HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1959-07-08, Page 10."1, 7,
Ohowo roes Night Cullenlene-
411( 7.10
" duly 9 10 -
Grant, Innrid Bergman
A eharining romantic comedy, The
2017 of an alluring London actress
and a rich American diplomat.
you put one.
e* into an In-
4ilifers Ptin. Theis few
'4401.**, .o:fisdk4'will grow
40; 030,000' in jUit .tWent* ;. •
oar 'The Sol
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Phone$00J 22 Winshini
SPanialluing in.
nowl a new
to: the line
4.91\\\ tral 1411 Ith
tosaistu. . , ,
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SAVE 10c— '
Holiday MARGARINE , . ..$L00
RAp Ie 1
D'-:•-- house& garden butr.killer;!.1 ,2:::i;$,,..,,,11i9
cFlor avIciLeaSfOCKE?!E SALMON 49c
CFloaver ncyLearCOHOE , SALMON.
Fancy PINK SALMON 4.4 . . 31.., ;:z.
Velveeta CHEESE llllll 1 . 2 lbs. $1.19
Lyon's Instant TEA (makes 75 cups) ,
Nabob INSTANT COFFEE ll,: 5 oz. 09c
Macaroni & Cheese, Loaf, Dutch Loaf,.
Chicken Loaf, Olive Loaf llll lb. 54,4
Schneider's' Breakfast:1/2 * BACON lb. .39c
£ Maple 'Leaf Skinks SAUSAGE lb. 45c
Colenian's RING BOLOGNA lb 39c
6.00 - 7.00 p.m.
Featuring people, places and events
from Wingham and district.
:StA ........... ...... 4 . . 4 11i1 tt ttt llllll I llllll Wel llllll llllllll lllll lllll F lllllllllllll
;FREE—Perfume for the ladies who call on Saturday.
iitawamas dew? Ariais saw
Medically-proved I 1
helps relieve'
sore, aching!
:.inier86n lyel
oeipeM narilstnn
11:;0* v .ii tore
ilitOt idicoi6s,
tAlliAtA, it.011•7t•tio
Misti ‘64« *444 wo..•1, PrIrielpot Citly
ront rover:
Our Prices Are L ower free
We'Keep Down the' UPkeeR
:or ,20i4eXce;t7641.6V-*-,:r
George Williams
Located in Mason's Store.
Owing to leek of space, watches
and small clocks only,
petis: on
When workday aches and pains get you down, you'll welcome
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But even more, Niagara Cyclo-Massage helps increase then:
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A handy, portable set includes the
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versatlie Hand Unit for localized mas•
sage all ever the body . and an ate tractive Instrument casein r, •
...1y Long in NIAGARA'S "wonderful wor:14, ot
tome In, phone, or teno coupon.
NIAGARA %veva: i :
Pleas0 tend roe eamplei deheills as
Ntagatet cyele•Mosieee
01957 Nfootird thii.tipV Mfg, Cetpti
LE:Wilted' in the IVICKibbon Block
Restaurant tluildIng.•
former Lee's
—Misses MarSnsize ,Newman and
Ruth Fry left forToronto on Sun-
day to attend summer school;
—Mr, and' Mrs. JaCk Haiard,
Russel, Darell "and Stewart of
Wallaceburg," are 'visiting, this week
.with Mr, and Mrs., Ed Robinson
of Donnybrook amid. Mrs. Charles
Robinson. .
—Mrs. Mary ArMstrong, who has
been visiting her sister, Mrs. Mr. C.
Murray, f or rthe past -few weeks,
returned to Brantford 'on Sunday.
—Mrs. S. Howard is spending a
conple of weeks at 'the •cottage of
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. FOrbee 'at 'Port
--Mr. and Mrs, 'Lloyd Stainton
and family of 1'1:venni were guests
at the cottage of Mr. and. Mrs.
Percy Stainton from Wednesday to
and Mrs. Norman .Cronk-
wright, ,Wendy and Brian, spent
last week in Port Elgin,
-Mr. Barry FrYfrigle of the Ber-
ry Door 'staff, spent' last. Week in
Toronto. '
—rMn. and Mrs, D. S. Williams,
Lynne, Carol 'and Donna of Lon-
don, spent the week-end with Mrs.
J. C. Robinson Diagonal'Itoad. ,
-eMrs. Terry Nethery and' Eliza-,
both and Mrs: Elilabeth Keith al-
tehded -the. McPherson' fan-illy.' re-
union in Listowel oie Sunday:
—Mr. 'and- Mrs. 'Jack Laing of
Toronto, Jiinraie' and 'Lennie 'Lou,
were visitors 'with ' her 'parents,
Mi.. and Mrs. M:Swanson;,for'sev-
eral days ,the. 'latter part of the
week. The children` remained ' to
spend a vacation with their- granth
parents.; • . ,
—Mrs. Norman .Keating and Mrs,
Brace MacDonald :Were in,..Strat-
tord last . ThtirsdaY::,eVening and
were lorttinate. gettiiigk. a• good
leek at the , royale coupler,ort,their
way to -the Festival and again ale
ter the .performance.
—Miss Sue Nastnith is 'spending
the month- at GaY'venture Camn
and JIM Ntismith at Kandalore
Camp, both in the Haliburton dis-
—J. Keith Finnigan and Paul D,
Bennett began their flying lessons
at the London Flying Club this
week. Members of the Air Cadets
at Goderich, these boys will receive
60 hours ground school and 30
'hours flying time during July. Suc-
cessful candidates Will receive pri-
vate pilot's• licenses from the De-
partment of Transport.
-'Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Buckman
and daughter Mary, of Watford,
spent the week-end with her bro-
ther, Mr, and Mrs. S. Kerr. Mr,
and Mrs, •Robert Kerr, Luanne and
Douglas, of Stayner, alai:, visited
at the same home. •
—Mr„ and Mrs, Chris Newman
and Marykite spent last week with
their daughter, Mr. and Mis. Bruce
Edgar at. Beaverton,. „
—Miss. Elaine Jefferson of Lon-
don, is" hOlidaYilig ;with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. :Charles Jeffer-
son •of Donnybrook.' ,
—Mr,. Neil Stainton of Toronto,
and Miss Marlene Stainton of 'Lon-
don, SPent the week-end with their
patents,- •
--Miss Mark Phillips tips a visi-
tor with 'hen, grancipareetS, Mr. and
Mrs, Oeorge Of West We'-
wanosh, 'for a few. ddays..
—Mr, and Mrs, "William Conton
,and fondly haVe ,gone to Muskoka,
whe'rethey are,'Speziding tWo weeks
at the cottage, 4
and Mrs, Gerald Snail and
Son, Rick spent • the early part of
last- week at Inverfiuroil Provincial
Park ...Mr: and. Mrs, :Smith spent
the latter part'of the Week at Mae,
, - , •
Miss Boverld Nethery.of Bar-
rie' and /Fern& Nethery of
- " r
• ,, WHAT ,FORM,
l'r"r "' t
inoxali Drug Store
Kitchener, were week-end 'visitors
with their parents, Mr.' and Mrs.
Ab Nethery.
—Mrs. John Strong was able' ,to
return home from the hospit•al on
Moriday. Her many friends 'will
. be 'pleased to know that she :is im-
proving, However, she will require
considerable rest.
—Miss Nancy Hutchison and Mr:'
Matt Paulini; of Kitchener, spent
Doininion Day with the former's'
parents, Mr, and Mrs. D, Hutchi-
and Mrs. HoWard Fuller
visited over the week-end in Lon-
don with Mr, and Mrs, Roy Trig-
—Bill Johnston, who has been in
Victoria Hospital, London, for sev-
eral months, has returned home
and is bank at work at C. LloYd
Soh Ltd,
--Mr, and Mrs, Howard Packard
of Longue], Que., visited on Sat-
urday with Mrs. Joseph BrophY
and fainily.
Mrs. Norman Deyell, Brian
and Terry, are spending this 'week
with her sister at Tobermory.
,Mr. and Mrs.' Allan Small and
daughter Penny and Mr, and Mrs.
Jack 'Gerrie, all of Toronto, :were
week-eml: guests' with Mr. and Mrs.'
II-Ugh Mundell. - ' '•
--Mr. and* Mrs. Edward Robin-
son; Jim• and Bill of Donnybrook,
spent 'Sunday with Mrs. J. C;Rob-
inSon. • '
Elizabeth Keith visited in
'London 'on 'Thursday and Friday
of >last week,. •
Dianne 'Davidson and
Miss Mary Phillips spent 66 Week-
end at Sauble Beach..' They were
rgeests of Mr. 'and, Mrs.: Peter Da-
vidson. •
LAC ' and 'Mrs, , Don Newman
and -family Will be, lining in God-
evict' for the• next two anonths.
LAC Newman has been transferred
from North-Bay to RCAF Station
Clinton for the summer. They were
guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
D. Hutchison, at the week-end.
—Mr. and Mrs. .Jim Smith and
family of Listowel were week-end
guests, with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Ab Nethery,
—Mr, and Mrs. M. Swanson spent
the early part of last Week with
their sop-in-law and daughter, Mr.
and Mr's. Jack Laing; Toronto,
—Mrs, •Leonard Phillips attended
the Presbyterian Leadership Train-
ing 'School at McMaster University,
Hamilton, •last week.
—Sgt. Major and Mrs. Herb
Dainty, Bill, Gerry and Linda of
Camp Petawawa, are holidaying at
the home of her mother, Mrs.
Charles 'Robinson, Diagonal Road
—Mr. •and Mrs. William Temple-
man and Pamela vacationed last
week at Port Elgin Beach.
—Misses Patsy Coulter, Suzanne
Arid Wendy Reynolds left Sunday
for Keewadin Camp for the next
ten days.
—Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Cerson of
Teeswater have purchased a home
in that village and Will move to'
their new residence the Middle of'
—Ur, and Mrs. Stafford Bateson
visited for several days at the
weekLend With relatives in Midland
—Master johe. Phillips 'spent
last . Week with hiS grandparenta.
Mr. and Mrs, John Swan at ,Bervle.
'--Miss A: Reoch, of Termite is
spending a week with Miss Paton
—Mrs. Walter Smillie returned
home from the Winghnni Hospital,'
Where she had been a patient for
nearly feel. weeks, following an
'Mt and Mrs. Donald Dehilage
London Were in toWn on Thursday
and ori•Priday took Mrs. JOC King
find 'fainily to London to see the
.--Week-end visitors • with Mr,
,and Mrs. Bruce Maebonald were
Mr: and -Mrs, "Roy Bridge, 'Mari-
anne and (Den ;of Toronto, Mrs.
'Itay Bell and family of Camp Vet'
eiveaWa visited Monday evening at
the halite Mine,
-Miss Gentle Newman of Tor.,
onto is spending her vacation with
her brother, Mr. and .Mrs Chris
'—Mrs. Keith Dunbar le a patient
in St. Joseph's Hospital,- Londorn
where she unciervient eurgery on ,
• -"--Holiday guests at the henne of
Mr. and Mrs., Owen King ' were
Capt. Kathleen McGinn; *Mineral
Wells, Texas; Mr, and. Men.:'Inciis
Fletcher and Jane of Hanillten;
Mr. and MrS: Henry McGinn,, Las'
Angeles, Cal, Miss IVIargarei King'
has returned to London -where:Bile'
win attend the. University of :Wes
tern Ontario this.summer;
—Mr. and 'Mrs. Albert Rintoul
and Dohald spent last weelt],insit-
Mg at Parry Sozzed *with Mr; :add
Mrs. Kenneth Rintoul,
--Mrs, Arthur Bowen, • of Mark-
dale visited on Saturday With her
sister, Mrs. Lloyd IlingSton.. Mrs.
George Nicholson and. Ricky of • the
Nile spent the week-end at the
same home.
—Mr. and Mrs. Ron• Murray:and
children, of Toronto,' Spent' the
week-end with his 'mother,, Mrs: 'W.
C. Murray and Doug. "Mrn,a,nd
Mrs,'D, S; Thompson bf TeeSevater
spent Sunday at 'the same ..hhhie.
—.10. and Mrs, Neil SPant0..: o(
Detroit spent several dayS!..With
their daughter, Mrs; AngnaONY-
nray, Mr Mowbray and .family,
.over the Independence. DO; Week
4'sful and Penny 'Bell-,OfPe r i lia
• "ei.
spent last -week with ,tizeir,:graild
parents, Mr. and Mrs.-F.; S4:41gar,
at the lake:. - t I
Fred Fuller. Was 'a• week-
end guest with MISs Margere0Ed
gar, Reg.N., at her homelier *roxe-
ter; ,- •
—Mr. and Mrs, Michael Willie'?
and family yisited last week ;with'
Mr,' and ,Mrs. Dan, Adamson,: for-'
merly of: Wingham, at their home
'in Tilburyn
•.--Mrs. Milton MeBurney of-iLene
don spent' the week-end at • the
home 'of: her sister, Mrs. Frank
Thompson, John St,
—Me, and Mrs, Robert Sinniiinori
and Richard spent a feW dayaildst
week at the home" of her parents,
Mr, and Mrs. Oscar Rock of Morik-
—Mr. and Mrs. John Stacey spent
the week-end with her family in
—Mr. and. Mrs. Bruce Simpsori
and Douglas and Shawn of Flint:
Mich., spent the week-end with
her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Aldin
Purdon, Minnie St. Douglas and.
Shawn stayed to spend the summer
with their, grandparents.
—Jim Newman and Don daeLeaa
of Barrie spent the weekeend at
their homes.
--Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Higgins
and fanilly and Mrs, D. Kerr , visit-
ed from 'Wednesday to Satutday
With the latter's daughter„ Mrs, C.
J. Stanwick of Toronto, ,They
were in Guelph and saw the Queen
on the day she visited that city,
-LMrs; Carl Griffith left early
last week for Manitoba, where she
Will visit xvith relatives, .
—Mr, and Mrs. ,Joe Mills of. Par-
iningtori, Mich., spent the week-end
With'. his 'parents, Mr, and,. 'Mee
Pretzels Mills.;
and Ma, Wilford Caslick
and tinnily. are holiday. ing at Brifee
Beach, -
-"'Miss Barbara Scott htii re-
turned lidme from Visiting ,at the
Koine of 'Mn and' Mrs, "Lueky"
Amheault, Termite, The hater vis.
ited` on Sunday At the hOhie pf Mr,
and Mrs. Leone Archer. Week-end
guesp Mr', and 'Vra.
Were Mn Mrs. Carman Lbtickes
of kitchener..
-,Mrs, teSlie Lahrendeatf, Isobel
Teddy and Bobbie,' of Wind8Or,
,aril Mrs, Brien Groh, .Kathy
arid Michael of Oshawa, Nits.•ttay..
'tritind Bell, and Wilily of Cabin
PetaWaWn; Mr, and ' Mrs., itoy
13rittite, -:Marlitinrie and. Donald of
Toronto old Mt, and Mrs. Iafileg
Scott, Joanne and Janie of
BlYth visited With their Whither,
Mil, Roy MaeDonald,
ittottit Ukty 1 ,poinutir+ r•g? 04s) , i•i, ...,.' to :e)v tho 1**,, 'We "to the,
hiimr6 -1,0' their careleas action,
Some gro‘glaPP. not rea1P4Ing this,
11'“'n 'equal 'blame; to all, inatea4 of
jp`st. to '. het ones who mishandle
eors oh open 'highwaYe and en-
stinger thellYea of the citizens of
our IprOVIOC,c; 14.$ well as their own.
l'Oo' WY' or girl ‘v4o \rates on
the "highways Is not well liked ,by
grOmItifIPS for they are hot always
polite, 'PerltaPS this. habit came
iron their homes, Therefore our
eldersi are Met "afi reSeonelhie 'an
we are, This Is true because lack
of epupteiy en 'the highway often
Means, lack . of Courtesy any piece
R is the, duty, of all teenagers" .in
all parts of Ontario •to practise all
the safety' rnles and in se doing
take the first step leeward to be-
coming.; ,a, • responsible Canadian citizen,, 0 - 0 , ,p
:,.'.1149•11WAir -WITTY' '
•1..„Y.,114fis,,*ight1Pan, V.S.S, 11,
r,Clio:k:lviOvirnokh and ilinrrhi
. $f,/k.7/!:ia.lii,13Ally.,frOro..111e.aPlwol.,
patreil„.. .13ellig in this positton, I
;earl "keep an:: eye On all safety ,
faults 9iir : 0:4 friend,, the po-
licernan,•:has:tOld.ine that a large
amoirit".Or otir accidents' are due
to„varelessricsa.,.' Take Bob Brad-
ley for. instance„"Bdh Was care-
less-0(0A to walk from between
thiase parked earsinstead of cross-
ing'ittr,tn 4.0klier: 'Harvey Johns-
'tint rah 'into the Street, after his
hasebalf "alid.'iral ' Haines •walked
-with 'his-hack to the' traffic. Now
hey!i#payling,hp for it in the hos-
ffitli. ' - 77' . ' ' ' i
1 : I- Alit 's,: fe*/ thingS: Myself that I
realizel •Nnere WrOng When learn-
, , •
to, ri4kixi), hicyCle I; `;hitched"
;Onto ' stirs so I could. ride faster.
'Rid qt,. line, •-•:lentnali •4.,speined , pr'etty
Snatt:- But I learned, finallY, and
iiineIve.'. bad ahiOf sense. t\yd
FvC,,entiipned an
' . , bicycle with
reflentiye ntape,: re s.,,. and white
lighti,''a' hell , new 'pedal treads,
spokes and'itiree And Of . course I
alWayS: Wear ,Vehite clothing when
walking-or- riding at night.
- To stun ,,It ,all .up, "Awed Care-
lessnesa!" , I believe we boys and
girls should do our part in making
our )righwaYa ..liaipPy,Wayel .
Please .obeysthese safety rules
aild‘reditee Canada's death toll.
Facts aNtit Chicory
Tm Rumanian .• •folklore chicory
was ,onee, a blue-eyed princess who
Was, so lovely, .that the. Sun, pass-
ing oveiheadnaS she walked in the
garden, !ell in hive with her. But
tshe 'hiss-advances, and in
pictaa he :tlirFed., her• into a flower
'whose little eyes Must 'watch him
the' 'whole 'day through,. from the
niolUerit, he• rose "until at last he
s'ert;,' • :*
•-• This She did:. ler awhile, absorb-
ing '-,some of :the .; luetre' of his
bright rayS: in her 'vivid flewers,
Then ., she .',rerineinliered her. -fairy , gocintoth er Who: had Watched over
her 'from ;'babyhood and called up-
*, the •IktirY-' to ,nedo the - Sun's
mischief" .and :restore her to human
strong enough
godmother's 7waagsict.owaesnanbolet,
The'- ai ' v.br
Best* she
her :110erar: at-ndoin,, So 'her hours
3iviitehilig the ardennSun would
Yn Germain folklore, Chicory was
anblez&eyed7fratilein 'whose sweet-
heart *tif$:.called aWay„ few days
Wei',e';:to' he, married.
Ttle;;Weelesepasaed Aria the 'months,
and. be not return.
Day ..aftei :day : the Sorrowing
tratilein" .stciod,,hy . the roadside,
watelzing.;Suid.rWaiting, until at last
the4bels took pity on her and
turned her blue-floWered
roadside ;chicory. " '',1 •
100,600 ,Can.
come frt.
New ii Canada! 'the striking Mmes.-
4 Elyse& 4-door family,size sedan. Pins
reclining seats and all the famoua Simoas
'extras as standard -equipment! pee it
today! High fashion never cost keg.
Len' Crawford Motprs.
Phone 710 ' Wingham
SAVE Iffe4..: IAN;
32 ozi...63c ,*
savv,16C-,- Hiknts - lqinuitt
- CAKE 7 (Or 44:00!
39c SAVE •10e— ' •
CHELSEA Tin,n'ed
35c 1.19.:
ILooking for a GiftP
PURE, IRISH LINENS are ao. right'fOr:
Weddings, Anniversaries 'or any i.occaSion.
A Very pleasing selection of BRIDGE SETS, in ,delicefa
shades have just arrived and.they make such an attras7
five gift. ' Priced from $2798 up
,BOXED PILLOW CASES,"Of "eit'O.Op"tiOnel lllllllll qualify,
hemstitched,- and with fancy Min. ,Price $2.98 & S3.95
Fine qualify Wabasso PILLOW CASES, cello wrapped,
• from $1 39 to $2',1 s
WABASSO SHEETS of various good C utilities, rinOing
LI in price from lll „„ llllll $6.50 pair to $9.9$ pair
GIFT. BED SETS Very attractively boxed,, consisting
ot one sheet and 2 pillow cases, with lent), Coloured
li border. Price l llll $9.95
Some With matching napkins; In varloos,pep-e 1'.
War shot. Priced front $7.95' Up to $29:50
LINEN TEA TOWELS in bright fanOY ;Stripe ...... s- DRIP DRY TOWELS In novelty. ipatterni ....
r- Our fresh how stock consists Of many more smart Rion,
2_ we're tore you'll want to •see Atint
Limned .1134E ottomot ,stoitio . tactoitointioctirinfotharifloctiummviotiouto
,STUDENT -,1111,LITIA--Soine -22. ,young men. from and. Lis--
towel districts are now engaged in i seven-week course at the local
armouries, studying -various aspects of.modern warfare. Included. in
the group above are: back row, left to right, Gunners, B, Fuller,
B, Wallace, E. bey, J. Wild, R. Hilsoci, J, Jardin, J. Woods; centre,
.€7, Ilia tneriend, UpPer, B.-Abernethy, • R4 -Miellinezien L Lockvinode
Q. Jones, IC. Chettleburgh.; front, G. Foxton, B. Irwin, B. Adains, ;R.
Howard, D. Illabpod, R. Ifollenbeck, I1. Yeo. Standing, left, Sin F.
Hall, 2/Lt. E. Anderson, Bdr. •J. Merkley; standing right WO2
Hastings and Capt. R. Ritter.--Advance-Times photo.
lin: OM .1*
**Out aPe6i-
naWic hnild
eaeli re lbsde
" fii*ta, sea 'YOOT
eitOrie Sikkdierife rePry.
eeieha~i~e ado,,
7,01.0106 A, jardii
Ike *Ingham, Ont.