HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1959-07-08, Page 6BLUME . VIkeWInginwa Adva4104410104i, Wed4eado:Y.)..4oly, UN" I. .'ert a- ux titt$ 488 PRICE /Sin se full Sits • SMOOTH LOP'—ne tufted:, no tufftt ,Extra bortliting Myer •., Spietellaiir. tprinecbliittrietiod for eistra flinniest • Air. dindiriened border • SerttAfebtliser Edge • Mulching boat sprfrafairno Itiai OWN 1 . .1, New Pontiks, Bucks and and Vauxhall Cars NOW ON DISPLAY AT townie's Service Station Wingham, Ontario REPRESENTATIVE FOR • — •••• COLVIN'S GARAGE . Teeswater Your Pontiac, Buick and GMC Dealer for this area Also a wide selection at all times of GOOD USED CARS MAKE SURE YOU GET THESE FAMOUS SEPTA FEATURES! • • SMOOTH TOP—no buttons or tufts to dis. tarts yhur rest, Built smooth and firm. • STAYS SMOOTH—ticking firmly anchored , through luxurious layers Of fine cotton felt to pretent padding shift, bunching or "coil feel", • STAfillOkR•EDGE—re•inforced so it won't break down, bend, sag or buckle, • HUNDREDS OP SPRINGS-.' 52 of them .. electrically tempered for added years of resiliency and life, O SERYA QUALITY TICKING—advanced col- , ours and patterns,. Specially selected and wdyen to rigid SERTA specifications for hip • wearing quality mai style, 1 There was large attendance at the union service in the United Church on Sunday, when Rev. T. Kennedy .of Knox Presbyterian Church preached, Mr,' A. Neeion will preach during the re- maining Sundays of July. Mr, Walter Jenkins and eons, Peter, Christopher and .Alan, of Scarborough, visited Mrs. VV, Jr Johnston on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Roy Mooney and o‘iildren of Milton, visited Mr. and Mrs. A. D, Smith an Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Sidney Ballantyne, rim GLAD TO SEE THEM SO LIVELY. KEEP 'THEM THAT WAY WITH REGULAR VISITS TO THE DOCTOR AND I HAVE VANCE'S DRUG STORE Nt. • FILL ALI. PRESCRIPTIONS.as, Ct-ii.-,7•74eN") 0 LOCAL TRADEMARKS. Inc. I. at the rnanse with AO,. T., 0 of .Torordlo, were weektend. .000 Kennedy. Rev, James Purcien, Mrs. Elirden and Mr, Arthur .Burden, .of 'Scar, borough, and Mr. Lester 0nrden„ of Toronto, visited In. the village on 'Saturday, Rev, T. .10, Kennedy .and Mrs, Kennedy left this week on a f914' weelts' vaeation to Toronto and. points east, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Street, Linda, Julie and Stephen spent Sundayuft at the home of Miaa :Mary Duff, Miss Mabel Coultes, of Toronto, is spending some weeks at her summer home here, Mr, and Mrs, Bruce Webb, of Barrie, recently visited Mr. and Mrs, 'C, B. Hoffman. Mary Craig, Shirley Johnston, Anne Peacock and Rose Marie Nicholson are attending Teen Camp at Godericb, Mr. Bill Lillow, of London, spent .. feWklayS"wlin nireitherrYufte: i Neliie Lillow, Mrs. Alice Meloche, formerly of i London has bought 'a house from iMr, Arnold Lillow, formerly Qom. pied by Mr. Arthur Grubbe, Mrs. Mabel Harris, of Lambeth, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Edward Zohnston. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hall visited Mr. and Mrs.-Jack Scot at Newton on Sunday. Mrs, Elmer Sellers, Jim and Ricky were at 'Pine River for the week-end, IVfr, and Mrs. John Wallace, of St,,. Catharines, were" guests of Mr. EXPLORERS TELL and Mrs, Jos.- Horton, for a few days. OF YEAR'S STUDY BLUEVALE—The regalar meeting- of the W.M.S. of Knox Presbyterian Church, Bluevale:' 'was' held' on Tuesday of last week in the:cinir'en :schoOlroom. The' 'president,' Mrs. B, 'Thomas, gave the call to wor- ship. Mrs. Kennedy led in pray= er and 10 members arid 16 . child ten as well as five visitors ans- wered the roll 'call: The reports 'of the secretary and treasurer were read and adapted: • The Hoine Helpers' secretaries, Mrs. W. Rob- ertson and Mrs. 'G.'• Mfindell 'Will 'have' charge of the next' meeting. " Mrs. B. Elston, leader, of. the Ex- plorers Group, introduced their part of the meeting. Mrs, R. Gray,- as- sistant leader, read the Scripture and gave the comments, taken.from Luke 19, stressingt the •fact• that Jesus expects us' to make the best use Of our talents, even if they arc few. If we do the best we can Jesus will increase our,: talents.- • Connie, Mann bang very sweetly, ;.'Jesus ,,Loyes Me" ',and ,Keith ;El sten gye 'a recitation.,. Merabers,'of the Explorers Group and the CO;C, with , Mrs: R. Mann and Mrs„ R. Bitton, then told ,in a very, inter, esting Way, illustrated with pie, tures, what they ,have ,heen.study-' ing at .their meetings, The subject is North. America and, the 'children explairied the different 'kinds; 'of people, their 'ways ,of earning a living, „.the, „products . we, receive from the land and the 'water, men tioning especially 'Weoil ,wells; ange, groves, wheat fields, piper apple and coffee plantations, apple . orchards, etc.' - Wild animal's' are rare except in the northern Part,; Where there are still wolves and bearrunniing at =large, but elk' and buffalo are rarely seen except -on reserves,- Ways of travel Were explained front the small• craft the Eskimos 'used'to get around on' water to our, wonderfill -means of• travel' "'today, It was interesting 'to learn about the• fainons buildings and when .scime of them weie ibuilt.• The School and church" system was briefly ,explained and, the social side! of the lives .of ,the different people, emphasizing the fact that no 'matter what 'color we are or where We live we are, all neighbors and children 'of Jesus Christ, ° Mit. 'Kennedy thanked all the children„with their ieaders for the tine program and invited everyone to the manse, where, a social time was enjoyed. The children taking part Were Ann'.McKercher, Gerald Snell,' El- aine Snell, Wayne and Murray El- ston, Gordon McMurray; Harvey 'Mann, Hugh Mundell, Larry and SoAnn Elliott,' Hugh Mundell moved a vote of thanks to Mrs: 'Kennedy as hostess and the ladies for the social tittle, Plastic Mats Are New for Doorsteps Gaily colored polythene mats in an °Peri gatework construction are' dOCOrating front doorsteps efid per; forrning a Useful 'duty at the Same . time, While ideal for scraping mud Itroni boots and rubbers, the coloiecl ',mats add a ,ch6ery *octane to •liouse guests. They are available in red, yellow, turquoise Or black to'rriatch the front door decor, The polythene Mate won't rot as rubber mats do' arid they ate softer titiderfoot' than the tratlitinhal metal one's. These. 'Mats can also be used as a fatigue Mat at the kjtetien, Oalt.„htler laundry tubs to ,PrOte et from SliPping on; Wet et' fles Or at the foot tit cellar Steps t6 much' of the dlit that; WINGHAM belie wise' Okla' its, Wt0.5! upsygt4 h , ELL1OTT-ALDER VOWS AT KESWICK Keswick United Church 'was the secne ofa pretty summer 'wedding on Jiine 27th when Rev, D. McLean ,performed the ceremony uniting ii marriage Margaret Ann Alder of Keswick and Frederick Irving Elliott of Trenton. The bride's parents are Mr. and Mrs, Edrivar'cl Alder of Keswick, Ontario. The groom is a son of Mr, and Mrs. Fred Elliott Of Bluevale. Wearing a floor-length gown' of embroidered rayon, the bride was given, in marriage by her father. The.dress had a V neckline with long lily-point sleeves and her fingertip veil. of nylon was caught with a beaded 'halo of sequins. She carried a bouqUet of red roses. The matron of honor. Mrs. Rov GallOway, Keswick, sister of, the bride wore a mauve waltz-lenatb dress. Bridesmaid Mrs. Don Ride- out, of Newmarket, also a sister of .the bride, wore lime green and Miss Phyllis Elliott of Bluevalc wore a,Pale blue 'waltz-length dress. All: carried yellow mums and white' Carnations. Petal* Galloway and Linda Latinfer; nieces of the bride were flower girls and wore yellow. They carried baskets of yellow mums and white carnations, .Roy. Wilson of Barrie was best man and ushers wereGeorge Alder of Keswick and Jack 'Elliott of Cprawall. Music was by the Keswick' Koralers with Mrs. Angus Cowieson. as organist, -TheTecep`tion was' irk the church's fireside room' 'with .guests present from Bluevalb, Wingham, Goderich, Listoyvel, Stratford, Orillia, Toronto, Ridgctown, Newmarket, Barrie and Sutton. • The bride's mother received, wearing a green flowered dress with. white accessories and a cor- sage of yellow baby mums and White. carnations, The groom's mother wore a, pale blue dress with, a matching duster coat, and her corsage was' of pink carnations' and white baby mums. The bride's travelling costume for their trip' to Northern Ontario was • an aqua 'colored dress with an aqua dotted white collar and • white accessor10, Her corsage was pink roses ;and white baby Minns, := Mary Lou Dunlop • To. Wed Saturday Misses, Marjorie Moffat and Merle Gowdy, were hostesses at a kitchen shower on Friday evening for MSS Mary Lou Dunlop. The event was 'held at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Alvin Moffatt with 'about 20 friends present. Miss Dunlop received a number of very useful kitchen articles and 'Was presented with a bride's book from the hostesses. Games. were i played and lunch served, The previous Friday evening the :bride,elect was the recipient of !Many beautiful items when Miss Worrall of Teeswater was hostess 'at 'a linen shower. Miss `Worrell was assisted by her mo- !ther, Mrs, Albert Worrall. " About ;30 friends enjoyed the social eve- ping, games and lunch, MOS Dunlop is to be married op' ;Ally 11th to Donald. Thompson, of ;Teeswater. • • 10—You are using the mortgage plan of buying your tome,. YOU.,--should 'know about our ,spedial 3101tTGAGIrg INSUR- ANCE. Consult-:, FRANK C. HOPPER ,,—Repretentative— Cartoula Life WINGHAM, ONT. *hone lid Just as the Pied Piper came to the assistance of the pealhe of we are here if Yon get into difficulty with your car, We are SPECIALISTS in BODY REPAIR, WINORAM BODY SHOP Just tell us where , . and be there! Sill ADAMS, Prop. Phone 746 Wingham The family minister of transport jokes as he lift j young son into the car, but he is well aware that raisin a grOWM,C.;; • child is no joke. It means watching family expentes With an eagle eye. The annual expenditures of the Minister of Transport aE Ottawa involve millions of dollars — and his departinent it , only one of many. This money comes through the Minister of Finance WIlto, gets it largely in taxes froin Canadians such as you. Wheii;' he spends more than he takes in, he must borrow froni . or else create new money. The creation of new mOney is one factor that leads to inflation — which Meant youi...1 ! dollar buys less and less', The government has been spending more than yotx hayv been paying in taxes. To narrow the gap between itidonii:1! and expenditures, new taxes have been inipOsed.' ' You can encourage the government to live withikitt income by asking only for those services you are ~Villllig ft! pay for with taxes. Teti your M.P. at Ottawa that sirideId0,;, are trying to save, you expect government to do the. Sable You also help when you save more, by Meant of 14 insurance, savings leposits, and the, purchase of governirl6tit beads. )(Our savings help to Create a SOUND dollar; :040 • ' this, in turn, helps to create job security for you and more jobs for other Canadians. ' • A SOUND DOLLAR MEANS A BETTER LIFE 'FOR YOU" GIVE YOUR AOTWE SUPPORt JO THE F'IGH'T AGAINST INPLAtION i pu to sovicE mtssAGE FROM tiiE LIFE INSURANOE CAMP. NIES • •• • •zt: xp6 S. J. 'WALKER ,11 Walker Home Furnishings Serta , Lux ti ff Deluxe Loa.$548 pRicE • SMOOTH TOP with ableoncit- tinned border, turnout SiabIllizata.dg• .construction will not buckle, bend or Of a Qualify *,china • lotaialilna Ass 'pante. 1., *m.' hav *tam. Full or Twin Size Matching lox Spring Some Low Price \j.s.twor OAT MO 4•• Guaranteed by "'A Good Housekeeping 44, .04 fltAs Alivt IrriqD10` LIVE IN .SCARBOROUGH—Mr. and Mrs. Carman Itittale Nixon wil take up residepea, in Scarborough. They were married in BDIITIOre Presbyterian Church. • The bride is the former Wilma Loreen Haugh daughter of Mr. 'and 'Mrs: Fraser. Haugh of H.R., 1, Wroxeter and the groom's parents are 111r.. and. Mrs..Taaac Nixon of Lueknow.—Photo by Bill Crampon. • • " •