HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1959-07-08, Page 7Articles for Bale Being Collected BELGRAVE—The regular fleet- ing of the 'Ladies' Guild of Trin- ity Anglican Church was' held at the home of Mrs. Clark Johnston, who opened wilb. :a hymn; prayer and Lord's ,prayer in unison, The Scripture tieSson Was read by Wits, Alec NethetY, kinuteS were read, by Urs, Ricliand PlOdtet. Plans were Made for Placing flowets in' the; churgh and clean- ing'„the church, ,Articles for the bale are to be ;left at: the home Of Mrs Lawrence Vanillin Several cards of thanks were read. The August lineable'', will be held at the home of Mrs, Robert Procter. Plans were iiiade for making crib quilts tor the bale, , • The meeting closed with prayer, grace was sung and lunch was, served by the hostess assisted by Mrs, Cora McGill and Mrs. Archie, Montgomery. Former Employees Receive Gifts In order that the 1959 campaign may be finialized as speedily as possible, it is re- quested that all Canvassers who have not yet reported will do spas quickly as possible, ALSO—if you have been missed- in the canvast, and would like to donate to The Salvation 'Army PLEASE PHONE WINGHAM 129 or write to P.O. Box 16 and. a uniformed 8alvationist will call of you. 1' 0 Bloo ~it'GA111 41 wicnNESPAY, qT.34.7 adz* Wig XbbatittIrmir BET-AGRAVEMr, -and Mrs. Bud Orr, Wei,e:hioSks On,,Sattirciat„eVen- iiia,,ftf "fitturiltisa,,party'*,P.:,Mattitr Crosby 'and Gordon Bosnian,fortner„ 'for'. "the IiieigtaVe Co Operative, • • • An ,,anjoyable spent playing cards and social * chat. After ,' a barbecue lunch.' was' en- joyed,. Mr. Orr -gave an- address 'and-Lorne Campbell, Presented Mr. Grasby with a Pop-up 'toaster, .apd Ken. tarboir'; -Presented'. Bos- 'man , with a hassock: •-taelt. ex- pressed words • of thanks. Galbraith Reuhidn Held in Elora - GORRLE—.Miss Marie Hattie, is in Palmetaton HOspitaf7 following a ear-truck colliSien oh Highway 87 near Harriston on Sattitday even- ing, •Both vehicles crashed as each was trying to avoid hitting cattle• on the road. *Bob Strong also re- ceived cuts and bruises: ' BELhIIAYE .Mrs. Mel' Jackson of. Torantt,' Aiti. and' Ilea 'Murray Keyes and Todd' •of Louden, 'visited, with Mr., and IIts,1 Mel Bradburn during the week-end: ' • • Ricky, :arid. John Orr are spending some -ntiliclays with their grand- Pareitts,'-/titr. and Mrs, Melville Orr at, ElmWood. ' • • Mtg.. Helen IVfoturney and sons of Vffiigham and Mr, and Mrs. Jim Warwick and family of Blyth Visited, on Sunday 'with Mrs. Laura Johnston , and !George. Mr.'.and Mrs: George on and farrilly, of London spent the week.,•:. end with her parents,. Mr. and Mrs. Jithri:IlIcCallunt, and attended the Btuce, reunion held at their. twine, Mr i: and , Mrs. Les , Shaw and Sharon of London spent the week- end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. john'Anderstin. Mr and and Mrs. Ray flunking, of Blyth visited on Sunday evening with -Mr. and Mrs. James, Lamont and family. Mertbers of •the Belgrave EYeti- ing Auxiliary please note that the neat ineetinCwill be held on Tues- dtiy- 'aft.ernoort,-"July 1:4, .at ' Mrs. Clarence Hanna's, cottage, the tarm.,of .a picnic: ' • '!Miss Mina Procter of Toronto is ' Pend in ali'ltaW" days with Mr;"ttifit airs; Richard 'Praetor and JoYce. • Mr, rand .Mrs; W.' A. , Gibson and Wt. and Mrs, Victor Gibson Of Lis-- towel visited oh Sunday with Mt. and Mrs, David Armstrong.' Irene . Jones, London is spend- ing a° few' weeks holiday with tor grandparents, Mr„ and Mts. John ''.'Mr..and 'Mrs, Keith McDowell and family of St. John, Mich., and VisIted on '! Monday evening with Mrg, 'Alva McDowell of Westfield, Mr, ,and „Mrs. Albert Vincent.- - 4Mr,. Albert, L, Cole. of Kitchener anent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs..jiimes • „I Bruce Reunion at' Home RELGRAVIll--About 40 ;members ware, present at the annual- Etude reunion held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John McCalluni on Satur- day, July 4th. Games, races, soft-ball and a bounteous picnic lunch was bnjciy- . ed by all, The officer's' appointed for next year's• 'reunion to be field at the 10th line bridge are, president, James McCallum and secretary, Miss Lillian Bruce. GORRI 'Ml: Harvey Sifitling and, Miss' Jean §Osylfrig, " Mr. ; Mts. twart Whitfield -and tritest King,: 'Mr. and:'1VIrS."*. Cs King, Mr, and Nftg, Earl• King attended tile;Speiran Relinion Aft •Sttatfttd pai'Yrd on •SaittrdaY.;-, kr,•. and Mrs. W, .0 'Xing Went .en:tiKliondon re- turning "home ,-on.-, StInday. . Mrs. 1,p:in:MacDonald ancompanied them to' 'Visit ;their: friends in ,Gorrie. 'dr.-and Mrs 'Jack Blythe •and "familY, Miniik' anent. the July 1st ' holiday- 'With AIte and' Mks Ken Hastie.- Margie .,Hastie- returned 'home atter spending a few days 'in Yrixttico. Torn Hastier of Toronto spent, the weekend at, the same home: : „. Mrs;' Ken Heed of Sarnia 'visited over the - week :end With Mr. and - Mrs Wellesley Strong.. \Little:I:OM" 108."Ci returned 'home With them 'after spending soine; One 'with -her parents. ' ' ' ' Hilton Ashton-, was -'able to return • hoille -frOM." the Liatowel Hospital t. pri ' Thursday;'" i.kshwOrtli,' Mr., and 1%/trs. Roscoe IrfedOns aid,Eliznbetli and Mrs;',:,Sinititz' -of Litcan were.. V.Taiters''with Rev;•,E. M 113A Att#411, Smith is :,remaining for some. .time,, Mr. Attwell-iS7 attending' Sunimer • Seliork, .,„Lon.d,60:1' • ; Miss' ,Sandra•VVright..:IiitS the staff, of : • the.••Teronto,„Domin: ion Bank,. •„Congratulatidris. 'Alex: Ham- ilton, who: was ono of ,ten 'win- netss of, second prizes in the North kuron Safety ,Couneil'.eisaY, con- test. He received a' record 'player. Mr. and ,Mrs: Harry Rharne, Misses Corinne 'Blaine Mar- ion Robinson- are spending,, the week at' Port tight. " Sympathy I s, extended to • Mrs. David Neilson, whose father, Mr. Robt: Shiell Of Atwood; :died on ling of. Bervie,- who is ill, Little Gloria• 'Ross of ' Preston spent the Week with her grand- parents ;silt. :and Mrs, Morley Sell Miss Cheryl Haskins ' . HOwick, and ..Carrick tcly.. spent a „Couple of days- with Mr. and 'Mrs, L. Sanderson. ' Mr Bill Zimmerman 'returned home from Wingharn HoSnital or Friday. following ,an appendectomy. Miss Janette tyke, Toronto spent last week-end with her' pa- rents, Mr.' and MS. Clifford Pylte. Mr. .and Mrs. Cecil Grainger Mrs. W, Mcdtatchili, Misses Violet and Viola McCrackin called on friends in Strattotd on Sunday, Miss Wilma jean Edgar, Sarnia, spent the week-end with Mt. and Mrs. Murray Edgar. About 90 members of -the Black- :well Clan held a reunion in Gorrie ComMunity Park,on Sunday, Those present Were front Moorefield, Drayton, London, Elmira, KitChen- er, Alma , Mr, and Mrs-, Sidney Kemp and ListOwel„ 'Mrs. E, Brooker and Sheila, Mt.4'Oresi visited Mr, Mr, and Mrs: Id, Bolander din SondliY. Mr. and Mrs. 'Harold. Rohigidon rettitnedtunday from a motor trip to VanceitVer, RC, Travelling through the: 'United States going and returning the Canadian mike, Mr, and Mrs, Relit, Edgar, Dale and Diane, Mr, and .Mrs, , Glen lVfoMichael and Marione Ann visit- ea Mr. and lYfts,:.MberE Mebonald of Duthanr on Sunday,. Mt, and lArs,7 AntbrOse Oronnet, Oakville, spent Saturday with me, afid Mrs, Ono. -Finlay. Gwen O'Connor returned with• her pa- rents after visiting here, Mrs. Mcdaigz Swift Current, Bask,, MISitod last Week' with Mr,. and Mr,. T. L, McInnes, Mr, Douglas Me,Oaia, Toronto spent !jay at the :sante twine arid Mn tind ,Vta tighiliviotnnet, TOPIC OF SPEAKER . The Horne' I,felpers. iv4ra `F48t4‘ of the WKS:. 'of: M. 4.ndreW's preshyterlan ChUrch at 'their re,; gular Meeting on Jun* pOth, The vice-president, :!`:lira Cora' Gilkinson,.opened the 'meeting with cell to WoraniP, Mrs. •JaS,.•Cle- land read the parable of the sower from St, Marli's. G-ospai•rra in the inedltatidn -`;on .the paSPage asked the qttestign, "tact :cur re- ligiOn pure' deep enet,O, yhth- stand dr,M,fght end "PtirAdYerse circumstances?". Mrs, A Hentntil offered prayer and an ,instrumental Selolty !Mrs. the offering was dedicated by Mrs, P. Eaite,• In few, Well chbeitri words Mrs. J. PIllock_intrOdneed the speaker, Mfga Marion WIllyinason,-•tybal was for' many years missionary to the CentraVInclia.,' 'Miss Williamson read from I. Corinthil' ana l ,t hailer'; 1:,„: She said: we are Wealt, Vessels entruiteck, with' the Gawp', .1s our, duty ,and Trivi- tef :WI the ,P10,P17$e 40 the world when we have'dotie this, les rOLtile-00te901e kands• . me puohannn wng'tno first missionary Of the•IThill people Of India 41,4--0..t 'that time fret One ifterato`phil' p:mid found.,, Un- der the wash Which he Started the Gospel hag, beeeit preached to the poor and the t hils' tire 'Perhapa the .06ot-eat': people' in the world.' In that sixty years",',chtirehea,:•iellools and, hospitals'-have hien",,establish- ed, Christian EMI familiea have their Whole life--L-'spititual :and so- , cial—within the eh:nigh, Geod re- lations exist With. the government of India and ,'native „Christians trained 714 • 010§6 institutions are encenragell to worklot the good Of theit'people. , , , ," • Mrs,' W, coUlter ,dlOsed • the meeting' with7 Brayer, The 'social committee, convened • by Mts. H, V. Pylori •served'tea. ' — . • SEVE L A TS • • G-0(ORIELShartin eld- est daughter of arid Mks. • Blake McMillan fell Itorn;li stvlrigiwhdie yisiting her ,,.grandparents on Fri- day; 'breaking her right ; • turns%-btewart, had the fend, of his finker..,tayeni..off!Whi.fe,4hjk Plane nisehotne,„",,had arm ern,Sned While operating hey baler. BO* received:treatinent ; at the. Winghtim 'Harry, CtinvilY.',also regeiye'd rn Juries' •to„ hiS, forehead while. open lila „up a :ctir,of ;goal ' Jimmy: and ,'„torriMy, Toronto, the week-end : Master Inner, remained Merna And .Leonard' Nujny rethrnerr,..StindaY .7 -latter visiting relatives at Elirkend. •'• ••• Uri Kathleen Walkers ,Mtg. 5Villo•1,vs: :and 4it:'-f;;Oniv.:afput.6i 7 hitra ',11:11;%Of Victoria; Sqttrite, Act airs, 't and. 'Laurie, ,Stratfoid visited Mr. and Mrs. Fred ,Faigal; - Feigel, is recuperating at hiS hoine alter he, ing in Palmerston anciK.-W, pitala,• . • , • . , end Mrs Alex Graham,. C, gregg and Mr. georie Gregg and Mr:. Ltilu Sanderson' attended the TittetwitliCautpbeli wedding TunPerVille on Saturday: Miss Thelma Retinal* i4 ittandigg. Suniiner 'School, at the !University of Western Ontario, in London, # duesti On Sdnclay with Mrs. Frances Strong were Mtg., Marvin Johnsen, Mr...Frank Johnson and Mrs. Ronald Johnson, all of Lon-, don. Other recent visitors at the same home were Misses Emma and Mabel Itwin, Misses Mary and Gtace AylaSworth and Ml's, Mary Taylor; . . • Mr, and iirs:Lawiince Shirt and Carol of Fergus visited Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Short and Mktg Myrtle Shott on inly 1st. . Mrs. Alex Tayler returned to London •on July 1$t after spending the last.tWo weeks here. Mr, Tti-Y- lortealsoresturned, after visiting' ilw dity• Mrs, Hearn' Iisrnilton, Mrs. Baniliton, and Mtg. !Tay visit- ed in Brugsels with friends Thursday afternoon. Miss Pearl Harding of Toronto Mrs, ,Thitiiatti, and MisS Johnston Of Burlington and ita,tritkcin called On friends :here on Sattirday after- noon, antl,MkS, Arthur Miles, Mr. and Mrs, Clititlea•AliaterbeitY, Gail and toddy .of-tciiiinto silent Sufi- any' at the-110Se &f Mr, and Mfg, Notirign Wade, Miss Gall Austere berry, leaves on Inly 92nd for Lon- den; ngland, where She has been accepted • by the Royal 'Ballet Vhdohroe6. of London and Will study • Birth • Hospital, TliitradaY, June 28, 1959, to Mr. 44/Zizi Mit., *finial... 110m a set, -Shit14'1.14001414v.• Wit jti TOrciato • Msrriatre V.DWO. • were ..e.Natzt,1404 by Sheila ,lute ,balci4w 444 Imeort MA0,1 ••OfreM01,ti at laar St,.United clugc.4, Toronto, on (Saturday, July .4th pt. ,two Velge.h. The-04o, whin. W0.4. given in :mar- Golf Bridge There were four tables in play at the regular ,meeting of the Golf Bridge Club . on Thursday. The 'winners were Miss C. •Isbia- ter and Mts. J. Egleston. The hostesses were Mrs, H, Ed- wards and Mrs. George. Williams. • Anderson-Irwin White Madonna fillies decorated the Bethel United' Church on Sat- day, July.1 4th at 11 ani, for a clout* ring ceremony when v George Dunlop united in marriage Margaret Jean •Irwin, daughter ot Dr, and Mrs., A, W. Irwin of Lar- go,' Florida, and Gerald Keith An- derson, Torento, son of Mr, and, Mrs: Earl Anderso,n,'Ilrussels, .0nr, tarn), Harold Victor Pym of Wingham 'presided, at the organ. Given In marriage by Mr. T. A; Currie,, *Ingham, the bride was lovely in: a sheath coektail dress of Chantilly lace with, an over- skirt. or nylon swiss organdy,' the -bodice styled with sentare scalloped neckline and three quarter sleeves. Her fingertip veil was of pure silk illusion and she carried a cascade of red, roses •and stephanotis. At- tending the 'bride was her twin sister, Mrs. L. •Ste, Marie of Milton Wearing a sky blue silk organza, sheath and carrying a bouquet of pink and, white carnations. James' Anderson of Guelth was groonia- man for his brother, koi a wedding trip to Florida, the bride chose a blue linen sheath with- patching short jacket Om- bpssed with white and white ad, ces,sories: Mr. and Mrs. Anderaon will reside in Devinsyiew, Ontario. SwImmIng CI4ssep Started :this Week .GOORIE,--1 About •90 youngsters begaritheir Water Safety training this, week' at the Gorrie cOninninity. park, :Bob tr.:ash:bridge' don , tbe instructor ,with, Sandra. Edgar 'as assistant, ' This i's''the third Yearthat stvixri- ming, instrUction:, has' 'been given nere. The, 'course is 'sponsored 'try the Had ',Cross and ,the loCation :on the Maitland Riper, is Ideal. • Service Today for : jolin,MacE•47i.rt,. • GOARIEL: 'John MacEwan; •'911 died on Sunday. A resident Of Molesworth, he was born on the B Line, Ttirnberry- Township, the' on of the late John 1/LacEtvan and his wife, the former. Isabel McTavish, Mi. 340E1:Van farmed in Grey Township for mail, years, prior to "retiring to Molevvorth.' His, wife, the former :Ellen McIntosh, pre- deceased hiin in 1958. • Surviving, are one daughter, Mrs. Ben'' (Marguerite) Johnston„, of. Thamesford; one son, Gordon, of Johnston; London; two sisters, Misses. Belle and Martha Mactwii-n, TuritberrY;`two' totherg, Allen. Mactwan, Turnberry Twp,, and James Maetwan, Sault Ste, Marie. Funeral service will be condncted by Rev. W. J. McClure in Moles- worth Presbyterian Church on Wednesday, July 8 at 2 p,m, burial will be in MOlesworth Cemetery. MILLER REUNION HELD IN PARK GORRIF_e--- The Miller reunion Was held in the Gotrie conthiunity Park on the afternoon of July 5th with an. attendance of 53; Thote from a distance were John Collingwood; Mita , Helen GibSon ,and Cameron Miller, To- ronto; Archie and ,Mrs. Wells, of Erin; Miss Mary Millet, Detroit; Miss Mite Higgins, London; and Mrs, Joe Higgins, Mad:bell; Mr, 'and Mrs, Chester Higgins, of Blyth; Lloyd and Mrs• Ashton,' teverley and Prager, Bob and Mrs,' 'PirilfiY and Sandra, Ltidknont; Bdb and 'lb's, mittum: and family, 'of OtAdritit; Jack Mitchell of 'gels and Othett front the ottitottrO. ing diattict. • Archie Wells consented to be sponsible for the .fourth edition Of the "kith and kin" book, John Nvtis elected president and MatiOn secretary`-treasurer tsar .1066. Trousseau reg For Ai* litiNflier sr,II.UAN.4,-,Mrs, kiPn Miller Oltert#0,,tel .41,f bet 4p4e• or Tixes, Oity 0ve0;101‘ *at *t e, trousseau tea in hcitior pf her ginnithter 'Margaret, Whole 0A4Frigiir,e to Mr. Pon CAM,- &tun took pike in StregirRy, J41Y 4th. The 'm i any guests were re, bride elect, ' The trousseau and the many lively giftg were shown §Y tiie hride,to-be's platers Mrs. Widmer Nicholson Of 'Holstein and Miss Ira Miller, Misses 'I'Orrna Murray and Irina Foreatet and Mrs, Keith Cranston. Pourini tea from a lace covered table centred with a bride-to-be's ' grandmother Mrs, 4tihn Miller, MrS, .ga.rneron, the ifOtirn. elect's *Other, and 'his graat-aunt, Mrs, Ansel; Webster of ' ,iytro! grad .• McQuiiliry and Mrs, Mrs, James Curran, Mrs. Ernest Gaunt, :Miss Glarlys•IvIcDonald, and Mrs. Robert and Mrs. Gordon Lyons, Tell' NO and 8sll Theo Farmers Outfitting WING AM The Workman's Shopping Cvntre CLOTHING 'BOOTS, - SUNDRIES' Our. Large Quantity Buying r,rnititO Sell Cheaper. Is offered for information leading to the conviction of the person o* peraona respon- sible for breaking windows in buildings located in the Town of Wingham. GORDON ''BEFELL, Chief of Police. Nicair OWL gmLIKETAINKET—Local residenta who happened. to be about at rialdnieht last SPnnay evening were treated to a spectacular display of lightning,* a •AiStalit,'clo :Bank' the north west, The above Picture caught one of tlite brilliant 'flashes that blazed across .the For photo fans, it was taken on Tri X •Wm, lens speed of f2.8, time expOtitire of two ',../IltIvance4irnes photo. Galbraith, Gorrie„ 61...Truck Crish ; Mr; and Mre, Clarence Sparling, 60 m'entbers present. „Committees Mrs., L. 'Kincaid and 'family elected for 1960 were Mr, Newton of W,innipeg arrived in' Malton by Galbraith, Harriston, Mrs, E. Wil- plane on Wednesday and were met liamson, Pordwich, Mrs. Carson by Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Sander- Watson,,,Brussels, ,and Mrs. Gerald son, They all visited Mr. L 'Star- GORRIE —The third reunion 'of the Galbraith families was held in Elora. Park on Sunday' with AMA. Thursday, , , • U U S U t• riage 'by her father i$: the lough* " "tvefl by "" 14111" .and the ter. of Mn, 'Robert 1J, and the lete . Mrif, T4Jvllaw and the groOrn's ents are Mr. 'and NW/ Low, VS kart' fit Gehrgetdvvn, British Gni, ina, The 'ftey, Dr. Robbie offieia!" bridesmaid' end the bride's brother, Miss Joan !Reid, of Toronto, was Mr; WI-14M Laitilaw, Was groom-- man. 'l'he happy couple will reside in Toronto, where ate bride has been bouquet of lovely roses were the attending the College of Arts and the gro Teonto University, 7illi:U; lAidlaw and Mn;'i A. orerfielof • ming:an and Mrs. A, tannerman of TeesWater attended ,the wedding,I.soknow~the bride-elect's. aunt, U', U V U V I • V • n UESD LY 21st YOU AREWELCOME AND NEEDED, WHETHER OR NOT YOU -ARE CANVASSED. Edell donor receives a personal :identification card indicating his blood group. In an (emergency this card' can spell the difference between LIFE and DEATH!' The blood you donate will be used to supply treliefulioni WITHOUT CHARGE to those who need emergency treat- ment — a service of the Canadian Red Cross Society. THIS CLINIC IS SPONSORED IN WINNAM Mr* Branch 180, Canadian Legion