HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1959-07-01, Page 8• The Workman's Shopping Centre OUR LOW OVERHEAD PERMITS US TO SELL CHEAPER W04.11 1,0801tY 41fOly 1st, 11r0 ,,tr • • • 1r Oh timmipmmummommommtatommairl li. ALAN WILLIAMS Optometrist Patrick: St, Wingharn Phone 770 Wingharo PS Results (Continued from Page Onei GRADE, II TO GRADE 1111 Julie Adams, Linda ,A.itelleson, Barbara Boyd, Bruce Cameron, Gregory Carter, Ross easlicit, Lola Correa Ellen Cruickshank, Jennifer Dundas, Linda Elliott, Janne Ewing, Linda Farrish, Gayle Gannett, Rickey Gardner, Cheryl Getty, 'Limy ea' cietleiten Penn -Geese Grant Heywood, Steven Hilbert Donald Masser, Norman MacLen- nan, Jimmie McCarter, David Ohm, Gary MacKay, John Palmer, Larry Pellet, John Rae, Judy Reid, Judy Riley, Billie Skinn, Monty Temple- man, Adele Tiffin, George Wel- wood, Cathy Wenger, Barbara White, Patsy Zurbrigg, Teacher—Mrs, Norina Alexander, * * • GRADE IT TO GRADE ILI MONDAY and TUPSDAY" Inly 4 and "CHINA DOLL" Victor Mature Great Adventure Of the Flying Ilker and the Ole lie Bought, "TERROR IN A TEXAS TOWN" Sterling Ilaydert. Verott itiEMBEITIIIIIiiIiiiilm3111111111•1111111111 Special, SUNDAY MIDNITE July 6 "FIGHTING WILDCATS" plus "GUNFIRE AT INDIAN GAP" Currie, Terry Deyell, Suzanne Doll, Reed, Linda Schiestel, Barbara Randy Foxton Barbara Feagan, Scott, Patricia Sailing, Kenneth Paul Gardner, Donna, Hardie, Bev- Skinn, Douglas Vyse, Jean leVel- erly Ann Hastings Donald Has- woo& John Welwood. Mary White, tinge, Wayne Hunter, Nicola Jef- Donnie Willie, Teachersa-Miss Margaret Jamieson, * * GRADE IV TO GRADE 'V Dean. Balser, Peter Callan, Bar- bara Henry, Virginia Murray, Cathie Peachey, Donald Rae Lynda Reavie, Cheryl Scott Paul Tiffin Ken Vogan, Neil Renwick. GRADE V TO GRADE VI s Lonnie Boucher, Gary Carter, Brian Casliele Bryon Collar, Wendy Cronkveright Jane Day, Nancy DuCharme, Ruth Gibbons, Ronnie Goy, Brenda Hall, Ruth Ann Ham- ilton, Valerie Hastings, Marilyn Higgins, Bill Kerr, Allan Leggett, Mary Ann Mason, Donna McKay, Joan. Remington, David Rogers, Virginia Palmer, Peggy Rae, Gary Wayne Scott, Valerie Selling, Rilla Reed , Skinn, Gayle Stokes, Kenneth Tay-Mary Ann Skinn, Sandra Stewart, Kerry Stuckey, Larry Ion, Nancy Whitby, Sharon, Willie, Teacher—Miss Joan Armitage, fray, Bob Major, Darey Mathers, Ruth Anne Rich, Edward Ross, David Schiestel, Charles Scott, Bonnie Willie, Richard Wharton. Teacher—Miss Phyllis Johns, * * GRADE M TO GRADE IV Donald Brooks, Mary C'hettle- burgh, Brian Crenicwright, Joanne Dunbar, Rita Fitzpatrick, Deborah Foxton, Brenda Hafermehl, Joe Hall, Ann Henderson Heather Hueston, Diana Jeffrey, Wayne Kreger, Preston Lediet, Brian Mac- Kay, Ivan MeBurney, Robert Mc- Kay, George Miller, John Phillips, Jo Anne Pickford, Marion Pocock, Garry Bauer, Larry Brooks, Don- ald Collar, Bryan Crispin, Susan Taylor, Ricky Irvine. Teacher—Mrs, Jacqueline Gowdy, * GRADE V TO GRADE VI Trevor Adams, Larry Aitcheson, Bob Broome, Betty Cameron, Don- ald Carter, Brian Clark, Raymond Clark, Audrey Collar, Ray Corrin, Julianne Dauphin, John Douglas, Douglas Ewing, Paul Fitzpatrick, Michael Fleury, Bruce Gauley,. Wayne Gordon, Jim Griffith, Rae Gurney, John Hanna, Kay Marie Hardie, Ann McKibben, Warren Rich, Marilyn Riley, Eddie Rintoul, Vona Rosephegen, Theodore Saint, Susan. Self, Ruth Sinclair, 'Marvin Skinn, Linda Stapleton, Laura Walper, Lynda Whitby, John White. Teacher—Mrs. Grace Webster. * 'GRADE VI TO GRADE VII Stuart, Allen, Jon Bateson, Judy Callan Rodney Cameron, Karen Cantefon, Wilfred Casket ette Lynda Chittlek, Lois Congram, Bob •Orewson, David Crothers, Ronald Deye]l, Sandra Dunbar, Ralph Har- rison, Rodney Hickey. Carman Mc- Burney, Mary Ellen McPhail, Jim Mitchell, Brian Murray, Noreen Nicol, Pauline Redman ' Sonja Ross, Jacqueline Saint, John Sangster, Douglas Scott, Jim Scott, Gary Stokes, Judy Stone, Joe Vanstone, Paul Weber, Carol Walsh, Joan Whitby. Teacher—Mrs. Dorothy Thornton, * * GRADE NI TO GRADE VII Robert Beattie, Panicle Burns, Robert Campbell, Bill Dauphin, Tommy Deyell, Nancy Donaldson, Toni Ellacott, Almaiane Elliott Darryl Gibson, Linda. Green. Cathy Mums, Janis Henderson, Bonnie jeadiri, Glen. Madill, Donnie Mer- rick, Jim Nesmith, Joan Mehl Roelie Schipper, Susan Spry, Ron- ald Vegan, David Wenger. Teacher—Mrs, Margaret Walsh. * GRADE VII TO GRADE VIII 'Sandra Cameron Jane Ann Col- vin, Sara Crawford, Dianne David- son, Brian Douglas. Marv-Loa Jamieson, Esther Kerr, George Kerr, Bob Lunn. Brenda MacLen- nan, Terry Merkley, Jean Rozers, Mary Jane Slosser, Mary Helen Thompson. Teacher—Mrs. Margaret Walsh. *Y. GRADE VII TO GRADE VIII Edna Mae Armstrong, David Ar- thur, Wray Brooke, Keith Broome, Douglas Campbell, Tem Chettle- burgh, Lynda Sue Crompton, San- dee Cummings, John Donaldson, Martin Garniss, Sheila Gibbons, Lynn Hickey, John Hopper, Brock Hueston, Mary Joan Lapp, Bob Lewis, Douglas IVIeTaggatt, Billy Mitchell, Mary Phillips, Joan Red- man, George Rich, Donald Rintoul, Keith Scott, Eugene Skim Mary Ann Southain, Patsy Stewart, Fraser Strong MIT Thomson, Den- nis Wharton, George Whitby, George Wiltink, Bill Yemen. Teacher—Mrs. Margaret Mendell, * GRADE VIII TO GRADE IX Philip Adams, Trudy Allen, Susan, Bennett, Barbara Oemeron, Brian Carneron, Jack Ca/floret, Sohn Campbell, Wayne Natick, Joan Chittick Nanev Clark, Charles Cengrazie, Brenda onrort, Dianne Devell, Lynn Pinnivnn, Barbara 'Pall, Patricia 'Hastings, Janette Henderson. Kathleen I-toclgins, Patel Itulton, 'i+ recta Lett, Kenneth Me- Ta.viali, Judith McKibben, Ret4 Redmond, Wayne Mehl, Sharon )alley. Donald Ptntoul, Gordon Rintovi, Russell Robinson, Helen Remstedtler. Dick Stott, Lloyd Stapleton, Bonnie Steuernol, Paul Ptrofig, Linda Temnientan, 13arrie tinarripson, Kirk Vabstelle„ aye Tetiot (Or...T. 5, Beattie, Turvey-Allen Baskets cf pink glade, carnations and white shasta daisies flanked by white candles in tall candel- abra, decorated Aldorough Plains Church, Clachen, Ontario, for the marriage of . Betty Jean, only daughter of Mr. and. Mrs, James E. Allen of Bothwell to Mr. John 0, 'Purvey, second son of Mrs. TurvnY, and. Urn, late . Lome,. Purvey, formerly of Flesherton, now of Meaford, Mrs, Donald Salton, Sarnia, played the piano while the guests took their places and accompan- ied her husband who sang "The trigs, Keith Henry, Verna Hunter, Wayne Irvine, Harold .Jardin, Lorie Johnston, Frances Lediet, Tommy Miller, Barry McLean, Linda Mc- Taggart, Dianne Chwis Gloria CROWN Theatre - liarriston WED, - THURS. - VIM - SAT, July 1 - g - 3 - 4 "BOB HOPE IN ALIAS JESSE JAMES" When, the biggest fun man plays the West's Fastest Gunman— It's a Double Barrel full, o Dlari tY. MONDAY and TUESDAY July 6 and 7 'IN LOVE AND WAR' Adult Entertainment obert Wagner, Dana Wynter, and Hope Lange 'LONE and. WAR' Heartbreak and ecstasy A warm funny, biting story of youth forced to grow up too fast. WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY July 8 and 9 "RAW WIND IN EDEN' (Technicolor) Esther Williams and, Jeff Chandler Rough Romance On The Rocks .•,,,••••••nnowteva 1111111111111111111111111111111118 L lash mar DRIVE-IN THEATRE' Listowel, Ontario Two Shows Nightly Rain, or Clear Boat °thee Opens at 8,00 o'clock 'First Show at Dusk Children Under 12 in Cars Free Cartoon at Each Performance TJIIURSDAY and lettIDAY July 2 mid I "THUNDER ROAD" Robert Mitelium, Keely Smith SATURDAY and MONDAY July 4 and 0 "PATHS OF GLORY" Adult. Entertaininent Iti.rk Douglas, Adolphe Menjou T1:15SDAV and WEDNESDAY • , July 7 and 8 "GOD'S LITTLE ACRE" Adult Entertainment Robert Ryan, ,Aldo Ray and Tina, Louise 111111111111111.11111111111111111111111111 BROWNIE'S DRIVE-1N THEATRE CLINTON, ONTARIO Featuring the Latgest Wide Screen in Unroll County THURSDAY and FRIDAY july 2 and 3 "THUNDER ROAD" Robert Mitehum Xeely Smith (One Cartoon) SATURDAY and MONDAY july 4 and 6 "MAN OF THE WEST" • (Adult. Entertahunent) (Colour) (CinemaSecMe) Gary Cooper, Lee J, Cobb and Julie London (One Criateon) ILLS A end WEDNESDAY Inly i and 8 "STEEL BAYONET" (CineillaSeone) Leo Genii — Kietoa Moore (One, Cortoon) TWO SHOWS NIGHTLY Rain et Clean Firfit thee* at Dusk Children Under • 1 iri ettaa Fete * GRADE III. TO GRADE IV Jane Adams, James Armstrong, Robert Armstrong,' Joyce Barrett, Douglas Cameron, Elaine Carter, Barrie Conrail, Mary Joan Corrin, Sheila Crewson, Joan Cruickshank, Mary Ann Cruickshank, Patricia Doll, Kathryn DuCharme,.Douglas Elliott, Paul Fleury Lyle Galilee', Melanie 'Harris, James Henderson, Linda Hutton, Judith Irwin, David Laxigridge, Ann Meyer, Robert Miller, Brian Miller, Douglas Mow- bray, Denise Normanaardinda-' Pea Jett, Newton' Richardson, Marilyn Strong, Robert Tiffin, Patricia Walker, Mary Lee 'Wenger. Teacher—Mrs. Velma Shera. ,r * * GRADE IV TO GRADE V Georgina Brooks, Bruce Boyd, Douglas Cameron, Joan Cantelon, Brian Carr, Nancy CaSemore, Nor- man Corrin, Sylvia Davidson, Jam- ie Douglas, Brenda Ellacott, Kevin Fisher, Wendy Fuller, Terry Gard- ner, Crolynn Getty, Linda _East- 1111111111fflailiall11111111111111111111111111141111111 AT DUSK Two Sinews Nightly Cartoons at every performance WEDNESDAY And THURSDAY July 1 and 2 "THUNDER ROAD" Robert Mitchum, Keely Smith In a life that was Wild and Free "THE FEARMAKERS" Dane Andrews, Marjorie Earle In the Shodlernaker of the Year. FRIDAY and SATURDAY July 8 and 4 Martin and Lewis in Pardners `‘Country Music Holiday' Perlin Husky,,Zsa Zsa Gabor A Jamboree of Fun and Frond ed. Mr. and Mrs Wallace Agar of Wingbene, Mr Jim Purvey; Mr• and Mrs, Ross, Turvey and 1.4nda, of'-'73•Iuevale; -Oat —• • -• DIED I3REEN—There passed away in Los Angeles, Cal., on June 26th, Sarah MPcliell, wife of David A, Breen, She leaves to mourn her husband and three sans, William EL, Robert Virtue and Gordon and three grandsons, all of Loa Angeles, Also one sister, Agnes Mitchell' of Wingham. Interment was in Inglewood Cemetery, Cal. • '4n... 4 H U RR Y Iolt ., 2s7pWitiat CrIron 4•Ar'l P 1.01' ' ''e;4* i. .1 - , TODAY. ' Stocidne MelfillIBONS i aele,,, - N / 'ik Rex411 Drug Store 11•101 11,0***.**110101.1,11.***,.1111,10010l_ COMPARE HFC SERVICE WITH THAT OF OTHER LENDING INSTITUTIONS ... Surprisingly low payments! • Take up to 36 months to repay HFC's bigger loans! Available now!. HFC's new bigger loans let you • borrow up to $2500 cash and take up to three whole years to repay. This new service is another example of how HFC people understand the needs of modern families. 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You'll wonder why you never came to iirQ before. ADDITIONAL CASH AVAILABLE As an HFC customer, you may arrange for extra cash at any tima—even though you owe a balance. INCOME INTERRUPTED? If you can't make a pay revile yOu get helpfulness an understanding. Every day, HFC cheerfully re• tirfariges paymolts for folks who Ore temporarily unable to pay on schedule. Il SURPRISINGLY LOW INTEREST RATES HFC's charges on loans over $1300 are equivalent to less than 8% disbount per year on 30 and 36 month repayment plans. LOWER MONTHLY PAYMENTS Compare the size of HFC payments on bigger loans with what you would be paying elsewhere. HFC's smaller monthly payments . fit your budget better. BANKABLE SECURITY NOT REQUIRED Unlike many financial insti- tutions, HFC requires no bankable security. OFFICES OPEN LAYER, LONGER, OFTENER. HFC people work by your clock to terve you better, "FASTEST LOAN SERVICE IN CANADA" Household Finance prides itself on giving the fastest loan service available any- Where in the Dominion. SMALLER LOANS, TOO Whether you borrow $50 . . $100 ... $500... 6r more, you get the sarne prompt, understanding Service that's made HFC Canada's most recom. Mended instoltmant cash loan company. BACKED BY $1 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE Unlike Most lending institu- ttons, HFC's only business is Making instalment cash loans. That's why 1-1C Is Lest equipped to serve your intrneala te woofs and hoods, NO I-MOEN FEES OR CHARGES At Household, there ore nO hidden "extras" on any loan repaid according to schedule. You know—in ad-. vance—exactly what you Will pay. LIFE INSURANCE ON YOUR LOAN low group rate. No medi- cal examination. Na age limit 3 HOUSEHOLD FINANCE t Jenkins, Mapager 3M West Street Telephone 1501 I CODERICH I CANADA'S LARGEST AND MOST RECOMMENDED COMPANY SPECIALIZING IN INSTALMENT CASH LOAN` .immiLm,iom miimommommommi.....•••••••.' AMOUNT OF LOAN MONTHLY 36 MONTHS 30 MONTHS PAYMENT 20 MONTHS PLANS 12 MONTHS $ 100 $....-4- $ ...÷ $ 6.11 $ 9.45 500 ...4- ...4- 30.01 46.72 1000 . . • +- 41.45 58.10 91.55 1600 ...-* 66,62 93,19 146.68 2000' 72.30 83.27 116.49 183.35 2200 79.53 91.60 128.14 201.89 ' 2500 90,38 104,09 145.61 229,19 Above paymenti Include principal and interest, and ere bused on prompt repayment, but do not include the cost of Me Initursnear bonnet and carried a basket of ice rose ,printed under dress, white daisies, Master Roy James `White accessories ,Lend, ft white, Allen, Nephew of the bride was gardenia corsage. She carried a ring bearer, white' waffle weave top coat. On Serving as hest man was Wii- their return,..they will reside in Hain Purvey ,of Britannia, brother Peterborough, of the groom and the ushers were 'Roy Allen, brother of the bride Guests from .this district includ, and Russel MacDonald, The ceremony was performed by the, Rey, John McDonald and <lur- ing Ape signing of :the, register Mn, Salton, accompanied Mrs, 'Saittni sang "Because". A reception was held in the church School room. where the 'bride's mother received in a light blue embroidered .nylon dress with white .accessories and a corsage of pink rose liuds and white baby mums, The groom's mother re- ceived in a mauve flocked nylon 'l "e'q w'th mauve and white acres-, sories and a corsage of mature and white baby mums. Later the couple left on a short honeymoon, the bride travelling in a beige sheer nylon over an orange igger loans for today's neater ...up to '2500 Lord's Prayer" before the cere- mony, The bride, given phi marriage by • her father, wore a floor length gown of white nylon, The. bodice featured long sleeves with lace and pearl medallions at the neck and waist, A star pointed headdress held her finger length veil and she carried a spray Of red roses and white daisies, ' ',aetty• -.Grhhara,- maid--of, honor, wore a waltz length ti.er- queise nylon, gown with matching shell hat and mittens and carried a spray of white daisies. Miss Glendora Gosnell and aitise Annette Purvey, sister of the groom as bridesmaids wore gowns similar to the maid of honor Miss Gosnell wore shell pink and Miss Purvey wore buttercup yellow and each carried sprays of white daisies, Little Miss Dawn Purvey, niece of the groom, made a winsome flower gir' in pink • net over tefe feta, She wore a pink -strew Girls' Group Meets At St, Andrew's The June meeting of the Marion Williamson group, was held at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church on Thursday. The meeting opened with, the call to Worship and a hymn, The Scripture I Corinthians 13, was. read • bY—lkieur fel/ow ed 'by prayer. The secretary's re- port and roll call were given, fol- lowed 'by a financial statement by the treasurer, A. discussion was held on the Synod in Manitoba anti Saskatch- ewan, The girls worked on their scrap books and a game was conducted by Joan Chittick, A hymn and benediction closed the meeting and lunch was served, —IjAhilltr' INGO= ' • An excellent method: of leaving an adequate insurance estate for the num with' a young family. Consult—, FRANK C, HOPPER —Representative— Canada Life WINGHAM, ONT. Phone 462. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT FROM HOUSEHOLD FINAkE,