The Wingham Advance-Times, 1959-07-08, Page 8WediteSdaY, il h,4059 John O'Malley Winghatn Native , join, (Malley., -AI, died in Mou nt Cerrnet EonJtU, 'P rolt s was, tv3 born in Wingharn and is survived by his widow., Winnittred;,ana eight children at home. Ile had lived in Detroit 00 years, Alag, surviving Are. two, brothers, Eat °wow of Kingsville and , Thomas of •Winghtun and two sN, tars, Mts. Alex Til1onand Miea 'pridgetta -O'Malley of ,Sarni; Requiem Mass Was At St. GI7R- gory's Roman Catholic Chureh. at! .10 Thursday. Burial was in Holy Sepulchre, Cemetery, D etroit O r 11 I flr SOPPart you Veatio irKftisry tqci, .1.0414040 PSC' opplicelcoo. • 4t4l,PRIWY-K$ Ree_akt Dow Store k. 0, ALAN WILLIAMS Optometrist Patrick St., Wingham Phone 770 C ec W alpole Folding FLOOR Aluminum WALL 1 ' AWNINGS TILES ' LUMBER — BUILDING -- Telephone 260 Aluminum sfasH cupiltomiDs Wingham ST. HELENS TAG and Mrs. 'Fred ThOMPSOn and 'pen ny of Elteter Were .reenta visitors with her Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon MeeP.hetSen. Donald McIntyre or Braeelniclge Is holidaying with his grandpar, ants, Mn and Mrs, W. I, iiJer, Mrs, Callum Cameron .and Cato) of Detroit and t, Erian. Staples ,of OMP ,VOrden, were week,,end guests of Mr, and Mrs,. :John Cain, eron for the Catneron-Miller Wed, ding on :Satu rday., Mr.:Merles Stuart of Regina, is visitor with 'his brothers; One, and George, and Mrs, Stewart, Mn And Mrs. E, W. Rice attend.. ed the Webb-Bryan reunion at terntiale Park, near -.Orangeville, on. Sunday, Mrs, D, Todd and Mrs. D, S. McIntosh of 'St. Cathertines are holidaying at -the 'former' s borne here. Mies.es Nor ma ForSter And -Patsy Fora n are employed at Grand Bend and Miss Beverley Gaunt, at 'Kin- card i ne for the .vacation„ • NON. - TUES. - WED. •. July 6 -.7 - 8 , SPECIAL ADDED • . ATTRACTION In our- regular show , THE FLOYD PATTERSON 1NGEMAR .TOIIANSSEN Fipirr PICTURES- ' Direct from ,ringsidc.„ See the new World's Champion in action. , W.EDNESDAY•and THURSDAY , '-July Sand-ft "PARATROOP COMMAND" Kids living to the deadly 'thrill of JUmwand - • "SUBMARINE SEAHAWK" , Sea planes; iihiPs and Subsiti one' titanic battle ' ' SATURIAY ' • 401y 10 and'11;'-- • "ARIVOTOgg's,(-,pf TOM SAWYER'- 'The Storybook Favourite of ,everyone.. • - • "GOLDEN.; 'AGE' OF COMEDY" Stan Lau rel,' Oliver .Hard Y and Will Rogers Bathing, Beauties ahd Ctistard Pies in: a. Carnival Of Comedy SPECIAL SUNDAY NIDNITE • 'NIS' "HELL SHIP MUTINY" Plus Judy CanOva. in "LAY!THAT RIFLE DOWN! An accident, —a sudden illness • : '0,rieof.the first things you do is summon medical ..•:41p; by telephone. „ In an emergen cy your telephone ,gives you ptompt an -puce ess aid, just kiion;ing it is ther ready to 'serve you day or: night, is a comfort in Ii's hard to put a valhe on these thing's. Yet-, telphond provides them all-'—and more—at 4111f1IMUITI Cost. ' ; , • THE EMI TELEPHONE 'COMPANY OF CANADA'.• • ‘ '1244t'l) 'stored-gratn - insects s nozal -.When yOu ,apraryour bins with MALATHI0g: .4neeCticide':heforefilling:andadd Malathion ' to the grain, you Kotect-' olit'sp)redtgraiti from three Moiltha4o"`a:;Year:orclopger: • Malathjini insectiCide:More.thath, meets all the req#einentg'-cif a-good . grain protect t. offer ii the highest.poaisible safety factor to humans and animals, Let Malathion end insect'damage for you. Your insecticide dealer is the man to see! ISO .A. 1VA. .1111' 11 CYANAMID OP CANADA LIMITIO M [Bo 1.75 '7"4,`"1- 7t ,,, JUST DRIVE UP . . . Tell us' yoXr..auto troubles . . . Every lob gets immediate attention ,from a;'carefi41; skilled mechanic or service expert SEE US c WON- " WINGEIA Phone 139 TO FEED EFFICEENC Market prices of farm products paint to a greater-than-ever need for economical farming operations. Streamlined set-ups in all phases of your farming business are the order of the day. , You can do a lot towards keeping your farming operation on a sound basis by keeping your management practices up-to-date, raising breeding standards and feeding for maximum economy. The sound approach to cutting feeding costs starts with a visit to our mill. We can show you the SHUR-GAIN feeding programme designed and PROVEN for your particular farming operation by teams of experts in the SHUR-GAIN Laboratories and at the SHUR-GAIN DEMONSTRATION FARM at MAPLE, On- tario. Lay the foundations of a profitable farming future — NOW! WHITECHURCH Make a point of visiting . .FEED 5.ERVICE: BALANCED FEEDING HEADQUARTERS Canada Patkers WINGHAIVI ONTARIO Those who left here on the bus from Teeswater last Tuesday were Mr, and Mrs, Garnet Parriet, Mr. and Mrs. Geo rge Walker, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Leaver, Mt, and Mrs. Gershom Johnston, Mrs. Russell Gaunt, Miss Annie Kennedy, Mrs, John McGee, Mrs, Robert Purdon, :Ernest Beecroft, Mrs. E. E, Walk-er,'Mrs, Elmer Ireland, Mrs. Chas, Shiell, Miss Leah Currie, Mrs, Ro- b e rt Powell, Mrs. E, Parrish, Miss :Mary • Hehn,, Mrs. Bert Holmes, Mi.-Hereon Irwin, Mr. Thos. Met- ,Caife," Mta. prank •Ross and the 'Teeswater :linstittite, group. They sto pped at gollin gwood, where they went through the Blue 'Mountain Pottery, and the Georgian China eihop, They had dinner in Coilin g- wood and went on to Bracebridge, where they went through the San- ta Claus Village and had supper at Otillia on the return trip, • Mrs. A. E. Buckton was taken by ambulance to the Win gham Hospi- tal on Saturday; and Mr. Buckton has been staying at the home of ills daughter, Mrs. Gib Hamilton, at tili6krioNtr. • and Mrs. Alex Nkhery and' family, of Totonto visited ,on Sun- day ,at the -home of her ,brother, T: 1,i•Win and Miss Grace MacLea n of Brussels spent Ake week-end with her sister, Mrs. - . 'Miss :Jessie Finlayson of Seaforth 4.4: Visiting , this: week at ::the home of Mr, -and Mrs, Alex Leaver. Mr. and Mrs. Hackett and baby .loan: of Ashfieid visited at the Lea- Betty of Birm in gham sperit' the week-end with Mr, and MrS:'17:i'd:- tor Emerson and other KinlossTif- fin families. •',. Mrs. ' George Tiffin, • Lu cknOw, visited- on 'Sunday with 'Mr. and: Mrs..An gits Faleorier, Mrs. Jean Storey of ,Los Angeles,:: Cal.; has be en visiting it the hoin'e of her son, Me: John •WoolcOlt, of Glenannan. -Mrs. Storey an d Mrs. WoOicock and baby Ole n ited with •Mr, • and :'Mrs. William Kennedy at • MartioCh on, Friday:7: Week-end visitors at the Kennedy home were-Mr. Cfifton•MOOre, Allan 'Moore, Mr, Sarri',Brook and: 'Mr, and Mrs; Jos. Barrett of Tatiri don ; Mr, and Mrs. John Jelfsatid , four child r en of Nit. BrYdges; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hcdlancl: arid fotif children la Mt, and, Mri. Ge6rge Stewart of AilsCraig,', Mr. • arid Mrs. Porest.Payne of Detroit vie :- Red •th e re on SundaY.': , Mr, and Mrs,!,Arehie Purdon andt Kathy visited -on Su nday with her Mother, Mts. Webster Jacklin ,: ' Mr. and, Mts. Oliver' Stokes-. of' Glenannan visited: orrSunday- With Mr. and Mrsij. Beedroft.• - Thirty 'Tiffin Workin g this: summer with Da,n,McItinis ross and 'was' home ''for' therWeek- . , Miss Marjorie Currie: of London spent the weekend With h'et mo- ther, Mrs. -'flu . Mr, and Mrs,' Tat': JantW•and M arfled hoi.inCieri°i1.4oric :tfiGt9irrgiriP4,11i:e!t cttgiva and the St, Lawrence- Seaway on Friday, • . Mr. and Mrs. Orville Tiffin, Mr. and Mrs. Jos, Tiffin and 'daughters, Mr, and Mrs, Dan 'Tiffin,, Mr. and Mrs. James McInnis Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Falconer and Alan Falconer and. Mr. and Mrs. jamei Falconer and Leis attended tba Falconer- McInnis gamily gathering -held the home of Mr, a nd Mrs, Mervin Falconer on Highway No, 4, smith of Cli n ton on July 1, This is the 20th annual gathering and .Alex Butler of Goderich was president ; William McInnis of Teeswater was. appointed president for next year and the gathering will be held at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Cecil Falconer. About 100 were present from Kitchenet, WalkertOn, Tees- water, Goderich and local points, Mrs. Cecil Falconer spent the week-end at Sainia where 'Mr. and Mrs, A, E. Purdon of, LucknoW were visiting, A Purdon fatnily gathering was :held on Saturday with Detroit relativeS Attendin g, Rev, and Mrs, -Robert' Watt and children of Toronto are holidaying for two Weeks at the littine of his parent; Rev, and MrS. W. 3, Watt. Mr. and MrS. Jelin Barbour of Saskatotm and Mr, and Mrs, Glen - Burke Of Brandon Mao spent a few days last Week at the Watt home, and Mr. tleyborne Thonlpson and Mr. and. Mrs. George Thompson and eons of FeVershatin visited On Sunday with her parents, Rev, and Mrs, Watt, Miss Muriel Moore is spending this week at Sauble Beach, where Mr: and Mrs, lathes Wilson and their family, of Eketer, are 'hell - (laying at a tottage. Mr. arid Mrs. Sack Mite:hell, Who spent the past two weOrs at Ed- :Merit:UM, -arrived luniee on Saturday, Mr, and Mrs, Ronald Forster and family Of Lucknow,visited Sun- daY tit the borne of lila brother, Mr, William Forster. 111t, and Mrs, Ahdte* MAUI and David of 0611016 v1iiit4 *d on Sunday, with ter ',Iottithoit; RObiri Campbell', of Wingham, And, , Witb Mn and Nro. citoy Laidlaw, Mr. and Mr; Cameron Simmons. :and Natioy, of Itolidon, Agiited :on ,-Sunday with her parents, Mr. And Mrs, Charles Martin, Pan 1.414, ;law :accompanled tben)- )0r4e 1.fondon, where she Will spend a a 'rtln ' has been Under the doctor's care -during the past Week wAll a heart condition, -Mrs. Clayton Scholts .and On, of 1,4ondOn, spent last week. With .his Parents, Mr, and. Mr, ra Sehoitz, INfr,. and Mrs, Clnyton, Scholta have purchased home in Goderi ch and move there next week, Carl Weber and little son , returned home from the winghttinq Hoopitat )apt Thursday, 4,10 Mrs, George Weber of 'Kitchener And Mn, and Mrs.„ Jack Mock of . l'istowol visited on Banday at the Weber borne.. M r, Getshoto Fe rguson and his son, Douglas, or Kyle, Sask., are spending two, weeks at the home _of !his u ncleMr..Ceorge Casennore, -Of, Turtiber ry, -and With othe r re- lativesin this dist rict--; and Mrs, Kenneth Purdon 0:1•0; sOn-johil-;(4.',T4O-rntiale:•.gpoois 4hp, wook.:ootj wit!, 4-0,$ parents, a nd 'Mrs:Sohn Portion and .oth, ir relatives -here, Mr.,' and . Mrs'. Melville Beecroft, Solin , and.: Wayne,: of, Otterville, spent a few' days last week at the , borne' of 'his brother, Mt, Gilbert Beectoft, and -with Mrs. Dow and :Mrs, Heck& Hamilton, Gorrie. The teettoft farbily: left ;on Man daY to spend two Weeks in a camping trip to Lake Nipissing and No r thern Ontario, 'Bermuda and the West Indies, ha rt Reecroft. Igto Waii00, leaves next Monday with three friends for a conducted tour to New York, last week with her sister,. Mrs. Gil- 014111011miiimompitillitiottimillipm$01001800110,110111111011.101181018001A '' I OPTOMETRIST , . g a . .. . i i SOUNI). See our HEARINA11). GLASSES, N 0 Xiimilli)jiliiilommilimiimitiplItoulityliiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiii(11081001.0$05 .— . Phone 37 for Appointment :' it i Now A. whole new golden world of SIGHT And M. ; W. R. i i - -- -- HAMILTON ,..11 a- , , • iightept in weight,. . , , i i i "So we phoned the doctor and..." 1111 *** THEATIII AT DUSK Two Shows Nightly Cartoons at every pinlorinance Institute Holds Children's Day Hl bursday was Children's Day ,at the 'meeting of the Women's Institute held At the community ball and the were 29, of thera -Preeent 1.4diOs.., Nfro,. Charles McDonald, the presi-, dent, Was In the chair, And the meeting was open ed with the sing, lug of the Institute Ode and the repeating of- the Mary Stewart Collect. The roll eall was ..answer- ed by the Allowing of your baby picture. The secretary-treasurer reported 1P44.,35 en hand. It was -agreed to .send a.contribution of '400 toward the gifts or Arthur Polton and Mrs. Shirley MacAllister, who 'have resigned their position of assistant agricultural representative, and home economist respectively for Hum County. The program was in cha rge of the Happy Handicrafters with their leader, Mrs. Gordon MacPherson and assistant, Miss Irma Forster, who , read* a n article, :"IVIerbary In- surance" .- by Ethel,. Chapman, Glady's: McDonald sang '"Lord of th e f,ands". Nancy Curran had 'g611*-rieldi0 aild"IcrabO'n'or'Sclit, Contest. Mrs. Ernest Gaunt read a story. Games and races were en- joyed on the lawn -ami a- picn ic lunch conclu ded a pleasant After- noon, ver home on Sunday., Mr, and Mrs, Robe rt Montgomery and mx," .Elliott,', Mr. ad lirTs, Jahn jamiesori• and' sobs and other Keith relatives A ttended 1.11 Keith family reunion'. held in Lis- towel park on Sunday, • ; Mr, and Mrs, Albert Cameron of Lucknow visited on Sunday at the home Qf their daughter, Mrs, Mas- on Robinson.• ", Mr. john L, Cur r ie has been laid up for the past three weeks -with a badly sprained back, Mrs. Car- rie and the children and her Mo- ther, Mrs. William Orr and Robert of La•ngside, Mi. and Mrs, Clande 'Mr. and Mrs, Alfred Crocker, Dore and family,' Bervie, Mr. and' Jim, an d Laura Lee of Mt. Brydges Mrs. Willis --Lapp and fa mily, of Visited last Wednesday at the home Wingham, Mr. ,and Mrs. Andre* of her ,sister, Mrs, Thomas Reid, Or; Hensel], Mr, and Mrs.' Oswald dt,Mathoch. Laura Lee stayed for Ruudi and f amily, Londoit, . the weekend and Miss Manny Reid and Mrs, -Melvin Orr, - Elmwo6d, of Mt, tryd ges spent'the week-end and Mr. and Mks. James 00, and with her parents. family", of Parkhill, were • among . Mr. and, Mrs. Stewart Couplan:d • the Orr fatniliee who: attended Ole spent last week with,* and Mrs.: family get-togeth e r in Exet er On Chailes. Robinson and With WrOx- Sunday. • !?! •eter ielatives, Miis Audrey Ashby Mr. and 'Mrs. Harry: and: and' Mr:. Patrick Hussey and Mr. Tupper Cunnin gton of Toronto are visiting at the' Robinson home this Week, ‘, Mt• Kenneth: Cunnington alio visited there for the week-end. •• Hu ghie' Paterson of Leamington' Spent a ,few clays•Jast week with his u n cle, Mr. F. MclC Raterson, Mr, p,nd:Mrs, ester Small of Lon- don, visited :wlth-^Mr, Paterson on Sunday. Mr. Small is a former Win ghani • man. „9 • Mr. • Wallace 'Conti and 'family visited on Sunday with Mr, 'and Mrs.. Gordon Scott of RiPley, misses Florence ,and Margaret :Moir of Toronto spent; •the week- 'end at the•hOrne of their sister, Mr's. lames Richardson. . ' MrS,•:•Jarries, keen- and child r en of I sndhu ry• are Visiting this, week .at the:het-tie of her parents, Mt. apd MrS;;Iehnston Conn. . Mrs. P'aterson or l'ordnio' spent th e Week-end with. her /n o-. ther, Mr's, William Taylor. -I' Mr, and Mrs. Earl Caslick visited ,OnSun day With Mr. and 'Mrs. Lea- I•i!MI3r,r3,7.,a"ndo:I.aVfTrus.rn yVbeirlriro.'M- arker and family 'Of 'Exeter and ,Mr, Ro= heti •McClert aghan and- Mr. and Nira, Qlarence :McClenaghan, Eldon 'azid Beatrice . of ROthsay, 'visited Wednesday Itiat With Mr. and Mrs. Ben :McClenaghan. Mr. and Mrs. Max Stewart of Preston visited, -With -Mn', and :Mrs. Carl MeClenag- :halt On Sunday. ' ' Mt, 'and Mrs. Melvin MeClenag- lien and Michael Of •Kitchener are *got at the Alionie '• his sister; 'Mrs, Statitey',Leeson ,in Nariakno; Be. • Mr; and*Mrs.,Russell Gaunt and lariet visited. on Friday at the OW of Mr, and Mrs. Wallace RI- 'hey' of: Port Mr. and Mrs. Ruseell Proctor of A:;aVoniai Mich., spent the wee k- end with, Mr. and Mrs Russell 'Rifch!ieas, A ,Mr. and Mrs. Alex -Murray .of Sharon, spent the week-end at the Mur ray cottage at Langside. , Mr, and Mrs. Russell Gaunt were Called to Hanover' Hospital on Monday mo rning where their daughter, Janet, underwent an op- eration for appendicitis, 1Vilss June 'Wright, of Clifford, spent the 'week-end at the home of her sister, Mrs. Sidney Thompson. ;,) MISs Barbata Campbell of Lon- don spent the week-end with Mrs. Robert Ross and Mrs. Ross tic-• compariled Miss Campbell back to London on Monday to Visit in the city. Mr, Alex McKentie of Langside ViSited on Sunday at the home of his nephew, Mr, John Cant, The children of Mr, and Mrs, George McGee have been ill with measle0 during the past week. The children' of Mt, and Mrs. Robert 'Adams have also been siek with the same disease. Mr., Ross McMichael is ,now sta- tione4 at Parry Sound and he spent the week-end at the home' of Mr, and Mr; GerShom Johnston. Mr. and Mrs. McMichael made a trip to Sarnia onSuriday, Mr, and Mts. Johnston visited at the home of their daughter, Mrs, Ed Robin- st n, Donnybrook, whose stop, Billie, injured his foot last Week and has it iit a, 'C9t, Mr, and Mrs, Albert Bieniat; and family visited On Sunday With his patents 'Mr, and Mrs. Roger Montan at Walkerton. • Mr. -Mid Nit's. Cecil Ski,ntier of Exetet, spent a few days last week at the hen* of their daughter,' Mrs, Kenneth Mason. Mii0 :land Watts:in, of itrude. had 04 040 Mrs, Eugh Pavia MeDonald of mliton spent the week.end with her parent; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Coulter. Jimmie 'Robinson, -also of Milton, spent the we ek-end with his parents, -Me, And Mrs, Chas. Mr, and Nos. Garnet Farrier and Wayne spent the Week-end with Mr ,and Mrs. 4aplt Gillespie of Sarnia and Mrs. J. G. Gillespie and Janie Farrier, who had been vis- iting therh, returned home, - The July Meeting of the Women's Institute will he held on T uesd ay in -the Memorial Kali, with M rs. Emerson and Mrs. McInnis as the hoSteseee, Mrs, John Reavie, of Wingbare, Will give the talk on the work with retarded children. The United Church Sunday School held its annual picnic at th e -Poplar Grove park on Satur- day, with •I'ciaren Grosko rth • and Arthur Lakilaw in charge of .the races anil, contests, •, Mr. 'and' Mrs, Bruee Simpson -and 501I5 of Flint , :visited oh, Sunday With Mr. and Mrs William A put,. den. ' 1110111111116111.111111.1116111111111110111111111111111 , MON. -. TUES. - WED. jUly 13 •=, 14- 15 "SALOME" • (Technicolor) "SLAVES OF BABYLON" (Technicolor) Two Mighty Spectacles from the Pages of the Bible 111111111111111111101111 NMI 111111111111111111111111111111 Loans $150, to $2,500, or more. Take up to 80 months to repay on wide selectiOrt of loan plane. rae‘cotirteoue service. 141 THE SQUARE, PHONE TIT GOORRIOH, ONT. IF IT'S CASH YOU NEED, THEN DON'T DELAY CALL T.C.O. ON THE PHONE„,TODAY teelnk •