HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1959-07-15, Page 2W
4POV" Two
R You M
L 0 0 S iM
Despite the fact th at reference
injury. Now tb e service will be
been. made previously in this
fl�ee—forthe benefit of all the people
coluttin to the, Red Cross blood ser-
who require it.
vice we would like to remindreade rs
in this district that next Tuesday,
However, in order to maititain 4
July 21st, is the date. of the first
constatt supply of blood td refill the
blood. donors' clinic here.
-embers of the Wingl
haw I.,e-
a prograin of donationsbas
beell inst'itut
I ed — hence the � clinic
gion. have. distributed cards to a'
which ia to be held here on Tuesday.
many homes as possible throughotit
The clinic offers something very
the, town and surrounding area; but
-valuable in return for each donation
those Who have not received cards
of blood and that is a little card
need feelno hesitation about offering
which the d6nor-may carry in wallet
to donate blood at the Legion home
of purse, The card will state the
on Tuesday.
blood ty�e of the bearer, so that in
,�,Cgnadiaa Red 0 -oss Society
case of accident the re need be no de
has undiifa'k e c tas NvIth'
'"I'a"y'' for tYpiii, t4
g''be-fo"'r"' 't". ilsttlsfibn's�'
the initiation of this new service.
can be made, This blood group
�4'hat the), will do in future is offet
identifiration - is something every
fr(�e blood for transfusion.pu�tflosts
e-�rson will be glad to have,
to any persons -Who ne�ed it ift the
for at ft hie ivhen bl od t
0 ransfus
hospitals of the province. lit �s
i6l�i - s'-4t� rl.6�ded, there is seldorn any
gone bythe cost,of transfusionsw7as
6`6id!i6i d�lay. All of us will hope
often a major financial burd-in -NVheh
&a"t"'w-t, tie�er require the card, but
repeated additions of whole blo6d
i:h,'�ftll tomh�6fi 8tftso- it i's good
were needed i -n case of. accident or
trateall our -heavy industr i
y in a nar-
There is 'a great deal. of -co
MW"belt'along the Lake Ontario to
tiop'at the'present time ab6ut the
NhIk9fa sh.oreline. It would be wip-
ditiger inherent in the. use or hi4ofe
e4.but`iri*.�othing flat were we ever
accurately, the careles's idisposal,,bf
S11�ject4io.td;r attack..
. �1.
those thin plastic bags in -witich'
T�a�l�pOrtation is no longer the
clothes sornetimeg come.'froth the
ra"ack'it to be -wheri an in -
cleatlers, Tfiereare man), of e8
r its,
dugfr,�;16ciftes ir! -the areas farther
for this light iA',eight plas Eic and they
ftotirthe south shoreline. Past and
have become quite common in eveity
efficient truck and rail service is
'ab over the province, and
Due -to the fact that there ha 1 ie
�i , n most cases. lower labor rates more -
ffset 'the.additional
been several deaths from suffbci
than' cost for
when the plastic slipp.e d over
somerivIlat longer hatils.
child's mouth and nose, there -is! talik
If 'ower is the major concern,
of baiinitig the use of the materibLI
t hese industrialists would do well
enti el
r' y. Though that rnay'b�6 the
t6 scan'last Thursday papers which
most effective course of action,�.:it
-c6ntained the announcement that a
seems unlikely that it �Arill attua'lly'
rift�lear. pbwer station will in all
-be enforced.
piobability. be located in Bruce
the plastic is, like many other
C-6unt�'. To hasten the dispersal of
commonplace items about .,our
ih&str� to more suitable areas- the
fiotne-�,, a se lous potential for dtith-
Ontario Hydro should give imn
g . er, especially to. children.: if q, 41
i6te, And - serious attention to the
simply—otle' more point at which-�,
possibility of equalizitig power rates
reltit§ must -be eternall' watchful'.
over -the etifire province. The lake-
But let us us not overlook tfie:eviiii
f have had:'the good
greater danger ih leaving mat6he'.'
T-taks long enou.
b --h in any case.
lying around where children cla'n
What can be done about all this,
reacE'the-m. Then, too, there are
y say?'�, Something very definite
the drug�, the uhpfotected � sta rwe'
. i , us
R-ks been' done �bout it by most muni-
..�nd countless oth ' r W i ich
'Ays,. ti,wh
ci. ny size. in Ontario.
_fla�lities- of ' a*
injury and death may take a stealfhy
t.;'Cal gbypining bodies have- ehacted
zoning by-laws Which prohibit, in
X�ch ohe-of these dangei points
no,.,uncerta.i.n terms, the establish -
should be,�o4tantly intbe mhfd� of
nientpf-industry on lands which are
d who'
tho� are responsiitlle for the
're'Va'luable for some other pur-
safety, of;others.,
poges—even. for parks. Zo g is
has been contemplated f9r some
thdvname-gentrally given this ty e
6f,.leglglatiori, and some of its prin-
ciple� �tniglit well be applied by the
pr ovincial -authorities.
Recent�press�.replbrts -tell. of. a
moveni-ent - on foot� in -the Niaga�a
peninsula whereby farmers froni'.tbt
fruit ' belt are moving out to seek
itew land in th6 suitable areas 61
Western Ontario.; The reasoh for
Rldgetown Dominion
the move, of course, is that thou -
'There appeared in the daily press
sands of acres 'of rich fruit -grow- fhg'
a few dayg ago a report of a court
land have been gobbled up by indtis-
cdse hivolving some alleged chican-
trial development and houting.
eryiti connection with the sale of
ktfittirig. machines. It appears that
All this seems to us the height of
the, purchasers of these machines
folly and short-sightedtiesg. New
were supposed to earn extra money
industry and the consequent deniatid
by the'W6 of knitted articles to the
formore homes,,is occAsioned in the
vefidm of the machine or to the
Niagara region chiefly by two faq-.
vendor bf yarn used in their'oper-
torsl-8horWr hauling digt&iieeg. j-�nd
ati6h. Apparently it did not work
Che&Of, Power, In 6ther wdrft)
6tit that wiy &tid the Tifteident getves
130thifig m0fd h6t 10-88 that! ft jyj(lile-
agalti -to Polint a Warning against
tary tongiderdt'dti. Oti 0,6 6ther
the type of. help wanted advertitin
fiarid, the land which thego� d6Vdlbp-
th-At requim an. invtstitivit of tal
mittitg are beeavl4tig, 18.,168t r.
bfi. the P&tt 6f tht pk6gpettiVe Oil -
491 goutlee of food) Atid In at! tpo
ploy�_6, 86tide 61 the.qe art getitline,
matty easta �eoft tm a btatity 8pow
opp6rttifiltleg'- but so mafty,;ire not
Thete Are OttfitkAg Ard;k§ Ift thd
.&4 a 8trict atid suLnhitig ifivesti-
pr601te whert tho. latid. 1A btfly a
gt-tioti gh6,uld pmtdt ally paymg
fractl6ft lag ptoductil-ve, -tifid whefe
6ut of Motley iff twinectloh. Avith
the indastd1#8 wbuld 9 P af k a tiomv u p- -
thelb, I
ttend fit lotal emi. . It i§ iti
. atfibag d c6ffitfteree or tettel ,
thoge ar#ag that the plifttA holdfig,
taskiw 131Artaugin tht cmibutlltieg
Pr6m the Atatldp6lfit 61 tild6fill
from whith tuch hdVtrt1Atmefit§ om-
dehficL& almie, it ig 1611y to, ntiedyi-
4.fiatd. Avb bmeral reliable -sbaces
of fdoffflatioh shodd be ton -
it fleW11.ngh-tmAdVtflCe illfflo"
ta d by pr
'Ito 68pective iftve-Ateirg be -
PiNtAtOd At
fore th�nlgtivel. Most
erel, A
'y ende vot to.
W. botti* w6iiiii, tditilf
ke6� titidemirable admtis1mg out of
Mor6b6f- Audit liotmu i6t 6idultilbill
t hiell f ddlumlls# but we are not lilfaf-
AV6fi6fl0Ad'Ai fAid6hill bUsi Uth,
libic wo'turn mit t6 be Autktf-8 too
MWIMM, AM 96 It btnmen t, mat-
*ubstolpfi6h Aitto — dfit Voo #6k bl* th*
$1,86 Ilk. Advibb#
tet of letthig the 'bayer beware,
111, a. A, $4.0,0 oft yftif
bdit"t expect to, get soffiethlbg for
166#4619it lt0d04.00 peryelit
10thill You.-W41it-y btit the other
AAVertWft#'A6t*N oA 6#011diU6A
QOd "In wt thiligs showlq th,
how great in Influence, Whether dread of 9111, a Oohatoht With'09s y -
for good or bad, we have wieldc'& th'at out religion is a teallty �11,d ;self! P!%tttrg -of $0.0 �J
over somL- of our follow.m6ii.; Wid ail example to liti. nier. 'for jbd? (Irltul§ t,;T). OL $-I
�A ....... sk .... elikoute to his iyorfte in t1id wipst
VWo of thle ladY teachiets ih the 1.�
Z" Wilighoin. Public School have hand-
Suoa and IPA
I ed it, their imesignatiotis. They ars
-Miss A, BaOici- anO Ml�s Petth
By Bill -Smiley
Something that has been swish'
,growing stuff that they'Ve rbItited. Mr. Harold brumniond Who te: I -D -A H EA1_
Ing around In my mind for a long But We colAld telocatt them in thel Ifthtly i-Lltilftied from Frano� Ivis
time Was :crYstalized when -I rea.4 musl�eg'btnd J)ut fli-eiii to killing odeepted his 130sittah in king Iaroa.,
of the oVerwhelming . reception the
Mrs, Ali -x MACTILvINJI W(Iry
By RV,,V,. Ol C. ATTMDU-4
Ur� Mrs,F Noble and f4-
Jairpi� macTavish, Mr. 'and Mri.
JAcl; Willits, Lynne �jni�l Norma
OQrrle, Ohtarji)
and red
.0dM,$ssPatrJcJa Dean 4
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Skink of
f infly, �iR 44011
oth$ay, %r. and Mrs
B4111 Wallwr ofLondon. 4W
we cannot tell how far tha, orl$ it so.rhethlog tlAt,..
"None of t. In unbelievers
Ing argily, OtMttord, Mt
gram and f -
flpcnoe bas, trAvelled, There lij max el
q, ma�, %Q 41 to f t t *re
liveth untoillip, M 4 p , () ho
Fred White, Mlp�ob
Maste r Ronnie Mapletoft, Mill -
self a righteous, man today who 1$g1op 10 Aliam, and that they
and. ),10
and Mr. gy erson,,slinmons, Dray-
I)rook 14 spdndIng his ho'ljd4
,pie, an
man dieth to tbrough the loopipotIon of some ni av find in our exam
ton, were Sunday guests of Mr,
ts granopArents, Mr,
with, b and
j. ong0ling word or deed of A P Wgy for p)l -the ev
himse lf. F 0 r ro, APPI )I they can
And Mrs, Richard Ingram,
Mrs, Ross Coates.
fessing Christian, is hold
whether we live to that Ing fast do
therefo, Which to x0od, Then too
Mrs. Walter 44ton, Keith, Men,
Aileen and Brenda SeafOrth, and
Mr. and Mrs. Moyd Ulklott gg.
or die t be true that th e A1141
there Is many a
we are the ' -godless man who inconsistent
� I I
Mr. and Mrs, Larry Eaton Scar-
famlly attended. the Weber reunion
b y the example of some degrading avlow Qf Profes-
Lord's," (RID stl
shig �Qhrl.
oOhV1eft%tIo1A '01, f a any has Often been
a borough, y1sited WcOne0ay Pile-
on Sunday. Miss. Sharon Ellio#,
h has beer, spendin&; ,her
W 0
Is eljoouta 'I;tuM!bllhX b�oek JU the Wity'of mehl
1114 at tho -home of VW. Abb)i Hop,
tion -with h9r gr.�ndpwcntlt, Mr,
It is no less true thiit joirety ffilth�
Bach one of ftlhl�of in, the Wbv Ot wokodirivn, ,
Lis has a high destiny ill this jlfe� 1,,0 Vhothjot Wp ill tonlatolcot, belleVlar, 0ose tl�lly,
be, tme of, Nise
Mastov Brian Elliott IN' h1oliftY'
and Mrs, carmon Elliott. Harris,
ton returned -home W*fth them,
V6 are to serve God, to'bpcom 'lveh We is illimilne-4,1i his f4ith, hlj�
e -Christians, qijr I �,xorclsfa A Y
1 NO is A
obanipions,of all that Is Iftfloto,ce 0 o4tstent with A ojiaethl gig tO
1119,W11:4 Mt. ood Uts, Horolil go.' -
lett, P&Imetstun,
Mr, find Mr.5, _Rl0bAr4 1g9r4
right a .13,11
,nd great ugldohftlo�js
good. This Is -the supreme -purpose those atound us, rib� evel-Y Pfotes* tecoinlaeod his tollglwt to tut *be
ltnO ThIS
M-aattr U urray and Miss Gleni
accompanied by their grandclill4l
ren, Dianne and S andraAnnNob
him, W'
of every Christ ail, He is to realig W -, as Whttt, UII-Ift
,I �e sing 011kistlao is 0, legibit J4PIsttL-.
his hieant When 140 viiii, "Let youl,
U lb�oli al�o visiting Mr, and Uis,
Uvyd lAreir, Toronto,
spent Saftirdav In St, Xar�! �qelvr
Possibilities, to, the fullest extent,. knoW# and teAd of 411 )uol%.
light so shlrb befoto_ i
and by his example, to help others Many of u13 Pforesa to be Chris. nen, that
Mr. a ri Mrs. Orluey Walker, Mr.
brating the 12th of Jujy�
realize theiro, There can be go tians, But Wb�it doet out. lit, tt they may sec. yquf-'pod *00to and
e s� y? I t
Jack Brailt, 11stowel, speAt Moh-
Master Ronnie hnrJ Miss 1
doubt about it, that Ili a very real p' 9bolify Yout 104thler Whith Is Ili
OL !:�Iiklsttahlty to
m recommo
--day evening tit the home of Atr,
Elliott al�c holidaying With' xj�
sense gone -of us live to Ourselves. -others? Does *uPWIty Qf livilig eh- heAVOIA", It Is chalt�ateristfc or all
true that fevetything
and Mrs, IVilliaM Dowling, Hol-�
�ben tho 4 it , lie
'for.* reaa, �q e -�otnwn. ANhlo - "t th- -
t0 Goal
fq�q�p yvith Mr, and
over the history of Qur.pgkt life different beat Ili, churph, or does it tiahs, thay Wo be, ttile to our m
wemight be struck With the awful nullify theiti , J,��
-it our coiliversation,
great big house,Joo cheap 'to splend.
bbth speak 14' wiglish, though
C011VICtlOg Of TeSpOnSibill sod—bliat We do 6,11 to the gloty -o',f
,as to oot corluct a4id out maaffest
Presbyterian Church,, will give a
QOd "In wt thiligs showlq th,
how great in Influence, Whether dread of 9111, a Oohatoht With'09s y -
for good or bad, we have wieldc'& th'at out religion is a teallty �11,d ;self! P!%tttrg -of $0.0 �J
over somL- of our follow.m6ii.; Wid ail example to liti. nier. 'for jbd? (Irltul§ t,;T). OL $-I
�A ....... sk .... elikoute to his iyorfte in t1id wipst
VWo of thle ladY teachiets ih the 1.�
Z" Wilighoin. Public School have hand-
Suoa and IPA
I ed it, their imesignatiotis. They ars
-Miss A, BaOici- anO Ml�s Petth
By Bill -Smiley
Something that has been swish'
,growing stuff that they'Ve rbItited. Mr. Harold brumniond Who te: I -D -A H EA1_
Ing around In my mind for a long But We colAld telocatt them in thel Ifthtly i-Lltilftied from Frano� Ivis
time Was :crYstalized when -I rea.4 musl�eg'btnd J)ut fli-eiii to killing odeepted his 130sittah in king Iaroa.,
of the oVerwhelming . reception the
store wbelle he WAS elftPloyed bew
La .................. - ...... p ... MIMI $114111044 ... 1141"IM-11.4. ... ........... i ........
haven't taken an inch since They
tried to -conquer the country, back
People of Chicago had given the
Of oouk�* tlf6hN be thO, ofites�
tote enlistment
in 1912, but made a botch of it.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Skink of
Queen during her visit there.
.1 think It's time We shook. off,
tion of White to put thd Imlill6u$
wlio fl000ked title t W I thwy ?3f%%V
Capt, W. Jertersoh, wife And
chilvl are visitilig at th 0
L h in. of
Winnipeg, announce the engage-
LD. Spe d
our selfishness, did, the fair thing,
the 0014 0 g6n&L V6f4Oli"'yl rd,
his Uii,cle Ur. 8, B efin
J ett, Capt.
REV. W. LODER� Pastor
�A. ia.,
and offered to let the Vis ited
have it ill t)ik�
.1 fieroll
e has 1-tijohtly tetlithtd
4reer. Mr. Greer Is a foi-mer well
80 ra'eters hurdles"at the British
States become part of Canada. ]It,,
downright hoggish for a nioasly
'fii.9t'50 Million bt therh Would be
settlednofth of flie lift frorn Hud-
from. Siberia, lklfekb he spent two
Empire games to be held in -Lon-,,
EFFECTIVII, jULY 15th 46 21st
17 million Canadians to be sittini
son'sBby 406 *00t; tolhe RobkleA.
yeaft With the medical cofbg,
0 1. 0 Z 0
Thurs,�8.00.pan. Meeting
JAt�tb LbA, brlith Owail for 29c,
here in this big, fat� w�al thy eouu�
That Would ltlse'o of1t; the carpet.
Sunday Service
Gilbert Plains, Sask.
try, while 150 million neighbours
baggets hha biwit lip the hoeth.
COLD CREAM SOAP 2 for 27c, 6 f or 79c
are crowded Into a- nm�h smaller
area that is practically &016ted Of,
And Wed flW, 4, tot sater witit SO
lal -fidi" h6ttivtelt uh tuld the
Miss biae Williamson 'daUghtet
LbA A*iffid, It & It ON Reg. 35c and 60e
natural resources.
of Mrs. Win. Williamson who haA
L f MAONIESIA ............ 29c, 49c
les like a rnlse�, With a million-
I can xelally see no hitth. in the
been wotking,in the Blill. field in
and they'd ptobe6bly Want some
whitt ISO Nuotts, Plfilk or VdIlow 700 sheets Reg., 2.�for 27c
in thebank, sitting all alone In hlA I
plan, -We use the same currency.
India as a missionary for the past
Rev, W. L. Stevens, pastor of the
TOILET TISSUE 2, for 25c
great big house,Joo cheap 'to splend.
bbth speak 14' wiglish, though
six years, reached her here
Presbyterian Church,, will give a
the fuel to warryu it, Whil I his
thiy'd have to become bilingual,
on ,9aturday'on a one and a -half
100 -ft. roll, Heavy Grade�—L]D.A. 'Brand Reg. 31a
, .
bappy-p-lucky cousin, who has
like Aus, and able to toss asides
year, furlough,
'be forgiven. Of �course, most- of
WAX,� PAPER 28c, 2 for 55c
spent his inheritgnee, lives, in
in French likei est encore
Mayor John W. Hanna and Town
town, was seriously Injured in an
trailer with ten'kids -and has to
dans la ma:ison du chien.".
Clerk W. A. Galbraith, were guests
work like a idemon just to keep
--And Just think, there would be
at a: luncheon at the King Edwa;rd.
SHAMPOO 75c size with two 15c Sachets 75c
them all fed and warm and clbth�
free trade, and those things dear-
Hotel, Toronto, last week, 'There.
est to our hearts—our cars, Out
were mayors and clerk s from. 66
151-00 Value
Aside. from the selfishness langte :Ilquor
and our smokes—would be.
centres as guests.
It would make sense. If wt. too
lot chemperi
Over the week -end Mach an
the States, Canada would be the
biggest country in the world. VdI ---
----- ---------
Brothers plumbing and tinsraithing
Hudinit Regularly 75e for Only
IOW that up -with 20 -.years of Mdea
shop and H, B. Elliott's book sto
cha aged locations. This move
4, 59c
open i1nnil9kation, and wed hAV6
I I om,
has been contemplated f9r some
half of Europe over here. then w4 tirrie, as.Mr. Elliott owned the
could loolc those Chinese gad Ros-
corner store, where -be is now lo-
sianA right lit the eye avid say.6
, i, I cated.
Buster, or yoiell-C'et PIFTY itMARS AOO
"Slow down,
Mrs. E. L. ftoberts', wif�'of'Rev
a. fat Up." . . C. .
met 4 L Roberts newly -appointed
There's never been any real an- Mr. Geol-ge Sligley . with a, E.
irnosity between the two nations; bad accident while at work ih Mt. rector of St., PauFs Anglican
so there'd be no -trouble that Way.. J, A, MeLtah's saWmill on Thurs- Church, under -went a serious �oper-.
Ohl they've tried to grab -an 6dd day nibrhini, A Piece of timber ation in. Walkerton General Hos-
fleW- 'back fforn the �a*, -breaking 1pital last Week,
few hundred thousand sqparem*1 es
Of ourk in border disputes but his right -arm, Mr. and' Alp: R. R. Saint and
that — bd rt A former resident East Wa- two daughters and Xr and Mrs. .0 ....... ....... %
we e awe - ma�
tion in our own right, and they
wanosh, George Porterfield, has
A. J.-Burkd afid "two children bf.
La .................. - ...... p ... MIMI $114111044 ... 1141"IM-11.4. ... ........... i ........
haven't taken an inch since They
tried to -conquer the country, back
been appointed deputy postmaster
Listowel, Vpent , the' weekwend In
Owen Sound,
i 'fit.* Centre
in 1912, but made a botch of it.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Skink of
Betty Taylor, "ot Hamilton, daugli-
AnYWAY, most Of Our RuceStOrs
Winnipeg, announce the engage-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. thomas Ta�ylor,
Centre St.
were hoeing spuds in Ireland
stealing In SeotlMrd
meat 'of their daughter, Olive
formerly of Wihiihain ha� -peen
REV. W. LODER� Pastor
cattle oir JpUftA#
dettrude, to Mr. Norman Percy
chosen to represent in the'
Ing the forelock to the squire in
4reer. Mr. Greer Is a foi-mer well
80 ra'eters hurdles"at the British
F,nglaad when that was gbing On.
known resident of WMgbam.
Empire games to be held in -Lon-,,
Tues. -8.00 P.11n.—Youth F ellowship- Meeti,
lig e
Since then, aside from the lFenian
raids, a typicai l[ri4h farce, the
,Mrs, George Russell, formerly of
don, Eng�a.nd. I
Thurs,�8.00.pan. Meeting
oilly attempt at invasiou -has been,
Wtngham, died at lier -home in
Miss Tena, P.,eid, has received.
Sunday Service
Gilbert Plains, Sask.
word -that she was In
not with guns, but'with dollars,
and we welcomed them with. open
Mr.,Charles Barber left -on Tues-
passing With honors' the Conserva
tory Music
10.00 a.m .—Sunday School Classes for
day morning, for a trip to Manitoba
of examination jnter-�
Some Ofour descend
iLnd the West, He will spend some
mediate barmbny,-.grade five,
all ages,
�ed from United Empire Loyalists,
ti me With huls-'son, Charles-A�, at
Mr. Angus MacKay,,. f9rinerly.of
J, 1 �_00 Morning Worshi P
and they'd ptobe6bly Want some
Pilot Mound.
Whitechurch but" Ili' recent years
Ei miss iohayy� 'to India tlid'
7.30 P-in--Ev ngelistic
compensation, but that could be
Rev, W. L. Stevens, pastor of the
handled. We'd merely give them
Wingham. Baptist Church, was
Presbyterian Church,, will give a
REV. W, G, BUD4E ofid MRS. 06DGE of Buffolo, NX�l
back the'land theft foref atherg fled,
married to Miss Jessie Gertrude
misgionary at 8t, An�
*11 be special, speckkert of oil services. foe the next
or were run out of, and all Would
Wright at Malone, N -Y,
drew's Church oii Sunday night.
*111-6e Weekt.
'be forgiven. Of �course, most- of
Mr. Davtd iougheed, late of this
0 0 - 0
that land is in timd around New
town, was seriously Injured in an
York City, and runs, they.tell niO, accident at Regina. He appears to 1.4
two Z
as high as three htjiidt�d have oflilit chgnce of recovery. Arthur Arsley,.73 yehr-old farra-
dollars -aft acre. As kedompense to Miss Spatting left on Wednesday er, of Sherwood Qnt t Was killed 15- THE. SALVATION ARMY
the 'dispossessed Of Wall St. aild ;lien 6 was �ttuck
.morning for her holidays and will Sunday night 5 o
Mitobam Corpo
Madison kvenue, wed givi� them sall on the S.0, �Harmonie from by a C.P.A,Ireight tehin. Mr. Ans- I
ten aquaxe miles of tUndta -for each Sarnia to Duluth and go from there ley was both Ili Winghaint, - I .
adre of NX. real estate. That's to Winalpeg. Mrs. Alex iftrLdRiOd., Who fe- I
fairthough, surely, Miss Sean MeGillfivray, who re- tebtly nft-0d to Winkharri Was
relitically,,there?d be no pr6b- cently graduated as a nurse at the ' ; t P SUNDAY SERVICES
.kindly relftcfftb0bd by thd -1'nera-
lern. A[nstead,of having ten prov- hospital in EVatistowli, Ill., Is Visit, bets of Rft6x PtidabYtetlan Church,.
Ine s',, Weld have 59 or 60, It would Ing. With her parents, Mr. avid Mes, Belgrave Wheh Mt�. 1, 0 Md, 11-00 a.ln.�Holiness Meeting -
ii dire rbl6%# to to
be . 'kIttli4 tb 16krn Arch MicGiffivrak, Putney 'and Mk. 3, )a. Anderson 1' -2,30 P-11I.—Slinday School
that Oil* %oft 11uhiliotca mfirwig '0 -0 - 0 called on her -on behalf of the 1
th6 Uitildidglik pit6viti-61m.. Ant congregation, the "wm.s. a -Ad sun, �-00 P-11l.—Salvation Meeting
fillitilk WhAt Ath It _W6014 6' at 009TT VEAAS AGO day School and pteseftied her *1
h rkov1h0Wr6A-0kld tA* Owifer- a otystitl tivillo- lamp ard Tuetday, 8,00 p.in.—Ptayer and Praise Service
I&M-6, Wi0i 64 oftViWicoh 40niiifidlug The Cfi4tauqua will be held in tefledtor I
IaOiiIS4 In appreciation of bet faithful 1
. t 1611h bi M&O_ Wirigharn from Suly 17th to gard. E
jifstleb. 061n 1 0 V tank L Work tot Many Years in the Vatious ViijaY,, -8-00 P-U,-�Youth Group
Owe wa,% Mftiit *fti#;ter. Bowden, who has been in All Te6h4gerx VV61colue
Of tollirst It Ili& '*6rb iffloWed the 6in1ildy of the tow I ft electric departments of the church.
in the Aigeflbfths Would haV6 to light department as enghleet for 861nethilIg new and diffo-ttat In
d��k6 thelir likIbItc ' N6 ihore OL numb& of years, has ateepted it dtAfflM10 radio Pf'09ftint will bb
w0kilig ItAd a dwistdMi ithd say� Position a4� eii9ineer at the Win& libard oV61- all 9higlish statimu In Ther" . it VOelciin% f0jr VOV ht the "A*my-
R., "Jolhilh& h fitth of bbu�bbn.11 sot 'C011eglate, Rii plade at the Canada on CkNX Mdhd&Y tfitbugh
'#they'd *,h&ve tib liat 'UP likb gbod� powev.,66usa will be taken by Toha Priday—the story "Night TraIr" ............
Cahadit(tift, beirgulb tht 11%1.6kly, Radford a, former employee, who will tell of the men. and wonien 6f Niel]
1169.ket�rned frdin'tivetseao, CAgadWa Array.
buy it fmax tho goyethlatht, With Mrs. F, Sparling 34omuth, form- oj� Saturday x1brilleth C
pto_bdr hiinillity hhd gi%tittlde for erly of Wingliam, ahgouno6s the' son of Mt, alid Mrs, Alokbr&Wford
tho Ptiviltit, engagement of her daughter, mar- atrived home from bivetsells, keh
MljWd .V6% f d6tilt thItik W6 guerlo CLidIld, -to E dWAtd Horn spent rehi'ly two yettM In the 'Old 1ANGLI10AN)
,kho"Id JJ1#t tjft%#.606,1� the h6#(Jct.L OraigI6, of the Valvemity of To, Land.
Mid 1611 thoffli bolub f0iliVolifig in ronto, We tegfot. to t-b-p6tt tbaf major
mtb t6 WA116W in bfir wlw*�j lind 96at hag taloh abig tollamoyig W, A, MeRibboh Is a paitfont in
eldfute. !%&t 'Woulki *011 C%,�,m the horses In the diattlict recently, 110#pItal in P�rklard,
fOhns0n) Rector'
Akht 60 th# tot. Mitt hoA1464 i�,V" At a Mileftil at Veil �afove thd :tr,� wolwii6d of whitom
wouldn'l toliim It 1i thoy got other daY, 11 Animals Which had thUr6fi htL8 rdcdlV#d w6td Volt his
W116 is a pelsonet d?
n6thijig, 9� td ehi,*�p them been tied duting the service wore 110h 1.
1�6 An, Mm06rdoti' baVidson Organist
a '"iblohl Kum, $too & h6ad. found dead ir tholilhatnesa. Waf, has been Made 'a
thlit w6uld %flM CahQalk ua� Mr. and Mrs, Elijah Rigging of the Cktef)Pl0A& Club-,, 'in AnteP- Eighth.Sunday after Trinity
06hill debt, Of too#" wwd %jive Morris '�o`WhsblA "'"' mdved Irta national Oflk0lObL86h, d6ftj�69dd 3:
to fiiko on the WS, national debt'. thble:tiew homt Oft Mimillb Attoot, solely -of those Who have saved 8,30 a,m'—floly C01111111inion
hilt W*.!Id IthemkilMoly fepudwt it -Which tile
4nd StAtt bff -with Wole . %litt4, I y . thbit 11VOS by nit&hs tit plradlib.tts.
aft frift bt, Tamlyn, ftt xaythail, it" d§oylo t6a -6f mt. Prayer
he 6#- .1 I
it Iii1ght bo, & IUE16 fiftrd 6 th Mr� Willitm Sfirlgley, who lim alld jirs. lvilltiw *6yle� '�t Autit.
US, Mftiibfa wh& Ak6 *mmile 736, 10 -ft tletuthed 06M tire, graduated isf an 'Alr'bb Vtr NO U V14NIN, 0, Sr"P
Much ftioaet-y In kUblidleb -to t rlot,l tht bid ho,*# Wtek In Whighkia, it 0)l&fJ6ttbt0Wht