HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1959-07-15, Page 1With whit h isaineiganisted the Gorrie Vidette a,aid Wroxater News. WINVIAN f ONTARK14,11MPIVESPAY, tX,T. 10, 1059 4TIVIA OQPISS 7 4..'llntol WASHER APPROVER f04.1-0311AL. thAA14---- ALONG THE MAIN ORAO unt 11-Summer Set-uu By The Pedestrian ,001`11 DAMST0,-, With the completion of the new payment from Wingham to tin) Morriatiank Corner the route froin toWn to Toroiato'is all smooth sitilipg, Sonic stretches farther t4 4 ' Own e'lutiteil" see • Stile to, he re- ' topped, but it is the first time in several •years when there have been no really bad spots some- e' along the way. ' '"',',"' • ' • e" • '' '' ' ' "The It arrangements for a fedi, pro- gram of activities for the summer months, details of which will be fened below, It is euggeeted ,.hat soli clip oit up in qutcotnnliTseopireotigtravmotarild6rta;euk., fu- Iure reference as to times and plaees of the various activities, Children $ years and over Tuesdays, 930 to crafts at tee 'council 'chambers, Tireadays, 10,30—Girls' softball at the town park, Wed enirdtaoYg71114erij.e5 Mf eoer bays an t triwriel park at 10,30 with lunch .arid rl d drink, , a0.50—Boys' softball at town park. An atteedance, record will be kept of these activities with a wiener roast at the end of• four weeks for those with the best attendance, Saturdays, 10.00—Pee Wee and Bantam hardball at ball park, Mondays and TinirsdaYa through- out July and August---,Swirtirtilog instruction 'at Teeswater wars pool; 208 are registered . sse Tuesday and Friday morning classes, fe e Swimming without instruction at Teeswater pool if sufficient at- tendance is maintained and the temperature is 70 degrees or over without rain; Anyone wishing to , go meet at the town park at 1,30 on above days, Bus fare 25c; pool admission, children ti.c; high school age, 10c, Children 4-8 years Program at town Park Program oh Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. (No program for 4-8 years group on days of ternoon swimming'at TeeSwater). 1,3Q to 2.30—Crafts, tniiet, singing and active games at pool. ,2,30 to 4.307-Wadi,ng„,,pool, open ev- erY day except' Sundays and.,hoil-, days, Wednesday, July 22 at 1..36—On Wheels Day (decorated bikes, trikes and doll buggies), Prizds will be awarded, Wednesday, July 29—Pet show at Park, Prizes awarded, • Wednesday, August 5-ePienie 'sup- per at park, Attendance Record—First, •sechnd and third prizes for best atten- dance. Tennis net available—Phone 276R. Insurance—$1.50 to cover all recrea- tional activities f rota now tO arid of November, H. C. MacLean presided for the July meeting of the board of •diree- tors: of the Wingham Cenerel -49;anital, held on Friday evening'. Mrs. I, IVIerreea the adminietra- tele, reported that there had been 185 adreleeions iii Julie, 24 births, 9ennperatione, outpatients, 204 tra,nsfueloria, 1,105 lob deifioey Prtieedir'ke'#;' 11 60 patients at the canner elinie. Total patieht days for the Month were 2,372, a daily average of 197. likliortirig for the finance mai- : enatee Chairman A, 0, Mac Wil- said that siceeinita receivable e leorn, the period before January .1st ,have been steadily reduced, Expeetiltuees for the month of jarheesimpunted to $34-,393•00, , DeWitt 'Miller, property coin- iiiittee chairman, said that he and two menibecs of his committee had 'Visited three Landon hospitals to inspect the type of laundry equip- extent which is being used. 'the beard had previousiy authorized the'eeplaeemeet of a washing ma- chime and , extractor. which are causing considerable trouble. the committee recommended the piranha:ea Of 'a; 165 lb. capacity rimehina from the Canadian Le,un- si&Y, Co, Along with the extractor it will cast approximately, $8,000, e' With an alloWance of $50(1 for the old machiae, Purchase was ap- proved by the boned. He also reported that new bases are being made, for a pump in the• 'boiler roome and there was further .discussion of necessary repairs to or replacement cc the veranda at the nurses' residence. T N Berry Door Corp. %INGHAM IS SECOND Reports Gales • Berry Door Corporation, mane- .11 OF •SUIEDULE facturers of steel overhead garage - 0 - 0 lit tit. MARYS— desQeo,rs rrePlai.. •tes914aeiiii tilanleraenadseinciollfst5t1 In even inthW •ge*thelI in SIgilll'alecw9arkwenTiltbiler416:Y 3t per cent In unit sales for the past game of the schedule over Luck- six menthe over the same period now 10.3, The game was a little laat year, and an increase of ea late in starting due to an accident per cent over the same period in by one °Ffistilheer InvvuLl'It'ehwrowcainTag. wow cording to M. Mtinsell, general luipits faorridWstillrugclilac mouta131(,1 I8Crellx7CeearscluS' 1957--the largest first six months In Ore history of the company, ae- sales manager, was the leading hatter, eolleCting triple and two doubles. Jim Bath June was the eighth consecutive had a double and Getting month in which sales have set an one atilt each Were Lott, Gardner, all-time high for the company. In starts, en lensed riastoute to the etionhs theousing Murray, Nesmith, Fisher. greater sales volume to an increase, Lucknow 100 000 002' 3 18 log peneumer demand for the light- Wingham 113 200 210-40 10 2 ,fk0*000,afo 'Several busloads of .Orringernea Massed through town on Saturday' evening ,On their retort', from the erilehratima at St, Marys. This erleri,r the glerimis 12th was 'marked orrthe 11th. One enthusiastic ;fifer. held ; his. btis at. 'the earner of yieteria and Josephine for several Minutes while he put on an im prompta concert. o- a-0 i.arFICE TO 011e0AAae 0 The Advance-Times office will be ekaaed 'from Thureday, July a0th to reopen on Monday, Aligust 1.0th e•.ii to allow for staff holidays. If you have An iirrporfant printing job le coming, up it would be•a good idea ' WINGBAK—Fry, rf; Cerson, If; Bain, cc; Gardner, 3b; Wellwood, 813; Murray, cf; Nesmith, lb; Fox- ton,c; Fisher, p. The standings at the end of the schedule are as follows: W Pt, Albert ......... 8 Wingham 7 Benroiller. Goderich 6 Kincardine Ripley Lucknow 2 to get ,it to us ptomPtlY. — 0 -• 0 - 0 L Pls. 2 16 3 14 AICLEAN FACE as well as a good appetite is essential at the Camp Martyn. Three Wingham Seclus paring to weak up are left to right lull Yemen, Donald Vegan and Darryl Gibson.—Photo by Cantelmi. 4 12 6 10 8 4 Ei 4 race County Likely ..f0- •.Pc-.NgclOali:-POwei'Sit,---. . , 4ady Bowlers Hold First Tournament Competition was keen on the Wingham bowling green on Wed- nesday when the season's first la- dies' tournament was held, Fifteen rinks. from Owen Sound, Atwood, Goderieh, Clinton, Midland, Paisley and Wingharn competed. First prize went to Miss Y Me- . ei'fron,-. Ac),,, liagOgrAvg, \1". 'Finnigan; second, Miss A. Mit- chell, Mrs, G. Godkin, Mrs. W. Brown; third, Mist K. Hunter and rink of Goderich, Other prizes were won by Mrs A. R, DuVal, with Mrs, R. la Lloyd and Mrs, R. G. Gannett of Wingham; Mrs, E, F, Sale and rink of Goderich and Mrs, Lemon and rink of Owen Sound, A pot luck supper completed the day. • . In, keeping with the Commission's unclertalting with. Attrinta 6-DISTRICT scours,„ Former 1-4,,esitient,e---'- df damada, Limited:to previsie a aite Dies T oro for Canada s first large-scale in as Taylor died at her nto ATTEND CAMP MARTYN Mrs. Thom NEPHEW KILLED WHILE SWIMMING PRESENTS 1ROP1f14 • • •• • • John W. Hanna, IVI.P:P., was at the opening of the. race, track wt Fort Erie on Monday and as a member of the Ontario Racing. commission, presented tae, trophy •eh to.the winner of the featured race, 0 0 - 0 NEW GUARDS— New guards are being placed around 'the 'bases of the street tight standards along the main drag .by P.IPC, workmen, They are much a•nor'e*derripaat than the old protectors, which were a.source of more ,than a little ann0Yariee to ear drivers who frequentlY eetig,ged thein when they attempted to park theireaftka- ! • •• 'er:ea DONATE TO PARK-, A few more donations have been. Made to the Thrnberry Park Fund. Miss ,Eileen Underwood of (Hamil- ton has given ;25.00; Michael Mc- , Phan, 410.00; and William Elliott, , oralenannan' has donated 150 tile, 0L0-0 VANDALS AT WORK— There has been quite a little epi- ernie of vandalism during the past week or two, No, 8 green at the *elf.course was ihadly cut up by some )dibtie ear driver who wheel', eci his machine around the green two, or three times: At the home df ' George Allen on John Street a beautiful outdobr lantern, which the owner had shipped froirieJapan at considerable trouble and expense, Was smashed to pieces. This is the sort, of activity that would' seem to :belong to the slums of a big • city than in a' town where people h,ave 'a friendly regard for the oth- er feiloer's property. Mixed Jitney at W g:h a ni Greens A pleasant evening was spent at the bowling greens osi Monday when the Wingham lawn bowlers entertained the Kincardine Bowl- ing Club. About 60 people competed In the mixed jitney, after which lunch was served and the prizes were given out. iorne, 86 Rosewell Ave„ Toronto, on Monday, July 6th, She was the former Elizabeth McIntyre Gard- ner.' Mr, and Mrs. Taylor lived at one time in Wingham, in the house where Mrs, Jim Taylor now ,re- aides on Patrick Street. They came here from Ingersoil in 1918, and Mr, Taylor operated a fertilizer plant, in the location now occupied by Wingham, Manufacturing Co. The family later moved to Hamil- ton. Mrs. Taylor is, survived by her husband, one son William, of Lon- don; and three daughters, Nancy (Mrs, Douglas Stiles) Toronto; Betty (Mrs,' W. P. Campbell) Ottawa; Margaret (Mrs, Peter Collins) Montreal, One daughter Jessie, (Mrs, He P. !Anderson) of Malaya predeceased her. nuclear power plant, Ontario Hydro Chairman James. Duncan an- nounced last week that options have !been taken on several proper- ties in the area some 15 miles north of Kincardine • on Lake Huron, Foundation conditions and other factors determining the .suitability of the.site 'will be investigated im- mediately. While other locations are being considered, Mr. Duncan stated, several factors make 'the Kincar- dine area exceptionally favourable for the establishment of a nuelear- electric generating station. The final selection of a site will be de- pendent on approval by the Atomic Energy Control ,Board. The announcement follows an WINWIAM EDGED BY PT. ALBERT In an Intermediate softball fame at Pt, Albert on Tuesday evening of last week; the Winghaen Senecas ball team went down to defeat by A'acereaof a-1,, ,` •-• The game 'wee a pitcher's duel all the way with F, Doherty on the mound for Ft.' Albert corning up with 18 strikeouts and Bill Hotch- kiss for the Sunocos with 10 strike- outs, The hitting was evenly distribut- ed with 6 for each team, Ken Cerson, led the Wingham team with a home run and single. Fox- ton also had 2 hits and Lott and Gardner 1 each, B Pt, Albert 200 010 000— 8 6 2 Wingham 000 100 000--- 1 6 1 WINGHAIVI—B, Fry, rf; IC. Cer- eon, 2b; 13, Lott, rf; J. Bain, as; L. 'Gardner, 3b; ID, Murray, efl P. Nesmith lb; R, Hotchkiss, p. Seventy-six Scouts registered from eight centres Walkerton, Hanover, Wingham, Ohesley, Luck- now, Durham, Kincardine and Car- ,gill, at Camp Marlyn, Invert-wren, under the direction of district commissioner Archie Gowanlock of Walkerton,' This was the largest registration in the history of the camp, 'For. at least 18 years, Mr. Gewanleck has directed the ea,inp and directs the carat) during the first week,of his annual holidays. Assistants are Stuart Collyet, Lucknow, assistant commissioner; Lloyd Einekingharn of Kinucardine, Scout Master; Donald Porter, Car- gill, Scent Master; George Ross, Chesley, Troop Leader; Robert Buckingham, Kincardine," Rover Saa, The main building was erected in 1950, Several other ;scent, trOops will register at the camp Meng with several cub week- end camps, The camp provides a full program of events for the boys. -e-IVCr. and Mrs. Percy Hogg spent a few days last week with their daughter, Mee, Rase Oriels, Mr. Orvis and family at Oil Springs, Author on Eskimos Visits in Wroxeter WROXETER—J; H. Ilion '61 Goderich, Mr. and Mrs. Tolhloorn and their three children, of Win- nipeg, called on Mr. and Mrs, Art Gibson recently. Mrs. Toibloom is Mr. Niell's niece, Her husband is an employee, of the Hudson's Bay Co., and for several years after his marriage he and his wife lived among the ts- itimos. Mr's, Toibloom purchased the excellent collection OS Eskimo, clothing, tools and curios that Mr. Niel! has on display at the Maori. County =sewn, Several books have been written about the Eskimos by Mrs. Tol- bloom, including- her own exPer- lences in one entitled "Arcild Bride", Mr. and Mrs. Ncirman Thompson and Mrs. Chas, Robinson, of Wing- hain, Sgt. Major and Mrs. Herb Dainty of Petewa,wa, Mrs, Robt, Chamney, Mr& W. J. Craig and Mr, and Mrs, Ed Mills of Auburn were at Wallatebtirg on Sunday. , A nephew ,of the Robinson fam- ily, Glen Horley, 27, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Holley of Beecher, was' killed on Friday While swim- ming in the Beecher River. Fol- lowing a dive, a motor boat passed as he was surfacing and he was killed instantly. The body rested at the funeral home in Wallaceburg and funeral services Were held on Monday. Because of the fatality the Rob- inSon family reunion to have been held at Ipperwash on Saturday was postponed s ynth Saturday of this Week, BREAKS BOTH WRISTS IN FALL FROM LOAD Harold Congram, RR, 8, Wing- ham, suffered a disabling accident last Wednesday. He fell from a load of hay and examination at the local hospital disclosed fractures to both wrists, ) --Mr, and Mrs, William 'ging, Misses Linda Parrish and Ruth Stone and Mr, and Mrs, Harold King and family spent last week at a cottage at Port Elgin. agreement reached last month be- tween 'Ontario Hydro and AECL, At that time it Wks stated that full-scale work will be pressed for- ward on a plant of some 200,000 kilowatts with the object of having it in service in 1964 or early 1965. Cost of the project is estimated at 00,000,000, When in operation, the stencil) will be staffed by. Ontario Hydro, which will , purchase the power generated, After, it has been ea: tablished that the station can be suitably operated' as part of the Hydro system, the Commission will purchase the plant. Friends Honor Mrs. McMurchy On Tuesday evening of last week .a group of neighbours and friends gathered at the home of Mrs. jack Stephens to honour Mrs. ‘A. D. Meldurchy, who is moving to North Pay in August. During the evening the hostess provided several games which were thor- oughly enjoyed by everyone, After a delicious candlelight buffet lunch, Mrs. Jack Lewis pre- sented a silver gravy urn and pie server, Everyone brought their favourite recipe to .the party as a token of their friendship and to remind Mrs. McMurehy of her many friends in 131110.0st. IRWEPTION AT WROXBIER . , .4 reception Will be held in the Wioxeter hail on Friday evening, July 17th, in honor of Mr, and Mra. Jack Edgar (nee Mary Coup- land). Ken Wilbee's orchestra. Everyone welcome, Ladies please • bring, lunch. F15* ENG4GEMEN't Mr,rnd Mrs, Nelson Armstrong wish' o aimotiuce the engagement Of their daughter, Shirley Gail, to a, • William D, Claak, son of Mr, and Mrs, aieseph Clark, Wirigharn, The Marriage will take plane in Kit- etrerreioeen Satanday, July la. , 15* ENGAJAMENT db. Mr. and Mrs, A, Irvin Toner, 111,.' 2, Wroxeter, announce the engagement of their daughter, Marion Alba, to Mr, Wilmei• Gard- ner Haas, Preston; dots of Mr, and Ur& D.'Idurray Haas, ft,R, 2, Blue, Vale. 'The marriage will take plate the latter part of July. The decision will decrease Hy- , deo's dependence oe fuel brought into Ontario as well as provide a .further market for uranium, Of prime importance to ()Marie Hydro is the fact that the basis on which the plant will be purchased • a I will permit production 6f power at a cost competitive +kith that pro- duced by modem Oat-tired plants of similar size, The Commission will thus fulfill its obligation to 'i provide peever at the lowest Pos- sible cost 'Mid at the same time vet have no' teibuleil In nuclear Pioneering Work in Canada. DEVICE TO CLOSE ! Dr. HoWeen's office Win be eloe- ed July 111th to August 3rd Meths- : Wt. le15" pNGAO.EALtNT Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Walker ,announce the imigageoncht of their daughter. Lois Eleanor, to Mr. Itoss otini , HOY, son of Mr, and Mrs. .Wilfrid }toy, of Ethel, The mar- riage Witt take place °a Saturday, August 1st in Winghatil United Church at 2.30 ENCiAGEMENT ''Mr..and Mrs„ Harry TOW)) Wish to announce the engagenient of their daughter 'Marytoulso to Mr. Omes Prank ilelesle, son of Mr, td Mrs, Prank of Ca de- 11111reh, the marriage Will take plate on. Saturday, Aligust lid at three O'cleek In St, PAM'S Anglican Citureh, DAIstCrt, la-ldee ;rear 17th, or Blee Moon Hall, Turn west at Wishing Weil .,,,„ ,,,,,hal fer Midnight Ramblers orchestra. Come and try our outocer ficlor. El5lo TO SIIQW If10113038 .1sitayo 11. Melfinney, speak about his Illiiropean trip and show some of his slides on r*M'Lacly", CKNX-TV oil ErldaY, July 24th et 4 tun. Elbb notiD1.11Y8 ARE kvist!-7,ratoodarly *hot the Ilahlfig is, good, and Hen Shinn of utioora Street leaks pretty happy with, a, bass that Weigher) hi Aver Me poiiiids, His young htotheyi, le/t, secured lust as l}rt.tit4 Ken titood the big one lit the Mecitland River in flit vielltity eat Howsen's Datno-,Ad1'a11te4liin.e9 photo, • er-weight overhead steel doors for new and .replacement installations, • Kenneth E. Wood At Sun-in-ler School Kenneth B, Wood of Wingham was among the 275 secondary school teachers who attended an in- tensive two-week's summer school at Lawrence Park. Collegiate, To- ronto. The course, which ended July 10, was the fifth consecutive summer school spoesored by the Ontario Secondary School Teach- ers' Federation for its members, In age the teachers ran from 25 to 50, They ,voluntarily switched roles to become students again In order to improve their professional qualifications. The course is part of the,year-round program of pro- feseional development eponeored by Xis' a 'fee are paid by the teach- ers themselves, The, summer school has been a success from its ,initiation, This year there were 125 more teachers attending than in 1958 and the curriculum was expanded by five subjects to a total of eleven, The 'course commenced In 1955 with on- ly two subjects being offered. . . _ GlIDUP WINGHAM SCOUTS *he attended Car4 Airatts)rt Week, front, loft to right: Tone 'DOM, Dteviit Weliger, c at OW t"tf-Oiti ldU, te.n. ILodriey Oriteereit, Ittibtri; kinott, Itoaalfi VtiffaTt, .Darryl Ciihsoa, nark row: Bill Venle44 Dennis CStilan, David Crotherti, Keith Seat, joint Ilonniett, 40401 Wilfred Onskaitette,, Dobbs, Crowson, lirrtscr. Strerit,, 41n't thglish, Jett lIatesen.:-,i'linto Cantelan, "