The Wingham Advance-Times, 1959-06-24, Page 1*1404470AF With which is tun' filgantatcd the Carrie Vidette and Wrozetcr News WINGIRAMi OISITARIO1 WERNESDAYI JUNE 1.959 SINGLE COPIES ee ALONG THE MAIN DRAG By The pedestelith Paris o Father Bids Farewell Remi Durand ' Op Sunday, evening, June stet, the pareeh of Seared Heart, Wing- • eariatiaa-eili• -ine-spaciourelaWe belittle the church to enjoy a social time and bid, farewell to their be- , lewed pastor, Rev. Remi Durand, On behalf of the parish, John Hanna acted as master of cere- monies and called on David Sloe- ser, who read the parting address John Sproal preSented Father Durand with a purse of money, the ;OUT THEY •VOME— George Underwood is buoy re- moving the pilings watch Pace supported the CPR. trestle bridge at the north enia of the town, In the' clays when the ran line creso- l" ed the Maitland to' reach the ..old " Oat:inn' at thee Ord '''ofeilednia''Staeeti• The bridge has hewn' unused for the past two years and wean the C.?, transferred its property to the town remoatirof 'the !Wedge be- came- a local problem. The water in the upper pond po ssible been redue-' ed to its lowest possible level to permit the removal of :the Village. • •C/ , 0 prayereant ,his people in, tdR41.7, ing him carry out his new duties In Dublin. The following is the address , Wingham, Ontario, June 21st, 1959 To: Rev, Father 'Durand Dear Father Durand:- The congregation of Sacred Heart Parish, Wingham, has learn- gift of the payish. Presentations were also made by -tae- altar-hi:nye,- the Catechlenneeleee. and junior choir, and Spiritual bouquets by the junior choir and the Young Ladies' Sodality of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Father Durand replied, thaakina the parish for their co-operation In his many ,endeavors and com- mending them fpr the faith and zeal he has found in Wingham SEEN ANY GiAaigwi— The local ' ,Interinedldtes have been, putting up a good brand ;of ball so far this season, and fans are beginning to hark baelt to the gamee of eight and ten years ago. At the end of last week the Wing- harit boys had lost ,only one en- counter. 0 - 0 - 0 FINAL APPROVAL is RECEIVED BY BOARD TWO FIRE BRIGADES SAVE BENRAVE HOME MIL AND MRS, ROSS ANDERSON and their lea children escaped from their burning home an No. 4; Higbwey at *knot, early Saturday moraine, when Kenneth Hodgkins-on, of'Wingham noticed tere blitzta as he drove by on the highway. HadgkOnson tried laamese the family by pounding on the doer and eventieei ally broke a front window before he wakened the sleeping ;fainily. A back kitchen, arid woodshed were destroyed and damage eyes extensive to the second f leor.—Photo by Cantelon. NEW FRONT YARD- - Workmen have undertaken a major operation at the town hall, Ali the old shrubbery on the front lawn his been torh out and a fresh layer of topsoil put down to make possible a fresh planting. How- ever the two beautiful blue spruce trees were left in place: 'When. the building has had a fresh coat of paint there will be a- vast im- provement in the appearance of the entire main drag. The •Wiegliam District High School Board received final ap- proval from the Department of Ed- ucation for the new addition to the school last week. The letter from the Department was read at the regular meeting of the board on. Thursday evening, The next step is approval from the Ontario Municipal Board for the Town of Wingham to issue the necessary debentures. Work on the structure will be carried out by the Foundation Company of Can- a,da. Traffic Safety Awards to Be Presented to Youngsters TART NEW WING-- The Foundation Company has already .started work on the new e225,000 wing at the Wingharin District High School. A large part 15 STUDENTS 'ENROLL of the excavation is complete and NUE construction materials are being moved in. The wing is expected to IN Summot be completed this ' , OLD PRItNI)S ia In ease you' lia;velat noticed, our boon .eonieianions of last seminar,. the Earopean earwigs; are back again for another happy summer Of .fun and frolick through our 'basements, garages, and kitchen capboaeds. . Named Vice-Principal Robert Ritter, ameMber of the staff, was named vice-prinCipal of the:- school. The appointment is effective Sept. est. The former aloe-principal, Frank Madill, was named !principal a short time ago when Stanley Hail resigned to ac- cept a position in ;Simcoe. Mr. Hall reported that 542 child- ren were enrolled in the school with an average attendance for the last month of 94.16 per cent, t e25.00.afroni -Morris oa : St. The hoard accepted a checinator Marys,' Ito be used -as a scholar- ship. -On the advice of the princi- pal the scholarship was designated for general proficiency in Grade XI, 73,ELGRAVE---A family of eight were driven from, their home here early Saturday morning, when fire of unknown origin burned the back kitchen of Mr. and Mrs. Ross C. Anderson. The fire was first noticed by ken Hedgkinson of Wingharn whaeavas returning to Wingham after attending a dance in the Blyth area, He wakened Mr. Anderson and summoned help, and called the Wingham and Blyth fire brigades. It is thought the fire started about 3.00 o'clock. The fire bri- gades' fought it for nearly 'three hours and were able to save the main house, although, it had -burn-. ed -through a small -attic and there -is extensive damage done by fire, smoke and water to the living area. Mr. and Mrs. Anderson and their children, Malcom; Cameron, Janice, Jallaine, Duncan and Jilda are staying with • his . mother and brother, Mrs. 0. G. Anderson and Graerne, just :west of the village, until plans can, be made as to re- pairing their home, The children range from ages one to eight years. Neighbors served hot coffee and rani -wichee to the firemen. .. vh-6 'th `coyeled-1?Y''.4 insurance. AcCident Victims Receive Treat/lent Alex Robertson, aged 21, of RR. 4, Elinitood, was admitted to, the Winghten General Hospital on Tuesday of laet week suffering from injuries received when he was caught by the branch of a falling tree. He was operating a chain saw in a woodlot in this area when the accident happened. It was found that he MIA cuts an the fore- head arms and chest. He was kept in hospital but his condition is satisfactory. - BarryeGardner, 5-year-old son -of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Gardner, was admitted to hospital on Friday after he had been struck by a baseball hat, Tine boy, suffered' a cut on his head which required stitches. William Dane, 57, of RR. 1 Eth- el, was rushed to the Wingham Hospital after he had fallen from a load of hay. 'Examination here disclosed severe head and neck in- juries. Mr. Dane was transferred to a, London hospital, where his condition is reported as critical, The accident --occurred last Friday. • On Monday Gordon Rintoul, 13, son of -Mr. and. Mrs. Gibson. Rine toul of Wingham, suffered a frac- tured arm When playing at the ' The afraeture Was 'reduced -tit' the hospital. parish. during 'hie tenure as pastor, ed We week, With deep 'regret, for the past nine years, He asked that you will. be lefiving has ministered faithfully to all our needs--a friend we eould tuna to in any hear for the advice and ^ help which we all need at times, Your evereree-dy epiritual care at the hospital has been of, great value, We feel sure many petiente there will miss your eheerfteweide of encouragement -end daily visits as well. • Your willingness in co-operating and helping 'to organize With, OKNX, the estainlishinent for the first time, of the fine tante of .eur clergy on, both Radio -and Tele,. vision is a milestone in not :only the history of our own garish -but surrounding Parishes in • both di- ocese, We are hoping perhaps it may be possible for you_to,continue thin Your departure is keenly felt, Father Durand, not only by Our parish bUt by our whole comniunity because you have helped cement closer ties .of goodwill -and ,under- standing among us We Would -also like to eaPress here, our appreelation and grati- tude to your brother, Dr. Durand, who has given unselfishly of his time and effort an many occasions during these years to help in- crease our faith arid 'knowledge. Our eincere wishes are for your health and happiness; Father, as you commence your new duties at Dublin; and we know 'that you will extend the same sincerity and thoughtfulness to your new pieriSh as you have to us, • At this time, we would like to present on behalf of all year parishioners, this 'token pt. our friendship during 'the nine years you have been with is. We ask you to aecept-thie merse of Money; Father, which certainlyages .not amply reward you foi your Watts an erre behalf, but which we hope Will express In some email tgrrey,' John Crawford Accepted among us. our appreciation of 'yoar work Signed on behalf of Sacred Heart • Parish, Margaret Hanna,"President AT SOME TO FRIENDS surrounding townships gather for presentation of safety awards During the ,past few weeks the eehoel children in -tithe area. have .stadiedes traffleaaaKetaea:'liteneetare- ellatiabrited' 'bar the North, Herein Safety, Council and about two week$ ago tried examinations to test their knowledge, of the, basic factors involved in.traffic safety. The papers have since been mark- ed and the names Of the winners determined, This evening the prizes, a port- able television set, 10 record play- . As. Ministry Candidate cSip:tycia.1, President Holy I`Talna, So- 4 °±.; Catholic Women's League; John MARIE JOHNSTON TO LEADERSHIP CAMP ThiS evening (Wednesday) is era, 8 radios and about 2,000 eer-; likely to see a capacity audience at tificates of merit will be present- the Wing-ham District High School ed by a representative of the At- auditorium as public.school child- torney General of the Province of ran helm 'Wingham and the five Ontario. Guest speaker will be George. Ham, ,director of children's activities of the Ontario Safety. League. ' TNrtlHaron eetyiete,ama and lagge:-setile"p1O-ject it has uadertaken this year, were organ- -ized by Constable j, J. "Bob" Lew- is of the Wingham Detachment, Ontario Provincial Police. Const. Lewis started; the program last spring when lie organized a similar plan bet included only the schools in Wingham, This year he expand- ed the entire project to include the five surrounding townships and a tremendous amount of effort has -been involved in- the dissemination of literature and exam papers and the arrangements for prizes. In order to get all public school youngsters right on their toes, the pass mark was set at 75 per cent this year, so that a careful study of 'the safety literature was impera- tive. No doubt the 'attendance at the high schgol this evening will include a great many interested parents. Commencement' of tee program has been set for eight o'clock. MEMBER TO ATTEND AStutlent Militia Recruit Course, Will operrat the Wingharn Armour- tee or. MondaY; ee•Pbefeeirea aiPetalb 99th Field Battery, Fifteen students from, the Wingham !District High School are enrolled and about nine from Listowel, The instructors for the seven- week course will be Cepa R. P. Ritter, Lieut. E. Anderson, Sgt, Major Stan Hastings, Staff Sgt. L. E, Dawson and Sgt. ;Hall of London. General military training will be given in such departments as civil defence, signal training and artil- lery training on 105 howitzers, etc. Sports will -also be included and there will be several trips to var- tons ranges throughout the area, Completion of the summer course entitles these who wish :to remain in the Student Militia to turn out for 'winter training. Those in high- er grades at school have the op- portunity to discontinue, 'training while devoting extra time to school studies. and Mrs. Stanley Campbell will be at home to their friends on illat.anday, June 27, 1959, from 2 .m. to 5 p.m. to mark the ocea- sion of their 25th wedding anni- versary. F245 RECITAL OF MUSIC PUPILS IN ST. ANDREW'S CHURCH 'Harold, Victor Pym will present hie ,rnuelc pupils it recital in St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church on Friday evening, June 26th ;at 835, The public is invited to attend. Sil- ver collectleer.. , F24b Re.electecl.Chaplain • For Two.4Ye-ar Term Rev, T. G. Hessen' high court chaplain of the Canadian .Order of Foresters, was :re-elected to that office last week at 'the 75th eon- Vention of the Order.. • The convention was held Hotel London. ..Mr. Hassel` attend- ed 'for the entire session, His re- appointment is for another two- year term,' Will Tour USSR DINNER. FOR..Q. John W. Hanna,' _lealaP.: and and Mrs, Hanna have- re6eiViel 'an invitation f rain the lietitenarlOggaz ernor, Hon, I. 'Kantor Mackaya to attend a state dinner for Her Ma- jesty Queen Elizabeth and the Duke of Edinburgh, The dinner will be held at the Royal York Hotel on Monday evening of next week and over 2,000 guests are expected to be present, Other -guests from Wingham will be Dr. and Mrs. Alexander Nat-lino: Dr. Nimmo will represent the Pres- byterian Church In Canada, as mod- erator of the ;General Assembly. They leave later this week to' at- tend the opening of the St. Law- rence Seaway, -and their trip will also include the unveiling of a memorial hr Ottawa, , Mr, Sod Mrs. Hanna will -also be* guests at several other dinners and functions in Toronto in connec- tion with the running of the Queen's Plate at Woodbine track on Tuesday, when they Will be guests in the royal 'enclosure, A service of interest to Wingham and vicinity was held in the Wing- ham 'United Church on Sunday eve- ning when John Crawford, 'son of Mr. andaleIrs, a, H. Crawford, was accepted as a candidate .into the ministry of the ;tented Church of Canada, • This impressive service was under the direction of Huron Presbytery of the United Church, and previous to the church service a special meeting of -acceptance was held in the church parlour. This was conducted by Rev. Charles Daniels of alensall, chair- man of Presbytery. From there the members of Presbytery and the of- ficial boded of Wingham United Church proceeded in a body to the church auditorium for a special service of worship led by the min- ister, Rev. T, G. Ilusser, Mr. Daniels read 'the Scripture lesson taken from St. Luke 14:16-24, in which Jesus likens His King- dom 'to a feast, to which many were invited but few accepted. The candidate then made his statement, saying that he, too, had an invi- tation which he had gladly and prayerfully accepted, this being in- to the Master's service by way of the foreign mission field, with special thought towards Japan, Miss Marie Johnston, Grade 11 student at the Wingham District High School, leaves on July 14, for a -course at the Ontario Athletic Leadership Camp at Lake Coucht- ehing. One girl froth each school is giv- en the opportunity to attend, chos- en at the discretion of the physical education teacher and the principal, The camp is for a two weeks' per- iod. The purpose of the course is to improve organizing ability for lea- derahip skills, athletic and tamp- ing skills, and continuing a sense of responsibility, co-operation, con- fiaence -and personal integrity, It also provides a chance to discover teaching potentialities in physical education, Marie is the daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Carl Johnston of R.R. 2, Bluevale. -BARN DANCE Old Tame Barn Dance at Lot 19, .Con. 5, Morris Township, two miles west of Brussels, Friday, June 26. Lunch booth- in the barn, Admis- sion 50c. Everyone welcome. Wel- ii•ngton Marks. F24* STRAWBERRY SUPPER IN TEESWATER The Ladies' Aid of Knee Pres- byterian Church, Teeswater, aee holding their Annual Strawberry Supper in the church -basement on Tetursdaiy, June 25th, from 5.30 to 8 p.m. Adults- $1,00; Children 12 years and under 50c. F24* RECATIVITIES START MONDAY Ted Manners, of Owen Sound and formerly of Wingham, is -fly- ing from Mallon, on Monday, June 20th via Paris to Moscow.. He is going with' a group conducted by Larry Henderson of the CI3C. They will spend the month of July bra an extended tour of the U.S.S.R.,. after which Ted will leave the party and fly to England where he will visit hie relatives for a Few weeks before returning home, •— , CLOSING NOTICE Dr, W, A, MeXibbOn's office will be "closed throughout the Month of July, F24b He spoke of the years of study ahead and sought the prayers arid advice of the congregation along the way. Mr. Husser preached a very im- pressive and challenging sermon, Including the congregation as well as the candidate. His theme was (Please turn to Page Three) p PROCLAMATION CLOSING DATE Henderson's Barber Shop will be closed ofr Tuesday, Juno 30th. D'24* ENGAGEMENT Me, and Mee. Bruce Sutherland, Mt, Brydges, wish to announce, the engagement of their only daughter, Oloanne Margaret, of Wingham, to Mr, William Harvey Brown, son of Mr. end Mts. Wilfred Brown, Wroxeter, ant, The marriage will take place on June 27th at 2,30 'p.m. at Sutherlands belted Church, Mt, Bradgee, F24* I HEREBY PROCLAIM OPEN maul, Blue Moe, situated in from. Wishing Well cornet; Wingham, Will held a open night With "free dancing on Friday, June 26th, with Laity lafeedey anal Town and Country soya, • F24b 4 10114A6EMtigNr.ir Mr, and Mrs, Harry Call of Brussels Wish to announce the et- gageniorit of their eldest daughter Lois Blanca' to Melvin Douglas 44, ' The first of the summer activi- ties sponsored by the Recreation Committee will start on Monday when tire supervised use of the Kinsmen wading pool will corn- Mence, The pool will be open daily froth 2,30 to 4.30 pan. Those who intend to take swim- ming instruction at Teeswater are reminded that the first class Will be held on Thursday, July 2nd and biases leave from the town park, The youngsters have already been interned about times of departure, so that they will arrive in time for their lesson period. Another Recreation project opens at the bail park on Saturday mann- big at 10,30 When Ken HOdgkineon will haedie the pee-Wee age boys and girls who want to ;play ball Firer, workout will be Saturday of this Week, WEDNESDAY, JULY 1, 1959 A Public Civic Holiday FOR THE TOWN OF WiNGI-HAM I hereby call upon all good Citizens to observe the same, E, MeKINNEY, Mayn't A PARTING GIFT—Little. Catherine White, datighter Of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred White, penienta Fatima Rend Durand with a gift on Weill of the Catechism elate. Kathy lIannit, -daughter 'of Mr. ana Mrs, della Hanna leek One Me, Hanna is at the eittreene right. MEETING 1?0STPONED The. general Meeting of the Wirightat and District Retarded Children's Associatioli, which had be enset for tonight (June .24tb), Hare been postiined, A new date 'for the gathering will be announc- ed shortly, BARN ic•ANte Will -be held Saturday, June 27th In Sob Carter's" new barn, 2-ia northwest of Plyth. Dancing from 9 to 11,46, Good teitheetata lunch counter; silver collection, F24b McArter youngest son of Mr, and DEDICAIION SERVICE iMes. John B. MeArtet of Brussels, BelgtaVe L.0.1.4 will hold a wet.. Oat. The wedding will take place ship service for the -dedication- of in Brussels 'United Church, July .18, their now banner oh Sunday eVen- 1959 at 2,30 o'clock. 924* ing, June 2811e, at 8,80 p.m. I3rether Newman of the Salvation Army ENGAGOEMAINT I Will be the gUest speaker, Eyeint, Mr, and Mrs. William Daireraple, one weleeme, la24b tyf Blyth are happy to announce the engagement Of theft only daughter, Margaret Min, to Mr. Hebb Siert- Mk son Of Mr. and Mae. A, lertsellea of Blyth, The wedding Will take Place duly 4th, 1959 at 2 o'clock. in St. AndteW'S Presby- terian Chureli, Myth, 024*