HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1959-07-08, Page 4TABLE LAMPS/ Regular $76.50 :''Brass and Walnut, 30" high $11.95 Regular $16.50 Double Drum Shade $12.50 Regular $8.95 • Fibre Glass Shade $6.50 Regular -$8.95 Brass and White $6.50 Regular $18.95 Trilight, Solid Walnut $13.50 Regular $19.95 Italian Marble Inserted Base $14.50 Regular $13.75 Walnut and White contrast $9.95 Regular $12.50 81"• high $9.50 FLOOR LAMPS Regular $19.95 Walnut Ineert $14.50 Regular $29.95 Solid Walnut Insert tantinated Shade $21.25 Regular $18.50 Fibre Glass Shade $12.50 Register $26.75 Rona Wahmt Baas $19.95 *Oar $17.99 '4" Libre GNI* semis $13.50 *any More to choose front .it„ A. CUIRIE 1- SONS. SANTA'S VILLAGE Bracebridge,, Ont. . inalismulinwelionstimirieulleffiemin' .1.17.-;.ny29t, ) F A It ME E E CLAIR M. GRANT is now assembling bogs from TEESWATER. CO-OPERATIVE SHIPPING YARDS affiliation with Lueirmrto Assembly Yards, Hogs- delivered to the; yards will be liandled free of. charge excepting the' usual Hog Producers' Fee. Hogs insured by 0.11.P. while in yaMs. Hogs accepted 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. , Pick-up may be arranged by contacting' CLAIR ,M..„GRANT, _Manager • Phone 60-r-2 Teeswater' SAVE $.$ $ NO HANDLING FEB. SHIPPING DAY IS EVERY WEDNESDAY etnililtionalliilaiiimilfallilionieliallElloliimilsiNii1111111111.11.1114 ri I 1 ilz a I .tiourfamil4 win. i en ii . GROUND BEEF . '3 lbs. $1.25 i. id PORK SAUSAGE .3 lbs. $1.25 i • • a • LARD-we will fill your pail for 10c per lb. 1 . or packaged M seal-tightcontainers'2 lbs. for 25c BEEF BY THE QUARTER --., SPRING LAMB I CUT AND WRAPPED TO YOUR LIKING! U 1 , LocKria ge s outcher Snug 1-4 • NOTICE TO Water Consumers C. E. SHERA, Superintendent YORK IN COMFORT weai' On OTC support TRu4ses ,, ABDOMINAL BELTS ELASTIC 110SIERY illfeKIBBONS ltexall Drug Store Frederick/ F. Homuth Phm.B., R.O. Carol E. Homuth, R.O. Mrs. Viola IL Romuth, R.O. OPTOMETRISTS PHONE 118 Harriston, Ontario WELLINGTON FIRE Insurance Company Est. 1840 An all Canadian Company which has faithfully served its Pone? holders for over a century. Head Office - Toronto 8. C. MacLean Insurance• Agency Wingham GAMER, WINTON & WARD CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Bell Telephone Building'' WALKERTON . A. HUNTLEY# CA. Resident Manager Telephones: Business- 633; Residence 106 r. 1 W 1181111/11 A4Yanee-1010011, WearleSd0Y, 41-111Y 8th, 1959 FOR SALE TAXI .SERVICE: and used Furniture, We bey and sell, Phone 185, rrb CUT FLOWERS and green peas for sale, George Baird, phone DAL 1:8b NEW HONEY and fresh garden pees for sale, JoeWsma Market' Gardena, phone 583, - • CAEIN TRAILER, for sale. Oil stove, built-in cupboards, Extra trailer for bedroom, Phone -701413; Harold Lamont. SAWDUST BURNER for sale,. pit any"' Standaid f u rnace. Real good condition. Reasonably pric- ed. Phone 469R, Percy Eigg,s, Lower Wingham. 8b SEVEN FOOT MasSey-Harris bin- der for sale. Good running or- der. Also 750-lb, capacity Ren- ireW cream separator, with or Without motes. Phone 320,2, Brussels. Stewart Procter, 8* MILK WILTERS for sale-"Rtipld .`" AO", 6-inch, 79c; 61/2-Inch, 85c. Alexander's Hardware. lrrb OLIVER 99 tractor for sale, on rubber. Also Goodison 3650 sep- arator on rubber. Both in good condition. Stewart Gillatly, R.R. 2, Camlachie, Ont,, phone Arber- arder, 2231. 1:8' RENOVATOR Automagic Shampoo Now you can renew the appear- ance of rugs, upholstery. Leaves no ring, odor or color change. Take half the work out of your spring cleaning. Available at Walker Home Furnishings. rrb MODEL 60 Allis Chalmers com- bine for sale. Complete with flax rolls, scour clean, window spreader and 'pickup. First class 'condition, Priced for quick sale Phone 111, Wroxeter, Eldred Cathers, R.R. 1, Wingham, 8b MEAT FOR SALE-Good beef by the quarter. Killed on premises Tuesday morning. Inspected by Dept. of Health. Yearling heifees, quality. Lowest prices. Ray- nard Ackert, Ripley, phone 24r28, or Lucknow, 101r13. ; rrb SWEET or Montmorency cherries now ready. Bring coritainers end pick your own, if you wish, ey we can supply 20 lb. pail of • the- same, freshly pitted or froz- air, If you care to erder same in advance call Govenlock's Fiuit Farm, half mile north of ' Forest, on No. 21 Highway. 8:15* ilitiolinionnillill111•111111111111111111111! CLEARING LAMP SALE FOR SALE ' BLUE BABY carriage for /'sale. Like new. Reasonable. Phone 610J1. 8/3 WALNUT dining-room suite for sale. Nine ,pieces. Phone 430R. BUTTER BEANS, cut flowers and new potatoes for sale. George Baird, phone 548,T, 8-15b DESK AND adding machine for sale. Apply .Tack Reavie, phone 378. COCKSHTJTT.. 70, tractor. for- sale, in good condition, Will exchange for livestock, Phone lVfolesworth 9r8, Edgar MacDonald, 8-15* SOLID OAK large dining room table for sale, suitable for large family or summer cottage, Phone 413w. 8b IVIAHOGANY DOORS for sale, interior, all sizes $3,99 (seconds). Beaver Lumber, phone 66, Wing- ham, 8:15b ESTATE of Walter Samuel Scott for sale-Norge oil heater. Con- tact Kenneth Scott, Belgrave, phone 731J3. 8b CEMENT GRAVEL for sale. Pit run gravel; fine drive-way gra- vel; top soil. Also bulldozing and backfill done, T. Kirkby, phone Brussels 142W. 8152229b CARPETS, RUGS-See N. J. Wel- wood for a complete range of BARRYMORE and HARDING broadloom. All wool Wilton hardtwists and tone on tones. Rug sizes or wall to wall,. Have an estimate this week for your room. N. J. Welwood, phone 86. rrb SALE OF USED STORE DISPLAY FIXTURES 4.-4' PLATE GLASS SHOWCASES complete with mirrored sliding doors. • 1-16" PLATE GLASS SHELF 1-12" SHELF-priced for quick sale. 1-6' SERVING COUNTER completely- drawered, plate glass top, front has sliding doors with plate mirror back, priced-right. WOODEN ISLAND DLS- PLAYS-4 shelves 1-MAGAZINE STAND 12' long, beautifully. finished, .only used one year. 1-SMALL STAND with plate glass shelf. See these and many other small tlinds, suitable for in the store display any day - At - MCKIBBONS DRUG STORE WINGHAM DEADSTOCK WANTED DEADSTOCK removed promptly for sanitary disposal, FREE pick up on larger animals, reasonable collection charge for small ani- mals, Phone collect Wingham 378; Palmerston 123w, or Dur- ham 398, Gordon Young (Elmira) Limited, (irrb COMING EVENTS WOMEN'S INSTITUTE picnic will be held in the town park on Thursday, July 16th, Please bring lunch and dishes. Bring a -friend. *CEO REAL ESTATE LARGE, two-storey brick house for sale, Four apartments, oil furnace, situated close to public and high schools and hospital. Full price $10,500 with good terms, Contact William S. Reed, real estate broker, Wingham. Phone *2921'1.'" ' ' 84:15 4‘ NEW MODERN brick ranch home for sale, 342 mile west of Wing- ham, Highway 86, garage attach- ed, with 3 bedrooms, living room, dining, room, modern kitchen, 4- piece bath, tile and oak hardwood floors, full basement, oil furnace,. aluminum 'storms and screens. To inspect please call Robert G. Gib- son, evening 249. 17rrb CARS AND TRUCKS FOR SALE '51 CHEW COACH for sale, Phone 471w. . 8* 1936 FARGO 2-ton ,truck for sale. Phone 709W4, 8b• FOR RENT COTTAGE IN Bruce Peninsula, on' the water's edge of Georgian 'Bay. Rates very reasonable. Phone 197. 24-1-8b COTTAGE for rent, at Port Elgin. Available from July 11th to July 25th and from. August 8th on. Phone 3, Wingham, TEACHER WANTED The Wingham Public School Board invites • applications from- qualified teachers for intermediate or senior grades. Applications re- ceived by the secretary, Mrs. Roy Morgan, Wingham, Ont., up to July 15th. y:8b FEMALE HELP WANTED SUMMER HEIP-call Lil No. 5 Southampton, Ont, 8b GIRL WANTED to learn , egg candling and tabling. Apply Maitland Creamery, 20rrb TENDERS WANTED TENDERS • Sealed tenders will be received 'by the undersigned till noon Friday, July 10th, 1959, for the re-surfacing of Josephine Street from Victoria Street to North Street in the town of Wingham, The specifi- cations may be obtained at the clerk's office, Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. William Renwick, Clerk-Treasurer, Town of Wingham. 24:1:8b WANTED USED WINDMILLS, gasoline en- - glees .and pump jacks .wanted. Can be traded on pressure sys- tems new or used. Ask us for an estimate without any obligation, or if you are needing any new roofing material we give you the best for your money. Write or phone collect to Irving Keyes at Glamis. Phone Paisley 114r4. - 27 Alt-Nbv. • ' MISCELLANEOUS BACKHOEING, excavating and • trenching. Small, jobs a special- ty, but none too large. Harold Congrarn, phone 1079. 8Au26b IS YOUR TELEVISION properly insured for all risk coverage? For information phone 293, Stew- art A. Scott, Wirigham, 2rrb, SEWAGE DISPOSAL - Septic tanks, cesspools, etc., pumped and cleaned with modern equip- ment, All work guaranteed. Write Louis Blake, R.R. 2, Brus- sels, Phone 42r6, 'Brussels. A15-Jy29* WATERLOO CATTLE,, Breeding Association "Where Better 131,1118 Are Used". Artificial breeding service; All breeds of cattle; Member owned and controlled; cost haw, efficiency high; Use of ," the best of bulls; Disease con- . trolled, safety, For service or more information phone for long distance Clinton Zenith 9-5650, or collect TeesWater 126 between: 7.30 and 9.30 a.m. week days; 6.00 and 8.00 pm, Saturday evenings. Calls received on Saturday even- ing Will be serviced on Sunday morning. Pot cents in heat- on Sunday morning, DO NOT call Until Monday Morning. "Better Cattle For Better Living." rrb ..FINANCING, A CAR? BefOrd you buyask about our Give Coat,. Financing Service with complete Insurance' Coverage, STEWART A. SCOTT ra••• 11111111101110111411101110111111111.1111111101111111 VISIT THE REAL. LIVING SANTA June 19 -to Thanksgiving FUN FOR ALL THE FAMILY Children under 14 years' --- FREE 9.30 am. to 0.00 P.01, SUNDAY 1.00 to 6.00 WANTED TO RENT EXECUTIVE AND family must rent 3 or 4 bedroom home in Wingham by September 1st. Apply box 43 Advance-Times, lOrrh SALES HELP WANTED, - AN OPPORTUNITY To join the fastest growing sales industry in the country, Will be offered to several sincere men and women. Earnings are lint- mediate and -among the highest in the • sales profession, Position offers all year round security., Pro- duct is unusual, patented, backed by national advertising, 'radio and television, sales experience -is 'pre- ferred, but not necessary as we will; train. Age no barrier, car necear sary. PHONE 290, WINGHAM or WRITE BOX 49 WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES 13 11 8 HELP WANTED Male and Female EMPLOYMENT. AND CLAIMS OFFICERS INSURANCE $291043360 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE - COMMISSION • LISTOWEL, Ontario Poster of information and appli: cation forms at National Employ- ment Service and Post Offices. Apply to the Civil Service Coin mission, 25 St. Clair Avenue East, Toronto 7, before July 15, 1959 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES DELIVERY CONTRACT Part or Full Time NO SELLING REQUIRED DISTIICT MAN or WOMAN, hon- est and reliable. Steady light work. Age or past experiente not import- ant. Ideal for FARMER, SEMI RETIRED or FULLY EMPLOYED PERSON. Must have Oar or truck and $995.00 which is FULLY RE- FUNDABLE. For complete details write: • COLONIAL CONTRACT Bow 247 Postal 'Station Q, TORONTO, Ont. 8* AT YOUR SERVICE • ALTERATIONS • DECORATING • PAINTING * REPAIRS GRANT MCLEAN Wingham Phone 991w 27rrb iiiiiii m. llllllll lllll me. lllllll ll melee llll m llll • lllll AMBULANCE SERVICE. CUT313TE'S AMBULANCE, Wing- ham. Dependable Service, Phone; Day, 51; Night, 716 or 636. NOTICE TO _DESTROY NOXIOUS Notice is hereby given to pro- perty oWaers in urban and sub- divided areas to destroy all nox- ious- weeds as often, as necessary in each season, to prevent their going to Seed, Also, that after July 22, 1959, proceedIngs will be taken to destroy .noxious. weeds in accordance with the, Weed Coetrel, Act. W, R, DOUGA.L.L, Huron County Weed Inspector 8:15b - PERSONAL STOP FEELING OLD! Stay young longer, Ostrex Tonic Tablets re- vitalize entire body, Make 3- day test. Only 69c. At all drug- gists. 81.) ACCOMMODATION in comfortable Wingham home -for city couple who, would like to spend a vaca- tion in rural area, or overnight, travellers. Mrs. Wni, ,Haney, Leopold St., phone 247, 8b LOANS--First or Second Mortgage loans, commercial loans, Exist- ing mortgages and Agreements bought, $1501 to $20,000.00. You receive $1501.00 monthly pay-. meats $35.00; $2,000.00, $50.00; -$2,500.00, $65.00. Northern In- vestment Co„ 937 2nd Ave, East, Owen Sound, Phone Ken Allen 4524. 24-1-8-15b FOOT SUFFERERS If you have sore feet, ankles, sciatica pains 'in legs, hips or lower back trouble why not have your feet checked by a qualified, exper- ienced Foot Correctionist. See J. A. VICKERS at Queens Hotel, Wingham, each Monday afternoon Other times - 481 8th Ave., Hanover, Phone 500 CARDS OF THANKS Many thanks to the kind friends who sent me cards, gifts and flow- ers; also the friends who so kind- ly visited me while I was a patient Wingliant General Hospital;' to the nursing staff, a real thank you. -Elsie L. Sturdy. 8* Many thanks to my good friends and neighbors for their acts of kindness; also to the willing nurs- es who -waited on me during my , stay in hospital and to Dr. Mc- Kibbon.---Mrs. Elizabeth McMich- ael. 8* To all who so kindly remembered me in any way while a patient in Wingham and London Hospitals, I wish 'to say a very sincere thank you.-Mrs. 'Alvin Moffat. 8b I wish to extend my most sin- cere thanks to all my friends for their many acts of kindness during my long stay in Victoria. Hospital, London. The cards, letters, flow- ers, books, treats, all were certainly appreciated. Special thanks to local residents, former Wingham- ites, ministers and others, who visited me at the hospital.-Bill Johnston. I wish to thank my friends and neighbors for cards and treats re- ceived while a patient in Wing- ham General Hospital, Special thanks to Dr. B. N. Corrin and Dr. E, Pedley and the nursing staff, -Mrs. Alonzo Sparling, 8.b I wish to thank my many, friends and neighbours who visited me and helped at' home, also those who remembered me with' cards, gifts and flowers while I was a patient in Victoria Hospital, London. A special thanks to ball my Doctors and nurses also Dr. Nimmo, Rear. Marshall and Rev, Kaiser wlio called to see xne.-Mrs. Ewart Mc- Pherson. 8b I wish to sincerely thank all friends and neighbors who kindly remembered me while a patient in Wingham General •Hospital; also doctors and nursing staff who at- tended me.-Albert G. Vincent, 8* We wish to sincerely express our appreciation to the school chums and friends of the. Wingham Dis- trict High School for the flowers and cards sent us at the time of our sad bereavement of our daugh- ter Joart. Their kindness, was deeply appreciated.--•Mr. and Mrs. George Davidson, Brussels. CEMENT 'NAVEL 'Crushed, Excellent Quality Available at pit or delivered. WATSON ARMSTRONG Phone 45' r 12 TEESWATER " IN WINW(AM AIWA CONTACT PERRIfI, HOLMES our). or %WANKS Words cannot VXPreg's: my very sincere thanks to my neighb.Ors. and friends for their many acts of Mildness shown -to me in -Sending me flewcz's, gifts and cards of best wishes -Mine I. Was a patient 10 Wingham General Hospital. Also Dr. Crawford; Pr. Pedley and Dr Gibson of London; special. nurses, Mrs. Morrey and nursing staff; al- so the `different organizations from Eluevale and Wingham who re-. n-iembered, me; the Rev. T. E, Ken, nedY of Bluevale and Dr .Alexan- der Nimmo, who offered prayers To each and every one a-most sin- cere "thank yea".---(Mrs. Waite: Smillie, , . AiEi$R)RiAn viompsoN-To loving memory of • a dear mother and grandmother • Mrs, Pearl Thompson, who pass, ed away three years ago, July 10 1956. Happy and smiling, Always content; Loved llll 'Wherever she went. Always thoughtful, Loving 411.0 kind, These are the memories She left behind. -Ever remembered -by Don and Louise MacKenzie, Ken and Alma Baker -and children. 8-h IF WE REPEAL If we in Huron County* vote to repeal the C..T.A. we come at once under the Liquor Control Act,,, Im- mediately Government Liquor Stores may be established, Brew- ers' Retail Stores will probably be set up under the Liquor License Board. Anyone over 21 can then purchase as much ,as a carton of beer. In addition wine shops will. be legal, Wine, with an alcoholic content as high as 14%, can be obtained legally; More serious is the fact that in time the other legal liquor outlets, will certainly be opened. ' Bever,, age rooms, sale of beer and wine in hotels, cocktail bars, -dining lounges-some of these or all will be found in pur county, This 'has been the story in Peel and Mani- toulin, both' of which voted *out the C.T.A. • Do we in Huron want this? -Advertisement 8b BIRTHS STAFFORD- At the .Wingham General Hospital, on Thursday, July 2, 1959, to Mr. and Mrs, Jack Stafford, Rak, 1, Wroxeter, a son. PRITCHARD- At the Wingham General Hospital, on Thursday; July 2, 1959, to Mr. and Mrs. John Pritchard, RR. 1, Lucknow, a son. KENNEDY-At the Wingham Gen- eral Hospital, on Thursday, July 2, 1959, to Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Kennedy, Tee'swater, a son. HILBDRT-At the Whigham Gen- eral Hospital, on Saturday, July 4, 1959, to Mr. and Mrs, Ross Hit- bort, Wingham, a daughter, REINHART- At the Wingham General Hospital, on Saturday, • July 4, 1959, to Mr, and Mrs. Norman Reinhart, R.R. 2, Mild- may, a daughter, BUTTON-At the Wingham Gener- al Hospital, on Monday, July 6, 1959, to Mr. and Mrs.• Russell Button, ER. 3, Lucknow, a 'son. MALDA-Mr. and Mrs. B. Malda, R:R, 2, Wingham, are happy to announce the arrival of their cho- sen son on Monday, July 6th, lifROXETER Mr. William Ringler spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs, Richard Griffith, Miss Greta Fleming and Mrs. Nellie Anderson,- London,' are spending their summer vacation at the home of Mrs. Jessie Higgins, while she la on .a visit in the West. Mr. and Mrs. H. Wells, Toronto, are visiting Mrs. A. Wearing. Mrs. Chas. IVICCutcneon, Mrs. Richard Griffith and Misses Elva and Evelyn Hupfer attended the Shakespearean Festival last Thurs- day evening and also saw Her Ma- jesty, Queen Elizabeth. Mr. and Mrs. Harley Markley and Cathy returned home to Corn- wall after spending a month's holi- days with his parents. Miss Sar- on Merkley returned for a few weeks with them. Mrs, Martin, the former Mary Pope, of Nova Scotia, accompan, ied by friends from London, Spent the week-end with friends in the village. Mr% and Mrs, Lloyd Elliott and family attended the Weber, reun- ion at Holstein on Sunday and also. visited Mr. and Mrs. William bow- ling, Mr. and Mrs. Earl MeLean and family, St. •Catharines, spent, last week with Mrs, S. F. McLean. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Gibson and fain- ily, Port DalbouSie, spent a day at the same home. Mrs Ed Williams and Ted; of MACK 'REFRIGERATION Domestic - Commercial NOW OFFERS A COMPLETE ELECTRICAL SERVICE REPAIRS TO WASHERS - DRYERS Regular or Automatic APPLIANCES OF ANT itcnNn ELEOPRICIAL INSTALLATIONS Phone 672R Witigharn Toronto, are visiting at the hope of Mr, and Mrs. Jack McLean. 1Vfr, Ken Sheridan, Toronto., also visit- ed at the same home, Miss „Shirley Iteidt spent last week in Kitchener visiting relatives and friends, .Mrs. R, Newton-, Mrs, C, Cook, Miss. Sandra Edgar and Miss Nan- (:), Newton spent -the week-end in Port •, . W. BUSHFIELD Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, IOC Money to Loan dffice-Meyer Meek Winghisni Dead Stock WANTED HIGHEST CASH PRICES paid in surrounding districts for dead, old, sick or disabled' horses or cattle, For prompt, sanitary disposal day or night, phone collect, LEROY ACHESON, ZENITH 34900 or GEORGE HISLOP, Wroxeter 2r15 DEAD STOCK SERVICE Highest Cask-Prices ,For Sick and Disabled Cows and Horses man.STOCK AT HIGHEST CAME VALI* tisane Phone Protnintly: Call Collect .133 Bruce Marlatt Brussels, Ont. 24 HOUR SERVICE CEMENT, BLOCKS are the answer if you need a building that is fireproof, per- manent, economical and requires little upkeep. All sizes manufactured in Walk- erton on new modern equipment. ASK ABOUT Vol* NEEDS WALKERTON BUILDING SUPPLIES LIMITED Phone 573 MOS vvh"AN1/444.0~WAAAAraiiivitrAn•WAnAiii BUSINESS and PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Ai H. McTAVISH BARRISTER, SOLICITOR and NOTARY PUBLIC TEESWATER- ONTARIO Telephone 23 Teeswater Wroxeter-Every Wednesch.g afternoon, 2-4 p.m., or by appointment. The hours lot._ watering lawns and gardens are-from 6 a.m'." to 9 a.m., and from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. This will be strictly enforced. An ANNUAL charge of $4.44 gross, less prompt pay- ment discount Of 10 per cent, is made for the, use of a hose or outside tap for the above noted purposes. Anyone found watering lawns or gardens, who has not paid for this service will be 'billed accordingly. Wingham Public , Utilities Commission CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Barristers, Solicitors, Ete. Wingham, Phone 48 3. H. CRAWFORD,'Q.C. B. S. HETHERINGTON, Q.O.