The Wingham Advance-Times, 1959-07-01, Page 3DR. W .A. CRAWFORD IS LIONS PRESIDENT The Lions Club enjoyeddelle- ions sinorgasberd dinner at the cottage of Mr. and 'Mrs. 'Whitney Grose at Amberley Vritlay eve- ning, The Officers for the coming year were instalieci, The retiring prof- s thanked for dent, Bill COnron, wa hii excellent work during the past with his past year and presented president's pin by Lion Don NA, smith, 1114. Conron in turn express- ed his appreciation to the 01412 for the fine co-operation during his, recent illness and 'presented Dr. W. A, Crawford, the new presi- dent, with his preSicient's pin, The installation was conducted by Lion, Stan Hall and the new of- ficers are as follows; President, Dr, W, A, Crawford; first vice- president, W. B, Clroiltshanit; sec- ond vice-president, Bill Currie; third" vlbei.)raltiont','`Nernitth d Edigboffer; e. The di're0- wood; treasurer, E secretary, Lee Vane tors are Bill Conron, Dr, X. Mac- Lennan, Lloyd Casemore and Orval Struthers. Eighteen members received per- fect'attenciance pins, Other Lions were presented with 35, 20, 15 and 10 year chevrons. Eligible for 35 year charter chev- rons were Dr, J, A. Fox, W, A. Gal- braith, W. H. Hamilton, J. W. Hanna and L, Sherbondy, Elig- ible for 20 year chaiter chevrons J. W. Bushfield, Dr. W. A, Craw- ford, J. Harley Crawford, W, S. Hall, R. S, Hetherington, W, B. McCool, J. P. McKibben and Dr. W. A. McKibbon, For 20 year Monarch chevrons, Gordon Buchanan, F. L. Davidson, W. H. Freaph, C, MacLean, F. B. Madill, E. L. Stuckey, Fifteen fear monarch chevrons, Clarence Armitage, H. P. Carmichael, G. L. Dunlop, H. V. Pym. Ten year charter chevron, Whitney Grose. Ten year monarch chevrons, D. A. Cameron, W. B. Conron, Miller Da- vis, Dr. George Howson, Dr. K, MacLennan, W. Rintoul, N. 3. Welwood. Stewart Beattie addressed Stan & H :PAINT SALE. Annual • Last Call for Specials I a I a I V U a U Irrkt. OE AU. RIGHT NOW. Wan IT MONNY? YES, DARLING —THANKS TO MY WELL STOCKED s ELf OF, FIRST- &so Aural-MS aom „. VANCE'S DRUG STORE THEIR RECoMMENOLD FIRST -AI 13 SU PPLIES SHOULD B in EVERY Novil: ?i Outside White $4.95 . :Outside Colors $5.95 MANZANNILA STUFFED McLAREN'S OLIVES fazBOX 290 JAR 411111111111111111114, PRESERVING REQUIREMENTS FOR CARS, TRUCKS, TRACTORS, OUTBOARDS SA,E. GRADES iao. #40 83 0. DOMNOL REGULAR MOTOR OIL 2.39 LARGE DOZ. SEALERS sillar: 179. um 1.99 CROWN'OR CORONA FINE GRANULATED SUGAR LLT Doz. 350 TitiBLERS boz 8 5 c 310 CERTO apicos. 310 10-LS. BAG atTART 25 0 4-QT . 950 TIN TIN METAL JAR RINGS CERTO LIQUID 1-OZ. BTL. StEctikt. 4 for 69c SAVE 1.7&,-Dewy 'Fresh - 12 '41z, pkg, Snow Crop, Valley GREEN' PEAS rirst at the season Ontario No. 1 NEW PO1PATOES Red, Itipo, Sweet WATERMELON' 10 ih. bag 18-20 lb. average $L09 'California, Vine Ripened CANTALOUPES Jiiiley, California SUNKIST ORAN ES ainnbo Size 4tie 2 for 35c Size 188's 89e. ▪ • 01, 31p 8-0Z. !PKG. SAVE ON ICE CREAM I I DELICIOUS FLAVOUR! s RICHMELLO ICE CREAM 1 /2 GALLON SQUARE. CARTON 890 Oar thanks to THREE GENERATIONS of Canadian Homemakers! VALUES. EII7ECTIVE..:Ilt WINGHAM. , UNTIL CLOSING TIMN AVAILABLE ORMY 'AT DOMINION SATURDAY, JULY RICHMELLO DELICIOUS r HANDY RICHMELLO ) CHEESE SLICES. / 02-0Z sk JAR . 590 THE FINEST TOBACCO MONEY CAN BUY CARTON 1 SPECIAL $3 •9 or 200 KING SIZE — FILTER TIP RotusaAry ,CIGARETTES — '10 Int 990 2 SPECIAL 210 20-0Z. TINS SPECIAL 550 EACH PEANUT BUTTER 16-0Z. ICE BOX JAR 370 !STOCK UP AT THIS PRICE YORK BRAND — UNGRADED' FANCY PEAS EXCELLENT VALUE — LYNN VALLEY — STD.) WHOLE BEETS EAXERY FEATURE! FOOT LONG JUMBO JELLY ROLLS SERVE "TEA ON THE ROCKS" EXTRA VALUE —. D.S.L. BLACK SPECIAL 69 0 CELLO PKG, OF 100 TEA RAGS ONLY AT DOMINION —RICHMELLO—CREAMY ,. SALAD DRESSING, HEREFORD BRAND CORNED Irt BEEF 12-0Z, TIN 430 'BETTY .CROCKER'S 101/2-0Z. PKG. CHEERIOS A1 SPECIAL MO 250 FROZEN FOOD SAVE 17c--Cooling, Refreshing 6 oz. tin SPECIAL 11ORSEY LEAILONAOE 8 for 89c SAVE 106—Imported Delieacy 12 Oz, pkg. SPECIAL Teinp-T-rack Danish RAINBOW TROUT ........ 41)C DOMINION STORES 'LIMITED g---,17811 Mar7 WIN 04, LOSE ONE TO hODERICH TEAM To vostoxo Ativionee-Timos,, Wodasodsf ;all iii, OS. Queen *0;04 4t Odilli Held by Youth ...W Frank •Cellar led in 0401111:ity singing, with Miss Xartin at 00 Vann, Guest speaker was the heir, 344,04 Van Impe of Detroit, who also fao vored with:several accordion A0- lections. Rev, Van Impe delivered a timely arid forceful message on, the Christian's responsibility eifl it relates to his fellow man. Young people should seek to win Others for Christ, said Rev, VAR TrOper stating there is satisfaction in ser- vice, Reginald Carson of Toronto, gosr pal magician, entertained and per* trayed several Bible truths, The front of the stage Was inautifalty 4000raterd,,With,overgreen„with flowered letters of Y,F,C, „The Baker, the Tri-County Youth for Christ director, welcomed -the young people and parents, Bruce Lett and. Jim. Path hit home runs to 1.0.4 the Wingharn Sunoco's to a 64 victory over the Beiniller-Goderich combines last Tuesday evening in,a game in town, Bain's home -run came in the fourth inning with no .one on base, while LoWs round.-tripper came in the seventh frame with two runners on. base and the score tied at 3-all. fiord Fisher pitched four-hit up till the sixth inning when Bill Hotchkiss came in to relieve him with the bases loaded and one out. Bill put out the fire by striking out the next two hatters, This was Wingham's fifth win for only one defeat. Wingham • 000 120 300-8 7 1 Combines 000 002 100.-8 5 0 On Thursday night the Behmil- tarcg tchi3.6980LittpAp..6-t;_,IntAhntohde, erich diamond, The local team lost 0-5. Jtick Tiffin was unwire,' Jim Bain brought in the only. homer of the game with-no one on base in the 4th inning, Runs for Wingham were scored by Gerson and Bain with two each and Lott, one. Dunn pitched five strike-outs, two walks' and hit one batter, Hotchkiss bad three strikeouts, foal' walks and hit two. batters. Both teams left 13 batters on bas- es. The Sunoco's bad five runs, 7 t$h 4itisan4dnd1 eSreror.ror;rGsoderich, 6 runs, 11 Wingharn—Fry, lb; Cerson, 2b.; Lott, 14; Rain, s.s.; Murray, c,f.; Gardner, 3b.; Struthers, r.f.; Fox- ton, catcher and Hotchkiss pitch- er. More than 150 young people and parents attended the second an, nual TO-County Youth for Christ banquet in the Winghani United Church schoolroom on Saturday night, Highlight of the event 'w.4s the crowning of the Blossom Time queen and naming of the ,Kirig An Exeter girl, Miss Marilyn gam- ntOn, was named queen and was crowned by last year's -queen, Miss Noreen Martin of Clifford and Guelph. Named King Was Latirie Stuckey of Wingham, Dr. B. N, Corrin presented Miss Hamilton with .a Youth for Christ Bilbie and Mr. Arthur Webb, of 'Pinkerton, presented her with a. bouquet of roses, Mr, Stuckey was, s prese. . ed —wIth DU, orch''' Bible roy Mr. Harold Fleming of Hanover. Young people were pre- sent from the counties of -Huron, Bruce and Perth. During the course of the evening Hall and presented him with a brief case. He voiced the best wishes of the club for Mr, Hall's happiness in his new location at Simcoe when the fall term com- mences. Norman Welwood, retiring trees, urer, gave an encouraging financial statement which indicated one of the best years financially for some time. 43 Mrs. S. A. Murray Has 80th Birthday Mrs. S. A. Murray, whose 80th birthday was on Tuesday of this week celebrated on Sunday at her home when ten of her twelve children were with her. Those present for the occasion were Mr. and. Mrs, Cyril Murray of Hamilton; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Murray and Paull of Richmond Hill, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs, Robt. Murray and Wayne and Mr. and Mrs, Ford Murray, George,• Carol, Donna, Dean, Richard and Susie of Brampton; Mr. and Mrs. (Essie) Oliver Donald of Mount Forest; Mr. and Mrs, Ken Murray and Joe of Cooksville; Mrs. (Hazel) Thos. Roane of Teeswatcr, and daughter Lenore of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs, (Mary) Gordon Kerr, Murray and Esther, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Mur- ray and Doug., Mr. and Mrs, (Annie) Paul Vanstone and Joe of town. or 3 Days On/ We offer This Special on Brandram & fiend- I erson First Quality Paint regularly $8.65 regularly $8.65 U n U I All Paint at special prices for this sale • Thursday Friday a • I U 6 I a U a a a Saturday ULY 2-3-4 ..'Howard Machan HARDWARE U a a a a a III n •