emperor Tact- itus it a sumptuous feast, with a lettuce sallet and a single pullet, Which was usually all the flesh-meat that sober Prince eat of."' • It was first used in ,England in 1520 and King Henry VIII confer- red a special reward upon the gar- dener who devised the. combination of - lettime and cherries for the. royal table. Today, whenever there's a salad, chances are very great that there -will also be lettuce, VA_OET SALAD If cup stuffed olives If large Bermuda onion (option- al) I. small head cauliflower 2/3 cup French Dressing 1 head lettuce 11 /2 . cup crumbled blue cheese Slice olives, cut • onion into crosswise 'slices and separate into rings. Wash cauliflower, separate intoflowerette and cut in thin crosswise slices. Combine olives, onions, cauliflowers and . French Dressing, chill, Wash lettuce, drain then shred. Toss shredded lettuce, cauliflower mixture and cheese to- gether in salad bowl. Yield 4 to 6 servings. Ths win him. Advame4-Ttinm, Ntrod You may have to brake, liegtedly tomorrow, W4.111$ 'the ;(")11. tarlo .,S.alety League, because.; an otber car ,crowds you without war.- cling. If And when ii ;happens, re,. member that ;the other driYer isn't deliberately .trying to .give ,you bard time---it is just that he made a OP, through inattention. He isn't feeling .too good. Ile has just been fired. A flu cold is making him Alizzy, lila wife Is quarreling' with lihn, and his boys Is in some sort of trouble with the police. The tax people have nailed him for three years' undisclosed honus. can't find his trout rod .and the roof needs the •cir- eunastanees, is it golng 'to do too much, good to blast him 'with your horn when he cuts in ahead too " • , THEY'RE HERE! FPI Fully Jewelled Watches at Pin-lever Prices Ladies' "ARDAY" 17 jewels With Cord, Bracelet $12 095 with Expansion - $15,95 • Gents' .";ARRAY" 17 jewels .WATERTITg $1-1OCK PROOF ii with Strap - - $12.95 • HAFERmEHI ys. 0.= w\\\\ ."/.//7 with Expansion - - $15.95 • FULLY GUARANTEED A E , /r4 7, 0 PHONE 250 V WINGHAM, ONTAR,, FAUMMINIMIMiMPMMMIIIIMUMMMEMEMEMOME16110111MMOIWOMOW • YOUR RECREATION ROOM Easy upkeep is, the key word when you. plan your recreation room, Unlike the living room where, practicality is frequently by- passed-for the sake of appearance— your recreation room should re- quire Miniminn upkeep. The nice thing is 'that yon needn't sacrifice attractiveness. Choose your wall anti ceiling sur- faces carefully. Wood panelling is the prime favourite. If you have a fireplace, . you might break the monotony of wood by facing the fireplace wall with ceramic tile, In planning your tile wall, introduce dashes of bright colour by "spot- log" the wall with. a, variety of jewel-coloured tires, Once installed, there will be no upkeep and your unusual wall will be the focal point of your room. Select practical fabrics and sturdy furniture. An old door, sup- ported with six short legs, will double as a fireplace seat or coffee tables, Cover large plat-tam cushions with bright, striped sail- cloth Or denim, These can act as cushions on your fireplace seat, or be tossed on the floor for the small fry to curl up on, Keep a supply of dishes, a kettle, a double burner cooking unit ill your recreation room. lialf the joy of your fun room will be lost if you have to ' dash upgalra when the family demands a round of hot, chocolate and a late evening snack. Resist the temptation to move in all the'disearded furniture from the rest of the house, Tinderfurnish rather than overfurnish. Leave lots of room to move around, to dance, play games. Unpainted furniture 'offers a, Splendid opportunity to furnish simply and economically. A coin- fortable furniture grouping in front of the fireplace is desirable: pair Of coinfortable chairs, fire- place seat, extra cushions, a pair of reading lamps and, perhaps, 'bright scatter rug, But beware of scatter rugs in the rest of the room, Bright, clear colours are rcemil- Mended and use lots of yellow if your room tends to 1)0 dark. You will have axh.ra illlOPltit, ill the tex- tural contrast of the soft glow of your wood panelling and the gleam. log sttrface of your fireplaee wall Of ceramic the Mast of all, your recreation room 'should be a, cheerful faintly fun room Where Mona needn't keep a Wctr eye for tale and orintb spills • NEW PACX — SWEET AND TENDER GREEN GIANT ril CY PEAS ASSORTED BISCUITS HORSEY BRAND SWEETENED CITRUS JUICE SAVING AT TIME OF -PURCHASE LIQUID DETERGENT PINK VEL SAVE ON ICE CREAM --- AVAILABLE ONLY AT DOMINION RICIIMELLO ICE CREAM CARTON 1/2 SQUAREAt. SIX DELICIOUS FLAVOURS PARTY TREAT I-LB. CELLO BAG ORANGE 2 GRAPEFRUIT 2 BLENDED 2 KUNZ AGHETTI HEINZ WHITE SPIRIT HEINZ—INFANT OR JUNIOR VINEGAR 1T1.: 250 BABY FOODS 6 TINS 650 ONTARIO — COLOURED MILD CHEESE FIVE ROSES FLOUR met Ivx LADE ADDS VARIETY TO YOUR MEAL ROSE BRAND — SWEET • SERVE WITh FRESH rat= — NABISCO EDDED WHEAT IDEAL FOR LUNCHES COOKED ALL PURPOSE AVAILABLE ONLY AT DOMINION* I CREAMY JAR 190. 'JAR' 330 'JAR. 590 1) PICKLES 20-0Z. 450 TINS 20.67., 310 TINS -0Z. 370 TINS SPECIAL 1 :IT PAPER BAG I. 4 SPECIAL 330 JAR 97.g14, 310 JAR SPECIAL. A r o POUND alt0 3c OFF LABEL RUBBER GLASS PAROWAX METAL JAR RINGS JAR RINGS DOR. 100 JAR TOPS JELLY TUMBLERS 1 No. 1 Ontario Homegrown 10 lb. bag NEW POTATOES 43e Ontario No. 1 Marsh orown 3 Itt RIlly bag GREEN PASCAL CELERY STALKS Imported No, 1 Red Ripe St, sweet — wry taro .Size , WATERNWLON , VERY LOW PRICE No. 1 Ontario, Large Mack — 0 Quart Basket SWEET CHERRIES . .:.ARRIVING FRESH DAIIA,rj PRESERVING SUPPLIES CROWN OR CORONA SEALERS "M1.79 1,4E D. DOZ. 1.99 LI1702! 2, SAVE 2(1—Tork Fancy it or. Poly bag SPECIAL Mixed Vegetables 21c York Fancy 1.1 oz. Poly bag Peas & Carrots , 21c 'Healthful = Nutritious' Dominion oz, lin Orange Juice 4 for 95c FROZEN FOOD DOMINION STORES LIMITED Huron under' EYERYTHINO is 81/ARAREIl7 LB. PKG. AVAILABLE only AT DO" DOMINO INSTANT COI" JAR , .5A. ONLY AT DOMINION 1 niciimmo `COFFEE I-LB, PKG. ONLY AT DOMINION D.S.L. BLACK TEA IIAGS CVAZ: ASSORTED — -7 07 CANDIES Cello VALUES EFFECTIVE WINGHAM UNT/I. CLOSING TIM SATURDAY, JULY Ilth 41-15b fi • •