HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1959-07-08, Page 1't•• •
With which is Amalgamated the Gctrie Vidette and Wraxeter News
wmittan .ozsrrAtfif), IVERNEsDAY,.,,NLY $Lh, nop 41-14G11 VPPOrrO 91440:
By The rediporlan
r Riverside
At the July meeting of the ;pea)
Outten bri'M'ondaY evening, attend-
ed by all members, $500,00 was
placed at the disposal of 'a new
citizeps' eqmmittee, to be known
as the Riverside Park Committee.,
This new group, headed by i11, A.
Fuller, will attempt ° te improve
and beautify the *Oath shore. of
the Maitland Rive- in the MeKenzie
ridge area.
Mr. Fuller" attended' council 'and
stated that his firm,, Berry Door
Co, Ltd., would contribute $590.00
to tAaaf41110,, laeql!,e Raa Adair MILS
named -by Council as its represen-
tative on the committee, Mr. Ful-
ler said that he had iaspectecl the
river 'bank from the Howson dam
to the McKenzie -bridge and that
the 'first thing to be done is to
have the grass and weeds cut so
that the terrain can be studied
more, carefully before work Is
The', tentative plans • call for
cleaning . up the river bank and
while the water is low in the pond
Yeirthfal high spirits are fine in
their place, but some persens in
this echnenUnity are in for a real
spot of trouble as investigation of
broicen windows In the town's OP.,
property gets under 'way. Parents
might he virell advised to 'keep a
little alaSeaattila on the conlngs
and goings of their yOungsters„
a e
. .
By far the most of the children
who go to -the vacation Bible
School are tickled pink with what
goes on there—bat there is alwaYe
the rebel in any crowd. One six-
year-old, at the • end of his first
half day, gave his own version
"Just a ,waste of geod hours
When I could have been 'fishing,"'
he decided. However, the ladies
Who operate the school should
cheer up, There aren't too 'many
real, :ilYed-la-the-wool anglers at
that age.
- 0 - 0
Mrs. Petei, Meseta Whp visited
recently ‘witti Mr, arid Mrs. Ed
Fielding. In Wingham, found that
this Ontario town is remembered
rather far afield, Returning to her
Horne In California, she told a
friend that she had been visiting re-
latives in Wingliam, Ontario, The
reply was, "Oh, that's the town
where they have the flowers on
the lama posts!"
0 - 0 - 0
All the main, pilings of the old
C.P.R...bridge across the laIaltlana
aaye been. removed. All that re-
,now is a "heap of rubbish
:on the river bed and the two abut-
ments -at the bridge ends.
f ,
0 0
Exercise Satigeen
Attracts 22 Offs • • . ,
Exercise Saugeeri V, 'the staa
dent 'militia coarse,:ha; 22 young
men enrolled for' the seven-week
session -here at the -VV-ingham Ar-
mouries. As well, another 23 are
taking similar stildies at Walker-
ton. The boys are taking the
course under the Supervision of
officers from the 21st Field Regi-
ment, which includes lectures on
general -military training, physical
training, study of. the PN rifle,
military law, light machine guns,
map reading, orga,nization' of artil-
lery mats, range work and admin-
istration, as well as gun' drill, on
the 105 howitzer, rescue, first aid,
traffic contiol,I and studies under
atomic, biological and • chemical
• The young. mera all of- aigh school
age, are being instructed by Capt.
R. Ritter, 2/Lt. H. Anderson and
W.0.2 Stan °Ilastirigs 9f Wingham
and Sgt. F. J. Hall of the instruc-
tion staff, London.
It is hoped that a week-end at
the Meaforcl range "will also be in-
eluded in the prograni. The boy;
'are ,working in' the armouries' a.
are' -taking their outdeoa drill arn.
the old teneis,coart on Edward. St.
.B.101e ,School Draws
Large Attendcince
• The United Church Couples Clua
-has taken on a painting and clean-
up job at the new Retarded. Child-
ren's 'School, formerly the Wing-
ham Sawmill Co. Ltd, office build-
The, pew location was' recenta
Purchased by the Retarded Child-
ren's Association- and classes will
commence there when the school
re-opens in SeVtember,
As -a-aafety measure the Couples
Club has rounded all sharp corners
on the window sills. The walls
and ceiling 'of , the interior have
been painted, with the woodwork
and general serubbing up yet to
be done.
The ladiea ire making the drap-
es and have some of them ready
.for hemming as soon as the paint-
ing is . completed. The club will
take on We cleaning and tidying
et the grounds as Well.
The paint and material for the
drapes was purchased by the As-
sociation, With some of the funds
coming from tndividual donations,
but .,the ,Couples Club r ip .donating
the tithe 'and effort as a work pro-
ject for the 011.6.,.
" . •
In riv
ty may 'be
'that In
eee olel
ea 'will
l";t:Trii)t elk
become A pa- 'of
Severalcoaneilleas have also
promised donations Of $2;00 each
to the fund.; •
1giils' Council 7:niuofth0
14un !tl.2244
and 29th. All accourita ware'Pt-
ad and ,ordered paid. it: was,, ;re-
aoited that aisessnlent,figuresalcia
the municipality 'a teod' at.:$2:416,(106,
according 'to,•thei aaSearior'alrepertg
Councillor D. C,-,Nasproi :report-
ed that the main street had!' be.en
gone over bY' ehgfriede'and it
is troped that..approyal!:froin .the
Department-of .Highways ,seen
be forthcoming for the mepayiag of
-the street. 1.1e 'said tbait.lbsOped
ter have Leopold Street 4aVere at
'earrie taanciladiseasaed
postponing thiaworkain'tlee
light of other heaVy - ispehditrires,
but it was pointed out that .th.e.,.10b
would. coat less if it is done at, the
same time as the main street.
The council discussed athe
ancial statement i prepared hy 'the
Clark, giving, the reeeipts • anal, ...ea-,
penclitures until' the,. end Of 'Juae.
The stateniene.itiowed an inareage
of $5,788 over the same period for
1958. The -mayor pointed aut. that
the council has been , forced' Into
extra expense by . heavy 'snow re..
'that' street rfkle:pir0Vaais hadthis 'Ybeae.n m r, 'and,
in the spring:
Councillor Aare/flea reported
that the pump aa,the'aeenieera is
Warn out and that 'it will he tieces,-
sary to parchase, a .neW priintr. and
gpotor. !Council thithOri;e4, the ea-
panditutea Mra.,Batganan: alio said
that considerable 'work :.1.f8S been
aitnie on..atha :readways. an, the came
tery and' that plans call :ear alraa--
lag fail and-a:ipso:MI foraohi,
orthe property. - • '
CouuCillor J. qorbon, •Tqlortir?g,
on recreation, said that three aus-,
Os are', fanning ,tO
each Week te take local children to:
the popl„ for -swinunint ,lessOrlk
and that ,baseball is' w611"uirdr,
way, -
Coiincil • approved thaf.;eripoint-:
a:lent 'of A. D. MacWilliant0h4
Library Beard. 'He 'tePirieeS Stan.".
hlat,weiacdommty , hasu,rheisik,:he,da4„:,
On motion. of Callan and eaaalika-:
an the property, tii;k6k oVei. from
the C P R was placed ir#dr.111..-1?Y;•;
taiv Which will hold fthelimai:dalar
t h
own use'
t hbey7t1h.drili
in debentures 'tO' cov'er' the eiaataef
the • new addition toathe • Wilighani.
District Hi l, 4 gh Sehdo
Clerk, Renalek striteS,tYsit
$81500 worth "of perhilta
had lieeti itsued - for 'WS *Car, :Of
Which $15,000 were ,for industrial
Pplice, Chief ,Deyell C*Otinpil
that the tointitinity 'is 'fiaea'ivith
a bad Problem in that ai4ndals
have been -breaking a large, ritinibet
of windows in vacant buildings:
The old C.P.R. station,' he -Said,
had been the scene of a real spree
when 57 'windows 'were broken, over
one week-end. He said that so-
far the Olice have not been able
to apprehend the parties respbn-
, ,
Connell. decided to °fact. a reward
of 825.00 far information leadift
to the conviction of those rearldn., •
sible for the willful damage.. •
Couneillor Gordon Buchanan said
that it Was obvious that the-am-
age had been caused by ,younia
people and that youthful varidallern
of this kiha is increasing to; tin .
alarming degree. •
The streef 'liaht'atandds on the
east aide of the main 'drag, :between
Joke and Victoria have been taken
dawn by a gang, of rage using a
eoinpressed air drill on the, con-
Tae Staadards will be re-
,' arehteci 'flush ,with the' edge . of the
0 0-0
. ,
NEW WEAPONS—Student militia taking. the seven-week course at'
the local ,armouries are being coached on the near- FN-rifle, Which -
is now- standard 'with the 'NATO forces. • In the top.- photo Capt. Re
Bitter instincts Ga. B. Irwin on the new rifle. •Gra .4...1.1oward• amid
Fred Stevenson, nine-year:old.
son Of Mr. and Mrs.' Fred Steve'n-
son, Brusselsa'is in Victoria Hospi-
tal, Lon don, f ng a 'hunting-ac-
cident. , Ken Chatilearirger Ice* on. . In the lower photo Capt. Bitter -demon-
strates the proper grip to Gr. D. Wallace Grs. G. Mahood and E.
Dey •practisca—Advancealimes phtitos. , „
40:: The •town was indeed quiet on
ThuradaY when dozens Of residenta
lett for points south to pee Queen
tlizabeth as she visited Kitchener,
Otielph'and'arnilton: The 'follow-
figt ..03c. She was in London and
More Winaharnites Were oh hand
r •
0 ." 0
EUROPEAN TRIP Congregatiok:Pays: Tribute
and Mrs.
He, hada accompaniecl his uncle
when the latter went mit shootiaa
and bath had returned to the car.
The boa was seated in 'the vehicle,
when the older Man was in the act
of alacirik theagua in the car, The
weapcin 'discharged "and the bua
let struck the lad. .
Treated at the 'scene of the ac-
cident by Dr.W. R, Stephens of
Brussels, he Was rushed to the
Winghani HosPital and then on
to London, .where he underwent
The. summer Bible Vacation
Schaal 'got off to a fine start on'
•Meeiady- morning with a rousing-
sing-song' led by Mts.. A, Cooper
andjara,. B. N. Comm. Mrs. Gor-
dan Davidson provided ,the . ac-
Although many of ' the older
childrea,take Swimming lessens. on
Monday imcianhig, there waS *a . re-
gistration of 1.26. Thirty-two help-
ers .were . on hand. • '
Eeljowing the Bible study peried
games Were `played. Refreshments
provideci'd 'break before beginhhig
the various crafts for the different
The women M. charge, as well as
the youngsters, Were well pleased
with thaeperang day of a two week
schedule.- On Tuesday merning the
'attendance climbed to 16/.
• a Thia 'Saturday will see the open-
ink ,of a new store in tovvaN The
i • 'Niagara' cyclo-Massage firm will
occupy the .former Lee restaurant
in,"the McKibben Bleck. Manager
) Nick Kuchma.
Children Express Views
On' Traffic Safety Rules
OltAISTOC irpfINGi tiumoNs
Paaiide te"aart 'at 8.30 Paii:
Atli? July' 10th at the Orange
We urgently request all members
to attend. Bus leaaeS for St. Marys
10 a.m. shad), 1Sattirdaa, July 11th.
. Anyone wishing to go ,by bus to
Rt. 'Maras lilease contact Robert
beyell. We extend an invitation
to any Who wish to celebrate with
pi on these oceaSiona, F8b
Brother's Nathe on
New Metnarijal.'
", Dancing at the 13hre Moon, Fit-
day, July 10 front 9.30 te$ 1.30. ▪ ikusa: Wheeler and "The Fieho
▪ Valley Boys., Western and Hillbilly
mtisic, Location, ' tarn west at
Wishing Well corner. Come out
arid try oar embitter flOor, F85
,The congregatle
n of St. Andrew's thanks and. pleastire, both for
Presbyterian Chureh held a social ,himself and, Mrs, Nimmo.
evening ,onaFriday to honor Da Mrs. Beryl Davidson, Mrs. A.
Alexander, Nirrano•on his appoint- Cooper ' and Mrs. .11, Feagan, as a Meat as Moderator of the General trio; sang a panther and Mrs. Joha
Assembly Of the. Presbyterian Ostrom rendered a solo. Refresh-
Church In Canada.. merits were served by the ladies,
Ross Hamiltort was ehairman Dr. and Mrs. Nimmo had attend-
for the eVening; with H. V. PYm ed saVeral functions in connection
at the piano. A *short worship with the royal visit and a high-
service was' evened with b hymn, light of the evening was his
and Leslie Fottathe read Seripture. description of the various. events.
Ft opening of the St. Lawrence Sea-
Peter McKague offered prayer. They were present for the official R. Lloyd, 'oha of the elders the' church read 'an address ana way and heard the speeches made
Jahn Donaldson, clerk of the by Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth H Session,' made the pteSentetion of a and President Eisenhower, They
Westmihster • chilne clock. Dr. witnessed HMS Brithania proceed-Nimmo expeessed . his sineere thg, through the lock With the
' ' Magnificent display of fireworks,
from which floated American flags
and Union Jacks.
On Friday evening Dr. and Mrs*
Nfiamo were guests at a buffet MAY ARRANGE
spbrisibillty aS' the Motorist has.
They cannot expect the driver tc
miss them all if they walk four oi
five abreast across the road. Clo-
thing, the color of Which oentrastE
with the' road, helps the driver to
avoid hitting them,
Things that frighten the motor'
1st Most are children, bicycles and
livestock, Children should be
taught what to do and what not to
do at a very early age. WhetlAt
we drive, ride or walk, we are lesE
likely to 'be involved in an, accident
if we ,ourselves are sober and ac
as if we thought everyone else or
the road was drunk.
Following are am'ples of the
essays Which Were written by pub-
lic school children in this area in
connection with the recently con-
ducted safety contest sponsored by
the North' Huron 'Safety Council,
The first was written by Mara
Helen Ruchanara, of SS, No. 12,
Grey, whose paper was graded
highest in the cantest She was
awarded the top •priee, a portable
television set„ The others are se-
lected 'because of the variety of
subjects on Nithich they are writ-
ten. 'In addition to the-essays, the
children: answered' a lengthy list
of questions on traffic safety
Members of the istWingbaral3ey
Spout Troop, numbering 21, set out
on Saturday afternoon for Camp
Martya at Inverhuron where they
will spend ten days in camp,
This is the Saugeen District
camp, tinder the supervision of
District Commissioner Archie Cow-
anlock of Walkerton. Members
from troops In Walkerton, Luck-
ilow;sChesley, Pricevale and Wing-
ham. are hi this camp.
The group is broken up into
three 'camps, Huron, Ontario and
Superior, named after the laires
and Wingham boys are included
In the Huron tamp. During their
stay, there they will live under can-
aas8 aid will carry out all phases
of scouting activities,
Four or five Seoutnicisters Or
assistants will help Mr, .Gowarileck
With the' supervision A total Of
82 Scouts- Were registered. This is
the largeet attendance in the
history of Camp Mortyn in
farther years 60 was considered a
large area,.
By Mary "titan Buchanan The Recreation Cotiiiail •,gaving
consideration to the- Prevision of
transportation by school .bna to'
the pool In Teeswitter two after-
noons a Week, ,
If the 'plan is Carried Out the bus `
would leave Wiagharti at 1,30' an
arrive haelt 'at 6 p.m1 thgre
be charge of ,250. for transporti-
tion, Pitra iSc 'pOOl
a bus lead Chtmbe Seettiedcm ti..faa,'
gular bitaiS the trips .would
made -Oh Tilesclay' and, ‘Fi rlday aft
'loons' Weather permitting'',
Thoad Who are interested 'in
baseball ate rethinded that thete
Is a workout, with, ing.ruktot, •
the town Park eVery &dui.
iiing tit O.* tor istewrook afld
Several friends gathered at
CKNX on Friday morning of .last
week to see . some of the colored
Pictures taken by Mayor R. E, 'Mc-
Kinney during his recent trip. to
Europe. The pictures were Most
interesting, as were the comments
from Mr. McKinney about the dif-
ficulties . be encountered and the
magnificent sights he had seen, In
total he travelled farther than the
distance around the world and
crossed 22 'borders. Most of the
trip was by alt', with fill-ins by
bus and train.
Of particular interest were his
Pictures of Moscow, where J,ie. spent
several clays, He was able to get
around .the city more than Most
travellers do, for he met an Ameri-
can Man and woman, both of whom
jollied with him in the time aaail-
'able for tiee of a chauffeured car.
There were some' beautiful pic-
tures of the streets and buildings
l'n Moscow, and several were tak-
en inside the building in Which the
Supreme Praisidium of the Soviet
.1.1aloil meets, Another picture Was
taken just outside the doorway In-
to the torah in whiek the bedies of
Lenin and Stalin lie' in state. A
mile-long, ine forms at early morn-
ing for the opportunity to 'View
the two former leaders of the
'Several of the slides depicted 'the
devastation to be seen in East Ber-
lin. Though .there was not en-
°Ugh time to show the pictures
taken later hi his trip, Mr. Mtilaira
hey went from Moscow to Prague
Czethe-alovaltia and from there
tO Italy and Greece before retern-,
ing,ta London by way of the Ital-
ian and barenell Itivieras.
$11.71114ilit AT WHITXCMJIWilit
, A eold meat supper will be held
, ina WhItecharch United Church oh
Wednesday,. 'Jaly 1.5th, under the
'auspices of the WA. Supper eery-
.e.a froth 6 to 8 pan. DST „Variety
arograrti will follow, Adults $1.25,
children 6-12 years, 600, ktib
A reception will be held in the
Bluevitie hail On Vritlity evening,
TUiY10th, in honor, of Mr, and Mrs.
John 1a11 Wee Jane Ranh),
orehestera EVeryone Wel,
torria Ladies bring lunch. F8*
By Sheila henry, ti.S.S. 11,
East Wirwrinosh and liollett
Teenage Boy Killed in Racing
Accident! Tragedies audh as thesr
happen every day on our highways
becauae Of eouteorie's carelessness
He might have learned and obeyed
all. safety rules but for One mo-
inept he rotgot and it cost ham his
life, Dena ever let this happen to
you. Obey the three policemen
who may save your life, Care,
Courteaa and Common Sena°.
Being a teenager Myself I MI,
deratancl 'WhyCommon sense is so
easily forgotten I fully realle
why they race, but those Who do
it deprive the rest of Us Who Want
(PleaSe 'NM to Page Ten) tams,
He who is not safetY conseioas
may soon be iiecoaseleus. This Is
true in ridink, walking and driv-
leg, 'Ever since the first horseless
carriage was invented there has
been an increasing need for extra,
care hi preserving life and limb on
Our highWaYa Each 'year brings
Meter vehicles of greater speed and
higher horsepower, capable Of
knocking You off the road, twice
as fast and twice as far, .
Each of ais Must have a sense Of
responsibility for Our own safety
and that of cabers. One thing We
must renieMbet is that we 'do hot
own the road,
Pedestrians' lia,Ve as mach re.
—tittle Genevieve lairathali, the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs.. Bill Kin-
ahem, R.P, mi Luckilow„ had her
appeeitax 'removed in the Winghatil
Ifospittl on Monday caching,
Will be eirhlied tor Vega:UM-1 July
to duly 26 inoitisivo t'6*
di tl th nner at the Qtreeri Eli za e
Hotel in Montreal, •
On Mon'day they were presented
to Her Majesty and His Royal
Highness Prince Philip before the
Lieutenant Governor, the Hon.
Keillor McKay's. dinner at the
Royal. York Hotel and were among
the head table guest. The guests
took their • places- after the recep-
tion and the Queen, was piped in
by two Scottish pipers.
I Dr, and Mrs. Nitrano Went to
Ottawa, from Toronto, where they
were guests of the Trimerial War
Graves. Commission for the unveil-
ing of the Memorial to Airaten at
City Mon,
1 They later Were among the
guests at the, Parliarnent BuildingS
,wheli the *Otteeri presented The new
colora to the three aegIrriehte. The
day Verie perfect Pot the. occaSion
and - it waS a beautiful and stirring
Mr, and 'liars, W, Bashfieid,
Stuart. and Trudy' were in Ottawa
last week when the Queen' unveil-
ed the new"Mentorial to 'the airmen
who lie in wiknowit graves. They
were guests of-tha Imperial War
Graves Cainalisside, Mrs. latish-
flelda brother, Fit; Lietit; W. S.
D.P,C„ being ' one of the
airmen Whose appeared on
the memorial, Lieut. Pullar
Was listed as inissilig in 194.4.
lara. Bitslifield!ii Mother, Mrs,
V, 11 PtIliar of 'Calgary,* flew to
Ottawa and Was also present for
the eetelaorty. -She retained to
Wingham. with her son-In-law and
daughter, 'arid "Will sPoicl the sum-
Met here,
Mr, and Mrs. I3ualifield also had
an treeitatiorl fee the cereniony on
Parliament Hill" when Her Iviajoity
presented new Colors to the tee,
1 • Herbert Disney
Visits Bliievaie
Herbert Disney, eldest brother of
Walt Disney, called at the boyhood
borne of his father, Elias Ditinea,
on the 1St line of Morris on
day..„ Tile farm is now Owned. by
• Stevvart McLennan,
Mr, Disney was disappeinted III
not being! able to get picture post
cards of Bluevale..
-14.14416113,,,i1,41,11,,,, • I V•JI